[The episode opens with the beautiful scenery of Los Angeles as you see LAX. Dodger Stadium and The Hollywood Walk of Fame. It’s been three weeks since the dance Sarah and Chuck shared, but now Chuck and Kat are in a relationship…sorry Chuck fans. You then cut to a Tuesday afternoon with the façade of Buy More and inside you see Jeff, Lester, Anna, Morgan, and Chuck huddled around the info desk planning something but you can’t see/hear what they’re doing. Just then you see Big Mike come into camera shot and sees that something very strange/suspicious is going. As he is walking towards them, Jeff spots him and tells everybody to scramble because the big man is coming. So, in order to run interference Chuck and Morgan distract him so the others can clean up in order remove/hide whatever they were doing]
Chuck: Heeeyyy…Big guy…whacha ya doing?
Morgan: Have you lost weight? You’re beginning to look like a young, slimmer James Earl Jones.
[Big Mike gives a suspicious looks towards Chuck and Morgan]
Big Mike: [agitated tone]Bartowski!…Grimes!…What is going on? Why isn’t everybody working?
[Chuck looks around]
Chuck: [talking quickly]It’s a slow day sir…we’re just[looking at Morgan]
Morgan: [interrupts Chuck]We’re hatching a plan to get your fired as manager.
[Cut to Big Mike glaring at both of them leading to Chuck’s eyes widening and laughing at the same time as he looks at Morgan then over to the big guy]
Chuck: [talking nervously]Morgan is just kidding sir…we’re looking over the new Xbox game that is coming in and we’re excited.
[Just as he says that Jeff and Lester walk up with Anna disappearing out of sight in the background]
Jeff: We’re very excited.[looks at Morgan and whispers]What are we excited about?
Lester: [steps on Jeff’s foot]Jeff…buddy…we’re excited about Call of Duty:Modern Warfare shipment coming in….remember[smiling at Big Mike]
[cut to Jeff in pan and nodding]
Big Mike: [looks at everybody]Okay…stop goofing around and get back to work before I fire you knuckleheads.
[As Big Mike turns around walks away cut to Team Chuck catching their breath as they just dodged a bullet. They go back to work and that leads to Chuck and Morgan to talk]
Morgan: So Chucky…how are you and Ms. Kitty Kat doing?
Chuck: We’re doing great…she’s an awesome girl[stops and thinks out loud about what he said] I got to stop hanging around Awesome.
Morgan: [patting him on the shoulder]I’m happy for you bro.
[Cut to a close up of Chuck will a big smile on his face and then it washes over to Sarah and Casey in a van doing surveillance on a separate non flashy mission in downtown L.A. As Casey is busy listening to audio, Sarah is looking through binoculars for visuals when all of a sudden she spots Kat with a unknown guy who is not Chuck. Sarah lowers the binoculars and has this look of disbelief on her face. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins that night at Casa Bartowski as you see Ellie, Awesome, Chuck and Kat sitting in the living watching The Bourne Ultimatum on DVD. As they’re watching a conversation begins that Kat starts]
Kat: Can you imagining living your life like Jason Bourne…not being able to know who you really are? Trying to find the real you? Not being able to form any kind of serious relationship? It’s just sad to think about.
[cut to Chuck in thought about Sarah]
Awesome: That’s not an awesome thought to think about.
Ellie: I can’t imagine anybody living a life like that…do you Chuck?
Chuck: [Chuck snaps out it]No…not really…I can’t say that I have.
[The scene cuts from a close up of Chuck looking out the window to Casey and Sarah talking to General Beckman and General Graham about their mission in downtown L.A.]
Beckman: So anything new on the mission concerning Dexter Riggs?
Casey: We’ve been trying to monitoring his movements for the past 3 weeks and so far he hasn't been spotted anywhere …but he’ll slip up sooner or later.
Graham:[looking at file]Riggs is partly responsible for shotty intel that got several good agents killed. He’s part of Fulcrum and from our sources he knows about Agent Larkin. He's in hiding for fear of his life and from what we understand he’s becoming somewhat paranoid. Be careful with him…the most dangerous kind of target is a target who is paranoid. Must we not forget Lazlo Mahnovski
Sarah: We haven’t general….That means the threat of Bryce’s safety is in greater jeopardy.
Beckman: [concerned look]Agent Larkin as you know is in deep cover…off the radar…he’s knows the dangers Agent Walker.
Casey: [smirking]Don’t worry Walker…you still got Chuck.
[Sarah glares at Casey]
Beckman: I need both of you to stay focused on this mission. Keep us posted on anything that pops up.
[Casey and Sarah both nod leading the screen to turn off. Sarah walks out the door and at the same time she does Chuck and Kat do as well leading to an awkward moment between Chuck and Sarah who unfortunately saw Chuck and Kat kissing in the courtyard as she walked out the door. Putting a forced smile all-the-while thinking of what she saw earlier today as Kat was arm in arm with an unknown man. She wanted to get the background on the man but decided against it because she promised Chuck that she would not interfere in his relationship]
Sarah: Sorry if I’m interrupting you two.
Kat: You’re not…I’m about to leave…[looks at Chuck]I am a lucky woman to have met him. He’s a charming. smart, caring, funny, handsome man.
[cut to Sarah who is getting that look on her face and yet at the same time feeling uncomfortable]
Chuck: [smiling]Well, this handsome man has to open up Buy More tomorrow…so see ya tomorrow?
Kat: Yeah…call me.
[Chuck and Kat do that thing what all couple in a new relationship do that single people like myself really get annoyed at, which is also seen on the face of Sarah. Inevitably, they part ways leading to Sarah to getting Chuck’s attention who is walking towards the door]
Sarah: Uhhh…Chuck
Chuck: [turning around]Yeah…what’s up?
Sarah: [wanting to say something but decides not to]Never mind…I’ll ask you tomorrow.
Chuck: [smiles]Okay…good night.
Sarah: [grins] Good night.
[The scene ends with watching Sarah watching Chuck go into Ellie’s house, you the cut to a close up of the turmoil going on his face, and then she walks off camera]
[The scene begins the next day with Kat driving around L.A. and as you see her car drive up the street you inevitably see Sarah right behind following her. She’s taking picture of her every move and has this serious look on her face and ultimately she finds her with that same unknown mean she saw yesterday. She sees them hug and then eating outside at an Italian Bistro café called Amore’sand the look on face confirms what she knew all along. Cut to But More around 11:45 where the Team Chuck is in huddle yet again in the break room and after a while you begin to hear part of the what is going on]
Morgan: [looking around]All right…everybody knows the plan…we’ll spring it on him after the Store closes Friday night.[looks at Chuck]Are Sarah and Kat in?
Chuck: [nodding]Yeah…they’re down.
Jeff: Will there be booze?
Lester: There’s got to be booze...it would be a lame party if there wasn't.
Chuck: There may be booze…I can’t guarantee anything.
[cut to Jeff and Lester doing a fist tap]
Anna: [looking out the door]Big Mike is coming…act natural.
[Cut to Morgan and Chuck sitting at the table, Lester drinking a soda, Anna sitting on Morgan’s lap, and Jeff just…well you know being Jeff. Then you see Big Mike enter and looks at everybody]
Big Mike: Why are you all in here when there are customers who need help out there. What is going on with you people? Get back to work I will fire each and every one of you.
[Cut to everybody scrambling out of the break room except Jeff who is apparently spaced out. Big Mike gets fight in his face]
Big Mike: [angry tone]That means you too!
[Jeff snaps out of it and quickly runs out of the room to where you cut to Chuck walkgin towards the info desk. As Chuck gets there he sees Sarah walking into the Buy More and when she spots him she walks over with a very serious look on her face]
Sarah: Chuck I need to talk to you. Its urgent.
Chuck: [straightening his tie and looking back]Sure Sarah…what’s up.
[Sarah is about to say something when Kat walks in carrying 2 take out boxes and drinks from the same Italian Bistro Café Amore, which Sarah notices right away. Kat walks up, gives Chuck a kiss, and begins talking]
Kat: [smiling]Hey sweety…I thought I would come over and have lunch with you. Its almost your lunch break right? [looks at Sarah]Hey Sarah…how are you doing?
Chuck: [looking at watch]Yeah in about 15 minutes.
Sarah: [forced smile]I’m…doing…great…Kat. So, Amore huh? What made you decide Italian food?
Kat: [looking at Sarah]Just felt like Italian and…[looks at Chuck]oh little my brothers says hi Chuck.
Chuck: Hey tell the little snotrocket hey back. Plus…tell him he and I have a rematch on Call of Duty 4.
Kat: [smiling and laughing]I’ll relay the message.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Hey Sarah, did you need to talk to me about something…you said it was urgent.
Sarah: [looking at Kat and then Sarah]Yeah…I just wanted to let you know I’m getting employee of the month at Weinerlicious.
Chuck: [happy tone]Hey…congratulations[gives her hug]
[Cut to Sarah’s face as she’s feeling safe in his arms. When Chuck stops Kat suddenly jumps in leading her to put up a forced smile. The scene ends with Chuck and Kat going back to the break room to eat lunch leaving Sarah standing there kicking herself as she wanted to tell him who she saw Kat with]
[The scene begins after closing hours at Buy More where you see Casey and Sarah talking with General Beckman. She is in the middle of being debriefed by Casey and Sarah on the situation concerning Dexter Riggs]
Casey: According to our sources, Riggs was spotted somewhere near Baldwin Park and as far as we know he’s trying to get the bus station in order to skip town.
[cut to Sarah who is off in la la land thinking about how she is going to tell chuck about Kat]
Beckman: [notices Sarah not paying attention]Agent Walker
Sarah: [Snaps out of it] Yes general.
[cut to Casey looking at Sarah]
Beckman: I hope I am not boring you in any way.
Sarah: I was a little preoccupied…I apologize.
Casey: Agent Walker knows the severity of this mission rests on both of us working together.
Beckman: [serious look]For all our sakes…we need to capture him soon. Get cracking.[screen turns off]
Casey: [looks at Sarah] Get your head in the game walker…what is with you?
Sarah: Nothing…I’m fine. You don’t have to worry…I know when its time to get serious,
Casey: [looks Sarah right in the eyes]You better.
[Cut to Sarah and Casey several days later eventually capturing Dexter Riggs and bringing him back to the warehouse to where he will transferred to TPTB. As soon as that task was accomplished she goes to Ellie’s apartment with pictures in hand to talk to Chuck. Ellie opens the door, she lets him in, quickly waves at awesome and finds him in his room without Kat and they begin to have a discussion as she closes the door]
Sarah: I need to talk to you about Kat.
Chuck: [smiling]Man...I am one lucky guy to have met her.
Sarah: Chuck…would up please shut up and listen to me.
Chuck: [confused look on face]All right…what is it?
Sarah: How well do you know Kat?
Chuck: Well enough to know that she is great girl and I have met her family who are equally as great. We’ve been going out for at least a month so I should know my own girlfriend.
Sarah: Has she been honest and truthful?
Chuck: [defensive tone]Yes she has…all the way. What are you getting at Sarah?
[cut to Ellie and Awesome in the living room hearing both of them shout]
Sarah: I just don't want to see you hurt.
Chuck: [raising his hands] Just tell me for crying out loud!
Sarah: [blurts it out loud]Kat is cheating on you[holding up envelope]I have proof.
[The scene ends with Chuck having this look of shock/disbelief on his face as the camera focuses on the envelope in Sarah’s hands containing the possible proof of Kat cheating]
[The scene begins with Sarah handing off the envelope to Chuck with the possible proof that Kat is cheating. When he opens it up and looks at the pictures he walks over to the window, sits down on the chair, and hangs his head leading Sarah to talk]
Sarah: I wanted you to find out from me before you found out yourself and got hurt all over again.
Chuck: [head down]Wow…I can’t believe this...
Sarah: [look of sadness on face towards Chuck]I know this hurts…
Chuck: [interrupts her]I can’t believe…you’re this jealous of me and Kat that you would stoop this low?
Sarah: [look of disbelief]What!?
Chuck: [turns picture around]This is Kat’s little brother…his 18 year old brother Zach…same Zach who I told Kat to relay the message to that I would have rematch with in Call of Duty 4.
[cut to Sarah stunned speechless and Chuck losing it]
Sarah: I’m sorry…I didn’t know.
Chuck: [face of betrayal]Didn’t you promise me that you would leave well enough alone? You gave me your word and then you turn right around behind my back and did it anyway. I let it slide the first time with Lou and now this? You know what….get out…now!
Sarah: [tears starting to form in her eyes]But Chuck…..
Chuck: [loud angry voice]NOW!
[Sarah leaves chucks room, passes Ellie and Awesome in the living room, and heads out the door. Cut back to Chuck sitting at the edge of his bed still holding the pictures when Ellie walks in]
Ellie: Are you all right Chuck?
Chuck: I don’t want to talk right now…would you mind…ummm….I want to be left alone…please.
[Ellie backs out of the room as he sees Chuck rip up pictures at the end of the bad. You then cut to Sarah in her car about to cry when she realizes that her emotions took over causing her to regroup and she decides to apologize at buy more tomorrow night. Cut to Friday night after closing and Big Mikes come running in after being called about a store robbery when all of a sudden all the lights turn on as he hears these words]
Everbody: SURPRISE!
Big Mike: [shocked]What is this?
Chuck: [walks up with a party hat on his head]Happy birthday big guy!
[As everybody comes up and congratulates him the music starts blaring and the eating/dancing commences. You see Jeff and Lester getting quickly hammered, Anna and Morgan descreetly heading back to the break room, and then you see Chuck and Kat eating birthday cake. You then see Sarah walk in hold a gift, walks over to Big Mike, hands it to him, and gives him a peck on the cheek. She sees Chuck, walks over to him, and then proceeds to talk to him]
Sarah: Hi…where’s Kat?
Chuck: In the bathroom…what do you want Sarah?
Sarah: Can we talk in the home theatre?
[Chuck reluctantly agrees and when they both enter chuck turns around with angry look on his face]
Chuck: Say what you have to say…because I have nothing more to say to you.
Sarah: I’m sorry for what I did…it was against my better judgement. I truly didn't know...I was looking out for you best interest.
Chuck: [interrupts]Woah woah woah…my best interests…or your best interests? Tell me something Agent Walker…did you take those pictures in order to protect me or as a woman who is jealous because I am for once in a happy relationship? [Sarah hangs her head] Well…that answers my question. You know what Agent Walker…from this point forth…its strictly professional. I’m simply the intersect and you are my handler…nothing more…nothing less.
[Chuck turns around and heads out the door back to the birthday party. As he is about to head out the door he does a dramatic pause standing there for a few seconds shaking his head. He then goes out the door back to the party and Kat who has been looking for him since she came back from the bathroom. The episode ends with Sarah standing there looking out the home theatre window and then reality of what just happened hitting her at once. The final shot is of her walking to the door looking at Chuck talking with Kat then going back in the home theatre, putting her back against the the wall, and then she starts crying]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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