The scene begins with a recap of what previously happened as Tobias, Wexler, and Marcus have an intense discussion leading to Tobias to threaten him. Marcus responds by taking something out his pocket to show to Tobias revealing it to be a metallic cylindrical device holding the contents of the poison Hydrogen Cyanide. Cut to Travis pacing back and forth in the sound proof room along with Casey who tells him to sit down or he’ll waste energy. Move forward to where Chuck, Sarah, Cassidy, and Emily are located at as Emily not only learns more of Sarah’s as a spy, she also gets to know Chuck a bit, as well as, the obstacles both Sarah and Chuck face. This leads to Emily giving some motherly advice as she quotes Hellen Keller. Moments later Marcus reflects back on the time in Zurich, Switzerland where he left Abe for dead leading Tobias to call him certifiably insane. Cut to Cassidy and Chuck looking at picture in his wallet of Ellie, Awesome, his mom, and then his dad. He shares with Cassidy that in order to protect them, he must lie to his friend and family. As the conversation goes on Abe is at their location hearing his son’s voice several feet above leading him to yell down to his son and after a moment or two of Chuck, Cassidy, and Emily thinking they hear Abe’s voice Sarah knows it’s his voice as she points to where its coming from. Move forward To Marcus’ female associate informing him that she located a military cargo transport truck to help transport the Eagle Eye Satellite to the rendezvous point leading Marcus to tell her to take Ethan and get the truck. Cut to Beckman and Marcus having a conversation about the man who she thinks is his son. After revealing to her that his son is not his son but rather a street kid he plucked off the streets. Beckman responds by questioning Ethan’s role in all this leading Marcus to assure her that he will be well taken care of as he gives a looks at Sebastian who walks off camera to communicate with someone. Cut to Ethan and Jackson in the area of the military cargo transports trucks where Abe sees Jackson pull her gun and shoots Ethan in the back of the head. The last shot is of Abe standing over Ethan’s body and then raising his weapon as he prepares himself to get down to business. The scene begins around 1am Friday with Abe peeking his head out of the hanger door to check if the coast is clear and when he does he sees the cargo truck that Jackson took driving away. He turns back into the hanger with his back against the wall and after a moment he takes a deep breathe leading him to talk to himself.
Abe: Come on Carmichael…focus…Chuck first and then settle an old score. Quickly peeks out again. Let’s do this.
Abe closes his eyes, takes another deep breathe, raises his gun up to his face, takes another quick peek out, and then heads out of the hanger heading right. The scene switches from the hanger to the location of the Eagle Eye Satellite where Marcus is standing next to Beckman who is on his right leading Sebastian to walk into camera view and stands next to him on his left. Marcus turns his head to look at him leading Sebastian to nod signaling the deed is done to which Marcus to respond with a nod back. Beckman sees the suspicious nonverbal exchange between the two men and is about to say something when the voice of Wexler speaks up from behind them.
Wexler: Marcus…I want to talk to you.
All three turn around and look down leading Marcus to respond.
Marcus: You have already said everything you needed to say…turns his head to look at Beckman then back to Wexler…and then some my old friend.
Wexler: Please…if you say and feel that we are still friends then give me that much at least.
Marcus looks at him for a moment leading him to look at Sebastian.
Marcus: What do you think?
Sebastian glances at Wexler who is waiting for an answer and then looks at Marcus.
Sebastian: He knows we got the advantage…I simply see it as a stall tactic coming from a desperate man knowing that he’s failed his company, his family, and most of all himself.
Cut to Wexler doing everything in his power to keep his mouth shut.
Marcus: I agree…looks at Wexler…yet I’ll give him his last say. Looks at Sebastian Help him to his feet and bring him here and let him speak.
Wexler: No…I want to talk to you alone without Edna and Sebastian listening to us. Marcus gives him a look. Look…you clearly have the upper hand so as the desperate man that I supposedly am I want just 5 minutes of your time…that’s it.
Marcus has that contemplative look on his face and after a brief moment he walks over, picks up Wexler, and then speaks up as he points to him leading him to hold up 5 fingers.
Marcus: You have 5 minutes.
Wexler nods as Marcus escorts him somewhere private so they both can talk. The scene ends with Sebastian and Beckman looking on in the background as the two old friends walk off leading them to become blurred. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the sound proof room where Casey and Travis are sitting down with their eyes closed. They both look their in a calm, Zen like state and after a moment or two Travis speaks up.
Travis: Casey.
Casey: What is it Sanders?
Travis: Actually my last name is Riley…Travis Riley.
Casey: Okay…Riley…what is it?
Travis: Are you afraid of dying while on a mission.
Casey: No.
Travis: Are you sure?
Casey: serious tone I said…No.
Travis: Oh come on…not even a little bit scared?
Casey opens his leading him to lean in
Casey: gives a low growl Look…Travis opens his eyes leading him to look straight into Casey’s eyes…like you…we both made the choice to protect something bigger than ourselves, and if it means giving up our lives in order to protect thousands…millions of people then I know I died with honor without any shed of doubt or fear in my eyes whatsoever. That is what Walker is doing and though it doesn’t act like at times so is your bosom buddy Chuck. Points to himself I’m not afraid of dying…neither should you. If you ever ask me ask that question again you going to have something to be truly afraid of.
Travis: What would that be?
Casey: My foot up your ass.
Casey gives another low growl along with an intense stare towards Travis leading him to sit back again closing his eyes. Cut to Travis who looks at Casey in mocking way as he mouths those last 5 words in a mocking way. The scene switches from the sound proof room to Abe sneaking around level 36 trying to not get spotted carefully maneuvering his way around the area and as he crouches down behind some crates he sees a lab to his right leading his curiosity to get the better of him. He carefully enters and sees on the table an assortment of weapons being built such as an XM8 carbine rifle with built in laser sight, rail gun, patriot hand rifle, etc. He looks at the MK1911he’s holding and so wants to use Wexler’s weapons but decides to go light. He then sees several explosives, but what really gets his attention is a row of very large liquid nitrogen tanks in the back wall with what seems to be a liquid nitrogen coolant spray sitting on the table or the right side beside the tanks. He walks over, picks up the spray, nods as figures something out, and before he leaves the lab he grabs a few party favors to possibly make an entrance like several C-4 explosives and trigger mechanism leading him to exude a sly grin as he puts them in a small duffle bag left in the room. After a moment or two, he creeps over to the lab door, looks through, and when he is sees is the coast is clear he moves out. The scene switches again from Abe moving out of the lab to Sarah, Cassidy, Emily, and Chuck sitting on the floor. Cassidy and Emily are seemingly asleep leaving Chuck and Sarah to talk. Sarah’s head resting on Chuck’s left shoulder as he’s holder her right hand leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: I’ve been thinking a lot lately.
Sarah: About what?
Chuck: My future.
Sarah playfully hits his left arm with her left hand
Sarah: I better be in your future Mr. Bartowski.
Chuck: Of course you are…smiles, kisses Sarah on the lips, and then looks into her eyes…what I’m talking about is taking care of certain things that I feel are left unfinished and make a much need change in my life.
Sarah: Like what?
Chuck: For one thing going back to Stanford if that’s possible and taking the 12 credits I have left to graduate. Let’s out a big sigh It’s going to be tough since I’m considered a cheater in the administration’s eyes. They didn’t even investigate whether or not I was truly innocent of cheating.
Sarah rubs his arm as she gives him a smile.
Sarah: You know I have your back.
Chuck: Yeah…smiles…I know.
Sarah: So…what about the much needed change you’re talking about?
Chuck pauses for a moment as he looks straight ahead and the turns his head towards Sarah.
Chuck: Leave Buy More.
Sarah sees the look in his eyes and knows that he is serious about what he just said. The scene ends with Chuck and Sarah talking some more as the camera slowly moves back.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Marcus escorting Wexler to a secluded area away from Beckman and Sebastian. After a moment or two Marcus stops Wexler and then turns around a few feet away from him leading him to speak up.
Marcus: As I said…you have 5 minutes.
Wexler: I was the reason you were exiled from The Zeitgeist…
Marcus: interrupts Wexler You’ve already established your lack in judgment as you made an unfortunate decision to turn your back on a business deal that would have been very lucrative for you, me, and Edna. So what then?
Wexler: Can I finish what I was about to say or do you just like to hear yourself talk?
Marcus: My apologies…please go on.
Wexler: Thank you…so I know how you must have felt knowing that my betrayal cost you everything you worked so hard for.
Marcus gets an intense look on his face as his calm demeanor changes
Marcus: points finger in Wexler’s face You NEVER knew how I felt and yes…you cost me everything including a chance at starting a life with someone that I love. Now Edna is back in my life again…our love can be rekindled.
Wexler: Look, I can’t change what I did…it should have been handled between the two of us instead of involving a third party.
Marcus: Indeed…you should have come to me instead of going to The Committee’s yes man to take me down.
Wexler: For that I want you to know I’m sorry.
Marcus regains his composure
Marcus: pats Wexler on the shoulder It takes a big man to know when he’s done wrong even though you think he’s done right. I respect you for that…and just to let you know I’ve always respected you even when we shared differing opinions during my tenure as a member of The Zeitgeist He nods I accept your apology.
Marcus walks up, turns him, and is about to lead him back when Wexler speaks up.
Wexler: Wait.
Marcus: shakes head Don’t prove Sebastian right in being a desperate man…it doesn’t suit you my old friend.
Wexler: I know I have more time left.
Marcus: looks at his watch and puts up 1 finger You have 1 minute left.
A look of intense seriousness is seen in Wexler’s eyes.
Wexler: 1 minute is all I need to say that you can do whatever you want to me from what I did to you, but I want a guarantee from you that my family will not be harmed. Show me that same respect Marcus…I’m not asking you as an enemy or as a former friend…I’m asking as a husband/father...tears start to run down his face…who is putting his own life on the line to save theirs.
Marcus looks at an emotional Wexler pleading for the safety of his family as he offers his life to save theirs. The scene switches from the secluded area to Abe creeping into camera view holding both his gun and the liquid nitrogen coolant spray as he locates the sound proof room where Chuck, Sarah, Cassidy, and Emily are being held. He slowly move towards the C4 motion sensor explosive with all-the-while checking for any incoming bad guys who might happen upon him and after a several tense moments he reaches the door. He raises the spray slowly and starts spraying the explosive closely watching for any sign of it working via the green light completely powering it off. What seems like mere seconds feel like hours when suddenly the explosive begins to chime leading Abe’s eyes to widen as the green light starts to flicker causing Abe to take his finger off the spray trigger and immediately around leading him to speak up in a low tone.
Abe: Forgive me son.
The scene ends with Abe preparing himself to be blown up as he closes his eyes. The scene ends as it cuts inside with a shot of Emily and Cassidy asleep, as well as, Chuck with his arm around Sarah talking not knowing what is about to happen.
Fade Out
The scene begins back where it left off as Abe hears a chime as he’s spraying the liquid nitrogen coolant on the C4 motion censor leading the green light to flicker. He immediately turns around preparing for the explosions and saying in a low tone for Chuck to forgive him. Cut to a close up shot of the C4 motion censor explosive flickering leading it to suddenly shut off leading Abe to slowly turn around, examine the explosive carefully, and then gives a huge sigh of relief as he wipes the sweat of his forehead. Cut inside where Chuck and the Wexler women are sitting on the floor against the wall when they sudden hear the door handle jiggle leading all 4 to stand up to the point that Cassidy, Emily, and Chuck stand behind Sarah as she readies herself in a defensive stance. After a tense filled moment, the door opens and Abe quickly appears softly closing the door behind him leading Chuck to speak up as he runs to him giving him a hug.
Chuck: Dad!
Abe pats his back as he hugs him back.
Abe: Glad to see you to son…I told you I’ll always be there for you.
Sarah: Its good to see you Abe.
Abe: looks at Sarah Right back at you kiddo.
Abe hugs Sarah and then hands her his spare gun and extra clips that he took from one of the guards at the warehouse.
Cassidy: speaks up Mr. Bartowski…I’m sorry I threatened you for misplacing my palm pilot.
Emily quickly looks at Cassidy.
Emily: stern tone What have I told you about threatening people?
Cassidy: At work yes…out in public no.
Emily: looks at Abe I apologize…slaps her upside the head…for my daughter actions towards you.
Cut to Sarah amused by her mother giving her older sister a stern talking to leading Abe to speak up.
Abe: You must be the mother of these two lovely ladies and no apologies necessary. Right now, I’m planning on getting you guys out of here.
Chuck: I like that plan…let’s go with that.
Abe steps over to the door, opens it a bit with fun in hand, and then closes it leading him to speak up again.
Abe: All right…I may have located Casey so stay low and close. I’ll be on point…points to Chuck, Cassidy, and Emily…you guys stay in the middle while…looks at anchor the end if anybody tries for sneak attack
Sarah nods as she lock and loads the gun giving a look to Chuck, Cassidy and her mother who have a worried looks on their faces leading her to speak up.
Sarah: serious look Trust me…they won’t.
Before they do Abe sticks a C4 explosive below the handle inside the door leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: What are you doing?
Abe: Do you really want to know.
Chuck shakes his head leading all 5 of them to move out. Cutting ahead they find Tobias’ men where Abe plants another C4 explosive inside their door and eventually find Casey and Travis leading the entire group to huddle up to where Casey speaks up.
Casey: Nice for you to show up Carmichael
Abe: smirks Hey…I didn’t want to let you have all the fun Casey.
Chuck: looks at Abe So what’s the plan…looks at Casey and Sarah…and does it involve me in any way staying in this room?
Emily: speaks up I would like to stay in the room too if you don’t mind.
Everybody looks at Emily leading Travis to speak up.
Travis: I say it’s clobbering time.
Casey gives Travis a look leading Sarah to speak up.
Sarah: What we NEED to do is get my sister and mother to safety.
Casey looks at the weapons Abe and Sarah are holding leading him to respond.
Casey: After we get some fire power in our hands Walker.
An argument ensues amongst the group leading Cassidy to try get everybody’s attention by standing on a chair and whistling leading everybody in the room to turn around as they look up at her.
Cassidy: looks at Casey You need weapons….I can get you weapons.
Cut to a shot of Casey, Sarah, Emily, Chuck, and Travis looking at each other then at Cassidy. The scene ends with a head shot of Cassidy as she exudes a sly smirk on her face.
Fade Out
The scene begins at the location of the Eagle Eye satellite where Tobias is sitting down with his back against the computer console. Sebastian and Beckman are standing a few feet away as they watch Jackson back the cargo transport truck towards the satellite that Dupree and the rest of the men help hoist up. Cut to Marcus appearing with Wexler and the same time that happens Sebastian and Beckman turn to see Marcus sit him down next to Tobias who gives him a look. After a brief moment, Marcus walks up to Sebastian leading him to speak up as he looks at the truck, satellite, and then Beckman
Marcus: smirks Soon…we all will be getting what we want.
Cut to Sebastian exuding a smirk of his own as Beckman gives a look as she turns around seeing Jackson jumping out the truck, but not Ethan leading her to speak up.
Beckman: looks at Jackson Where is Ethan?
Jackson: He’s…
Marcus chimes in leading him to respond as he walks up to Beckman
Marcus: I had Sebastian relay a message to her to have Ethan go to Wexler’s office and download any files that could possibly be useful. Don’t worry…rubs both her arms…he will join us at the rendezvous point once he’s finished.
Beckman nods as she turns around to see the satellite being loaded on to the truck leading the shot to cut back to Marcus as his smile turns into an ominous look as he walks out of camera view. The scene switches from the location of the Eagle Eye satellite to the lab where Abe took several C4 explosives and after a moment or two of everybody looking around Abe speaks up.
Abe: Young lady…I was just here “borrowing” some explosives and all I see is a room full of weapons that aren’t fully complete.
Cassidy: I assure you this room has the weapons you need.
Casey looks at Sarah
Casey: Walker…unless you’re sister is a magical genie that can grant my wish I doubt that she would have the power to make the weapons we need appear.
Sarah looks at Casey and then at her sister.
Sarah: Cass?
Cassidy turns around and walks over to the wall behind her with the row of tanks leading her to pull 4 rows in the middle that are connected like a door concealing what looks like a hidden door with a key board to the upper right. She punches in a few numbers and a sound is heard by all leading Cassidy to stands aside.
Cassidy: looks at Casey Your wish is my command.
Cut to the inside of the darkened room where the door is pushed open by Cassidy leading everybody to enter the room with the door closing behind them. After a moment or two of standing in darkness the lights are turned on leading everybody to adjust to the sudden brightness. Cut to a close up head shot of Casey as he has this I’m in heaven look leading the camera to cut to a wide shot of a very large room filled with a cache of weapons.
Travis: Awesome
Chuck: You took the words right out of my mouth.
Cut to Cassidy who is smiling leading her to walk up to Casey.
Cassidy: Did I make your wish come true.
Casey responds with a satisfying grunt leading Cassidy to have a cautious/confused look.
Chuck: walks up Don’t worry…that grunt means he’s happy. Cassidy nods leading her to help with the weaponry any way she can. Chuck turns back to look at Casey Are you crying?
Casey: Of course not Bartowski…it’s just bright in here.
Cut to Chuck giving him a look as he joins Sarah who is trying on several weapons, so to speak. After a moment or two, they’re all armed with the exception of Chuck, Emily, and Cassidy. Abe walks into camera view leading him to stand in front of everybody as he holds a MP5SD2 Submachine Gun with built in silencer. He lock and loads leading him to speak up.
Abe: They don't know you're stay here and wait for my signal.
Sarah: speaks up What's the signal
Abe: smirks You'll know.
Cut to shots of Sarah, Travis, Casey nodding whereas Chuck along with Emily and Cassidy have that freaked out look as they realize the situation at hand. The scene ends with a shot of Abe turning around heading off camera as he heads towards the location of the Eagle Eye Satellite.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Blog Archive
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 22
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 21
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 20
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 19
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 18
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 17
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 16
- Chuck vs. The Unexpected Surprise Part 15
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