[The opening scene begins Friday Morning as you see the sun rise over the horizon. You cut to the façade of Buy More 1 hour before the store opens and inside you see all the employees lined up in what seems to be a meeting of some sort. You then see Big Mike walking in to the picture pacing back and forth all-the-while looking at his minions. He then stops and begins talking]
Big Mike: [looks at employees]Does anyone want to tell me what the most important thing to have as a Buy More employee?
Tucker: A drive to succeed?
Morgan: Medical insurance in case you eat something bad in the employee refrigerator?
Lester: An excellent work ethic?
Big Mike: [Big Mike stops and looks at Lester] Wrong…any of you knuckleheads want to take another stab at it?
Jeff: [point finger in air]The number for a lawyer if you’re sued for sexual harassment?
[Cut to Chuck looking at Jeff]
Big Mike: Information people…[paces back and forth as he looks at everybody]…its an important key in the relationship between customers and employees. Its also one of the aspect of good leadership and by having the right information because if you don’t you not only let yourself down, but also your whole team down.
Chuck: [chimes in] How does this apply to us Big Mike?
Big Mike: [looks at Chuck]It doesn’t Bartowski….it applies to you.
Chuck: [confused look]Why me?
Big Mike: [looks at Chuck]You seem to be the one that these guys respect…look up to as a leader…come to any time for advice…in other words the quintessential go-to-guy who has the knowledge that’s in your head to make a difference with bunch of sheep.
Morgan: [chimes in and does a sheep sound] I reseeeeeeeeeent that remark.
[cut to the crew laughing quitely]
Big Mike: [looks at Morgan and then at Chuck]Anyways…the reason I’m telling you all this Bartowski is that I’ve been offered a job that’s too good to pass up and I’m considering you for the position of manager.
[The opening scene ends with everybody looking at Big Mike and then at Chuck who is stunned at hearing the news. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins around lunch time outside of Buy More where you see Chuck stepping outside and about to head towards Weinerlicious when his dad shows up. He stops to inform him about Big Mike considering him for the position of manager and as they are talking you start hearing the sound of a clicking camera, as well as, black and white shots of Chuck and his dad being taken. The discussion begins light and then is directed towards about his intentions on why he has come back]
Chuck: Hey dad…I was about to have lunch with Sarah…want to join me?
Abe: Sure…I’ve got to say Sarah is an exceptional young lady and so is that Casey fellow…how long have you know those two.
Chuck: It seems like forever…I trust them to have my back...I consider them family.
Abe: [grins]That’s good to hear…good friends are hard to come by…especially if you’re in my line of work.
Chuck: [intrigued look] Speaking of work….after 20 years, what made you come back besides wanting to see Ellie and I.
Abe: Why do you ask?
Chuck: Let’s just say I’ve seen enough spy movies to know that you just don’t show up out of the blue without having a hidden agenda. So what’s up?
Abe: [looking around and then at Chuck]Okay…you’re right.
Chuck: [surprised look]I am?
Abe: [grins]I’m impressed son…and don’t be surprised because I always noticed that when you were growing you were developing a quick wit and sharp mind. Even as a kid you remembered certain things that I had forgotten and each time I looked into your face I thought to myself…he’s going to be something special.
[cut to Chuck smiling and has that you don’t know the half of it look on his face. cut back to Abe who snaps out of it]
Abe: Well...the other reason I came back is because I intercepted bits and pieces of intel when I was laying low in Fresno about the intersect. From what I understand it was never sold to any foreign powers, but it did however become operational 2 years ago. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by a government agent that went rogue but before that could happen it was downloaded and then sent somewhere to Los Angeles. That’s pretty much all the intel I was able to decipher because if I continued looking deep I would get myself caught and whoever put out the burn notice on me would come looking for me. I know I’m putting you, your sister, and everyone else around you in danger by being here.
Chuck: [looks at his dad and puts his hand on his shoulder]We can take care ourselves…trust me I’m a Bartowski…remember...we're a tough group to keep down.
Abe: [smiles]Yes you certainly are….[looks around]…I still have a few contacts that I can trust…hopefully I can the located it, steal it, and possibly use it as a bargaining chip to fix what was done to me years ago.
Chuck: [eyes widen and then talks quickly]Ummm…It’s been 20 years and the spy world has changed a lot since then dad. You have to keep a score card handy because you can’t tell the good guys from the bad guys anymore. Look at any James Bond movie, Clear and Present Danger with Harrison Ford…you can’t believe anyone…you can only trust a few people...or so I’ve heard.
Abe: [looks at Chuck and laughs]You got to stop watching those spy movies son…you’re sounding like you know this from experience.
[cut to Chuck laughing and having his arm slapped by his dad. The scene ends with both father and son walking to Weinerlicious to spend time with Sarah as sounds of a camera clicking, as well as, black and white photos are taken]
[The scene begins late in the afternoon in Casey’s apartment with Sarah, Casey, and Chuck who is sharing with them some, but not all the information with Beckman and Graham]
Beckman: [looks at Chuck]So Mr. Bartowski…have you learned anything more about your father's intentions?
Chuck: Other than seeing his two kids….he wants to know who placed a burn notice on him. He’s basically tired of hiding/running and wants nothing more than the nightmare to be over.
Sarah: Are there any information that may be useful as to who may possibly still have influence over all the government agencies?
Graham: [looking at file]The Office of The President as you know has the overall influence within each agency known or unknown, but from what were able dig up there has essentially been one name that tends keep showing up when it comes being a key figure…Josiah Gates[picture shows up on screen]
[Cut to Chuck immediately flashing and all he sees are images of a symbol resembling a S with three lines http://heroeswiki.com/Image:Symbol.jpg (click link to see symbol), Washington D.C., the words Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse, a darkness surrounded by intense glowing white flash, which immediately ends it]
Chuck: [snaps out of it]Josiah Gates...founding member of The Sect. A highly influential group that holds the philosophy of information is power and those who have it rule the world. Their headquarters is hidden under a white lighthouse located in Chesapeake Bay near Washington D.C. and…..
Beckman: And what else Mr. Bartowski?
Chuck: [shaking his head]Ummm…don’t stare directly into the beam of light on top of the lighthouse or you’ll go blind.
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Well thank you Mr. Wizard...what would you like to share with us next…the world is round and not flat?
Sarah: [gives a glaring look at Casey and then looks at Beckman]What are our orders General?
Beckman: Stay put and continue to protect Carmichael…we’ll handle the situation on this end and we’ll let you know what we find.[screen turns off]
[The scene switches from Casey’s Apartment to Chuck’s room as he’s trying to figure out what that intense white flash was all about. He sits at the edge of his bed, rubs his face, and then lies back on his bed being that its close to midnight. Just then you hear a knock at the door leading Ellie to walk into his room]
Ellie: Hey little brother…you okay?
Chuck: [turns head to looks up at Ellie]Hey sis…I’m fine…just tired.
Ellie: [walks over and sits down]Yeah I see…with everything that has been going on…dad coming back, Tucker being our brother, you possibly getting the store manager position…
Chuck: [interrupts Ellie as he sits up]How do you know about that piece of info…are you secretly part of the F.B.I. that I don’t know about?
Ellie: [laughs] No silly…Morgan told me and speaking of him what is up with him and Tucker always around…Morgan I can tolerate but Tucker is kinda overkill.
Chuck: [sighs] I don’t know…ever since Morgan found out Tucker is my brother…he feels threatened.[covers his face and falls back on his bed]They’re like competing for my time and attention...I’ve been trying to avoid them for the last couple of days. It’s been seriously hectic all around and I’m starting to feel this overwhelming pressure with everybody including you counting on me to be someone they can always rely/count on.
Ellie: [looks down at Chuck]Do you want some advice?
Chuck: [grins]Not really…but that hasn’t stopped you from giving me some because that’s what you’ve been doing since we were kids.
Ellie: [picks up pillow, hits him over the head and smiles]I’ll do it anyway…my advice is for you is to take a deep breathe and don’t put too much pressure on yourself or you’ll end up killing yourself. That’s me and Devon do when we’re at the hospital…it helps simplify things.
Chuck: [smiles at Ellie]Thank sis…you’re like my personal Yoda…only your taller, better looking, and not green.
Ellie: [stands up, walks over to Chuck’s door before heading out with pillow in hand]Anytime…I think...now go to bed young man. You’ve got to go to work in the morning.
Chuck: [smirks]Yeesss…mooomm.
[Cut to Ellie throwing the pillow at Chuck and then closing the door. As he stands up to get ready for bed, he looks down and notices droplets of blood on his shirt. He checks his nose and its bleeding. The scene ends with a knock on Casey’s door and as he opens it Chuck is standing there asking Casey if they can talk]
[The scene begins the next day as you see Casey, Chuck, and Sarah talking in the courtyard when Abe walks up carrying an envelope. Abe asks Casey and Sarah if he could talk to his son in private leading them to have suspicious look on their face]
Abe: [hands envelope to Chuck]They know I’m here.
Chuck: [looking at photos and then at Abe]What are you going to do…run?
Abe: No way…I’ve come this far and I’m not going to stop now. Drastic times call for drastic measures.[starts walking away]
[cut to Casey and Sarah looking at Chuck and Abe]
Chuck: [yells and starts running after his dad]Don’t do anything stupid dad
[You then see Chuck’s dad in the back parking lot where followed by Chuck, Sarah, and Casey. Just as Chuck stops his dad in order to talk to him a car drives by and starts shooting at Team Chuck and Abe. This is leads to Casey pushing down Abe behind a car and Chuck being thrown behind the same car by Sarah as she and Casey take out their guns in order to return fire. The car speeds off and you cut to the back of the car to see no license plate. You then see Chuck look at his dad]
Chuck: Are you okay…are you shot?
Abe: [breahting hard, winces on the ground and checks himself]Nah…I’m fine. How about you?
Chuck: [breathing hard and grinning] I’m not turned into Swiss cheese, which is a good thing.
[Just then Abe looks at Casey and Sarah who armed. They look at each other and they look at Abe leading Casey to give an excuse]
Casey: [smirks]L.A. gangs…[points gun in air]you can’t be too careful these days.
[cut to Sarah nodding and Chuck looking at his dad with a freaked out smile. The scene switches from the parking lot to the Buy More Home Theatre room where Team Chuck is being informed about the mission at the Chesapeake Bay Lighthouse and the possibility of finding Josiah Gates there]
Beckman: How is your father doing?
Chuck: All right…he’s back my sister’s house recuperating from almost getting turned into Swiss cheese.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]We’ll continue to keep a close on him.
Chuck: So…were able to find Gates General?
Beckman: [disappointed look]Unfortunately no…but we were able to find something else that we did not expect or see coming for that matter.[looks at Chuck]
Sarah: What might that be sir?
Graham: [intense/angry look]Several pounds of explosives that detonated leaving several agents dead or seriously injured.
Casey: What happened?
Beckman: What Mr. Bartowski failed to mention during his flash that there was a motion sensor system covering the entire area that triggered a remote countdown that nobody could be able to detect.
Sara: [looks at Chuck and then at Beckman]He couldn’t have known General.
Chuck: [stunned look on face]Yeah…all I can say is I'm sorry.
Graham: Saying sorry doesn’t bring back those agents who lose their lives Mr. Bartowski. This isn’t like a video game you and your friends play. This is real life that we take very seriously and I hope to God you take very seriously because you’re responsible for The Intersect and the highly valuable information you hold within your head potentially saves lives. Unfortunately….today it cost several lives. I want to have your word that something like this will never happen again.
Chuck: [look of disappointed in himself]You have my word general
Beckman: [serious look]Very well. [screen turns off]
Casey: [immediately looks at Chuck]All right Bartowski…
Chuck: [interrupts Casey as he puts his hand in front of his face]Not now Casey…I feel bad enough as it is so save the sarcastic comments for later.
Casey: First off…don’t ever do that again and secondly…[taps Chuck in the chest]…its my responsibility to bail you out whenyou’re not only putting yourself in danger, but also other people’s lives in danger as well.
Sarah: [trying to calm the situation]Casey back off...I mean it.
Chuck: [points at Sarah]No Sarah…I got something to say to Mr. Personality over here. You talk about responsibility I’m being overwhelmed by it with my family, friends, and not just my job as the new manager of Buy More, but also this job. Now I have the deaths of several agents on my hands...so get out of my face. You don’t know what’s going on my head or how I’m feeling so back off.
[Chuck storms out of the Home Theatre room immediately followed by Sarah and an impressed Casey who has a grin on his face. As they try to calm Chuck down he a painful look comes over his face causing him to stumble to where he collapses inevitably knocking over a cd display. Customers, The Nerd Herd, Big Mike. Casey, and Sarah is immediately at his side checking on him. The scene ends with a close up ariel ceiling shot of Chuck with Sarah surrounded by horrified on lookers]
[The scene begins with the façade of the hospital and cut inside to an examination room as you see Chuck being looked over by a doctor with Casey and Sarah along with Team Bartowski there as well]
Doctor: Mr. Bartowski…have you been experiencing high amounts of stress lately?
Chuck: [looks at Casey and then looks at the doctor]Yeah…with family and job responsibilities.
Doctor: Well…you’re suffering from stress related exhaustion. So much stress built up that it all culminated with you collapsing. Lucky you’re friends rushed you in as they did. I'm going to keep you here a day or two just to do more tests and if they turn out good you can go home.[He eventually leaves]
Ellie: [punches Chuck’s arm hard]Don’t ever do that to me again…you scared the living daylights out of me.
Chuck: Owww sis…okay…I won’t. [looks at everybody in the room]Thanks guys for being here…I appreciate it.
Awesome: Just keep the stress level to a minimum and you’ll be awesome.
Sarah: [gives chuck her all-too-familiar look] Don’t forget you scared you’re girlfriend too. Don’t ever let it happen again…I mean it.
[Cut to both of them having a moment which is interrupted by Jeff with Lester and Anna looking on being slapped by one of the nurses outside his room]
Morgan: You would have done the same for me buddy.
Tucker: [raises finger]Do I still get your Xbox if you die?
[Cut to Abe slapping Tucker upside the head as everybody looks at him]
Abe: All right I need to talk to my son and Mr. Casey here...you know guy stuff.
Ellie: [clapping hands and herding everybody out]You heard my dad...everybody out.
Abe: [walks over and puts his hand on Casey’s shoulder]With all that has been going on I forgot to Thank you for saving me the other day.
Casey: I was just doing my job…as a citizen of the United States of America who has the right to bear arms.
[cut to Chuck giving Casey a weird look]
Abe: [looks at Casey and grins]A man after my own heart…[shakes Casey’s hand]…Chuck…[looks down and then at Chuck]…level with me son…why are you being stupid?
Chuck: [defensive tone]What do you mean dad?
Casey: [senses an uncomfortable moment]I’d better go, this sounds like a father/son talk about to happen. Chuck…we’ll talk later about the situation concerning the information you shared with me[turns around and is about to head out the door]
Abe: [looks straight at Chuck as he s talking to Casey]I think you should stay…[cut to Casey who has his back to him]I think its information you will find interesting….Agent Casey.
[The episode ends with Casey turning around with a surprised/bewildered look on his face as you see a astonished Chuck look at Casey and then at a close up of Abe]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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