[The scene opens at midnight(Monday morning) with a scenic shot of Los, Angeles CA and then cut to the parking lot of Casa Bartowski where you see Casey just getting off the phone with Sarah about meeting with her and Chuck about the mission at the Docks. He gets to his car, opens the driver’s side door and he is about to get in he notices a black Lincoln Town car with tinted windows slowly driving up, but doesn’t think anything of it being that plenty of people in L.A. drive cars like that all the time. Just then you see the car speed up heading straight for Casey to the point where he quickly notices and jumps into the car leading to his driver’s side door being ripped away. As the car speeds away, Casey gets out with his weapon in hand, gets a few shots off and then go to a close up of the license plate number, which you know is engrained in his brain. You then cut to a close up of Casey’s face as he looking at the damage to his car and then walks away. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins two hours later (2p.m.)at the tail end of a mission where Chuck, Sarah, and Casey are taking down a rich, seedy business man, Donald Thornburg, who has been using one of his many shipping docks as a front for transporting stolen high tech military weapons in order to be sold on the black market. You cut to Casey and Sarah taking down the remaining bad guys with no problem at all while Chuck deals with Thornburg himself who is busy transferring all the money that he’s attained from sold shipments to his account in the Caymen Islands. They tussle and just when you think the Thornburg has the upper hand Chuck grabs a miniature fire extinguisher and knocks him out. He gets up, goes to the computer, has a goofy smile on his face, and then decides that Thornburg is going to be a very generous man as the money is sent to someone absolutely deserving. As Thornburg and his men are taken away, one of his henchmen grabs an agent’s weapon, a struggle ensues, and is eventually subdued, but not before shooting Casey in the right foot. Cut to mid morning(10.am.)at Casey’s apartment where Chuck, Sarah, and Casey with his wrapped in a foot cast being propped up by a crutch are talking to General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham]
Graham: Good job on a very successful mission. Many of Thornburg’s potential customers will be sorely disappointed that the stolen high tech military weapons will be permanently off the market.
Sarah: It was a team effort sir.
Beckman: I do have one question to ask though? The money transferred to his off shore account in the Caymen Islands never showed up. Where did it go?
Casey: That is a good question[looks at Chuck]Where did it go?
Chuck: [shrugging shoulders]Who knows…maybe in all the exciting Thornburg wasn’t thinking straight and quite possibly sent all the money he received to….l don’t know…a trust fund account set up for a 4 year old boy that can only be accessed when he turns 18…I’m just thinking off the top of my head here.
[cut to Casey and Sarah trying to hide smile]
Beckman: [smirking]Well…its not our mess to clean. In any event be proud of yourselves for another job well done. Oh…before I forget, how is your foot Agent Casey?
Casey: [adjusting footing to get some balance]I’ll live
Chuck: I guess this means light duty at Buy More for you big guy.
Beckman: Excellent…I’m glad to hear that considering what happened to your car? By the way, did you ever catch the person or persons who tried to run you over?
[Cut to Chuck and Sarah looking at Casey with concern]
Casey: How do you know about that General?
Beckman: [smirking and giving a sinister look]Simple…we’re the government. We make it our business to know.
[cut to Casey giving a serious look]
Casey: [sarcastic response]Of course…General. I appreciate your concern. I know you’re looking out for my own best interest. [cut to Beckman nodding]I ran the tag number and found out that the car was stolen so any chance of finding out who did is null and void.
Graham: [chimes in]Agent Casey…we’ll provide you another means of transportation as soon as we can, but in the mean time Mr. Bartowski or Agent Walker would be happy to give you a ride.
[Cut to Chuck shaking his head no and when Casey looks at him he then nods yes]
Beckman: We’ll notify you if anything new develops on Thornburg and on any of his potential buyers[Screen shuts off]
[Sarah turns to Casey with concern]
Sarah: You never mentioned anything about someone trying to run you over.
Casey: I’m a big boy Walker…I can take care of myself.
Chuck: What’s going on Casey?
Casey: Do you really want to know Bartowski?
Chuck: [looks Casey dead straight in the face]I should…scratch that…I have a right to know after all we’ve been through…so spill.
[The scene ends with Casey looking very serious as he does a dramatic pause before revealing what Sarah already knows in front of Chuck]
[The scene begins 15 minutes later with a freaked out Chuck pacing back and forth after hearing from Casey that he was order by Beckman to eliminate him at the beach on New Years Day.]
Sarah: I know this must come as a complete shock to you...
Chuck: [interrupts Sarah and talks quickly] Complete shock!? Finding out that Bruce Willis character is dead the whole time in The Sixth Sense…now that was a complete shock….this a major electrocution to my system.
Casey: Relax Bartowski…I didn’t go through with it?
Chuck: [continues to pace back and forth and giving a sarcastic tone]Oh…well I appreciate you not taking me out…it would have really ruined the beginning of a new year for me being dead and all[stops pacing] Hold on…why did you all of sudden start disobeying orders?
Casey: Let’s just say something happened that caused me to have a change of heart.
Chuck: Oh really….You know what I think…you’re starting to like me.
Casey: [gives a low growl]No…I’m not.
Chuck: [grinning]Not even a little bit?
Casey: Drop it Bartowski or I’ll shoot you.
[Chuck looks at Sarah]
Chuck: [smiles]He does like me![goes to hug Casey but steps on Casey’s right foot]
[Chuck backs away quickly]
Casey: [struggling to get to his feet]Okay…I’m not going to shoot you…I’m going to strangle you…come here Bartowski.
Sarah: [holds Casey back]Can we got on the real issue at hand here.[turns around and looks at Casey]So do you think it was General Beckman who sent you a message by trying to run your over with the car?
Casey: [sitting down on a stool]I don’t know…it could be, but I’m not 100% sure. I’m just going to have to be on top of my game and be prepared for whatever she throws at me.
Chuck: And if she’s not the one responsible?
Casey: It doesn’t matter…either way I’m going to stay focused and alert.
Sarah: We all will.
Chuck: You bet.
Casey: [looks at Chuck]When did you start growing a sack Chuck?
Chuck: I don’t know…maybe a part of you is rubbing off on me.
Casey: Don’t go all Hallmark on me now Bartowski.
Chuck: Just wondering, is any part of me rubbing off on you?
Casey: [gives a grimacing look]Do you really want me to answer that question when my gun is sitting right next to me after you just stepped on my foot?
Chuck: [quickly stands behind Sarah]Gotcha
Sarah: [smiling] Now that this very special Walton’s family moment is over, lets all get ready for work.
[The scene ends with Chuck and Sarah leaving Casey’s apartment with Casey sitting on the stool contemplating what the day will bring]
[The scene begins some time in the afternoon (1p.m.) with the façade of Buy More and inside you see Jeff, Lester, Morgan, Anna, and Chuck gather around Casey to find out what happened to him. He’s in middle of giving them, a seemingly believable cover story of going hunting over the weekend and how Chuck mistakenly thought his foot was a quail]
Chuck: [selling it the best he can]How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?
Casey: You really need to get you eyes checked Chuck….you’re lucky I don’t sue you.
Anna: My cousin is a lawyer…I can give you his number.
Chuck: Well thank you Anna…I thought you were my side on this.
[cut to Anna shrugging her shoulders]
Morgan: [looking at Chuck]You nearly did a Dick Cheney, but it’s was your foot that got shot instead of your face.
Big Mike: [shaking his head]See, that right there is why black people don’t go hunting…crazy white people with guns….uh huh…no way…no how.
Casey: [looking at Morgan]Honestly…who mistakes a foot as a quail?
Chuck: Well…in my defense it was running fast….besides it was getting darker…you should have been wearing bright footwear.
Casey: I was wearing bright foot wear…white Timberlands…the MIR space station could see it from where they were.
Jeff: You’ll be getting the chicks now Casey….oh yeah.
Casey: [looks at Jeff]What?
Lester: [chimes in]Yeah…Chick dig guys who live dangerously. You know like Evil Knievel…Bull Riders…or the guy that tests the how long the bungee cord should be before letting people jump.
[Chuck looks at Lester]
Anna: Will it leave a scar? Scars turn me on.
[cut to Morgan quickly looking at Anna and then having that look of thinking whether or not to get himself shot…but then drops that idea because he hates pain]
Lester: Chicks dig scars…you da man Casey.
Casey: [looking at Anna] It might…hey it will be a story to tell one day to my kids of how Chuck almost killed me.
Chuck: [points finger in air]Again…I did not kill you…I maimed you…there is a difference.
Big Mike: All right…Casey, I’ve put you on light duty till your foot heals so get to work and the rest of you see if any customers need help.
Casey: [sarcastic tone as he looks at Chuck]On that note...its off to do some thrilling inventory.
[Cut to montage of Casey doing some inventory of new shipments and after 3 hours (4p.m.) he hears some noise going on. He hobbles around and as he steps into the cage that we know tends to lock people in when all of a sudden he gets hot from behind by someone to where he pushes him in and runs out the back door. After taking a few seconds to gather himself together he hears what sounds like ticking and when he locates the sounds he sees it’s a timed bomb set for 1 minute. Cut to Casey with a look of serious look of dread]
[The scene begins with Casey in the cage with a timed bomb. He quickly takes out a gun hidden in his foot cast, shoots the lock, grabs the bomb, and heads out the back door. He can’t throw it because their our a few innocent people walking around and he does the only logical thing to do…throw it down a manhole. With only 20 seconds to spare he barely makes it to the manhole, opens it, and then throws it in. You then see Casey running or should I say hobbling as fast as he can in slow motion back towards the back door and after the timer reaches zero you see a explosion blow the man hole cover straight up. After a few seconds it lands wobbling on the ground a few feet away from Casey. You then cut to Sarah, Chuck, Casey, and all the employees/customers outside are outside as the real fire department along with a containment team in fire department gear, which Casey called for before disposing of the bomb, are blocking off the entire area]
Chuck: All you all right Casey?
Casey: Yeah….I’m still in one piece.
Sarah: Did you get a get look at the guy?
Casey: No…you know what I’ve just about had it…I’m officially having a bad day….now I’m mad.
Chuck: [look of surprise]You weren’t mad the first 4 times?
Casey: No…first I was upset…moved to annoyed…graduated to agitated…then worked my way towards ticked off
Chuck: Wait a minute….you actually go through stages of anger...boy I would to hate to see you when you’re mad.
Casey: [looks at Chuck with an intense stare]You’re going to get that chance to see what mad looks like once I get my hands on whoever is doing this to me.
Chuck: [gulping]I believe you. [bouncing up and down]So what’s the plan…kick some doors down…knock a few heads around to get someone to talk?
Casey: Calm down Bartowski…what did you do today eat your Wheaties?
Sarah: We’re not going to do that Chuck…we’ll just check the Buy More security cameras.[all three looks behind them and up] They’ll possibly give us the clues that we need.
Chuck: [disappointed]That would have been my next idea.
[cut To Chuck, Sarah, and Casey looking over the security tapes. Much of his face was clearly hidden but Chuck notices that he passes by a mirror in which his reflection is fully shown. They grab the still of it, blow it up on the computer, see his face, run it through the system, and then get an eventual hit. Robert Fuller…one of Thornburg’s lackeys who was able to get away from being arrested at the docks. Casey gets his address and wouldn’t you know he’s living in L.A.]
Casey: [hobbling away cracking his neck]I need to relieve some anger related stress[talks to Chuck and Sarah] You two can come along if you want and watch the fun.
[Cut to Sarah smiling and Chuck with a look of wonderment at what is about to happen]
Chuck: Can I bring popcorn?
[Cut to Chuck, Sarah, and Casey at Fuller’s house around 8 p.m. You see Chuck and Sarah sitting on the couch watching Casey just beat the living snout of Fuller as you hear glass and furniture being broken. You cut to see Sarah and Chuck grimacing at the carnage that they’re personally witnessing to where they cover their eyes at the horror of it all leading Chuck to say I didn’t even know the human body could do that. At one point, you see Fuller grab Chuck’s feet and pleading for his help, but he is immediately dragged off Camera. The scene ends with Fuller knocked senseless on the floor and Casey sitting on the couch grinning]
[The scene begins at a close up Buy More in the Home Theatre area around 11:45 p.m. with Chuck, Sarah, and Casey talking to General Beckman and C.I.A. Director Graham. They inform the two that one of Thornburg’s lackeys Robert Fuller was trying to get rid of him and how he was able to handle the situation in a calm manner]
Graham: Agent Casey…I have to hand it to you…If I were ever in your shoes I would have been watching my back 24/7. I commend you.
Casey: Working for the government we’re trained to keep a level head and not let personal vendettas get in the way…isn’t that right General[looks at her and smirks]
[Chuck is silent as his eyes dart back and forth from Casey to Beckman]
General: [gives another sinister look]Affirmative Agent Casey
Sarah: [breaks the tension] Trust me General…we watch each other's back...that's what a team does...all three of us are partners.
[Casey smiles at Sarah]
Beckman: Good to hear Agent Walker...Oh and Agent Casey...
[Both Chuck and Sarah’s eyes widen]
Casey: Yeah
Beckman: [half hearted smile]Stay safe…We wouldn’t want to see our best agent hurt or killed in the line of duty now do we?[Screen turns off]
[Chuck and Sarah look at the screen and then at Casey]
Sarah: You all right?
Casey: I’m fine Walker…don’t worry about me.
[Chuck looks at his watch and sees its midnight]
Chuck: Hey, its Tuesday…does anybody want to go get some breakfast? My treat.
Sarah: Sure…I’d love to come.
Casey: Nah, I’m just going to go home and forget this day ever happened. I may just call in sick tomorrow and sleep in.
[The episode ends with Chuck and Sarah walking out of the home theatre with Sarah holding Chuck’s arm. Cut to Casey who hobbles over to the couch and just sits there quietly as the camera pans to the side of his face]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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