The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as Abe emerges from the ventilation system ready to kick butt. Cut to Wexler asking Marcus to speak to him again, which Marcus becomes hesitant in doing. After talking with Sebastian Marcus gives Wexler 5 minutes to speak leading the scene to switch Travis not only giving his real last name, but also being given the 3rd degree by Casey on how they both made the choice in protecting something bigger than themselves for the greater good without fear or doubt. Cut to Abe in a lab where he not only finds unfinished weapons made, as well as, explosives that he “borrows”, but also a liquid nitrogen coolant spray to use for the C4 motion censors explosives. Cut to Sarah and Chuck where he discusses taking care of something that to him is left unfinished such as going back to Stanford for his degree and making a change, which is to leave buy more. Move forward to Marcus and Wexler talking as Wexler not only apologizes for what he did to Marcus but also wants his word that his family will remain safe if is killed. Cut to Abe in front of Chuck and Sarah’s sound proof room where he very cautiously moves towards the C4 explosive with the coolant spray in his hand. After reaching it, he sprays it to the point where it starts to chime leading him to prepare to get blown up to where he speaks in a low town in which he says out forgive me son. Move forward where the bomb does not explode leading him to have a happy reunion with Chuck and the Wexler women. Before they leave to find Casey, Travis, and the rest of Tobias’ men, Abe leaves a parting gift on all 3 doors to use later leading the scene to cut to all the good guys being reunited. An argument ensues amongst the group on what the best course of action to take to which Cassidy gets everybody’s attention and looks at Casey as she responds to his suggestion of acquiring weapons. Cut to the location of The Eagle Eye satellite where Beckman asks Jackson where Ethan is leading Marcus to intervene by telling her that he will meet them at the rendezvous point and she need not worry. Cut to Team Chuck in a very large cache room where the stock up on weapons and after and moment or two Abe tells them to wait in the room until he signals them. The scene begins around Friday in the location of the Eagle Eye Satellite where Marcus’ associates are carefully lowering the satellite into the military cargo transport trucks with Sebastian, Marcus, and Beckman looking on . Cut to Tobias and Wexler sitting down against the computer console looking on with disappointed/frustrated looks on both their faces. After a moment or two Tobias looks at Wexler and speaks up in a low tone.
Tobias: You screwed up big time.
Wexler: How did I screw this up?
Tobias: We wouldn’t be in this situation if you would have destroyed the N.P.E instead of saving it for posterity reasons Marcus and his men would be in our custody.
Wexler: I thought the best course of action at the time was to keep it locked up than have it destroyed. How was I supposed to know that one of my people I trusted…I considered family…would betray me.
Tobias: shakes head It just shows you that a man as smart as yourself can be so utterly stupid.
Wexler turns his head to give Tobias an intense look.
Wexler: What!?
Tobias: Did I stutter…you heard what I said. You’re stupidity in handing him the satellite on a silver platter by your former protégé has essentially threatened the safety of not only The Zeitgeist, but quite possibly the world. Who knows what Marcus has planned once he’s accomplished what he’s set out to do.
Wexler lets those words sink in as he looks down for a bit and then at Marcus, Sebastian, and his associates loading the satellite into the cargo truck. After a brief moment he speaks up.
Wexler: Yeah…I am stupid.
Tobias: Glad you agree with me…but it comes far too late.
Wexler: shakes head You know what…no…it’s never too late.
Tobias: What?
Wexler: looks at Tobias Did I stutter….you heard what I said. It’s NEVER too late to set things straight.
Tobias: How are YOU going to save face from all this?
Wexler looks at Tobias who is waiting for an answer, but the focus is quickly turned from Tobias and Wexler to a commotion of cheers coming from Marcus’ associates leading both of them to look in that direction. Cut to Marcus who is exuding a sly smirk with Beckman and Sebastian at his side as he stands in front of his associates and the satellite ready to be hauled away. After a moment or two of victorious bliss Marcus speaks to his associates with Wexler and Tobias looking on from behind.
Marcus: smiles Ladies and gentlemen…mark this moment as we begin to take a step forward to our rightful place at the forefront of history where we truly belong with our allies standing at our side. There will be no obstacles standing in our way because we now have the means necessary to bring those that oppose us to their knees. Cut to all his associates smirking as they nod their heads in agreement. Of course, they will be given the opportunity to make the right choice in standing with us instead of against us…it’s only fair. Everything will be in our control. There is nothing…points at all of his associates…I mean nothing…that will be able to stop us from achieving our goals.
As he says that a voice is heard from behind him along with a sound of a weapon being lock and loaded leading his eyes to widen.
Voice: I beg to differ.
Sebastian and his men quickly arm themselves pointing their weapons at the unidentifiable man behind Marcus. The scene ends with Marcus slowly turning around to see Abe with a look of extreme intensity in his eyes pointing a MP5SD2 Submachine Gun with built in silencer straight at Marcus. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the weapons cache room where everybody is basically standing around waiting for Abe’s signal for them pounce, especially Casey who is getting pretty antsy for action. Cut to Sarah walking into camera view holding 4 hand held communication devices handing one over to one of Tobias’ men, then to Travis, and finally to Casey with the last one in her possession. After a brief moment Sarah walks up to her sister, mother, and Chuck leading her to speak up.
Sarah: All right…the 3 of you are well protected…looking around the room…trust me on this.
Chuck: Yeah…smiles at more ways than one.
Sarah smiles back leading her to look at Cassidy and Emily who have a worried look on their faces.
Sarah: Cass…mom…you guys okay?
Cassidy: Yeah…I’m just worried about dad.
Emily: So am I…if he dies…
Sarah: interrupts her mom Don’t say that…or even think it. We’re going to get him back safe and sound…puts her left hand on her mom’s shoulder…I promise you…looks at Cassidy…both of you.
Chuck looks at all three Wexler woman having a family moment, but it’s soon interrupted by Casey walking past them into camera view a bit agitated.
Casey: What is taking so long...I haven’t shot anybody in a while.
Cut to Sarah giving a reassuring smile to her sister and mom. She then turns and walks up to Casey with a serious look.
Sarah: Casey…be patient. Abe said wait for his signal…so that’s what we’re going to do.
Casey: Don’t tell me to be patient…I’m not a happy person when I miss out on any gun play Walker.
Travis walks up , puts his right hand on his left shoulder, and looks at Casey.
Travis: I think someone needs a nap.
Casey looks at Travis giving a low, menacing grunt causing Travis to back up a bit leading Chuck to stand in front of him to calm him down.
Chuck: looks at Casey Whoa…relax Casey…just hang in there big guy...cautiously pats him on both shoulders….soon you will be unleashed.
Upon hearing those words Casey smirks as he gives a resounding grunt. The scene switches back to the location of the Eagle Eye Satellite where Abe has his weapon aimed straight at Marcus with his associates aiming their weapons back at Abe. Marcus speaks up as he stands there with both hands in his pockets.
Marcus: Who are you?
Abe: Let’s just say I’m the garbage man and I’m here to take out the trash…namely you.
As he says that Sebastian speaks up.
Sebastian: Shoot him!
Marcus takes out his left hand from his pocket and holds it up in Sebastian’s direction giving him a quick glance and then looks back at Abe.
Marcus: Wait…don’t shoot!
Sebastian: He’s alone…better off dead than alive.
Marcus looks back at Sebastian with a look of seriousness.
Marcus: I said…don’t shoot. Looks at all his associates. That’s a direct order! After a momentary pause Sebastian nods at his associates leading it to cut back to Marcus. I THINK we can resolve this situation without shooting anyone or anything…looks back at the Eagle Eye satellite…for that matter.
Marcus gives a nod to discreetly inform Sebastian about the N.P.E in his right pocket leading Sebastian to nod back. Marcus momentarily walks to his right behind a concrete pillar leading Abe to keeps his sites on him to. When Marcus emerges from behind the concrete pillar he does his best to distract Abe long enough to have Sebastian, his associates, and Beckman to follow suit as they put in their ear devices, which Tobias and Wexler both notice. After a moment or two, Abe speaks up.
Abe: What…have you gone soft after all these years?
Marcus: Quite the contrary…and refresh my memory how do you know me?
As he is talking he slowly walks up to Abe and as he does he takes his right hand out of his pocket concealing the N.P.E within it at his side.
Abe: You…
As Abe is about to respond when Wexler suddenly bum rushes Marcus out of nowhere knocking the N.P.E out of his hand leading both of them to fall on the ground. The N.P.E is thrown to the side falling somewhere leading it to cut back to Wexler on the ground trying to get up. The scene ends with Wexler looking up leading him to become absolutely motionless as the camera pans back to have a gun to his face as Marcus quickly recovers with an angry look on his face.
Fade Out
The scene begins where it left off as Wexler is motionless on the ground as an angry Marcus points his gun at him. Abe is cautious as he continues to be on alert with what just happened and then cut to Sebastian with Beckman following closely behind come to his aide as he looks as if he has the wind knocked out of him. As Sebastian helps Marcus up Beckman looks at Wexler and speaks up.
Beckman: Jeremiah…what are you thinking? Beckman looks at Marcus about to be helped up by Sebastian as he hooks his right arm underneath Marcus’ right arm in order to lift him up. Marcus…are you all right?
Marcus: agitated tone I’m fine.
Marcus is helped up but immediately rips himself away from Sebastian leading him to not only compose himself for a moment, but fix his hair with his left hand while pointing his gun at Wexler as he looks down at him leading him to speak up.
Wexler: Go on…get it over with.
Marcus looks down at Wexler leading him to call out his associate Dupree.
Marcus: Dupree!
Dupree: Sir!
Marcus: points at Tobias Bring him here!
Beckman looks at Wexler pointing his gun at Wexler and then looks at Marcus.
Marcus: That was very ill advised and VERY stupid of you to do my old friend.
Wexler: Yeah…well…that’s twice I’ve been called that today.
As he says that Tobias is brought to their location by Dupree leading Tobias to look at Wexler leading him to speak up.
Wexler: You call that saving face?
Wexler just gives Tobias a look leading Marcus to speak up.
Marcus: What do you have to say for yourself?
Cut to Tobias witnessing this leading him to just shake his head.
Wexler: I did what I had to do.
Marcus smirks and then grabs Wexler leading him to pull him up and then give him a intense stare down.
Marcus: Then I have no choice in what I have to do.
Wexler’s eyes widen leading Marcus to spin Wexler and Tobias around to use them as human shields leading Abe to speak up.
Abe: You’ve sunk to a new low…even for you.
As he says that Beckman speaks up with a look of disbelief on her face.
Beckman: What are you doing?
Marcus: looks at Beckman They brought it upon themselves.
Beckman: This is insanity…Jeremiah is your friend for crying out loud!
Marcus: looks at Beckman He made his choice...looks at Wexler…its unfortunate that we now stand as enemies instead of friends. Looks at Abe and yells over to him. You have two options…shoot both of them to kill me or lay down your weapons and surrender?
Abe: Is there a third option?
Sebastian: speaks up Yeah…we kill you were you stand.
Marcus looks at Sebastian and then turns to look back at Abe.
Marcus: You heard him…cut to Beckman’s eyes widen upon hearing that…what say you my friend?
Abe: First off…we’re not friends…secondly you’re an absolute coward for using those two as human shield.
Marcus: What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease…Sun Tzu
As he says that, Sebastian turns back to signal his associates to be on point leading them to split off to where Beckman, Marcus, Sebastian and Wexler are in the middle with his men creeping on either side of Abe with their guns trained on him ready to take him down. As he raises his gun and aims it Abe he guides both men towards Abe who suddenly starts backing away leading Sebastian and his associates to follow suit. After a moment they end up several feet away from the sound proof room where Chuck, Sarah, Emily, and Cassidy were held leading Abe to speak up.
Abe: Where are the hostages being held at?
Marcus: Right behind you. Wexler's eyes widen leading it to cut back to Marcus. Look…don’t avoid the inevitable. It’s a no win situation… surrender now or I let loose my associates here and within a blink of an eye you’ll be dead.
Abe: I would rather go out in a blaze of glory than to surrender to the likes of you.
Marcus: That can be arranged…looks at all his men…on my command…turns back to look at Abe in between Tobias and Wexler…take him down!
As he says that, Abe speaks up.
Abe: Wait! Cut to Marcus holding up his hand and then cut back to Abe. If anyone is going to be taken down…lowers his weapons holds arms out revealing in his hands the triggerswitches leading him to smirk…its going to be me.
Cut to a 5 screen where Marcus, Sebastian, Tobias, Wexler, and Beckman eye’s wide upon seeing the triggers in Abe’s left hand. Abe presses the triggers simultaneously and at the same time he does Marcus shouts to his men, as well as, Beckman to move it. A big explosion happens leading to achain reaction of explosions leading the impact of it to not only knock everybody down to the ground, but shake the inside of the mountain as well to the point the shot cuts to Team chuck in the weapons room feeling the impact as weapons, objects, and they themselves fall to the ground. The scene ends with debris everywhere as the camera cuts to Abe seemingly knocked as pieces of debris cover him.
Fade To Black
The scene begins in a smoke filled weapons room where the good guys are all on ground trying to recover from the C4 explosion blast. Cut to a seemingly prone Chuck with weapons over his body covering Sarah and a moment or two her voice is heard leading Travis to stumble into camera view quickly heading to the sound of Sarah’s general direction. When he gets to him Travis moves him off of Sarah leading him to speak up.
Travis: kneeling down and hovering over Chuck Chuck...buddy…talk to me?
Chuck: incoherent tone Sa…Sarah…is…she…
Travis goes to check on Sarah who is fine leading her to sit up immediately and then speaks up.
Sarah: I’m okay…how are you…are you hurt anywhere?
Chuck: I don’t know....I don’t think so…everything seems to be in working order.
Sarah checks out Chuck and after finding no major injuries he speaks up.
Chuck: Your mom…sister…are they okay?
As he says that, Casey appears into camera view with Emily andCassidy who are clearly shaken up from the blast. In the background are Tobias’ men who are recovering from the blast as well. Casey speak up.
Casey: They’re okay Bartowski…oh…and I’m fine by the way…thanks for asking.
Travis: Was there every any doubt?
Casey gives Travis a glare leading Travis and Sarah to help Chuck up leading him give Travis a fist and then turns to give Sarah a hug and a deep, passionate kiss. Cut to Travis, Emily, and Cassidy smiling, but after a moment or two it’s broken up by Casey.
Casey: Can you two save it for later…that was Carmichael’s signal so let’s move.
Casey runs to the door and as he is about to open it when Chuck yells at him.
Chuck: Casey!
Casey: Bartowski what is it…if I miss out on any gun play I’m seriously going to shoot you.
Cut back to Chuck who simply says two words to him.
Chuck: Unleash hell!
Cut to Casey who responds with a smirk on his face as he heads out the door with everybody else following behind. The scene switches from the weapons room to aftermath of the blast where it cuts to Beckman on the ground with pieces of debris on top of her. Her eyes open leading her to slowly sit up, regain her bearings, and after a brief moment she spots something just within reach leading her to reach for it inevitably holding it up to camera view showing it’s the N.P.E that Marcus was holding. She puts it in her pocket and just as she does someone suddenly grabs her right shoulder causing her to be startled. When she looks back, it’s Marcus with several cuts on his face helping her up. He takes out the devices in his ears and throws the to the side. He then begins to speak as he checks Beckman for any injures.
Marcus: Are you all right?
Beckman: I’m fine…just a bit shaken up. Looks around Where’s Jeremiah?
Marcus: It doesn’t matter…we have to get out of here.
Beckman: No! We got to find Jeremiah.
Marcus holds Beckman face with his two hands.
Marcus: He’s probably dead…forget about him...we have to save ourselves. Let’s go.
A conflicted looks comes over Beckman’s face and after a moment two she makes the decision to go with Marcus. He takes her hand and leads her through the thick smoke and fire when all of a sudden Abe appears behind them blurred leading him to yell at Marcus.
Abe: Marcus! Marcus turns around to see Abe scraped up as well with a visible limp as he slowly walks towards him. You’re going to pay!
As he is about to reach him, Jackson appears out of nowhere taking Abe by surprise hitting him in the back with one of the tools causing him to fall the ground seemingly knocked out leading Jackson to look at her boss.
Jackson: Follow me sir!
Marcus nods as he looks back at Beckman leading him to take her hand as they both follow Jackson. Cut to Casey appearing with weapon drawn first on the scene leading him to survey the destruction and after a moment or two he’s followed by Travis along with the rest of his associates with their weapons drawn as well. Seconds later Chuck, Sarah, Emily and Cassidy arrive at the scene leading Casey to look at Sarah.
Casey: All right Walker…get your family out of here…take Chuck with you.
Sarah: No…not without my father.
As he says that gun fire erupts leading everybody to duck for cover.
Travis: looks at Sarah We’ll find your father…looks at Casey…right Casey?
Casey responds with low grunt as he looks at Travis leading him to look at Sarah.
Casey: Just get them out of here. Sarah gives him a look. I promise you I’ll bring him back to you. Sarah nods Go…NOW! We’ll cover you on your way to the stairs!
Sarah nods to Chuck , Cassidy, and her mother to get ready. Casey then signals to Travis and the rest of the men to return fire leading the 4 to move out. Cut back to Casey who has this look of euphoria on his face as he returns fire. Cut to Sarah leading Chuck, Cassidy, and her mom to the stairs safely, as well as, cautiously through not only the gunfire, but also through the thick haze of smoke. After a moment or two Sarah looks back to check on the 3 of them and when she turns back she’s met with a gun to her face. When the camera pans back, its Sebastian who has suffered a few cuts and scrapes leading Chuck to cover Emily and Cassidy leading him to speak up.
Sebastian: Drop your gun.
She complies leading Sebastian to grab Sarah by the throat, lift her off the ground, and starts choking her all-the-while pointing his gun at the 3. Upon seeing her daughter getting choked Emily is infuriated leading her with tears in her eyes to step out from behind Chuck. Cassidy and Chuck try to stop her but to no avail leading her to stand a few feet away pleading for Sebastian to not kill her. Sebastian turns to look at Emily, smirks, and then shoots point black range at her heart causing her to fall to the ground. The scene ends with a look of horror as Sarah who is in the clutches of Sebastian, Chuck, and Cassidy see a lifeless Emily on the ground.
Fade Out
The scene begins back where it left off as Emily is shot by Sebastian causing her to fall to the ground as a look on. Sebastian has a sly smirk on his face as he turns to Sarah who exudes a pissed of look on her face leading her to knock the gun away and then somehow escapes from his clutches inevitably knocking him back a few feet. Sarah speaks up.
Sarah: serious look as she points to him You and I have a score to settle.
Sebastian: smirks as he motions with his hands Bring it on!
Sarah lunges at Sebastian leading the throw down to begin as they head off camera. Cut back to Chuck and Cassidy who after seeing Sarah go toe to toe with Sebastian run to Emily lying prone on the ground. Cassidy is on her knees above Emily’s head with tears on her eyes as she is touching her face with Chuck by her side seemingly consoling her.
Cassidy: Mom!?
Chuck looks at Cassidy and then down at Emily.
Chuck: She’s going to feel that in the morning…trust me.
Cassidy looks at Chuck and upon saying that Emily suddenly coughs leading her to speak up.
Emily: Owwww!
Chuck and Cassidy help Emily sit up leading her to open her shirt revealing a bulletproof vest leading Chuck to pat his chest.
Chuck: smiles Never leave home without.
The scene switches from Emily cheating death to Marcus and Beckman following Jackson who lead them back to the computer console. She sits at the computer leading her to start typing and then presses enter. When that happens, all 3 hear the large bay doors several yards open leading Marcus to look at Jackson.
Marcus: Good work Jackson…you drive.
Jackson nods as she heads off to the cargo truck carrying the Eagle Eye Satellite, which hasn’t been damaged. Marcus looks at Beckman, kisses her, and then leads her to the truck. Cut back to Abe on the ground recovering from getting hit from behind by Jackson. He gets up, gets his bearing straight, and is about to head in the direction where he last saw Marcus heading to when he hears a voice calling out. Searching through the haze he eventually finds Wexler trapped underneath a table with debris all around. Abe comes to his aide, struggles as throws the debris to the side, gets Wexler out, and upon seeing him tied up he takes his knife out to cut him loose. When he does Wexler immediately grabs him and pushes him against a concrete pillar leading him to speak up with tears in his eyes.
Wexler: You killed my wife and my two daughters!
Abe: They’re not dead!
Wexler: What?
Wexler releases his grip backing up from hearing the news that his family is in fact alive.
Abe: I had to fool Marcus and his men into believing that they were dead.
Wexler: They’re alive…where are they?
Abe: Safe…so stay low and head towards the lab…you know where that is.
Wexler nods leading him to speak up.
Wexler: Yeah I do. As he is about to head off to the lab Wexler stops to see Abe heading off in the other direction. Wait…aren’t you coming with me...where are you going?
Abe: I've got something personal to take care of.
Wexler: What?
Cut to Abe turning around with the background of a thick haze and fire all around. With a look of intensity in his eyes never before seen he responds back.
Abe: Unfinished business.
Abe turns and disappears into the thick haze that is surround by fire. The scene ends with 5 screen of Chuck and Cassidy sitting by Emily, Sarah fighting Sebastian, Casey and Travis trading fire with Sebastian’s associates, Wexler finding his way towards the lab, and Abe chasing after Marcus who is getting into the cargo truck along with Beckman as Jackson revs up the engine.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 22
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 21
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 20
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 19
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 18
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 17
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 16
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 15
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