[The scene begins with a calm, Thursday afternoon shot of the L.A skyline and the shore line of the beautiful beaches. You then cut to the chaos as Casey and Sarah are in a building with several other agents in the middle of a barrage of bullets flying everywhere as a gun battle ensues between Czech Republic Nationalists planning an assassination of high profile American diplomats who is meeting with Czech leaders to discuss plans for peace within their country that Chuck previously flashed on. Casey and Sarah have the situation well at hand and then the scene cuts to Casa Bartowski where Chuck is sitting at the counter helping Ellie make lunch and they are in the middle of having a conversation about Sarah]
Ellie: [concerned look]Chuck...I've been noticing that Sarah has been really stressed lately?
Chuck: [Chuckish grin]Sarah's just been kicking a lot of butt at her job.
[cut to scene with Sarah and Casey beating up baddies]
Chuck: She's being considered the employee of the month.
[Cut to Ellie turning to Chuck]
Ellie: That great…anyways…I wanted to tell you as a doctor she has to reduce that stress or she'll aggravate "her condition"
Chuck: [confused look]What con....[catches himself]…ahh...yes the spastic colon...yes she does.
Ellie: Why don't you and Sarah come with Devon and I on a camping trip up at Boulder Basin in San Bernardino this weekend. We haven’t been up there to spend time together in a while and besides it will help Sarah out a great deal. We can make it a family and friends outing. Casey, Tucker Morgan, and Anna can tag along if they want...we can even rent a huge RV. Plus, it will be fun for both you and Sarah because I haven’t really seen you two do anything together really fun/exciting except go out on dates.
[Cut to Sarah entangled in a fight with three baddies and eventually taking them all out and then back Chuck raises his eyebrows and gives a half hearted smile]
Chuck: [sarcastically]Ooookay...I'll spread the word.
[Cut to Chuck talking to Sarah with Casey after an apparent successful mission later in the day in the courtyard]
Chuck: [looks at Casey and Sarah]Listen…Ellie and Awesome are inviting the gang to go camping. She also said that it’s important for us to relieve any stress we may be having. We’re heading out tomorrow morning. Are you guys down and [looking around]please no guns. This is a weapon free weekend.
Casey: [smirks]Rest and relaxation sounds good. I need a break anyways…pounding bad guy’s faces in really takes a toll on you and I don't want to come to a point where it doesn't become fun anymore...[grins and breathes in/out]Roughing it in the woods with just the essentials you need. It’s just like being back in basic training.
[Cut to Chuck giving Casey a weird look who then walks into his apartment to pack his stuff for the trip]
Chuck: [watching him enter apartment ]Okay…[looks at Sarah]...pencil in John ‘Rambo’ Casey[cut to Sarah smiling as he turns to her]How about it?
Sarah: [Sarah thinks about it]Why not, I need to get away after the stressful day today.
[Ellie walks by and sees Sarah and Chuck]
Chuck: [sarcastic tone] We're in...so this weekend…singing koom by yah and growing out or facial hair…well more so for the guys than the ladies.
Ellie: [laughs it off and then talks to Sarah]It will be fun...really...and I think it will help you even more. A healthy body is a temple...remember that [places hand on Sarah's shoulder and then walks away]
[Sarah has this strange look on her face and looks at Chuck]
Sarah: [confused look]What is that all about?
Chuck: Nothing, she been doing a lot of Tai Chi lately...[both walking off camera]So camping huh?
[cue Chuck Intro]
[The scene begins early Staruday morning with the song Life Is A Highway by Rascal Flatts as you see beautiful sun start rising above the horizon and then cut to a huge RV driving on the California highway carrying Team Bartowski to the their intended destination. With the magic of television you eventually see them arrive at the Boulder Basin campground and as they enter they see a sign that reads hunting is strictly prohibited. They inevitably all pile out stretching the kinks out after a long drive, and then proceed to talk]
Awesome: This is going to be an awesome weekend…[turns to Ellie]…Right babe?
Ellie: [looks at Awesome as she is hugging him]Yes it is…a weekend with family and friends…sitting by the campfire…roasting marshmellows…sleeping under the stars. What more can you ask for?
[Cut to Morgan walking up as she says that]
Morgan: [holding Anna’s hand as he looking around]Where are the portable bathrooms?
Tucker: [Walking up beside Morgan wearing a backpack and holding a fishing pole]Nature is your bathroom my friend…use leaves, pin cones or sticks as your toilet paper.
Anna: [looks at Tucker]You got to be kidding me? Did anyone bring toilet paper?
Awesome: Don’t worry….I got it covered. [showing package] It’s biodegradable so it doesn’t hurt the environment, which is awesome.
[You then cut to Chuck seeing Casey standing a few feet away taking in the scenery leading Chuck to go stand next to him. Casey looks out and tarts talking]
Casey: Do you smell that Bartowski?
Chuck: [smelling]Sorry…I’ve tried keeping that in for the past hour or so.
[Casey gives his usual glaring look at Chuck]
Casey: [looks at Chuck and then looks back out]No idiot…It’s nature…Nothing else in the world smells so wonderful than fresh open air. Not like the smog infested air back in Los Angeles.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Casey…buddy…you okay?
Casey: [getting lost in the moment]I love the smell of nature in the morning. You know, when I was a pilot in the Air Force my plane was shot down in a wooded area somewhat similar to this and for 8 hours I was evading capture by Croatian military forces who were eager to either kill me or torture me. When it was all over, I was in a helicopter on my way home. The smell of rosemary…[breathes in/out] I smell it in the air now as I did back then.
[Cut to Chuck looking at Casey and then slowly backs away from him]
Chuck: [standing by Sarah]Umm…I think Casey has gone bye bye.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and then at Casey]He’s fine…spending a few hours in a RV with Morgan after asking are we there yet so many times and singing 100 bottles of beer on the wall would may anyone go nuts.
Chuck: You got a point
[The scene ends with Team Bartowski going towards the RV in order to get their stuff and unload the rest of the essentials needed for roughing it for the weekend]
[The scene begins with a montage of clips as you see the gang setting up their tents, fishing, hiking, and basically have a very eventful afternoon. You then to cut to the evening as you see Morgan, Anna, Casey, Tucker, Ellie and Awesome who is strumming a guitar sitting by open fire with the fish they’ve caught cooking on the frying pan. The camera cuts to Chuck walking up holding firewood in his arms when he passes the tent he and Sarah will be sleeping in. From the campfire on the other side, he could see the dark silhouette of Sarah’s figure as she changes clothes leading him to just stare to a point where his usual Chuckish smile appears on his face. He then snaps out it , goes over to where the gang is, drops the firewood near the fire, and sits down. Ellie, who is snuggled with Awesome, begins the conversation around the campfire as Sarah comes out of the tent after fully changing and snuggles next to Chuck giving him a smile]
Ellie: [looking up at the stars]The stars are beautiful tonight.
Awesome: [looking at Ellie]Not as beautiful as the stars in your eyes.
[Ellie and Awesome kiss leading Anna and Morgan to do the same with Chuck embracing Sarah causing her to close her eyes and be in the moment. Cut to Casey and Tucker looking at them and then looking at each other]
Casey: [looking at Casey]How about we just roast marshmallows.
Tucker: [holds hands up]Hey..that’s fine by me brother...we’re friends and all but not brokeback mountain friends.
[They all start laughing and then Ellie starts remembering when she and Chuck used to come here with their mom and dad]
Ellie: [looking at Chuck]Chuck…do you remember the fun times we used to have here?
Chuck: [thinking]Yeah I remember...remind me again what was fun about being stung by bees and being treated for poison ivy.[looking at Sarah] I looked like Michael Jackson with all the calamine lotion all over me.
[Sarah laughs and smiles]
Ellie: Yeah…[happy tone begins to turn sad]…those were the fun times when we were a family.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]We still are a family sis…[looks all around]its just grown...i'd say for the better. Could you have dreamed for a better getaway than this as we it share this experience with the people we love and care about?[looks at Sarah who blushes]
[They all make a commotion agreeing to what Chuck said leading Ellie to initiate the time to hit the sack. Ellie and Awesome head to their tent, Morgan and Anna to theirs, Casey and Tucker go their tent, and Chuck and Sarah got to theirs. As Chuck and Sarah lie down facing the opposite direction, she talks to him leading both of them to face each other]
Sarah: Chuck…did you mean what said?
Chuck: [looking at Sarah]About the poison ivy…yeah it was absolute torture for me not being able to scratch.
Sarah:[smiling]No…about sharing this experience with the ones you love.
Chuck: [looks into Sarah’s eyes]I meant every word
[Cut to Sarah looking into Chuck’s eyes and leading both of them to go in closer for a kiss when all of sudden Morgan pops his head into the tent]
Morgan: [looks in]Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Bartwoski…Anna kicked me out because in her own words I was ogling Ellie.
Chuck: [a bit annoyed]Were you?
Morgan: Of course no...Yeah I was. Listen can I bunk with you guys? I would try Casey and Tucker’s tent but I think Casey wants to hurt me.
Chuck: How can you tell?
Morgan: I don’t know…maybe its because I may have accidentally set his sleeping bag on fire…who knows. Its okay though…its just a bit singed. Well…can I guys?
[Cut to Chuck grunting as he looks at Sarah]
Sarah: [nods him in]Come on in Morgan…and watch those hands mister.
[Morgan sits in between Chuck and Sarah as they both look at each other lying down. The scene ends with Chuck smiling as he tells Sarah good night. Morgan then lies down in between them and the camera pans down looking at all three of them]
[The scene begins Sunday morning as Chuck and Sarah are taking a stroll up wooded path taking in the scenery towards the cliffs that you can see the entire area. They start hearing footsteps behind them leading to Sarah to take out a knife. When they both turn around nobody is there and then they turn around again Casey is standing there with a scowly look on his face leading to Chuck to give a small girlish scream]
Casey: [suspicious tone as he looks at both Casey and Sarah]What are you two love birds up to?
Sarah: [looks at Casey]If you must know…we told Ellie we’re going for a walk…just the to us…with you here its now threes a crowd.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Shouldn’t you be terrorizing teenagers with a machete while wearing hockey mask or something? [notices the knife Sarah’s holding]Hey…didn’t we agree no weapons on this trip?
Sarah: You said not to bring guns…you didn’t say anything about bring a knife…or knives.
[Cut to Chuck giving a look to Sarah]
[As all three are discussing the finer points of listening and not scaring the guy with the government secrets in his head they hear a what sounds like some sort of hurt animal nearby. When they locate the sound they see it’s a California grizzly bear cub with his foot caught in a bear trap and then you hear a couple shots echoing in the air]
Casey: [serious look]Hunters
Chuck: Aren’t we going to do anything…you know stop the bad guy an all?
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Let’s just leave it the authorities to handle because these are merely civilians breaking the law not terrorists, warlords, or hired assassins.
[cut to Casey nodding in agreement]
Chuck: [looking at Casey and Sarah]Listen…every life whether its human or an animal like that bear cub over there is sacred. So I’m going to save it with or without your help.
[cut to Chuck walking slowly towards the bear cub before he’s stopped by Casey]
Casey: [gives a low growl]All right Bartowski…wait hear and we’ll go get it out from the trap.
Sarah: [looking at Chuck and then at the trapped cub]Signal us if you see the momma because from the looks of it these hunters were setting a trap.
[You then see Sarah and Casey go over to try to pry open the bear trap as Chuck is watching safely away all-the-while being a look out for momma bear. As they cautiously tinkering with the trap when 3 hunters find the two Agents trying to let their bait get away leading them to be captured]
Hunter 1: [pointing rifle at the two]Look who we have here[motions for them to stand up and move back]
Hunter 2: [smacks his teeth]Its seems they’re spoiling our good day of hunting.
Sarah: Illegally
Hunter 1: [laughing]Darlin’ that’s the best kind of hunting to do.
[The hunters take them back to their base camp and as they are doing that Casey discrettly talks into his watch telling Chuck to wait in the RV because they’ll be handle the situation without himself in danger. Cut Chuck’s face as he freaks out a bit as he sees Casey and Sarah being led away]
[The scene begins with Chuck coming out of his hiding place and slowly releasing the grizzly bear cub from the trap by using a thick stick he found on the ground. The trap is opened and you see the cub walking behind him and Chuck stand up with a smile on his face for doing a good deed he hears a low growl behind him. When he turns around it’s the cubs momma with a visible scar under her head who is at first on all four paws, but then gets on her hind paws causing chuck to stand very still leading Chuck to think out loud]
Chuck: [close up of face with a freaked out smile]What would Grizzly Adams do?
[The scene shifts from Chuck to Casey and Sarah as they are being lead into the hunter’s base camp. They’re tied up and then you see the hunters looking at a map that possibly has all the spots where they were in all intensive purposes successful]
Casey: [looks at Sarah]Nice one Walker…because of your boyfriend we’re being held captive by the cast of Deliverance.
Sarah: [looks straight forward]Shut up Casey
[You then cut back to Chuck who is standing there figuring out what his next move is. Just then the momma grizzly bear comes towards him leading him to run unknowingly in the direction of where the hunters took Sarah and Casey. Sarah gets her knife out and cuts herself lose then Casey. Cut back to Chuck who is still running looks back seeing the momma grizzly chasing him and after several minutes he looks back again to see that she’s no longer there. Unfortunately he doesn’t notice that he standing directly in the base camp of the Hunters who points their rifles at Chuck. Chuck looks at the hunters and then at Casey and Sarah]
Casey: [angry look]Moron…I told you stay near the RV.
Sarah: Why can’t you listen?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Do you remember who you're talking to?
Hunter 1: [shoots rifle in the air]Here's an idea...why don’t you all listen to me.
[cut back to Chuck who is moving in a circle to where he faces the woods as the hunters have their backs to the woods]
Hunter 2: [chuckles as he points his gun at him]Son…you must be real stupid to not bring a gun to a gunfight.
[As all the hunters are standing facing Chuck, you see the momma grizzly come out of the woods a but perturbed causing Chuck to grin]
Hunter 1: [intrigued look]Why are you smiling boy?
Chuck: [looks at Hunter 1] I’m smiling because I didn’t bring a gun to this gunfight.
Hunter 2: [confused look] What did you bring then?
Chuck: A very pissed of mom [points behind them]
[The hunters look back and see the momma Grizzly bear on his hind legs giving off the meanest growl ever heard followed close by her baby cub. The hunters raise their rifles to shoot her when Casey and Sarah come up from behind and kick the crap out of them. After dispatching the hunters they momma bear stands stand face to face to face with the momma grizzly and thinking quickly Chuck grabs the skewered chickens roasting on the campfire, stands in front of Casey and Sarah who fell back on to the ground, and then shows it to the 400 pound momma who smells it. He then throws it behind her causing her to look at Team Bartowski and then turns around to go find where the food was thrown. Cut to Chuck feeling like a mountain man helps up Sarah who is astonished at what he just did]
Sarah: [gives chuck that all-too-familiar look]That was amazing Chuck
Casey: You never cease to amaze me Bartowski…standing toe to toe with a 400 pound Grizzly bear.
Chuck: [breathing hard and grinning]Yeah...how about that...I faced a 400 pound Grizzly Bear.
[Cut to Chuck who smiles at Casey then at Sarah, but after realization sets in you see Chuck faint. The scene ends with Casey and Sarah standing over Chuck smiling]
[The scene begins with the authorities arresting the hunters as Casey and Sarah talk going what happened, as well as, handing over the map that shows the spots that they hunted. After an hour you then cut to Casey walking in first into the camp and after a few moments you Sarah and Chuck who is holding her hand walking back into camp as you see Awesome and Tucker throwing around a football, Ellie reading a book, and Anna/Morgan making out meaning that Anna forgave Morgan]
Ellie: [smiling]So...how was your hike? Did it relax you?
Sarah: It was interesting and yeah it was pretty much relaxing.
[cut to Chuck’s eyes widening and giving off his Chuckish grin]
Awesome: Do you see any awesome wildlife out there.
Chuck: [grins as he looks at Awesome] You can say that.
[cut to Morgan stopping to catch his breathe after locking lips with Anna to talk to Chuck]
Morgan: So did you get lucky?
Chuck: [looking at Morgan]A gentlemen doesn’t kiss and tell.
[Cut to Sarah smiling at him whereby sharing a small moment. You then see Tucker catching a pass from awesome right by Chuck and Sarah. He then walks up to Chuck inevitably asking him a question]
Tucker: So…if you can some up this trip in one word what would it be buddy?
Chuck: [looks with a smile on his face at Casey, then to Sarah, and finally to Tucker] Bearable.
[The scene ends with Chuck grabbing the ball from Tucker and telling him to run. The camera pans slowly back and then up to where you see all of them enjoying a fun/adventurous day of camping]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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