[The opening scene begins two weeks later after the upload of the new beta version of The Intersect. You see a beautiful ariel night shot of Los Angeles and then cut to the façade of a quaint Italian restaurant leading the camera to focus on the name…Corelone’s. Inside you see a seemingly packed house with patrons drinking and eating to their heart’s content. You then see at a booth with Ellie/Awesome sitting on one end, Chuck/Sarah in the middle, and Morgan/Anna at the other end sitting eating away, as well as, having a great time talking with each other. As the dinner begins to die down Awesome talks]
Awesome: [raises glass of wine]I believe in America…[looks at everybody]…an awesome America where you can sit in a nice restaurant like this and enjoy your dining experience with a beautiful woman.[looks at Ellie smiling]
[cut to Chuck and Morgan raise their glasses in agreement as they look at their dates]
Ellie: [smiling back] Right back at you sweety[kisses Awesome]
[Cut to Chuck who has his arm around her smiling at Sarah as they share a brief moment. She then looks at Awesome]
Sarah: Thanks for taking us all out to dinner.
[cut to Awesome nodding towards Sarah]
Chuck: [opening his wallet]Yeah Devon…so what do we owe you for this excellent dining experience?
Awesome: [looks at Chuck]Its on me Chuckles…so don’t worry about.
[Cut to Morgan who quickly looks up as he is finishing up the last of his fettucini alfredo on his plate]
Morgan: Sweet [stops a server who passes by the table]Can I have 2 orders of fettucini alfredo please.
Anna: [looks at Morgan and smiles]That’s was sweet of you Morgan.
Morgan: [looks at Anna]Oh…sorry…did you want me to order some for you too?
[Cut to Anna giving a glaring look towards Morgan. The camera switches over to Ellie who quickly breaks up the uncomfortable moment and talks to Awesome]
Ellie: So what’s the reason for this occasion?
Awesome: [looks into the eyes of Ellie]I just wanted to do something special for you guys, but more importantly do something special for you babe.
Anna: [slapping Morgan in the arm]Why don’t you do something like that for me?
Morgan: Owww! [looks at Anna]Didn’t I give you that $50 gift certificate to Hot Topic and I did not also take you to the half off coupon dinner special at Red Lobster?
[Cut to Awesome looking at the fight happening as he is getting antsy and sweating a bit]
Chuck: [looking at Awesome]Devon…are you okay because it looks like you’re about to blow chunks?
Ellie: [feeling his forehead]You’re feeling warm and Chuck’s right…you don’t look so good.
Awesome: [slowly grabs her hand]I’m feeling fine…actually I feel totally awesome and its all because of you.[cut to everybody focusing on Awesome and Ellie] We’ve known for each other for what is it 6 years now and the first time we meet…I thought to myself as I looked into your eyes…this is an awesome woman.
Ellie: [intrigued look on her face]Devon?
Awesome: Yesterday, I had a little confab with your dad and asked him for his permission to ask you something very important, which he approved.
[The camera pans to Sarah smiling as he’s cuddling next to Chuck watching what is about to happen and then to Morgan who is trying to watch what is happening but is distracted by Anna’s evil stare. Cut back to Awesome who stands up from the table, guides Ellie to the edge of the booth, and begins to say something]
Awesome: [takes a deep breathe and smiles]Eleanor Faye Bartowski…[gets on one knee]…will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man on earth…[opens the box to reveal an engagement ring]…will you marry me?
[cut to everybody in the restaurant looking and wondering what her answer will be]
Ellie: [tearing up, looking around, and then at Awesome]Yes!
[Cut to everybody in the restaurant clapping their hands as Chuck, Sarah, Morgan, and Anna who is still angry at Morgan congratulate the newly engaged couple]
Chuck: [hugs Ellie and that talks to Awesome]Welcome to the family.
Awesome: Thanks bro…hey…I’m going to mean that literally from now on.
[cut to Ellie hugging Sarah who talks to her]
Sarah: [smiling]Congratulations…I’m happy for you two.
Ellie: [smiles as she looks at Sarah]Thanks…[looks at Chuck]…you’ll hopefully be in my position with Chuck getting on one knee for you someday.
[Cut to Sarah taken back by the statement from Ellie who looks at Chuck who simply smiles. Just then his attention averts from Sarah to a couple of gentlemen in dark suits walking in the front door. He begins to flash on one of the men to the point that he sees images of the surveillance photos, mafia, the five families, fallen victims, explosives, illegal arms dealings, North Korea, and the name Frank Clemenza. Chuck snaps out of it and immediately looks at Sarah who recognizes what’s going on. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins the next morning at Casey’s apartment as you see Chuck, Sarah, Casey, and the newest member to Team Chuck Abe. They’re in the middle of discussing with Beckman and Graham on who chuck flashed on the previous night at the restaurant]
Beckman: Frank Clemenza…[picture comes on screen]…former government spook whose had his hand in everything from being an explosives expert, illegal arms dealer, to hitman for hire and up until 5 years ago he’s been off the radar for quite some time. With what Mr. Bartowski flashed on, he is not only an enforcer for the mafia, but he’s also dealing high tech state of the art military grade weapons to North Korea. Knowing Kim Jung il, he would most definitely pay good money for quality goods.
Abe: [grins]You got to admit…this guy has to have giant size cahones to go behind their back without their knowledge and jeopardize their so called legit operation.
Graham: Money talks
Casey: What was the last intel we had on him?
Graham: [pulling up a video surveillance]In December of 2004, three foreign nationals were found dead in their hotel rooms and even though there were no witnesses surveillance footage did catch a glimpse of Clemenza leaving the Bonasera Hotel.
Sarah: After four years of hiding, why has he resurfaced as a hired hand.
Abe: [chiming in as he looks at everybody]Its no secret that the government and the mafia have been partners, so to speak, as our boys stole our own military weapons in order to sell them to the goomba squad.
Beckman: [serious look]Allegedly…Mr. Carmichael.
Chuck: So what information do we got concerning The Five Families
Beckman: They each own a part of the Genco shipping docks importing and exporting legal goods. On the surface, it’s a legit operation but…
Abe: But what?
Graham: With Clemenza’s appearance, it raises a serious red flag because with what we know of Clemenza he is someone who is known to work alone. Add to that, there’s been chatter that the five families are gathering at the Luna Azura. A popular eating establishment for elite crime bosses, thugs, hoods, lowlifes, and its owned by a man who in some circles is considered the Godfather to all five families.[shows picture on screen]
Abe: [looks at picture]You got to be kidding me?
Chuck: [looks at his dad] What is it…do you know him?
Abe: [grins]Yeah…that’s Salvatore Tessio…Big Sal.
Beckman: [intrigued look]How do you know the Godfather of the five families…Mr. Carmichael?
Abe: [looks at Beckman]He wasn’t the Godfather when I knew him back in the day…he was just Big Sal Tessio from the Bronx. He and I were in the military academy together and I saved his butt on more than one occasion being that he tended to be a bit of hot head when he had a few in him. Starting fights that he knew he couldn’t win. He dropped out before he could finish because the family business was more important. Anyways to make a long story short, after graduating from the academy I was asked to join section 8…that was nearly 30 years ago.
Beckman: I think we have a way in…Mr. Carmichael we would like you to infiltrate the little gathering they’re having with your son, Agent Casey, and Agent Walker backing you up. See what you can find out about why Clemenza is part of their organization. Tessio owns the Luna Azure…so he’ll be there along with Clemenza…go make a visit to see an old friend. Can you be able to handle that?
Abe: It’s been a while…I may be a bit rusty…but hey let’s see if this old dog still has a few tricks up his sleeve.
Casey: The world of organized crime…[looks at everybody]…its good to try to something new.
[cut to Chuck giving a weird look towards Casey]
Sarah: [smiles as Abe and then looks at Beckman]What’s our cover General?
Abe: [chimes in as he looks at Sarah]Fughetdebouit…just follow my lead.
Beckman: Against my better judgment…follow Mr. Carmichael’s lead…be careful and good luck.[screen turns off]
Abe: [grins]Just when I thought I was out…they pull me back in.
[The scene ends with Casey, Sarah, and Chuck looking at Abe who has this big grin on his face. From the look on his face he is seemingly getting a kick out of being part of a mission after not being in the game for so long]
[The scene begins early in the morning with façade of Buy More 30 minutes before opening as you see all the employees lined up with the exception of Chuck who is standing in front of all the crew. You then see Big Mike come into frame as he’s pacing up and down the line with a very serious look on his face]
Big Mike: [looking at employees]Listen up you knuckleheads…tomorrow is my last day and I don’t want to have any problems…you got me? I have the utmost confidence that when he takes over as manager[points at Chuck]he won’t completely screw up. You know why? [Cut to Chuck looking at Big Mike]
Morgan: He’s a natural born leader?
Anna: He has our respect?
Lester: [speaks up]He has the support of hard workers behind his back?
Big Mike: [stops pacing and looks at Lester]The only hard worker around here I really see is Casey. You and [points at Jeff] and the other half of your brain should learn a thing or two from him because he exemplifies what being a buy more employee means.
Jeff: Being a Narc?
[cut Casey glaring at Jeff and then all the employees coughing out Narc]
Chuck: [speaking up]Don’t worry about Jeff and Lester sir, I think I’ll be able to motivate them to do some good old fashioned hard larbor…even if it kills them.
[Big Mike looks at Chuck and then gets in the face of Jeff/Lester who bend back]
Big Mike: You see that right there is why I made the right choice in choosing Bartowski…I knew somewhere along the lines my throw down the hammer type of leadership would rub off on him.
[cut to Jeff and Lester looking at Chuck over Big Mike’s shoulder who is smiling as he is waving in the air their amateur girls gone wildish type disc that he took from their hiding place in order to identify Lizzie as the Fulcrum operative]
Chuck: [puts disc in pocket when Big Mike turns around]You’re right Big Mike…I’ve learned a lot from you over the past 5 years. I consider you my mentor and I hope I can fill your shoes to the best of my ability.
Big Mike: [puts hand on Chuck’s shoulder and smiles]Come with me to my office Bartowski.[turns around and looks at the employees] Get to work![everybody scrambles]
[cut to Chuck walking with Big Mike to his office as Jeff and Lester stand there]
Lester: We need that disc back.
Jeff: Yeah…but how are we going to get it? He’s not just going to willingly hand it over to us…unless we kill him?
[cut to Lester looking at Jeff who has this sinister look in his eyes]
Lester: Relax Jeff…we’re not going to kill Chuck…I’ve got an idea.
Jeff: What?
Lester: [looks at Chuck and Big Mike talking through the window]We’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse. [nodding and tapping nose]
[sinister music starts to play but is quickly gone]
Jeff: What offer and why are you pointing at your nose…do you need a tissue to blow your nose?
Lester: [hangs head]You know Jeff…[looks at Jeff]…you ruined the entire moment. Things were going so well and you had to open your mouth. Let’s go.
[Lester walks off with his hands in the air as Jeff follows closely behind him]
[The scene shifts from Buy More to later that evening as Abe, Chuck, Casey, and Sarah walking into the Luna Azure. Abe, Casey, and Chuck who has his hair slicked back and chewing on a toothpick, walk in with Sarah who is wearing a black knee high dress, leather jacket, hair in a pony tale, and knee high boots. Abe motions over to the young female greeter to inform her that he would like to see Big Sal and to tell him that The Wiz Kid is here to see him]
Chuck: [looks at his dad]The Wiz Kid?
Abe: [looks at Chuck and whispers]Yeah…he thought of me as a braniac back in our academy days. Remember just follow my lead…you got me?
[cut to all three nodding and after several minutes of waiting Big Sal walks out from the back with Clemenza walking behind him]
Big Sal: [sees the Abe, smiles, walks over to hug him, and then kisses him on both sides of his cheek]Amico! *Italian word meaning friend*
Abe: Sally boy!
[Big Sal all of a sudden punches Abe in the face leading him to fall on the ground to the point where he not only takes out his gun and aim it at him, but everybody in the restaurant, Clemenza, as well as, the young female greeter. The scene ends with Chuck, Sarah, Casey who have this look on their face that the shiznit has just about hit the fan]
[A short scene begins at Buy More as you see Jeff and Lester in the break room planning some elaborate scheme to get back their disc from Chuck. You then cut back to the scene in progress with Team Chuck as Big Sal has a gun aimed right at Abe’s face. He looks down with seriousness, but then has a big smile on his face]
Big Sal: [puts gun away and helps up his old friend]That was for Connie Rizzie.
[cut to everybody including Clemenza putting away their pieces and then pan to Chuck whose wonder who this Connie Rizzie is]
Abe: Hey, that was 30 years ago…we were just kids back then…and besides…[grins]I was better looking than you.
[Cut to Big Sal waving his gun at Abe as he is laughing with everybody taking a cue to laugh as well]
Big Sal: Where have you been hidin for 30 years…last I remember you were still in the military.
Abe: Yeah…unfortunately I didn’t agree with one of my superiors and I clocked him in the jaw. I was dishonorably discharged…did some stints in the clink…and now I’m in business for myself.
Big Sal: [pats Abe’s cheek]It good to see an old face from the past…[looks behind him]….Who are they?
Abe: [turns to introduce them. First looks at Chuck]This is Charlie “The Brain”…runs numbers for me and he’s a genius with computers. He hacked into the C.I.A. mainframe once just on a dare by his friends. [looks at Casey] Johnny “Gun”…my muscle. [looks at Sarah]This beautiful young lady is Sarah “The Connoli” Hagen…she’s sweet, dangerous, and deadly?
Clemenza: [speaks up and talks to Abe]She doesn’t look dangerous…she just looks like a sweet, good looking skirt.
[cut to Abe looking at Sarah who nods to show him. You then see Sarah pulling out weapons from everywhere and placing them on the table. From what they see he takes out, brass knuckles, a tazer, several knives from each boot, a knife behind her neck, 2 behind her back, 2 guns holstered under her jacket, lifing up her dress reveals more knives strapped to her thigh, and finally she does a jerking motion with both her arms showing two guns sliding out from beneath her sleeves. Cut to Tessio, Clemenza, Chuck, Casey, and even Abe who are thoroughly impressed by Sarah arsenal of weapons]
Abe: [turns around and looks Clemenza]Any questions?
Clemenza: [nodding]Hot and deadly…I like it.
Big Sal: [looks at Sarah]Are you related to Tommy Hagen from Brooklyn…he’s a lawyer for our east coast syndicate.
Sarah: [shaking head]Nope
Big Sal: [looks at Abe]Doesn’t say much that one?
Abe: [grins]She’s all business…that’s why I hired her as my muscle as well.
[Just then one of Big Sal’s thugs walks up and talks to him in his ear to which Team Chuck pay attention to immediately]
Big Sal: Pardon me, there seems to be a problem at The Genco shipping docs with the computers up there. I don’t know nothing about computers nowadays that’s why I have him.
[Big Sal points to Clemenza and motions for him to go and fix the problem leading Abe to speak up]
Abe: Hey…Oh…Hey…why not take Charlie “The Brain” along…you know…just in case he needs some extra help?
Big Sal: [nods in agreement] Frankie take Charlie wit ya.
[cut to Clemenza reluctantly agreeing to it]
Chuck: [gets into character as he’s chewing on his toothpick]Right…come on you two.
[cut to Sarah and Casey about to leave with Chuck when Abe stops them]
Abe: [looks at Chuck]Hey…[all three turn around]Leave “The Gun”…take "The Connoli”
[Cut to Chuck nodding as he and Sarah head out the door heading towards the The Genco shipping docks. The scene ends with Abe and Big Sal being escorted to a table in order to catch up on old times]
[The scene begins the next morning at the Home Theater room at Buy More where you see Abe, Casey, Chuck, and Sarah talking with Beckman and Graham about last night]
Graham: Well…did everything go accordingly Mr. Carmichael?
Abe: Smooth General…like a baby’s bottom. As far as Big Sal knows…I’m an old friend looking to possibly join up with his organization?
[Cut to Chuck giving a weird look to his dad]
Graham: Does Clemenza suspect anything?
Casey: [smirks]We made sure to cover all our bases…[looks at Abe]…Carmichael took care of that on his end. Not too bad for a guy whose been out of the spy game nearly 30 years.
[Cut to Abe nodding at Casey]
Beckman: [looking at Abe and then at Chuck]We’re you able to find out anything Mr. Bartowski?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and then at Beckman]Sarah distracted Clemenza for me while I was able to able to upload a Trojan system capable of letting us in through the backdoor. [Cut to everybody staring at Chuck with blank looks]
Casey: English Bartowski
[cut to Chuck pulling out his laptop and punching keys]
Chuck: [staring at the screen]Even though I didn’t get any information from either his laptop or files at the Genco shipping yards…we do however are able to know Clemeza’s every step. [turns laptop around, grins, and shows files not only clemenza’s files but the files of the entire organization]You know…you got to give credit to the mafia…even though they're considered old school with their ways…at least their trying to keep up–to-date with times.
Casey: [looks at chuck]Whose side are you on Bartowski?
[Chuck gives Sarah a look]
Sarah: Thankfully…he’s on our side[smiles at Chuck]
[cut to Chuck smiling back leading to a moment]
Beckman: [interrupting the two]Well…Mr. Bartowski..[cut to chuck snapping out of it]…excellent work…start digging around and we’ll look into Clemenza cell phone records and see who he has been contacting on our end. In the meantime, stick to Clemenza. You have your orders[screen turns off]
[The scene switches to a couple days later at a busy day at Buy More where you see Chuck at the information desk helping customers. Just then Jeff and Lester walk up with Lester telling Jeff that he’s doing all the talking]
Lester: Chuck…may we have a word with you.
Chuck: Fredo…Moe…what can I do you for?
[cut to Lester and Jeff looking at Chuck and then shrugging it off]
Lester: We would like to make you an offer in exchange for our disc?
Chuck: Sorry fellas…the disc stays with me. Let’s just say that by keeping the disc with me I have power over you.
Lester: That’s blackmail
Chuck: I simply like to call it an opportunity for you two to do some hard work for a change.[looks at Jeff and Lester]Besides…what offer are you speaking of?[Cut lester looks at Jeff, grins and puts a something wrapped in newspaper on the info desk and slides it across to Chuck. Chuck picks it up, opens it, and gives a strange look to Lester]You got to be kidding me.
Jeff: Does it look like we’re...
Lester: [stops Jeff in mid sentence, looks at him, and motions as if he’s about to give him a backhanded slap]What did I say about talking?[looks at Chuck]So, what’s your answer?
Chuck: Still no…and what’s this?
[cut to a singing/talking bass on the info disk]
Lester: Take that as a message?
Chuck: What message…that you’re not really good at the whole shake down thing?
Jeff: [scratching head]We didn’t have time to buy a real fish so we went over to Large Mart and bought this one instead.
Lester: [pointing finger at Jeff and then looks at Chuck]This is not over…we will get our disc back. I underestimated you my friend…a game well played.[salutes Chuck]
[Jeff and Lester leave and then cut to Chuck chuckling at the thought those two trying to rattle his cage. Just then Casey calls his name out from behind causing him to jump. Casey informs him he and Sarah are heading back out tonight with Abe at the Luna Azure, which gives him time to look for more info on his laptop inevitably telling Chuck if he finds anything to call him]
[The scene begins at Casa Bartowski where you see Chuck walking in with Ellie in the kitchen and Awesome in the hallway upside down doing some ab crunches]
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Hey sis….[tilts his to the side as he looks at Awesome]Capt…how goes things?
Awesome: [from his point of view]Awesome as usual.
Ellie: Chuck…Devon would like to ask you something in regards to the wedding?
Chuck: [looks at Awesome who is upright and walking towards him]Of course…what is it?
Awesome: [puts his hand on Chuck’s shoulder]Would you be my best man?
[cut to Ellie smiling at Chuck as he is speechless]
Ellie: Well?
Chuck: [snaps out of it]Of course…yes...I would be honored.
Awesome: [motioning for a fist tap with Chuck who does it]Awesome
[cut to Ellie hugging Chuck and informing that their dad will be walking her down the isle]
[The joyous scene switches from casa Bartowski to the Luna Azure where Casey, Sarah, and Abe are schmoozing with the five families all-the-while Chuck is looking through the computer obtaining valuable information]
Big Sal: [look at Abe]Where is Charlie?
Abe: He’s taking care of some business for me...retirement plan all done by computers these days. The word is changing Sally boy and I don’t like it. Give me the standard 45 records any day of Sinatra and Martin on a record player any day…not these new fangled gadgets these young kids have today…Ipods and mp3 player.[waves it off in apparent disgust]
[cut to Sarah and Casey standing close to Abe]
Big Sal: Yeah I hear ya…that’s why I hired Frankie or should I say he wanted to work for me. He’s an okay guy…great with computers…he actually convinced all five families to go the way of the computer. Put all information in what you call…a mainframe…and it will run through a central computer. Money…contacts…shipping times in/out…everything you can imagine.
Abe: [looks at Sal]Let me guess…his computer. You trust him with all that info?
Big Sal: The five head of the families do….me not so much?
Abe: Where is Clemenza now?
Big Sal: Oh…he informed me had to take care of some personal matters.
[Just as he says that Casey’s phone rings with Chuck on the other end]
Voice of Chuck: Casey, just found key info that there is a deal going down with Clemenza and 2 North Korean operatives in 30 minutes. You and Sarah need to head over there now.
[Cut to Casey hanging up and telling him in his ear what’s going on]
Abe: [looking at Big Sal and leans in] Do you really trust Clemenza?
Big Sal: [gives a suspicious look to Abe and in a low tone]I said no…what’s going on.
[Cut to Abe looking at Casey/Sarah and then at Big Sal. He motions him to coming closer so he can speak in his ears leading Casey and Sarah wondering what is going on. As he whispers into Big Sal’s eyes widen leading him to sit back in his chair looking at all three of them]
Abe: [serious look]The next move is yours….remember…I saved your life more times than you can count.
[The scene ends with Big Sal with a very serious look on his face as he stares at his old friend and then cutting to Sarah and Chuck who are getting ready the possibility of a gun fight about to ensue]
[The scene begins at Genco’s shipping docks as you see Clemeza and a North Korean operative doing business. Just then Big Sal, Abe, Casey, and Sarah appear before the two of them]
Big Sal: [shaking his head]Fankie, Frankie, Frankie….I trusted you…the five families trusted you…you go do this behind our back? This makes us look bad?
Clemenza: Well...if you’re looking for an apology you’re not going to get one from me. I’m no puppet…being pulled on a string held by you isn’t something that appeals to me. I was just buying time so that I can make my move. I was just a made a deal with these 2 fine gentlemen here and the money from the five families to make the deal is already in my back account…so you see you’re too late to stop me. You see, a man in my position cannot afford to be made to look ridiculous.
Abe: [Chimes in and looks at Clemenza]That’s where your wrong because my son informed me before we got here that the money you claim is in that account…isn’t there.
Clemenza: What? [opens laptop to check]Who are you?
Big Sal: Hey…your business is not with them…its with me.
Clemenza: [looks down and discreetly takes out gun]You’re right…[looks up and shoots Big Sal in the left shoulder]
[Cut to Abe checking on Big Sal who tells him to go after Clemenza as Casey and Sarah deal with the 2 North Korean operatives. Abe runs after Clemenza who finds him first near a giant crane and they tussle leading Clemenza to talk]
Clemenza: I’m going to enjoy this.[aims his gun at Abe]
Abe: Let’s settle this like men…with our fists.
Clemenza: Fine…[throws gun down on ground]...lets go old man…I’m younger…faster…and not to mention stronger than you. You don’t stand a chance.
Abe: [gives Clemenza a look]What is with you young kids today…[making the hand talk motion]talk talk talk talk…just shut up and fight.
[The fight begins and then it switches to Casey and Sarah tangle with the 2 North Korean Operatives. It goes back and forth leading to Casey and Sarah going back to back who grin at each other. Several back kicks, punches, and knees to the gut later Casey and Sarah get the edge on the two operatives essentially arresting them. Cut back to Clemenza and Abe who are still going at it]
Clemenza: [bleeding from the mouth]You’re tough for an old man.
Abe: [bleeding from the nose and smirks]I’m just full of surprises.
[The tussle some more leading to Clemenza getting the upper hand to where he stands a few feet away and aims his gun at Abe. Just as he is about to pull the trigger he gets popped behind the head leading him to fall to the ground. Abe look and sees Chuck standing there hold a broken laptop in his hands]
Chuck:[looking at broken laptop]Dang it…I really need to get laptop insurance…that’s the second one I’ve broken over someone’s head in a mission.
Abe: [on the ground and grins at Chuck]Just put it on the General’s tab son.
[As Chuck picks his dad off the ground inevitably walking off several feet they hear a scream behind them to where they both see a battered Clemenza aiming the gun he threw on the ground at both of them. You then see in the background behind Clemenza is Casey and Sarah running fast to get to him before he pulls the trigger. Chuck stands in front of his father and just as he is about to pull the trigger…again…they hear a sound causing them to look up. A large steel shipping crate hurdles down towards their direction leading Chuck and Abe to move out of the way. Clemenza tries to but unfortunately he gets crushed underneath. The scene ends with Casey, Sarah, Abe, and Chuck looking up to see Big Sal sitting at the controls with a smile on his face as he gives a semi-salute to Team Chuck]
[The scene begins at the beach where you see Abe and Big Sal with his left arm in a sling strolling along and in the middle of talking with each other as Casey, Sarah, Chuck, and a few of Big Sal’s men are in the background watching over them]
Chuck: I wonder what their talking about?
Casey: Its none of our business Bartowski…just be glad he didn’t whack all of us after your dad spilled the beans on who we were.
[cut to a freaked out look by Chuck who looks at Sarah who nods and then the camera switches to Big Sal and Abe talking]
Big Sal: So The Wiz Kid actually made something of himself. A former government agent…a wife…two kids…a regular John Bond.
Abe: James Bond…ah forget it. So where do we go from here?
Big Sal: [looks at Abe]You know I saved your life now and you owe me now.
Abe: [looks at Sal then at Team Chuck and then sighs]Yeah…I know.
Big Sal: I’ll wave it off…[points finger in air]On one condition.
Abe: [look of curiosity]What is it?
Big Sal: Invite me to your daughter’s wedding.
Abe: Agreed…oh…ummm…I know I’m going out on a limb here but you can you do me one favor.
[The scene switches from Abe and Big Sal talking to later that evening as you then cut to Casa Bartowski where you see Ellie and Awesome in the living room. Chuck, Sarah, and Abe walk in ;eading Abe to walk straight to Ellie]
Ellie: [smiles]Hey dad
Abe: Sweetheart…come here...I want to give you a gift…actually an old friend of mine gave you this gift.[hands her an envelope]
Ellie: [curious look]What is it?
[Cut to Awesome walking and standing next to Ellie]
Abe: [smiling]Open it up and find out.
Ellie: [tearing up as she read it]Daddy…this is…this is…
Awesome: [chimes in]Mr. B…I think what my future wife is trying to say is this is awesome.
[Cut to Chuck and Sarah smiling]
Ellie: [hugging her dad]How were you able to book The Hotel Bel Air for our wedding…[looks at her dad]I tried to reserve a spot but they said they were all booked up.
Abe: Hey…you just got know people and besides…I know you wanted to get married there...specifically in the swan lake area.
Ellie: How did you find out about that?
Abe: Devon told me…he really must love you to not stop trying.
Ellie: [smiles and tears start to fall]Thanks Dad[hugs abe and then kisses Awesome]
Awesome: [shakes Abe’s hand]Thanks Mr. B.
Abe: Call me dad.
Awesome: Awesome
Abe: [looks at Awesome]We’ll work on expanding your vocabulary later.
[Cut to everbody congratulating the happy couple. Abe, Awesome, and Chuck are talking leaving Sarah and Ellie to talk amongst themselves]
Sarah: [hugging and smiling at Ellie]Congratulations…things seem to be going your way when it comes to wedding preperations.
Ellie: [smiling]It seems they are…[looks at Devon, Chuck, and Abe]…Oh before I forget…I wanted to ask you something.
Sarah: What is it?
Ellie: It would make me happy if you could be a bridesmaid at my wedding? [Cut to Sarah with an astonished look on her face]So…would you?
Sarah: [snaps out it]Oh yes…I would be glad to.
[The episode ends with Ellie hugging Sarah who has this look of sheer panic on her face as she realizes that she just agreed to become a bridesmaid for Chuck’s sister]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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