[The episode opens early in the morning with a shot of Tucker Gaines sitting in a coffee shop in the middle of a discussion in progress with someone but you never see him and all you can hear is his voice]
Tucker: [serious/concerned look on face as he’s drinking coffee]Chuck’s not going to know what hit him? Are you prepared?
Mystery Person: Yes…are you having any second thoughts about doing this knowing your friendship maybe broken with him?
Tucker: [looking out the window and then looking back at him]No…I knew what I was in for before I agreed to do this. I just hate lying to the guy, but you're right it has to be done.
Mystery Person: Don’t worry…we’ll all benefit from this in the long run. By this time tonight...he's going to meet his fate.
[cut to Tucker grinning]
[The scene shifts to the facade of Casa Bartowski and you then cut to Chuck waking up and then going to his bathroom in order to do the usual important things. He drifts off into though as he reflects back on the camping trip, his time with Sarah, and how he had faced a 400 pound grizzly bear, which showed by the grin he was sporting on his face. He had already defused a bomb, landed a helicopter, took down a Fulcrum member with a Karate Kid move, skydiving, and now he can add standing up to a California Grizzly bear to the list. After he washes his face, he looks in the mirror and just as he does that he flashes on random images that don’t make any sense. He snaps out of it after several second, which seemed like minutes to him, leading him to grimace as he leans over in pain with his fingers holding his head causing him to back up, hold the shower curtain tightly, and then ripping it off as he falls to the bathroom room floor. The opening scene ends the camera panning slowly back as you see Chuck’s body sprawled out with the shower curtain still in his hand]
[The scene begins with Chuck waking up several minutes later a bit groggy as he is trying to get his bearing straight. He grabs the side of the sink, slowly pulls himself up, and then looks around inevitably seeing the torn shower curtain on the floor. As he looks into the mirror he begins to talk to himself]
Chuck: [look of confusion]What is happening to me?
[Chuck takes a moment to gathers himself as he looks into the mirror giving himself a motivational speech to get him going. He bends down to wash his face a bit longer than usual and when he bends back up he sees the reflection of Casey’s face in the mirror causing him to freak out a bit]
Chuck: [turning around]Don’t you ever knock? You know you’re like the demented version of Kramer.
Casey: [checking himself out in the mirror]At least I have better hair than he does.
Chuck: [annoyed]You know…you really caught me at a bad time.
Casey: [smirking]What? You’re not finished applying your makeup so you can pretty yourself up for girlfriend Agent Walker.
Chuck: [giving Chuck a smarmy look]She’s not…[stops to change the subject as he’s getting a bit aggravated] What do you want Casey?
Casey: General Beckman and C.I.A Graham need us…so hurry up and be at my apartment A.S.A.P.
[Casey leaves and you cut to the close up of Chuck’s reflection in the mirror as he has this serious look in his face. Move to several moments ahead and you see Casey, Sarah, and Chuck in the middle of a briefing from General Beckman and C.I.A. Director Graham. A picture comes on the screen leading him to flash on images of eliminated targets, tattoo of Casper on the right wrist, several different passports, a subsonic 308 Remington high powered sniper rifle with suppressor silencer, and the name Ghost]
Chuck: [snaps out of it]Ghost…His reputation precedes him as THE best assassin in the world. He’s considered chameleon…a master of disguise. He’s never failed and uses several weapons in his deadly arsenal but his signature weapon of choice is , a subsonic 308 Remington high powered sniper rifle with suppressor silencer. The only known distinguishable thing about him is that he sports a casper tattoo on his right wrist.
Beckman: Mr. Bartowski you have a wealth of knowledge in that head of yours.
[cut to Sarah smiling at Chuck]
Casey: [sarcastic tone]Yeah…he’s like our little magic 8 ball. Do you think if I shake him I can ask whether or not I will get a new car.
[cut to Chuck giving Casey a look]
Graham: [scowly look]Back to the business at hand ladies and gentlemen. We learned from highly credible intel that Ghost is somewhere in Los Angeles and with presidential elections looming the candidates are a prime target in the debates that will be held at the Los Angeles Convention center. From what we learned from the intel the target is Sentaor Mallory Helanti.
[picture shown on screen of a beautiful curly brunette haired woman with blue eyes leading to Chuck stare. Sarah notices and hits him in the side with her elbow]
Sarah: [looking at Chuck then at Beckman]What will be our cover General?
Beckman: Agent Casey…we’ll place you in her security detail. Agent Walker and Mr. Bartowski you’ll pose as a married couple volunteering to help in her campaign. You have your orders[screen turns off]
Casey: [smirking as he looks at Casey and Sarah] Mudslinging…backstabbing…scandals…don’t forget to put you helmets and bullet proof vests on kids because its going to war out there of the political kind.
[The scene ends with Chuck, Casey, and Sarah going over what their strategy as to what their going to do]
[The scene begins that afternoon at Buy More as you see Chuck and Tucker at the info desk. All of a sudden you see Morgan run up with a panicked look on his face]
Morgan: Chuck…I’m in trouble.
Chuck: [concerned look]Did you steal the last doughnut out of Big Mike’s office again?
Tucker: What’s wrong buddy?
Morgan: [biting his fingernails]I think Anna’s pregnant.
Chuck: How do you know?
Morgan: She told me she was late.
[Jeff and Lester walk up hearing the news]
Lester: Anna’s pregnant…so who’s the father?
[Morgan gives a frantic look at Lester]
Jeff: [looks at Morgan]Anna’s going to want to settle down with you now and you’ll be with only one woman for the rest of your life.
Chuck: Don’t listen to them…if you love Anna you’ll do the honorable thing.
Morgan: What? Commit hari cari?
Tucker: [chimes in]Marry her dude…I’ve only known her a short time but I can see in her eyes that she either loves you or wants to kill you. I can’t tell because quite frankly she scares me.
Morgan: [looks at Tucker]Thanks for the talk guys…remember be well and say good things about me when I’m gone.
[The scene ends with Morgan walking off as Chuck and the gang let the news sink in. You then cut to later in the evening at Senator Mallory Helanti’s campaign headquarters where Chuck and Sarah are posing as volunteers in her campaign. You see Sarah working the phones talking with someone and you see Chuck working on her virtual website. You then see the Senator walk up to Chuck from behind]
Helanti: [putting hand on Chuck's shoulder]That’s excellent work Mr. Carmichael…maybe instead of being a volunteer you should be on my campaign staff.
Chuck: [flirtatious tone]I would be honored Senator but I’m the type of guy who likes working behind the scenes.
Helanti: [give Chuck a look]I bet you do
[cut to Sarah who has this perturbed look on her face. She walks over to the two]
Sarah: [smiles]Hey sweety…hard at work I see.
Chuck: [squirms a bit]Heeeey Sarah…[looks at the Senator] Senator this is my wife Sarah Carmichael.
Helanti: [smiles and shakes Sarah’s hand]Nice to meet you Sarah…you have a smart, handsome husband. You’re a very lucky woman.
Sarah: Thank you Senator…I came over to tell you you’re advisors need you.
Helanti: Thanks…[looks at Chuck]We’ll talk later.
[Cut to Chuck with a grin on his face then looks at Sarah who has a mean look on hers]
Sarah: Talk about what?
Chuck: Website stuff…she said I do great work. Hey, it’s what I do for a living. [looks at Sarah] Don’t tell me you’re jealous?
Sarah: [folds her arms and gives Chuck a look]I’m not jealous[she turns around about to leave]
Chuck: [pulls her in for a hug with Sarah facing the other direction, kisses her cheek, and whispers into her hear]You know you’re my girl.
[cut to Sarah closing her eyes and smiling sharing a moment. Just then Casey walks up]
Casey: [serious look]What are you to doing…you’re supposed to be doing your job.
Chuck: [pretending to do the Heimlich maneuver as he looks at Casey]Sarah was just choking on something…[looking at Sarah and patting her back]…all you all right…did it come out?
[cut to Sarah playing along and then the scene ends with Chuck, Sarah, and Casey going back to their cover. The scene ends when you cut to the convention center where Ghost enters as part of the camera crew carrying a large suit case]
[The scene begins in the evening at Casa Bartowski where you see Chuck, Morgan, Ellie, and Awesome sitting around having a discussion about Senator Mallory. Ellie is snuggling with Awesome when she talks to Chuck]
Ellie: [smiles]Chuck, I’m proud of you for volunteering your time for something important. I was afraid that all you ever do is go on dates with Sarah. You’re serving this country proud.
Chuck: [gives his Chuckish smile]Yeah…more than you’ll ever know.
Awesome: [pointing a finger at him]You’re doing an awesome job Chuck. [holds out his hands for a fist tap which Chuck reciprocates]
Ellie: [looks at Morgan]Something wrong Morgan?
Morgan: [looking depressed]My life is over
Ellie: Why the sad face Morgan?
Chuck: [chimes in]Anna’s pregnant
Awesome: That is awesome…congratulations!
Morgan: [looks at Awesome]For what…the fact that my life is over?
Ellie: Look at me Morgan…[Morgan looks]…not there up here…there ya go. Listen, you’re a reasonably great guy and I know you’ll do the right thing. Besides you have a lot to offer Anna.
Morgan: Really…like what?
Ellie: [thinking]Let me put it this way…you’ve been a loyal friend to my brother always being there for him…so in my mind that mean you’ll always be there for Anna and your baby.
Morgan: [looks at Ellie and smiles]Thanks Ellie…can I have a hug?
Ellie: No.
Morgan: Okay
[cut to Chuck giving a little chuckle and then the scene moves to the Los Angeles Convention Center the next day. You see the debates in progress and then cut to Casey, Sarah, and Chuck who is surveying the area in order to get a flash of Ghost]
Chuck: [talking into his watch to Casey as he stands beside Sarah]I don’t see him.
Casey: [standing near the stage]Keep you’re eyes peeled Bartwoski…remember he could be anywhere and be anybody.
Chuck: That’s comforting know…[looks at Sarah]How can we stop this guy when we don't know what he looks like?
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and gives a comforting smile]Just trust the intersect and we’ll be there to stop him.
Casey: The life of the Senator rests squarely on you’re shoulders Bartowski.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Oh great…put even more pressure on the guy with the government secrets in his head.
[Cut to Sarah smiling as she rubs Chuck’s arm. The scene then moves along as the debate linger on. You see Chuck looking at the monitors backstage and then walking around eyeing everybody as he is caring his bag will his laptop computer in it. He then notices a camera man and he stretches his arms to get into position in order to do something, he sees the ghost tattoo on his right wrist immediately setting off a flash. Chuck tries to contact Sarah and Casey but for some reason there’s something wrong with the communication leading to freak out some more. You then see Ghost preparing to shoot hit subsonic 308 Remington high powered sniper rifle with suppressor silencer that is well securely fastened/well hidden on the huge tv camera. The scene ends with a close up of Chuck’s face as he’s trying to figure out what his next move is]
[The scene begins with a short clip at sometime around the afternoon Casa Bartowski as you see Ellie and Awesome taking as well as, sitting in the living room watching tv. She then hears a knock at the door and when she opens it up she has an expressionless look on her face. Cut back to Chuck spotting Ghost and trying to radio to Sarah and Casey but to no avail. He looks around and sees the sound board to his right immediately giving him an idea, which is shown by the chuckish grin on his face. He quickly ducks behind the sound area takes out his laptop and hacks into the control board systems that control the lights, jumbo tron, and sound. Cut to Ghost whose finger is on the trigger and is about to shoot when all of a sudden all the lights focus on Ghost blinding him causing him to shoot the stage a few feet in front of the Senator. Chaos ensues leading Casey and the rest of security to take the senator into safety all-the-while Sarah searches for Chuck amongst the chaos. You then see Ghost looking around spotting the top of Chuck’s head, takes out a pistol, starts walking over to him, stops, and points it at our hero leading to Chuck to turn around]
Chuck: [freaking out/talking quickly]Oh boy…hi…you must be Ghost…pleasure to meet you.
Ghost: [pointing gun at Chuck]You ruined my perfect record.
Chuck: [laptop in hand]I’m sorry…on the bright side you can start a new one.
Ghost: Good point…[raises weapon]I’ll start with you.
[Cut to Sarah finally spotting him and seeing him standing face to face with Ghost. Cut back to Ghost who shoots him in the chest with a horrified Sarah running up from behind and goes toe to toe with Ghost. It’s a back and forth fight with Ghost eventually getting the upper hand, causing Sarah to fall to the ground, he raises his weapon at her leading Ghost to say something]
Ghost: [looking at Sarah]2 for the price of 1[He smiles] Must be my lucky day.
[All of sudden you see him get cracked over the head with a laptop computer knocking him out inevitably falling to the ground. A somewhat stunned Sarah looks at Ghost on the ground and then sees Chuck standing there with a grin on his face as he opens his shirt]
Chuck: [breathing hard and patting his chest]Bulletproof vest…never leave him home without?
[Cut to Sarah smiling as Chuck walks over to pick her up off the ground. They look into each other’s eyes and share a moment leading Sarah to move in for a kiss, but the moment is quickly broken up by Casey running up]
Casey: [looks at Ghost knocked out and then at Chuck and Sarah] Not bad Bartowski…you captured Ghost. You may turn out to be a reasonably okay spy.
[cut to Sarah smiling at Chuck]
Chuck: [smiling back at Sarah and then looking at Casey]Maybe, but for right now you can simply call me a Ghostbuster.
[Cut to Casey and Sarah rolling their eyes as they pick up Ghost and take him into custody. The scene ends with Chuck throwing his hands in the air asking what did he say as he’s following the both of them]
[The scene begins in the evening in courtyard where you see Casey, Chuck, and Sarah who has her arm around Chuck’s arm talking about a very successful mission. Casey walks into his apparent and after a few moments Morgan suddenly runs up with happy smile on his face]
Morgan: Chuck…buddy…am I happy to see you.
Chuck: What’s with the change in attitude?
Morgan: [smiling]Anna’s not pregnant…it was a false alarm…[breathes in/out]dodged a bullet there. Hey, you want to celebrate…you, me, Sarah, and Anna double up go out tonight and paint the town whatever color we want.
Chuck: Sorry Morg…its been a long day and today I learned that its dangerous business being in politics. Anyways, I’ve had enough excitement that I can stand for today. I’m just going to have a relaxing evening with Sarah[hugs Sarah]
Morgan: Maybe next time…[saluting]all right Mr. and Mrs. Bartowski…I’ll see you two later.
[Cut to Morgan walking off excited and then kicking his heals in the air]
Sarah: [looks at Morgan walking away and thinks out loud]Wow…imagine Morgan a father.
Chuck: [imagining]Yeah…may God have mercy on his future child/chuldren if he over does become one.
[Cut to Sarah smiling and as they both enter Ellie’s apartment he sees Tucker sitting on the couch next to Ellie and Awesome. Chuck sees Ellie with a very concerned/nervous look on her face just sitting there with Awesome comforting her]
Chuck: Hey Tucker…what are you doing here?[looks at Ellie and Awesome] What’s going on?
Tucker: [standing up and walking over to Chuck]Chuck…I’m sorry it has to be this way, but it had to be done.
Chuck: [confused look]What had to be done...what's going on?
[Cut to Sarah about to reach for her gun when a blurred figure walks out behind them]
Man: Hello Charles
Chuck: [eyes widen and slowly turns around]Dad!?
[The scene ends with Chuck just standing there looking at his father all-the-while Sarah is looking at Chuck just dumbfounded at the sight of seeing his father after all these years]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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