[The opening scene begins with a night shot of the bright lights of Los Angeles. You then cut to the warehouse and you’re transported to a room with blue padding/mats All of a sudden you see several shots of Chuck wearing a karate gi being thrown on to the blue mats and the scene beings when he’s laid out on his back with close up on his face. The scene begins with an upward camera angle from Chuck’s point of view as Sarah stands over him wearing a karate gi as well]
Sarah: [looking down]Are you all right?
Chuck: [looking up and breathing hard]I’m fine…I may need to see a chiropractor after this…but I fine.
[cut to Sarah picking up Chuck and leading him to the middle of the mat]
Sarah: [motivating tone]Come on Chuck…you need the practice so you know how to defend yourself.
Chuck: [in position with Sarah]Defend myself….It’s your job to protect me from not having to defend myself. Anyways…I think I can pretty much hold my own.
[Sarah flips Chuck over again as he says that leading her stand over him]
Sarah: [looks down with arms folded]Oh really
Chuck: Yes really…I’ve seen enough Bruce Lee movies to get by and…[point finger up in the air]…and I’ve seen The Karate Kid 1,000 times so I learned one very important move in that movie.
Sarah: [look down and laughs a little]What?
[Chuck takes Sarah down by grabbing her right foot, gives a quick shot to her leg, she falls backwards, and it gives him the upper hand as he is able to gets on top of her holding her arms above her head. His face is away from hers but slowly gets closer to the point their nearly touching]
Chuck: [breathing hard, looking into her eyes, and smiling]Sweep the leg
[Chuck and Sarah share a moment together when Chuck’s phone rings]
Chuck: I bet its Ellie wondering where I am. Always the concerned big sister.
Sarah: We better go then
Chuck: [looks at Sarah smirking]Well…I got you pinned Agent Walker…try to get out of this one.
[Sarah smiles at Chuck, flips chuck behind her, and then rolls over to where his head is between her legs. Cut to Sarah smiling and then to Chuck who has this look of amazed confusion but then realizes the position he is in and a wide, goofy grin is seen on his face. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins the next day with the façade of Buy More and inside you see Tucker and Chuck at the info desk and they’re busy working all-the-while having a conversation]
Chuck: [typing on the computer]So Tucker...tell me about yourself. Interests…family…friends?
Tucker: Grilling the new guy…am I on the witnesses stand Mr. Matlock?
Chuck: [holding hands up]Hey…just want to get to know my friends.
Tucker: [smiles]My bad…well…I’m big gamer when it comes to Call of Duty
Chuck: Ah yes…you’ve scored some major cool points with that bit of info there.
Tucker: [laughs]I graduated from Fresno State with a degree in Computer Science…I have a step brother and sister who I’m not that close with, but hopefully we’ll get a chance to connect…[cut to Chuck listening to Tucker]…and my dad or should I say step dad married my mom…but she died a couple of years ago. So its just us 4 now.
Chuck: I’m sorry man…hope you connect with your brother and sister…I know how important family is.
Tucker: Hope so too…anyways I’m fine…so…give me the 411 on your family?
Chuck: Oh…well…I have a sister…her name is Ellie and her boyfriend’s name is Captain Awesome…[cut to Tucker looking confused]…don’t ask. I’ll explain it to you later. Well…[points to Morgan who is quickly walking to the break room with Anna]there’s Morgan…he’s my best friend and sometimes annoying little brother.
Tucker: How about your parents?
Chuck: My mom passed away years ago and my dad…that’s a touchy subject that I would rather not talk about.
Tucker: [puts hands up]Okay…I’ll back off that one…have a girlfriend?
Chuck: [smiles comes over his face]Sarah
Tucker: It is serious with you two?
Chuck: Yeah…you can say that. I’m a lucky guy.
[Just then Sarah walks in wearing her weinerlicious outfit putting an even brighter smile on his face]
Sarah: [kisses Chuck on the cheek]Hey…I came over to eat lunch with you.[looks at Tucker]Are you going to introduce me to your new friend?
Chuck: [snaps out his goofy smile]Oh..yeah Sarah meet Tucker Gaines…Tucker meet Sarah Walker.
Tucker: [shaking hands with Sarah]Ah…the beautiful lady who has captured this man’s heart.
Sarah: [gives that all too familiar look]I hope so…or I would seriously hurt him if didn’t.[smiles at Tucker then at Chuck]
[An awkward moment happens but then is broken up by Tucker]
Tucker: [points both fingers at Sarah]Hah…what a kidder…[looks at Chuck]Beautiful and funny…[gives two thumbs up]…Way to go.
Chuck: [look away for a bit and talks under his breathe]She’s not joking…[turns back and speaks up]Yeah…[looking at watch]…I’ve got about 10 minutes left. Can you hang around and wait a few minutes?
[Sarah sees Casey motioning him and Chuck over to the Homer Theatre room]
Sarah: Of Course…but[signaling Chuck to look at Casey]I can’t wait that long[gives a pouty look]
Chuck: [being dragged off as he looks at Tucker]Who can argue with that face?
Tucker: [laughs and smiles]I hear ya.
[The scene ends with a close up Tucker as his smile turns into a serious look as he walks off camera]
[The scene begins later that evening at the warehouse after Casey informs them that William Jax and his associates arrived. Cut to Chuck, Casey, and Sarah getting off the elevator and stepping into a conference room where the he and 3 of his associates are seated. He walks down the stairs and towards Jax.]
Jax: [puts hand out to shake hands]Chuck Bartowski I presume.
[As Chuck looks at him he flashes and again sees a black cloud leading him to experience that same pain again as before, which Sarah witnesses. He stops, grimaces a bit, gathers himself, and then resumes walking over to shake hands with Jax]
Sarah: [puts hand on shoulder]Are you all right? Did you flash?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Ahh no…I didn’t eat dinner…I just feel a little light headed is all.
Casey: [whispering as he looks at Chuck and Sarah]Hey…focus[points two fingers at his eyes]
Chuck: [shaking hands with Jax]Yes…I presumably be Chuck Bartowski and you must be William Jax.
[Cut to Sarah smiling and Casey with this don’t mess this up idiot face]
Jax: [amazed look as he meets Chuck]It is a pleasure to meet the man who has all our government secrets in his head.[looks at Casey] And you must be Agent John Casey…[shakes hands with Casey]…the man who went above and beyond the call of duty.
Casey: Just doing my job.
Jax: Nonsense…you’re a hero. Oh…please excuse one of my associates, he is running a bit late. He will join us momentarily.[looks at Sarah] In the mean time, I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you yet young lady?
[Jax takes Sarah’s hand and kisses it leading Chuck to givs him a look. He jumps in]
Chuck: Oh…This is Agent Sarah Walker…my handler and not to mention my girlfriend…[catches himself as he sees Casey looks at him]…pretend girlfriend…[nervously talking]…our cover is boyfriend/girlfriend. Yeah…we’re in one happy pretend not real relationship[turns to Sarah smiling]
[Cut to Casey who has his hand over his face shaking his head as if to say what a moron. The scene switches from the warehouse to Casa Bartowski where you see Morgan and Tucker hanging in Chuck’s room playing Call of Duty. Tucker essentially begins the conversation]
Tucker: [curious tone]So where is the Chuckinator tonight?
Morgan: He’s on a date with the future Mrs. Bartowski.
Tucker: [looking at Morgan] Uh huh….[there a moment of silence in between]…Can I ask you something?
Morgan: Shoot Tuckster
Tucker: [curious tone]What’s the deal with Chuck and his dad?
Morgan: Ah…you mean the infamous Abraham Bartowski…the man who left his family high and dry.
Tucker: Ouch…it must be a real sore subject with those two.
Morgan: Its not so much with Ellie…but with Chuck…it’s a subject that’s usually never spoken with happy memories.
Tucker: Gotcha…subject dropped…[holding upside down bottle of brew]got anymore brewskies?
Morgan: [puts down game controller]1 cold brew coming right up.
[The scene ends with Tucker resuming game play and then cut to Chuck, Casey, and Sarah continue to talk with William Jax and his associates, excluding one missing member]
[The scene begins back at the warehouse where everybody is seated and you cut to Chuck who is impressing Jax and his associates as Casey and Sarah look on in awe. Mr. Jax then preceeds to ask Chuck some question]
Jax: So Mr. Bartowski…how did you acquire the intersect?
Chuck: Well..my former roommate Bryce Larkin…who was thought to be a rogue C.I.A. agent…sent them to me. Now...because of him I have a super computer in my head.
[Cut to Jax’s associates talking with each other]
Jax: Where is Agent Larkin…I would love to meet him.
[cut to Sarah with a uncomfortable look on her face]
Chuck: [chimes in]He’s doing the spy thing...you know deep cover kind of stuff.[looks at Sarah]
Jax: Of course….Amazing[looks at Chuck and shakes his head]…the amount of information stored in your head and no side effects.
Chuck: [laughs a bit]Yeah…none so far.
Sarah: [chimes in and looks at Jax]As far as our people can medically determine he hasn’t shown signs of mental stress, which shows that Chuck is strong in ever sense of the word. If he did suffer any side effects…[look at chuck]…he would tell me right away…[smiles]…right Chuck?
[cut to Chuck smiling back]
Chuck: You’re absolutely right…I don’t keep any secrets from her or she from me for that matter. I mean when it comes to the major important stuff that concern the mission.
Jax: [looks at Chuck and Sarah]Is it always been strictly business or is there something more to it with you two?
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Yeah Bartowski…I would like to know that myself.[stares at Chuck intently]
Chuck: [nervous laughter]Its strictly friendship and besides I wouldn’t want to compromise Sarah in any way leaving her in a vulnerable state that would have me killed. I know she wouldn’t put me in harm’s way and I with her.
[cut to Sarah smiling]
Jax: I appreciate you looking out for Agent Walker as she looks out for you. You two make a great team. [looks at Sarah]Ms. Walker…I hope you are always there for this man as he is there for you.
Sarah: [looks at Jax and then to Chuck] I an and I will be.
[Cut to Chuck and Sarah both having a moment, but is cut short by the ding of an elevator. The door opens and out steps Mr. Jax’s associates that was late. He walks up to Mr, Jax and Chuck who has his back to him. When Chuck turns around to shake hands with him he immediately flashes leading him to see images of Yakuza clan, eliminated targets, the name Taga Yoshimuri, and the word Fulcrum]
Chuck: [snaps out of it]Taga Yoshimuri…member of the Yakuza death clan. You’re not only responsible for the deaths of innocent people you are also a member of Fulcrum.
[The scene ends with Sarah, Casey, Chuck, Jax, and his associates all staring at Taga Yoshimiru who is simply standing there with a sinister look]
[The scene begins where it left off as Taga Yoshimuri standing there as Chuck is freanking about it leading Sarah and Casey to quickly act by drawing their weapons point it at him]
Sarah: Don’t move
[cut to Chuck freaking out]
Casey: It’s a trap and Mr. Jax here set us up.
Jax: [calming the situation down]I assure you this is not a trap and I didn’t set you up. Mr. Yoshimuri is my most trusted associate and I should know if he’s part of Fulcrum.[looks at his friend/associate]Tell them they’re just overreacting.
[Cut to Yoshimuri holding his hands up, walking towards Jax and Chuck]
Yoshimuri: [hands up]They’re not overreacting[puts hand on shoulder of Jax]I’m Sorry to disappoint you William[takes out pistol, shoots Jax in the left shoulder, and then takes Chuck hostage]
Jax: [on the floor]What are you doing? Why?
Yoshimuri: [looks down at Jax]To simply put in terms you understand William….Its nothing personal…its just business. You see…where my previous successor Tommy failed in attaining the intersect, which was thought to have been in Agent Larkin…now that we know its in this man’s head…I will succeed and become a wealthy man for bring him in.
Jax: [in pain on the ground]You and I were like brothers…we’re family.
Yoshimuri: [insulted tone]You do not know the meaning of the word family. My family is the Yakuza and it is also Fulcrum. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking the intersect with me
Sarah: [looks at Yoshimuri while aiming her weapon at him]Over my dead body
Casey: [aims weapon at Yoshumuri as well]And mine[radios for the entire warehouse to be locked down]
[cut to Chuck with a look of relief all-the-while freaking out]
Yoshimuri: [point gun behind Chuck’s head and moves towards the elevators]Stay back.
[A stand off ensues where you basically have Casey, Sarah, an injured Jax and his associates surround Yoshimuri]
Sarah: Chuck…listen to me…where did you take me on a date last night?
Chuck: [freaking out]What?
Casey: [looks at Sarah]This is a really bad time to talk about Chuck making you pay for everything Walker.
Sarah: [looks at Casey]Shut up Casey…[looks at Chuck] Remember…we went and saw The Karate Kid[looks at Chuck intently]
[cut to Casey whose weapon’s laser sight is directly aimed at Yoshimuri’s head]
Chuck: [looking at Sarah as he freaks out]Yeah…what’s you’re point…because I can’t recall anything at the moment because as you can clearly see I’m in the middle of being kidnapped?
Sarah: I just wanted to say….you SWEPT me off my feet that night.
[Chuck realizes what she’s talking about and just as Taga turns to put his left foot on the first step to move up towards the elevator Chuck suddenly spins around, grabs Yoshimuri’s right foot, lifts his entire leg, and then sweeps it by putting all his force down on to the back of his knee with his right elbow. As Yoshmuri is writhing in pain, Chuck gets to safety behind Casey and Sarah who pounce on Yoshimuri inevitably arresting him. Cut to Chuck who has this look of shear panic and at the same time is proud of taking someone down with his own bare hands]
[The scene returns to the conference room where the chaos that previously happened has been taken care of by a man who watched Karate Kid 1000 times. Casey handa over Yoshimuri to a couple of agents as Sarah is with Chuck who is standing by Jax as he is being attended to by medical personnel. You then see William Jax begin talking]
Jax: I deeply apologize for what has happened here. I never would have thought my close friend and trust friend would be associated with the like of Fulcrum.
Sarah: It just goes to show you that trust is hard to come by these days.
Chuck: What is going to happen with Yoshimuri?
Jax: My associates and I will take care of it our way…no questions asked?
[Cut to Chuck as his eyes widen and then looks at Sarah. Casey walks up and tells Sarah that Beckman and Graham need them A.S.A.P for immediate debriefing on the situation. They head to a monitor at the far end of the conference room]
Chuck: [puts hand on non injured shoulder]Are you okay.
Jax: I’ll be fine…what about you…are you okay?
Chuck: I’m used to by now and besides I have a great team watching my back.[looks at Casey and Sarah talking to Beckman and Graham]
Jax: [pulls Chuck in closer]Let me ask this question son...do you truly trust those two?
Chuck: [looks at Casey and Sarah]I trust them with my life…they’re my friends.
Jax: [smiles]Good…because I want you alive…and good friends you can trust are hard to come by.
Chuck: [chuckling grin]I keep that in mind.[shakes hands with Jax]
[Jax gets up and is being escorted out but before he leaves he says one last thing to Chuck]
Jax: Remember these words son…’Trust can either kill you or set you free’
[The scene ends with Jax saying those words as it cuts to Tucker smiling/having fun with Morgan continuing to play Morgan in Call of Duty leaving you with this burning question...is Tucker friend or foe?]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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