*Its been 6 months since Chuck revealed his true feelings for Sarah at the beach and now ‘the thing’ under the undercover thing is very real to both of them. You see clips of what happened last season leading up the beach scene and then proceed to see them talking about/agree to keep their relationship under wraps in order to not compromise each other being that the missions have become more intense and a possible tip off by Casey to inform General Beckman or C.I.A Director Graham could lead to Sarah’s reassignment. So in order to not arouse any suspicion they go back to their cover as bf/gf now that Chuck’s relationship with Kat is over, which Casey, Graham, Beckman, Ellie, and Awesome know about, but not the rest of the gang*
[The opening scene begins with the mission impossible theme at around 3 p.m. Saturday with a shot of VH-FIE Beach 18 twin engine plane 13, 000 ft in the air. Inside you see 2 rows of people wearing jumpsuits/hear gear sitting quietly with very serious looks on each one of their faces. You then cut to three very familiar faces as you see Casey, Sarah, and Chuck who not only has this apprehensive/freaked out look on his face, but his right leg is nervously bouncing up and down leading Casey to begin the conversation]
Casey: [looks at his watch and then at Chuck]Its almost time…Are you ready?
Chuck: [nervously talking]Does it look like I’m ready?
Sarah: [putting her hand on Chuck’s leg and smiling]Stay calm Chuck…you know all the instructions…don’t worry…I’ll be with you every step of they way.
Chuck: [calmly freaking out]That’s comforting to know…listen…dying wasn’t on my list of things to do…so I would really love to make it out alive with all my body parts in tact.
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Relax Chuck…this is by far your most important mission you will ever face…and trust me…you’ll be a changed man after this.
[Cut to Chuck who has this look as if he’s just pissed his pants. All of a sudden you see Awesome lean into the frame in front of Chuck looking at/talking to Casey]
Awesome: [laid back tone]I wouldn’t say it was a mission John…it’s more of an adrenaline rush that is going to be a totally awesome experience for Chuck…[turns his head to look back]…right babe?
[The camera cuts so see Ellie who is holding up her both her hands giving the rock out sign. At that moment, you see Team Bartowski with several other people about to take the thrill of a lifetime…skydiving]
[Cut to Morgan, Anna, Jeff, and Lester on the ground talking]
Morgan: [looking up]He’s a braver man than I am.
Anna: [looking up] You know…skydiving averages 12 deaths per year…[they all look at Anna]What? I learned that watching the history channel.
Lester: That’s awful[looks back up]
Jeff: [looking up]Yeah…awful…100 bucks says his chute doesn’t open.
[They all look at Jeff and after a second or two they agree to it. Cut back to the plane where the green light comes on and one by one people start jumping out of the plane gradually getting closer to Chuck. Ellie and Awesome kiss each other and then jump. After a few seconds you cut to Chuck praying to God that he doesn’t die. He’s about to jump when he suddenly turns around]
Chuck: [freaking out]I can’t do it
Sarah: [puts her hands on both arms]Chuck…look at me.[grabs Chuck and plants a kiss on him]
[Casey just looks at them both and when Sarah stops Chuck has this goofy grin on his face putting him in a comforted state as he looks at Sarah. Sarah smile back at him and then pushes him out of the airplane to where you just hear him screaming on the way down. Sarah then turns to Casey, smiles, and jumps out backwards leaving Casey the last one in the plane. Standing there at the edge, Casey has a smirk on his face as if to say way to go Walker and he jumps. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins on a Monday morning with the façade of Buy More and inside you see customers shopping. The camera then cuts to Morgan and Chuck who are at the info desk in middle of having a short discussion about what happened Saturday]
Chuck: I’m glad you and the rest of the guys had fun taking bets on whether or not I was going to live.
Morgan: [puts his hand on Chuck’s shoulder]I never had any doubts buddy…just to clarify I do get your Xbox in case you die right?
[Chuck gives a weird look to Morgan. Just then Lester and Jeff walk up]
Lester: So will Kat being coming around today?
Jeff: [raises eyebrows up and down]She’s hot.
[Cut to Chuck looking at Jeff]
Chuck: Kat and I are no mas…we broke up. I wasn’t happy…and plus…I realized I wasn’t completely over Sarah. She and I have been back together for a couple of months now.
Jeff: You’re my hero.
[Chuck looks at Jeff again]
Morgan: [looks at Chuck]First Sarah…then Lou…now Kat…now back to Sarah[looks at Chuck, puts hands together, and then bows down]Teach us the ways of the force oh Obe-Wan…let us learn from the master on the ways of women.
[Chuck looks at Morgan and then Jeff/Lester also follow along]
Chuck: [does the Jedi finger wave]I cannot teach you young padawans…you must learn on your own.
[Just then Big Mike walks up followed by him by a new employee who is approximately 5’9, 28 years old, somewhat the same body frame as Chuck, brown eyes, brown wavy hair, glasses, wearing Nikes, khaki pants, and the official colors of Buy More]
Big Mike: All right knuckleheads…we have a new employee. Make him feel welcome. This is Tucker Gaines…[Tucker waves]…He’ll be working with you Grimes…so train him well and try not to corrupt his mind on the first day.
[Cut to Morgan looking insulted and then Big Mike leaves]
Tucker: Hey guys…I know I’m the newbie here so I expect to be put through the wringer.
[Anna walks up and looks at the new guy]
Anna: [sinister tone as she looks at Tucker with a smile]Hmmmm…fresh meat
Morgan: [looking serious]Listen up newbie…I’m going to ask you one question. It determines whether we accept you as one of our own or we make you do something that no human being should ever go through.
Chuck: [laughs]What…work with Casey?
[Casey walks by pushing a dolly with boxes of iphones and gives Chuck a glare causing him to quickly stop laughing]
Morgan: [Look at Tucker intently]What’s your favorite Xbox game?
Tucker: [nervously answers]Call of Duty…what else.
[Cut to Jeff, Lester, and Chuck giving their seal of approval except for Anna who looks disappointed as she wanted to see Tucker sweat/squirm]
Morgan: [shakes Tucker’s hand]Congratulations newbie...you’re one of us.
Tucker: [smiles] Cool
[The scene ends with Tucker shaking everybody’s hand and then Morgan showing him around Buy More]
[The scene begins around lunchtime with the façade of Weinerlicious and you see inside Chuck and Sarah inside eating lunch together. They begin to have a conversation about Kat and how things have surprising going well, especially when it pertains to their relationship.]
Sarah: [holding Chuck’s hand]I never asked you…how did Kat take the break up?
Chuck: [raises eyebrows]Surprisingly well
Sarah: [intrigued look] Really?
Chuck: When I realized that my feelings for were greater for you than for her I called her from the hospital and asked her to meet me so we could talk. It was an awkward for a moment for me because I’m usually in the position of being the dumpee rather than the dumper. Very strange.
Sarah: [curious look]How did she react?
Chuck: She was kind…understanding…the total opposite at how I actually imagined her to react.
Sarah: I thought she would have been angry and tried to at least claw your eyes out because you were in a relationship for at least month.
Chuck: Oh…don’t get wrong…she was angry all right.[Rubbing the top of his head and thinking out loud]Who knew she could throw a shoe that hard.[Cut to Sarah exuding a small laugh]
Chuck: [bending his head down]Can you check the top of my head because I think there is still part her heel in there?
Sarah: [gives that all-too-familiar look]You know…I can always count on you to make me laugh and smile even when I’m mad at you.
Chuck: [grins] Its unfortunately a curse that I’ve been burdened with. I just can’t help but cheer up a beautiful woman.
Sarah: [blushes]Don’t make it a habit.
Chuck: [putting hands up in the air]I won’t…trust me…I’ve learned my lesson the hard way [rubbing head]and I possibly have the scars to prove it too.
Sarah: [smiles]That will teach you the next time you anger a woman.
Chuck: [looks Sarah in the eyes and smiles]There won’t ever be a next time.
Sarah: [smiles]I believe you.
[Chuck and Sarah share a moment that is quickly broken up by Sarah’s manager Scooter]
Scooter: [demanding tone]Ms. Walker…the grease traps won’t clean themselves.
Sarah: [turning to Scooter annoyed]I have 5 more minutes
Scooter: [tapping his watch]The clock is ticking…hurry up and finish talking with your boy toy Ms. Walker.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Try to resist the urge to hurt him.
Sarah: I can't guarantee it, but I'll try.
[The scene ends with Chuck and sharing a special moment as the camera pans back]
[The scene begins the next day in Casey’s apartment as Team Chuck are being informed by General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham that William Jax, along with his associates, who play a significantly major role concerning the intersect would like to arrange a meeting with Chuck]
Beckman: Mr. Bartowski…my superiors are eager to meet the civilian who has the all the government’s secrets in his head. From my understanding, they’re very impressed with the fine work you’ve been doing for us.
[Sarah smiles and pats Chuck on the shoulder]
Chuck: Wow…that’s just blows my mind. Of all the important people they meet, he wants to meet me…a guy working at Buy More who gets paid $11 dollars an hour.
Casey: [looks at Chuck with disbelief]I know that blows MY mind
[Chuck looks at Casey]
Beckman: [gives Casey a look] They would also like to meet you Agent Casey for going above and beyond the call of duty when Agent Walker was incapacitated at the hands of Richard Clark. I’m SURE they would appreciate you being there.
Casey: [giving a reluctant smile]I’m honored General…I’ll be there.
Graham: William Jax doesn’t fly out to see just anybody. He or any of his associates for that matter are the not the type to make public appearances as they like to work behind the scenes.
Sarah: Where is the schedules meeting taking place General?
Beckman: At the warehouse.
Graham: It’s the only place that we thought best that both the intersect, as well as, our people can not only be safe, but also feel protected without having to worry about any threat of danger.
[Cut to Sarah and Casey nodding]
Sarah: Do we follow proper protocol procedures?
Graham: Negative…saluting and uniform dress are not needed. This is merely a casual meeting so there’s no pressure to impress. Just relax, stay calm, and try not to make a fool of yourself.
Casey: [smirking]I think that’s going to be hard for you to pull off Chuck.
[Chuck gives a smarmy look to Casey]
Beckman: Despite that…these are still high ranking officials…so be on your best behavior. All three of you have currently in your possession a detailed dossier with photos. They will be arriving within the week and we will contact you when they do. So in the mean time, familiarize yourselves with the information you been given from top to bottom. You have your orders[screen turns off]
[They scene cuts from the Casey’s apartment to Chuck’s room and as he enters he places the dossier on his bed. After taking care of a few things he sits down on his bed, opens the dossier, looks at several pictures and when he comes to the picture of Mr. Jax he flashes. He doesn’t see any images except for a black cloud, but as a result of that flash he experiences a throbbing headache leading him to go to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom to take some aspirin. The scene ends with Chuck looking into the mirror after washing his face and as the water drops from his chin, he has this look of what just happened to me]
[The scene begins in the evening with the façade of Casa Bartowski and you then you cut inside where you see Ellie in the kitchen making dinner. Chuck, shaking off what happened, walks in from the bathroom and sits down at the counter leading Ellie to ralk him about everything that has been going since the break up with Kat]
Ellie: [cutting carrots as she talks]So how does it feel to be back with Sarah?
Chuck: [sitting at the counter]You know…it feels awesome[gives a look as he thinks out loud]I really need to stop hanging around Awesome.
Ellie: [laughing and waving a knife at him]Don’t let her go this time
Chuck: [jokingly puts his hands up]All right sis…I wont…put the knife down and slowly back away from the carrots before someone gets hurt.
Ellie: [laughs]Listen to me Chuck…Sarah is a very special woman and I can tell the way you two look at each other that this…
Chuck: [interrupts her]Is meant to be….yeah I remember you saying that when Sarah and I took a picture with Hunter.
Ellie: Yeah…I just got a good feeling about you two kids. Dad would be proud.
Chuck: [sarcastic tone]Yeah…are you sure about that feeling…it could be just last night’s lasagna? I know I’m experiencing a feeling of acid reflux.
Ellie: [slapping Chuck in the arm]Anyways…I still stand by my feeling and from the look on your face you’re feeling how I feel when I’m with Devon.
[Chuck smiles at Ellie, gets up, and is about to go to his room when he stops to say one more thing]
Chuck: [brotherly love look]Thanks Ellie…for kicking me in the butt because if it hadn’t been for you I wouldn’t be where I am now.
Ellie: [smiling]Anytime
[The scene fades out and fades in to several days later early in the morning as you see Tucker walking in the parking lot about to go into the Buy More when he gets a phone call. He answers it standing in front of door looking inside with a view of Chuck talking to Morgan and the gang as he is on the phone with someone on the other end.]
Tucker: [serious look on face while talking on the phone]Yeah...He doesn’t suspect a thing…As far as he knows I’m just a new employee…When do you want to do this…He’s not going know its coming…Okay then.
[The scene ends with Tucker hanging up and walks in with a smile on his face as he heads to the info desk greeting Chuck and his fellow Buy More Employees]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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