[The opening scene highlights what happened previously as Abe Bartowski aka Sector 8 Agent Steven Carmichael outs Casey and Sarah as an agent. He not only finds out that The Intersect is here in Los Angeles, but is also in the head of his son. Cut to a bittersweet reunion of section 8 members as William Jax informs his old friend that a virus has corrupted The Intersect leaving Chuck affected to the point the is not able to function properly. According to Jax the only solution to fix the problem and install the new beta version of The Intersect is to completely shut down his brain function and reboot it similar to a computer. Jax makes a call to his associates in order to have his people bring in the necessary equipment and gives a timetable of couple of days. However, there’s a small problem…Chuck is nowhere to be found as the scene begins with Casey and Sarah standing in Abe’s apartment]
Casey: [searching the room]Walker…did you find anything?
Sarah: [picking up Chuck’s phone]Nothing…just Chuck’s phone and apparently he took a picture before they were taken.
[Sarah checks image taken on phone]
Casey: [walking over to Sarah to see]Of what?
Sarah: Its hard to make out because it’s so blurred…there’s a distinct symbol. [looks at picture closely] We should bring this to the tech guys at the warehouse now to try to clear it up for and if its what I think it is…its not just Chuck and Tucker that are in danger…[looks at Casey]…So is Abe.
Casey: [serious look]Give me his phone…I’ll go.
Sarah: Why you?
Casey: Right now…I can see that you’re emotions are getting the better of you because you’re boyfriend and your future father/brother-in-law are probably miles away by now being taken to who knows where. You have to stay focused or you’ll get all three of them killed.
Sarah: [angered tone]No I’m not….look…I can’t just sit back and do nothing.
Casey: [gives a low growl]Listen…we don’t have time to argue Walker…besides I’m going to stop by my apartment to grab the GPS locator that is installed in Chuck’s watch to check on his possible whereabouts. [points at Sarah] The best thing for you to do is be a buffer for Bartowski’s family and friends because you know they’re going to be wondering where all three of them are.
Sarah: [gives Casey a look]Fine…I’ll give his family and friends a plausible reason why their m.i.a. [points at Casey]Call me if you find out anything.
Casey: Fine…we’ll meet up at the warehouse as soon as you get done.
[Casey leaves out the door and uses Chuck’s phone to call Jax]
Casey: Jax…we got a problem.
[Cut back to Sarah walking over to and picking up the broken picture frame of Abe, Chuck, and Tucker]
Sarah: [looking at picture and then looks up]Where are you Chuck?
[The opening scene ends with a view of Abe, Tucker, and Chuck knocked out, tied up, and in back of some vehicle being taken to who knows where. Then a close up Chuck's watch reveals that its been damaged during the melee. Cue Chuck Intro]
[The scene begins at an unknown location as you see Chuck and Tucker sitting on chairs with Abe nowhere in the room. Just then you see water being splashed on all three of by someone them leading them to slowly regain consciousness as the unknown person leaves the room locking the door behind him. As both of them gather themselves they look around and notice their in a dark room with only a mirror in front of them]
Chuck: [looks at large mirror and thinks out loud as water is dripping from his face]Where are we…the movie set of True Lies?
Tucker: [looks around as he wipes his face]Yeah…but something tells me that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Arnold aren’t behind that mirror.
[All of sudden lights shine in their faces as you then hear a deep synthesized voice come over the speaker system]
Voice: Chuck Bartowski
Chuck: Who are you and what have you done with my dad.
Voice: That’s none of your concern and your dad is previously engaged at the moment.
[lights dim a bit and a screen lowers from the ceiling showing Abe hanging up under some sort of shower contraption as two bad guys hold a device similar to the one from the movie Lethal Weapon in which Riggs was repeatedly shocked. Cut to Tucker and Chuck standing up, getting closer to the monitor, and then Chuck looks at mirror]
Chuck: What do you want?
Voice: As you can see we have your father is in a very precarious position. All I want is the location of the Intersect and make your decision a wise one because you’re putting his life in your hands. You would be wise to cooperate.
Chuck: [nervous tone]If I don’t cooperate?
Voice: Your father dies
[Cut to a close up of Chuck with a look as if he’s about to puke as he looks at Tucker. The scene switches from the undisclosed location to the warehouse where Casey is the middle of talking to Beckman and Graham on a video screen in the conference room]
Beckman: Have you been able to locate Mr. Bartowski?
Casey: [serious look]Negative…it may have been damaged during the struggle or he simply hasn’t turned it on.
Graham: Where is Agent Walker?
Casey: She’s with Bartowski’s family and friends giving them a cover story as to their whereabouts. She’ll join us momentarily.
Graham: [serious look]Good…we need two of our best agents on top of this.
Casey: [look of curiosity]Have you been able to dig up anything from the Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse?
Beckman: We found several computers that weren’t completely destroyed in the blast…we have our people already working on checking the hard drives to see it there is any information that can help us in any way in leading us to find Carmichael and his two sons.
[Just then a warehouse tech guy walks up to Casey handing him a piece of paper]
Beckman: [interested look]What is it Major?
Casey: Chuck took a photo of one of his captures before he was taken on his cell phone in order to leave us a clue.
Graham: Impressive…excellent quick thinking on his part.
Casey: Yeah...however it was it was blurred because it was taken so quickly. I had one of our boys in the lab clear it up for us and Agent Walker was right?
Graham: About what?
Casey: [turns piece of paper around towards Graham and Beckman] The Sect has Chuck.
[The scene ends with a shot of Graham and Beckman very concerned as it pans back to Casey who exudes a very serious look]
[The scene begins back at Casa Bartowski where Ellie and Awesome are cuddle up watching tv while Morgan is stuffing his face in the kitchen. They hear a knock at the door leading to Awesome opening and standing there is Sarah]
Awesome: [smiles]Hey Sarah…its awesome to see you…[motions to her]come in.
Sarah: [walking in] Thanks…[waves at Ellie]hey Ellie…[looks at Morgan who is busy stuffing himself with sizzling shrimp] Hey Morgan.
Morgan: [muffled voice]Hew Phawah
Ellie: [goes to hug Sarah]What brings you by…Chuck isn’t here.
Sarah: Yeah…that’s what I wanted to talk to you about…Chuck, Tucker, and Abe went on a impromptu road trip.
Awesome:[smiles]Road trips are awesome.
Ellie: [looks at Awesome and then at Sarah with a concerned look]Ummm…where…and why didn’t he call me? You know I always tell him to call me if going to do something like this.
Morgan: [gulping down sizzling shrimp]I would call you.
Ellie: [gives Morgan a glaring look] And why are you here again Morgan?
[cut back to Morgan who takes that as his cue to leave]
Morgan: [holding his sizzling shrimp in hand]I’ll just use the Morgan door to see myself out.
Ellie: [points to the front door]Use the front door Morgan
[Heads out the front door but not before waving goodbye to Sarah. She waves back and then Ellie turns her attention back to her]
Sarah: They went to Fresno and don’t worry about them Ellie…they’re big boys and besides it’s an excellent bonding experience for them especially for Chuck.
Ellie: [grins]Yeah…maybe your right…but it would have been nice if he had called first.
[Sarah gives Ellie and Awesome a hug then leaves immediately for the warehouse. The scene switches from Casa Bartwoski to the undisclosed location where you see Abe with his shirt off tied up under a running shower with two guys to his right holding the contraption similar to that of Lethal Weapon when Riggs was tortured as Chuck and Tucker look on from their holding room at the video monitor lowered from the ceiling]
Abe: [sarcastic tone and he gives a grins]I want to see your boss…these accommodations stink…and I’m seriously put stern not in you're bosses suggestion box.
Man 1: [punches Abe in stomach]Shut up!
Abe: [winces, spits at the guy’s face and then chuckles a bit]Is that all you got….my mother can punch harder than you.
Man 1: [looks at Man 2 as he wipes spit off his face] Do it!
[Man 2 walks up and shocks him leading Abe to give out a blood curdling scream. Cut back to Chuck and Tucker who are getting riled up leading the screen to turn off. They then hear the deep synthesized voice again come over the speaker system]
Voice: You have one hour to give me the location or your father dies.
[The scene ends with a close up of Chuck and the cut to both of them as Tucker looks at Chuck as if to say what is going on]
[The scene begins in the conference room at the warehouse where Sarah has joined Casey as they’re in the middle of talking with Beckman and Graham]
Beckman: Agent Walker…your suspicions were correct…The Sect have Chuck.
Sarah: [looks at Casey]Any luck on locating Chuck on the GPS tracker?
Casey: None whatsoever…its either damaged or he doesn’t have the ability to turn it on. Look Walker…worst case scenario is he may be dead.
Sarah: Chuck’s a survivor…he’ll find a way to stay alive…I just know he will.
Graham:[looks at Casey and Sarah] Let’s hope he does.
Beckman: It’s a waiting game now and in the meantime you two look like you need some rest or at least a cup of coffee.
Sarah: I’m fine
Graham: [serious tone]I order you to get some sleep and you too Casey. We need you at the top of your game. We’ll contact you once we get the analysis on the computer hard drives found at the Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse. Not only that…we’re monitoring all channels just in case they’re trying to contact us in any way. We have the bases covers. That's an order. [screen turns off]
[The scene switches from the Warehouse back to the holding room where Chuck and Tucker are. Chuck is sitting on the floor as Tucker is standing pacing back and forth a bit looking at his watch trying to figure out what is going on]
Tucker: [serious look]Level with me…what is going on?
Chuck: [looks up at Tucker] Its too complicated to explain…let’s just say I would die before handing over what they want.
Tucker: [look of disbelief]You’re telling me you would risk all our lives for something they want. When or If we ever get out of this I’m going to tell dad about this…boy you’ll be sorry.
Chuck: [gives a weird look to Tucker] Trust me…dad would do the same because he’s not the man you think he is.
[Cut to a close up of Tucker’s face as he wonders what Chuck is talking about and then cut to Abe as he is seemingly passed out. Man 1 and 2 then have a short conversation as Man 1 takes out a pack of cigarettes]
Man 2: Those thing will kill you.
Man 1: Hey…I been smoking for years…I ain’t going to quit now.
Man 2: [walks towards door] I’m going to take a break…be back in a few.
[Man 2 steps outside leaving man 1 to watch over Abe. He walks up to him, blows smoke in his face, grins, and then turn around to enjoy his lit cigarette. All of a sudden Abe grabs Man 1 around the neck with his legs and squeezes so hard that he suffocates him inevtiably killing him. Abe the looks up and then does this acrobat type pull up inevitably leading to freeing himself. He pats Man 1’s stomach as he grabs weapon and radio, but before he goes to the door he say something to his lifeless body]
Abe: [look at Man 1 and shakes his head]I guess your buddy was right...smoking will kill you. [heads toward door]
[Just as he is about to open the door he hears man 2 about to walk in. He waits behind the door and as he enters he grabs him from behind and proceeds to beat the living crap out of him. He then looks at the two flunkies on the ground and thinks out loud]
Abe: [grins] Still got it.
[The scene ends with Abe putting his shirt back on, taking a few things, peeking out the door and then heading out in search of Chuck and Tucker]
[The scene begins in some kind of lounge/kitchen area at the warehouse and there you see Casey drinking a coffee and Sarah pacing back and forth. This leads to Casey to speak up]
Casey: [looking at Sarah]Walker…can you calm down before you make a hole in the floor.
Sarah: [stops and looks at Casey]How can you be calm at a time like this…aren’t you the least bit worried about Chuck?
Casey: Of course I am…but you have to keep in mind in our line of work we have to stay focused and right now you’re in a state of mind where you can get Chuck and also me… your partner killed.
Sarah: [looks at Casey] You consider me your partner?
Casey: [grins]You heard me the first time...please don’t make me say it again.
[Cut to Casey and Sarah smiling at each other having a moment when all of a sudden Casey gets a call from Beckman telling them they have so very interesting info. As they leave cut to Abe who is lurking the halls of the undisclosed location ducking in shadows/corners avoiding bad guys at every turn. He comes across a communication room with one lone guy working at the console leading to creeping slowly behind him and then choking him out. He goes back to close the door, locks it, and then looks at the console. He then sees a diagram of the facility, which is secretly hidden under a lighthouse. He then notices a map giving the longitude and latitude of their position and then sees on one of the seemingly thousands of monitors Chuck and Tucker who are on the 2nd floor in holding room 3. As he’s about to go and rescue them, he sees a CB radio giving Abe an idea. Cut back about 30 minutes later to Casey and Sarah who are back in the conference room talking with Graham and Beckman]
Beckman: [looking at files]We were able to discover something from several of the computer hard drives.
Sarah: [intrigued look]What is it?
Graham: [Chimes in]Apparently…Josiah Gates was working on something called Project Gemini…researching not only embryonic stem cell research, but also cloning as well. Gates apparently was researching a way to implant memories from one subject to another. He kept it so top secret that only one person new about it…a female scientist.
Casey: [serious look]Do we know her name ?
Beckman: Negative…we do know is that there were several attempts at the cloning process, but they all failed…except one.
[A picture comes on the screen, but you don’t see it causing Sarah and Casey to have a look of disbelief. Just then Beckman gets a call and after several moments she talks with Casey and Sarah]
Beckman: We just got word…our people have heard a repeated CB radio distress call emanating from latitude: 33 deg 42 min 19 sec N longitude: 118 deg 17 min 34 sec W.
Sarah: [intrigued look]Where is that?
Graham: Point Fermin Lighthouse…its located on a hilltop west of Pacific Avenue at Gaffey Street and Paseo Del Mar in Point Fermin Park. San Pedro Bay.
Beckman: Take the helicopter and God speed
[Cut to Casey and Sarah running to the helipad as Casey calls Jax giving him the coordinates of Chuck’s location. The scene ends with Chuck and Tucker in the holding room not knowing what their or their father’s fate is as well]
[The scene begins in the holding room as Tucker and Chuck are coming real close to fighting when the voice returns demanding that Chuck gives him the location of the Intersect. With a conflicted look on his face, he’s makes the unfortunate decision to say something when all of a sudden they overhear a struggle over the speaker system. After a tense pause, you see the mirror become transparent with Abe standing there with a smile on his face]
Abe: Hey boys…miss me?
Chuck and Tucker: DAD!
[Abe leaves that room and then opens the door to the holding room leading to a happy reunion of sorts]
Abe: Are you two okay?
Chuck: Fine…how about you? Are you hurt?
Abe: Hey…you’re looking at a government agent who has been tortured by the best of them.
Tucker: [looks at Abe]You’re a government agent? Why am I the last to know these things? [looks at Chuck] Did you know?
Chuck: [nods] Yeah…his real name is Steven Carmichael
Tucker: [throws hands in the air] We need to have a family meeting when we get back and talk about our communication skills.
[Just then a guard turns the corner running into the 3 leading Abe to make quick work of him. With him out of the way, all three make their getaway they stow him in the holding room then leave, but not before Tucker grabs a radio and a gun from the fallen guard. As they are ducking and weaving past armed guards they happen across a lab that catches Chuck’s eye leading him to go in to Abe’s dismay]
Abe: [whispering] What are you doing, we got to get out of hear.
Chuck: [points finger in air]In a minute
[Chuck starts punching a few keys and all of a sudden the words Project Gemini comes on the screen causing him to flash on images such as Josiah Gates again, cloning, a growing embryo, Fulcrum, a female scientist, and the name Ruth Gaines]
Chuck: [snaps out of it and whispers]Dad…what was the woman’s name you married when you were laying low in Fresno.
[Cut to Tucker watching the door with weapon drawn trying to overhear the conversation going on between Chuck and Abe]
Abe: [looking out the window and whispering]Is this really important we’re trying to get escape at the moment.
Chuck: [whispering in a serious tone]YES IT IS! What…is…her…name?
Abe: [looks at Chuck] Ruth…Ruth Gaines
Chuck: [eyes widen and whispers under his breathe] Oh my god…[pulls Abe in Closer] Did you know Ruth was a scientist?
Abe: [gives a weird look to Chuck]Yeah…that was one the reasons that attracted me to her…I’m sort of attracted to the brainy type…that’s why I fell in love with your mother.
Chuck: [whispers in a freaked out tone]You fell in love with a fulcrum scientist and that’s not the half of it.
Abe: [intrigued look]What else is there?
Chuck: [looks straight in his dad’s eyes]Its Tucker
Abe: [intrigued look]What about Tucker?
Chuck: [intense look]He’s a clone of Josiah Gates.
[The scene ends with a sound of a gun clicking behind them as you see Tucker standing over Chuck and Abe with a very sinister look on his face]
[The scene begins with Tucker holding a gun at Chuck and Abe who is stunned to learn that Tucker is a clone of Josiah Gates. You then see Tucker in the middle of revealing his master plan like all villains do]
Tucker/Josiah: I wondered how long it would take to figure out…good thing “mom” was such a looker that you were blinded by her beauty and brains.
Abe: [eyes widen]You were the one who left the pictures on the door.
Chuck: [talking quickly]You have all of Gates’ memories implanted in your head, which means he not only was the one who black listed him, but also put the burn notice on him as well.
Tucker/Josiah: [clapping]Very good…you get an A for effort. You’re a smart man bro.
Chuck: [grins]Yeah…well…I tend to be too smart for my own good.
Abe: [looks up at Tucker]What are you going to do. Have your flunkies kill us? If they are I want to let you know one thing...I never considered you my true son…Chuck will and always forever be my son[looks at Chuck smiles and than at Tucker/Josiah]Not you.
Tucker/Josiah: [sinister grin]Fine…you sucked at being my dad anyway…oh and by the way…I’m going to really enjoy spending time with my sister Ellie.
Chuck: [gives an angered tone as he stands you]Over my dead body you will.
Tucker/Josiah: [looks at both of them]Okay[raises his gun and shoots him in the chest without remorse causing Abe to have a horrified look on his face]
Abe: [Stand up with an angered look on his face and moving away from Chuck’s body with Tucker standing in front of him] You animal!
Tucker/Josiah: [grins]Why thank you…I’ll take that as a compliment. As a matter of fact I have to thank you for making me into a vicious animal. After years of trying to hunt you down all it took was a skirt to catch your eye giving me the perfect opportunity to set my plan into action.
Abe: [look of disbelief]You mean this was all planned?
Tucker: Of course…we herded you towards Fresno and meeting Ruth didn’t happen by accident.
Abe: What the….
Tucker/Josiah: We kept careful surveillance of you and baiting you with pieces of intel towards Los Angeles was icing on the cake as it was possibly leading me to the intersect. All in all, it played out better than I had ever hoped for…perfect masterpiece if I say so myself. [gives a low maniacal laugh]
Abe: What are you laughing at? You’re horrible choice in wardrobe?
Tucker/Josiah: [looks at Abe]I was the puppet master and you were the simple little puppet. I was stringing you along and now I’m cutting you loose. [raises gun]You know…even though I didn’t get what I wanted…I still get to eliminate the man who truly never saw this coming because he was too busy being distracted by ‘mom’.
Abe: [gives Tucker/Josiah a look]Just shut up and shoot me…I’m dying from just hearing your stupid rant.
Tucker: [grins, gets on the radio, and then points gun at Abe] Bye bye….dad!
[All of sudden you see Chuck come up from behind grabs Tucker/Josiah’s leg and sweeps it. Abe kicks Tucker/Josiah in the face knocking him out. He then looks at Chuck who opens his shirt to reveal a bulletproof vest. They then head for the exit with the whole place on red alert after Tucker/Josiah radioed to his people. You then Cut to Casey and Sarah in the helicopter with a while slew of helicopters following behind them]
[The scene begins with Casey and Sarah, as well as, several other agents close behind in helicopters fast approaching the Point Fermin Lighthouse. You then cut to Abe and Chuck running up the stairs and heading out a steel door with a number of bad guys hot on their tail. They start running towards the edge of the cliff, stop turn around, and see they are outnumbered leading Abe to say something to Chuck]
Abe: [breathing hard, looks back, down, and then at his dad]Should we do a Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid?
Chuck: [breathing hard, looks at Chuck and grins]Are you nuts?
Abe: [breathing hard as looks at the bad guys] Hey…come on…it would be a great movie ending…[looks at Chuck] Don’t you think?
Chuck: [inching back] Yeah it would…[looks behind him and down]Did I forget to mention I’m afraid of heights?
Abe: No you aren’t…you’re just stalling…you’re just chicken.
Chuck: Are you calling me a chicken? You know I hated being called that growing up as a kid.
Abe: I know…hey…look at me…you only live once son…let’s go out with a bang…you and me…father and son. Face death head on.
Chuck: [freaked out tone] Yeah…I would much rather see Sarah’s face one last time than see death’s face…hers is prettier and quite frankly much more comforting.
Abe: [looks at Chuck and smiles] Are you ready?
Chuck: No…Not really
[As they turn around to do it in order to escape from the bad guys who are closely approaching you suddenly see Casey and Sarah’s helicopter rise up from behind the cliff. You then see Sarah who looks at Casey who is smirk leading the bad guys scatter everywhere. You then see Chuck and Abe witness an army of Helicopters over the area. You see Abe putting his hand on Chuck’s shoulder giving him a smile when all of a seen he’s shot causing him to fall to the ground. Chuck checks on his dad who looks to be dead and he looks behind him to see Tucker/Josiah behind him with the close up a smoking gun barrel. He steps over Abe and looks at Chuck]
Tucker/Josiah: [scowly look on his face]I’m not going to same mistake twice. This time I’m going for the head [raises his weapon as he wipes blood off the side on his mouth]
Chuck: [stands close to the edge, looks behind Tucker/Josiah, and then grins]How about three times?
[Cut to Abe turning Tucker/Josiah around and punching in the face causing him to fall back leading Chuck to trip him. You then see Chuck and Abe look down as they see Tucker/Josiah Gates fall to his death as he hits the rocks below. Cut back to Chuck looking at his dad who then keels over to the ground. Chuck checks him out and to his surprise he’s wearing a vest, but unfortunately he was hit under his arm pit puncturing his lung. Just then Casey and Sarah’s helicopter lands leading Sarah to jump out and immediately run towards Chuck]
Sarah: [relieved looking smile as she yell at Chuck]Chuck are you all right?
Chuck: [yells at Sarah]I’m okay….my dad’s been shot…get help.
[Cut to Sarah radioing in for a medical team as Casey runs up to all of them and then cut to a wide ariel shot of bad guys scattering about running from agents who have already landed on the ground while other helicopters are about to land]
[The scene begins with Casey talking on the phone with General Beckman as he debriefs her on the situation. Cut to Sarah who is standing by Abe who is on a gurney being put into a helivac helicopter on his way to the warehouse and to the medical team that is awaiting him. You then see William Jax walk up and talk to Sarah and Casey who has finished talking with Beckman. You then see Sarah points over to the edge of the cliff where Chuck is standing taking in the scenery. He takes a deep breathe, turns around, and walks towards Sarah, Jax, and Casey as he thinks to himself its all over. Just then he goes into intense pain and then immediately falls to the ground leading Jax, Casey and Sarah to run over to him with Sarah getting to him first]
Sarah: [freaked out tone]Chuck…talk to me Chuck. Don’t do this to me again. [looks at Casey and then Jax]What’s going on?
Casey: [looks at Sarah]It’s The Intesect…Chuck caught a virus.
Sarah: What?[looks at Jax] How…when…
Jax: [serious look]The virus is spreading quickly than I anticipated. [looks at Sarah and Casey] He’s crashing.
[The episode ends with Sarah with a stunned look as she embraces Chuck in her arms as Casey and Jax both get on their cell phones to inform them of the developing situation as it ends with a close up of Chuck]
[Fade to Black with the words…TO BE CONTINUED]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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