[The episode opens with several shots of The Staple Center, The Grove, and Beverly Hills. You then see the façade of Buy More and it cuts to inside as you see customers busy shopping the day away. You not only see the customers busy shopping, but also the Buy More employees busy as well as the camera cuts to shot of Big Mike walking around holding a clipboard, Jeff and Anna are in the hole, Lester showing a customer a video camera, Casey unloading another beastmaster, and finally we end with Chuck and Morgan at the info desk working with the C man on the phone. After getting off phone you notice they’re in the middle of a conversation in progress as they’re working]
Morgan: Explain to me again why you and Sarah decided to be friends?
Chuck: As said before Morg…things were just going too fast…so I took the initiative to step on the brakes before we both crashed hard into the wall.
Morgan: Oh, come on man. You are considered the champion of all nerds/geeks everywhere.
[Chuck gives Morgan a weird look]
Chuck: [laughs]Oh really…when did I deserve that dubious title?
Morgan: When you started going out with Sarah….that’s why you two are meant for each other. Think of it this way…you are Frodo and Sarah is the ring…you know it feels good to be together…she’s your precious…and besides you two fit perfectly.
Chuck: Ah…but didn’t the ring drive Frodo to madness to the point that he ultimately destroyed the ring in the fires of Mordor. That’s pretty much how I felt whenever I was with her…I just needed to step back before I got burned again and get my head straight…we both needed to.
Morgan: Good point...[spotting Anna motioning to him come over]I’m going to take a break…see ya in the break room for lunch? We’ll discuss who played a better Batman: Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, or Christian Bale.
Chuck: You bet.
[As Chuck is busy working a woman walks up and has a worried look on her face]
Woman: [grins]Excuse me…hi…ummm…I was wondering if you can help me.
[Chuck looks up and sees a woman with curly brunette hair going past the shoulder, 5’7, 26, hazel eyes, jeans, opened toed flats, black purse, and wearing a light brown jacket over a red shirt]
Chuck: [grinning] Yes…can I help you?
Woman: I’m looking for a birthday gift and the party is practically a few hours away. I’m doing some last minute shopping and I have no idea what to get him. I know he’s into video games…what’s the most popular Xbox game you have?
Chuck: Oh…well that would be easy since I’m addicted to it at the moment…that’s pretty much why I have tape around my fingers because of playing till my fingers chaffed, which is way too much information you really didn’t need to know.[Woman laughs and smiles as Chuck leads her to the video game section]Is this for you husband?...boyfriend?
[cut to Casey seeing Chuck talking with an unknown woman]
Woman: Not married…I broke up with my boyfriend 6 months ago[rolls here eyes]…Anyways, it’s for my little brother. He’s says he likes role playing games whatever that means.
Chuck: [smiles and takes out game from shelf]Here it is…Call of Duty 4.
Woman: [stops to breathe out a sigh of relief as she sees the game]Thank you…you’re a lifesaver. I’m not into video games…I’m more into music and movies.
Chuck: [smiling at woman]Well…2 out of 3 ain’t bad.
[Chuck and Woman share a short moment smiling with each other]
Woman: My name is Katherine…Katherine Matthews…My friends call me Kat.
Chuck: [shaking hands with Katherine]Chuck Bartowski…nice to meet you Kat.
[cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins at Casey’s apartment with Chuck, Casey, and Sarah in the middle of talking with Beckman and Graham. Chuck tells them that he hasn’t had any flashes in a while leading Beckman to tell Team Chuck to stay alert anyways because evil doesn’t take a break. The screen turns off]
Casey: [looks at Chuck]So who’s the girl Bartowski?
Sarah: [looking at Casey then Chuck]What girl? What’s her name?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah] If you REALLY want to know its Katherine Matthews and we hit it off so well that I asked her out…we’ve made plans for this weekend.
Sarah: [gives the Casey scowl]You know we have to screen any women who you are possibly interested in or vice versa because of….
Chuck: [interrupts Sarah]Because of the intersect…got it…heard it a thousand time. Listen Detectives Elliot and Stabler…I’m done with you two ruining my relationships. Lets run down the list of my failed relationships shall we. My ex. Jill, steps back into my life after 5 years to tell me that she’s getting engaged only to have it called off because her fiancé is a nuclear arms dealer and she hates me now because Casey decides to tell her that I was his informant. Next is Lou…she and I had a great thing going before Mr. Personality over here again decides to tell her that I’m an FDA agent….she and I are barely even speaking. Then there’s Sarah…[cut to Sarah looking at Chuck]…you and I are in a fake relationship…right now everybody practically knows we’re friends…so that pretty much doesn’t count being that its not even a real relationship.[cut to Sarah looking hurt]
Sarah: [sympathizing look]I understand what you’re feeling….
Chuck: [angry tone]Do you now Agent Walker? Every time a woman I’m remotely interested comes along this is what ends up happening. I go on a date…you two monitor…things go wrong for me…and then I end up not having any sex. [throws hands in the air]Its an endless cycle with you people that I’m fed up with. So please…just this once can the government let me have this one before my head explodes?
Sarah: Fine Chuck…we’ll back off.
Chuck: [surprised look]Really…that’s it?
Casey: For now…first and foremost you’re the intersect. So, we’ll do a complete background check on her and this time we’ll go deeper. We’re not going to make the same mistake twice as we did the first time with Clark. We’ll let you now if she is legit.
Chuck: [Smiling]Thank you…I appreciate it.
[Chuck leaves]
Casey: [turns to Sarah]Well Walker, I guess your boyfriend has finally decided to move on. Jealous?
Sarah: [putting up a fake smile]No…of course not. And he’s not my boyfriend. Why would I be jealous? We’re friends and if he’s happy…then I’m happy for him.
Casey: [smirks]Keep telling yourself that Walker.
[The scene ends with Casey walking off and then cutting to a close up of Sarah’s face as his words are sinking in]
[The scene begins on a Friday night with a shot of Casa Bartowski and then cut to Chuck’s room as he is getting ready for his date with Kat. Chuck is standing in front of the mirror trying to figure out which shirt to wear when Ellie walks in and she begins to have a discussion with him]
Ellie: So, who’s the girl? What’s her name? Where did you meet? Is she nice? Pretty?
Chuck: [hanging his head and then turning around]Okay…Nancy Drew…I’ll tell you. Her name is Katherine Matthews…we met at Buy More…and I like her.
Ellie: [intrigued look on her face]How does Sarah feel about this?
Chuck: [half hearted smile]She’s actually happy for me…I think?
Ellie: You think?
Chuck: [sarcastic tone]Look sis…I don’t have the power to read minds like Professor X…if I did I would share this highly valuable top secret information to the entire male populous. Finally…men can stop growing bald from ripping their own hair out because of being driven crazy by women who think we know what they’re wanting to us think, but what we’re thinking of is the total opposite of what they’re actually thinking.
Ellie: [snaps out of Chuck’s rant]Sarah still cares about you…even though you two are friends she’s looking out for you. She just doesn’t want you to get hurt.
Chuck: [under his breathe]Oh...you have no idea.
Ellie: What?
Chuck: [quickly regroups and tries to change the subject]Nothing….so what are you and Awesome doing tonight?
Ellie: He’s taking to me out to dinner and probably a movie…we’ve both been busy working at the hospital so he decided the first opportunity he got he would take me out so we can spend some quality time together. What do you and Katherine have planned?
Chuck: We’ll they’re this band playing at the place I took Sarah that Kat really likes and after that we’re going to catch a late showing of P.S. I love you.
[All of a sudden they hear the doorbell leading Chuck to believe Kat has arrived to pick him up. Ellie goes to the living room and sits next to Awesome who is watching television waiting for her so they can head out. Chuck walks to the door and when he opens he sees Sarah]
Chuck: [surprised look]Hey, I thought you were Kat….Anything wrong?
Sarah: [smiling]No…I just needed to talk to you about something…nothing really important. Well…remember what we talked about…everything turned out ok.
[The camera is in between Chuck and Sarah and in the background you see Ellie and Awesome looking at the both of them. Just then you hear the door bell ring again and when Chuck opens the door Kat is standing there.]
Kat: [smiling]Hey Chuck!
Chuck: [awkwardly smiling]Hey…Kat. Come in. Let me grab my coat and we’ll get going.
[Sarah clears her throat breaking up the moment]
Sarah: [fake smiling]Chuck are you going to introduce me…us…to your date?
[By this time Ellie and Awesome have this uncomfortable look on both their faces as they look at Chuck squirming. The scene ends with Chuck looking at Sarah, then looking at Kat, and then cut back to Chuck who has this freaked out look on his face]
[The scene begins where it left of as Chuck stands in the middle of seeing the woman he has feelings for with a woman she just met who he can actually be in a relationship with]
Chuck: Oh…my bad. Umm…Kat…this is Sarah…my sister Ellie…and her boyfriend Devon…otherwise known as Capt. Awesome.
Kat: [gives Chuck confused look]Why Capt. Awesome?
Chuck: I’ll explain later.
Sarah: [gives look of wanting to rip her hair out]Nice to meet…when Chuck mentioned you I didn’t imagine you being so pretty?
[Chuck looks at Sarah and gives his Chuckish smile]
Kat: Why thank you… and Chuck has told me so much about you too?
Sarah: Oh really? What did he say?
Kat: That you to were in a relationship for awhile but decided it was better to be friends. I know you must be a bit protective…but don’t worry I’m not going to hurt him. He’s a great guy, which I don’t have to tell you about that.
Sarah: [Gives that all-too familiar look to Chuck]Yeah…he is a great guy.
[Chuck breaks up the painfully awkward moment]
Chuck: [looking at his watch]Okay…I don’t want us to be late…the band starts playing around 8 p.m. Plus we don’t want to miss the movie as well, which starts at 10:30 p.m.
Ellie: Stay safe!
Chuck: [smirking]We will mom
Awesome: [pointing with both fingers] Chuck…Kat…you two kids have an Awesome time.
[Sarah just gives a wave as she watches Chuck and Kat walk out the door. Then she does something that she normally never does unless it was for a mission...walks to Casey’s house. Sarah knocks, Casey open the door wearing his pajamas, and eating a box of oreo cookies]
Casey: [perturbed look on his face]What is Walker…I’m in the middle of watching Law and Order?
Sarah: Can I hang out with your for a while?
Casey: Am I being punished for something…why do I have to suffer just because Bartowski is going on a date with an attractive girl who doesn’t seem to mind a grown man living with his sister. Look, we dug deep and found that she’s legit. You said it yourself…you’re happy for him.
Sarah: Casey…please…can I come in or not?
Casey: [rolls his eyes]All right…remove your shoes first…I just cleaned in here.
[Cut to a montage of Kat having fun listening to the band, having a few beers, throwing up several rock out signs, and then you see both of them walking while eating ice cream as they head for the movies]
Kat: [smiling]I don’t think Sarah likes me?
Chuck: [talking quickly]Wh…why would you say that? Of course she likes you. Why would you think she doesn’t?
Kat: [tilts her head to the side as she looks at Chuck]Woman’s intuition Chuck…I could sense it coming for her.
Chuck: She’s always like that…its part of her job?
Kat: What does she do?
Chuck: She works at weinerlicious across the street from the Buy More. Its not an easy job as it looks…burnt wieners…ugly customers…it can be pretty demanding.
[The scene ends with Chuck and Kat talking up a storms as they reach the movie theater and then cut to Sarah who is sitting on the couch lost in thought as Casey is sitting in his chair in his pajamas eating Oreos watching Law and Order]
[The scene begins with Chuck and Kat walking into the courtyard as they are coming back from watching back at the movies debating on whether or not if either one would actually send letters to their spouse instructing him/her to not wait for life to begin, but instead live it now.]
Chuck: Hope you had a great time…its been a while since I’ve been on a date? I’m considered rusty at it.
Kat: [touches Chuck’s shoulder] You were great and the movie you chose was pretty romantic. Do you consider yourself romantic Chuck?
Chuck: [blushing]To a certain extent I do consider myself a pretty romantic guy…[breaks the moment]anyways I though it was a great movie…one of Hilary Swank’s best performances.
Kat: It was a great movie…Hilary Swank is a great actress…she truly deserved the Oscar for best actress in Million Dollar Baby.
Chuck: Yeah…I totally agree she moved from pounding people’s faces in to a pounding people’s hearts with her touching performance and I for one enjoyed it. Plus…looks Kat in the eyes and smiles]I enjoyed the company. It was a nice change of pace?
Kat: [intrigued look]You never had fun with Sarah?
Chuck: I did…don’t get me wrong we had loads of fun…but sometimes I felt we are from two totally different worlds. Everything was just going too fast…and that’s why I decided to just be friends with her.
Kat: Hey, it’s great your still friends with your ex…I can tell Sarah is a caring woman.
Chuck: [thinking of Sarah] Yeah she is…[snaps out of it]but I move on and I’m glad I did. If I hadn't…I would have never met you at Buy More.
[Cut to Casey who is knocked out in his chair with the tv on and then to Sarah who is woken up by the conversation Chuck and Kat are having. She gets up and discreetly looks at Casey’s window as the conversation is in progress]
Kat: [looks Chuck in the eyes and smiles] I enjoyed hanging out with you Chuck. I haven’t this much fun in a long while. Thanks for everything Chuck.
Chuck: You are welcome…listen…ummm…are you free next weekend if you aren’t busy?
[Cut to Sarah discreetly looking through the window who is quietly thinking out loud for Kat to say no]
Kat: [thinking]I don’t think I’m busy…sure give me a call next week.
Chuck: [smiling] I will…I'll just have to check my schedule as well and I'll get back to you.
Kat: Great
[Chuck and Cat share a moment and Sarah starts to see Chuck come closer to Kat as if he’s going in for a kiss. Sarah has this look willing Chuck not to do it or possibly a plane to crush on top of Kat. All of sudden you cut to Chuck putting both his hands on Kat’s arms and pulling her in for a kiss. The episode ends with Sarah turning around and has this lingering devastated look on her at what she just saw.]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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