To recap where previous happened a 7 year old Chuck and his girlfriend Allison are walking down the 3rd floor hall of City of Angels Medical Center visiting his mother who has become ill. As they walk towards her room Allison shares her concerns on he’s worried about Chuck because he hasn’t slept lately. Chuck reassures her that he’s fine leading her to tell him that she’s there for him. Cut to 2 months later where Chuck and Morgan are in his room discussing the rough patch Chuck and Allison are going through to the point that the young Bartowski asks for his best buds advice much to his surprise. Morgan gives him a Yoda quote and after making his own interpretation of it he makes his way towards his mom at the hospital instead of going to find Allison and talk things through. Move forward in Rose’s hospital room where Ellie, Rose, and Chuck discuss Allison leading it to cuts to the hallway near her door where Allison is standing there holding small gift basket listening intently to what’s being said forming tears, especially at what Chuck said about asking her to the prom might have been a bad idea. Cut to the beach where Chuck and Allison discuss their relationship leading Allison in her own words to say she’s letting him go and reassures him that when his mother gets better they can hopefully see if they have another go at it. Cut to a month later with Chuck sitting in English Lit class giving his interpretation of what Shakespeare meant to Mr. Thomas when Principal enters the class talks with Mrs. Norton leading him to ask Chuck to step outside. From the window Morgan and Allison see Chuck expressing grief at the news of his mother passing away leading both of them to be at his side.
The scene begins with Chuck walking into camera view pacing back and forth with his arms crossed shaking his head in front of the black leather couch. After a moment or two he stops and slowly sits down as he looks at the person off camera.
Chuck: I took my mom’s death hard but I knew she wouldn’t want me to mourn her passing and so after graduating High School I was accepted to the college that I applied to…Stanford. Allison and I never really talked after the funeral or graduation for that matter. She was accepted to UCLA while Morgan went to a community college close to home. Anyways…my intentions were to study hard, get my electrical engineering degree, and during that process work on my five year plan to get my mind of things. You know the funny thing is…the plans you set out for yourself don’t necessarily turn out the way you envision them in your head. Stanford in the beginning was a place that I saw my life turning around for the better to where it ended up with me getting kicked out as it all started with meeting two people who would inevitably turn my life upside down.
The scene begins freshman year in Stanford 1999 in the courtyard where Chuck is sitting on a bench reading over a textbook with a yellow highlighter in his mouth when a man wearing a red Stanford sweatshirt come by holding a football in his hands leading him to speak up as he looks at his C++ Science and Engineering textbook.
Man: You’re in EE131…looks and throws the football to someone leading him to look back at Chuck…pretty brutal huh.
Chuck glances down at his book and then at the man.
Chuck: Oh yeah…the only reason I signed up was because I’m building my own version of…you know its kind of embarrassing…
Man: chimes in with a look of curiosity What?
Chuck gives a questionable look to Bryce.
Chuck: You don’t happen to remember that old computer game Zork do you?
Man: You’re likely to be eaten by a Grew.
Cut to Chuck with a surprised look on his face.
Chuck: Holy crap…you do remember.
Man: smiles I love that game…I haven’t thought about it in a while.
Cut to Chuck’s surprised look turns into a look of disappointment.
Chuck: Yeah…it’s probably a good thing.
Man: I disagree…Chuck looks up at Bryce…its 1999 the next Millennium belongs to the geek.
Chuck: All right…but still text based computer games don’t exactly attract the chicks.
Man: This girl Jill on my floor is nuts about Everquest.
Chuck: Are you serious?
Man: If you want, you can meet her.
Chuck: excited tone Really…right now?
Man: Yeah…points to his left…she’s over in the quad.
Chuck: Yeah…gathers his stuff…I would very much like to meet her.
Man: Need some help?
Chuck: I’m fine…holds out hand…I’m Chuck.
He shakes Chuck’s hand leading him to respond with his name.
Man: I’m Bryce.
Chuck and Bryce form an instant friendship as they both head towards the quad to meet Jill. Cut to Jill in the quad talking to some friend when Bryce walks up to her with Chuck following behind focusing on trying not to drop all his books.
Bryce: Hey Jill, I want you to meet someone.
Jill turns around and as she does, Chuck who isn’t paying attention runs into her knocking all his books to the ground. All three go down to pick up the books leading to Chuck and Jill to bump heads. Chuck rubs his head and then sees Jill. She has shoulder length dark brown hair, brown eyes, black wire rim glasses, small silver earring, wearing a red blue top, jeans, white ankle socks, and white shoes.
Chuck: holding his head and picking up books at the same time Hi…my name is Chuck…Chuck Bartowski…all around clumsy guy…and albeit sorry one at that for bumping into you.
Jill brushes her hair back behind both her ears, gives chuck a sheepish smile, and helps Chuck pick up his books.
Jill: No problem…I’m clumsy as well. Maybe it was fate that brought us together?
Jill laughs leading Chuck to respond with a laughs as well and while all this is happening Bryce is grinning as he sees the connection going on between the two of them.
Bryce: jumps in Chuck…meet Jill Roberts…the girl who I told you about that is into Everquest.
Chuck and Jill shake hands
Chuck: You know….I thought only guys like me were into playing computer games like Everquest. Usually, the thought of guys who spend their time playing computer games would make any girl run away because all the girls I’ve dated have ended up leaving me high and dry when they find out that bit of news.
Jill: Wow…maybe you’ve been dating the wrong kind of girls
Jill gives a smile towards a nervous Chuck who takes a big gulp leading the moment to be broken up by Bryce as he talks to both of them.
Bryce: You know what...I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Chuck tries his best to hold on to his books as he looks at Bryce and then Jill. The scene ends with the camera slowly backing up from Chuck, Bryce, and Jill as they continue talking with each other. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The Scene begins 3 years after Chuck, Bryce, and Jill meet at a carnival in Palo Alto, CA where a freaked out Chuck and a seemingly excited Jill come into camera view as the Ferris Wheel their sitting on stops at the top. After a moment or two of Jill looking around the carnival she speaks up.
Jill: Wow…look at this view Chuck it’s amazing...turns to look at a freaked out Chuck...hey...It’s just a Ferris Wheel…you’ll be fine.
Chuck: nervous freaked out tone Its not the wheel so much as it’s me.
Jill gives a questionable look towards Chuck.
Jill: What does that mean?
Chuck: I bribed the Carney to stop us at the top.
Jill: For someone whose afraid of heights that was pretty moronic of you.
Chuck: looks at Jill scared out of his mind I was actually going for romantic…takes a deep breathe…okay…we’ve been friends for a while now and its been fun…I was thinking we could I don’t know…cut to Jill listening intently…you know what this was pretty moronic of me. looks straight ahead We’re friends and…
Jill: interrupts him as she shakes her head Chuck…Chuck looks at her…you talk way too much.
Jill goes in and kisses Chuck leading the Ferris Wheel to start up again as Chuck and Jill inevitably disappear toward the bottom of the screen. The scene switches to 2003 on a Monday afternoon senior year with Jill and Chuck hand in hand walking across the quad. All of a sudden you see Bryce run up and jumps on Chuck’s back.
Chuck: glances up at Bryce What's up bro!?
Bryce talks to Chuck in Klingon leading Chuck to looks at Jill then responds back to Bryce in Klingon.
Jill: stomps her foot on the ground Come on guys…you know I don’t understand Klingon…what are you guys saying?
Bryce: I said…do you know any beautiful girls on campus.
Chuck: I said…I’m standing right next to her
Chuck smiles at Jill to where she smiles back followed by giving him a kiss.
Bryce: punches Chuck in the arm Hey, I’ve been working on some new codes on the TSR80 for our updated version of Zork. Check it out when you have the time. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to work on it more because I got so focused on it that I lost track of time. I’m now late for Professor Flemming’s class. looks behind as he is running to class Hey, I’ll see you two later?
Chuck: You got it buddy!
Jill: Later Bryce!
Chuck and Jill watch as Bryce run and inevitably disappear towards the west side of campus. Chuck puts his arm around Jill as they continue to walk leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: So…what do you have planned this week?
Jill: Study for Biochem 101…playfully bumps Chuck with her right shoulder…and so should you.
Chuck: Hey…I’m going to but it’s kind of hard to study with all those numbers looking like an ancient form of writing to me.
Jill: It wouldn’t be as you put it ancient writing if you stayed awake in class.
Chuck: Hey…I try to stay awake but Professor Sutherland is just so monotone that he ends up sounding like the teacher from Charlie Brown…sticks his up mouthing the sound…wah wah wah wah wah wah. The next thing I know I’m out like a light.
Cut to Jill laughing.
Jill: Still…you just have to find something in that class to make it interesting.
Chuck smiles as he pulls her in and kisses the side of her head.
Chuck: I do…you.
Jill: slaps playfully on the chest Besides me.
Chuck: All right…I’ll try to stay awake for Professor Sandman…I mean Sutherland.
Jill: Thank you.
Chuck: So…what are you plans this week?
Jill: Other than studying for Biochem…hanging out with you later tonight and then with you and Bryce this weekend. Plus…I’m doing something with Allan Watterman that concerns a project he needs help with.
Chuck responds with an unenthusiastic tone.
Chuck: That’s...great.
Jill: What…I know that tone.
Chuck: Watterman’s an arrogant douche bag.
Jill: No he’s not…he’s a sweet guy.
Chuck: I don’t trust him…and neither should you. As a matter of fact I don’t think you should help him with his “project”.
Jill turns to look at a seemingly jealous Chuck.
Jill: You’re jealous.
Chuck: crosses arms Of Watterman…shakes head…please.
Jill: Look…I thought I made it perfectly clear many times before…Allan and I are just friends Chuck.
Chuck: Does a friend send you your favorite flowers…carnations…for no reason at all?
Jill: angered tone Okay…you know what…I’m tired of defending my friendship I share with Allan with you. There’s absolutely nothing between us.
Chuck: To you maybe…but to him its whole different story.
Jill: points finger at Chuck Why don’t you just grow up Chuck.
Jill begins walking away from Chuck in a huff leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: Where are you going?
Jill: Somewhere that isn’t with you right now…glances back…I need to think. Oh...we're definitely not hanging out tonight!
As Jill walks away Chuck responds.
Chuck: FINE!
Jill: throws right hand in the air FINE!
Jill walks away in a mad huff leaving Chuck standing there with both hands at his side. The scene ends with a look of frustration on his face as turns around, sees a trash can off to the side and kicks it leading him put both hands over his head as he walks off camera.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch. He’s leaning forward holding his hands together, elbows on his knees, and resting his chin on his hands. After a moment of two Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: Jill and I never really had an argument until Allan Watterman came into the picture. Watterman was the type of guy who looked innocent as can be on the outside but underneath it all he was the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. He really pulled one over on Jill and she ended up having a kid 5 years and 4 months later who she thought was mine but after DNA testing provided by Casey…Charlie was found to be Watterman’s son. I was relieved and yet bummed at the fact Charlie wasn’t my son. It was a lie unbeknownst to her. So…to spare her the pain of not only revealing the truth, but also relocating her to a secret location due to her business ties with media mogul and all around James Bond villain wannabe Desmond Claudius I let her believe Charlie is our son. It was the right thing to do. Anyways, getting back to the story....Jill and I weren’t speaking so I turned to Bryce who helped me take my mind off things by playing a game of Assassins in the school library with rubber dart guns.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to later that night in the library where Chuck and Bryce are in full on Assassins mode. They are ducking, moving, jumping, and weaving around the library trying to get the upper hand on one another. After a moment or two Chuck stands there weapon aimed at Bryce who is without any ammo.
I had a feeling I had Bryce where I wanted him being that he didn’t have any ammo left…or so I thought. He lulled me into a false sense of security as he took a book off the shelf to inevitably stall/distract me in what he was actually doing…reloading with a rubber dart he ingenuously hid. After assassinating me again…we sat down and talked about my situation.
Chuck: Do you thing I’m wrong in what I said Bryce?
Bryce: Not at all buddy…this Watterman guy is a complete tool if you ask me.
Chuck: I know…Jill just can’t see it.
Bryce: leans in Listen…do you want me and some of your Gamma Delta Phi brothers to take care of him for you?
Chuck: What are you going to do?
Bryce: It’s best that you not know…taps nose…plausible deniability bro.
Chuck: shakes head Nah…Jill and I will work it like we’ve done before given some time has passed. I’ll say I’m sorry and she’ll hopefully she’ll forgive me again.
Bryce: pats Chuck on the left shoulder Okay...its your call.
There is a brief moment of silence leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: Keep your cell phone on.
Bryce: nods Gotcha. looks at watch and stands up. I got to get going.
Chuck: looks at watch and then looks at Bryce leaving Where are you off to at 9 p.m.?
Bryce: I have a date.
Chuck: With who?
As Bryce walks away he glances back with a smirk on his face.
Bryce: Had cheerleader for Stanford's football team.
Chuck: You always get the great girls Bryce.
Bryce briefly turns around giving a sly smile as he pushes the door to stairwell and heads downstairs. The scene switches from that night in the library to the façade of the Gamma Delta Phi House early in the morning a month later with Chuck waking up to his alarm clock reading 9 a.m. looking like crap. As he sits up with some serious bed head he looks at Bryce who is not in his. As Chuck gets out of bed puts on his robe, scratches his head, and takes a few steps forward the door to their room opens leading Bryce to walk in wearing a black sleeveless shirt, red track pants, and running shoes showing signs that he’s been on a run as drips with sweat. Bryce looks at Chuck standing there like The Dude from The Big Lebowski and speaks up.
Bryce: Good Morning sunshine. Chuck responds with a grunt. How do you feel?
Chuck: Okay…I guess.
Bryce: You should come running with me…it helps release all the stuff you want to get out of your system.
Chuck: That would meaning cutting out the late nights of playing Call of Duty on the ole’ Xbox in the rec room downstairs.
Bryce: It add years to your life dude.
Chuck: Other than being on the track’re majoring in accounting…what do you need to keep in shape for…its not like your going to be doing anything life threatening.
Bryce gives Chuck a look.
Bryce: You up for getting some breakfast then?
Chuck: I don’t feel like it.
Bryce: Come on Chuck…what are you going to do sulk all day until you talk to Jill?
Chuck: I might…I don’t know…I’m just going to take a shower and then head on to my first class before I talk with her.
Bryce: Suit yourself…cut to Chuck grabbing a towel, soap, toothbrush/toothpaste, shaving kit, face towel, some extra clothes, and before he heads out Bryce stops him…hey it’s going to be all right buddy.
Chuck gives Bryce give him a begrudging nod as he slowly walks off to the bathroom and as he is about to close the door the phone rings leading him to look at the phone and then at Bryce.
Chuck: Let the answering machine get it. If it’s Jill…I’ll call her back later.
Bryce nods as Chuck closes the door behind him. The scene ends with Chuck half asleep walking past several of his frat brothers greeting them with a half hearted smile heading towards the bathroom.
Fade Out
The scene begins later in the day around 1 p.m. with Chuck wide awake waiting to see Professor Fleming not knowing why he’s even there. He glances at Fleming secretary who is busy typing letters when her phone rings leading her to answer it. After a brief moment, she hangs up, looks at Chuck and tells her Professor Fleming will see him now. As he walks in the scene flashes forward to Chuck sitting on the black leather couch with a look of disbelief on his face as he shakes his head.
Chuck: If anyone would have told me that I expelled for cheating in a class that I was acing I would have laughed in your face. Yet, it happened and as I sat there hearing Professor Fleming tell me that he kept the answer key locked in his office I slowly realized that I was being accused of cheating. Not only that, he told me that he received a tip from his source that I was selling copies of the test. What made the accusation even more hard to take was the person who tipped Professor Fleming off at what I supposedly did…it was my roommate Bryce Larkin. I was absolutely speechless and as I left his office I turned to the only person that I knew would have my back…Jill.
As he says that, the scene flashes back around 2 p.m. in the quad where Chuck and Bryce first met. Jill is sitting on the bench lost in thought when Chuck walks into camera view in the background frantically looking around leading him to spot her. When he reaches her he immediately speaks up.
Chuck: Jill I’m glad I found you, I need to talk to you…you’re never going to believe what Bryce did to me.
Jill: What…what happened?
Chuck: This is BIG…like Luke Skywalker finding out that Darth Vader is his father…big
Jill: Calm down…holds both of Chuck’s hands…breathe…Chuck takes several deep breathes…okay…now tell me what happened.
Chuck: I’ve been expelled for cheating.
Jill: What!?
Chuck: Yeah Professor Fleming called me into his office today and said he had evidence that I was not only cheating but I was selling the answers to the tests to students.
Jill: This can’t be true.
Chuck: Get this…Professor Fleming said he had a reliable source that I was cheating.
Jill: Who?
Chuck: seriouslook Bryce.
Jill: look of disbelief No way…Bryce!?
Chuck: look of helplessness You got to believe me Jill.
Jill: I do…it’s just difficult to take it all in all at once.
Chuck: Look…I got to go find Bryce and straighten this whole thing out.
Chuck kisses Jill and then quickly heads to the Gamma Delta Phi Frat house running full sprint. After a moment or two Chuck reaches the frat house with him bursting through the door leading several of his frat brothers who are either playing Call of Duty on Xbox, studying, doing laundry, etc. are wondering why he’s so out of breathe.
Jake: Hey Chuckles…what’s up?
Chuck: out of breathe Where’s…swallows and take a breathe…Bryce?
Cut to Kurt walking up with a sandwich in his hand as he heads to the rec room.
Kurt: I don’t know…points upstairs…he may be in your room.
Chuck looks at Kurt, then looks upstairs, leading him to book it up to his room. When he enters his room he immediately calls out Bryce’s name but doesn’t find there. He stands there for a while trying to figure out what all that just happened to him leading him to sit at the foot of his bed. After a while, he glances to his right and spots the picture of him, Bryce, Kurt and Jake taken several months ago. He picks it up, looks at it, and then drops it on his lap as he it cuts to a close up of his face as it exudes a mixture of emotions from disbelief, anger, confusion, etc. The scene flashes forward to a close up of Chuck’s face as he talks about not only the aftermath of being suddenly expelled, but his best friend’s betrayal as well leading it Chuck’s voice being heard as the flashback continues on.
Bryce betraying me was something I never saw coming. You never expected your best friend to turn his back on you and tell all out lies that were in my view unfounded. I was waiting for Bryce to come out and tell me that it was all a prank…a well orchestrated prank but it never came to fruition. I so wanted to find Bryce and have him look me in the eyes so he can tell me why he did it. That was hard to deal with, but The hardest thing deal with was having to call Ellie and tell her that I was expelled. I didn’t see Bryce until the next days as I walked down stairs carrying my stuff. As I walked downstairs, I see Bryce playing pool.
As he says that, he flashes back to the fateful moment as Kurt is the first person to greet him.
Kurt: It sucks you have to leave Chuck.
Chuck looks at Kurt and then at Bryce still playing pool.
Chuck: I don’t get it Bryce…why did you do it?
Cut to Bryce standing up and with an ice cold look responds to Chuck.
Bryce: You brought this on yourself.
Those words haunted me as he continued to play pool as if our friendship or what happened to me mattered. Chuck walks to the front door , stands there for a moment with a box under his right arm and holding a poster in his left hand as he takes one last look at all his frat brothers including Bryce who isn’t even looking at him. The scene ends with Chuck shaking his head and then walks out the door of the Gamma Delta Phi house.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck lying down on the black leather couch patting his chest several times. After a moment or two of staring at the ceiling he glances over at the person off camera leading him to speak up.
Chuck: Getting kicked out of Stanford was the worst day of my life. What made it even worse was that I left behind someone that I loved and she promised me that she would stick by me through all of it. About a month and a half later after getting kicked out I came back to Stanford after one my frat brother called and told me that Bryce and Jill were seen together, which I didn’t believe. Upon returning, I felt like I was half of myself wearing the colors of Buy More green and walking up to Jill’s sorority house I was thinking over what to say. I stood under Jill’s window trying to get her attention by knocking ping pong balls against it as the crowd behind continue playing their game. After a moment or two it wasn’t Jill who greeted me but her best friend/roommate Sherri.
Sherri: If Jill wanted to speak to you, she would have returned your 28 phone calls.
Chuck: looking up Hi… she up there? Cut to Sherri shaking her head as she disappears into her room leaving the window wide open for Chuck to speak up. Jill…I was on a break from work…I work at a Buy More of all places…I drove 346 miles straight from Burbank to see you…to tell you that I still love you.
Cut to the crowd behind responding in different ways leading Chuck to look behind him. As he does Jill appears at the window.
Jill: Chuck!
Chuck quickly looks up.
Chuck: Jill…hey…I thinking I thoroughly embarrassed myself in public so maybe we can talk over coffee.
Jill: Its too late Chuck…shakes head…its over.
Chuck: When you say its over…the conversation is over so that it can be continued at Starbucks.
As he says that it cuts to Sherri pushing Jill aside.
Sherri: She’s dating Bryce Larkin now Chuck…deal with it.
Chuck looks at Sherri and then at Jill.
Chuck: sadness in his eyes Is that true?
Jill: I’m sorry Chuck.
As she says that, Jill gives one last look as she disappears back into her room. The scene flashes forward to Chuck now sitting up in the black leather couch with his right hand over his mouth. After a while he speaks up.
Chuck: Finding out that Jill was dating Bryce was a big blow to my system. At the time, I didn’t know Jill was pregnant with Charlie and the only reason she was with him was because she was scared at how I would react if I knew she was pregnant, which she told him instead of me. However, finding out Bryce had me kicked out in order to save me…protect me from being recruited into the Omaha Project was even more shocking news and I watched it on a recruitment disc Professor Fleming made with my very own eyes. I saw the look in his eyes as he pleaded with Professor Flemming not to send in those test results. The look in Bryce's eyes trying to protect his best friend from being put into a situation that he wasn't suited for. Shakes head Bryce tried to stop me from being recruited…now 2 and a half years later…I’m working as an analyst for the government. I guess you can’t stop destiny. The good thing that has come out of this though is Sarah and Casey with the help of Dr. Fleming convinced Stanford that I’ve been doing exceptional work whereby providing me with my Electrical Engineering degree, which my sister Ellie was truly excited about. I can honestly say I have closure with not only Stanford and Jill, but with Bryce as well. In the end, as much as I don’t want to admit it he was right after all…Bryce was looking out for me.
Chuck exudes a bit of a smile at what he just said. The scene ends with Chuck crossing his arms as he glances to the side and then lays his head back on the black leather couch.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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