It’s been 6 months since Abraham Bartwoski died leaving Chuck once again without a father and during that time a lot has changed not only in the dynamic of Team Chuck, but also in the lives of Chuck and Sarah, with missions sprinkled in between. Four weeks after Abe passed away, Sarah suggested that he should talk to a C.I.A psychologist to get his head straight in order to not be considered a distraction when it comes to the missions. He responds by telling her that he will think about it and a month later he makes the decision to talk about it. as well as, other issues that have weighed heavily on his mind. The scene begins with a close of shot of Chuck sitting back on a small black leather couch in what looks to be an office as there is a ficus plant sitting in the corner to his left, a tall brown floor lamp sitting on his right side just above right left shoulder, behind him hanging above his head enclosed in a dark metallic frame is an ink blot painting, and in front of him is a medium length coffee table with a min Zen garden in the middle of the table. The camera is focused on Chuck as he is talking to someone and after a moment or two, Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: I really don’t know what to say…or for that matter really how to begin?
Chuck pauses as he takes a brief moment to turn his head slightly, bites his bottom lip, takes a breath, and then looks up.
The last 2 years…you know what…the last 23 years of my life have basically been considered crazy.
Chucks shakes head as he gives off a small hint of a laugh as he looks at the person he’s talking to off camera.
I know what you’re thinking…since my dad passed away saving the greater good in his final duty as a spy there are still unresolved issues that I may be still harboring and in order for me to heal I have to talk about them…right?
With a look of momentary hesitation on his face Chuck and a after quick glance to his left he starts off talking about his childhood.
As far back as I can remember, I looked up to my father like any other young kid would who thins their dad is indestructible. To me, he was Superman…more along the lines of Christopher Reeves than Dean Caine, Tom Welling, or Brandon Routh.
Chuck starts going off on a tangent.
Don’t get me wrong they can play Superman…but they just don’t capture the true essence of who he is…
Chuck realizes he’s babbling on about who portrays Superman better he quickly changes the subject and begins talking about how his dad transferred to California from Connecticut because of his job.
We were in California for about 6 months and slowly but surely started settling in quite nicely…
As he says that, the scene flashes back to 1985 on a Saturday afternoon in Echo Park, California in front of Casa Bartowski with a young scraggily browned haired Chuck running into camera wearing a shirt with the words Flux Capacitor in front tucked into his jeans that are rolled up at the bottom, and sporting Chuck Taylors. He’s sitting on the side of the fountain playing with his Optimus Prime and Megatron transformer/action figures engrossed in a toy battle for fountain supremacy with added in sound effects. After a moment, a door opens and a girl a little older than Chuck walks out in a red and white polka dotted baby doll dress with ruffled white socks and white shoes. The girl’s light brown shoulder length fixed up in a pony tail and held tightly by a pink ribbon I swaying back and forth as she walks humming a tune that starts out low. She’s holding in her arms a Mon Chi Chi doll facing front with its right thumb in its mouth. As she is walking up to Chuck, the low hum is gradually starting to be clearly heard by Chuck who simply rolls his eyes as she skips around the fountain repeating the same lyrics over again.
Ellie: Monchichi…Monchichi…Oh so soft and cuddly!
After several skips around the fountain repeating the lyrics of the Monchichi commercial she stops in front of Chuck who immediately looks and speaks to her.
Chuck: Ellie…holds up and waves Optimus Prime up to her face…he says your singing stinks.
Ellie gives his little brother a look, turns her head to the side and puts her right hand out as she is holding her Monchichi in her left arm.
Ellie: Talk to the hand…because the face doesn’t understand.
Chuck: I know what you are but what I am.
Ellie gives a look at her younger brother.
Ellie: You’re a weird little boy.
Chuck hops off the side of the fountain leading him to look up and get in his sister’s face.
Chuck: Well…you…you…stink.
An argument ensues among the two Bartowski siblings and after a moment two it snaps back to him in sitting in the brown leather couch.
We were the typical young brother and older sister who fought and bickered over anything, but on that afternoon we both would meet someone who become a staple around the Bartowski household.
Chuck flashes back to the courtyard where a small boy walks into the courtyard. He’s sporting a bowl haircut, dressed in a horizontally colored shirt, jeans that are also rolled up at the bottom, and wearing Nike shoes. He sees Chuck playing alone leading him to walk up and introduce himself.
Boy: Hi…cool transformers dude!
Chuck: Hi…yeah.
At that point as they are discussing the finer points of why transformers are better than GoBots, when Ellie walks up behind them exuding an annoyed look on her face.
Ellie: Remember what dad said…don’t talk to any strange kids you don’t know…points to the boy…like him.
Chuck: You’re strange.
Chuck chuckles a bit on what he thinks is a nice comeback leading the boy to do so as well and when turns around to who Chuck was talking about his does his jaw drops leading him to see one of the most beautiful girls he has ever seen. He has a dumbfounded, goofy looking grin on his face as he’s in his own little world. After a second or two, Ellie’s voice is heard.
Ellie: waving hand in front of his face Helloooo…ugh. Looks at Chuck. Mom said lunch is ready so come on.
Ellie takes one last look at Chuck’s new friend and then turns around leading her pony tail to whip around nearly hitting the boy in the face. As she walks into the house, it cuts back to Chuck standing with the boy.
Boy: Dude…you’re sister’s cute.
Chuck looks at the boy and then at her sister walking in the house.
Chuck: No she isn’t…you need to get your eyes checked.
The boy gives a sigh leading Chuck to hold up Megatron nearly transformed into a gun.
Chuck: I'm thirsty.
Boy: So am I.
Chuck: What do you want to drink?
Cut to the boy scrunching up his nose trying to think and then responds.
Boy: Do you have any grape soda?
Chuck: shrugs shoulders I dunno..Chuck turns and heads towards the door…you want to come inside and have lunch with us?
Boy: Can I sit beside your sister?
Chuck turns around gives him a weird look.
Chuck: Hey…maybe after lunch you can come to my room. I have an Atari and have a couple of games we could play like Joust, Pong, Pac Man, and Missile Command.
Boy: Awesome.
Chuck: My name’s Chuck…what’s yours?
Boy: Morgan.
The two of them become fast friends leading both to seal the friendship with a handshake. The scene ends with the 2 boys walking towards Casa Bartwoski for afternoon of eating and playing video games. Cue Chuck Intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch as he previously accounts his first meeting with his future best friend Morgan. The subject then turns to how his dad always impressed on him about the matter of trust.
Chuck: I remember my father teaching my sister Ellie and me on the value of putting your trust in people…friends to be exact. Plus, how putting too much trust in someone can make you look like a complete fool. I distinctly remember a situation that I was involved with Morgan when it concerned the movie Robocop. The scene begins to flashback to June 24th, 1987 on a Monday afternoon with now a 10 year old somewhat taller walking along side his partner in crime Morgan Grimes carrying back packs signifying they just returned from school. They are in the tail end of a conversation about the movie they saw over the weekend.
Morgan: Spaceballs was funny dude.
Chuck: Yeah it was…even though they made fun of Star Wars I really enjoyed it.
Morgan: Anything related to Star Wars gets an approval in my book.
Chuck: You got that right…my favorite line of the whole movie was when the Drewish priest asked for Barf’s full name…Barf-olemew.
The both laugh leading the two to walk in the front door heading into the kitchen for an after school snack as they turn on the t.v. to watch G.I. Joe. As they sit at the counter watching the cartoon and talking more about their favorite scenes in Spaceballs, they see a commercial about Robocop coming out in July and when it’s over they both turn to look at each other and do a high five leading Chuck’s mom, Rose Eleanor Bartowski, to walk past the kitchen into the living room. She’s stands 5’7, dark brown curly shoulder length hair, brown eyes, wearing red Capri pants, white sleeveless shirt, and red jelly shoes. She’s carrying an empty laundry basket leading her to at the boys and speaks up.
Rose: smiles Hey boys…what are you guys so happy about?
Chuck: A new movie coming out in July at The Grove…Robocop. Can I go see it mom?
Rose: What is it rated?
Morgan: It’s about a cop who becomes part man and part robot.
Rose: raises right eyebrow What’s it rated?
Chuck: R.
Rose: shakes head No…you know what your father and I say about those kinds of movies…they’re all about blood, violence, and gore.
Morgan: chimes in Those are the best part of the movie.
Rose: look at Chuck No…looks at Morgan…and no to you too.
Rose goes over and kisses Chuck on his right cheek leading him to respond as he glances at Morgan.
Chuck: whiney tone Mom…wipes his cheek with his right shoulder…not in front of Morgan.
Morgan points at Chuck as he’s laughing.
Morgan: You’re a momma’s boy.
Chuck: No I’m not…turns to look at Rose…you’re ruining my rep mom.
Rose looks down at her son as she rustles his scraggily brown hair.
Rose: Oh really…how am I ruining your rep…whatever that is.
Chuck: You’re kissing me in front of my best friend and…fixes his collar…I have a rep to uphold.
As he says that, Ellie walks in from the hallway and into the kitchen to give a stinging comeback.
Ellie: What rep…annoying geeky younger brother who hangs out with his equally geeky and albeit creepy little friend?
Chuck immediately gives her a smarmy look leading it to cut to Morgan who has that dumbfounded look on his face as he sees a now 14 year old Ellie who is blossoming into beautiful young woman. After Morgan takes his jaw off the ground, he speaks up.
Morgan: waves at Ellie Hi Ellie…you look pretty.
Ellie: looks at Morgan Shouldn’t you be returning to the black lagoon?
As she says that, Ellie’s mom speaks up.
Rose: motherly tone Eleanor Faye Bartowski…be nice.
Cut to Morgan smiling at Ellie who just rolls his eyes at him leading her to talk to her mom.
Ellie: Mom…can you take me to the store.
Rose: putting away dishes from the dishwasher Why?
Ellie: I’m doing a project on doctors and I need some poster board…it’s due Monday. Rose looks at her daughter. I’ve already got most of it done…all I need is the poster board. Come on mom…please.
Morgan: speaks up I’ll go get it for you.
Chuck gives another weird look to his friend leading Rose to smile at Morgan’s honorable intentions. After a brief moment. Rose responds to her daughter.
Rose: Let me finish putting the dishing away and then we’ll go.
Ellie: smiles Thanks mom…goes to hug Rose…you’re the best.
Ellie releases the hug and is about to go back to her room when Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: How about me…holds out both arms…can I get a hug?
Ellie: smiles Grow a beard and I might do it.
Morgan: smiles Really!?
Ellie: smile turns serious No,
Ellie walks back to her room after a moment or two, Rose and Ellie head out the door to the store leaving Chuck and Morgan sitting on the couch watching cartoons. As they watch another helpful tip on how knowing is half the battle Chuck is still irked by getting shut down at the request of seeing Robocop leading him to speak up.
Chuck: Man…this bites…my mom will tell my dad and I know he won’t let us watch it.
Morgan: Then we’ll see it without their permission.
Chuck: What?
Morgan: The movie isn’t until next month…your mom and dad will forget by then. You’ll just say you’re sleeping over at my house.
Chuck: I don’t know…I don’t like lying to my parents?
Morgan: Come on Chuck…live a little. Trust me…your parents will never know.
As he says that, the scene flashes to the present with Chuck sitting in the black leather couch.
My parent’s will never know…it would be those words of assurance from my best friend that would potentially become my downfall.
Cut to Chuck with his head down with both hands underneath his chin. The scene ends with a close up of Chuck’s face as he looks up and straight ahead off camera.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in 1987 a month later on a Friday morning, the day of the movie Robocop is being released. Cut to the façade Casa Bartowski and inside to the counter where Rose is washing dishes as Chuck is eating scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and a glass of orange juice to wash it down with before going to school. After a brief moment, Morgan walks in from the hallway and sits next to Chuck leading Rose to turn around startling the living daylights out of here. As she is holding her chest and putting one hand on the counter to hold up from falling down she speaks up.
Rose: Morgan…looking around…how did you get in here…the front door is locked?
Cut to Morgan pouring orange juice in a cup, then grabbing some toast and pilling on bacon, as well as, scrambled egg top of it. With a bite full of food he mumbles a response.
Morgan: I boozed da Megun dur.
Rose: What?
Morgan: swallows the remaining food I said…I used the Morgan door.
Rose: look of confusion What is the Morgan door?
Chuck: speaks up My window mom…he came through what is now called “The Morgan Door.”
Rose: Well…don’t make it a habit. If you want to come in…just knock.
Rose gives a motherly nod to her sons best friend. As she does, Abe appears dressed ready for work and heads straight to Rose and hugs/kisses her from behind. Chuck witnesses the public display of affection leading him to clear his throat.
Chuck: Can you guys knock it off…we have company here.
Abe kisses Rose on her cheek one more time and then looks over at Morgan.
Abe: Son…don’t you eat breakfast at your house?
Morgan: Yes sir…but Mrs. Bartowski cooks way better than my mom and I can actually taste what it is.
Cut to Chuck chuckling leading him to almost spit out the orange juice he was drinking. After a brief moment Morgan looks at Chuck leading him to nod. Chuck nods leading him to look at his parents.
Chuck: Mom…dad…can I…uh…sleep over at Morgan’s house tonight?
Rose: Not until you finish your homework.
Morgan: Mrs. B…everybody know you don’t do your homework until Sunday night.
Abe: looks at Morgan It’s amazing you’re still in the same grade as Chuck.
Cut to Morgan with a confused look on his face as he hears what Abe said leading Chuck to respond to what his mother said.
Chuck: Don’t worry mom…I will. Tilts head to the side Soooo…can I?
Rose: looks at Chuck It’s up to your father.
Chuck looks at his dad.
Chuck: Dad?
Abe pours a cup of coffee into a cup and as he is sipping he looks at the two kids sitting before him eating breakfast. After savoring the last sip, he responds to Chuck.
Abe: Well…have been doing well in school as of late…so…
Chuck and Morgan: So!?
Abe: You can sleep over at Morgan’s house. Cut to Chuck and Morgan giving each other a high five leading Abe to continue. BUT…
Chuck: But what?
Rose: chimes in as she looks at Morgan You have to leave your mother’s number just in case if we need to reach you or there is an emergency.
Morgan: Don’t worry Mrs. B…Chuck’s going to okay…he’s going to be with me.
Morgan smiles leading Rose and Abe to look at each other. They both immediately look at Chuck.
Rose and Abe: Leave a number.
Chuck nods leading him and Morgan to finish breakfast. The scene switches with the façade of the school bus and cut inside where Chuck and Morgan are sitting in the middle section of the bus. Chuck is sitting near the window with Morgan near the isle. Morgan goes over the plan with Chuck about them going to see Robocop.
Morgan: So do you got it straight?
Chuck: What if we get caught?
Morgan: We are not going to get caught…we’re like Ferris Bueller only we’re not faking sick to take the day out of school. The plan is fool proof…slaps chuck in the arm…fool proof.
Chuck: I trust you Morgan.
Morgan: Have I steered you wrong so far?
Chuck: There was that time you convinced me Stephanie Wyler liked me.
Morgan: She did like you.
Chuck: She needed help with her math homework and…she has a boyfriend.
Morgan: That was beside the point...Trust me I know women.
Chuck: Oh really…and how are you doing in that department by the way?
Morgan: Hey…this is not about me…it’s about us going to see Robocop. Do you remember what you have to bring.
Chuck: Yeah…sleeping bag, tooth brush, tooth paste, and a change of clothes.
Morgan: You got it…there’s nothing to worry about dude. Relax and trust your old buddy Morgan…pats his chest several times…I got dis.
Chuck gives him an un-assured reassuring look as he looks at his best friend who is talking to other kids on the bus. The scene ends with Chuck looking out the window leading it to cut to the outside looking in with a shot of Chuck as the bus rolls down the road.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present as Chuck is now standing up looking at the in blot painting as if to figure out what he sees within the splots of ink. After a briefly getting lost in looking at it, he shakes his head, and then turns to continue speaking.
Chuck: After school…I got off the bus and headed straight home to gather the essentials in order to have my parents think I was going over to Morgan’s house to sleep over.
Chuck sits back down in the black leather.
All sorts of emotions were running through me such as anxiety, dread, and the ever popular fear of being killed by my dad for lying, which has been what I’ve been doing for the past 2 years now. I don’t enjoy it…its not who I am and it hurts me inside every time I have to lie to Morgan, Devon, and especially to Ellie. Shakes head. Anyways…back to the story.
The scene flashback to later that evening around 6: 45 p.m. Chuck and Morgan at The Grove standing a few feet away from the movie theater reading in red letters Robocop on the marquee. After a few moments Chuck has this sense of realization on his face leading him to quickly look at Morgan.
Chuck: freaked out tone Dude…how are we going to get in…it’s a rated R and we need an adult to get us in.
Morgan: turns and puts his hand on Chuck’s left shoulder Relax man…the Morganator has everything under control.
As he says that, a guy between the age of 18-25, around 5’9, a mustache, and sporting an impressive brownish mullet walks up.
Guy: I’m here.
Chuck looks at the guy and then points at him as he turns to Morgan.
Chuck: Who’s he.
Morgan: His name is Jeff…a friend of mine who works at Buy More. Looks at Jeff How is your mom doing?
Jeff: She’s okay…I’m going to visit her tomorrow in the slammer.
Chuck’s eyes widen.
Morgan: Tell her I said hi.
Chuck: leans into Morgan whispering He looks like a crazed stalker.
As he says that Jeff speaks up again.
Jeff: You promised me 2 cases of beer if I do this.
Morgan: After the mission is complete Jeff.
Jeff walks up and hovers over Morgan.
Jeff: I have no problem cutting you two.
Chuck backs up as he stands behind Morgan.
Chuck: We’re going to die…and I’m going to be in big trouble with my mom and dad.
Morgan: looks back at Chuck. We’re not going to die...just stay cool. Looks back at Jeff You know I’m good for it Jeff…I have 20 dollars…pats his right pocket…which doesn't include the money I have for the movie. After the movie is over you’ll get it to buy the beer dude.
Jeff glares down at the two and after a brief second he responds.
Jeff: Fine…let’s go.
After standing in line for what seems to be ages Jeff, Morgan, and Chuck finally buy their tickets inevitably heading into the theater. The scene switches from The Grove to Casa Bartowski where they’re relaxing on the couch together watching The Cosby Show and after a while Rose looks at her husband leading him to speak up.
Rose: I wonder what the boys are doing right now.
Abe: Probably playing video games and eating junk food.
Rose sits up and looks at Abe.
Rose: I don’t like the sound of that…you know how upset his stomach gets after eating junk food.
Abe: Sweety relax…let the boys have some fun…don’t worry about them.
Rose: I’m a mother…I worry and I’m never relaxed when it comes to our kids. Chuck is sleeping over at Morgan’s house and Ellie is on a group date with her friends.
Abe: I still say I should be chaperoning that date…no telling what the boy she is with is doing or even thinking.
Rose: gives Abe a look Now look who is worried.
Abe: Hey…when it comes to MY daughter…I’m very protective.
Rose: When it MY son…so am I.
Rose gets up leading up to respond.
Abe: Where are you going?
Rose: I’m going to the kitchen and call Chuck and see how he is doing. I’ll be back.
After a moment or two, Rose walks back into the living with a look of disbelief with the phone in her hand and sits down next to her husband who has a concerned look on his face.
Abe: What’s wrong?
Rose: Morgan’s mother said he and Morgan aren’t there…she doesn’t even know about any sleepover.
As she says that, the commercial for the movie Robocop comes on leading Abe and Rose to look at each other. The scene ends with a front view of Morgan, Chuck, and Jeff sitting in the seats as they watch the movie on screen with smiles on their faces.
Fade Out
The scene begins with the façade of The Grove around 9:45 p.m. and everybody walking out the movie theater. Morgan, Chuck and Jeff are inside where Morgan pays Jeff for his service leading him to walk off heading towards the nearest store to buy beer. Cut back Chuck and Morgan heading towards the door and at the same time they do they give their review on the movie.
Morgan: Man…Robocop killing the bad guy with the metal spike from his right arm as he was being hit with that pole was the coolest thing I ever saw.
Chuck: You said it…it was kinda like end fight scene between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader after he got his hand cut off without the reveal that Vader is Luke’s father of course.
Morgan: I still can’t get over that...nobody in the theatre saw that coming including the two of us.
Chuck: I can’t wait till the next movie comes out so we can see it.
As he says that, a familiar voice is heard.
Abe: I beg to differ boys.
Cut to Chuck’s face having that “oh man I’m busted as he turns to see the crowd dispersing and there stands Chuck’s dad with his arms crossed with a disappointed look on his face. After a brief second, a nervous, freaked out Chuck waves to his dad.
Chuck: Hi dad.
Abe: walks up Don’t hi dad me…you’re in trouble young man…looks at Morgan who is smiling…both of you.
Cut to Morgan who hangs his head leading him and Chuck being escorted back to the house. After a moment or two, it moves to Casa Bartwoski leading it to cut inside with a shot of Morgan and Chuck sitting at the table with Abe pacing back and forth while Rose is standing behind him. To cut the seemingly long silence, Chuck speaks up with his head down and hands on the table as if he was praying not to be killed.
Chuck: I’m sorry dad.
Abe stops pacing and then turns to look down at his son.
Abe: Sorry is not good enough son…look at me. Chuck looks up You lied to both me and your mother…holds both hands up in disbelief…and for what…a movie that your mother and I specifically told you that you couldn’t see because of how violent it was.
Rose: How did you two even get into the movie theater in the first place?
Chuck looks at Morgan who is shaking his nod to tell them.
Chuck: looks at his parents Morgan paid someone guy who works at Buy More to bring us in.
Rose’s eyes widen leading Abe to have an angered look on his face.
Abe: Morgan did what!?
Abe looks at Morgan who quickly has that deer in headlight look in his eyes.
Rose: What were you thinking…what did we tell you about strangers.
Abe: rubs his face You know Morgan…looks at Morgan…I think you should head home while I deal with my son here.
Morgan: Mr. B…I would rather stay here than to go…
Abe turns to give Morgan a glaring look leading him to get up and immediately turn to head towards the door. With one last look at his best friend he watches him open the door and before he heads out he turns to look at Chuck.
Morgan: It was nice knowing you.
The door closes leading Chuck to turn back around to see his father glaring at him. After seconds of silence with the clock ticking in the background, Abe speaks up as he puts his hands on the table a few inches away from Chuck.
Abe: You’re grounded for two weeks…no television or video games.
Chuck: hangs head Yes sir.
Abe: And you’re never to hang around Morgan ever again.
Chuck: quickly lifts head What…why!?
Abe: He’s a bad influence on you…because of him you lied to us and went to a movie without our permission…not to mention you were with a complete stranger. By trusting him instead of trusting us in what we told you…you ended up looking a fool right now. Abe walks around the table, kneels down beside Chuck, and puts his right hand on his left shoulder. Listen to me son and listen to me good…one day you’ll put your trust in someone that will end up hurting you or worse…try to kill you. I love you too much to not let that happen.
Tears start to run down Chuck’s leading Rose to speak up.
Rose: looks at Chuck Go brush your teeth and go get ready to bed.
Chuck gets up wiping the tears from his eyes and heads to the bathroom. As the does, the flashback ends with Chuck having a sullen look on his face as recounts on the punishment laid down by his father.
Chuck: Looking back…that was one of the worst nights of my life as I put my trust in Morgan to keep safe. He ended doing more harm than good… yet, after 23 years I’m still friends with him.. Even though he’s gotten me into trouble over the years, I can always trust and count on him to have my back, especially the day that I found out my dad left.
Chuck has a pained look on his face as he looks down. The scene ends with Chuck looking to side leans on the side of the couch with his arm resting on top it and places his hand under his bottom lip and chin thinking about that fateful day.
Fade To Black.
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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