[The episode begins with a recap of what previous happened as Abe disobeys orders from an angry Director Graham to return to the warehouse. Cut to the standoff on level 36 where Jeremiah Wexler reveals to Beckman that Agent Sarah Walker is in fact his daughter DeAnna Wexler. Move forward to several thousand feet in the air to the Fairchild C-123 where Travis gives him something to communicate with Chuck when he jumps and after a moment or two the interior of the plane goes darkish red along the freight bay in the back of the plane lowers meaning its go time. Cut back to level 36 where Marcus Stefano not only introduces himself to Sarah but also makes the comment to her father of finally meeting the daughter considered to be a poor investment leading Sarah to be momentarily caught off guard by that comment. A conversation between father and daughter ensues leading to an argument to the point that Sebastian interrupts the short lived reunion by threatening to kill her father if she doesn’t put down the guns. Cut to Chuck successfully landing in the west quadrant drop zone with a bit of help from Travis. Moments later there is an intense father/daughter argument that leads to Sarah pushing, slapping, and inevitably punching her father in the face. She tries to continue the angry assault but her father stops it by hugging her to the point that she opens the flood gates. Cut to the bottom stairwell of the west quadrant building where Travis hands Chuck a gun and then the crew head into the hallway towards the elevators. Move forward to the sound proof room where Sarah and her father reconcile leading Wexler to give Sarah what she has always been wanting. Its at that point Wexler notices the gold locket around her neck. His fatherly instincts kick in and finds out that Chuck gave it her to where he hopes to meet the man that has made her daughter truly happy. The special moment is unfortunately interrupted by Marcus Stefano walking in and telling both of them to follow him. The scene begins with Sarah and her father holding hands following behind Marcus as Jackson and Dupree are in tow as their weapons are at the ready for any possible strike that Sarah might make. As they are walking, Beckman quickly joins them leading her to speak to Wexler]
Beckman: Your lip…are you all right?
Wexler: [looks at Beckman] I’m fine….[looks at his daughter and smiles]…just settling a long overdue family dispute with my daughter.
[Sarah responds with a smile back leading Beckman to speak up]
Beckman: Listen…if I had known you’re daughter was considered a potential recruit to become a government agent I would have personally stopped the process from becoming final for her own protection of course. I will find out who recruited her and….
Wexler: [holds hand up] Stop… I don’t think this is the best time to try to get on my good side so stop sucking up to me because I know what you’re trying to do. You do realize you’re embarrassing yourself at the moment by trying to make yourself look good at my expense…but guess what it isn’t working. For crying out loud Edna… you’re a General in the United States Air Force…act like it. [Beckman nods and exudes a fake smile leading Sarah to try to hide hers] Oh and one more thing…as far as my daughter goes she doesn’t need you protecting because she’s capable of not only protecting herself, but also making her own decisions and joining the C.I.A was the right choice to make. I am proud of her and support her 100%.
[Beckman is red faced leading Wexler looks at Sarah inevitably giving her a wink causing Sarah to look straight ahead in order to hide her growing smile. After a moment or two they reach Project Eagle Eye Satellite in which they see Marcus’s associates standing around with Cassidy behind the console and Sebastian standing right behind her. When Cassidy sees her sister and her father she immediate stands]
Cassidy: Dad…sis…
[Sebastian immediately puts his right hand on her left shoulder and forcefully pushes her to sit down leading Sarah to speak up]
Sarah: [angered tone] Touch my sister like that again and I promise you’ll end up like your two former buddies.
Sebastian: [glares at Sarah] Oh really…I would like to see you try.
[As he says that Marcus speaks up]
Marcus: Children…the fight at the playground will have to wait till later as its time for the adults to talk now.
[Sarah and Sebastian glare each other again leading Wexler to speak to his old friend]
Wexler: What are we going to talk about Marcus? How you’ve lost your mind… the fact that you’re doing all this because you’re scared…how about you wanting to regain your legacy that the Zeitgeist took from you…or how you’re trying to rekindle a forbidden romance that you had or you still think you have with Edna.
[Upon hearing that Sarah quickly looks at Beckman leading Sebastian to look at Wexler then to Marcus]
Sebastian: What is he talking about?
Marcus: Don’t listen to him…he’s just talking nonsense.
Sebastian: I think maybe we should listen to his nonsense.
Marcus: [walks up to Sebastian] What did I say about thinking…[tapping his forehead]…do what I pay you to do best.
[As he turns around to walk away a perturbed Sebastian takes out his gun and points it at Marcus leading Marcus’ associate to point his gun at Sebastian to where Sebastian’s associates point their gun at Marcus’ associate. The scene ends with a stand off among the bad guys Sarah, Cassidy, Wexler, and Beckman looking on. Cue Chuck intro]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins with a shot of main floor corridor of the west quadrant building where Tobias comes into camera looking around the corner and down the hall. He signals his men behind to move forward leading you to eventually see Travis, Casey and Chuck bringing up the rear. After a moment of not encountering any resistance the lead guy spots something in the next area leading him to hold up his right fist leading him to turn around, puts two fingers up waving them side to side, point to his eyes and then up. Casey and Travis know what’s going on but Chuck doesn’t leading him to whisper to Casey]
Chuck: What’s going on?
Casey: [serious low tone] Quiet Bartowski.
[Casey moves forward a bit leading Chuck to get answers from Travis]
Chuck: Trav…why have we stopped?
Travis: [looks at Chuck] 2 surveillance cameras spotted on both sides of the south hall.
Chuck: How are we going to get past them?
[As he says that Tobias comes out of nowhere and quickly injects himself into the conversation in a deep intimidating tone startling Chuck]
Tobias: We’re going to disable them…any other questions?
Chuck: [nervous tone] No…none whatsoever.
[Cut to one of Tobias’ men on a lab top hacking into Wexler Industries’ survellience system and after a moment or two of locates the west quadrant surveillance cameras at their location. He starts typing and in one fell swoop disables the cameras leading him to turn to Tobias giving him a nod. Tobias motions for them to move out as they all cautiously head down the hall leading the scene to switch from the west quadrant building to level 36 where a stand is happening between partners as it started with Sebastian pointing his gun at Marcus. Marcus turns around, looks at Sebastian, leading him to speak up as Beckman, Wexler, Cassidy, and Sarah look on]
Sebastian: Is what he said true?
[cut to Marcus pausing for minute and takes a deep breathe]
Marcus: It’s one man’s opinion.
[Sebastian walks towards Marcus with a glaring look still pointing his gun at him]
Sebastian: I want a straight answer…did we do all do this in order to help you relive your glory days?
Marcus: Yes
[The answer causes a stir among the associates leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: Then I see no purpose in you being here then. In my opinion, you are considered dead weight to me and my men so I’m going to do what you said I do best. [Sebastian pulls back the trigger and just as he is about to shoot Marcus exudes a smirk on his face leading Sebastian to speaks up] What are you smiling about?
Marcus: You don’t want to shoot me?
Sebastian: The reverse psychology isn’t going to work with me old man.
Marcus: There is a reason I chose you as my right hand man and I didn’t just choose anybody to help undertake a mission of this magnitude. You’re a former Navy Seal now mercenary who stills lives by the motto the only easy day was yesterday. Reading your file, you committed yourself to a high standard of excellence and the obstacles you faced are considered challenges, which have extended beyond the beyond the battlefield. Failure is not an option in your book and you pride yourself in your successes because being just average means the possibility of ending up buried six feet under. You have that inner fortitude to go into the most difficult combat situations facing death in order to achieve your objective and knowing that those same past achievements will never be truly recognized publicly. You and I are not so different as we’re not only soldiers who have survived many battles, but we’re also working towards the same goal.
Sebastian: What goal would that be?
Marcus: Power and glory. [cut to Sebastian mulling it over in his mind] We already have the power in our hands…[points to the Satellite]…it’s just a matter of time before attaining the glory we so rightly deserve. [After a moment or two of silence Marcus speaks up again] So…do we have an understanding?
[Sebastian stares at Marcus and after a moment or two he lowers his gun]
Sebastian: You better not cross me.
[Sebastian nods leading everybody else to lower their guns]
Marcus: I wouldn’t think of it.
[Sebastian turns around and walks back to the console where Cassidy is motioning for her to continue what she was doing. Wexler with Sarah by his side walk up next to Marcus leading him to speak up as Marcus looks straight ahead]
Wexler: Still doing your homework after all these years I see.
[Marcus looks at his old friend leading him to respond with a smirk]
Marcus: Chalk it up to my phenomenal work ethic. [Marcus’ smirk is gone leading him to motion towards the computer console] Let’s go
[Marcus escorts the two off camera towards Sebastian and Cassidy’s location. The scene ends with a shot of Beckman in the background with a questioning look on her face regarding Marcus as she too heads in that direction as well]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins back at level 36 where Marcus and Sebastian are behind Cassidy who is sitting at the computer console as they’re looking over the schematics of Project Eagle Eye. Marcus and Sebastian are in the middle of a discussion when Cassidy to speak up]
Cassidy: It’s not 100% complete.
Marcus: [looks at Wexler] Why…what’s the problem?
Wexler: Just minor problems with the metallic brackets.
Sebastian: How minor?
[Cassidy continues typing leading her to pull up the more specs. After skimming over the data she speaks up]
Cassidy: Well…according to the specs a slight modification was needed in regards to the metallic brackets that holds the long cylindrical tube-like chamber with holes in them built within the laser pulse canon.
[cut to Marcus, Sebastian, and his associates having this dumbfounded look on their face leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: In English please.
Wexler: [speaks up] Think of the long cylinder as a muffler to a car with the laser being the exhaust. You would most definitely hear an explosion once all the pressure built up is released. [cut Marcus and his associates listening intently] Is everybody with me so far? [cut to the associates nodding] Those holes are designed to reflect the high sound waves produced by the laser that when it fires you hear the somewhat silent pulse echo of what sounds like an eagle.[A puzzled look comes on the face of Dupree leading him to raise his hand]Yes?
Dupree: I’m confused…what does that have to with the metal brackets?
Cassidy: [speaks up] After running several tests with the laser pulse cannon, the results were that the metallic brackets holding the cylindrical tube-like chamber in place show a slight tendency to warp because of the extreme heat given off, which would effect stability causing the shot itself to become very erratic.
[Hearing all this Sarah walks up to her father, grabs his right arm, turns him around and speaks up in a quiet whisper that the others hear as a mere murmur]
Sarah: Dad what are you doing?
Wexler: I know what it looks like…
Sarah: [interrupts her dad] You’re not actually helping these guys are you?
Wexler: Right now…I have no choice but to.
Sarah: [angered tone] If you’re not going to do anything about it then I will.
[Sarah walks past her father, but he grabs her by her right arm brings her back in front of her as a concerned Cassidy looks on]
Wexler: Hold on Ms. C.I.A superspy…I’m still your father…
Sarah: [serious tone] What…are you going to do ground me?
Wexler: No…besides I don’t want to get punched in the face again…once was enough.
Sarah: Dad!
Wexler: [looks Sarah straight in the eyes] DeAnna I know what I’m doing…[kisses her forehead and gives her a winks that is not seen by the others]…trust me doodlebug.
[Sarah is taken back by what her father just called her]
Sarah: [smiles] You haven’t called me doodlebug since I was a little girl.
[Wexler squeezes his daughter’s arms as he gives her a brief smile leading Marcus to speak up]
Sebastian: [clears throat] I hate to interrupt the touching conversation you two are having, but there are more important matters to attend to.
[Sarah gives another death glare at Sebastian leading Marcus to speak up]
Marcus: So…was it fixed?
Wexler: [turns around] I don’t know…after being notified of the problem by my people I told them to call me once it was fixed. [looks at Marcus] Then you called me out of the blue after 20 years and ever since then I haven’t had time…[take out his cell phone and looks at it]…to check my voicemail.
[Wexler points to cell phone, listens to voicemail, and then hangs up leading Sebastian to speak up]
Sebastian: Well?
Wexler: [looks at Sebastian] Aluminum brackets.
Marcus: What?
Wexler: [looks at Marcus] The metal brackets were replaced with stronger aluminum ones that don’t warp when exposed to extreme heat.
Marcus: [sly smirk] Excellent
[Sarah realizes the gravity of the situation his father has gotten them into has now gotten worse as she looks at the sly smirk on Marcus’ face. She turns away for a moment clutching her gold locket as she mutters under her breathe where are you Chuck. The scene ends with Chuck and the rest of the guys heading towards the elevator]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins at the front desk of main building where two of Sebastian’s associates are stationed as the two other others are still tied up and hidden out of view. After a moment or two, one of them speaking up]
Associate 1: This has got to be a boring job just sitting here and asking to see i.d. cards.
Associate 2: You said it…we’re out living life and making things happen whereas these guys are just wasting away their lives working 9 to 5.
Associate 1: Amen to that brother.
[Both men do fist leading Man 2 to speak up]
Associate 2: I’m going to hit the head...hold down the fort while I’m gone.
[Associate 2 leaves leading the scene to switch to somewhere in the halls of the Wexler Industries with Tobias leading his men, Casey, and Chuck head towards the elevators. Chuck is lagging behind and after a while he notices that his right shoe is untied leading him to stop, look down, and then kneels down to tie it. When he looks up he sees Travis about to round the corner leading Chuck to quietly get the attention of Travis who doesn’t hear him leading him to fully disappear from view around the corner. After brief second, Chuck is back up with gun in hand and just as he’s about to reach the corner in order to catch up with the group his cell phone rings leading him to quickly look at who is calling him and then answers it in a quiet whispery manner]
Chuck: [looking around] Hey Morgan…what’s up?
[cut to a back and forth conversation that has Morgan sitting in the living room playing the new Call of Duty Game that Chuck and Travis were playing beforehand]
Morgan: Why didn’t you tell me you got the demo version of the new Call of Duty game?
Chuck: Is that why you called me…I better not see that demo uploaded on to YouTube.
[Cut to Chuck rounding the corner and sees that Tobias, along with everybody else, have totally disappeared. Chuck begins walking the halls aimlessly as he is quietly conversing with Morgan all-the-while trying to catch up the group that he unfortunately lost]
Morgan: You have my word bro. Dude why are you whispering?
Chuck: I don’t want to wake up anybody…everybody turned in early as its been a pretty eventful night to say the least.
Morgan: What are Sarah’s parents like?
Chuck: I didn’t have time to talk with them one on one being that I just dropped in 15 minutes ago…but from what I can tell they’re…nice.
Morgan: Do they look anything like Robert DeNiro and Blythe Danner?
Chuck: I’m afraid not.
Morgan: Do they like you? It’s all about first impressions my friend.
Chuck: Oh really…coming from the guy who not only listened to Jeff and Lester by being someone other than yourself, but also managing to throw up in front of Anna’s parents in the process.
Morgan: Hey…this is not about me…this is about you.
Chuck: I don’t know Morg…its hard to tell.
Morgan: Hey…if things don’t work out with Sarah or her parents you know that I got your back right?
Chuck: What makes you think they won’t work out?
Morgan: I’m just saying…where is Sarah?
Chuck: She’s…close.
Morgan: Oh...you’re already losing points there.
Chuck: What?
Morgan: Sleeping in the same room with her…that’s not going to sit well with Sarah’s dad.
[cut to Chuck continuing to walk down the hallway]
Chuck: [interrupts Morgan] Morgan…Morgan she’s downstairs with her sister and I’m upstairs…[looking around]…in the hallway. Call me old fashioned by I too want to make a good impression.
Morgan: Great…just great. Sarah’s parents are going to just love you.
Chuck: I hope so. [Chuck continues to look around all-the-while walking backwards] Listen…it’s been a long trip and I need to catch up…
[As he is about to say something a gun appears aimed at his head at then end of the corridor and at the same time this happens Morgan speaks up]
Morgan: On sleep…gotcha.
Chuck: Ummm….Morgan…I’ll you back later.
[Chuck hangs up leading the unknown person to take his gun and his cell phone. The scene ends with the unknown person stepping out revealing it’s associate 2 who went to the bathroom]
[Fade Out]
[The scene begins where it left off as man 2 has a gun pointed at Chuck’s head. After patting Chuck down, he turns him around and faces him still pointing the gun at his head leading man 1 to speak up]
Associate 2: Who are you?
Chuck: Ch…Charles…Charles Carmichael.
Associate 2: How did you get here?
Chuck: Would you believe I parachuted in?
Associate 2: I don’t see you as the parachuting type…you seem more of the nerdy type.
Chuck: Okay…I’m one of Mr. Wexler’s employees.
Associate 2: Why are you carrying a gun?
Chuck: Have you ever heard of nerd on nerd violence…it’s vicious and cutthroat.
Associate 2: I think you should come with me Mr. Carmichael.
[Associate 2 radios his other pal that he’s found a suspicious character and is bringing him to the front desk. He motions to Chuck to turn around and as they are about to head out they both hear a click of gun leading to a wide side shot where Travis is holding a gun to Assocoate 2’s head. Travis speaks up]
Travis: Change of plans.
[Chuck immediately turns around relieved to see a friendly face as Travis takes associate 2’s weapon]
Chuck: Trav…am I glad to see you. [takes his gun and cell phone from associate 2] Those are mine.
[Man 2 growls at Chuck leading him to hide behind Travis. As Man 1 is being led away by one of Travis’ team members Casey quickly walk up]
Casey: Do we need to put a leash on you?
[Travis looks at Casey and then back to Chuck]
Travis: You all right buddy?
Chuck: Yeah…what about the other guy he radioed…he’s at the front desk.
Travis: Its being taken care of …[puts his right hand on Chuck’s left shoulder leading him to smile]…let’s go save your lady.
[Chuck responds with a smile back as the scene switches from the hallway to moments later in level 36 where Marcus and everybody else are standing behind the satellite after learning that Project Eagle Eye is 100% complete leading to a celebration of sorts amongst the associates. After a moment or two Cassidy speaks up]
Cassidy: What now…what happens with us?
[cut to Marcus walking over and standing next to Beckman]
Marcus: You and your father…nothing…[looks at Beckman] Edna…and your sister or coming with us.
Wexler: Why?
Sebastian: For insurance purposes…they’re government agents and as long as we have them they’re not going to run the risk of jeopardizing their safety despite the contrary belief that their expendable.
Sarah: Who are they?
Marcus: [looks at Sarah] The people who I used to work for and don’t worry about them…I’m usually 2 steps ahead.
[As soon as he says that Tobias appear out of nowhere with gun pointed behind Marcus followed by his men surrounding Sebastian and his men. Tobias speaks up]
Tobias: [gun drawn] Not this time Marcus.
[Casey appears and the first person he sees is Beckman]
Casey: General…what are you doing here?
[Beckman is about to respond when Sarah sees Casey leading her to run up to him, turns him around, and speak up]
Sarah: Casey!
Casey: [smirks] Good job protecting your sister Walker.
Sarah: Not now…where is Chuck?
[As she says that a familiar voice is heard behind her]
Voice of Chuck: Right behind you.
[A big smile comes appears on her face leading her to turn around leading her to look into eyes brown of the man she loves Chuck. He smiles leading Sarah to immediately kiss him and at that point Travis appears and stands by Casey as he see Chuck in a lip lock with Sarah leading him to smile. Travis looks at Casey who just rolls his eyes and turns around not touched by what he sees. Wexler, seeing this whole thing going on between Chuck and Sarah, Sarah walks up inevitably clearing his throat abruptly ending the happy reunion. Travis appears to see Chuck in a lip lock with Sarah leading him to smile. Sarah speaks up as she introduces Chuck to her father and vice versa]
Sarah: Sorry…dad this is Chuck.
Wexler: [looks at Chuck up and down] So this is the gentlemen who has made my daughter truly happy. Glad to finally meet you and I'm sorry for saying this but you weren't quite what I expected.
[Wexler and Chuck shake hands as Sarah watches the two most important men in her life talking]
Chuck: Glad to meet you to sir and none taken.
Wexler: 1 question…are you a spy?
Chuck: No sir…I’m a government analyst who works at the Buy More at $11 an hour as cover.
Wexler: [looks at Sarah] Good enough for me.
[As he says Chuck smiles but his smile is soon gone when he sees Beckman who has this serious look on her face as if all her suspicions were correct as she peronally witnessed the whole exchange between Chuck and Sarah. Chuck is about to say something to General Beckman when Tobias speaks up]
Tobias: Turn around and put your hands up Marcus.
Marcus: [slowly turns around] Tobias…the last time we saw each other you were taking me away.
Tobias: [serious look] This time…you’re going to put away for good like you should have been instead of being exiled.
[As he says that Casey looks at Beckman and speaks up]
Casey: General…come this way.
[Beckman is a bit reluctant as she looks at Marcus and when she is about to walk past him he stops inevitably takes hold of her hand leading him to speak up causing Tobias, his men, and especially Casey to be on alert Marcus puts his hands in his pockets as he looks into her eyes leading him to speak up]
Marcus: I will always love you.
[Marcus takes his hands out of his pockets and places them on the side of her face and gives her a passionate kiss that surprises Sarah, Chuck, and Casey. After a moment or two it ends leading Beckman to compose herself as she touches both sides of her face leading Casey to walk over and retrieve her]
Casey: Come on General…this way.
[Casey passes Tobias leading him to speak up]
Tobias: [smirks] It’s over for you and your men Marcus.
[Tobias and his men cautiously head towards a seemingly calm, cool, and collected Marcus who suddenly smirks]
Marcus: I don’t think so.
[As he reaches Marcus, Tobias' face suddenly goes all flushed leading not only him to suddenly fall to the ground, but everyone else fall to the ground as well exuding the same flushed look all-the-while showing signs of blood trickling out from their ears. The scene end with Sebastian, his men, and General Beckman left standing as Marcus stands over Tobias’ body with a smirk on his face]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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