The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as the bad guys are left standing tall over the good guys who dropped to the ground without even being touched. After Beckman gets over the initial shock of what happened she recognizes the device Marcus holds in his hand as a N.P.E or Neuro Pulse Emitter. Marcus is tight lipped about who in Wexler’s inner circle gave it him leading the conversation to the reason why Beckman came to the diner in her civilian clothes. Marcus doesn’t believe her reason leading to him to give him his reason, which is she subconsciously wants a life with him. Cut to Chuck awaking to the sound of Sarah voice leading to a kiss that is interrupted by Cassidy who is happy for the reunion, but would rather get out of the situation they’re all in. The scene switches to Casey and Travis who recover from the effects of the N.P.E leading Travis to question Beckman’s involvement with Marcus, which Casey denies her as being a traitor. After a moment or two they head to the door, look around, don’t see anyone, leading Travis to reach for the handle, which is booby trapped on the outside of the door below the handle with a C4 motion censor explosive. Cut back to the conversation between Beckman and Marcus as he finds out that she does in fact want a life with him, but with the old him. The conversation is halted when Tobias and Wexler recover from the effects of the N.P.E leading Tobias to question how Marcus was able to pull off the stunt. Marcus tells him leading Wexler to call him a liar to which he takes it out of his pocket and shows him causing Wexler to demand where he got it. Moments later he tells both men about Sebastian’s talent as an explosive’s expert and if Chuck, Sarah, Casey, Travis, Cassidy, and the rest try to escape they will be blown away. Cut back to Travis lowering the handle when Casey suddenly stops him inevitably showing him the C4 motion detector explosive. After a tense moment Travis releases the handle without getting him and Casey blown up. Move forward to Chuck flashing on Sebastian whose full name is Sebastian Hawkins a former Navy Seal now turned mercenary for hire who in 2005 sold Stinger Missiles that he acquired on the black market to Ahmad Rashid Rahman. Cut back to Wexler trying to get through to Beckman, but she doesn’t respond leading Marcus to introduce the person who gave him the N.P.E. and when Wexler turns around he’s in utter disbelief as he see his wife Emily walking towards him. The scene begins at the base of the Colorado mountains several miles away from Wexler Industries as Abe walks into camera view holding GPS tracking system that shows where Sarah is. After a moment or two Abe is running through the brush/woods in the darkness he stops, looks at the GPS system, and starts talking out loud in a silent matter
Abe: looks around and then at GPS System This doesn’t make any sense…according to this she should be here. looks down and around again Unless…Abe puts the GPS system away leading to go into search mode in the brush/wooded area and after a moment or two he sees an area of brush that is rustling back and forth, but feels that it isn’t windy just cold. He heads in that direction and when he pushes aside the brush he stumbles upon a ventilation system leading him to have a smirk on his face as he speaks up Jackpot!
Abe lifts the ventilation grate, kneels down, takes out a small flashlight from his back pocket along with his gun, looks in, and after seeing that everything looks safe he takes one last look around, and drops in. The scene switches from the brush/wooded area to level 36 where Marcus introduces Wexler to the person who gave him the N.P.E who when he turns around he sees his wife Emily. The scene begins with Beckman, Tobias, Sebastian, Marcus and several of his associates watch as Emily sees her husband standing tied up leading her to run around the computer console and hug him. As she hugs him Wexler speaks up.
Wexler: Emily…how could you.
Upon hearing that Emily stops hugging her husband, steps back and responds.
Emily: look of confusion How could I what?
Wexler: You know what…looks at Marcus and then at Emily…you gave Marcus the N.P.E., the same N.P.E. I told you would never be used by the military and if it fell in the wrong hands….
Emily: hold up both hands to interrupt him What are you talking about…I never gave him the N.P.E. Wexler intently looks into his wife’s eyes What is going on?
Wexler: Tell me the truth Emily!
Emily: After 32 years of marriage you should know to trust me when I am telling you the truth!
Wexler looks at his wife intently and after a brief moment he hears a hint of laughter behind him leading him to turn back to Marcus who has a sly smile on his face.
Wexler: What is so funny?
Marcus: Your wife isn’t the person who gave me the N.P.E.
Wexler has a confused look on his face leading him to look at Emily.
Emily: I got worried when you didn’t come home for dinner. So I stopped at the diner, which is where you usually go to eat or have take out when you have late nights and Sam told me you left with 2 friends. That’s when I got a call to come here.
Wexler: chimes in That still doesn’t explain who gave Marcus the N.P.E.
As he says that a male voice from behind him speaks up.
Man: I gave Marcus the N.P.E.
Wexler turns around to see a man take of his hat smirking at him leading his eyes to widen,
Wexler: look of disbelief Ethan!?
Cue Chuck intro
Fade Out
The scene begins where it left off as Wexler sees someone he apparently knows that goes by the name of Ethan who is around 5’9, around 28 years of age, slim build, Caucasian, brown eyes, short black hair, sporting a goatee, wearing clothing similar to the of Marcus’ associates. He tells Wexler that he is responsible for giving Marcus the N.P.E. After a moment or two Ethan drops his hat on the computer console leading him to speak up as a speechless Wexler looks on.
Ethan: walking towards Wexler Surprised to see me?
Emily: speaks up looking at Wexler Two men posing as guards at the front gate held me at gun point, got into my car, and then drove me to the entrance where Ethan was waiting for me. Honey…what is going on!?
Wexler looks at his wife then at Marcus leading him to look at Ethan.
Wexler: Why Ethan!?
Ethan: Simple…it’s all about power and glory.
Wexler: I trusted you…took you under my wing and taught you the business from the inside out. I saw potential in you and you threw it all away by doing this. Looks at Marcus What did you do…brainwash him into believing the same crap you told Sebastian?
Marcus walks over, puts his hand on Ethan’s right shoulder, and looks at Wexler.
Marcus: Hardly…you see it’s no coincidence that Ethan here ended up becoming your intern 10 years ago.
Wexler: What are you saying?
Marcus starts walking around.
Marcus: You said it best…my work ethic speaks for itself as I do my homework on the assignments given to me and you…points at Wexler…were my next assignment.
Emily: look of disbelief This is crazy.
Looks at his wife and then at Marcus.
Wexler: This was all planned after The Committee exiled you wasn’t it.
Marcus: Not at first…as I told you before I had some time on my hands to think and regroup. After careful thought I had a plan and it involved infiltrating your inner circle. All I had to do was train a young man to be a carbon copy of you exuding the same personality traits and sharing with him the qualities you hold to a high esteem when it comes to a certain strong mindset, which was both a strength and a weakness.
Wexler: What would that be?
Marcus: The potential to become as great or greater than you are. From what I’ve heard from Ethan you’ve constantly preached it to him, your employees, and not to mention your daughter DeAnna who we have in our custody.
Emily eyes widen leading her to look at Marcus then at her husband.
Emily: DeAnna…she’s here.
Wexler: looks at Emily She’s okay…looks at Marcus…what’s your point?
Marcus: You see old friend…your Achilles heel has always been wanting those close to and/or around you to live up to your potential instead of living up to theirs on their own giving me the perfect opportunity to put into action my plan in which you hire a seemingly wet behind the ears kid who works hard but come time find out doesn’t quite live up to his potential only to have someone…looks at yourself become a mentor teaching and guiding him to the position of authority he has now.
Ethan: speaks up Does the story sound familiar…it should because it’s the story about how your father was your mentor teaching and guiding you to live up to your potential as you worked hard to be the best. You never saw it coming because you were blinded by your ambition to have your very own mini-me by your side but in the end it all blew up in your face.
Cut to Wexler struggling to make sense of it all.
Marcus: chimes in It wasn’t long before a bond grew between the two of you to the point where he trusted you enough to be a part of level 36 and also trusting him enough by sharing with him where you hid away the one mistake you created that will help fulfill my destiny.
Ethan: speaks up You treated me like I was part of your family.
Wexler: looks at Ethan As a father to two daughters I considered you to be the son I always wanted.
Ethan: smirks Thanks but no thanks. He...Points to my father!
Beckman quickly reacts to that statement by looking at Ethan and then to Marcus. Cut to Wexler who responds
Wexler: You know what…I feel sorry for you.
Ethan: smirks The only person you should feel sorry for is yourself.
Wexler is hit hard by those words coming from Ethan as it cuts to Marcus who smirks leading him to walk up to Sebastian and Ethan with his back to Wexler and Emily. Beckman sees Marcus smiles at Ethan as he pats him on the shoulder leading him to speak up.
Marcus: Gentlemen…would you be so kind as to reunite mother and daughters for me please.
Sebastian and Ethan nod leading them to take a scared Emily away from her husband who is considerably still in shock as to what just happened. The scene ends with Abe crawling around in a dark ventilation system to Team’s Chuck location.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the ventilation systems where its pitch black back after a moment or two you a flash light is seen leading to the appearance of Abe crawling around the corner. He stops for a second in front of camera view, shines the light behind him, then in front of him, and then shines it on the GPS system he takes out of his back pocket in order to check where Sarah is. He shakes his head leading to look forward as he speaks up.
Abe: Steal a Huey, fly to Colorado, save the day…
Abe crawls forward leading the scene to switch from the vents to the front door of where Chuck, Cassidy, and Sarah are being held. Sebastian stops leading him to take out a device from his pocket and deactivates the motion senor on the C4 explosive. Cut inside of the sound proof room where Sarah, Cassidy, and Chuck are sitting down when the doors open leading all three to get up not knowing what to expect. Sarah has her fists clinch ready to pounce, but soon unballs them when she sees her mother walk in leading Cassidy and Sarah to speak up.
Sarah and Cassidy: astonished look Mom!
Upon seeing her Sarah, Emily runs to her
Emily: in tears DeAnna…checks her…did they hurt you?
Sarah hugs her mom and calms her down.
Sarah: Calm down mom…wipes the tears from her mom’s eyes…don’t worry about me I’m fine. I’m more concerned about you and how you’re doing at the moment.
Emily: I’m okay…a bit shaken up no thanks to him over there.
Emily points to Ethan who is pointing a gun at the four of them leading Sarah stands in front of her mother and as she does she notices the c4 motion sensor explosive below the door handle.
Sarah: Who are you…another one of Marcus’ lackeys?
Cassidy: speaks up No sis…he is…was dad’s lackey.
Sarah: looks at Cassidy What!?
Cassidy is about to explain the situation to Sarah when Ethan speaks up.
Ethan: smirks Welcome back was your trip to the City of Angels?
Cassidy glares at Ethan with her arms crossed.
Cassidy: sarcastic tone Great…did some shopping, ran into my little sister who I haven’t seen in a while, met her boyfriend Chuck…Ethan looks at Chuck who nervously waves…we chatted, ate lunch, and then we got kidnapped by a deranged ex-Navy Seal.
Emily: looks at Sarah You have a new boyfriend…looks at Chuck…is that him? What about Bryce?
Sarah: looks at her mom Not now mom.
Ethan momentarily looks at Emily leading him to look back at Cassidy.
Ethan: Really…well I hope you were treated well.
Cassidy: I was held at knife point and was told that if I didn’t cooperate they would shoot no…I wasn’t treated well at all.
Emily’s eyes widen leading Ethan to look at Sebastian and then back to Cassidy.
Ethan: I’ll have a word with him because…
Cassidy: interrupts Ethan Cut the crap Ethan…how did you know where I would be.
Ethan: It was hard tracking you down because you usually keep such a timely schedule with your appointments and never like to deviate from it. According to your itinerary, you were supposed to have a morning meeting with Wexler Industries sister company but canceled it throwing a wrench in the works, so to speak. Luckily, Marcus had several contacts at his disposal and consequently they paid off.
As he is talking Sebastian makes his presence known by walking in the room and stands behind Ethan leading Chuck to be a bit fearful. Cassidy continues to speak.
Cassidy: My dad trusted you and you threw that trust back in his face. How can you possibly live with yourself knowing you turned your back on a good man?
Those last 3 words lead Ethan to walk over and stand right in front of Cassidy.
Ethan: intense look on his face Good man…you’re father is an opportunist who financially benefits making military weapons for war.
Cassidy: He’s a man who loves his country.
Ethan: He’s a murderer!
Cassidy suddenly slaps Ethan in the face startling Emily, Chuck, and Sarah leading Ethan to immediately point his gun directly at Cassidy. The scene ends with Chuck , Sarah who is holding her trembling mother, watching looking down the barrel of Sebastian’s gun as Sebastian himself looms in the background.
Fade Out
The scene begins where it left off as Cassidy is staring down the barrel of Ethan’s gun after she slapped him in the face for calling her father a murderer with Chuck, Sarah, and her mother looking on. After several tense filled moments Sebastian speaks up.
Sebastian: Enough!
Ethan responds as he continues to point his gun at Cassidy.
Ethan: No…she slapped me!
Sebastian: We need them alive!
Ethan pulls back the trigger with a smirk on his face.
Ethan: All of them?
Sebastian walks up beside him on his right, leans in, and gets in his face.
Sebastian: calm forceful tone Stand…down…now!
Ethan eyes dart from Cassidy to Sebastian leading it to cut to Sarah, Emily, and Chuck waiting with baited breathe on what he will do. After what seems like an eternity, Ethan quickly eases up on the trigger inevitably pointing his gun in the air leading Cassidy to exhale of sigh of relief. Ethan gives her a glaring look and then leaves the room followed by Sebastian who also gives a exiting glare as well. The door closes leading Chuck, Sarah and her mother to quickly see how she is doing . Cut to outside the room where Sebastian re-actives the c4 motion sensor explosive and as he turns around to head back to Marcus’ location Ethan who is several feet ahead of him looks at him and speaks up.
Ethan: I had the situation well under control
At the same time he says that Marcus is just a mere inches away leading him to suddenly grab him by the throat, lift him up in a choke slam, slam him down on top of a nearby work table, and take out his combat knife holding it parallel with his forearm immediately placing it under his neck.
Sebastian: forceful low gritty tone You cocky snot nosed bastard
Sebastian intensely looks down at Ethan as he simultaneously looks at him and the knife.
Ethan: What…what did I do!?
Sebastian: For one thing…you talk too damn much.
Ethan: nervous chuckle Like father like son.
There is a momentary pause leading Sebastian to just look down at him and after a moment or two he gives a menacing low growl, as well as, an intense glare that burns a hole right through him.
Sebastian: That’s the thing…you aren’t Marcus’ son. You’re just some punk kid he took off the streets, got you cleaned up, put nice clothes on you, and trained you to mirror Wexler in certain ways.
Ethan squirms/struggles a bit as he’s pinned down on the table by the Ex Navy Seal.
Ethan: I accomplished my job didn’t I…he didn’t know he was being played like a puppet.
Sebastian: To me you’re just a puppet and Marcus is the one pulling your strings.
Ethan: I’m nobody’s puppet.
Sebastian: Listen and listen to me good …cut to Ethan’s eyes widening…I don’t care if you are Marcus’ prized pupil nobody disobeys a direct order that I give. raises the knife higher cutting him a bit When I say stand down you should comply got it!
Ethan: Yeah
Sebastian: You have 1 strike against you.
Ethan: Fine…okay…I have 2 more strikes to go then
Sebastian: holds up finger 1…that all you get with me.
Ethan: If there’s a strike 2….
Sebastian: chimes in I’ll give you a Columbian neck tie…do you know what that is? Ethan shakes head Here’s a little history lesson for you as it was supposedly invented by drug kingpin Pablo Escobar as a way of psychological warfare in order to scare or intimidate people. Anyways, to execute it…methodically demonstrates it on Ethan…I slit your throat, rip it out your tongue from the open wound , and let it hang like a tie hence the name Columbian neck tie Grabs Ethan and pulls him up in closer to the point where their eye to eye with his knife still under his throat Like I told Marcus, I‘m not a man to be messed with and I can guarantee you that if either you or him cross me both of you will receive matching ties…you can count on it.
Sebastian forcefully pushes a flustered Ethan down on to the table hard where he then holds and then checks his neck as he grimaces a bit in pain. The scene ends with Sebastian looking at his knife blade that has signs of Ethan’s blood on it, licks it off, turns to look down at him, points at him with the combat knife, and walks off camera with Ethan just sitting there trying to gather himself.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the sound proof room where Chuck, Sarah, and Emily are gathered around Cassidy. After checking on Cassidy and seeing that she’s okay, Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: Who was that guy?
Cassidy sits down, covers her face leading her to run both hands through her hair, and then speaks up
Cassidy: Ethan Dane…he was an intern for dad 10 years ago and a year into the job dad became into his mentor.
Emily: looks at Sarah and Cassidy Ethan learned a lot from your father and that knowledge helped him not only become the C.I.O{Chief Information Officer) of Wexler Industries, but also part of the family.
Cassidy: looks at her mom Former C.I.O (Chief Information Officer) of Wexler Industries and to tell you the truth I didn't consider him family. Plus...he didn’t earn the job as it was handed to him.
Sarah: You sound bitter and even a bit jealous.
Cassidy: Bitter and jealous of him…as if. I saw Ethan more as a kiss ass than a protégé who simply was using dad to get ahead…I was partly right.
Emily: Can someone please tell me what is going on?
Chuck: speaks up I know we haven’t formerly introduced myself…but I’m Chuck Bartowski…Sarah’s boyfriend.
Emily: confused look Who is Sarah?
Sarah: Me mom…I’m Sarah.
Emily: But your name is DeAnna.
Sarah: Yeah…about that...
A commotion happens amongst Sarah, Chuck, and Emily leading Cassidy to try to get everybody’s attention but no avail. She then whistle causing everybody to quiet down and look at her.
Cassidy: looks at her mom Several days ago I went to Los Angeles for a business meeting and ran into DeAnna. We got to talking and come to find that she’s been dating…points to Chuck who smiles and waves…Chuck for about a year and a half. Are you with me so far? Emily nods We were kidnapped by Sebastian Hawkins a former Navy Seal turned mercenary who works for Marcus Stefano who wants Project Eagle that dad has been working on for the military in order to fulfill some destiny he has...whatever that is. It may involve General Beckman because of possibly an intimate past connection with Marcus...who knows and how Ethan is involved in all this is beyond me.
Cassidy stops leading the shot to turn to Emily and after a few moments she speaks up.
Emily: Okay…that still doesn’t explain why this young man called your sister Sarah.
Cassidy: That’s an easy one to explain…cut to Emily paying close attention…she’s a spy for the C.I.A. and her cover name is Sarah Walker.
Emily looks at Sarah who gives a small reassuring smile leading her to turn and exude a far off look.
Emily: I need to sit down
Cassidy immediately gets up leading her and Sarah to help her sit down. As they do, Chuck taps Sarah on the shoulder leading him to whisper to her.
Chuck: Is this a bad time to add that I’m not only your boyfriend, but I’m also a government analyst posing as a manager of Buy More. Sarah gives him a look Right…we’ll do it later.
After a moment or two, Sarah kneels down, rubs her mom’s hand, and then speaks up.
Sarah: Are you okay mom?
Emily: holds Sa.rah’s hand I’m fine.
As she says that Chuck speaks up
Chuck: If only my dad were here…he would find some way to get us out of this mess being a former spy and all.
Sarah looks back and up at Chuck leading her to speak up.
Sarah: Don’t worry Chuck…we’ll find a way out…trust me.
Sarah smiles at Chuck leading him to respond with a smile back
Chuck: I know… I just never got the chance to tell him how much I love him you know. Cassidy, Sarah, and Emily look at Chuck with empathy Anyways… I can just imagine him sitting and relaxing in his air conditioned apartment falling asleep in his lazy boy chair watching The Iron Chef.
The camera slowly moves in on a close headshot of a smiling Chuck thinking about his dad. The scene ends with Abe in the bowels of the ventilation systems sweating bullets maneuvering as best he can his way to the location of Team Chuck.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 22
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 21
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 20
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 19
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 18
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 17
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 16
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 15
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