[The episode opens with clips of what previously happened as Jax wheels Chuck into the medical unit with Sarah looking on. Casey gets the call that Abe is sent to the hospital Ellie works out leading to a situation in which it could not only compromise Chuck himself, but the entire operation. You then see Ellie seeing her father shot who calls Sarah asking where Chuck and Tucker are. Casey, Beckman, and Graham devise a plan to bring Ellie, Awesome, and Morgan to the warehouse without actually blowing their cover. Cut to Awesome and Morgan have a moment and then move forward to Ellie and Morgan have their own moment as they keep a resting Chuck who has had the original intersect completely removed. You then end with the scene of Beckman and Graham telling Jax that since the beta intersect is operational they no longer have use for Chuck. The scene begins the next day with the view point of Chuck as he gradually comes around in a groggy state of mind leading him his to see Jax, his family and friends all around him]
Jax: [smiles]Chuck…do you know where you are?
Chuck: [groggy tone]The Land of Oz[cut to everybody looking at each other and then Chuck looks up at everybody with both a goofy looking smile and laughing a bit]I’m on the yellow brick road off to see the wizard
Jax: [checks Chuck's eyes]Do you know who you are?
Chuck: [grinning]I’m the mayor of Munchkinland and you…
[points at Jax]Are The great and all powerful wizard…wow that was quick.
[looks and points at Ellie] Glinda, The Good witch
[points to Morgan who is drinking a grape soda] The Lion
[points to Awesome] The Scarecrow
[points to Sarah]Dorothy…pretty
[cut to Sarah smiling and then Chuck sees Casey leading him to freak out]
Chuck: [waving hands all over]Get away! Get Away! Get Away!
Casey: [gives a low growl]What?
Jax: [looks at Casey and then at Chuck]Chuck…what’s wrong?
Chuck: [points at Casey as he’s hiding under his blanket]Keep the scary flying monkey man away from me.
Sarah: [rubs Chuck’s arm]Shhhhhhh……Chuck…calm down...its all right…shhhhhh….I’m here. [looks at Casey] Step back you’re scaring him.
Casey: [Cut to Casey giving a low growl and mumbling under his breathe]I'll kick him upside his yellow brick road.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Is Toto with you?
Sarah: [looks at everybody and then at Chuck]He’s at home…go back to sleep.
[Chuck goes back to sleep and then Awesome speaks up]
Awesome: [looks at Jax]Question…what kind of drugs do you give him to cause him to have an awesome trip like that?
Morgan: [chimes]Another question…can I have some?
Ellie: [slaps Morgan in the arm and then looks at Jax]Is he going to be okay Dr. Jax?
Jax: [looks at Ellie]He’ll be fine…give him a couple of more hours to sleep off the anesthesia and he’ll be his old self again. [looks at everybody] Let’s let him sleep if off and he’ll be good to go home in a couple of days.
[Cut to everybody stepping out the room after thanking Jax and then pulling aside Sarah and Casey]
Jax: [whispers in a serious tone]We have a situation.
Sarah: [looks at Jax] What is it?
Casey: If it’s the hospital bill…she’s paying?
[cut to Sarah giving a look to Casey]
Jax: [gives an intense look]Worse… Now that the beta intersect is fully operational and safely secured in Washington Beckman and Graham feel Chuck no longer serves a purpose. With the original intersect completely wiped away…they want him eliminated.
[The scene ends with a wide eyed serious look from Sarah as she looks at Casey and then at Chuck through the window. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins in the conference room where you see Chuck, Sarah, and Jax in the middle of intense conversation as he goes over what Beckman and Graham told him]
Sarah: [look of disbelief]So after all he’s been through and so much intel he has provided us, they’re just going toss him aside just like that?
Casey: [looking at Sarah]Stay focused Walker…don’t get bent out of shape about Bartowksi…he knew what he was getting himself in for.
Sarah: [glares at Casey]Shut up Casey.
Jax: [breaks up the war of words]Calm down you two before one of you ends up right beside Chuck.
Casey: [giving an intense towards Sarah and then looks at Jax]So what’s the plan?
[cut to Jax about to say something when Sarah interrupts]
Sarah: [chimes in]I think I should take Chuck and disappear…it’s the only way he’ll stay alive.
Jax: [looks at Sarah and then at Casey]Agent Walker…Sarah…I don’t think that’s wise a decision to make.
Sarah: [talking quickly as she gives an intense look to Jax]Wise? Chuck is my asset…my guy…I ca..[catches herself as she was about to say care about him knowing Casey is listening intently]…I want him to stay alive for his family’s sake.
Casey: [gives a low growl]Walker…first breathe…secondly…you’re going to put everybody else associated With Chuck in danger as well if you do this. Remember, Fulcrum is after chuck too and you know they’ll put his family in harm to get what they want. Let’s just think this through.
[cut to Sarah breathing and composing herself]
Jax: [walks around thinking]With the beta version of the intersect in Washington safely guarded and knowing Beckman she’s would want someone with experience to eliminate Chuck. Someone who is cold…calculated…ruthless…someone willing to shoot another human being without even a second thought.
Casey: [chimes in]That would be me.
Jax: [a look of disbelief]You…you must be joking?
Sarah: [looks at Jax and then at Casey]Trust me…with a face like that do you think he’s joking?
[Cut to Jax a slight look of agreement and then to Casey who glares at Jax]
Casey: I was ordered to eliminate Chuck once before on New Years eve when General BEckman called about the new beta intersect being fully operational and when I had my chance at the beach, I didn’t take it. You would imagine Beckman was a bit upset after that, but she would soon give me the benefit of the doubt not only after my replacement, Agent Cameron Wilkes, nearly created an international incident, but also when her superiors…meaning you… apparently requested to have the new version uploaded into Chuck. My best guess is she could quite possibly call to order me to do it again.
Sarah: [quickly looks at Casey]Casey…if you get that call and obey those orders I swear I’ll shoot you myself if you even step foot towards him.
Casey: [smirks]I would like to see you try Agent Walker.
Jax: [standing in between the two]All right…cool it. Nobody is going to shoot anybody…[looks at both of them and point at the chairs] Sit down….now!
[Cut to Casey and Sarah giving each faces]
Sarah: [looks at Jax] What do you suggest we do?
Jax: [looks at Casey and Sarah with a smirk]Here’s the plan
[The scene ends with the camera slowly panning back as Jax sits on the conference table discussing with Casey and Sarah a possible strategy to keep Chuck alive]
[The scene begins the several days later with the façade of Casa Bartowksi and cut to the courtyard where you see Casey, Morgan, Ellie, and Sarah with Chuck still with the white bandage around his head in between the two ladies. Chuck begins to speak]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Did I happen to say anything stupid while I was under?
Casey: [chimes in as he looks at Chuck]You always say something stupid…so who can really tell the difference?
Ellie: [looks at Casey and then at Chuck]No, you didn’t little brother
Morgan: [chimes in and looks at Chuck]It’s the beard isn’t it?
Chuck: [gives a weird look to Morgan]What?
Morgan: The reason you said I was The Lion…it was my beard right?
Chuck: [cut to Chuck giving Morgan a weird look]Huh?
[All of a sudden Anna’s voice is heard afar off leading him to panic]
Morgan: [frantic tone]Oh man…I didn’t tell her where I’ve been for the last several days…she’s gonna kill me…tell her you never saw me[runs the other direction]
[Cut to Anna walking up looking very angry]
Anna: Where’s Morgan…I know he was with you guys[glares at Ellie]
[cut to everybody pointing in the direction where Morgan ran off to. Chuck then looks at Ellie]
Chuck: So how is dad?
Ellie: He’s good…came out of surgery with little complications. Devon went to check up on him…I’ll go later on when I know you’re okay because I don’t want to lose another family member. We lost mom…now Tucker…and we almost lost you and dad.
[Cut to Sarah and Casey witness the heart to heart between brother and sister]
Chuck: [hugs Ellie]Hey sis…you’re never going to lose me…I promise you that and besides remember what dad used to say….it takes a lot to bring down a Bartowski.
Ellie: [smiling at Chuck]Yes it is…are you sure you’re okay?
Chuck: [waves her off]Don’t worry about me…go to the hospital and Check on dad…I’ll be safe here with Casey and Sarah as long as I’m not in any rolling cars.
[cut to Ellie leaving and then Chuck talks to Sarah and Casey]
Sarah: [concerned look as she feels his head]Are you really okay?
Chuck: [slowly grabs her hand and looks her in the eyes]I’m fine….with the exception of having a really weird Wizard of Oz dream, which by the way Casey, you truly make for a scary looking flying monkey. [chuck laughs]
[Cut to Sarah chuckling and Casey just giving Chuck an intense glare, which he sees leading him to stop laughing]
Casey: Are you done Bartwoski? If you are Beckman and Graham want to speak to you. So be at my apartment at 9pm…if you can be able to remember that. Oh yeah…Jax will be joining us as well.[Casey leaves and goes into his apartment]
[cut to Chuck mocking/repeating what he just said and then looks at Sarah. She smiles at Chuck and then hits him in the arm]
Sarah: That is twice you scared me…if you do that again…I’m going to shoot you.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Oh yeah…shoot me in order to prevent me from dying vt a computer virus that somehow got downloaded into my brain putting me in coma like state...excellent plan.
Sarah: We’ll talk about that later…you just go rest up and I’ll see you in a few hours.
[As both walk off, Sarah turns around and says his name]
Chuck: [grins]Yeah
[Cut to Sarah wanting to say something but just smiles leading to him to smile inevitably sharing a moment. The scene ends with Sarah heading out and Chuck entering his house to get settled]
{The scene begins at Casey’s apartment where you see Casey, Sarah, and Chuck in the middle of talking with Graham and Beckman. They inform the both of them that Jax will be joining them shortly]
Beckman: [looking at Chuck]Mr. Bartowski…you’re looking well?
Chuck: [sarcastic tone]Thanks…despite having a bad hair day thanks to the head bandage…I’m doing great.
[Cut to Sarah chuckling and then cut to Jax walking in]
Jax: [walking up]Sorry I’m late.
Beckman: Glad you can join us…we would like to thank you for all that you’ve done in saving Mr. Bartowski’s life.
Jax: [forced smile]I’m just doing my job General. [looks at Chuck] How are you doing Chuck…Agent Casey…Agent Walker?
[Cut to all three acknowledging him]
Sarah: [looks at Beckman] Since Chuck no longer has The Intersect, what’s are next step?
Graham: [chimes in]There is no next step…Mr. Bartowski is free to lead a civilian life again. We appreciate everything he has done…he served his country proud.
[cut to Sarah patting Chuck on the shoulder]
Chuck: [disappointed look] Ummm…okay…then can I get paid the for the services rendered for the mission I was successful on?
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Are you serious?
Graham: [grins]I think we can possibly work something out that will benefit everybody in the long run. You'll be well compensated for you troubles.
Chuck: Thanks General and Director Graham…you two have been a pleasure to work with…I mean that…really. General…I’m miss you’re winning smile…[cut to the general who isn’t smiling]…there it is…and Director Graham…nice tie.
Beckman: [gives a sinister grin]Thank you son and be rest assured…you will most certainly get what you deserve…I guarantee you that. [looks at Casey] Major…I need to speak with you on a certain matter later and it’s a matter of importance.
Casey: [looks at Sarah and Jax] Of course General.
[Just when Graham says that Jax takes out a tranq gun, shoots Casey causing him to be slowly knocked out, and then grabs Chuck from behind leading him to freak out]
Jax: [looks at Graham as he points the gun at Sarah]I don’t think Agent Casey will be able to take you call General…as you can see he’s currently incapacitated at the moment.
Graham: [looks at Jax]What is the meaning of this?
Jax: I told you…I had a vested interest in Chuck and now…I’m taking my investment with me.
Sarah: [looks at Jax]Jax…what are you doing…this isn’t what was supposed to happen.
Chuck: [freaked out tone]What wasn’t supposed to happen? Sarah…what’s going on?
Jax: I’m sorry Agent Walker…you don’t see a double cross when you see one.
Graham: Jax…there isn’t a place you can run or hide that we can’t find you.
Chuck: Why am I always the human shield?
Jax: Shut up Mr. Bartowski…you’re going to help make me a rich man?
Sarah: [looks at Jax] What are you talking about?
[Cut to Jax shooting Sarah causing her to fall next to Casey]
Jax: [looking at the bodies of Casey/Sarah and then at Beckman/Graham grinning at them both]Catch me if you can.
[Cut to the view point from Beckman and Graham as they see Chuck being led away. The scene ends with the screen going snowy with both of them looking at each other as Graham gets on the phone immediately]
[The scene begins in the alley across the street from the warehouse as you see Chuck and Jax in the shadows. Jax lets go of Chuck who then proceeds to back away from him]
Chuck: [backing up]What is going on…I thought you were a friend…I trusted you…Casey and Sarah trusted…my family trusted you. After all this time…you were using me.
Jax: [looks at Chuck]Relax…step 1 of a 3 part plan is complete.
Chuck: [confused look]What 3 step plan?
Jax: To make a long story short…what just happened back there was all for show for Beckman and Graham.
Chuck: So Sarah and Casey were in on it too?
Jax: [looking around and then at Chuck]Yeah and I must say they gave a heluva performance.
Chuck: So what’s step 2?
Jax: Get into the warehouse and upload the beta version of intersect into your head.
Chuck: [looking out the corner of the alley to the warehouse]Its impossible…there appears to be agents all around.
Jax: [looks at Chuck]I know…besides we’re not going that way. You see, before the warehouse became the headquarters for seemingly every agency you can possibly imagine…it first housed Section 8. Those people may know some of the secrets hidden within those walls but people like myself and your dad…we know all of them.
[Just as Jax says that he pulls a lever leading the brick wall behind them to separate revealing stairs to a lighted tunnel]
Chuck: [eyes widen]Awesome…[thinking out loud]…I really need to stop hanging around Awesome.
Jax: [looks at Chuck and grins]Let's go.
[As they enter the wall closes behind them and Jax quickly leads Chuck to wherever they’re going. Cut back to several minutes later as Casey and Sarah wake up leading to Casey to speak first]
Casey: [getting up off the floor]I hope Bartowski appreciates what we’re doing for him.
Sarah: [looks at Casey] Hey…it worked didn’t it. As long as Beckman and Graham were sold on the idea…then its all up to Jax and Chuck now.
[Cut to Casey to getting on the phone to Beckman to complete step 1. cut back to Chuck and Jax who are in underbelly of the warehouse. They walk several yards when Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: Jax…where are we going?
Jax: [looks around carefully]The virtual reality room…its part of the warehouse that is secretly hidden that nobody knows about. Its been a while, but there should be an elevator around here somewhere that will….ahh there it is.
[Cut to Jax pressing a button, the doors open causing the cobwebs, as well as, years of dirt built up to separate/fall]
Chuck:This won't end up frying my brain will it?
Jax:Nope...I can safely upload the beta intersect into your head by using a v.r. helmet. Instead of seeing v.r. images you’ll see the images on this disc that I was supposed to destroy. Don’t worry…the systems have been updated…I made sure to that thanks to several trusted associates.
Chuck: [looks at disc and then at Jax]Why are we still talking…let’s do it.
[After several moments they’re in the v.r. room leading Jax to sit Chuck down in the chair as he hands him the helmet. He loads the disk into the helmet, goes to the console a few feet away, hits a few buttons, and before he presses enter, he talks to Chuck]
Jax: Are you sure you want to do this?
Chuck: [grins]A wise man once told me…with great power comes great responsibility…I was meant to have The Intersect.
Jax: [intrigued look]Who said that…Emerson…Cummings?
Chuck: Stan Lee...one of the greatest comic book creators I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
[Cut to Chuck lowering the visor and signaling Jax who presses enter leading Chuck to being uploaded with the Beta Intersect. The scene ends with a shot of Chuck and Jax in the virtual reality room then the camera starts rising to where you see the warehouse on red alert]
[The scene begins with Casey and Sarah entering the warehouse as they instruct the agents to apprehend William Jax on sight. After hours of searching in the warehouse and all over the city Casey and Sarah talk to Beckman and Graham in the conference room]
Casey: General, we’ve searched high and low…no sign of Bartowski or Jax…its like they vanished into thin air.
Beckman: Major…unless you want to be court martialed…I suggest you look harder.
Graham: [chimes in]Agent Walker...I too suggest you look harder also or you will be reassigned to permanent desk duty.
[Just then the floor opens up a few feet away from the conference table leading Casey and Sarah to walk over to and investigate. You then see Chuck being “held captive” by Jax rising from the floor]
Jax: [looking at everybody]Fancy meeting everybody here. Am I too late for the party or has it just started?
[As he says that agents flood the room leading Chuck to ‘freak out’]
Casey: [points his gun at him as he smirks]Let the fun begin.
[cut to Sarah looking at Casey as if to say you’re going a bit over the top]
Beckman: [angry tone] Jax…one way or another…you’re not leaving here with Mr. Bartowski.
Jax: [grins]Try and stop me.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Sarah…help me!
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Hold on…we will…just stay calm.
Casey: I don’t have a clean shot…Chuck’s in the way…how about you Walker?
[cut to Graham and Beckman looking intently on in the background]
Sarah: Same here…let Chuck go Jax.
Jax: I would be careful if I were you…you wouldn’t want to hurt The Intersect.
[Cut to Sarah and Casey looking at each other as giving a small smile]
Beckman: That’s impossible…you told me The Intersect was completely wiped away.
Jax: It was…but I uploaded the beta version into Chuck’s head with the disk you sent me. I’m sorry…was I supposed to destroy it because at my age my memory isn’t what it used to be.
Graham: [scowly look]I suggest you surrender now and we might go easy on you.
Jax: [looks down and then at Graham]Sounds tempting and all…what else do you have in mind?
[Cut to everybody in the room pointing their guns at Jax]
Casey: Or…how about you take a dirt nap…I like that suggestion better.
Chuck: [freaking out]Can I make a suggestion?
Jax, Casey, and Sarah: NO!
[Suddenly Jax lets go of Chuck who then sticks his hands up in the air as if appearing to surrender, but as that happens all the lights instantly go out leading to absolute chaos and in the dark Chuck hears in his ear the voice of Jax]
Jax: Step 1 and 2 are complete son…now its my turn to complete step 3...take care.
Chuck: Good luck…and thanks.
Jax: My pleasure…give this to your father for me[hands him a small metallic object]
[When the lights turn back on Jax has disappeared with all the guns focused on Chuck who sees this and then proceeds to faint. You then see everybody scratching their heads as to how in the world a man can disappear in a room filled agents. The scene ends with Casey and Sarah checking on Chuck who is face down on the floor completely passed out]
[The scene begins two days later at Abe’s hospital room with Ellie, Awesome, Chuck, Casey and Sarah at his beside]
Chuck: [smiles at Abe as he has his arm around Sarah]Hey old timer…how are you doing?
Abe: [looks at Chuck]Old timer…I’m still kicking…and if I ever get out of this bed…I’m going to kick your butt.
Ellie: Hey…kick his butt later...you still have to recover from the gun shot wound you suffered from that car jacking.
Awesome: [looks at Abe]Its awesome that you refused to go into the light.
Abe: [looks at Awesome]Son…you really need to expand your vocabulary.
[cut Awesome giving a look to Abe and then shrugging his shoulders]
Ellie: Listen…dad...you’ll be released in a couple of days and then you’ll be back at home in no time. Me and Devon have to go…we have our rounds to do. We’ll stop by to have lunch with you. Okay?
Abe: Gotcha…I’ll be here…watching what appears to be a young lady eating a sheep’s spleen for prize money on tv. [thinking out loud]Boy…television now a days.
[Awesome and Ellie leave with Casey, Sarah, and Chuck left in the room]
Chuck: Dad…Jax left me this before he disappeared…[hands Abe the metallic round object]…It looks something like what mom kept in her hope chest that Ellie still has to this day.
Abe: [looks at it]It’s a metallic coin with a number 8 in the middle. All the section 8 members got one.
Sarah: What does it mean?
Abe: [looks at coin and then at Team Chuck]Well...it meant that by giving it to someone it represents a return. In other words…by Jax giving you this coin he said to you he’ll be back…you can bet on it.
Chuck: [smiles at his dad and then looks at Casey]Casey…Jax said there was a 3rd step to the plan...was it ever completed?
Casey: [hands Chuck a file]Take a look
Chuck: [opens it and looks at the pictures] What is this?
Casey: The destroyed remains of the once new fully operational beta intersect. General Beckman called me yesterday and informed me of the news. From what information she was able to gather Jax apparently had a hand in building the beta version of The Intersect and there was a fail safe device that allowed him to initiate a remote timer using a lap top computer. They ttied to traced the signal to located his exact weherabouts, but it was pointles. There were no casualties that were reported but they could spin it into their favor.
Abe: [raising his fist in the air]Way to go buddy. [looks at Chuck]He saved my life more times than you’ll ever know.
Chuck: [puts his hand on his dad’s shoulder]He saved my life too dad…so we owe him a lot.
Sarah: [smiles at Chuck]Looks like we’ll be working together for a while now. You would be forced to see my face as we go on countless dangerous missions encountering bad guys that will try to kill you at every turn.
Chuck: [grins]Forced? It wouldn’t be so bad as long as I’m able to see your face.
[Chuck and Sarah have a moment that Abe and Casey notice. Casey then interrupts the moment by doubling over]
Chuck: What’s wrong buddy?
Casey: I need a doctor because both of you are making me sick.
Chuck: Do you feel left out…come here…I’ll give you a hug big guy.
Casey: Get away from me Bartowski or I’ll shoot you…I mean it.
[Cut to both Sarah chuckling and Abe laughing out loud and the episode ends with the camera panning back as Casey keeps Chuck from trying to hug him]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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