[The episode beings with a recap of what previous happened as Beckman tries to smooth things over with Wexler but no avail. Cut to Sebastian who questions Marcus’ intentions after something that Wexler says leading him to point a gun at his head. Several moments later Tobias, his men, Casey, and Chuck are in the hallways of Wexler Industries where one of Tobias’ men disables the surveillance videos. Move to Marcus, the consummate professional, calms things down by doing the one thing he’s good at and that is studying people leading Sebastian to not only lower his gun, but also convinces him that they’re both wanting the same thing…power and glory. Move forward to shop 101 where Wexler and Cassidy explaining to Marcus and his associates the inner workings of Project Eagle Eye in regards to the minor problem concerning metallic brackets. Cut to Sarah and Wexler having a discussion about why he’s helping them leading him to tell his C.I.A daughter to trust him because he knows what he is doing. Move forward to Chuck walking down the hallways separated from the group talking to Morgan and after a few moments a gun is pointed at his head by an unknown person leading him to hang up. The unknown person turns out to be one of the guards at the front desk who is questions Chuck to the point that he is about to escort him to the front when Travis saves Chuck. Cut to level 36 where assured Marcus informs the group that Sarah and Beckman are coming with him for insurances purpose. He proclaims that he will always be two steps ahead of the people he used to work for leading to Tobias to suddenly appear out of nowhere. Move forward to happy reunion between Chuck and Sarah as they kiss leading to a first time meeting between Sarah’s father and Chuck, but its not all smiles as he sees Beckman who exudes a serious look towards him. Cut to a kiss shared by Marcus and Beckman who tells her that he loves her completely surprising Team Chuck leading Tobias to slowly head towards him. He is seemingly calm, cool, and collected exuding a smirk on his face to the point that as Tobias is about to reach him his face, as well as, the others around him with the exception of Sebastian, his men, and Beckman are all standing. The scene begins where it left off as Marcus stands over a fallen Tobias exuding a smirk on his face. He takes out a small device from his pants pocket, turns it off, nods to his associates leading them to remove something in their ears. A stunned Beckman, not knowing what just happened, removes what Marcus discreetly put in her ears while kissing her. Cut to Sebastian taking out his ear devices and surveys the scene leading him to stand next to Marcus as he looks down at Tobias]
Sebastian: [smirks] It’s not over till the fat lady sings.
[Marcus looks at Sebastian]
Marcus: [takes out ear devices] Search them…take their weapons…leave Jeremiah and Tobias with me tied up,…secure the rest in separate rooms and this time makes sure nobody is able to escape.
[Sebastian nods as he and his associates get to work leading Beckman look at all bodies on the ground. She then sees Marcus with a smirk on his face clutching the device in his hand and upon seeing it she speaks up]
Beckman: Is that what I think it is?
Marcus: [holds up device] An N.P.E. or Neuro Pulse Emitter…it disrupts the central nervous system causing temporary paralysis within the nerve pulses leading to what you just witnessed.
Beckman: [looks at the device and then at Marcus] How did you get it?
Marcus: Let’s just say someone in Jeremiah’s inner circle provided me the necessary means to procure it. That person will join us later. It’s a real shame that he produced THE only one of kind weapon that is absolutely extraordinary only to be decommissioned so quickly after it was created. For such a small device it packs a big punch.
Beckman: [looks at Marcus] Jeremiah reconsidered following through with production of the device after testing out the prototype leading him to make the decision it was too dangerous for even the military to use and in the wrong hands could be considered disastrous.
Marcus: As long as I’ve known the man…I never could really figure him out.
Beckman: I don’t understand.
Marcus: [looks at Beckman] He has spent his livelihood creating high tech military weapons for utter destruction without any second thought or regard for the consequences afterwards, but when it came to creating the N.P.E and seeing what it could do his sense of duty took a back seat to his sense of morality.
Beckman: At least he has a sense of morality.
Marcus: [strokes her right check] What about you?
Beckman: [turns her head away] What about me?
Marcus: Where is your sense of morality, especially when it involves not only the safety of the organization you’re a part of, as well as, the safety of the free world?
Beckman: It’s in the oath that I took when I both joined the military and The Zeigeist. You...[points finger at Marcus]…more than anyone should know I take pride in wearing the uniform that both represented my commitment to both The United States Air Force and The Zeitgeist.
Marcus: Answer me this then…you came to the diner wearing civilian clothes instead of wearing your uniform…why?
Beckman: I thought it best to keep a low profile…wearing the uniform would attract attention.
Marcus: That’s not it at all.
Beckman: What is it then?
Marcus: You spent much of your life wearing a uniform that has essentially become a skin second to you and when the opportunity provided itself to shed that skin you took it. Subconsciously, your mind is telling you something.
Beckman: What is it telling me?
[Marcus walks a few feet in front of Beckman looking straight ahead]
Marcus: You want a life that doesn’t involve following or giving orders…[Beckman gives a curious look to Marcus]…a life you wanted but never could have…a life…[slowly turns around with a smirk on his face]…with me.
[Cut to a shot of Beckman trying to comprehend what Marcus just said. The scene ends with Marcus still exuding a smirk as if to say I know I’m right and you can’t fool yourself into thinking otherwise. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in darkness and all of a sudden a faint voice is heard calling the name of Chuck. The voice grows steadily louder leading Chuck’s eyes from his point view to open leading him to see up at a blurred vision of Sarah turn gradually clearer. The shot goes wide as they’re in a sound proof room and after a brief moment of gathering himself Chuck speaks up]
Chuck: [disoriented tone] Sarah?
[Sarah smiles leading her to kiss him gently on the lips]
Sarah: Yeah…it’s me…are you okay?
[Chuck slowly sits up with some help from Sarah]
Chuck: Yeah…I’m fine…[rubs the top of his head as he looks down]…so much for me coming to your rescue.
Sarah: Hey…[lifts his head up by Chuck’s chin]…what matters is you came like I knew you would. Besides…you’ve actually rescued me more time than you’ll ever know and that makes you…[puts her arms around Chuck’s neck leading her to lean closely to Chuck]…my hero.
[Sarah smiles leading Chuck to speak up]
Chuck: Did I forget to mention that I jumped out of an airplane risking life and limb to get to you?
[Sarah smiles leading her to kiss him and after a moment or two, they hear what sounds to be a clearing throat. They both stop leading both of them to look sideways to see Cassidy with a perturbed look on her face. She speaks up]
Cassidy: I’m glad you two love birds are enjoying your happy reunion…but can we focus on finding a way out of this mess or better yet not get ourselves killed?
Sarah: Chill sis…trust me when I say Chuck and I have faced these types of situations before.
[A hint of a smile appears on Cassidy’s face]
Cassidy: Really…[looks at Chuck]…how do you handle it?
Chuck: Usually…I run and hide or stay in the car.
Cassidy: [looks at Sarah] We are so dead.
[The scene switches from inside the sound proof room to another sound proof room where Casey and Travis are recovering from the effects of the N.P.E. they find themselves stripped of all their weapons and communication devices. After a moment or two Travis speaks up]
Travis: [sitting against the wall] Can you tell me what the hell just happened?
Casey: Marcus got the upper hand that’s what happened. I don’t know how…but he did.
Travis: Do you think she helped him?
Casey: Who?
Travis: General Beckman.
Casey: [quickly looks at Travis] If you’re implying that General Beckman is a traitor…
Travis: [interrupts Casey] Hey…you said it not me.
Casey: Well…she’s not. She wouldn’t be capable of something such as that.
Travis: Are you sure…because as you saw before we were all down for the count was Marcus kissing her. From what I saw she didn’t fight it and seemed to be in the moment so I’m guessing they had a history together.
Casey: Whatever it is…I want answers.
Travis: [nods] Let’s go.
[Travis gets up leading him to help up Casey and head towards the door with a narrow vertical window where upon looking through it they don’t see anybody standing there. Travis speaks up]
Travis: What do you think?
Casey: [low growl] It’s too easy.
Travis: What…you want it to be hard?
Casey: [smirks] I like challenges with insurmountable odds.
[Travis gives Casey a weird look]
Travis: I say we go for it.
[Travis takes a breath and reaches for the handle. The scene ends with the shot cutting to outside the door with the view of window where Travis and Casey are barely seen leading the shot to slowly move down to where a C-4 motion censor explosive device is seen located just below the door handle]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the location of the Eagle Eye satellite where Marcus tells Beckman the reason that she didn’t come to the diner dressed in her uniform is because she subconsciously not only wants a life, but a life with him. After a moment or two of thinking about it Beckman speaks up]
Beckman: I do want a life with you.
Marcus: [smiles as he puts out his right hand] Then take my hand…be at my side.
Beckman: [turns around with her arms crossed] I can’t.
Marcus: Why not?
Beckman: Like I said, I do want a life you…BUT…with the man I met and fell in love with 28 years ago not the man you’ve become now. Where is the Marcus who was sweet, caring, full of passion and put the priorities of others like myself over yours. You helped me go through a hard time during my divorce over...where is he?
[Marcus walks up behind Beckman and holds/rubs her arms]
Marcus: I’m standing in front of you. I still am that man you fell in love with…I just have a different set of priorities.
Beckman: [turns around] Different set of priorities…[shakes head]…its seems you’re placing more importance on getting back your legacy than getting back with me.
[As she says that sounds of Wexler and Tobias are waking from the effects of the N.P.E leading Marcus to speak to Beckman]
Marcus: We’ll have this conversation later.
Beckman: [low tone] Yeah…later.
[Tobias and Wexler are seated against the back of the computer console in front of the Eagle Eye Satellite trying to get their bearings straight. As they both find themselves with their hands tied behind them Marcus walks up and stands in front of them leading him to speak up]
Marcus: Gentlemen…enjoy your nap?
[From Tobias’ point of view Marcus is a momentary blur but then clears up leading him to lunge at him but to no avail]
Tobias: How did you do it Marcus…not even you could pull a stunt like that without help?
Marcus: Like I said before…I’m always 2 steps ahead.
Tobias: Did you have God to strike us down?
Marcus: Help from a higher power no…but help from an electronic powered device known as an N.P.E. yes.
[As he says that Marcus Wexler’s eyes to widen]
Wexler: [tone of disbelief] That’s impossible…there’s no way you have it in your possession…I don’t believe you!
[Marcus looks at his old friend leading him to walk up to Marcus, stand in front of him, take the device out of his pocket, and show it to him]
Marcus: [smirks] Seeing is believing.
Wexler: How did you get that? I locked that prototype away in a secured vault never to be used in the field because if it ever fell in the wrong hands…the consequences would be dire.
[cut to Marcus walking towards Wexler, stands in front of him, and then kneels down to look at him eye to eye]
Marcus: [holds up device] As you can clearly see…it’s in my hand.
Wexler: [serious look] Answer me Marcus…how did you get it? Only a handful of people knew about the N.P.E and where it was stored it one of whom…[notices Beckman out of the corner of his eye]…was Edna. [turns to look at Beckman] Did you give it to him?
Beckman: No…I assure you it wasn’t me.
Wexler: [looks at Marcus] Who Marcus…who gave it to you?
Marcus: You will know soon enough my old friend.
Tobias: [speaks up] Enough…where are my men?
Marcus: [looks at Tobias] Don’t worry about them. They are in a secure location and along with…[looks at Marcus]…your daughters, as well as, future son-in-law.
Wexler: [glares at Marcus] You better not do anything to harm them or I swear I will kill you.
[Marcus stands up leading him to look at Tobias and Wexler]
Marcus: It’s not me you should be concerned about harming anyone. You see I’m actually harmless compared to my associates who work for me.
Wexler: What are you talking about?
Marcus: [looks at Wexler] Let’s just say that my associate Sebastian who you personally met during both you’re daughter’s attempted escape has a very explosive demeanor and knowing what he’s capable of the possibility of another escape would I dare say would blow them away.
[Tobias gives off an intense glare at Marcus while Wexler lets the words of what he just said sink in causing him to have a worried/fearful look on his face. The scene ends with a triple shot with C4 motion censor explosives attached below the handles leading to the one shot of Travis with Casey behind him with his hand on the handle slowly turning it]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins in the sound proof room with Travis and Casey. Travis is at the door with his hand on the handle with Casey watching on behind him looking on as he is about to slowly open the door. After a moment or two Casey immediately notices something leading him to stop Travis]
Casey: Don’t move!
[Travis freezes leading him to speak up]
Travis: What’s up!?
Casey: The two of us if you lower that handle any further…[points through the vertical narrow window]…look.
[Travis looks and sees a flashing green light reflecting in back of the handle leading Travis’s eyes to widen]
Travis: [looks at Casey] Good eyes Casey.
Casey: Now would not be a good time to be flirting with me…just release the handle slowly?
Travis: What do you think I’m trying to do…and sorry to burst your bubble Sugar Bear you’re not exactly my type.
Casey: [glares at him] Quit looking at me and just stay focused on not blowing us up.
Travis: I Am focused…its just…
Casey: [chimes in] It’s just what?
Travis: Dude…you need a tic tac. [Casey gives a low growl leading Travis to turn around to focus on the handle. As he does Casey steps back a bit, turns, and tests his breathe on his hand leading him to shake his head. After a moment or two, Travis fully releases the handle without blowing him and Casey up. Travis breathes out a big sigh of relief leading him to look at Casey and speaks up] What do we do now?
Casey: We wait.
[The scene switches from Travis and Casey to Chuck, Sarah, and Cassidy. Cassidy is not too thrilled about the situation they are in and believes the situation isn’t going to get any better after finding out what Chuck during dangerous situations. Sarah speaks up]
Sarah: Cass…yeah Chuck does run and hide…and yes he does stay in the car when it starts to get really dangerous. It’s what Casey and I tell him to do for his own protection.
Cassidy: [looks at Chuck] So you really aren’t the hero type after all like D said. You’re just a geeky government analyst who probably couldn’t fight out of wet paper bag even if he tried…no offense.
Chuck: None taken.
Sarah: [speaks up] Don’t judge a book by its cover sis. Chuck can surprise you and there have been several instances where he’s saved Casey and I using his brain instead of his lack of brawn as you see it. There was also an instance where he refused to go when I told him to leave because of what we thought at the time was a bomb about to go off.
Chuck: As I recall she threatened to shoot me so I wouldn’t get blown up.
Cassidy: What happened?
Chuck: I looking at her and then closed my eyes.
Cassidy: And then?
Sarah: [chimes] I kissed him.
[Cassidy smiles as she witness both of them sharing a look]
Chuck: You know…you never really answered my question…was the kiss about me or were my lips the most convenient around at the time?
Sarah: What do you think?
Chuck: [looks at Cassidy with a smile] Yeah…it was about me.
[Cassidy chuckles as she sees Sarah slap Chuck in the arm leading her to speak up]
Cassidy: What about the bomb…if it didn’t go off…what was it then.
[Sarah looks at Chuck and then back at Cassidy]
Sarah: That’s a long story that involves Bryce…[Cassidy gets a intrigued look on her face]…which will be saved later…[Cassidy’s look of intrigue goes to disappointment]…because right now have much important matters to attend to like getting ourselves out of here.
Cassidy: I second that motion.
[Chuck stands up and helps the two ladies to their feet. Chuck brushes himself off and at exact moment something catches his from outside the window leading him to look where he sees Sebastian talking to one of his men. As he sees his face, he flashes leading him to see images of an anchor, a map showing the words NAB Coronado, a group photo with the name Delta Bravo underneath, a file labeled “Stinger”, surveillance video of him meeting with someone of Middle Eastern descent, name Sebastian Hawkins and finally the anchor again. The scene ends with Chuck snapping out of it leading him to look at Sarah as Cassidy looks on wondering what’s going on]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back where it left off as Chuck flashed on Sebastian leading him to find out information concerning the man who Sarah and Cassidy have known as just a one named individual. Sarah looks at Cassidy and then looks at Chuck]
Sarah: What is it?
Chuck: Sebastian Hawkins…former Navy Seal who trained at the Naval Amphibious Base Coronado in San Diego, California now mercenary for hire. He was part of an outfit called Delta Bravo that specialized in naval special warfare…specifically as a demolitions expert. He fell off the grid and managed to stay of it for a while until intel reported him selling stinger missiles that he acquired on the black market back in 2002 to Ahmad Rashid Rahman.
[Cassidy looks at Chuck with amazement and then speaks up]
Cassidy: You got all that just by looking at him?
Chuck: As a government analyst…I can retain loads of up-to-date intel to fight the bad guys in order to know the who, what, where, when, why, and how.
Sarah: [looks at Cassidy] Now do you see why Casey and I protect him.
Cassidy: I sure do.
Sarah: Now that we know who we’re dealing with, we should find a way out of here.
Chuck: That’s a bad idea?
Sarah: Why?
Chuck: Well…before I passed out I heard Marcus tell Sebastian to make sure that nobody escapes this time.
Cassidy: What’s your point?
Chuck: He’s an explosive’s expert so he probably booby trapped the door to blow if we tried to open it and escape.
[Cassidy and Sarah look at Chuck then at the door behind them. The scene switches from the sound proof room to Marcus’ location where he revealed to Tobias and Wexler about his associate Sebastian’s Hawkins’ expertise in explosives. Wexler looks at Beckman and speaks up]
Wexler: Are you going to stand by and let him do this!? [Beckman just looks at Wexler and doesn’t say a word] You and I…we way go way back. I’ve seen you stand up in the past to countless people never backing down without even a hint of fear or doubt in your eyes as you took the control of the situation and for you to stand there now scared with doubt in your eyes show how that man…[looks intently at Marcus and then at Beckman]…truly has control over you. I never that I would have to say this to you…[looks down for a moment and then looks back up at Beckman]…you’re a spineless coward.
[Wexler shoots an intense glare at Beckman leading her to look away leading Tobias to speak up]
Tobias: [looks at Beckman] You’ve disgraced The United States Air Force, The Zeitgeist, and most of all…yourself. In my book…you are seen as a traitor.
[As Tobias says that Marcus speaks up as he stands in front of Beckman looking at Tobias and Wexler]
Marcus: Gentlemen…I think she’s heard more than enough.
Wexler: [looks at Marcus] I hold you and Sebastian accountable if anything happens to Cassidy and Sarah. Mark my words…I will not be responsible for my actions not as a man…but as a father. I wouldn’t even want my own wife to witness what I would to both of you.
[Marcus sees a fiery intensity in his eyes and at that moment Sebastian walks into camera view breaking up the tension leading him to whisper something into Marcus’ ear and then stands a few feet back of him next to Beckman. Marcus walks up and helps Wexler to his feet leading Tobias to speak up]
Tobias: Where are you taking him.
Marcus: [looks down] Nowhere…[looks at Wexler]…I would like to introduce to the person who helped me attain the N.P.E.
[Marcus turns Wexler around and when he does he has this look of utter disbelief as he sees someone being escorted in leading him to speak up]
Wexler: Emily!?
[Cut to Wexler’s wife walking towards him and then but back to Wexler with Marcus behind him exuding a big smirk. The scene ends with Abe in the Huey touching down several miles away near a base of one of the Colorado mountains and preparing to go in for the rescue as he lock and loads his weapons before getting out of the Huey]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 22
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 21
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 20
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 19
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 18
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 17
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 16
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 15
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