The episode beings with a recap of what previously happened as Abe chases on foot Marcus who is in a cargo transport truck heading towards the open bay doors. Several moments later he watches as the cargo truck disappear into the darkness leading him to become pissed off. Cut to him spotting a sign with the words Vehicle Field Testing and then move forward to him shooting out of said area on a red Ducati 1098. Cut to the Wexler guiding Tobias to safety to where he ends up meeting up with Chuck, Cassidy and Emily. Chuck informs Wexler that Sarah is fighting Sebastian leading to him to become the protective father to where he goes to help her but is stopped by Emily. Chuck reassures Wexler that Sarah can stand toe to toe with anyone leading the scene to where Sarah and Sebastian are fighting. They seem to be equally matched to where it cuts to a conversation in the cargo transport truck between Beckman and Marcus. She wonders where the rendezvous point leading Jackson to inform her it’s at Breckinridge STOLport leading Marcus to assure Beckman there’s nothing to worry about as they’re in the clear, which is not the case as Abe is in hot pursuit riding the Ducati up the road. Move forward to Casey, Travis, and the rest of the men not making any headway leading to a game of rock paper scissors as to who becomes the decoy, which Casey loses. Cut to Travis surfing in on a wooden dollie capping Dupree and 4 of his associates in the knees to get the upperhand for the good guys. Move to the fight between Sebastian and Sarah where he reveals to her that he underestimated her leading to the climatic end of the fight as Sebastian left arm is broken leading. In a desperate attempt to win, Sebastian takes out a concealed gun leading Sarah to use that gun against him as he shoots himself to where she stands over his body victorious after a hard fought battle. Move to a family Wexler reunion that has the head of the family include a surprised Chuck in the mix. Cut to Wexler informing Chuck that Abe has gone after Marcus leading the scene to begin around 4:15 a.m. in level 36 where Team Chuck/Wexler, Travis, and Tobias have learned from Wexler that Chuck’s dad has gone after Marcus to settle unfinished business. Chuck reveals to them the whole story of the reason why Abe is after him leading him to speak up at the tail end of the conversation.
Chuck: So…he has had revenge on his mind after Marcus killed his partner and left him for dead.
Cut to Cassidy and Emily with horrified/sad looks on their faces leading Emily to speak up.
Emily: hand over her heart That is so awful…to have that type of pain stick with your for all those years…its simply unimaginable.
Wexler looks at his wife and then looks at Chuck.
Wexler: He is truly a hero…in every sense of the word.
Cassidy: chimes in I say Marcus gets what he deserves and hope your dad shows no mercy on him. Plus…I want to get my hands on that p.o.s. Ethan and exact some revenge of my own.
Sarah looks at her older sister with an evil look on her face and turns to look at everybody.
Sarah: As much I want to see Abe unleashed on that bastard…he has to stand trial for killing a government agent and the attempted murder of another one.
Casey: Which is why we need to end this pow wow and head after him now.
Chuck: Why?
Casey: He’s not thinking clearly…he’s acting on pure emotion and that is very dangerous.
Travis: What about General Beckman?
Tobias: Charge her with treason and lock her up for betraying her country.
Casey: looks at Tobias You don’t know that for certain.
Tobias: Oh and you do?
Casey gives a low growl as he stands face to face with Tobias leading Sarah to speak up.
Sarah: Boys…we’re on the same team here.
Casey gives another low growl leading to take a few steps back.
Casey: Look…we’ll deal with General Beckman later…turns to look at everybody…its Carmichael that we have to get to A.S.A.P.
Cut to Chuck nodding as a concerned look appears on his face. The scene ends with a close up shot of Abe with his hair blowing back in the wind as he is on the Ducati 1098 speeding up the road hell bent on getting to Marcus. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins with the song Be My Escape by Reliant K as the cargo transport truck carrying the Eagle Eye satellite rolls up the road. The song lowers down as the shot from outside cuts inside to see a sleeping Marcus with Beckman and Jackson wake. The radio is playing at a respectable manner leading it to cut to Beckman paying attention to those words as she looks at Marcus. After a moment or two, she turns to Jackson and speaks up.
Beckman: So…Jackson…is it?
Jackson: Yes ma’am.
Beckman: Please…call me Edna…tilts her head as she looks at her…you?
Jackson: first name is Claire.
Beckman: Claire…how did you get yourself mixed up in all this?
Jackson: I‘m part of Sebastian’s Delta Bravo team in the Navy Seals and once he left I tagged along with him.
Beckman: Do you have anyone special in your life…are you married?
Jackson: shakes head I’m married to my job…love is considered a distraction that will kill you in more ways than one.
Beckman: A beautiful woman such as yourself shouldn’t think that way. Love brings you to life …keeps you off balance…at the same time balances you as well. It’s about not being afraid to open yourself up and become vulnerable to the possibly of getting hurt in the process to where you trust that person to catch you when you fall. Looks at Marcus. When you find the right person who can put your trust in to protect your heart from falling instead of having it broken into million pieces it’s all worthwhile.
Jackson glances at Beckman with a smirk leading her to speak up.
Jackson: Is that how you feel about Marcus?
Cut to a close up shot of Beckman as she mulls over what she says in her head and then turns to look at Marcus who is fast asleep. The scene switches from the transport cargo truck to level 36 where Chuck and crew are heading towards the transport cargo truck area with a purpose. After a moment or two they arrive heading in right in between a row of cargo trucks with Cassidy in the lead to where she is immediately stopped by Wexler.
Wexler: Hold on…we need keys for these and they’re in the room next door.
Emily: I’ll go get them.
She turns around to head off camera and after seconds a blood curdling scream is heard leading everybody to check on her as they head towards. Cut to seconds later where they almost pass her as hey find her on the other side of the cargo truck trembling a bit leading Wexler to speak up.
Wexler: Honey…what is…
Wexler almost finishes the sentence when he spots the body of Ethan with a gun shot wound to the back of his head. Cut to Chuck about to hurl leading him to turn around. Cassidy appears leading her to look down at Ethan with a bit of disappointment on her face.
Cassidy: Damn!
Chuck turns back to give a look to Cassidy leading Sarah and Casey go over to check on his body leading Sarah to turn to Wexler.
Sarah: He’s been dead a while now…it looks to be execution style.
Tobias: That arrogant, snot-nosed punk got what he deserved.
Casey: Carmichael’s handiwork?
Upon hearing that, Chuck turns around leading him to speak up.
Chuck: father is not a cold blooded killer.
Casey: He will be if we don’t get to him soon...just need to get those keys.
Travis speaks up in a Tony Montana accent from the movie Scarface.
Travis: Keys…we don’t need no stinkin’ keys. Everybody looks at Travis leading Casey to give a moron look. What!? I’m just saying…we hotwire the sucker.
Wexler: All right…who knows how to do it?
Casey, Sarah, Tobias, and Travis speak up all-the-raising their hand, but their voices are soon drowned out by the loud engine noise causing everybody to turn around to see Cassidy jump out of the nearest cargo truck.
Cassidy: What!?
Wexler and Emily give their oldest daughter a look leading Casey to suggest everybody get in the truck. They all run past Cassidy leading her to turn to the deceased body of Ethan to pay her last respects by giving him a couple of kicks to where. The scene ends with Cassidy taking a contented sigh of relief as a smirk comes on her face as she takes one last look down at Ethan before getting into the truck.
Fade Out
The scene begins with cargo truck carrying Team Chuck/Wexler, Tobias and Travis. Emily, Wexler, Cassidy, Sarah and Chuck are in the back with Tobias, Travis, and Casey are in front with him driving. They are about to head out of the base of the mountain when Chuck sticks his head through the small glass window leading him to speak up to Casey is driving.
Chuck: Where exactly are we going?
As he says that, Sarah speaks up from behind leading Chuck to stick his head back in to look at her.
Sarah: Breckinridge STOLport…it’s an abandoned airport where Cassidy and I landed that’s approximately an hour and a half away from here. It’s the most plausible escape route Marcus has planned since it’s considered the easiest way to get out of the country.
Chuck gives his Chuckish smile towards Sarah leading him to stick his head back in to talk to Casey.
Chuck: You heard the lady…slicks finger in the air…to the abandoned airport jeeves!
Casey gives him the moron look, leans forward, taking his entire right hand, places it over Chuck’s face and shoves him to the back. As that happens, Wexler sticks his head in leading him to give the directions to Casey on where to go. Cut to outside the cargo truck where they head out the base of the mountain and as they do Travis spots the Huey to his right leading him to immediately speak up.
Travis: STOP!
Casey slams on the brakes to where it cuts to the back of the cargo truck where Chuck was sitting in the middle of Sarah and Cassidy with Cassidy on his left. The forward moment of immediately stopping causes Chuck to not only fall on Cassidy but accidently touch her chest with both his hands, which doesn’t register to him at first until he looks up to see Emily and Wexler staring at him to the point where Sarah clears her throat leading her to raise her right eyebrow. Chuck immediately sees where his hands are and quickly/nervously takes his hands off an awkwardly embarrassed Cassidy causing him to quickly apologize to Cassidy, her parents, and then to Sarah. Cut back to the front where Casey glares at Travis.
Casey: Why did you tell me stop?
Travis: points behind them There's a Huey back there…opens the door and then looks back at Casey and Tobias…I’ll take the sky while you guys take the road.
As he jumps out to run towards the Huey, Chuck sticks his head of the back of the cargo truck leading him to see Travis run towards the Huey. He jumps out, falls the ground, gets up, and then run towards Travis all-the-while yelling at him.
Chuck: Travis…let me go with you.
Travis: Chuck…you’re better off back in the truck where it’s safe.
As he says that, Sarah sticks her head out with an angry look leading her to yell at Chuck.
Sarah: Chuck…get your butt back in here.
Chuck looks at Sarah and then back at Travis.
Chuck: nervous tone It’s not safe in the truck right now.
Upon saying that, Chuck and Travis run towards the Huey leading Sarah to yell at Chuck again. Travis turns to yell at Sarah as he is running.
Travis: Don’t worry…I’ll take good care of him.
Sarah: yells Keep your radio on just in case we need to contact you! Travis responds by waving back leading to Sarah to yell at him one more time. Chuck…you be careful!
Cut to Chuck looking over his shoulder responding to her.
Chuck: I will…I love you and I’m sorry I accidentally groped your sister!
Cut back to Sarah whose look of anger turns into a smile leading her to stick her head back in. Wexler jumps up from the back heading to the front and after a moment or two the cargo truck heads out. Cut to Chuck and Travis arriving at the helicopter to where Travis turns around leading Chuck to almost run into him.
Travis: All right…have you ever flown in a helicopter before?
Chuck: Yeah…I actually flown one...once.
Travis: How was it?
Chuck: A terrifying experience that I can check off on my bucket list.
Travis: That’s awesome.
As they head into the Helicopter Chuck is overhead telling him about his fear of heights and after a moment or two the engine are turned on. The scene ends with the Huey taking off and heading in the direction where Wexler directed Casey to go.
Fade Out
The scene begins at around 4:45 with a shot of the Ducati 1098 roaring up the road and then cut to a close up shot of Abe. As he is driving, he notices a touch screen panel just below his eye line leading him to switch it on. As it turns on, a list of 3 categories appear that read weapons, communications, and S.P.M. His curiosity gets the better of him as he touches the letters leading the Ducati to suddenly transform as the plastic shield extends over his head a few inches to protect his face from the sheer wind speed. The exhaust systems lowers down to reveal enhanced hyperthrust boosters. Retractable spoilers extend out and several air inlets open up. Abe is amazed by all this as he keeps his eye on the road when all of a sudden the Ducati shoots off leading to the camera switch to Abe’s point of view where he experiences the full force of it all leading to where he not only sees everything coming at him at an extremely fast past, but nearly loses his grip on the handle bars. Glancing at the speedometer reading on the touch screen it reads over 200 mph. Cut to a close up shot of Abe’s face as he responds with a wide smile as the shot moves out to where Ducati speeds out of sight. The scene switches from the barren road to Marcus, Beckman, and Jackson in the cargo truck where Marcus wakes up from his nap leading him to stretch. He then looks at the road then to Beckman and Jackson.
Marcus: Edna…looks over at Jackson…how are we on time?
Jackson: E.T.A about 30 minutes or so.
Marcus: Excellent Looks at Beckman How are you doing?
Beckman: Fine…just been doing a lot of thinking.
Marcus: About what?
Beckman: You and me.
Cut to a close up shot of Marcus with a growing smirk on his face leading the scene to switch directly to the Huey containing Travis and Chuck several hundred feet in the air. After a moment or two, cut inside the cockpit where Chuck is trying his best not to freak out as he’s clutching his set with one hand and gripping the handle above him leading Travis to speak up.
Travis: Chuck…you okay buddy?
Cut to Chuck trying his best not to look down responds.
Chuck: Yeah…listen…did I mention I’m deathly afraid of heights?
Travis: I’m proficiently trained in all types of air vehicles both urban assault and recreational. I can fly this bird with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back.
Chuck:’t do that.
Travis smiles and pats Chuck on his left shoulder.
Travis: Trust me Chuck…I’m like All State. Chuck turn to give him a look. You’re in good hands my friend…no worries dude.
Chuck gives Travis a freaked out smile leading the scene to switch 20 minutes later at around 5:05 a.m. with the sky gradually lighting up to a sort of an aqua blue color. Cut to the cargo transport truck carrying Marcus, Beckman, and Jackson leading it to an inside shot where Beckman previously revealed to Marcus she’s been thinking about their relationship leading it to cut inside to the middle of the conversation as Marcus speaks up.
Marcus: So what are you saying?
Beckman: I love you…and want a life with you.
Marcus: You know what your giving up by doing this don’t you?
Beckman: I do…but there is one thing that you must do for me.
Marcus: Anything…what is it?
Beckman: My son David and his fiancĂ©…call off your men.
Cut to Marcus giving a look of seriousness towards Beckman who just thrown down an ultimatum. After a momentary pause, Marcus takes out his cell phone leading him to hit a button leading the sound of his cell phone to ring. After a few seconds, someone picks up on the other end leading him to speak.
Marcus: Yeah it’s me…pause…we attained the package...pause...we have no use for the boy and so leave the two be...pause...Hic Rhodus Hic Salta.
Marcus hangs up all-the-while looking at Beckman leading her to speak up as she takes something out of her pocket and places it in his hand.
Beckman: Ask me again?
Marcus opens the box leading him to see the same ring he tried to propose with years ago. After taking a deep breathe he takes out the ring, looks deep into Beckman’s eyes, holds it up to her, and says three for words.
Marcus: Will you marry me?
Beckman: smiles Yes.
Marcus smiles as he places the ring on her ring finger on her right hand leading him to not only smile, but goes into to kiss her.
As this happens, cut to Abe coming in fast on the Ducati as he spots the cargo truck leading him to disengages the S.P.M. and then punches the gas towards Marcus. Cut back to the cargo truck where Jackson spots Abe in the side view mirror leading her to speak up.
Jackson: Sir!
Cut to Marcus and Beckman engaged in a lip lock leading him to respond.
Marcus: As you can clearly see I’m busy.
Jackson: Yes sir…but…
Marcus breaks the kiss with Beckman leading him to turn to tilt his head to look at Jackson.
Marcus: angered tone But WHAT?
Jackson: Bogey…6 o’clock!
As she says that, Marcus looks in the side mirror to see the one person who he left smelling exhaust fumes leading his eyes to widen. The scene ends with Abe closing the distance between him and the cargo truck to where it cuts to a close up of shot of his face that reads serious determination.
Fade Out
The scene begins where it left off as Abe is not several feet behind the cargo truck trying to pass him in order to get to Marcus. Jackson does all she can to keep him from passing all-the-while trying to run him off the road. Marcus continuously does a combination of looking in the side mirror and then poking his head to see where Abe is. After a moment or two Marcus yells to Jackson.
Marcus: Give me your weapon!
Jackson hands Marcus her weapon leading him to stick half his body out the window, but before he does that he looks at Beckman.
Marcus: Hold on to me while I get rid of a pesky bug!
Beckman: Okay...I will!
Cut to outside of the cargo truck where Marcus pokes half his body out with weapon in hand aiming at Abe. He rings a few shots off missing a few times as the bullets wiz past him leading Abe to retreat behind the Cargo truck leading Marcus to speak up.
Marcus: Where is he…do you see him?
Cut to all 3 looking for any sign of Abe leading Jackson to speak up.
Jackson: Negative!
Upon saying that, Abe takes out his gun from behind him and then immediately reappears from behind the truck ready for another around leading Marcus to speak up again.
Marcus: I see him!
Abe pulls up near the back side of the cargo truck all-the-while aiming his weapon and as he does so, Marcus pops out aiming his weapon at Abe who quicklyfires at him leading him to quickly duck back in. Abe sees an opportunity to take out the tires leading to him at them but when he fires nothing happens. Frustrated he sticks the gun behind him and at the same time he does Marcus pops out again ringing out 3 shots as 2 miss but the last one hits Abe’s right left to where it immediately cutting to a grimacing look on Abe’s face leading him to slow down and fall back several feet. As this is happening, the camera cuts to an ariel shot where it moves a couple of miles ahead to see the Breckingridge STOLport with what looks to be a C-130 Hercules ready and prepped for an incoming vehicle.
Cut back Abe who is now shot in the leg causing him to reduce speed but is determined to get Marcus no matter what. He looks down to the touch screen monitor where he presses weapons leading it to show 2 subcategories: machine guns and missiles. Abe hits machine guns leading the to the bottom part of the right handle…thumb side… to reveal a red trigger mechanism and the front headlights covers lower down to show 2 gun turrets. Blocking the pain of being shot in the leg out, Abe speeds out and presses the red trigger to where a barrage of bullets hit the cargo truck causing Jackson to swerve all around the road.
Abe continues the onslaught to where Jackson is grazed in the left shoulder. After a while Abe decides to engage the missiles leading him to hit it on the touch screen. When he does a black button appears on left back handle bar…thumb side…and then a compartment on the front right side protrudes out leading to the touch screen to show an aiming mechanism that alerts him when he’s on target. Cut to Marcus popping out again to fire a few shots but miss leading Abe to try get a lock on target as he aims for the back tires of the cargo truck, which he has difficultly doing because of Jackson swerving all over the road.
As this is all happening, both of them are about a mile away from the abandoned airport leading it to cut back to Abe who is anxiously waiting for a target lock. Marcus, on the other hand, turns to Beckman and then pops out to go for the kill. As he does so, Abe finally gets a red target lock leading him to push the black button 3 times to where 3 missiles head straight for the right back cargo tire. Upon seeing this, Marcus heads back in and immediately goes to cover Beckman leading to the missiles hitting their target causing not only the right back tires to explode, but also lifts the entire back side of the truck up in the air to where to becomes airborne.
Cut inside to where Jackson, Beckman, and Marcus are holding on for dear life as they are being thrown upside down and inside out. The Eagle Eye satellite is catapulted out of the truck leading the truck itself to turn sideways to the point the satellite and the truck hit the ground rolling continuously breaking apart bit by bit as pieces of debris go flying every which way. The cargo truck continues to roll until it finally stops with one last roll to where it falls upside downon the lip of the runway. Cut to a wide shot of the truck as smoke billows from the damage and after a moment or two the Ducati is heard off camera. Cut to Abe several feet away as he gets off his bike and at the same time he does Marcus crawls out the from the passenger side window showing signs he is badly hurt.
Abe takes out his gun from behind him releases, the empty cartridge letting fall to the ground, sticks a fully loaded in, hits the cartridge with his left hard into place, and then lock and loads the gun. The scene ends with Abe limping his way towards a now defenseless Marcus as this dark look on his as he slowly makes his way settle the score with him once and for all.
Fade to Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 22
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 21
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 20
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 19
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 18
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 17
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 16
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 15
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