[The opening scene begins with a scenic Satruday night shot of beautiful downtown L.A and then cut to Chuck and Kat walking through Chinatown as they are apparently on a date. You see both of them looking at the bargains that are being sold leading Chuck to buy a hat for her inevitably kissing her as she puts it on her head. As Kat is holding Chuck’s arm, they begin to have a conversation as their walking towards Foo Chow’s Chinese restaurant for their dinner plans]
Chuck: I never got to ask you, where do you work? What do you do for a living?
Kat: I’ve been working as a receptionist for a Hospice for 5 years now. Plus I also work as a nanny looking after 4 kids. We sing…dance...practically everything. The pay is good and I love thse kids as they were my own. I feel like a big sister/brother to them.
Chuck: Oh…we got a regular Maria taking care of the von Trapp kids here.
Kat: [slapping his arm] Are you making fun of me?
Chuck: Oww…I’m kidding…that’s sweet you take care of those kids…anyways; speaking of brothers and sisters…do you have any?
Kat: [putting head on Chuck’s shoulder]1 brother…yeah he’s my snotrocket. Even though he does get on my nerves sometimes, he and I are close. Here[takes out picture and shows Chuck]I’ve got a recent picture of him.
Chuck: [laughs]Very handsome fellow…I clearly see looks run in the family.
Kat: [blushes]That’s my little brother Zachary….Hopefully you get to meet him and my family sooner or later.
Chuck: [smiles]I look forward to it.
[Chuck and Kat stop for a minute in front of store where a group of televisions are on display because Kat needed to tie her shoe, which came untied. As she is doing that Chuck sees a commercial about Latin Dance classes being advertised and when the owner of the dance studio comes on he flashes. He sees images of an ex military black ops soldier, the name S.E.T.E.C Inc., micro chips, and the name Alonzo Morella. He snaps out it and as he does Kat gets up and says are you ready for a fun night leading chuck to give a calm freaked out smile. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins the next day as Chuck, Casey, and Sarah are in the middle of talking with General Graham and C.I.A. Director Graham]
Beckman: Alonzo Morella…[shows picture on screen]…a former black ops soldier for the Spanish military. Like all Black Ops, he’s considered a ghost and he’s been staying under the radar for quite some time until this past month when he was spotted In L.A. using his cover as a Latin dance instructor to secretly transfer the micro chips through a courier that from what we understand is posing as a student in one of his classes.
Graham: [looking at file]The micro chips have info regarding high tech military weapons that were stolen from defense contractors affiliated with the company S.E.T.E.C. Inc.
Sarah: What are our orders?
Graham: You and Mr. Bartowski will pose as a couple and get as close to Morella as you can.
Casey: What’s my cover General?
Beckman: Agent Casey…you’ll simply do surveillance and be back up just in case they become compromised in any way.
[cut to Casey nodding]
Chuck: [raises hand] Excuse me…ummm…the only dance I really know how to do is the robot and I don’t even do that really well.
Sarah: Don’t be modest Chuck…I looked over the security cam footage of the night with you and La Ciudad…you did a pretty impressive Tango.
Chuck: That was because she was leading…I practically have to left feet. Look I’m more Fred Flintstone than Fred Astaire when it comes to dancing.
Casey: Relax Bartowski…it’s not as if you’re going to enter a actual dance competition or anything.
Sarah: [fake smiling]Yeah Chuck…just think of it this way you get to impress Katherine if she ever wants to go dancing.
Beckman: [eyebrows raised]Who is Katherine?
Casey: Katherine Matthews General….Bartowski’s girlfriend
Chuck: [interrupts Casey]She’s not my girlfriend…yet. And as a matter of fact we are going dancing.
[Cut to Sarah getting annoyed]
Beckman: [concerned look]Have you and Agent Casey checked her background to see if she’s a possible threat to the intersect.
Sarah: We thoroughly checked from top to bottom leaving no stone unturned General and she’s clean.
Chuck: [laughs nervously]Yes…she’s not a threat to me whatsoever. Anyways, does Sarah even know what kind of dances to do? Here’s another question, do spies even know how to dance other than what I see in James Bond movies?
Graham: Agent Walker is trained in every type of situation imaginable. She’s adaptable to any style from Krumping to Tango. Just work closely with her and you’ll be able to get through it.
[Cut to Chuck looking at Sarah who smiles at him]
Beckman: You all three have your orders. Stay safe and good luck.[screen turns off]
Casey: All right Bartowski…time to polish those dancing shoes.
[Cut to Chuck grinning]
[The scene ends with Chuck and Sarah leaving out the door to get ready as Casey prepares the equipment needed in order to do some surveillance in the van]
[The scene begins on a Tuesday night with the camera showing the façade of Morella’s dance studio and then a close up of the sign saying Caliente. Inside you see Morella in the middle of teaching the dance class and as the camera pans around the room you see Chuck and Sarah who are under the cove of married couple Charles and Sarah Carmichael. Cut to a quick shot of Casey doing surveillance in a van down the street. Back to the dance studio Morella is surveying his students on the progress of his students and then comes to Chuck and Sarah who are not only butting heads, but he’s stepping on Sarah’s feet. This leads to Morella to stop and talk to not only Chuck and Sarah, but also to the entire class]
Morella: Class…the Argentine Tango is about a close embrace of passion between people…its intimate…sexy…and if done right…you can get absolutely lost in it.[looks at Chuck]Mr. Carmichael…you and your lovely wife have been here a few days and it seems you’re not getting it down. Any problems?
Chuck: [looks around] Oh…uhhh…I have never really done any dancing like this before…[motions to Sarah who smiles at everybody]…the dancing I usually do involves standing in one spot or the ones done in movies like John Travolta did in Pulp Fiction.
Sarah: I’ve been trying get him to branch out, get him to try new things.
Morella: [disappointed look on face]Mr. Carmichael you have to understand that your wife needs to know she is woman rather than your dance partner.
Sarah: [slaps Chuck in the arm]Exactly…its as if he doesn’t know me at all. I was a dancer since I was a little girl and I want my husband to experience something that I love to do.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and then grins at Morella]I’m willing to learn sir…tell me what to do.
Morella: [points finger in the air]Better than me telling you I’ll show you….ummm…Mrs. Carmichael if you please.
Sarah: [looks at Morella and then at Chuck]I would be happy to.
[cut to Chuck giving the look back to Sarah]
[Now use your imagination for this one or better yet take a look at this video and in place of Ivan and Allison from So You Think You Dance put Morella and Sarah but dressed up a bit. As the music starts, the camera cuts to Chuck, who is looking around, grinning and shrugging his shoulders all the while drinking a bottled water. As they begin to dance…Chuck is steadily focused on drinking his water, but then his eyes zero in on Sarah leading him to spill some water on his pants. He’s entranced at the sensual sexy moves that she’s doing with Morella that you see his mouth begin to open which Sarah notices. When Morella and Sarah are done, she walks over to Chuck who is still mesmerized and sits beside him. Morella then announces to call it a night and for them to meet back here Friday night. As he is talking to one of his students, they see him hand over a piece of paper to where the student quickly leaves. This leads to Sarah talking to Chuck]
Sarah: [informs Casey to get ready]Chuck…lets go. We’re going to follow him.
Chuck: [snaps out of it]Umm…can you and Casey follow instead…I can’t stand at the moment.
Sarah: [concerned]Are you all right…do you feel like throwing up?
Chuck: [nervous smile]Not exactly…something is up I know that for sure.
Sarah: Okay…I’ll meet you back at the house. Take care of yourself and drink plenty of water.
[The scene ends with Sarah heading out the door to get in the van with Casey in order to follow Casey. Then cut to Chuck gathering himself for a few minutes and then quickly walking up to Morella and talking with him about something]
[The scene begins on a Thursday morning at Casey’s apartment with Sarah and Casey talking to General Beckman and C.I.A. Director Graham. As they are talking to them about the courier delivering a piece of paper to a man in a dark suit Chuck enters and it seems he has difficult walking]
Beckman: [look of concern]Mr. Bartowski, are you okay?
Chuck: [bent over and puts his hand up]I’m fine…Capt. Awesome has been taking me out to the gym…he says I need to work out more.
Graham: [confused look]Who is this Capt. Awesome? Is someone else under cover that we don’t know about?
Sarah: Don’t worry sir…nothing to worry about…I’ll explain later.
Casey: General…I feel we’re getting close…Morella will certainly pass the micro chips to the courier any day now.
[Cut to Chuck who is groaning]
Sarah: [smiling]We haven’t compromised as of yet…so we’ll continue the cover.
Beckman: Stay on your toes[screen goes off]
[Immediately after the screen goes of Chuck groans and then falls on the floor leading Sarah and Casey to pick him up]
[The scene washes from there to Buy More as Chuck is sitting at the info desk typing at the computer. Morgan walks up and pats him hard on the shoulder to which you see the pain in Chuck’s eyes]
Morgan: Hey buddy…so how are thing going between you and Kat?
Chuck: They’re going fantastic…I’m taking her dancing this weekend. Probably going to that new Latin dance club that opened. Would you and Anna like to join us? It would be a double date…plus I don’t want to be the only person on the dance floor looking like a fool?
Morgan: I don’t know man…the only dancing I want to do with Anna is the horizontal kind…if you know what I mean.
Chuck: I know what you mean Morgan…I think half the customers here who heard you know what you mean.
[Cut to an elderly woman walking past the two of them with a disgusted look on her face]
Morgan: I’ll talk it over with Anna and I’ll get back to you.
[Then cut to Kat walking in to pay a little visit to our Don Juan of the dance floor who Chuck immediately sees]
Chuck: [grins]Hey Kat…I was just about to call you…I was thinking about taking you to that new Latin Dance club that just opened up this Saturday.
Kat: [excited tone]That would be awesome…unfortunately I have to work this Saturday…stinks. Hey you can take Sarah.
Chuck: Are you sure? You know we have a history and all?
Kat: [puts hand on shoulder]Hey…I trust you and besides its not like you still have feelings for you. You said it yourself…you moved on.
Chuck: [laughs] Yeah…I did move on...okay…thanks for the vote of confidence.
[Chuck and Kat kiss and as she leaves Morgan comes running up]
Morgan: Good news…Anna is in. So you…me...getting our sexy on with our two senioritas…it will be a hot, hot, hot night.
[The scene ends with Morgan dancing and Chuck having a disappointed and yet conflicted look on his face]
[The scene begins with a clip of Morella handing the micro chips to the courier to where he transports it to the man in the black suit who was later named to be Anton De Silva…a latin crime lord. Cut to all three of them eventually being arrested. The scene slowly switches to Saturday night as Chuck, Sarah, Anna, and Morgan arrive at Club Bailamos as they are in for a night of fun]
Sarah: [smiling]Are you sure Kat doesn’t mind?
Chuck: She insisted on it…she said she trust me and besides we strictly friends.
Sarah: Yeah…friends.
[Chuck gives a questioning look to her but then shakes it off]
Anna: [checking out the men in the room]This place is….hot.
Morgan: [looks at Anna then at Chuck]So…Senior Bartowski…are you ready to tear up the dance floor?
Chuck: [look at Sarah]I don’t know man…I don’t want to embarrass myself.
Sarah: [smiling]Oh…come one Chuck…just let loose don’t let what others think get to you. Hey…you’re with me.
Chuck: [grins]
[Cut to Sarah, Chuck, Morgan, and Anna tearing up the dance floor. After a couple dance numbers they sit down to rest. After a couple a minutes he gets up to talk to the band and then he walks straight to Sarah, takes her hand, and escorts her to the middle of the dance floor. Then you suddenly hear the band leader say to clear the dance floor because we’re going to have a special dance number the Argentine Tango by this lovely couple here. They do the Tango that you saw earlier in the youtube video and they both get lost in the moment leading to Morgan and Anna showing them with their jaws wide open. When the song ends you hear the audience applauding as they're in the dipped position their looking at each other. They share a moment together]
Sarah: [in the moment]Wow Chuck…wh..when did you learn that?
[Chuck stands Sarah upright]
Chuck: [grinning]Well…before we busted Morella I asked him to teach me some more and for the past couple of days he taught me what he knows. I wanted it to be a surprise.
[They walk to the table where Morgan and Anna are sitting who are high fiving Chuck for a job well done]
Sarah: [looking flustered/smiling at Chuck and talking under her breathe]Boy…was it.
[All of sudden you see Kat walk in, finds Chuck and surprises him by putting his hands over his eyes]
Kat: Guess who?
Chuck: Ellie!?
[Chuck turns around, sees Kat and then you immediately cut to Sarah whose fun time has just turned bad]
Kat: Its me…surprise!
Chuck: [hugs Kat] What are you doing here…I thought you had to work?
Kat: I had someone cover my shift at the Hospice…so I got changed and came straight here. [looking at Sarah]Hey Sarah
[Cut to Sarah giving another fake smile]
Chuck: Kat…meet Morgan and Anna
[Morgan and Anna shake hands with Kat]
Kat: This place is hot…anything interesting happen so far?
[Chuck looks at Sarah and vice versa]
Sarah: [grinning]Nothing much…the night is still early though.
Kat: Cool…Chuck you want to shake your groove thang? Let me see what you got.
Chuck: [smiling]Oh…Ms. Matthews…I don’t think your ready for my moves.
[The episode ends as you cut to Sarah trying keep a smile on her face as she sees the interaction between Kat and Chuck as they dancing along side Morgan and Anna. Chuck waves at Sarah and she waves back. You then see Sarah has her heart sinks all-the-while giving that all-too-familiar look towards him]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 2
- Chuck Vs. The Download Part 1
- Chuck Vs. Crash
- Chuck Vs. The Bittersweet Reunion
- Chuck Vs. The Intersect
- Chuck Vs. The Blast From The Past
- Chuck Vs. The Bombshell
- Chuck Vs. The Wilderness
- Chuck Vs. The Karate Kid
- Chuck Vs. The Splitting Headache
- Chuck Vs. The Revelation
- Chuck Vs. The Mystery Man
- Chuck vs. The Latin Lover
- Chuck Vs. The Other Woman
- Chuck Vs. The Bad Day
- Chuck vs, The Absentee Father
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