The episode begins with a recap of what previously happened as Abe using the GPS system to track Team Chuck’s whereabouts. After a moment or two he finds a ventilation system, lifts it up, checks inside, and then drops in. Cut to level 36 where Wexler accuses his wife Emily of giving Marcus the N.P.E leading her to deny it. Marcus informs his old friend that it wasn’t Wexler’s wife that didn’t give it to him but someone else leading to a male voice behind him to speak up. When Wexler turns around with a look of disbelief as he sees someone he knows as he says the name Ethan. Ethan informs Wexler with a look of betrayal on his face that he did it for power and glory leading Marcus to tell his old friend that it wasn’t a coincidence that Ethan became his intern 10 years ago. He shared how after being exiled from the Zeigeist by The Committee he had time to think/regroup and begin his next assignment…Wexler himself. Wexler tells Ethan that he considered him not only part of his family, but also the son he always wanted leading Ethan to decline as he points to Marcus telling he is his father shocking Beckman as she looks at Marcus. Cut Emily reuniting with her 2 daughters leading to Cassidy and Ethan having a calm conversation that turns intense as he tells her that her father is a murderer to where Cassidy slaps him. Ethan responds back by pointing his gun at her and after a moment or two Sebastian breaks it tell Ethan to stand down, but he refuses leading him get in his face to tell him again and does it. Cut to outside the sound proof room where Sebastian has Ethan pinned down on a table with a knife at his throat where he spills the beans that he isn’t Marcus’ son, but rather a street kid he took off the streets to pull off his diabolical plan. He also threatens him by saying that if he or Marcus screw with him they both will receive matching Colombian neckties. Cut back to inside the sound proof room where Cassidy gives the 411 on the aforementioned Ethan Dane, the former C.I.O.(Chief Information Officer) of Wexler Industries, and according to her how he not only was an ass kisser that used her dad to get ahead, but she never considered him to be part of the family. Move forward to Emily wanting to know what is going on leading Chuck to introduce himself as Sarah’s boyfriend leading Emily to ask her daughter why he called her Sarah. Cassidy speaks up giving her the rundown of everything that has happened including sharing with her DeAnna Wexler’s secret life and the cover name she has been using. Emily is in total disbelief leading her to sit down and at the point Chuck wishes that his dad were here as he tells Sarah that he’ll will. The last thing seen is a shot of Abe crawling in the ventilation system trying to maneuver the best way he can to get to Team Chuck. The scene begins at level 36 in front of the Eagle Eye Satellite where Marcus and a tied up Wexler are standing with a Tobias tied up sitting on the ground. The scene begins around midnight with Sebastian walking in and after a moment or two Ethan walks in visibly holding, as well as, checking his neck leading Marcus to notice. He walks over, stops Ethan, looks at the cut, looks at Ethan, and then speaks up
Marcus: What happened?
Ethan glances at Sebastian who just glares at him and then looks back at Marcus.
Ethan: brushes him off Nothing…I’m fine.
Marcus looks back at Sebastian leading him to walk over in his direction as Beckman, Wexler, and Tobias look on, but his focus on him is interrupted by Tobias speaking up as he is about to pass him.
Tobias: The Committee should have executed you like I suggested instead of exiling you for what you did.
Marcus gives Sebastian a look and then turns his attention on Tobias.
Marcus: Ah Tobias…I’m going to miss you’re flowery personality once all this is over.
Tobias: smirks You’re going to kill me?
Marcus: Kill is such a harsh word…I prefer the word torture.
Wexler: speaks up Torture!? When did torturing people become part of your repertoire?
Marcus: looks at Wexler We go way back old friend…I know you inside and out, but you never knew me and what I was truly capable of.
Wexler: I guess not…forcing me to help you by kidnapping my daughters, threatening the life of Edna’s son and fiancé to help you, using my satellite to destroy the organization that exiled you, and…looks at Beckman…killing two government agents that Edna helped cover up. Beckman gives a side glance to Wexler leading Marcus to shake his head as he chuckles a bit. It makes me wonder what other skeletons you have in your closet that you’re hiding Marcus.
As he says that Tobias speaks up.
Tobias: Trust me…when I get my hands on him I’m going to personally kick down the closet and find out what else he’s been up, his contacts, and where they are located at.
Marcus turns to look at Tobias leading him to walk over and kneel at eye level.
Marcus: When…the correct word is never. Marcus opens his coat and takes out metal cylindrical tube with a small opening on one leading him to hold it in front of him as Beckman and Wexler look on. Tell me Tobias…do you like the smell of Almonds?
The camera focus on the small metal cylinder with Tobias in the background blurred leading it to reverse positions with Tobias clear and the cylinder blurred. The scene ends with a side shot of Marcus giving a sinister sly smirk to Tobias who is responding with a menacing glare of his own. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the sound proof room where Casey and Travis are and inside Travis is pacing back and forth while Casey is sitting in a chair with his eyes closed calm as can be in a Zen like state. After a moment or two of Travis pacing back and forth Casey speaks up.
Casey: calm tone Sit down
Travis stops pacing leading him to look at him.
Travis: Sit down…points in the direction of Marcus…Marcus and his associates are probably preparing their escape with Project Eagle Eye right now and you want me to sit down!?
Casey: Yes.
Travis: holds both hands in the air Now wouldn’t be a good time to go all Gandhi on me Casey.
Casey immediately opens his eyes leading him to get up and give an intense stare at him.
Casey: Look…unlike you I’m saving all my energy to repay Marcus and his cronies for what they did to us while you’re just wasting all your energy pacing back and forth.
Travis: I want to get my hands on them just as bad as you.
Casey: You’re acting like a rookie on your first day.
Travis: Oh really…so what do you suggest then?
Casey: The best thing to do in a situation like this…Travis looks at him with curious interest as he goes back to his chair and sits down with his eyes closed…absolutely nothing.
Travis gives a big frustrated sigh leading the scene to switch from there sound proof room to the sound proof room where Chuck, Sarah, Cassidy, and Emily are located at. Emily looks at Sarah and then speaks up.
Emily: A spy for the C.I.A…cut to Sarah nodding…interesting career choice sweety.
Sarah: I didn’t choose it mom…it chose me.
Cassidy: speaks up She’s the best mom…you should have seen her take out two of Sebastian’s men by throwing a knife at one of them right between the eyes and breaking the neck of the other one. You would have been proud of her mom.
Emily gives a motherly look of fearful proudness to Sarah as she strokes her check and then looks at Chuck.
Emily: So…you’re dating my daughter?
Chuck: Yes ma’am.
Emily: How did you two meet?
Chuck looks at Sarah, smiles, and then looks at Emily leading him to carefully chooses his words.
Chuck: Let’s just say we both met on the job.
Emily: Was it love at first sight?
Sarah: chimes in No...not at first. I just saw him as a government analyst who had the uncanny ability to retain information key to help us on missions.
Emily: Us?
Cassidy: Yeah…John Casey mom. He works for the N.S.A and they both protect Chuck because he’s so valuable to the team.
Sarah: So valuable that if he fell into the wrong hands we would be S.O.L.
Emily: What about Bryce…the young man you brought to the house when you came to visit?
Sarah: Bryce was C.I.A was a complicated relationship.
Chuck: speaks up It was complicated for me too…he was my former roommate at Stanford who got me kicked out.
Cassidy: Why?
Chuck: It’s a long story that also involves my ex-girlfriend Jill…Sarah looks at Chuck…which I won’t delve into.
Emily pauses a moment as she looks at Chuck.
Emily: Do you love my daughter?
Chuck smiles at Sarah as she holds her gold locket.
Chuck: Yes ma’am…my hearts is her for all time.
Emily: So…when are you two getting married?
Sarah quickly looks at her mom leading Chuck to respond.
Chuck: That too is complicated because you see there is a big obstacle in our way for that to happen.
Emily exudes a look of concern.
Emily: What would that be?
Sarah: My superiors…General Beckman already knows and if/when she tells my boss C.I.A Director Graham then I would be reassigned immediately. Sarah starts to tear up I love him mom and he makes me happy. We’ve been through so much together as we went through so many obstacles standing in our way and I don’t want to lose him.
Emily goes to hugs her daughter and after a moment or two she wipes her tears leading her to speak up.
Emily: Hellen Keller once said, ~ "Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourself a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacle.” Trust me when I say to you…looks at Chuck…both of you…love will always have obstacles but its how you overcome those obstacles together that determines the true success of a relationship.
Emily gives a reassuring smile to both of them that everything will work out in the end leading Cassidy to smile as well. The scene ends with Chuck holding Sarah hand as he gives his Chuckish smile to her.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the location of the Eagle Eye Satellite where Marcus showed him the metal cylinder tube and asked Tobias if he liked the smell of Almonds. Tobias looks at the metal cylinder and then at Marcus leading him to speak up
Tobias: Hydrogen Cyanide.
Marcus: I see you know your poisons.
Tobias: You’re not the only one who does his homework Marcus.
Marcus: Touché…well you see this particular type of hydrogen cyanide takes an hour to kill you instead several minutes leaving you to suffer excruciating pain as the cells in your body that produce oxygen break down and then die.
Wexler: speaks up That’s barbaric…I can’t imagine anyone going through that tortuous hell.
Marcus turns to look at Wexler leading him to put the metal cylinder back in his jacket pocket and then stands up.
Marcus: 1 poor unfortunate soul did…a government agent who nearly foiled a deal but paid for it with his life. Marcus gets that far off sadistic look on his face as he thinks about that night years ago in Zurich, Switzerland As I was standing over his body I could see a man struggling for life…struggling to breathe…and he looked up at me knowing I was the last face he saw before he died.
Cut to Wexler shaking his head, Beckman with a look of disbelief, Ethan smirking, and Tobias grits his teeth looking up at Marcus leading him to speak up.
Tobias: You’re certifiably insane
Cut to Marcus looking down at Tobias with a smirk leading the scene to switch to the ventilation system where Abe is continuing to crawl around and after a few moments he begins to hear somewhat muffled voices leading him to try to pinpoint it. He eventually finds a vent grate and when he looks through it he sees Tobias, Wexler, Beckman, Sebastian, Ethan, several associates, and most certainly Marcus several feet away speaking leading his eyes to exude an intense glare. He lays there fixated on Marcus when out of the corner of his eye to his right he sees a glimpse of Chuck in the distance with his back to the window in one of the sound proof rooms. He moves quietly so not reveal his location towards where his son is leading the scene to cut in the sound proof room where Emily and Sarah are catching up while Chuck and Cassidy are sitting down on the floor next to a vent grate in the middle of a conversation about Sarah when it leads to his family. Cassidy speaks up.
Cassidy: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Chuck takes out his wallet showing his sister Ellie and Awesome.
Chuck: Ellie and her husband Devon or otherwise known as Capt. Awesome. Cassidy looks at him Don’t ask. Looks at pic Yeah…they’re both doctors and were married this past Sunday. They’re on their honeymoon in Hawaii right now.
Cassidy: Do they know about you, Sarah, and Casey…plus your friends at Buy More?
Chuck: No, they don’t and I want it to keep it that way. It’s for their own safety they not know because if they ever got hurt or even killed I wouldn’t be able to live with myself. Chuck beings to exude a reflective look on his face They’re all my family in more ways than one…even Casey who is like the older brother who enjoys antagonizing me and Sarah. Even though he doesn’t want to admit or show it, he cares about us and will do anything in his power to protect us. Cassidy smiles leading her to take his wallet from his hand to look at the remaining pictures She sees the picture of his mother leading her to speak up.
Cassidy: Is that your mom…she’s beautiful.
Chuck: looks at pic That was taken several months before she died. It was a tough time for both Ellie and I, but we managed to cope with Ellie taking charge. Chuck smiles She’s the spitting image of mom with a powerful right hand to slap me upside the head to match.
Cassidy laughs flips it again to see a familiar pic.
Cassidy: Your father...the one you said was a spy.
Chuck: looks at pic Yeah…I was angry at him for a long time not knowing why he left. When he came back and gave his explanation about him getting a burn took me a while to forgive him.
Cut to Abe crawling to an open tube connected vertically down to the sound proof room where Chuck is leading him to hear his son’s voice. Chuck continues to talk about his dad leading it to cut to Abe speaking up as his voice echoes down into the tube towards his son.
Abe: Chuck!
Abe does this several times leading it to cut back to Chuck as his father’s voice is heard coming from the vent.
Chuck: You know, even though he isn’t here I feel like he’s with me…it’s weird it seems like I can actually hear his voice as if he’s close by.
Cassidy: You know what’s even weirder…I hear it too.
Emily: Me too.
As she says that Sarah speaks up.
Sarah: So do I…looks at grate Chuck and Cassidy are sitting by…and it’s coming from right beside you.
Chuck quickly positions himself in front of the grate yelling into it.
Chuck: Dad is that you!
Abe: smiles No…it’s Bruce Willis…of course it’s me. Don’t worry I’m going to get you guys out of here.
Chuck turns to Sarah smiling at her as she responds back not only with a smile of her own, but also rubbing his back with her right hand. The scene ends with Abe breathing out a sigh of relief as he wipes his forehead of all the sweat he got from working out in the ventilation system.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the location where Project Eagle Eye is as it left off with Marcus smirking at Tobias for calling him certifiably insane. Marcus looks down at him and responds to the statement.
Marcus: We’re all insane…it’s just the level of insanity that you have to be concerned about.
Tobias: I bet Freud would have a field day with you.
Marcus: Freud is highly overrated…I prefer Josef Breuer
As he says that Jackson who is behind the computer console speaks up
Jackson: Sir…I think you should come her and take a look at this.
Marcus walks around leaving a perturbed Tobias wondering what is going on and stands besides Jackson looking at the computer console.
Marcus: Yes…what it is?
Jackson: According to this there are several military cargo transport trucks here which means one of them can help transport the satellite to the rendezvous point. Cut to Wexler and Beckman hearing this leading Jackson to speak up again Not only that sir, but there’s apparently also a passage way that we can drive through to a secret opening in the mountain we’re under.
Jackson looks back and up at Marcus with a smirk on her face.
Marcus: smiles Good job Jackson. Take Ethan, find the truck, and bring it here while Dupree and the rest of the men prepare the satellite to be lifted on to it. looks at Sebastian You stay with me.
Cut to Sebastian nodding
Jackson: Yes sir
Jackson gets up from the computer console motioning Ethan to go with her and then cuts to a close up of Marcus’ face with a confident look of victory. The scene switches from there to the sound proof room where Chuck, Sarah, Cassidy, and Emily are huddle around the vent grate as they find out that Abe has somehow managed to come to the rescue leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: Dad…I’m glad you’re here.
Abe: I’m always going to be there for you son…no matter what happens.
Sarah: Abe this is Sarah…how did you know we were even here?
Abe: Morgan.
Chuck: My furry little buddy unknowingly comes through in the end.
Abe: Son…he said you were going up to Colorado to meet Sarah’s parents and that shot off a red flag right there.
Sarah: That’s still doesn’t explain how you were able to exactly find us.
Cut to Chuck with a look of realization.
Chuck: Sarah’s gold locket.
Emily: speaks up What about her gold locket?
Chuck: I gave it too her on Valentine’s Day…
Emily and Cassidy: Awwww
Chuck: Yeah…ummm…I installed a tracking system just in case if it was ever lost, stolen, or in this case kidnapped by an ex-Navy Seal. Dad must have used the G.P.S tracking system that was in my top sock drawer and thank God it worked the second time around.
Emily looks at Chuck and then at Sarah.
Emily: What do you mean the second time around?
Sarah: Yeah…I was kidnapped by Casey’s former commanding officer…long story.
Cassidy and Emily look at Sarah leading Cassidy to speak up.
Cassidy: Mr. Bartowski by any chance did you bring reinforcements with you?
Abe: May I ask who this is?
Cassidy: Cassidy…Sarah’s...DeAnna's...her sister.
Abe: Nope…cut Cassidy with that we’re all dead look again…but Graham was pissed off at me for stealing a Huey and taking out to guards at the warehouse so I’m guessing he’s on his way because as I recall all vehicles have a tracking system installed in them. Listen…I’m going to find a way out of here and then I’m going to let you guys out too. Where’s Casey?
Sarah: He’s here somewhere…Abe just to let you know there is a C4 motion sensor device on our door located underneath the handle and probably on Casey’s door as well.
Abe: Thanks for the heads up Sarah.
Chuck: Be careful dad.
Abe: I will son.
Abe smiles leading him to crawl off camera with a rejuvenated sense of purpose. The scene ends with Chuck turning around, sitting on the floor as he looks at up Cassidy, Emily and especially at Sarah with a smile on his face.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the location of The Eagle Eye Satellite where Marcus is watching as his associates are hooking up the satellite in order to be carefully lifted and then placed carefully o the truck. Cut to Tobias and Wexler who are sitting down with their backs to the computer leading the shot to cut back to Marcus left arm tucked under the right with his right fist over his mouth as he has his back to the camera. After a moment or two, Beckman walks into camera view looking at Marcus leading her to speak up in a whisper.
Beckman: Ethan is your son.
Marcus turns his head to look at Beckman.
Marcus: I wouldn’t say that…he’s more my student than my own flesh and blood.
Beckman: look of disbelief Student…how can you say that with such callousness.
Marcus: He’s not my son…he never was.
Beckman: He called you father.
Marcus: He’s nothing more than a street kid who was scamming people for money. I plucked him off the streets, gave him direction, and a new found sense of purpose.
Beckman: Purpose…do you even see him as a human being or just someone to use on as part of the assignment?
Marcus: He achieved his objective and I’m proud of him for doing so.
Beckman: So he achieved his objective…what will become of him after you get the satellite? I saw the look in his eyes Marcus…he has grown attached to you and truly considers you to be his father.
Marcus: You need not worry…turns to face Beckman leading him to put both hands on the side of her face…he’s going to be well taken care of.
Marcus pulls her in and kisses the top of her forehead leading him to glance at Sebastian who immediately walks off camera using his communications device. The scene switches from their location to the site of hanger door marked transport vehicles where Jackson and Ethan are standing in front of. Jackson pushes a switch leading the doors to open in the opposite direction to where they see 5 military cargo transport vehicles inside. They both walk in looking around, checking inside the trucks for keys, and as they do Ethan speaks up.
Ethan: So Jackson…how long have your worked for my Marcus.
Jackson: Why do you want to know?
Ethan: Just wanting to get to know my friends… the people who work for my father.
Jackson: Look kid…we’re not friends and when it comes to your father I tend to agree along the lines with Sebastian about not trusting your him.
As the conversation is going on cut to Abe finding his way to the ventilation system above where the military cargo transports are being kept. He hears the conversation going on leading him to crawl slowly to the vent area in order to see what’s going on. Cut to the conversation in progress.
Ethan: You should trust him…he’s a brilliant man.
Jackson: If you say so.
As says that cut to Jackson getting an apparent message in her earpiece leading her to listen and then looks over her shoulder at Ethan who just jumped out of the truck after starting it leading the hanger to become a bit loud. Ethan turns with a proud look on his face at Jackson and yells to her over the noise.
Ethan: He told me once this is all done I’m going to get everything that I deserve.
Cut to a close up shot of Ethan turning back around and after a brief moment the camera turna slightly to the side where Jackson is seen holding her gun to the back of his head.
Jackson: talking in a low tone Yeah kid…you’re going to get what you deserve all right.
Cut to Abe watching as a shot is heard leading it to echo a bit in the vents amidst the engine noise leading him to close his eyes as he turns his head away. Switch back to Jackson as she holsters her gun, moves his body to the side, jumps in the cargo truck, puts its in gear, and drives to Marcus’s location. After a moment or two, to see if the coast is clear Abe kicks out the vent and drops to the ground doing a military roll forward into a ready position with gun drawn. Abe sees the deceased body of Ethan Dane leading him to walk over, kneel down and then shake his head. The scene ends with Abe getting up with a look of determination on his face as he raises his weapon straight at the camera and creeps forward.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 22
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 21
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 20
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 19
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 18
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 17
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 16
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 15
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