[The opening scene opens with the façade of Casa Bartowski on a Saturday night and inside begins where it previously ended with Chick dumbfounded at the sight of his father standing there just a few feet away after so many years. You see the faces of everybody in the room with expressions of stunned silence. The scene begins with Abraham Bartowski speaking]
Abraham: [smiles]How are you doing son?
Chuck: [look of bewilderment]Fine…you?
Abraham: Okay…[massaging both hands]I’m suffering from a bit of arthritis.
Chuck: You should see a doctor about that before it gets worse.
[Cut to everybody in the room looking at the surprising calm exchange between father and son]
Abraham: I made an appointment…pretty good doctor. He comes highly recommended.[looks at Sarah] Who is she?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and then at his dad]Oh…uh…I’m sorry…this is Sarah…my girlfriend.
Sarah: [shakes his dad’s hand]Ummm…Nice to meet you Mr. Bartowski.
Abraham: [looks at Sarah]Call me Abe.[looks at Chuck]She’s absolutely stunning.
[cut to Sarah blushing]
Chuck: [forced smile]Yeah, I really lucked out[chuckles a bit]Heeeey listen...can I ask you a question?
Abraham: [walks around]Sure
Chuck: [angry tone] Where have been for the past 15 years?
Ellie: [holding her hands close]Chuck…stay calm.
Chuck: [looks and points at Ellie] No sis…I want to know why he[points at Abe]abandoned us?
Abe: You have every right to be mad.
Chuck: [angry/forceful tone]I’m beyond man…so tell me DAD…where have you been?
Abe: [hangs his head and then looks at Chuck]I’ve been living in Fresno with Tucker…your brother.
[Chuck and Sarah looks at Tucker who uncomfortably waves at him]
Chuck: [realization sets in on Chuck’s face and turns to Tucker]So Tucker Gaines…if that is your real name…the step brother/sister you told me you were trying to connect with was Ellie and Me?
Tucker: [nervously laughs]Yeah, that is my real name…come on man…look at it this way…its a family reunion hopefully without the Jerry Springer moment.
[Abe looks at Tucker and shakes his head]
Abe: [looks at Chuck]Look Charles…
Chuck: [interrupts Abe and points his finger at his dad] Its Chuck…and we were doing just fine until you showed up…[stops to gather himself…you know what…I’m don’t want to deal with this right now.
[Chuck storms out but not before Abe tries to stop him by grabbing his arm. Chuck pulls it way leaving Abe, Sarah, Tucker, Awesome, and Ellie speechless . The scene ends with Tucker trying to break the tension]
Tucker: [claps his hands together and looks around]Okay…I think that went well…anyone want to order pizza?
[Cut to everybody looking at Tucker. Cue Chuck Intro]
[The scene begins with Chuck sitting at the beach looking at the reflection of the moon in the water and listening to the sound of the waves crash on the shore as he is trying calm down after seeing his father come back into his life. You then see Sarah walk into the scene and sits next to him]
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Are you all right?
Chuck: [looks straight ahead]You know…its been 20 years since I’ve seen my dad since he abandoned us and I promised my self if I ever had the chance to see him again I would give him a piece of my mind. [punches sand and with an angry tone]He stood only a few feet away from me and I had the opportunity to release all that pent up anger I harbored because of him. What did I do? I stormed out.
Sarah: [rubbing chuck’s arm]You did the right thing
Chuck: [thinking out loud]Not only is my dad back…I have a brother…that’s just too much to take in.
Sarah: So what are you going to do?
Chuck: [breathing in/out]]Well, I was planning on avoiding him as long as I possibly can.
Sarah: [putting her head on his shoulder] I think you should talk to him and see what he has to say. Look, it wouldn’t hurt to sit down like two mature adults and talk things out. You can’t pretend anymore that he doesn’t exist…he’s still you’re father.
Chuck: Is that my pretend girlfriend who is actually a government C.I.A agent talking or the woman who I’ve given my heart to talking?
Sarah: [tilts her head to the side]Both…besides…he knows where you live and work at.
Chuck: [smiling as he looks at Sarah]Is it too late to put me in a hidden bunker like they did Lazlo? It wouldn’t be so bad…give me a couple DVD’s, an Xbox, and Call of Duty…I’m set for life.
Sarah: [smiling at Chuck]There’s the smile and sense of humor that I’ve grown to love.
[Chuck bumps Sarah and vice versa. The night scene at the beach ends and then switches over to a beautiful Sunday morning as you see the skyline of the city of Los Angeles. You then see Chuck and Sarah walking into Ellie’s apartment where they see Tucker, Morgan, Ellie, Awesome, Abe, and Casey having breakfast. You then see Ellie quickly walk up to Chuck and hugs him]
Ellie: Are you okay?
Chuck: I’m fine…Sarah was with me. [looks at Sarah]She’s always been there keeping me focused on what’s important.
Casey: [looks at Chuck] Good to hear Chuck…[putting his arms around Chuck and shaking him around a bit]…We wouldn’t want you to lose sight of what’s important now do we[looks at Chuck intently]Hey…met your dad…nice man...uncanny resemblance.
Chuck: [grinning and looking at everybody]Of course not and thanks…I think.[gives a strange look to Sarah]
Morgan: [chimes in]So does this mean Tucker gets your get your Xbox instead of me in case you die?
Tucker: [looks at Morgan and then at Chuck]Really!? Swwweeetttt!
[Cut to a tired Chuck just looking at the both of them. Morgan and Tucker then begin to argue amongst themselves on who gets the Xbox when Abe walks up to Chuck and tells they’ll have time to talk once he’s ready leading to Chuck simply nodding. Tucker and Abe make their way out leaving Chuck kiss Sarah on the check, hugging Ellie, leering at Casey, and then heading off to bed after a sleepless night]
[The scene begins in the afternoon at Buy More as you see Morgan, Anna, Jeff, and Lester around the info desk talking amongst themselves when Chuck walks up]
Chuck: What’s going on guys?
Morgan: Hey Chuck…ole' buddy…ole’ pal.
Lester: Heard about the return of papa Bartowski and Tucker…wow…how are you feeling?
Chuck: Does you guys remember the movie The Usual Suspects when Detective Dave Kujan was fooled by “Verbal” Kint who turned out to be the infamous Keyser Soze, which nobody saw coming. [cut to everybody nodding]Well…I felt shocked…surprised…and not to mention a bit embarrassed falling for a perfectly executed set up. I actually have to give both of them kudos for thinking it through.
Anna: [looks at Chuck]Want me to cut Tucker’s brake line? Just give me the word and I’ll do it.
[Everybody looks at Anna and then cut to Morgan talking under this breathe]
Morgan: Yikes…mental note…never get on her bad side.
Chuck: [looks at Anna]That won’t be necessary young grasshopper…but I’ll call you if I need anyone taken out.
[cut to Anna nodding and smiling in a sinister way]
Jeff: [chimes in]So…now they’re in the picture are they both going to want to have a cut of the Bartowski family fortune?
Chuck: [looking at Jeff]Uh…Jeff…what Bartowski family fortune? I work at Buy More for $11 an hour for crying out loud. The only fortune I own is a 1982 mint condition Spider-man comic book showcase #34 worth $1500…[cut to Morgan putting up a finger]…and no Morgan you can’t have it if I die.[cut back to Morgan disappointed]
[Just then Tucker and Abe walk into Buy More with Tucker showing Abe where he works. They both eventually see Chuck and walk up to him as Morgan/The Nerd Herd scatter]
Tucker: Chuck
Chuck: [gives Tucker a glaring stare]Keyser Soze
[Tucker quickly leaves in order to clock in for work after having lunch leaving Chuck alone with his dad]
Abe: Char…I mean Chuck. Are you free so we can talk?
Chuck: [looks at his watch]Yeah…give me 10 minutes till my lunch break and we’ll go over to the break room so we can talk in private.
[Cut to a few minutes later at the break room where Abe and Chuck are sitting there so silently you can hear a pin drop. After a few seconds Abe speaks up]
Abe: [sighs]So you want to know the reason I left…or as you refer to it abandoned the family.
Chuck: [looking at watch]You’ve got 30 minutes…so you better talk quickly.
Abe: [looks down and looks at intensely at Chuck]I was an agent for the United States government.
Chuck: [eyes widen and gulps]I’m listening
[The scene ends with a close up of Chuck’s face as he lets the news of his father being a government informant sink in]
[The scene begins where it left off as Chuck’s father tells him that he’s been working for the government as a spy. You then see Abe in the middle of discussing the who, what, where, when, why, and how of it all]
Abe: [leans over on the table]I was in a group with 8 members known as Section 8 and the organization we only adhered to was the office of the president of the United States. My name is Steven Carmichael…[cut to Chuck with an ironic look on his face]…I was young…2 years into being an agent and the one thing I was taught was to not ever let your emotions cloud your thinking, but that however changed when I met your mother. I introduced myself as Abraham Bartowski and yada yada yada here we are.
Chuck: Mom said, you two first met at the Santa Monica Pier during the 4th of July fireworks celebration.
Abe: Your mother was right, but that’s not the whole story because you see before our first meeting at the pier I just finished my very first assignment capturing a fleeing KGB operative who was planning to steal important government secrets and sending them over to the iron curtain. Anyways, I stepped out from under the pier and as I looked up at the fireworks that’s when I saw her. [cut to Chuck looking at Abe getting lost in the moment]Her hair blowing in the wind, her beautiful smile enjoying the gallantry of fireworks spectacular, her body was like Marilyn Monroe...
Chuck: [interrupts Abe]Okay…I don’t want to ruin this seriously disturbing flashback and all but can we get back to why you abandoned us.
Abe: Sorry…well…we eloped…years later to the day when you thought I abandoned you three I received a call from one of my fellow section 8 members William Jax …[cut to Chuck’s eyes widening]…that I was being black listed, as well as, had a burn notice placed on me by someone who not only had great influence high in the government agencies, but also believed that I was getting too close to revealing a top secret project that was supposedly being developed in order to supposedly sell to the highest bidder… the Chinese… Russians…etc.
Chuck: [listening intently and then snaps out of it]Do you remember the name of this top secret project?
Abe: [thinking]Ummm…oh....something called The Intersect I believe.
[cut to Chuk's eyes opening even wider]
Chuck: Is Tucker a spy? Does he even know about you’re past.
Abe: [shaking his head]No…and I would like it to stay that way. All he and his late mother knew was that I worked as computer technician in Fresno, California and was trying to reconnect with my children from my former marriage. Surprisingly, he wanted to help me because he was an only child and quite frankly a very lonely child.
Chuck: [confused look]That still doesn’t explain why you abandoned us 20 years ago. Do you know how it effected mom…Ellie…but most of all me? I’ve been angry at you for so long…now with this bit of info I don’t know how I feel.
Abe: [looks down and then at Chuck]I know son…I can’t go back and fix the past 20 years I missed from your childhood or the grief I put on you’re sister and mother, but in order to protect all three of you from being hurt I left without any explanation. The one thing that I told you’re mother that truly regretted was that I didn’t love her anymore, which I regret saying every single day. In reality, I loved her very much because she not only gave me a reason to fight for something that meant so much more than top secret government projects and being a government agent.
Chuck: [intrigued look]What would that be?
Abe: [grinning]True love…you see I compromised myself by falling in love and it resulted in you and Ellie being born, which was the happiest day of my life. When I received that call 20 years ago, it lead me to make a decision that I never wanted to make. [smiling at Chuck]Now that I see you and Ellie 20 years later all grown up….I am proud of both of you at how you turned out.
[The scene ends with Chuck smiling back and looking as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders after carrying the anger he’s been holding for his father for over 20 years]
[A short scene begins in Casey’s apartment where Chuck, Casey, and Sarah are in the middle of discussing with Beckman and Graham about his father and whether or not his father was telling the true, but not revealing everything]
Chuck: [looks at Graham]Is it true?
Graham: [holding file]Yes it is son…[showing group picture with his father’s picture being highlighted]according to our records he was black listed leading him to run and after 20 years he has decides to come back. Why?
Casey: [giving a serious look]Only he knows and probably Bartowski here can find out why.
[cut to Chuck looking at Casey]
Sarah: What are our orders General?
Beckman: Stick close to Abraham Bartowski otherwise known as Steven Carmichael, because whoever placed the burn notice on him may not only still be alive, but also may still be searching for him, which means everyone he’s come in contact with is in danger.
Casey: [smirks]Don’t worry general…we’ll protect him.
Beckman: [gives Casey a sinister look]Those are your orders…hopefully they will be followed[screen turns off]
Chuck: [looks at blank screen and then at Sarah] I can’t believe after all these years the man I thought I knew…isn’t the man I knew at all. [chuckes and looks at Sarah] Huh….this sounds eerily familiar.
Sarah: [smiles at Chuck]You are your father’s son…you both risked your lives for your country and you know what I’m proud of you.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and smiles] Thanks…[looks at Casey]How about it Casey…are you proud of me?
Casey: [looks at Chuck]I’m proud of you for the simples reason that that you’re still alive...I thought you'd be dead by now.
Chuck: [gives Casey a look and then walks out the door with Sarah]I can live with that.
[The scene moves to Casa Bartowski as you see Ellie, Awesome, Morgan, Tucker, Abe/Steven, Chuck, and Sarah sitting at the dinner table when Ellie begins talking]
Ellie: [holding glass of wine in air]Here’s to a new beginning for the Bartowski family.
[everybody holding their glasses in the air and saying here here. You then see Abe turn to Chuck in order to talk to him]
Abe: So…are you and I okay?
Chuck: Yeah...but its going to take me some time for all this to regester.
Abe:I know...will we ever come to a point where you can forgive me so we establish a father/son relationship.
Chuck: Someday…[cut to Abe disappointed]…because you see…I learned you can’t establish any kind of relationship without being friends first.[looks at Sarah, smiles, and then looks at Abe]
Abe: [looks at Sarah, then at Chuck, and smiles]Aces Charles, your Aces.
[The episode ends with camera panning back and up as you see the Bartowski clan including Sarah and Morgan enjoying their meal to their hearts content as a happy family]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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