[The episode opens with highlights of what happened previously as Chuck and Tucker find themselves in a locked mirrored room as they witness their did Abe get totured by way of electrocution. A deep synthesized voice gives Chuck all ultimatum in which he either produces the location of The Intersect or his father dies. Cut to Abe taking out two baddies and then escaping inevitably freeing his two sons, but no before calling for the cavalry by way of a CB radio. Cut to Casey and Sarah sharing a moment in which Casey says that Sarah is his partner leading to him getting a call about Josiah Gates’ extracurricular activities, as well as, finding out Chuck’s location thanks to Abe. Then the biggest surprise is revealed as Tucker Gaines is in fact the clone of Josiah Gates revealing to Abe that it was all planned from the pictures to being herded to Fresno inevitably meeting Tucker’s ‘mom’. Tucker shoots Chuck, Chuck sweeps his leg, Abe and Chuck escape leading them to be chased by the baddies to the edge of a cliff. Sarah and Casey arrive in the nick of time but Tucker shoots Abe seriously injuring him who then is about to shoot Chuck when Abe punches him as Chuck trips him causing his death as he falls to his rocky doom. The day is saved once again…or is it…Chuck collapses leading Jax to look at team Chuck as say that he’s crashing. The scene begins with Helicopter landing at the warehouse helipad and the cut to Chuck being wheeled into the medical facility with Jax in the lead followed by Sarah and Casey]
Jax: [turning around and looking at Sarah and Casey]You two have to stay here…you did your job…now let me do mine.
Casey: Come on Walker.[looks at Sarah and then leads her to the waiting room]
[As Jax is about to wheel chuck in Sarah gets away from Casey she calls out Jax’s name who stops to see what she wants]
Jax: [looks at Sarah] Yes…Agent Walker…is there a problem?
Sarah: [looks at Jax]No problem…[looks at Chuck]Take good care of him please…he’s important to me…us[cut to Sarah looking at Chuck and holding his hand]
Jax: [smiles as he looks at Sarah holding Chuck's hand]Don’t worry Agent Walker...[puts hand on her shoulder and leans in closer]…I’ll bring him back to you…I promise.
[Cut back to Sarah smiling as she sees doors close in front of her. A single tear falls leading to Casey to stand behind her]
Casey: [gruff tone]Walker...we got a problem.
Sarah: [wipes her face, regains her composure, turns around] What is it?
Casey: [looks at Sarah] Something happened when they transported Abe.
Sarah: Is he dead?
Casey: [low growl]No...the helivac that was supposed to transport Abe to the warehouse ended up at the hospital where Ellie and Devon work at.
[Cut to Sarah who has a serious look on her face as you cut to Chuck face as he’s being prepped for being the rebooting process by Jax and his team. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins with Ellie and Devon at the hospital drinking coffee after an early morning shift. You see them walking down the corridor having a conversation as they pass the elevators that lead to the helipad. All of a sudden, they hear a ding behind them leading Ellie to glance behind her for a second or so to see/hear two of their fellow doctors wheel out a fresh patient. Thinking its just business as usual, she turns around sipping her cup of coffee all-the while talking to Devon about their dinner plans later tonight when she overhears the two docs’ conversation as they stop for a minute as another doctor approaches]
Doc 1: [walking up]What do we got?
Doc 2: Male…55 years old…gun shot victim…entry wound on the upper extremities…possible damage to his lungs…pulse weak…hypertensive…blood pressure is 90/60.
Doc 1: [looking at Abe]Prep him for the O. R. stat…[looks at doc 1] What’s his name?
Doc 3: [looks in wallet]Abraham…Abraham Bartowski [looks back at Ellie]
[Cut back to Ellie who stops for a dramatic pause, drops her coffee, turns around and immediately turns around sprints towards the three docs wheeling Abe into the o.r. When she catches up to him she sees the prone, seemingly lifeless body of her dad causing her to freak outs as Devon stands by her]
Ellie: [freaked out tone]Dad! Can you hear me? [looks at the three docs] Was anybody else on the helivac…my brothers…Chuck…Tucker?
Doc 2: Sorry Dr. Bartowski…they weren’t on it.
[All three docs lead Abe to the operating room as Ellie stands there in shocking silence as she not only sees her father shot, but also fearing what may have happened to Chuck and Tucker. She starts pacing back and forth beginning to freak out when Awesome stands in front of her]
Awesome: [gives a comforting hug to Ellie]Its going to be okay babe…those guys are the best…they’ll fix up your dad and trust me…Chuck and Tucker are…
Ellie: [interrupts him giving a serious look] If you say awesome…I’ll knee you in the family jewels.
Awesome: [thinking of word] Okay…they’re okay…I know it.
[Ellie then rests her head on Awesome’s chest when she suddenly looks up at him]
Ellie: [look of concern in her eyes] Sarah!
[The scene switches from the hospital back to the Warehouse where Casey and Sarah are in the middle of talking with Beckman and Graham]
Graham: [serious look]The ball was seriously dropped on this one Agents.
Casey: [serious tone]What happened?
Beckman: Lines of communication were crossed up amidst the chaos during transportation out of Point Fermin Lighthouse. Needless to say we have a situation on our hands as Carmichael is now at a civilian hospital that Mr. Bartowski’s currently at.
[As Beckman says that Sarah receives a phone call and when she picks it up its Ellie on the phone sounding frantic]
Sarah: [looking at Beckman, Graham, and Casey while on phone]Ellie…hey…slow down…your not making any sense…breathe…what happened…what…I’ll be right there.
Graham: [looks at Sarah]Go….we’ll figure out what to do while you go and talk with Chuck’s sister.
[Sarah leaves for the hospital as the scene ends with the camera slowly backing away as you see Casey standing in front of Beckman and Graham talking strategy]
[The scene begins with Sarah walking into the hospital and then cut to her meeting up with Ellie, Devon, and Morgan who got the call from Ellie about his best friend/brother. Ellie sees Sarah and she immediately runs up to her to hug her]
Ellie: [look of worry]I’m glad to see you
[Sarah looks at Awesome and waves leading him to wave back]
Sarah: How is your dad?
Ellie: [biting her fingernails]Still in the operating room…right now I’m worried about where Chuck and Tucker are…they could be hurt…or….
Morgan: [cuts her off]Hey…don’t say it…they’re all right…if this were a movie…
Ellie: [glares at Morgan]This is not a stupid movie Morgan…grow up and stop being such an idiot!
Awesome: Whoa babe…that was not Awe….
[Cut to Ellie glaring at Awesome who quickly protects his family jewels and then stands behind Sarah]
Sarah: [puts her hand on Ellie’s shoulder]Hey…calm down Ellie.
Morgan: [chimes in]She’s right…I was just trying to lighten the mood and what do I do…I make it worse.[walks off feeling low]
Ellie: [angry tone] This is serious situation Morgan…why…uhhhhhhh[throws hands in the air as she runs her fingers through her hair]
Awesome: [chimes in] I’ll go talk to the little guy.
Ellie: [looks at Sarah] How come you aren’t freaking out about this? You’re pretty much part of the family…you’re like a sister to me.
Sarah: [grins at Ellie] I am…I guess I’m still in shock about the whole thing.
Ellie: [smiles at Sarah] You know…since you entered Chuck’s life…his smile has come back…something that I never thought I would see again. You’re an angel and I for one would be proud to welcome you into our family.
[Ellie hugs Sarah who has this touched look on her face. Ellie then takes a walk to clear her head. Cut to Awesome who finds Morgan sitting at a table drinking grape soda]
Awesome: [sitting down] Are you okay?
Morgan: [looks down and with reflective tone]Yeah…we’re life partners you know…soul mates…Chuck and I.
Awesome: [giving Morgan a weird look]Morgan…do you want tell me something?
Morgan: [looks at Awesome]Oh…no I didn’t mean it that way…we’re brothers/best friends… the dynamic duo…Batman and Robin…you know. He’s my been my guide…conscience…always been there for me to bail me out even when I screw up. I would be lost without him because to be perfectly honest…he’s my hero. He’s always been there for me through thick and thin. He has a hot older sister…[cut Morgan looking at Awesome who is raising an eyebrow]...an old sister who loves him and is always looking out for her younger brother. I envy him.
[Cut Awesome putting his hand on Morgan’s shoulder and then you see Ellie in the background smiling after overhearing the conversation. Just as she turns around she sees Casey walking in talking to Sarah and as she walks up to the two of them two men in suits walk in asking for Dr. Ellie Bartwoski]
Ellie: [walking up]I'm Dr. Bartwoski....what’s this about?
[cut to Morgan and Awesome walking up]
Suit 1: Is your brother Chuck Bartowski?
[Cut to Casey looking at Sarah]
Ellie: [looking concerned]Yes…is he hurt…what…tell me?
Suit 2: We need you and your family to come with us.
[The scene ends with the two men leading Casey, Sarah, Ellie, Awesome, and Morgan to a limo equipped with windows that are aren’t able to see on the outside or inside heading off to the warehouse]
[The scene begins with Casey, Sarah, Ellie, Awesome, and Morgan being taken to the warehouse, which the two men in suits give them a cover story of Chuck being transported to a special hospital dealing in severe head trauma. The conversation begins]
Ellie: [frantic tone]Is my brother okay?
Suit 1: He, along with a Mr. Tucker Gaines, was involved in car jacking with your dad being shot and left to die.
Morgan: Not good.
Casey: [slapping Morgan upside the head]Don’t make me throw you out of this car
Suit 2: [looks at Morgan and Casey inevitably chiming in]Anyways…as far as we know, the car jackers got desperate and decided to take your brother and Mr. Gaines hostage when cops arrived leading them to a wild chase. From what we could gather there was an apparent struggle inside the car causing it to become erratic leading it flip over.
[cut to Awesome holding Ellie’s hand]
Casey: Get to the point…what happened to Chuck?
Suit 1: Mr. Bartowski…suffered a sever head injury…he’s unconscious, but in stable condition?
Sarah: And Tucker?
Suit 2: Unfortunately, Mr. Gaines didn’t make it. His injuries were too severe. He died on the spot as well as the 2 other suspects.
[Cut to Ellie crying and being comforted by Awesome with Morgan sitting there quietly as Chuck and Sarah look at each other knowing the truth. The scene moves from the limo to the inside of the warehouse where they’re immediately guided to medical wing. When they get there, they are greeted by Jax]
Jax: Hi...I’m Dr. William Jax…head trauma specialist for Mr. Bortwoski.
Ellie: [looks at Jax] How is my brother doing?
[Jax guides them down a hallway to a large window where they see a number of doctors around Chuck who is laying down with wires attached to his bandaged head being monitored closely]
Jax: [breathes in/out]Its touch and go right now…with this serious type of head injury we need to proceed with caution. It will take some time and we have the most advanced state of the art equipment to save your brother’s life…so leave it in our capable hands.
Ellie: Thank you doctor…you don’t know how much this means to me…and for Sarah.
[Cut to Sarah looking at Ellie]
Jax: You’re welcome…in the mean time feel free to stay on this floor…its equipped with accommodations such as a kitchen…beds…soda machines…dvd’s…big screen tv…showers…whatever you need. I’ll leave my cell phone number with all of you.
Morgan: [points finger in air]Ummm…you wouldn’t happen to have an Xbox or the game call of duty?
Casey: [looks at Morgan giving a low growl]Come here…
[cut to Morgan hiding behind Jax and stopping Casey]
Jax: [looks back at Morgan]As a matter of fact we do…its near the big screen tv.
Morgan: [smiles] Sweeeeetttt! [looks at Soda Machine down the hall and thinks out loud] Double sweet…grape soda.
Ellie: [looks at Jax] Don’t mind him…he was dropped on his head as a child.
[Cut Jax chuckling then leaving to attend to Chuck. The scene with everybody except Morgan who is partaking in grape soda down the hall is looking at Chuck being taken care of]
[The scene begins with montage of clips with Ellie looking at her brother as you see a combination of Awesome, Casey. Sarah, and Morgan keeping her company. You then cut to a short clip in which Jax tells everybody that he’s stable and will be in the recovery room shortly leaving everybody elated. He then takes Sarah and Casey aside to talk to them]
Jax: [whispering]The original intersect is completely wiped away. We’ll download the beta version of the intersect Beckman and Graham sent us when Chuck is fully recovered.
Sarah: [relieved smile]Thank you
Jax: [smiles] You’re welcome…Chuck is one remarkable young man to have you guys.
Casey: [smirks]Bartowski’s a fighter…besides…I’d kill him if he died.
[Cut to Sarah and Jax looking at Casey]
[Cut to Ellie sitting next to Chuck’s bed when Morgan walks up drinking a grape soda in one hand and holding a cup of coffee in another for Ellie]
Morgan: [hands Ellie cup of coffee]Coffee?
Ellie: [grins]Thanks Morgan...I appreciate it.
Morgan: [waves his hand]Nah…its nothing. It’s the least I can do for my best friend’s sister.
Ellie: [turns to Morgan]Listen…Morgan…I would like to apologize for what I said earlier…telling you to grow up…
Morgan: [interrupts her]Hey…I needed to hear that…it was a wake up call for me to not rely on Chuck so much.
Ellie: [grins]No…I was angry and for what its worth…I’m glad that you’re Chuck’s friend even though you can be creepy…a screw up at times…
Morgan: [gives a look to Ellie]Okay…are you trying to make me feel better or depress me even more.
Ellie: [Smiles]Sorry…after all he’s been through with Stanford...Jill...Bryce...I should thank you for being there for him and as much as I hate to admit this…
Morgan: [looks at Ellie]What?
Ellie: [looks at Chuck through the window]You’re part of the family…[looks at Morgan] and as Chuck’s hot older sister…
Morgan: [eyes widen]You were listening…
Ellie: [grins and sticks her hand out] Friends?
Morgan: [shakes Ellie’s hand] Friends…
[They both looking at Chuck lying their peacefully in his bed when Morgan puts his arm around Ellie]
Ellie: The no touch policy still stands
Morgan: [removes his arms around her]Gotcha[takes a sip of grape soda]
[The scene ends with Ellie and Morgan having a moment together as they watch Chuck sleep]
[The scene begins in Jax’s office as he is in the middle of talking with Beckman and Graham about how wiping away the original intersect was a complete success]
Beckman: How is Mr. Bartowski doing?
Jax: [breathing out a sigh of relief]We were able to stabilize him and completely shut down his brain function in order to wipe away signs of the original intersect entirely. Thankfully the hard part is over…he’s currently in the recovery room…the tricky part will be installing the new beta version of the intersect and Chuck has to be awake for this in order to do it.
Graham: [serious look] I think we should reconsider installing the new beta version of the intersect in Mr. Bartowski.
Jax: [confused look]Why?
Beckman: The original intersect is no longer functional and with the beta intersect fully operational here in Washington we have no use for Mr. Bartowski. It stands to reason that the only logical choice is to cut our losses, which means Chuck must be eliminated.
Jax: [angry tone]I disagree…I have a highly vested interest in this. Its my call to make.
Graham: [looks at Jax] So do we Mr. Jax…its in our best interest and for yours as well that the files we sent you containing the new Beta version of The Intersect be destroyed. It’s a matter of national security of course…you should know that.
[cut to Jax forming a fist showing his anger]
Beckman: [nods]Excellent job…you are doing your country proud.[screen turns off]
[The scene ends with a look of seriousness on Jax’s face as he finds out from Beckman and Graham Chuck is no longer needed. The episode ends with a close up of Chuck in the recovery room with everybody around him happy that he is alive]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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