The episode begins with a recap of what previous happened as Abe slowly stalks a severely injured and crawling Marcus who is trying to make his way towards the -130 Hercules off in the distance. At this point he is no longer his cover persona Abraham Bartowski as he has now the former stone cold Section 8 member Steven Carmichael who has exacting payback for not only his fallen partner, but also for himself as he was nearly killed by his hands. Cut to a couple of shots where he steps on Marcus’ wound on his upper left thigh leading him to sound off a blood curdling scream leading the scene to move forward to where he asks who he is. Carmichael responds by telling he is his judge, jury, and executioner leading it to cut to him being dragged off camera by his injured leg. Cut to the Huey where Chuck and Travis have a conversation about his father where Chuck believes Abe is primarily on a suicide mission for retribution and redemption. Travis refutes that telling Chuck that they will get to him leading Travis to hold out for a fist tap, which chuck gives back. Move forward back at the crash site where Carmichael shoots Marcus in the arm leading him to take the dog tag that was around his neck, place it in front of Marcus’ face, and then drops it. As they are talking, cut to inside the overturned cargo truck cabin where Beckman regains consciousness leading her to hear the conversation between Marcus and Carmichael. Cut back to the outside where she hears the truth from Marcus’ own lips of what she really means to him, and about Ethan. By this time, Carmichael is so focused that he doesn’t notice Marcus reaching into his left front pocket to where he suddenly covers his mouth/nose and sprays Carmichael with prussic acid(hydrogen cyanide) leading him to lunge backwards to the ground writhing around in pain. Move forward to where Marcus is about to finish the job that he failed to do years ago when Beckman appears leading to a heartfelt exchanged between the two that results in her wanting to finish the job instead of Marcus. Marcus resists at first but after being some convincing by way of her kissing him he hands her the gun. Cut to Marcus gloating in his apparent victory over his fallen adversary and in mid sentence he goes suddenly flush leading to the appearance of the N.P.E in Beckman’s hand. After revealing to him what she heard, she kisses him one last time leading him to whisper in his ear that she has been there for him in taking care of his messes and this she’s taking care of her mess…him. With those words she shoots the man she loves in the head and he falls to the ground next to Carmichael leading him to look at his fallen adversary who was betrayed by the one person he thought would never betray him. Cut to Chuck reaching his father and then helping him along with Travis to the Huey, but before they ever reach it Beckman intervenes informing Sarah she now knows about her and Chuck. This leads Sarah’s father to intervene and as he does Graham arrives wanting to know what the hell is going on. Beckman gives her a cover story of a top secret mission leading him to order Chuck’s father be taken into Custody. Cut to a standoff ensuing as Casey and Sarah point their weapons at Graham as the Huey carrying Travis, Chuck, Cassidy, and a poisoned Abe fly off to their intended destination…Breckinridge Medical Center.
The scene begins around 5:30 a.m. with the color of a yellowish hue gradually replacing the aqua blue tone of the sky. Cut to the façade of the Huey and then inside to a shot of Travis to where it immediately turns to Chuck cradling his father on the floor of the Huey as Cassidy is sitting behind them with a look of utter dread as she sees a man she hardly knows sweating, convulsing, and trembling after being sprayed with hydrogen cyanide by Marcus. After a brief moment, Cassidy speaks up as she looks over Chuck’s shoulder.
Cassidy: How is he doing?
Cut to Chuck shaking his head as he at his dad and then turns to look over his shoulder at Cassidy.
Chuck: anguish in his voice I…I…don’t know…turns to yell at Travis…Trav can you make this thing go any faster!
Travis quickly looks back leading him speak up.
Travis: I’m trying buddy…glances back…if this were the Millennium Falcon I would kick it into warp speed right now.
Chuck: Just hurry! Looks back down Don’t you quit on us you hear me dad…don’t…you… quit!
Cut to a close up shot of Abe cradle in Chuck’s arms as sweat pours down his face as sounds of breathing are heard through his gritted teeth as he’s shivering/convulsing leading Cassidy to rub Chuck’s right shoulder giving a look of assurance of hope. The scene switches from the Huey back to the abandoned airport where a now weaponless Casey and Sarah are in Graham’s custody after they stopped his men from getting to Abe. Cut to shots of Tobias talking on a cell phone and Wexler with his arm around Emily standing near the transport cargo truck as they look over at several agents somewhat blocking their view in front of the black S.U.V.s as they partially see, as well as, hear Graham, with Beckman standing to off to the side of him, the two agents receiving a tongue lashing. Cut to a full length shot of Casey and Sarah standing there hands at their side looking straight forward leading Graham to walk in from the left into camera view with a look of anger on his face.
Graham: Do you two realize what you just did? Looks at Casey You aimed your weapon at a superior officer…for what…points in the direction of where the Huey flew off…to help save Bartowski’s father?
Casey: speaks up He risked his life for the greater good sir.
Graham: There are agents out there as we speak doing that exact same thing as we speak…what makes Carmichael so special…what makes him different from all the rest?
Casey: They don’t have his heart.
Graham glares at Casey and then sets his sights on Sarah.
Graham: Looks at Sarah. Agent Walker…I am truly disappointed in you most of all since I considered you my best agent. And now I come to find out…glances back at Beckman…you’ve compromised yourself with the asset. What do you have to say for yourself?
Sarah: My job was to protect Chuck…I did that to the best of my ability. Somewhere along the line he ended up not only protecting me, he also ended up saving me in so many ways.
Beckman: speaks up Agent Walker…I want a clear answer from you…are YOU in love with the asset.
Sarah: No…I’m not General. cut to serious look on Beckman’s face. I’m in love with Chuck.
Cut to Graham with one hand on his hip and the other rubbing his forehead as he shakes his head in disbelief.
Graham: looks at Casey Tell me Major Casey…did you or did you not conspire to help keep the relationship between Agent Walker and Mr. Bartowski a secret from General Beckman and I so much so that you even suggested the option of moving in together knowing full well the gravity of the situation with Fulcrum coming so close to attaining the intersect?
Cut to Sarah giving a side glance towards Casey who pauses for a second and then speaks up.
Casey: Yes sir.
Cut to a shot of Graham turning his back in disgust walking a few feet in between the black S.U.V.s and after a brief moment turns back around walking towards the two agents.
Graham: I’ve heard enough…nod at his men…take them away.
Upon hearing that Sarah comes to the realization that it’s all over and she’s going to be reassigned far away from the man she loves. The scene ends with Casey standing tall in face of being taken into custody as Sarah painfully closes her eyes leading the shot of the Huey flying out into camera view heading towards the hospital. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins at around 6 a.m. with the Huey landing on top of Breckinridge Medical Center where Chuck, Travis, and Cassidy are met by medical personal with a gurney ready. As Chuck and Cassidy carefully help Abe on the gurney the doctor turns to Chuck and speaks up.
Doctor: Mr. Bartowski…I’m Doctor Bennett…Agent Casey informed me of the situation.
Cut to Chuck looking frantic all-the-while talking fast as he looks back and forth from his dad to the doctor as they are wheeling Abe inside.
Chuck: The antidote… the antidote is Sodium Thiosulfate… you..breathing hard…have a print shop anywhere in the hospital.
At this point, all Cassidy and Travis can do is watch the C.I.A doctor calm Chuck down leading him to speak up.
Bennett: I assure you we’ll do everything in our power to save him…puts his hand on chuck’s left shoulder…I promise you.
As he says that, the camera cuts to an ariel shot on the roof where the doctor leads Chuck inside followed closely behind by Cassidy and Travis. The scene switches from Breckinridge Medical Center to the abandoned airport leading it to the shot of the transport cargo truck where Wexler goes to intervene leading him to look at his wife as he both of her arm, gives her a reassuring nod, and then runs towards the blockade of government agents standing in his way. As he says that Wexler runs up leading the men to turn inevitably catching him as he tries to get in between them. Casey and Sarah turn to see Wexler struggle to get free leading Sarah to speak up.
Sarah: Dad...shakes head…it’s my mess…not yours.
Graham looks at Sarah and then at Wexler leading him to speak up as he motions his men to let him through.
Graham: Excuse me Mr….
Wexler: Wexler…Jeremiah Wexler.
Graham reacts to the name leading him to look back at Sarah who is being handcuffed and then looks back at Wexler.
Graham: Agent Sarah Walker is your daughter?
Wexler: Yes…looks at Sarah giving her a smile…she is…intently looks back at Graham…and I demand that you free not only her, but Casey as well.
As he says that, Beckman walks up.
Beckman: Don’t get involved in this Jeremiah…your daughter and Agent Casey have disobeyed orders, aimed a weapon specifically at a superior officer with intent to stop a civilian from being arrested, and not to mention lying for the sake of keeping a relationship secret.
As she says that, Wexler leans in close to Beckman in an agitated low tone.
Wexler: We need to talk…glares at Beckman…now!
Cut to Beckman looking back at Graham leading her to hold up finger and then walks over several feet away from anyone hearing their conversation following Wexler. After a brief moment Wexler turns around leading him to speak up as Beckman reaches him.
Wexler: You know full well that what my daughter’s relationship with Chuck is similar to that of you and Marcus.
Beckman: No it’s not…and for you to suggest that…
Wexler: leans in Shut up! Cut to Beckman with a surprised look on her face. I’m not suggesting…I’m telling you the facts and the facts show a woman in an organization that fell in love with her co-worker. They couldn’t tell anyone about their relationship fearing what might happen…sound familiar because it does to me. Wexler points to his wife behind him. My wife shared with me what my daughter and Chuck have been through in order to be together…the obstacles they faced…the pain both of them have been through. I don’t like it when one of my daughters is in pain, especially when she has found a man who has made her truly happy. Wexler points his finger at her face. There’s one thing I don’t tolerate and that is hypocritical people and you…you Edna…are one of them.
Beckman: Fine…I’m a hypocrite…but that still doesn’t negate the fact she pulled a gun on her superior.
Wexler: She did it…Wexler points at the order to help save Chuck’s father…a good man! I would have done the exact same thing if the roles were reversed if my daughters or my wife were poisoned.
Beckman: Sorry Jeremiah…she made the wrong choice and she, along with Agent Casey, will suffer the consequences.
Beckman turns to walk away with close up shot of her face when Wexler speaks up behind her.
Wexler: Then I have no choice in doing what I have to do and damn the consequences.
Beckman freezes leading her to register what Jeremiah stated as she was walking away from her. The scene ends with her slowly turning around to sees a very serious look on Wexler’s face telling that he means business.
Fade Out
The scene begins where it left off as Wexler has been given no choice but to do something in order to save her daughter, her relationship with Chuck, and not only her career, but Casey’s as well. Cut to Beckman with a look of utter disbelief at what she just heard leading her to speak up.
Beckman: Is that a threat Jeremiah?
Wexler: Oh…it’s not a threat…it’s a guarantee.
Beckman: What are you possibly going to do that will ensure your daughter and Casey’s freedom?
Wexler: Simple…you tend forget that I am a business man and my business is creating weapons…for the military. Cut to Beckman’s eye’s widening. I knew that would get your attention…you see the weapons my company creates aren’t just used by the military as they are also used by government departments such as the F.B.I, Interpol, MI6, ATF, Secret Service, C.I.A and NSA. My company will rescind all contracts leaving the military at a disadvantage and you wouldn’t want that to happen now would you General Beckman?
Beckman: What you are doing is considered blackmail.
Wexler: You better believe it and I would fair to guess if The Committe were to get wind of your involvement with Marcus…points to Tobias on the phone…they would be none too pleased you.
Beckman: You sneaky, underhanded son of a bitch.
Wexler: smirks Devious aren’t I. Points at Beckman. It’s your move…what’s it going to be?
Cut to Beckman seriously thinking it over leading her to walk towards Graham who has a handcuffed Sarah and Casey sitting in the parked black S.U.V. When Beckman reaches him he speaks up.
Beckman: Release them.
Graham: Negative…I can’t allow what they have done to be left unpunished.
As he says that, Tobias walks up leading him to speak up.
Tobias: I think you should listen to her and release both of them at once.
Wexler looks at Tobias who gives him a nod. Cut to Graham giving a laugh of disbelief as he again places one hand on his hip, massages forehead, and then wipes his face.
Graham: And may I ask who are you?
Tobias: Don’t concern yourself with who I am…concern yourself with the people I work for.
Graham: And who do you work for?
Tobias: That is none of your concern also.
Graham: angered tone I am not amused…I want…Graham yells…demand to know what is going on damnit!
Tobias: You will…once you answer your phone.
Graham: What are you talking about…my phone isn’t… As he says that Graham’s phone rings leading him to answer it. Graham.
Graham looks at Tobias and then turns around to talk with the unknown person on the other end. Cut to Beckman, Casey, Sarah, Wexler, and Emily curiously wondering who Graham is talking to. After several minutes, Graham ends the phone call and slowly returns to the group.
Beckman: Who was it?
Graham: look of disbelief My supervisor at Langley…Donald Weston.
Beckman: What did he say?
Graham: looks at Beckman Agent Walker and Casey are to be released immediately with all charges dropped against them. Graham looks at Tobias and then cut to Casey and Sarah being released leading them to walk up to where they stand a few feet from Graham with Sarah standing next to her father. They are also placed under…
Cut to Graham having troubling with the words getting out.
Beckman: Under what?
Graham: Under protection?
Beckman: By who?
Graham: He wouldn’t say…but according to him Agent Sarah Walker, Agent John Casey, and Charles Bartowski have been given immunity along with anyone who is closely associated with them in case there is possible retaliation.
Upon hearing that, Sarah looks at her father.
Sarah: confused look What does that mean?
Wexler looks at his daughter with a smile on his face as he leans to kiss her forehead.
Wexler: What it means doodlebug is…looks into her eyes as he has both hands on the side of her cheeks…you’re free to be happy.
Cut to Sarah eye’s brimming with joy as she gives her father a big bear hug.
Sarah: Thank dad.
Wexler: whispers in her ear Don’t thank me…Sarah looks up at her dad…it was his doing? Cut to Sarah looking at Tobias mouthing the words thank you to him leading him to just nod as she closes her eyes and relishes the moment all-the-while hugging her father. Wexler looks at Tobias who responds with a nod leading him to nod back. Cut to a moment or two later where Wexler speaks up again as he looks at his daughter. Let’s go see how Abe’s doing…what do you say?
Sarah nods leading her mother, father, Tobias, and Casey to commandeer one of the black S.U.V’s to drive to the Breckinridge Medical Center. The scene ends with a Sarah sitting in the passenger seat with a big smile on her face concerning Chuck, but then suddenly turns sullen at the thought of Abe comes to her mind leading it to cut to the facade of the S.U.V driving off as the dust kicked up from tires envelopes Graham, Beckman, and his men.
Fade Out
The scene begins around 6:30 with the sun rising just behind the façade of Breckinridge Medical Center and then cut inside to the waiting room where Travis walks into camera view leading him to pass Cassidy who is sitting beside Chuck. Cut to a look of a disheveled man with his hair a mess and bags under his eyes as he has not slept since the N.P.E knocked him out back at level 36 Chuck is a total wreck as he is concerned with how his father is doing which is evident by the way he’s biting his finger nails, his left leg uncontrollably shaking, and for the life of him can’t sit still to the point where he becomes so frustrated that he speaks up.
Chuck: I can’t stand sitting her knowing what my dad is going through.
Cassidy: I know Chuck…rubbing his right shoulder…but you have to stay positive that your father is going to pull through.
Cut to Travis walking up to Chuck and then kneels down to off to his right.
Travis: Yeah buddy…from what you’ve told us about him he’s a tough man who is not going to let being poisoned by the likes of that scumbag Marcus be the way he goes out.
Cassidy looks at Travis and then looks at Chuck leading her to chime in.
Cassidy: Travis is right…he’s going to live and be there for you to see you get married to my sister. Before you know it, you two will have kids and they will be playing/horsing around with their grandfather who will spoil them to death.
Cut to Chuck showing signs of a smile after hearing leading to the shot to cut to a nearby elevator where it the number 4 lights up as the doors open to reveal Emily, Wexler, Casey, and Sarah inside. It is Sarah the first to emerge from the elevator and looks around to see Chuck to up ahead to her left. She calls out Chuck’s name getting his attention, which it does causing a new found hope to spring into his eyes as he gets up, sprints over to Sarah down the hall, and embraces her in his arms. After a brief moment Sarah speaks up.
Sarah: I’ve got so much to tell you…Sarah looks into his brown eyes with a smile on her face but then realizes the gravity of the situation…but it can wait…how is Abe doing?
Cut to Emily, Wexler, Tobias, and Casey walking up leading him to give a quick glance to them then back to Sarah.
Chuck: I don’ know…I haven’t seen or talked to Dr. Bennett since we arrived.
Wexler puts his hand on his left shoulder leading him to speak up.
Wexler: He’s going to be just fine son.
Casey: chimes in Stay strong Bartowaki.
Sarah looks at Casey and then back to Chuck.
Sarah: Casey’s right…you have to pull yourself together. What would Ellie think…
Chuck: interrupts her Ellie……
Sarah quickly calms him down leading her to look at Casey then back to Chuck.
Sarah: Don’t worry about Ellie…we’ll take care of it.
Sarah lifts herself up on her tip toes and kisses him on the lips leading Chuck to have this sense of calm come across his face as he closes his eyes. In that brief moment all the worries and anguish he was feeling were gone. The scene move forward later to 7:10 a.m. with everybody in clean clothes provided by Dr. Bennett’s assistant. They’re all either sitting down in the in the waiting room or pacing back and forth leading it cut to Travis walking up and handing Casey a cup of coffee. Travis sits down across from Chuck who has his eyes closed with his head on Sarah’s right shoulder and after a moment or two Dr. Bennett emerges in green scrubs leading Sarah to nudge him. Chuck opens his eyes leading him to see Sarah motioning over to Dr. Bennett leading him to quickly jump out of seat to head over to his location followed closey behind by Sarah, Casey, and the rest of the gang.
Chuck: How is my dad?
Bennett: We were able to get out of his right leg and from the looks of things it wasn’t anything serious.
Sarah: chimes in What about the poison?
Bennett pauses as he takes a deep breathe and then responds.
Bennett: looks at Chuck There are two kinds of exposure…acute and chronic. With chronic exposure the cyanide levels are primarily low to where it can impact the blood chemistry, which is treatable.
Wexler: And acute exposure?
Bennett: Acute exposure deals with a high level of exposure through inhalation inevitably causing systems such accumulation of fluid in the lungs, repertory arrest, vomitinh, and an abnormal heartbeat. Looks at Chuck Your father is going through acute exposure. Cut to the impact of those words hitting Chuck like a truck leading Sarah to hold his hand. He nearly suffered a cardiac arrest at one point on the operating table, but it was averted in time. As of now…he’s in stable but critical condition.
Cut to everybody breathing a sigh of relief leading to a shot of Chuck bending over and then bends back up to hug Sarah. After a brief moment he turns back to Bennett.
Chuck: Thank you for all you’ve done...can I see him?
Bennett: You can…however…he asked to speak to Agent Casey first…alone.
Cut to everybody including Chuck who looks back at Casey giving a why does he want to speak to you look. The scene ends with a close shot of Casey as he gives a low grunt as all eyes are on him.
Fade Out
The scene begins with a door of hospital room leading it to a close up shot of the chart on the door reading Carmichael, Steven. Cut inside where Abe is lying in bed hooked up to a heart monitor, a nasal cannula fitted up both his nostrils, and an i.v. fitted into his inner right forearm to get liquids in from the vomiting. An overhead light just behind Abe’s head is a means of illuminating the room. After a moment or two, Casey enters the room to where he slowly walk up and basically stands a few feet from the bed not knowing what to do leading a weak Abe to speak up.
Abe: Casey.
Casey walks up and hovers over Abe.
Casey: Hey Carmichael…you look like crap.
Abe responds with a weak laughter.
Abe: Have you looked in the mirror lately?
Casey smirks leading him to pull up a chair located behind him in order to be as close to his bed as he can.
Casey: The doc said you wanted to talk to me.
Abe: coughs I want you to watch over my son.
Casey: smirks I already do that enough as it is…besides he’s Walker’s annoying problem now that they’re both moving in together.
Abe: shakes head That’s not what I’m saying Casey.
Cut to Casey’s smirk fading away as he looks intently at Abe.
Casey: No.
Abe: Listen to me…Abe slowly raises his arm and weakly points his finger at him…I want you to watch over him…both of them.
Casey stands up and hover over Abe looking him straight in the eye.
Casey: You’re not going anywhere…you here me.
Abe: Or what?
Casey: I’m going to…to…
Casey tries to respond with his usual snarky comebacks but has trouble doing so.
Abe: chimes in What…you’re going to kick may ass…Marcus already beat you to it.
Casey: You’re the toughest old man I know.
Abe bends his right arm with his hand open leading Casey to hold it as he rests his elbow on the guard rail of Abe’s bed.
Abe: I need you to promise me that you will watch over my son and Sarah…they’re your teammates…you’re partners…you’re…family. Cut to Casey greatly being impacted by the family. Family watches out for each other…and I know you will be there for both of them as they will be there for you.
Cut to a shot of Casey’s hand gripping Abe’s hand tighter as he leans in to look him straight in the eyes.
Casey: I promise.
Abe: I consider you my second son…a hard, headed hot tempered son who needs anger management…cut to Casey giving a low grunt…but a son nonetheless that I can be proud of.
Casey: It was an honor severing with you Carmichael…you…cut to Casey beginning to get choked up…were like…a father to me. You taught me the value of having a heart in a business that tends to have none.
Abe looks up at Casey showing signs of tearing up.
Abe: Casey…are your as you eloquently put it time and time again to my son…lady feelings coming up?
Casey immediately composes himself leading to turn away and sniff a couple of time.
Casey: No…of course not…leans into Abe…and if you mention this to Bartowski I will state plausible deniability.
Abe: Same ole’ Casey...take care of yourself son.
Casey: You too Carmichael.
Casey goes in to give Abe a hug leading him to pat him on the back. The scene ends with Casey standing tall in front of Casey as he gives a salute to honor Agent Steven Carmichael.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the waiting room area at around 7:45 a.m. where Casey appears into camera view leading everybody to swarm around him. As they do, cut to a ding of the elevator doors opening leading Ellie and Awesome to step out in a frantic manner. Chuck sees her and immediately run over to her to hug her leading him to speak.
Chuck: Ellie…what are you doing here…you’re honeymoon.
Ellie: freaked out tone The honeymoon doesn’t matter…Sarah called us.
Chuck glances at Sarah and then looks back at his sister.
Chuck: What did she tell you?
Ellie: Dad was on his way…up to Colorado for a surprise…cut to Awesome rubbing the sides of bother her arms to calm her down…visit to see you so he could meet Sarah’s parents and an accident involving a chemical truck happened.
Cut to Awesome noticing Wexler and Emily standing behind Sarah leading him to speak up.
Awesome: You must be Sarah’s parents…its awesome to meet you two under these unfortunate circumstances.
Wexler: And you must be Devon…I’m Jeremiah Wexler…my daughter Sarah has told us about you and your lovely wife Ellie.
Awesome: Wait…the Jeremiah Wexler…the weapons mogul?
Ellie: looks at Sarah Sarah?
Cut to Sarah in a very uncomfortable moment leading Chuck to intervene.
Chuck: Dad’s stable, but he’s in critical condition.
Awesome: That is awesome news.
Ellie: Can we go see him?
Cut to Chuck looking at Casey who nods leading both of them to head to their father. Cut to several moments later at around 8:30 a.m. where Ellie and Chuck are sitting on either side of Abe’s bed. Abe is elevated an angle where he can see both his children as they are in the middle of a conversation when Ellie speaks up.
Ellie: You really did give us a scare dad…don’t ever do that to us again.
Abe: I’ll try not to pumpkin.
Chuck: Dad…I want you to know that I love you.
Ellie: I love you too dad…I know that both of us lead busy lives and we don’t get the time to say it often but with this happening…it tends to put things into perspective on what’s truly important in life.
Abe looks at his two kids
Abe: I love you two and I want you to know that you…along with your mother may God rest her soul…are the most important people in my life. Ellie…you’ve grown up to be a beautiful woman and…looks at his son…Chuck...
Chuck: Yeah dad?
Abe: You really need a haircut.
Chuck: No..I don’t.
Abe: Yes…you do…have you ever thought about a flat top?
Chuck: No…besides I don’t think Sarah would like it.
Ellie: Sarah is the best thing to ever happen to you little brother.
Abe: She’s a keeper son…promise me you won’t let her go.
Chuck: I promise.
Ellie: I agree dad on Sarah being the one for you…so when are you going to ask her to marry you?
Chuck: When are you and Devon going to have awesome children?
Cut to Ellie laughing leading Chuck to feel the top of his head and then laughing along with her to where they both stand and go in for a father/daughter/son hug. I want you to know…Chuck and Ellie bend up looking at their father…I always be here…taps the top Ellie’s head…and here…taps Chuck’s chest…remember that. Always be there for each other no matter what.
Ellie and Chuck go in for another hug leading them to both speak up.
Ellie and Chuck: We will.
After a moment or two, the heart monitor starts to sound off leading Chuck to freak out as he looks at their father who has gone unconscious. Chuck immediately turns to his sister.
Chuck: Ellie…what’s going on!
Cut to Ellie looking at the monitor and then looking at her brother with a frantic look as tears are falling from her face.
Ellie: He’s going into cardiac arrest.
As she says that, Dr. Bennett runs in with his team and before helping Abe one of his nurses escorts Chuck and Ellie out the door so they won’t get in their way. Chuck and Ellie are balling as they helplessly see their father not responding leading it to cut from the inside of the room as nurses rush in. The scene ends with Chuck with both hands over his head not knowing what to do and then turns to go hug Ellie leading the shot to focus on the door closing as Bennett and his staff work on Abe.
Fade Out
The scene begins 4 weeks later on the Santa Monica Beach at around sunset as the song Dust In The Wind by Kansas plays. Chuck is sitting on the beach, legs bent with his arms resting on his knees, and hair blowing back in the window. He's gazing out at the ocean with a reflective look on his face and after a moment or two, Sarah walks up from behind and sits down beside him.
Sarah: Talk to me Chuck?
Chuck: My father is gone…again. He came back into my life…only to be taken away by some James Bond Villain wannabe.
Sarah: He died for the greater should be proud of him.
Chuck: I am proud of him…it’s just that it feels like Marcus’ had the last laugh on his expense.
Sarah: Look at me. Chuck looks at her. Don’t focus on that…focus on the times you spent with your dad getting to know him again…the true him. It’s those moments/memories you absolutely cherish as you keep them…touches his head…here…and…touches his chest…here.
Chuck: I miss him.
Sarah: hugs Chuck around the neck I miss him too.
Chuck gives Sarah a hint of a smile.
Chuck: Listen…I never really got to ask you…how did you explain you being related to the weapons mogul Jeremiah Wexler to my sister and Awesome.
Sarah: I just told her that when I was younger I never agreed with what my dad did. When I left for college…I ended changing my name not wanting to be associated with anything related to war, which was half of the truth.
Chuck: So what name are you going to by…Sarah or DeAnna?
Sarah: What name do you like?
Chuck gives her a contemplating look.
Chuck: You know what like I told dad…I fell in love with you…not your name.
Chuck goes in for a kiss and after a moment or two she looks into his brown eyes.
Sarah: You never cease to amaze me Chuck Bartowski.
Chuck smiles at her and then speaks up.
Chuck: Hey, I talked to Travis today.
Sarah: How is he doing?
Chuck: Awesome…Tobias granted him a permanent transfer here and he’ll be a welcomed addition to Team Chuck.
Sarah: That’s good to hear…looks back…I think we should be heading back.
Cut to Chuck standing and helping Sarah up to her feet.
Chuck: Are you ready.
Sarah: Not yet…one last thing. Sarah takes out a card from her pocket and handing it to him. This is a number to a C.I.A. Psychologist…Chuck rolls his eyes…now here me out. Chuck looks at her. You don’t have to go…it’s just an option for you if you want to get things off your chest after what happened…it’s strictly confidential. If not for me…do it for yourself.
Chuck: I’ll think about it.
Cut to Sarah leaning up to kiss him on the lips and then takes him by the hand towards their new house. Move forward to inside to Casa Bartowski Dos where a party is happening with Casey, Big Mike, Morgan, Jeff, Lester, Anna, Ellie, Awesome, Ryan, Isabel with C.J. in her arms, Mary, Emily, Wexler, and Cassidy are all in attendance. Sarah and Chuck make their entrance waling in the front door leading everybody to greet the two lovebirds. After some mingling, eating, drinking wine/beer, singing karaoke, and a Call of Duty battle between Chuck and Morgan the scene moves to the end of the night with everybody standing in the living room. Chuck raises his beer bottle in the air and speaks up.
Chuck: Thanks you guys for celebrating this night with me…looks at Sarah…us. It means a lot.
Morgan: speaks up. We should make a toast then.
Wexler: What should we toast?
Sarah: raises her glass of wine To new beginnings.
Ryan: raises beer bottle To new friends!
Ellie: raises wine glass To family.
Cut to everybody especially Casey nodding leading it to cut to Chuck as he raises his beer bottle in the air.
Chuck: To my father…Abraham Bartowski.
Cut to everybody raising their glasses of wine and bottles of beer in the air.
Everybody: To Abraham Bartowski!
Cut to a close up shot of all the glasses/bottles in the air. The scene ends with the camera moving to the side a bit as it focuses on a picture hanging on the wall of Chuck and Ellie with Abe in the middle smiling from ear to ear.
The End.
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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