To recap what previously happened as Chuck and Morgan talk about Junior prom. Morgan asks who he’s going to go with to where he responds by telling him he’s going to ask Allison Steiner. Cut to a look of disbelief on Morgan’s face because Allison is the sister of Rebecca who dislikes him ever since she became the target of a whoopee cushion prank in middle school. Move forward to a freaked out Chuck asking Allison to the prom in front of her sister and best friend Jenny Tidwell. After giving a definite yes to his request, Chuck tells Ellie, as well as, Awesome the good news leading her to take her brother not only shopping for a suit, but also get him a hair cut. Cut to Ellie and Chuck moments later having a heart to heart about how their father would be proud of him leading it a touching moment between Chuck and his mother as she talks about him charming, which means just being himself. Cut to Chuck having an absolute grand time at the prom dancing the night away with Allison along with Morgan and his ever so reluctant date. Move forward to Chuck walking Allison to her front door leading to a kiss being shared with the young budding couple. This leads to Chuck talking with his mom to where the last shot is of him at her doorway looking back at his mom in bed.
The scene begins with Chick slumped back in the black leather couch looking up at the ceiling and after a moment or two he wipes his face with both hands leading him to close his eyes letting out a big sigh. When he opens his eyes he pushes himself to sit straight up looking at the person off camera.
Chuck: Don’t get me wrong I’m happier as I’ve ever been although I could do without the danger leaving me in a constant state of fear, paranoia, and anxiety for fear of being killed or shot. Sarah is the reason for my happiness and if you talked to her she would say the same thing about me…at least I hope so, but sitting here talking about the past has brought up the what ifs. What if my dad didn’t leave because of the burn notice…what if my mom didn’t pass away…what if Allison and I never broke up…so many what ifs. You can’t change the past because everything happens for a reason and yet there’s a small part of me that wonders would could have been with Allison. Chuck leans forward holding his hands The relationship between Allison and I progressed into a summer romance and it was nothing R rated like 9 ½ Weeks if that’s what you’re thinking. No…it was more PG-13ish and much to Morgan’s chagrin he felt like the quintessential third wheel much like how he feels now with Sarah in the picture. It wasn’t until the middle of summer when my mom fell ill and ended up in the hospital. Of course, family came to visit to see how we were doing and helped the best they could chipping in with the bills at home that included the care that my mother was given. Anyways, the relationship would gradually meet its demise 1 month before my mother passed away on October 22rd, 1998 and yet she was able to stick it out with me the best she could.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to July 27th 1998 to the 3rd floor hallways of City of Angels Medical Center Intensive Care Unit where Chuck and Allison are walking hand and hand towards his mother’s room. Cut to Allison leaning her head against Chuck’s right shoulder with her right hand intertwined with his right hand. She has her left arm wrapped around his right arm and after a moment or two she speaks up.
Allison: You okay?
Chuck glances down at her with a tired look in his eyes as he forces out a smile kissing her right hand.
Chuck: Yeah…I just haven’t slept much lately.
Allison: I’ve noticed…I’m worried about you.
Chuck: I’m fine…kisses Allison on the forehead…don’t worry about me.
Allison hugs Chuck’s right arm tighter.
Allison: It’s hard not to…you haven’t been yourself lately and I miss the old Chuck…the one who always makes me laugh. I just miss spending time with you.
Chuck: I do too but I have a responsibility to uphold as the man of the house to take care of my mom. I made a promise…
Allison: interrupts Chuck To your dad…I know.
Chuck: I’m not going to break that promise.
Allison: concerned look in her eyes Chuck…there not much you can do…Allison stops and pulls him to where he’s facing her…let the doctors handle it.
Allison looks up at Chuck with her beautiful hazel eyes peering through several strands of brunette hair covering her eyes. He brushes back the strands of hair behind her left ear inevitably caressing her cheek to where he leans in bending his head down to softly kiss her on the lips. After the brief kiss, he closes his eyes, presses his forehead against hers, and responds.
Chuck: I am…its just…
Allison: Just what?
Chuck gives a sigh of frustration as he looks opens his eyes to look into hers.
Chuck: I don’t want her to feel that I’ve abandoned her when she needs me the most.
Allison immediately puts her right finger over Chuck’s lips and with a reassuring smile she speaks up.
Allison: You’re not…she’s lucky to have a son like you.
Chuck takes her left hand with his right and as he faces forward for both of them to walk forward he wraps his right arm around Allison’s neck/shoulder. He then lets go of her hand and sticks it in his left pants pocket.
Chucks: Thanks
Allison: You’re welcome and remember I’m here for you.
Chuck kisses her on the side of the head as he rubs the side of her right arm. The scene ends with Chuck and Allison reaching his mother’s room where he opens the door letting her walk in first. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins 2 month later in September on a Saturday afternoon with the façade of Casa Bartowski and cut to Chuck’s room where Morgan is sitting in the corner reading a comic while drinking grape soda as Chuck is playing Doom on his Nintendo 64. After a while, Chuck lets out a big sigh and without looking up Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: Talk to your buddy Dr. Morgan…what up?
Chuck: Allison and I are going through a rough patch right now.
Morgan: Is it about me?
Chuck pauses the game and turns his head to look at Morgan.
Chuck: It’s not always about you. Morgan looks up from reading his comic book. Okay…maybe a little. Chuck unpauses the game and resumes playing but after a moment or two he stands up, reaches over to turn off the game, sits back down, and then flops back on his bed draping his right arm over his face. You know…with everything that going on with my mom right now Allison feels that I’m not spending enough time with her…that I’ve been avoiding her.
Morgan: Did you have plans with her today?
Chuck: We were supposed to hang out but I canceled at the last minute…I just wasn’t feeling up to it and I ended up hanging out with you.
Morgan: You know who you’re turning into don’t you…Chuck lifts his head a bit and peers at Morgan from underneath his right arm…me.
Chuck drops his had back down on his bed letting out a sigh of frustration.
Chuck: I just feel like I’m caught between a rock and hard place dude. What should I do about Allison?
Cut to a look of disbelief on Morgan’s face as puts down the comic book on his lap.
Morgan: You’re asking me for advice?
Chuck: I would talk to Ellie but she’s interning at the hospital and at the same time checking up on mom.
Morgan: I’m hurt…choosing your sister first over your best friend as your second choice?
Chuck: Actually you were my third choice…holds up two fingers with his left hand…Capt. Awesome was my second choice.
Morgan: I see.
Cut to Morgan drinking the last of his grape soda and then gets up hold his comic book under his arm the empty can of grape soda in the other, opens the Morgan door, and is about to exit out the window when Chuck stops him.
Chuck: Morgan…sits up…wait.
Morgan: turns around What?
Chuck: You’re just going to leave your bro hangin’ like this?
Morgan: nods Yeah…pretty much.
Morgan exits out the window leading Chuck to yell out towards the window as he sits on his bed.
Chuck: Fine…then I’ll ask someone else to be part of the Sandworm costume that we both planned to be for Halloween this year! Chuck pauses for a second as it cuts to the window then back to chuck. 3…2…1.
At the count of 1, Morgan enters back through the Morgan door and sits down.
Morgan: Here’s what I think you should do.
Chuck: I’m not breaking up with her.
Morgan: throws hands up in the air I have nothing then.
Chuck: Morgan!
Morgan: All right…let me think…okay…snaps his fingers and points at Chuck…in the immortal words of Yoda - “Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
Cut to Chuck mulling over the Yoda quote in his head and after a moment or two Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: So what you’re saying is that I should go talk with her and tell her why I’ve been so closed off lately. I should do this instead of trying my best to avoid her and if don’t do it I will end up losing her.
Cut to Morgan just staring at Chuck.
Morgan: Yeah…okay…that’s exactly what I’m saying.
Chuck springs out his bed, walks up to Morgan grabs his head, kisses the top of it, and then looks at him as he shakes his head.
Chuck: Morgan…you’re a genius.
Morgan: Well…I wouldn’t call myself a geniu…yes I am a genius. As he says that Chuck jumps out the Morgan door leading Morgan to turn with a look of curiosity at his best bud. Where are you going?
Chuck sticks his head back into the window.
Chuck: I’m going to talk to Allison, but before I do I’m going to talk to my mom.
Morgan: Tell her hi for me.
Chuck: I will…Chuck disappears out of sight but quickly returns looking at Morgan…stay out of my sister’s room.
Morgan: What!?
Chuck heads out but before he does he gives another look at Morgan as he points his finger at him. The scene ends with Chuck running past the fountain with Morgan standing and looking out Chuck’s window in the background.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck sitting in the black leather couch with his arms crossed as the ticking a clock is heard in the background. There is a pensive look on Chuck’s face as he is biting his lower lip and after a moment or two he speaks up.
Chuck: At the time, going to talk to my mom seemed like the logical thing to do before going to Allison. Moms tend to give the best advice in difficult situations like these and hopefully she would give me the best possible advice to follow. Shakes head Little did I know that by going to her first would end up breaking the relationship between Allison and I.
The scene flashes back to Rose Bartowki’s hospital room where she is sitting up in bed looking a bit weak as Ellie is standing on her right making her comfortable by fluffing her pillow. Cut to Chuck who is sitting in a chair on the other side lost in thought leading it to cut back to Rose talking to her daughter.
Rose: Ellie…sweetie…shouldn’t you be working right now? I don’t want you to get in trouble because of me.
Ellie: I’m not mom…besides I’m on my break right now.
Rose reaches over and caresses her daughter’s cheek.
Rose: You’re going to make an excellent doctor someday Ellie.
Ellie smiles leading Rose to turn to look at her son sitting in a chair to her right lost in thought.
Rose: Penny for your thoughts?
Chuck snaps out of his train of thought as he glances at Ellie and then gives a look of uncertainly at his mother.
Chuck: It’s about me and Allison.
Ellie: How is it going between the two of you?
Chuck: Not good.
Rose: What’s wrong?
Chuck leans in a bit closer to his mother.
Chuck: Since you became sick I’ve spent all my time with you and not enough time with her. She’s feels that I’ve not been giving her much attention and that I’ve been intentionally avoiding her for the last 2 months by canceling dates at the last minute.
Rose reaches over to hold Chuck’s hand.
Rose: It’s understandable that you want to be at my side, but you have someone that cares about you son. The times when both of you came to visit me I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was hurting as well wanting to be there for you in your time of need.
Chuck: I know…I just don’t know what to do. I actually went to Morgan for advice…
Ellie: chimes in Whoa…there’s your first mistake right there…Chuck looks at her big sister…you went to Morgan for advice.
Chuck: Actually he gave me some good advice for once.
Ellie: Oh really…what would that be little brother?
Chuck: Well he first suggested that I break up with her…
Ellie: Of course.
Cut to Rose exuding a small chuckle.
Chuck: But then he said to go talk with her and tell why I have been so closed off. As he continues to talk, it cuts to the hallways where Allison with a smile on her face is walking up with a small gift basket in her hands. As he reaches Rose’s open door, she hears Chuck’s voice leading her to stand there with a look of curiosity as she listens closely to the conversation. So…that’s what he said to do.
Rose: Morgan is smarter than he lets on.
Chuck: He has his moments.
Ellie: So what are you going to do?
Chuck: I was going to talk to her about why I’ve acting the way I’ve been...looks at Rose...but I decided to come to talk to you first.
Rose: Why…you don’t trust her enough to going to her first and share your feelings with her?
Cut to Allison’s eyes widening as he she continues to listen.
Chuck: I do trust her…but…
Ellie: But what?
Chuck: Ever since dad left I found myself keeping Allison at a distance…not letting her get too close to me.
Rose: Why?
Chuck: I don’t want to end up becoming dad.
Ellie: Trust me Chuck…you’re not.
Chuck gets up walks around his mother’s bed and looks out the window.
Chuck: shakes head How do you know for sure El?
Ellie: Unlike dad…you care more about others than you do yourself and remember what you were told in therapy…the sins of the father are not your own.
Rose: As long as you carry around the burden of what your father did around your shoulders you will never be able to let Allison in.
Chuck turns around, sits on the window sill, and looks at her mother and sister.
Chuck: Sometimes I think back and wonder if asking Allison to the prom was the best idea and now with you being in the hospital I just don’t have both feet in the relationship right now. Maybe Morgan was right the first time…it would be better off if she and I broke up.
Cut to Allison with tears starting to form as those words cut her deep.
Ellie: Don’t say that…Allison is the nicest and most sweetest girl. Give it some time and hopefully you’ll feel differently afterwards.
Chuck: Maybe…I just don’t want to put her through this whole crazy ordeal.
Rose: Why don’t you leave that up to Allison for her to decide if she wants to be part of it.
Chuck: I don’t know.
Ellie: Listen to mom…checks her watch…my break is over it’s time for me to get back to work. I’ll see you guys later. Ellie gives hugs/kisses to her mother and not so little brother. As she is about to head out the door it cuts to Allison walk back a feet away and as Ellie heads out the door she sees Allison walk up with a forced smile on her face. Allison…hey.
Cut to Chuck quickly standing up as he hears her voice. Ellie escorts her in leading Chuck to walk up and lean in for a kiss.
Chuck: Hey…what are you doing here?
Allison holds up the flower basket.
Allison: I thought I stopped by….turns to look at Rose…I came to give your mom a gift.
Rose: That’s sweet.
Allison walks over standing next to her bed and gives Rose the small gift basket. The scene ends with Chuck walking up behind, hugs her, kisses her cheek leading Allison to express a forced smile as she interacts with Ellie, Rose, and Chuck knowing what they were discussing.
Fade Out
The scene begins around 4pm with the façade of the City of Angels Medical Center and the cut to the sliding front doors where Chuck and Allison both walk out hand and hand. As they are both walking Allison turns to Chuck and speaks up.
Allison: Chuck…can we go some place and talk?
Chuck: Sure...I was meaning to talk with you anyways. Want to take my car?
Allison: Yeah.
Chuck and Allison walk off camera as the scene goes to shots of the Los Angeles city skyline, the Hollywood sign, and Dodger stadium. After a moment or two, Chuck and Allison appear walking barefoot on the shoreline of the beach with Chuck’s arm hanging around Allison’s neck as their hair blows back in the wind leading him to speak up.
Chuck: I’m glad you came by to see my mom…she really appreciated the gift basket you got her.
Cut to Allison with a pensive look as he responds to Chuck.
Allison: No problem.
Chuck and Allison find a spot on the beach to sit down leading Chuck to begin the conversation.
Chuck: Listen…I want to talk about the way I’ve been acting…
As he says that, Allison speaks up.
Allison: Chuck before you say what you have to say…I want to say something. Cut to Chuck with a somewhat concerned look as he gives a nod for to go ahead and speak. We both know that since your mom got sick things haven’t been going so well between us. I understand what you’re going through…truly I do and as much as I want there to be us it just seems that there’s a part of you that’s missing.
Chuck: What?
Allison: You’re heart. Chuck momentarily glances down at the sand and then turns to look at Allison. What I came to love about you was you being yourself…you’re not like any other guy that I’ve ever met before. You care about the well being of others than you do yourself. It was your sense of humor…the way you made me laugh…your overall nerdiness that I found not only endearing, but also charming as well. All that gradually went missing when your mom went into the hospital and you started becoming distant.
Chuck: I know…I want to apologize for that…
Allison: interrupts Chuck Let me finish…Chucks shuts up…you’ve been putting me at arms length for the last 2 months and it has gotten to point where I’ve become absolutely frustrated. There were times where I thought we were taking a step forward but then we ended up taking 2 steps back and I really getting tired.
Chuck: Allison?
Allison: It seems more and more we’re taking so many steps back that we’ve lost sight at where we first started out.
Chuck: We can find our way back.
Allison: I know your dad is a touchy subject with you and I never pushed you to talk about him. I left it up to you feeling comfortable enough to where you wanted to talk about him and I would be there to listen. To be perfectly honest…for the these past 2 months I’ve been waiting for you to open up to me and if this relationship is to work…you have to let me in and share with me how you feel.
Chuck: I want to share my feelings with you…trust me I do.
Allison closes here eyes as she lets out a sigh of frustration and then opens them to look up at Chuck.
Allison: Trust…you know that’s considered one of the most important things in a relationship. Allison gazes out at ocean Putting your trust in someone to catch you when you fall and for the most part you’re falling.
Chuck: Yeah…I am but I know you’ll be there to catch me when I do. It’s just that everything that’s been going on lately I feel like…
Allison: chimes in You’re just hanging on the edge of a ledge and you either want to hold on or let go?
Chuck: nods That’s right…my sister and I are trying so hard to hold on and stay strong for mom’s sake because we don’t want to worry her about how we’re feeling.
Allison gives a hint of a smile as she caresses Chuck’s cheek.
Allison: You’re not the only one trying to hold on here Chuck. I’ve been holding on for the last 2 months and I’ve come to the point where I can either hold on a little longer or just let go.
Chuck: What are you saying?
With tears in her eyes Allison looks into Chuck’s eyes.
Allison: As much as I care about you, I have to let go. Cut to a look of heartbreak on Chuck’s face. I’m not saying I’m leaving you high and dry…I'll be there for’s just that we would be better off friends for right now.
Chuck: But…
Allison: When your mother comes through this okay and we both know she will…we’ll talk things out and figure out where to go from there.
Chuck brushes back her hair in front of her face behind right ear. The scene ends with a side shot as Chuck and Allison continue to talk with the sun setting in the background.
Fade Out
The scene begins a month later on October 23, 1998 in the crowded halls of Theodore Roosevelt High School where Chuck is at his locker changing text books for another class. After a brief moment, Morgan walks up from his right and speaks up.
Morgan: Hey buddy…how are you doing?
Chuck closes his locker door, slings his back pack over his left shoulder, turns, and leans against his locker.
Chuck: I’m doing okay…mom’s gotten progressively worse and the doctors are trying there best to help her…Chuck tilts his head as he lightly hits the side of his locker inevitably resting it there for a while…Ellie is going to keep me informed on how she’s doing.
Morgan: That’s good to hear…what about you and Allison?
Upon saying that, Chuck spots Allison several feet away in the crowded hallway talking with her sister and best friend Jenny Tidwell. Chuck responds to Morgan as he looks at Allison.
Chuck: We’re good…being friends is the best thing for us right now.
Cut to Allison turning to talk with some friends behind leading her to spot Chuck. She gives him a smile with an added wave in which Chuck responds back with the same. Morgan witnesses the exchange and speaks up as they both walk to their next class English Literature, which Allison is in as well.
Morgan: Hey…pats Chuck on the shoulder…I here for you buddy.
Chuck: I know.
Morgan: Listen…do you want to go to the arcade at the Santa Monica pier after school to take your mind off things…my treat.
Chuck: That would be awesome.
Chuck and Morgan head into class with Allison following closely behind talking some of her classmates. Several minutes into the class Chuck is seated in the middle of the row turns back to look at Allison who is just behind him another row over. They exchange looks but the moment is soon interrupted by their teacher calling out Chuck’s name to get his attention.
Chuck: Yes sir…Mrs. Norton.
Mrs. Norton: What did Shakespeare mean when he said, ”When, in disgrace with Fortune and men’s eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cris, and look upon myself and curse my fate, Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, like him with friends possessed.”
Chuck clears his throat as he looks around the room leading it to cut to Mrs. Norton expecting an answer. Chuck thinks it over for a brief moment and then gives his response.
Chuck: Well…he means that we all get depressed in life when things in life deal you a bad hand. Cut to Morgan, Allison, and the rest of the class listening intently know what he’s going through with his mother. You feel like you’re alone even though you surrounded by people and you want so hard to cry out to God to take the pain your feeling away from you but the words can’t come out. As Chuck continues speaking half the people in class are in tears. You’re angry at yourself and wondering…wishing for the richness that is hope for the person you love won’t be taken from you and will live for years to come. And through all that…your friends are there for you when you need them the most.
Chuck ends leading the entire room silent after what he just said. Cut to Mrs. Norton a bit choked up as she clears her throat to respond to Chuck.
Mrs. Norton: Well done…nice interpretation Mr. Bartowski.
Chuck gives a hint of a smile as Morgan leans over and pats Chuck on the shoulder leading Chuck to look over at Allison who wiping tears from her eyes. Chuck turns back to the front of the class when all of a sudden the door open leading the principal to walk in and talk with the teacher. The class wonders what is going on as Chuck notices that the principal and Mr. Norton are glancing at him as they talk. After a brief moment, the principal looks at Chuck.
Principal: Chuck…could you please step outside.
With a look of worry Chuck responds.
Chuck: What’s wrong Mr. Thomas…am I in trouble?
Mr. Thomas: Just come with me son.
Chuck gets up leading all eyes in the class to follow Chuck who glances back at Morgan and then to Allison who also have worried looks on their faces. The door closes with a shot of Chuck and the principal Mr. Thomas standing in front of the window. After a moment or two, the class sees Chuck with a look of grief on his face as he raises his arms putting them behind his head to the point that he screams out loud. Morgan and Allison immediately get out of their chairs heading out to comfort Chuck who is by this time slumped down against the wall with his head down crying. The camera pans back as Allison and Morgan comfort Chuck with not only his class checking on Chuck but several classes as well as they heard him screaming. The flashback ends with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch with his head down rubbing the back of his head and he does he speaks up.
Chuck: My mom died on Monday afternoon at 1:25 p.m. Chuck looks up From what Ellie told me she suffered a heart attack and they tried their best to revive her but they couldn’t bring her back. She was buried a week later and ever since then we celebrate Mother’s Day on Monday, October 22nd. It was a tough time for my sister and I when our dad left and now with our mom dying we had it even tougher. It was at the funeral attended by family and friends like Allison and Morgan that we realized my sister and I needed to be there and rely on each other. Plus it was also the day that we learned to take care of ourselves.
Chuck slumps back on the black leather couch as he his puts one foot on the coffee table. The scene ends with Chuck looking at that the ceiling as he rubs his face and puts his hands behind his hand.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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