[The opening scene highlights clips of where it left off as Chuck was admitted into the hospital for suffering from stress related exhaustion due to overwhelming events that have happened. His dad returning, finding out that his friend/fellow Buy More Tucker Gaines is actually his step brother, Morgan and Tucker fighting for his time, Big Mike choosing him for the position of store manager, dealing with the unfortunate responsibility for deaths/injuries of several agents, and most of all randomly experiencing piercing headaches. The scene begins where it left off with Casey staring at Abe who has basically blew his cover as Chuck has this freaked out/wide eyed look on his face as he stares at both of them]
Casey: Mr. Bartowski…you must be mistaken…I’m not an agent.
Abe: Son…is there a stupid writtten on my forehead because I’m clearly not. Look, I may be getting up there in age, but I’m not senile.
Chuck: [looks at Abe] Dad…he’s right Casey is just a friend who works with me at Buy More.
Abe: [looks at Chuck]If that is true…[looks at Casey]…Then why do you have a government issued M1911 pistol with attached laser sight, have several well placed bugs hidden around my daughter’s house, and if you’re an agent Sarah is too, which means the relationship between her and my son is purely a cover because a woman that beautiful couldn’t be into him unless she’s protecting him…[looks at Chuck who has this insulted look on his face]…sorry son. [looks back at Casey] Am I right? The big question here now is why?
Casey: [Serious look]Once a spy always a spy…[smirks]How or should I ask when did you know?
Abe: [looks at Casey]I’ve had my suspicions the first time we met…but what confirmed it was during the supposed L.A. gang shootout when you two took out your weapons, which by the way, I tip my hat of to you on that excuse. Let me guess...NSA and Sarah...C.I.A. [chuckles]You know…you remind of me when I was younger…tough, headstrong, by the book, all about the job but the difference between you and me is that I didn’t end up becoming a burn out like you did.
[cut to Casey who gives a low growl]
Abe: [points finger in the air]Watch it…you may be younger but I can take you down before you even know what hit you. [looks at Chuck]So level with me son…what is going on…I want the truth…no lies.
Chuck: [looks at perturbed Casey who nods at him] Remember talking to me about coming here to Los Angeles to locate the intersect that a rogue agent sent and your plan to use it as bargaining chip in order to negotiate a deal to whoever placed the burn notice on you.
Abe: [intrigued look]Yeah…I remember.
Chuck: [looks at Casey and then at his dad]That rogue agent was my former roommate Bryce Larkin and the intersect he sent…is in my head.
Abe: [eyes widen]What the…
Chuck: [serious tone]That’s not all…I think its going haywire.
[Cut to Abe whose looking at Chuck and then at Casey with a stunned look on his face. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins back in Chuck’s hospital room where he just dropped a bomb on his dad. You then see Casey and Abe outside the hospital walking the parking talking about the next step to not only fix his situation, but also save the life of his son]
Abe: [serious look]What’s the plan…I’m not worried about me at the moment…its my son that I’m worried about.
Casey: Don’t worry about him; we have someone that may be able to figure out what’s wrong with him.
Abe: [intrigued look]Who is it?
Casey: Someone we can trust and probably can shed light as to why The Intersect is going bonkers. As soon as the doctors give the okay for your son to be released we’re going to the warehouse to meet up with him.
Abe: Good…I hope this guy can help him because he dies I’m going to hold you, Agent Walker, your superiors, and especially this Bryce Larkin responsible.
Casey: We have to talk to my superiors first and as far as they know Chuck is okay as he is simply suffering from stress related exhaustion. Promise me on thing…don’t let your emotions take over because if they found out The Intersect is negatively effecting him in any way they’ll possibly put him in a rub room or worse be they’ll want him eliminated to leave no trace of The Intersect. With Chuck gone they the opportunity to start over and use the new beta version of The Intersect that is already operational.
Abe: [shaking head]Just like that…without a second thought. What kind of person would be so heartless to actually go through with those orders?
Casey: [looks down and then at Abe] Me…that heartless person would be me.
Abe: [stunned look]You…seriously…you got to be kidding me. and who by chance gave you the order to take out my son?
Casey: My superior General Beckman…to make a long story short I was ordered to take Chuck out on New Years day, but I had a moment of clarity causing me to not go through it.
Abe: [interrupts him]Well I appreciate you not eliminating my son because if you did I would come after myself...burn notice or no burn notice.
Casey: I totally understand…[changes subject back to the issue at hand]...General Beckman is the same person we’re going to talk to who is by the way non too pleased as I disobeyed a direct order, but that’s beside the point. Now I’m going to inform her everything is all right with Chuck so stay calm, keep cool, and don’t let on that there’s something wrong with him.
Abe: [looks at Casey]I’ll go along with it…for my son’s sake…but answer me this…does Sarah know?
Casey: [looks straight ahead, down, and then at Abe]No…he looked me straight in the eye and told me not to.
Abe: [grins]He must care about her that much to keep her in the dark about something that could possibly take his own life.
Casey: [angry tone]He’s a moron…impetuous…never listens…puts the well being of others above his own…[smirks at Abe]…he’s a reluctant hero even though he didn’t asked to be one. When it comes to Agent Walker…lets just say they feel the same way about each other…they just don’t want to really admit it. Anyways, I’m proud of him and I’m glad to call him my friend. [cut to Abe smiling and then back to Casey] If you tell him any of this I swear I’m going to deny all of it.
Abe: [puts hand up and smiles]My lips are sealed
[Casey and Abe leave heading off to talk General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham as Casey calls Sarah to meet him at his apartment]
[The scene begins in the evening at Casey’s apartment with Sarah, Casey, and Abe as they talk with General Beckman and C.I.A. Director Graham about Chuck’s condition]
Beckman: So how is Mr. Bartowski doing?
Sarah: He's doing fine…he’s being kept overnight for what appears to be stress related exhaustion.
Casey: Don’t worry; he’ll be back on his feet in no time and making my life even crazier.
Abe: [grins at Casey and looks at Beckman]General…are there any leads to Josiah Gates...the man who may be responsible for putting the burn notice out on me?
Graham: [chimes in]So far there are none…its as if he’s a ghost. The only evidence we had was the Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse that exploded causing the death of several good agents and seriously injuring others. We’ll send a team over there to search the premises for more clues if they weren’t burned up by the blast.
Sarah: What are our orders General?
General: Continue protecting Carmichael and we’ll continue to dig a bit more on our end. You have your orders[screen turns off]
Sarah: [looks at Abe]Abe, can you stay with Casey.
Casey: [looks at Sarah]Where are you going?
Sarah: Ummm I forgot that I had to work tonight….hey he’s much safer here with you than alone in my apartment or Ellie’s...besides you two can get acquainted more…talk about what kind of sandwich you take on a deserted island or something or show him your bonsai tree. You two can be bonsai tree buddies.[smiles]
[As Sarah heads out the door the camera pans to Casey who gives a low growl and then a smirk to Abe. You then cut to see the Los Angeles night life and after a few moments you see Chuck resting comfortably on his bed. Just then you see Sarah walk and stand over him giving her all-too-familiar look. Chuck slowly wakes up to see Sarah standing there]
Chuck: [yawning and rubbing his eyes]Hey…how long have you been standing there?
Sarah: Not too long…how are you feeling?
Chuck: [smiles at Sarah]I’m still kickin’ and a bit drafty…hey does this hospital gown bring out my eyes?
Sarah: [grins] How can you be funny at a time like this when just hours ago I saw you collapse at Buy More?
Chuck: [sighs] So I can see your beautiful smile…you see even though things may seem at their worst I can always count on your smile to lift me up and I know things will be okay.
Sarah: [smiles and then starts tearing up]You know…you really scared me…I thought we were going to lose you there for a second…I thought I was going to lose you.
Chuck: [holds her hand]Hey…look at me…[Chuck looks into Sarah’s eyes and vice versa] I’m not going anywhere.
Sarah: [closes her eyes, looks down, and puts his hand on her heart]Promise?
Chuck: [pulls her in for a kiss]I promise you that I’m always going to be around.
[The scene ends with Chuck and Sarah having a warm, tender moment leading Sarah to cuddle next Chuck. Sarah has this comforted look on her face as she is being embraced by Chuck whereas Chuck smile turns into a very serious look]
[The Scene begins the next morning with Chuck and Sarah walking in the front door as Abe, Casey, and Team Bartowski are in the living room/kitchen. Ellie runs up to her little brother and hugs him hard around the neck]
Chuck: [trying to get his breathe]Sis…I just got out the hospital…do you want to put me back there.
Ellie: [lets go]Sorry…how are you doing?
Chuck: [rolls his eyes] If someone asks me that again I’m going to wring their neck.
Casey: [walking up with a smirk on his face] So how are you doing?
Chuck: [looks at Casey and then at everybody else]If someone else asks me that again I’m going to wring their neck.
Awesome: [walks up and puts his hand on Chuck’s shoulder]I’m glad you’re okay…you look awesomely well rested.
Chuck: [grins]Thanks Capt
Tucker: [hugs Chuck]Glad you’re okay bro.
Chuck: Thanks Tuck.
Morgan: [walking up] Hey buddy…did they make you better…faster…stronger?
Chuck: [gives Morgan a weird look]I was in hospital for exhaustion for a days= and a half, not being rebuilt into the six million dollar man.
Morgan: [smiles]My bad…ummm…Big Mike said take all the time you need and …[hands him a card]…this is from the gang at Buy More.
Chuck: [reads cards]Thanks Morg…[they do a fist tap]…and tell the guys I appreciate the card...it was very thoughtful.
Morgan: [salutes]Will do my liege.
[Abe walks up and hugs Chuck. Just then Chuck gets a call on his cell leading him to answer it and after a moment or two he hangs up]
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Hey Casey, remember that video game I ordered awhile back that I’ve been waiting for, he said it will arrive today. [eyes widen as he looks at Casey, Abe, and then at Sarah] You know me…I enjoy video games.
Sarah: [smiling and laughs]Well you rest up and enjoy that video game while I unfortunately have to work a double shift at Weinerlicious.
[The scene shifts from a morning eating breakfast at Casa Bartowski to mid evening at the warehouse where you see Abe, Chuck, and Casey sitting at the conference room waiting for Jax]
Abe: [looking at Casey and Chuck]Who is this guy we’re waiting on…are you sure we can trust him?
Chuck: [looks at his dad]Yes we can and I know you will too.
[As soon as he says that the elevator dings and the doors open. Abe with his back to the elevator stands, turns around, and sees a familiar face step out of the elevator]
Jax: [grins as he looks at Abe]Hello old friend.
[The scene ends with a speechless Abe Bartowski/Steven Carmichael looking at his friend and former fellow member of Section 8 William Jax]
[The scene begins with William Jax telling Abe that Josiah Gates died several years ago of a heart attack and he was at the funeral. He informs them it was an open casket so he is indeed dead and whoever sent those pictures to Abe has apparently taken over where he left off. The discussion then turns to Chuck as they’re finding out the cause of why The Intersect going haywire in his head]
Abe: So you’re telling me my son has a computer virus in his head…how is that even possible and who sent me the pictures?
Jax: I don't know...I do know that in order to protect my anonymity I secretly installed a direct action virus so that in case someone hacked into my file though a computer they’re immediately infected.
Cluck: All I did was just look at a picture in the dossier I was given and as soon I see your picture I flash only seeing one image…a black cloud.
Jax: [serious look]The black cloud means the virus has been activated and its primary mission is corrupting the user’s computer but on a gradual basis. Are you suffering from any side affects?
Chuck: Well…I had headaches, blackouts, nose bleeds, and an incomplete flash that lead to several agents death. Yeah…you could say it affected me.
Casey: [looks at Chuck and then at Jax] How do we fix it?
Jax: Well…if this were a computer…we would have to reboot the entire system in order to fix it by removing the original intersect and updating it with the new beta intersect that is fully operational. However, this is a human being we’re talking about and not a computer…rebooting the entire systems means completely shutting down Chuck’s brain functions and that is a risk I’m not willing to take.
Chuck: [looks at Jax] It’s a risk I am willing to take. When we do start?
Abe: [looks at Chuck] Look son…you don’t have to do this…we’ll find another way.
Casey: [gives a serious look]I agree Bartowski…for once in your life listen.
Chuck: [looks down]I’ve already made up my mind…[looks up and at Casey]…besides you should know me by know I tend to not listen. [looks at Jax]Let's do it.
Jax: Give me a couple days. I’ll call my associates, have them bring the necessary equipment, and inform them is priority alpha one…they know what it means. [looks at Abe]Steven…this is a bittersweet reunion and I wish this particular situation were under better circumstances but…
Abe: [interrupts Jax]Just help my son…we’ll have plenty of time to catch up later.
[The scene switches from the warehouse to closing time at Weinerlicious as you see Sarah wiping the tables down. She get a call from Chuck]
Sarah: Hey…what are you doing?
Voice of Chuck: I decided to take a walk and I ended up visiting my dad and Tucker at his apartment. Don’t worry I’m not doing anything strenuous…just eating some sizzling shrimp and playing Xbox with Tucker.
Sarah: [smiles]You better…I’ll see you tomorrow.
[As Chuck is about to say something over the phone Sarah suddenly hears a crash, several voices, and ultimately a struggles ensues causing the phone to click off. You see a serious look on her face to where she calls Casey to meet her at Abe’s apartment. When they both arrive they find the door busted open, sizzling shrimp all over the ground, the tv on with the Call of Duty on the screen, and Chuck’s phone on the floor. The episode ends with Sarah and Casey looking at each other then to a close up of a broken picture frame with a photo of Chuck, Abe, and Tucker inside]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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