The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as Tobias calls Wexler stupid for putting not only The Zeitgeist in danger, but also the world as well. Wexler responds by saying its never too late to fix things leading Tobias to question how he will rectify the whole situation. Cut to Marcus giving a long drawn out speech to where he proclaims that nobody will able to stop them from achieving their goals, but their premature victory is interrupted by the appearance of Abe who has set his sights on Marcus. Move forward to the secret weapon room in the lab where Chuck and the rest of the crew are patiently waiting for Abe’s signal leading Sarah to talking with her sister and mom who are worried about Wexler. Sarah assures them he will be at their side safe and sound leading to a very anxious Casey to appear wanting so badly to get in on the action. Chuck calms him down and tells him that he will soon be unleashed leading it to cut back to Abe pointing his weapon at Marcus who asks him who he is leading Sebastian to threaten his life by wanting to immediately kill him. Marcus belays that order to where he asks Abe how they know each other and as Abe is about to answer Wexler comes out of nowhere bum rushing Marcus to the ground leaving everybody stunned at what they just witnessed. Cut to Marcus losing his calm demeanor to where he not only uses Wexler as a human shield, but also Tobias as well. As Marcus moves them forward, Abe moves back to the point where all of them are located several feet away from room where Chuck and the Wexler women were being held at. Moments later Abe holds out both his arms to reveal in his hands the triggers to the c4 explosives leading him to detonate them. Cut to the aftermath where Chuck and the gang are still in one piece a bit shaken/banged up leading Casey to inform them that was Abe’s signal to where he heads towards the door, but not before Chuck stops him. Casey looks back with anxious anger to hear Chuck tell him to unleash hell. Cut to Beckman slowly recovering and spotting a familiar object within reach of her…the N.P.E. She puts it in her pocket and as she does Marcus appears inevitably throwing his inner devices away and helping her up to her feet. As they head towards escaping from the aftermath Abe appears to settle the score once and for all, but Marcus’ female associate Jackson makes her presence known by knocking Abe to the ground giving enough time for her to lead Marcus and Beckman to the truck carrying The Eagle Eye Satellite. Cut to Chuck and crew arriving to the scene where a hail of gunfire greets them leading them to head for cover. Casey orders Sarah to get Chuck, mom, and her sister to safety, but she responds by telling him she’s not going without her father. Travis speaks up and tells Sarah that he and Casey will bring him back to where Casey gives her an iron clad promise she will see her father again. Move forward to Sarah in the clutches of Sebastian and Emily pleading to him not to kill her to where he responds by not only smirking, but also shoots her point blank range in her heart. Sarah is enraged and fight ensues with Sebastian leading it to cut back to Emily who is fine as she slowly sits up to reveal she’s been wearing a bulletproof vest. Cut to Abe recovering and about to go after Marcus when he finds Wexler inevitably cutting him loose from his bonds. However, instead of thanking Abe he is angry at him for killing his family, but Abe assures him they are very much alive. Abe instructs Wexler to go to the lab and as he heads there he looks back to see Abe go in the other direction causing Wexler to stop him to ask where he’s going. Abe responds with just two words before disappearing into the fiery haze behind him…unfinished business.
The scene begins around 3.a.m with Wexler stumbling around the haze trying to find his way towards the lab. The haze is somewhat thick causing visibility to be dangerous and after a few moments of successfully maneuvering around with no problems he suddenly falls to ground. Cut to Wexler on the ground a bit hurt and when he looks back to see what he tripped on he sees a pair of feet…feet…which belong to Tobias. The scene switches from Wexler’s location to Abe emerging from the haze to see the cargo truck pullout as pieces of debris fall of the truck. Abe, still visibly limping musters all his strength, takes out the M1911 pistol from behind his back and runs after them all-the-while yelling one name as he raises his weapon shooting in their general direction.
Abe: MARCUS!!!!
The shot moves to the cargo truck hitting debris that is blocking the path to the open bay doors and then cut to the passenger side of cargo transport cargo truck where Marcus doesn’t hear Abe yelling out his name because of the engine noise. Marcus looks at Beckman and then looks straight forward to where his reflection is seen in a vertical shaped right side view mirror where he exudes a visible smirk on his face thinking he’s home free. Suddenly the side mirror shatters at the bottom from being hit by a bullet causing Marcus to be startled to where he leans further in towards Beckman. Cut to Abe continuing to fire off rounds and then back to Marcus peering cautiously out at the remaining pieces of the mirror to see Abe running with purpose despite suffering an apparent leg/foot injury. Marcus quickly looks at Jackson leading him to speak up.
Marcus: Step on it!
Jackson gives Marcus a quick glance and then complies flooring it leading the transport truck to speed up inevitably turning a corner running over/ramming into fallen debris as all three head towards the open bay doors several yards away. After a brief moment, Abe appears from around the corner chasing the transport cargo truck with all the strength he has all-the-while blocking out the pain that he’s feeling from his leg/foot injury as he continues to fire rounds at the truck. Cut back to the inside of the cargo truck where Marcus’s smirk grows even wider as he looks at the rear view mirror to see the image of Abe slowing down and then gradually fades back into distance.
Cut to a front shot of Abe running up to the camera and then gradually stops leading the shot to show from behind him as he bends down out of breathe as he stand there watching the cargo truck disappear into the darkness of the open bay doors with the front headlights illuminating their way out. Abe is visibly pissed off causing him to look around in disgust and as he does, he spots a sign marked Vehicle Field Testing leading him to run towards the partially opened gate as the view turns into an over the shoulder shot. Cut to the other side, where a front shot of Abe pulls the gate completely aside to where he steps into find the vehicles in question under tarps. Abe, from his point of view, begins to pull of the tarps of each vehicle leading him to not feel any of them, until he reaches one that brings a smirk to his face.
After a moment or two, a loud revving of an engine is heard to where Abe shoots out from said area and then does a sharp skid as he faces the open bay doors. The camera does a slow moving shot from bottom to top of a red Ducati 1098 motor cycle with horizontally placed headlights, a non-integrated exhaust system, and a single-sided swingarm. Abe closes his eyes for a brief moment and then cut immediately to a close up shot of his eyes as they have a fiery intensity within them leading him to turning on the headlights, revving the engine several times, hitting the gas, perform a 360 donut as the back tire of the Ducati smoke up, and then speed like a bat out of hell into the open bay doors disappearing into the darkness all in one fell swoop. Cue Chuck intro
Fade Out
The scene begins in the hazy, fiery aftermath of level 36 where Tobias is seen gingerly walking with left arm around Wexler’s neck and his right arm clutching his ribs as he helps assist his Zeitgeist colleague to get to the lab. As Wexler is guiding Tobias to safety the former Army Ranger speaks up.
Tobias: grimacing in pain This doesn’t negate the fact you’re still stupid.
Wexler: Keep talking Tobias…at least I know you’re still alive.
Tobias: Give me some time to recuperate and you’ll know how I alive I’ll be when I kick your ass.
Wexler: smirks at Tobias Yeah…yeah…Wexler adjusts/shifts Tobias in order to keep him standing…man you’re heavy.
Tobias gives him a glare and a moment or two they run into Chuck and Cassidy who are on the ground sitting next to Emily who is still recovering after getting shot in the chest by Sebastian. Luckily she was wearing the bullet proof vest and after setting down Tobias next to Emily a brief family moment consisting of hugs and kisses happens. After a moment or two, he looks around not seeing Sarah leading him to look at Chuck.
Wexler: Where’s DeAnna?
Chuck: Sar…DeA…she’s fighting Sebastian.
Wexler: What…is she out of her mind!?
Cassidy: She’s a trained spy dad…don’t worry about her.
Wexler: I’m always going to worry about her…both of you. You two are my precious little girls that have brought joy into my life…no…I got to go help her.
As Wexler is about to stand up, Emily grabs his left arms leading him to look back at her as she speaks up.
Emily: Honey…DeAnna is no longer a little girl any more. She cups her husband’s right cheek with her right hand. She’s all grown up…a woman…a woman who I think can kick your ass.
Cassidy gives her mom an astonished look leading Wexler to speak up.
Wexler: looks at Emily Kick my ass or not…Sebastian is not the type of guy who will go easy on her.
Chuck: chimes in Don’t worry about her…Abe looks at Chuck…I’ve seen your daughter go toe to toe with guys bigger than Sebastian. In the end, she’s always been the one still standing once the dust settles.
As he says that, the scene moves directly to an open, semi-circular area surrounded by flames where Sarah is seemingly thrown out into camera view leading her to roll to the middle of the ground. Cut to Sebastian making his presence know as he stands at the lip of the entrance with a look in his eyes as if he’s visually stalking his prey. Cut back to Sarah quickly recovering as she stands up, wipes the blood off from her lip with the back of her hand, and gets into attack position leading Sebastian to slowly walk in standing several feet away from her. At that same time that happens, a pip bursts above them that is part of the sprinkler system leading water to spray over them leading to a wet confrontation.
This doesn’t phase the two leading Sebastian to slowly turn to his right leading Sarah to slowly do so as well with both exuding the same look of intense determination in there eyes as if they’re both lions circling each other waiting to see who is going to make the first move. With water dripping from off Sebastian’s nose he inevitably makes the first move charging Sarah with a right punch to the face that misses the mark followed by two front side kicks to her upper torso, which she blocks with both her forearms. Sarah retaliates with a quick elbow to the right side of his gut, then a high spinning back kick to Sebastian’s head that misses, but is quickly followed by a low leg sweep that knocks Sebastian on his back splashing water in the air from the impact.
Sensing she has him down, she quickly attempts to stomp his face with her right foot several times leading Sebastian to roll several times in the opposite direction. On the last roll, Sebastian catches Sarah’s foot and twists it to where she ends up falling on the soaking wet ground to where she rolls several feet away. They quickly recover as they both are on one knee on the ground to where it cuts to a split screen where they’re breathing heavily as the water drips down their faces. The scene ends with a wide shot of a standoff between Sebastian and Sarah with the flames illuminating the water on the ground underneath them.
Fade Out
The scene begins on the road several miles away from Wexler Industries as the cargo transport truck carrying Jackson, Marcus, Beckman, and the valuable Eagle Eye satellite are speeding up the road like a bat out of hell. After a moment or two Marcus looks into the side mirror and then sticks his head to look back for himself leading to turn back around to where he sit back breathing out a sigh of relief. Upon seeing this Beckman speaks up.
Beckman: So…what’s next?
Marcus: We head to the rendezvous view point.
Beckman: Which is where exactly?
Jackson: chimes in Breckingridge STOLport…an abandoned airport about an hour and a half away.
Beckman: What is waiting for us there?
Marcus smirks as he turns to look at Beckman
Marcus: Our ticket out of here.
Jackson: Glances at Marcus Sir…we can possibly cut that time in half if I continue to keep this speed.
Marcus: Relax…Jackson gives another glance to Marcus…all right…if it makes you feel any better keep at this speed. Stay alert…don’t fall asleep…turn on the radio if you have to stay awake.
Jackson: Yes sir.
Marcus: Looks at Beckman Trust me…turns to look ahead leading him to close his eyes…we’re in the clear.
The scene switches for a brief moment from the cargo transport truck to miles behind them where all that is seen is a pair of headlights speeding up the road. Cut to a face shot of Abe with his hair blowing back in the wind exuding a look of serious intensity leading it to cut to a wide shot as the Ducati he’s riding speeds up the road. The scene switches again back again to level 36 to the location Travis, Casey, and the rest of Tobias’ men location they’re in the middle of a gunfight with an unknown number of men. Casey returns fire, turns back around, and then speaks up as he looks at Travis.
Casey: We’re not making any headway here.
Cut to Travis shooting back and then turning around to duck down in order to change cartridges in both guns he’s firing all-the-while looking at Casey as he speaks up.
Travis: I hear ya…I say we smoke them out.
Casey: gives a look to Travis The place is already engulfed in smoke moron. Shakes head and talks to himself out loud to where Travis can hear him. It’s like talking to Bartowski.
Travis: Seriously…do you have a plan?
Casey: I’m thinking...look over his shoulder...decoy.
Travis: Great…tuning around to return fire…who’s the decoy?
Casey titles his head as he gives him a look.
Travis: Oh no…no way...why do I have to be a decoy.
Casey: Because I’m the one who thought of the plan idiot.
Travis: How about rock…paper…scissors and the loser is the decoy?
Cut to Casey just staring at him and Travis just looking at him leading both to play in the middle of the gun fight. After a moment or two Casey speaks up.
Casey: gives a low growl I hate rock..paper…scissors. Looks at Travis. Two out of three?
Travis: Pats Casey on the shoulder Don’t be such as sore loser big guy…now remember you and the rest of the men give me time to get into position. Once I do, that is your cue to “surrender”…they’ll walk out…bingo bango bongo…I strike and they go down. Smirks A fool proof plan…see…simple as that.
Casey: More like plan made up by a simple fool.
Travis loses his smirk causing him to just stare at Casey leading him head off as Casey and the rest of the men give him cover fire as a distraction. As he heads off, he sees a wooden dollie leading him to pick it up and take it with him as he gives a this could come in handy look. After a moment two Travis radios him that he’s in position leading Casey to yell out knowing the words that he was to say left a bad taste in his mouth.
Casey: We surrender…we’re out of ammo!
There is a momentary pause and then a voice is heard.
Voice: Throw out your weapons…step out…and put your hands up.
Casey and the rest of the men comply as they throw out their weapons leading them to step out from behind the safe cover of the derbis with their hands up seemingly lined up in formation. As they have their hands up Dupree and 4 of Marcus’ remaining associates step out from the haze with weapons drawn standing a few feet away thinking they’ve won. Dupree looks at them with a sly smirk, but it’s soon disappears as he soon realizes something.
Dupree: There is one missing...where is he?
Suddenly Travis’ voice is heard.
Travis: Casey down!
Casey and the rest of the men hit the floor as Travis comes out of nowhere lying on his side on the wooden dollie as if it were a surfboard with both his guns drawn aiming directly at Dupree and his associates. Travis open fires knee capping all 5 of then causing a domino effect if sorts as they fall to the ground in pain. Casey and the rest of the men get up in order to take their weapons leading Travis to walk up to Casey holding the wooden dollie under his arm with a big smile on his face.
Casey: What are you smiling about?
Travis: I love it when a plan comes together.
Casey just looks at Travis leading him to walk the other direction. The scene ends with Travis watching Casey walk off out camera view and then turns to look at the rest of his colleagues as he holds up the wooden dollie to show that his plan worked to perfection.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the middle of the action where Sarah and Sebastian are going toe to toe as their surrounded by a semi-circular ring of fire with water raining down on them. Sebastian backs up into camera view followed by Sarah who is doing 3 continuous spinning back kicks leading to the 3rd spinning back kick to be caught under Sebastian’s right arm leading him to pick her up by the waste, turns, and to throw her to the side causing her to spin in mid air. Sarah seemingly recovers as she lands vertically with her right hand stopping her whole body from hitting the ground inevitably skidding back kicking up water as she faces Sebastian.
Sarah looks up to see a frustrated look on his face as he charges once again leading to give 3 side kicks of his own to the upper, middle, and then lower parts of her body. Two of them miss but the last one catches Sarah on her leg causing her to respond with a wild right punch to where Sebastian, with his back to her, catches her arm underneath his left arm. He pulls back on her right hand bending it back causing her to yell out in pain.Thinking quickly Sarah kicks the side of Sebastian’s knee several times leading him to let release the hold to where both of them back up a bit as they get a brief break. By this team they are soaking wet and after a moment or two Sebastian speaks up.
Sebastian: massages his right knee I have to admit it…I underestimated you.
Sarah: smirks as she stretches her right hand I get that a lot.
Sebastian: Beauty and brawn…a deadly combination.
Sarah: What are you trying to do…kill me or flirt with me?
Sebastian: A little bit of both.
Sarah: Sorry…I’m taken.
Sebastian: Disappointing…taken by a geek.
Sarah: He’s not a geek…he’s a nerd…MY nerd.
Sebastian: shakes head Your nerd is going to miss you…such a waste to kill a woman of your caliber with such an excellent and well disciplined fighting capability.
Sarah: I wish I could say the same for you and trust me...Chuck's going to see me again.
Sebastian: Chuckles You other life we could have worked together…allies fighting for a common cause instead of enemies. We could have been partners and possibly something more.
Sarah: Already tried that once before...didn't really work out for me.
Sebastian: I see...maybe you were just too much for him to handle.
Sarah: Maybe…or maybe you should stop talking and we end this here and now.
Sebastian: smirk Are you prepared to die?
Sarah: Are you?
Sebastian responds by tilting his head inevitably giving a nod as water runs down his chin. Sarah nods back as water runs down her hair leading both to somewhat struggle to stand because of the water that has been soaking within their clothes. Cut to a wide shot of both of them stand several feet away to where it then cuts to Sebastian cracking his neck and clinches his fists in a ball leading him to speak up one final time.
Sebastian: Let’s finish this.
This time its Sarah striking first with a combination of 2 straight side chop to the neck essentially blocked and then immediately followed by a reverse back kick to Sebastian’s gut knocking him back a few feet. She doesn’t let him have time to recover as Sarah goes in for a flurry of punches leading Sebastian to duck and weave to the point where he responds with a spin front side kick that causes her to do matrix still move as she bends back down and then back up. However, as he spin around from the kick his forward moment to duck low to avoid a punch to the face causing him instinctively grab her around the waist, pick her up, and slam her to the ground knocking the wind out of her splashing up water to where she slowly rolls on to her stomach leading him to kick her left side at least 5 times. As she is momentarily lying on the thin layer of rippling water beneath her cut to a shot Sebastian’s feet slowly walking around her and then stops above her head. Cut to an upward shot of Sebastian looking down dripping wet with a look in his eyes as if he senses a kill is at hand.
He smirks, then grabs Sarah’s shoulders and jerks her up to where its enough of a jerk that causes her to instinctively use that upward moments to swing her legs to the front and kicks his shins causing not only great pain, but also releases the grip he has on her to where she ends up on her back again. Both fall to the ground leading it to cut to Sarah’s face as she shakes off the water falling on her face from above to where she immediately kick flips up to her feet. At the same time that happens Sebastian is on his feet favoring his shins leading Sarah to run towards him and does a front forward flip into a back heel kick that catches the top of Sebastian head causing him to be disoriented.
It is Sarah now on the offensive as she does a running side kick, a left-right punch combo, and 2 quick knees to the gut leading Sebastian to push back. Cut to Sebastian, still somewhat disoriented, but with an angered look on his face as he goes to punch Sarah in the face with his left hand and upon doing that he catches his wrist, turns it, turns herself around facing the opposite direction, pulls Sebastian in a bit, and with all the strength she has left pulls down on his arm with full force on her right shoulder to where it snaps to where a scream is heard from the former Navy Seal leading him to back up a bit his arms is dangling there. At the same time that happens, a severely wounded Sebastian bends down to grab a concealed weapons from his ankle, takes it, raises it to point it at Sarah and at the same time that happens she turns around to right go in to finish it.
In slow motion, Sebastian extends his arm with gun in hand leading Sarah to react by hooking her left arm over his gun hand, then reverse direction as she goes to right to where she hooks right under his elbow, then reverses direction again to the left leading her to use her momentum to bend Sebastian’s good arm holding the gun to where its pointed directly at his chest to where the slow motion ends with Sebastian shooting himself several times in one fell swoop. Sebastian lets go of the gun as Sarah releases hold of his arm leading her to turn around to see Sebastian fall on his knees, gives one last look at Sarah as blood begins to drop from out of his mouth, and then falls flat on his face.
Cut to an upward shot of Sarah standing over his body looking down at her fallen enemy. The scene ends with an upward ariel shot looking down above Sarah as she heads exits stage right to find Chuck, Cassidy, and her mom leading the last thing seen is blood pouring out of Sebastian’s body in the water.
Fade Out.
The scene begins around 3:45 a.m. in Travis and Casey’s location where they have Marcus’ remaining wounded associates in custody. As they stand there, Chuck, Cassidy, Emily, Tobias, and Wexler appear leading Casey to look at Chuck.
Casey: Bartowski…I thought I told you to head to the stairs…looks around…where’s Sarah?
Chuck: Fighting Sebastian.
As he says that Travis sees Tobias leading him to walk up as he puts his right on his left shoulder.
Travis: Sir…you okay?
Tobias: I’ve been better…got out okay with only a few acceptable losses.
Tobias pats his ribs leading him to grimace leading Travis to turn and look at the man who helped him.
Travis: And you must be Sarah’s father.
Wexler nods leading both of them to shake hands. Chuck witnesses the exchange and then looks at Marcus’ associates bleeding from the knees on the ground in custody leading him to speak up as he looks at Casey.
Chuck: What…how?
Travis: raises his hand in a glaoting manner I got this on big guy. Casey just rolls his eyes as Travis is about to share what happened You should have see me dude…
As he says that Sarah appears leading Chuck to be the first to see her causing to run towards her leaving Travis to winder what is up. He turns to see Chuck run over to her, hug her, picks her up off the ground in a tight embrace, and kisses her. After a moment or two the kiss ends leading it to cut to an in between shot where everybody in the background is looking at them. After a brief moment, Travis looks at Sarah and speaks up.
Travis: We found you’re father…Casey gives him a look…actually he found us.
Sarah smiles as she looks at both Travis and Casey.
Sarah: Thanks for keeping your promise partner.
Casey responds with a grunt leading Chuck to look around and then speaks up.
Chuck: Where’s my dad?
Wexler: Are you talking about the man who is responsible for all this?
Chuck walks up to Wexler and stands in front of him.
Wexler: Yeah…looks around as he straches his head…I apologize for that.
Wexler waves his hand and shakes his head.
Wexler: No apologies necessary son…he did what he had to do. Besides…looks back and all around…this place can be rebuilt. It’s going to take a while…but all that really matters is that my family is safe.
Cut to Sarahg walking over to hug his father leading Cassidy and Emily to follow suit. Chuck stands there looking at the special moment when Wexler speaks up.
Wexler: Why are you standing there for…waves him in…you’re considered family too.
With a surprised smile, chuck points to himself, and then joins the Wexler family moment leading Travis to smile, and Casey along with Tobias give simultaneous low growls. Casey and Tobias look at each and then speaks up.
Casey: Wexler…where is Carmichael?
Chuck looks up to look at Wexler to find out the answer.
Wexler: He told me he had some unfinished business to deal with.
Cut to a close up shot of Chuck’s face as he speaks up.
Chuck: Marcus…he’s after Marcus.
Cut to everybody looking at Chuck who now has a sense of worried fear on his face. The scene ends with Jackson, Beckman, and Marcus inside the cargo truck heading towards their intended location with the last shot being of Abe racing up the road on the Ducati in hot pursuit of the man who nearly killed him years ago.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 22
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 21
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 20
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 19
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 18
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 17
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 16
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 15
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