The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as Chuck informs the gang the reason Abe is after Marcus leading Casey to suggest they stop talking and go after him as soon as possible. Cut to Jackson and Beckman having a conversation in the cargo truck about her to where it ends up about she feels about Marcus. Move forward to where Chuck and gang find Ethan’s body leading to Casey to question whether or not Abe was responsible, which is refuted by Chuck. Cut to Wexler asking the gang as to who among them knows how to hotwire a car leading Casey, Sarah, Tobias, and Travis to speak up, but it is Cassidy who hotwires the truck behind them much to the surprise of her parents. Move to the gang on the move where Chuck asks where they’re going leading Sarah to inform them about the abandoned airport that Cassidy and her arrived in. As they head out Travis suddenly tells Casey to stop leading to an awkwardly embarrassing moment involving Chuck falling on Cassidy and accidently touching her chest leading to a raised eyebrow by Sarah. Cut to Abe on the Ducati touching the letters S.P.M on the screen just below his eye line causing a transformation that gives it tremendous speed..over 200mph to be exact. Move forward to Beckman and Marcus having a conversation where she tells him she not only loves him, but also wants a life with him but in order for them to be together she Marcus an ultimatum, which is to call of his men in regards to her son and his fiancé. Marcus complies as he takes out his phone and contacts his associate to call them off leading Beckman to take out a box and places it in his hand. Marcus asks her to marry him and leading to say yes this time. As they kiss, Abe appears leading Jackson to inform her boss that there’s bogey behind the. A gun battles ensues where its goes back and forth to the point that Abe gets shot in the right leg. Cut to Abe engaged the missiles leading to a seemingly moment where the target system is trying to lock on the back right tire. Move forward to a target lock, the 3 missiles fly, and hit their target sending the cargo truck not only flying in the air, but also catapults the eagle eyes satellite leading both the cargo truck and the satellite to crash to the ground inevitably breaking apart piece by piece to where it finally stops rolling ending up upside down on the lip of the runway of the abandoned airport. The last shot is of Abe reloading his gun and slowly limps over to Marcus who crawls out of the bottom of the passenger side window badly hurt. The scene begins around 5:15 a.m. with a close up shot of Marcus’s bloody face trying to crawl his way towards the C-130 Hercules in distance. Cut inside the cargo truck where you see an unconscious Beckman with several cuts on her face slumped on top of Jackson. Cut back to Marcus continuing to crawl when Abe appears just above his shoulder, Abe who is expressing all sorts of emotions in his face limps towards him with his weapon drawn and when he reaches him he begins to scream.
Abe: Marcus don’t you move damn it! Cut to Marcus in excruciating pain as the camera goes to a quick shot to a wide tear in his left pant leg revealing a severe gash on his left upper thigh. He doesn’t respond to demand leading him to go into Jack Bauer mode by going after the exposed wound to get his attention. Abe places his foot over the wound and presses hard on it that Marcus lets out a blood curdling scream leading to dig into the wound. Cut to Abe’s eyes as they no longer exude the look of the warm, loving father or the patient, tolerant demeanor of the nerd herd leader Abraham Bartwoski at the Buy More shopping plaza who handles co-workers/customers with the attitude that reads the customer’s always right smile on his face. No...this is a totally different man as there is an overall tightness in his face. His lips are narrowly thin, eyebrows pulled down in a menacing way, the veins in his neck pulsating, as the sound of heavy breathing through his nose is clearly heard, and the look in his eyes exuded the stone cold façade of the former section 8 member Steven Carmichael before he was domesticated by one Rose Eleanor Walczak. The man who is seen now is on a mission to exact payback for the pain Marcus caused years ago in Zurich, Switzerland and no amount of compassion is stopping him from doing so. Cut to Marcus still trying to crawl when Steven Carmichael twist his foot into the bleeding again causing another blood scream from Marcus leading him to scream at him again. I said DON’T MOVE!
As he says that he fires 2 warning shots just a few inches ahead of him leading Marcus to stop crawling leading his entire face to rest on the cold concrete of the cracked abandoned airport. After a moment or two, he speaks up face down in a muffled tone as he struggles to get the words out.
Marcus: Who…who…are you…what do you want…from me!
As he says that Steven Carmichael takes his foot off grabs Marcus’ right shoulder and flips him over on his back to where it goes to down shot of Marcus to quickly lead to an upward shot of him looking up at the aqua blue sky now showing signs of the yellowish golden sun slowly starting to illuminate above. Marcus’ beautiful scenery is blocked as Carmichael stand over him, points his weapons directly at him at he bends down close to his face down with every intent on killing him. After a moment or two he responds to Marcus’ question.
Carmichael: I’m judge…jury…and executioner.
Upon hearing those words, Marcus’ eyes widen leading Carmichael to back up to his feet, bends down to grab his left leg with the open gash causing him to give another scream, and pulls him off camera. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the air with the façade of the Huey surveying the land below them for any sign of Marcus and Abe. Cut inside to where Travis looks at a less freaked out and yet very concerned Chuck leading to speak up.
Travis: We’re gonna to get to your dad in time.
Chuck: I hope so…but…
Chuck pauses leading Travis to chime in.
Travis: But what?
Chuck: I honestly don’t know what we’re going to find when we get there?
Travis: Don’t think about it bro…its just going to drive you crazy.
Chuck takes a deep breathe as he looks out the window and after a brief moment he speaks up.
Chuck: You know…it took me a while to wrap my brain around the fact that my dad is a government agent. Shakes head I’ve accepted that fact and as time went on I saw him not as Steven Carmichael…looks at Travis…I saw him as my dad Abraham Bartowski. I never pushed him to tell me about his past life as a spy and how many people he possibly killed in order to protect the greater good. When the time was right…he would tell me. For the past several months, my sister Ellie and I had our dad back and we felt more like a family now with the addition of my awesome brother-in-law.
Travis chuckles a bit leading him to pat Chuck on his left shoulder.
Travis: You have nothing to worry about…we’re going to get to him and stop him from making the biggest mistake of his life. You and your sister will have your dad back and nothing will ever change that lead you to believe otherwise.
Chuck: No…shakes head…something has changed.
Travis: looks at Chuck What?
Chuck: It was the look in his eyes…I never forget the look of intensity in them when he reflected back on having his partner killed and nearly getting killed himself.
Travis: Nearly getting killed effects you man…its part our job.
Chuck: quickly glances at Travis Yeah I know…but the look he gave was something that I have never seen before even when we were on missions together.
Travis: How so?
Chuck: The look in his eyes was always calm and never showed any sign or hint of losing control even the situation went bad.
Travis: It's what being a spy is about…keeping a level head when you know all hell breaks loose.
Chuck: True…with my dad you could read it in his eyes that he always had as Casey would put it a possible exit strategy just in case. Chuck turns to look at Travis intently. When I saw the look in his eyes as he was talking about that fateful night I could see a part of him losing control as the anger boiled within him.
Travis: Emotions are a tricky thing to keep in check.
Cut Chuck closing his eyes as his look down.
Chuck: I’m afraid that he’s at a point of no return.
Travis: You can’t know that for sure.
Chuck opens his eyes leading him to show tears running down his cheek.
Chuck: All I know is that I’m afraid that my dad doesn’t have an exit strategy to fall back on or worse.
Travis: What…what’s worse?
Chuck: He doesn’t want to have an exit strategy?
Travis: What are you trying to say?
Chuck: He’s transfixed on ending it.
Travis: Ending what?
Chuck: Ending the pain he’s been enduring…stopping the nightmare he’s been reliving for so long and whether he lives or dies…he’s treating this as a suicide mission.
Travis: Trust me…it ain’t gonna happen…puts his fist out for fist tap…are you with me?
Chuck tilts his head to glance at Travis who nods directing his eye towards his fist leading him to respond with a fist tap back.
Chuck: Yeah…I’m with you.
Upon saying that, Travis gives a look of reassurance to his friend as he turns to resume his focus on flying the Huey. The scene ends with Chuck taking another deep breathe as it cuts to outside of the Huey as it heads off to stop Abe from killing Marcus.
Fade Out
The scene begins back at the abandoned airport where it left off with Carmichael dragging Marcus off camera by way of his injured leg. After a moment or two, Marcus is thrown to the side of the overturned cargo truck leading him to quickly aim his weapon straight at him as Marcus grunts out in pain. He lifts his head so much so that it falls back on the side of the truck leading him to speak up all-the-while giving a pain ridden chuckle.
Marcus: Who…swallows hard as he tries to breathe…are you?
Carmichael: I’m the one who’s going to end your sorry miserable existence?
Marcus: As you can clearly see…slow and painfully lifts both of his arms extending out both his hand…I am unarmed.
Cut to Carmichael stepping back and shooting his left arm causing Marcus to scream out in pain.
Carmichael: Not yet you aren’t.
Marcus: Wait…grimaces in pain…what…coughs several times leading both his arms to drop to the ground…did I ever do to you?
Carmichael: You killed someone.
Marcus smirks as he responds to Carmichael’s claim.
Marcus: I killed so many people…can you be more specific?
As he says that, Carmichael pulls the zipper down the top of his jumpsuit to reveal the dog tag around his neck. He takes it off and dangles it in front of his face and then throws it at him leading him to speak up.
Carmichael: Zurich, Switzerland…36 years ago…you killed my partner and left me to die you sorry son of a bitch.
As Carmichael is talking, cut to inside of the overturned cargo truck where Beckman slowly regains consciousness as she hears Carmichael yelling at someone. She slowly turns her head to the left to see Jackson with her eyes open apparently dead from the impact she suffered from the crash and then looks to find Marcus. She soon comes to the realization that Marcus is the one Carmichael is yelling at leading her to focus on what he’s saying to where Marcus is heard.
Marcus: I guess Edna didn’t clean up all my messes after all…she never informed me of that important piece of information…what a shame.
Cut to Beckman hearing that from inside the cab of the cargo truck.
Carmichael: Speaking of the General…how does she fit in all this?
Marcus: I see her nothing more as a necessity in my life...she’s now part of fulfilling my long awaited destiny.
As he says that, Carmichael gets right in his face point the gun under his chin inevitably lifting it up.
Carmichael: Was the kid part of the plan as well or was he considered a liability after you had one of your lackeys shoot him in the head?
Upon saying cut to Beckman’s eyes widen as she hears the news of not only Marcus’ apparent love for her, but also what happened to Ethan leading her to flash back on what Marcus told her about taking good care of him. Cut back to Marcus who smirks and chuckles a bit
Marcus: The boy…coughs…was merely a tool to…turns his head to spit out blood…get what I needed from Jeremiah. He wipes his mouth off with the back of his bloody right hand and then plops it above his stomach leading him to look back up at Carmichael. He served his purpose and he will not be forgotten in helping me bring my cause to the forefront.
As Marcus is saying that, he is slowly and discreetly sticks his right hand in his left front pocket.
Carmichael: grits his teeth Open your eyes asshole…your delusional cause is over…face it…you’ve lost.
Marcus: smirks I haven’t lost.
Carmichael gives a small laugh in disbelief.
Carmichael: The satellite is destroyed…most of your associated are either dead or possibly captured by now…and you’re about to die.
Cut to Marcus laughing leading him to speak up.
Marcus: That is where you’re wrong my friend.
Carmichael: Like I told you before…we’re not fr…
Just as he’s about to complete the word friend, Marcus suddenly covers his mouth and noise leading him to spray the hydrogen cyanide up to his face causing him to lunge backwards to not only fall backwards, but also drops his gun in the process. The scene ends with Carmichael writhing around on the ground as he deals with the effects of the poison gas.
Fade Out
The scene begins around 5:20 a.m. where if left off as Marcus sprayed Hydrogen Cyanide in Carmichael’s face leading him to lunge back and fall back to the ground writhing in agony. As he does, Marcus pulls himself up and picks up not only the gun that he dropped, but also the dog tag that Carmichael dropped. Marcus limps over and around him leading him to revel in his apparent victory.
Marcus: looks down at him You should have killed me the very moment you had the chance to. Drops the dog tag leading it to dangle from his middle finger of his right hand and looks at it. Now…looks back down at Carmichael smirking…you’ll suffer the same fate as you’re late partner and this time…points Carmichael’s gun straight at him…I’ll make sure to finish the job.
As he is about to pull the trigger, he hears a sound behind leading him to turn his back towards the cargo truck to see Beckman slowly crawl out. Marcus has this conflicted look on his face to where he ends up turning to aide Beckman instead of finishing off Carmichael.
Beckman: calls out to him Marcus
Marcus slowly helps her up and leans her against the side of the cargo truck leading him to check up on her. He brushes strays of red hair behind her ear with his right hand leading him to speak up.
Marcus: Are you all right...puts his right hand on her right cheek…I was so worried about you.
Beckman holds Marcus right hand leading her to caress it, as well as, nuzzle into it as she gives a smile to him.
Beckman: I’m fine…now that I know you’re safe.
Marcus: smiles With you at my side as my wife…I know I can overcome any obstacles placed in front of me and I trust you to have my back. Do you trust me?
Beckman closes here eyes for a moment and then opens them leading her to speak up.
Beckman: I have so far and look at where it’s gotten me.
As she says that, she glances at her ring leading Marcus to look at it as well. The moment is interrupted by the struggle of Carmichael writhing around the ground leading to look back at Beckman.
Marcus: I have some business to take care.
Marcus kisses her on the lips and then turns to limp towards Carmichael holding tightly the gun in his had. Cut back to Beckman as the smile on her face becomes flat leading to the scene to switch to air with the façade of the Huey. Cut inside to where Travis and Chuck both spots a billow of smoking rising off in the distance leading Travis to radio Sarah and Casey about the location of Abe and Marcus. The scene switches back to Marcus hobbling over to Carmichael leading him to point his gun and about to shoot him when Beckman’s hand rests on his leading him to look up at her.
Beckman: smiles Let me do it.
Marcus: shakes head I don’t want your hands to be stained with his blood.
Beckman: caresses his cheek You said you trusted me…smiles…I want to show how much you mean to me my love.
Marcus smiles leading him to pull her in for a kiss and after a moment or two she pushes away leading her to place her open in front of him. Cut to brief pause as Marcus hands her the gun leading her to seemingly walk behind him and then around the other side. Marcus looks down at a defenseless Carmichael as he tilts his head to the side in a sly, cocky manner.
Marcus: waves finger You came close to defeating me…but like the phoenix I always rise from the ashes to come back stronger. Beating his chest with his right hand. King Kong has nothing on me! I cannot be kil…
As he says that, his face suddenly goes flush leading him to fall to his knees in front of Carmichael. Cut to a close up shot of Marcus’ face as Beckman’s hand appears on screen holding the N.P.E and a brief moment she shuts it off leading her to slowly walk around him as she throws the ear devices within her ears to the side. Marcus has this look of utter confusion/fear in his eyes as he begins to mumble something. As this is happening the Huey with Chuck and Travis in it are closing in to the point that they both see Beckman pointing a gun at Marcus head.
Marcus: Why?
Beckman: I heard the truth from your very own lips…tears slowly run down her face…I thought you loved me. Screams at him in anger I trusted you!
Marcus: tries to shake his head Don’t
Beckman leans in to kiss him one last time and then whispers in his left ear.
Beckman: tears in her eyes You were right you know…cut to Marcus’eyes widening…I’ve taken care of the messes you’ve made in the past…bends back up with a look of scorn as she points the gun directly at his temple…now its time to take care of my mess right now.
With those words Beckman closes her eyes as a single tear falls she pulls the trigger and with a bright flash Marcus slowly falls to the ground dead at the hands of General Edna Beckman next to Carmichael who looks into the dead eyes of his fallen adversary. Cut to back up to Beckman where she not only drops the gun, but also takes off the ring as well leading it to fall next the ground by Marcus’ face. Beckman stands there seemingly in a daze not reacting to everything blowing around her, hearing the noise of the chopper blades just off the side of her as the Huey touches down several feet away, or the noise of the cargo transport Truck engine speeding up behind her in the distance. The scene ends with Chuck ducking low and running in slow motion around the front of the Huey to where he runs straight towards his fallen father leading him to slide up to the side of him.
Fade Out
The scene begins at around 5: 25 a.m. with Abe head being cradled by Chuck all-the-while tears are running downs his face as Abe tries to speak but Chuck doesn’t let him. He notices a long cylindrical to just within reach leading him to pick it and then smells its once filled contents to be that of almonds. Chuck quickly looks at his father who can only muster up saying his son’s name leading Chuck to respond.
Chuck: Don’t talk dad…looks at Sarah jumping out of the cargo truck running towards him and yells over to her…SARAH!
Sarah rushes to his side followed closely behind by Cassidy and Emily. Cut to Casey with his gun drawn followed by Wexler and Tobias heading towards Beckman who continues to stand there oblivious as to what is going on leading him to speak up.
Casey: General…General…GENERAL BECKMAN!
The third mention of her name snaps her out of it leading her to speak up as she looks down at the lifeless body of Marcus at her feet.
Beckman: Major…you may have been suspicious of my recent actions as of late and I have the answer for you.
Cut to Casey slowly lowering his gun.
Tobias: speaks up It’s not just him you have to answer to.
Casey: looks at Tobias and then back at Beckman General?
Beckman: looks at Tobias I know…looks at Casey…in order for me to eliminate the threat he posed…I had to get close to him. What you saw back at level 36 was purely for his benefit.
Casey: Of course General…puts gun behind his did what you had to do.
Cut to Tobias and Wexler having this not buy it look as Beckman quickly glances at them both leading it to cut to Sarah kneeling beside Chuck and Abe with Cassidy and Emily in tears off to the side.
Chuck: looks at Sarah for help Sarah…we got to get him to a hospital.
As he says that Beckman passes them leading her speak up.
Beckman: Marcus sprayed him with own dosage of Hydrogen Cyanide that has lasting effects for about an hour and then he dies.
Upon hearing that, Sarah places his hand on his shoulder to comfort and calm him leading him to look at her father.
Sarah: Dad…how far is the nearest hospital from here.
Wexler: Breckinridge Medical Center…30 minutes away.
Travis: speaks up Take the Huey…it’s faster if we go by air.
Sarah: Do we have any C.I.A doctors over there?
Casey: takes out cell phone I’ll find out.
Casey walks off making a phone call leading Travis helps Chuck lift his father leading them to both carry him with both arms behind their neck to the chopper. Sarah follows closely behind when all of sudden Beckman appears in front or her leading Chuck and Travis to turn around.
Sarah: General…we need…
Beckman: interrupts her Agent Walker…my suspicions were correct about you and Mr. Bartowksi all alonf. I am truly disappointed in you…
Cut to Wexler hearing all this leading him to get in between her and her daughter.
Beckman: Jeremiah…what are you doing?
Wexler: Now is not the time Edna.
As he says that, a cavalcade of Black S.U.Vs roll in out of nowhere leading all them to stop in a line near the cargo truck. When the lead passenger door opens, out steps Director Graham pissed off leading him to walk up to Beckman.
Graham: looks around at the carnage Do you mind telling me what the hell is going on?
Beckman: We stopped a mad man from obtaining a top secret satellite for his own personal gain.
Graham: looks at Beckman Why wasn’t I informed about this?
Beckman: It…looks at Tobias and Wexler…was a top secret mission.
Graham: Top secret…look at Sarah…give me a status report.
Sarah: Not now sir…we have to take Chuck’s father to the hospital.
Graham: You will do no such thing…he has to answer for what he did back at the warehouse.
Chuck: Please...I beg you...he has to go to the hospital now!
Graham: Negative!
Upon saying that, Casey walks up and stands in between them leading him to look back at Chuck and Travis.
Casey: in a calm tone Take him to the chopper Chuck.
Sarah: looks at Cassidy Cass go with him…I’ll catch up later.
Cassidy nods leading her along with Travis and Chuck help Abe towards the Huey.
Casey turns back too look at Graham who is absolutely fuming at this point.
Graham: This is insubordination…looks at his men…take Agent Casey, Agent Walker, and Carmichael into Custody.
Upon hearing that, Casey takes out his weapon and aims it straight at Graham leading an astonished Sarah to follow suit. This causes Graham’s men to take out their weapons leading them to point it directly at Casey and Sarah.
Graham: What the hell do you think you two are doing?
Casey: Saving a life…glances back to see Abe being helped into the Huey…of a good friend.
Graham: At the cost of your career?
Casey looks at Sarah who responds with a smile leading him to look back at Graham. Cut to the Huey taking off with Cassidy Travis, Chuck and Abe heading towards Breckinridge Medical Center. The scene ends with a high ariel ground shot of ensuing staff off as the wind blows all around them and then cut to the façade of the Huey flying off as it’s a race against time to save Abe’s life.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 22
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 21
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 20
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 19
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 18
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 17
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 16
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 15
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