To recap of what previously happened as Abe receives a phone after Chuck and Morgan leave for school leading him to exude a serious look which Chuck notices as he closes the door behind him. Cut to Chuck and Morgan in gym class debating on who can win a fight to where an argument ensues that deal with a fight between Vultron and Godzilla. Move forward to the school office where Abe appears much to Chuck’s surprise and he basically tells his son that he’s leaving to which Chuck interprets as another business trip. Abe tells his son that he’s the man of the house so he is responsible in taking care of his sister and mother. Cur to the courtyard after school where Chuck and Morgan enter Casa Bartowski where they both find Ellie comforting Chuck’s mom who by the crumpled up tissues strewn about on the floor has been doing a great deal of crying. Rose informs his son that his father left leading Chuck with a response that he’s on a business trip, which Ellie refutes. Cut to Chuck in denial to where tension builds between the two Bartowski children leading Morgan to intervene. Moments later Chuck is sitting at the foot of his bed holding the NES video system that his father bought him as an early birthday gift and after a short conversation with Morgan Chuck throws it against the wall to where he ends up tearing apart his own room. Ellie and Rose quickly run in to where Rose grabs his son in order to stop him and she does only when he tires himself out leading Chuck to just collapse on the floor as his mother along with Ellie embrace him.
The scene begins with an empty shot of the black leather couch and after a moment or two Chuck walks into camera view inevitably sitting down as he holds a bottle of water in his right hand. After taking a couple of swigs, he twists the cap back on and leans forward to put it on the coffee table in front of him. He then sits back, looks at the person off camera, and then begins to speak up.
Chuck: You know it’s funny…I sat in a chair kind of like this 11 years ago receiving therapy for something I thought was partly my fault for my dad leaving. It took me a long time to figure out that the sins of the father are not my burden to bear and my father leaving was never my fault. When my father left, it was difficult to look for anything positive to come out of it focusing mainly on the negative aspects, but something positive did come out of it as I became closer with my sister Ellie. My mom was there, but really wasn’t as the abrupt departure of my father hit her hard emotionally, as well as, physically over the next couple of years. Looking back it was Ellie who stepped up and became the proverbial cog that kept the Bartowski engine running even after my mother…Chuck pauses with a far off look as he thinks about his mom leading him to change the subject…you know what my sister was there for me through one of the most nerve racking times in my high school life...junior prom.
As he says that, the scene flashes to the end of school year in May of 1995 as the song Ants Marching by the Dave Matthews Band plays. Cut to halls of Theodore Roosevelt High School a week before the Junior Prom and a shot of the clock reading 11:50 leading the bell to ring. After a moment or two the bell rings leading to the emergence of students flocking out of class towards their lockers. After a moment or two, it cuts to a floor shot of the oh so familiar Chuck Taylors walking up the hallway leading it to pan up to a now 18 year old Chuck wearing jeans and a Green Day t-shirt. He is taller, acne free, and still sporting the scraggily brown hair that many have associated with him. As he is walking down the halls with a smile on his face, he’s giving head nods, high fives, and the occasional wink to many of his friends as he heads towards his locker. Cut to Chuck at his locker and as he’s putting his stuff away to go to lunch Morgan with his back pack flopping behind him is wearing jeans, a horizontally striped brown shirt, white converse high top tennis shoes, and sporting a 5 o’clock shadow, quickly runs up from his right and talks to his bosom buddy.
Morgan: Chuck…dude…have you asked anybody to the junior prom yet?
Chuck leans back to look at Morgan from behind his locker door.
Chuck: Why…have you?
Morgan: Of course I have. Chuck stares at Morgan All right…no I haven’t.
Chuck: You better cracking buddy…word is most of the girls in our class have already been asked.
Morgan: looking around I know…I know…what about you?
Chuck closes his locker and then starts walking towards the lunchroom with Morgan following closely behind. As they are walking Chuck responds to his question.
Chuck: I have someone in mind.
Morgan: Is she hot…better yet…does she have a best friend who is equally hot?
As the reach the doors to the lunchroom, he puts his right hand on the door handle leading him to turn to his partner in crime.
Chuck: Allison Steiner
Chuck opens the door and walks into the lunchroom as the camera stays on Morgan. The scene ends with Morgan with a look a look of disbelief leading him to quickly walk into the lunchroom chasing after his best bud. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins inside the mass of control chaos that is the Theodore Roosevelt High lunchroom where Morgan stands behind Chuck in line waiting for his turn to get food leading him to respond to who Chuck is asking to the junior prom.
Morgan: You’re going to ask Rebecca Steiner’s sister to the junior prom?
Chuck: glances back at Morgan Yeah…do you have a problem with that?
Morgan: Need I remind you that Rebecca still wants to kick me in the crotch after the whoopee cushion prank in middle school. Throws both hands in the air Why do you hate me so?
Chuck gives him a weird look and after getting their food consisting of a meatball sub, chips, and juice from the juice bar. They sit down at a nearby table behind a wooden barrier leading Chuck to further discuss his reasoning in asking Rebecca’s sister as his prom date.
Chuck: Morgan…takes a bite of his sub sandwich…I don’t hate you…with a mouth full of sub…Rebecca does.
Morgan: points sub at Chuck Do you realize you’re crossing over to the dark side of the force…takes a bit of his sub…you better watch out or you’ll end up with one of your hand cut off like Luke Skywalker or worse…frozen in Carbonite like Han Solo was in Empire Strikes Back.
Chuck taps a sip of juice and responds.
Chuck: Allison is cool…we’ve talked and come to find out we have some of the same interests. Plus…from what Jennifer Woodruff told me she heard from Elizabeth Paxton who heard from Allison’s best friend Jenny Tidwell she’s likes me.
Morgan: Does Jenny have a date to the prom?
Chuck: As far as I know she doesn’t? Morgan stares at him with a look of desperation You want me to put in a good word for you don’t you?
Morgan: Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope.
Chuck: What do I get out of the deal?
Morgan: Just the satisfaction of knowing you’ve helped out your best friend.
Chuck: How many girls in our junior class turned you down before coming to me?
Morgan: 10
Chuck: I’ll see what I can do…but I’m not making any promises Morg.
Cut to Morgan with a smile on his face as he devours the rest of the meatball sub sticking it all in his mouth. Chuck has this look of amazement/disgust leading him to turn his head and at that moment he spots to his left Allison Steiner sitting beside her sister and with Jenny Tidwell sitting across from them. Morgan notices his focus has turned elsewhere leading him to look in the same direction.
Morgan: Who do you see…Allison?
Chuck has a hint of a smile on his face as it cuts to Allison who has brunette hair pulled back in a pony tail with stylish bangs, small hoop earrings, hazel eyes, wearing a blue top, khaki Capri pants, and white shoes. She shyly glances at Chuck as she is talking to her bff Jenny responding with a hint of smile back to Chuck. Morgan witnesses the exchange and as he glances at Allison her sister Rebecca leans forward giving Morgan the evil eye leading him to quickly duck down behind the wooden barrier. Chuck’s focus is momentarily broken as he turns to look at Morgan only to see he is nearly under the table leading him to lean over to the side with his head titled to the right.
Chuck: You okay buddy?
Cut to Morgan with his chin embedded in his chest slouch down in the seat.
Morgan: waves hand I’m fine.
Chuck: Glad to hear…glances back at Allison…listen I’m going to ask Allison to the prom.
Morgan: sticks his head out the side Dude…don’t forget to put in a good word for me with Jenny?
As he says that, Chuck puts one foot on his seat and lifts himself up to where he jumps over the wooden barrier. He looks at Morgan and responds to his cowering friend.
Chuck: Yeah…wish me lucky buddy…pats top of wooden barrier…I’m making my move.
Voice of Morgan: Good luck dude!
As he walks away, cut to the top of the wooden barrier where a thumbs up appears from Morgan. Chuck walks towards Allison leading the scene to switch back to Chuck on the black leather couch with a smile on his face as he recalls attempting to ask Allison to the junior prom.
After taking one seemingly, large gulp I started walking towards Allison with a look of complete calm on the outside, but on the inside I was completely freaking out.
As he says that the scene switches back to the lunchroom with him in slow motion walking towards Allison as the voice of Chuck is heard.
It took everything in my power not to throw up at that point or pass out at that point. My heart was racing the whole time I was walking towards her and in my head I was thinking over and over don’t say anything stupid. Of course in typical Chuck fashion I did as I babbled on about how the subs were excellent and the chips were a bit stale. Anyways, I asked her and after what seemed like a long silence she had a conference with her sister and best friend there leaving me standing there sweating it out. I took one last look at Morgan who poked the top of his head out like a groundhog seeing what is about to transpire. After turning back around, all three girls were looking at me.
Allison: Chuck…I talked it over with my girls and I have an answer for you.
Cut to a look of sheer panic in Chuck’s eyes as he takes a deep breathe. The scene ends with a close up shot of Allison taking a quick glance at her sister and her best friend Jenny then to Chuck who is tortuously waiting for an answer.
Fade Out
The scene begins back with Chuck walking into camera view and sitting on the black leather couch. He takes another couple swigs from his water bottle, inevitably twisting the cap back on, and placing it on the coffee table. After a getting into a somewhat comfortable position he begins to speak.
Chuck: Sorry for the dramatic exit…I had to use the bathroom. Anyways…Allison said yes and my response was just a big huge smile on my face. Not only was I happy about this, but Ellie would be happy for me most of all because she basically pushed me to ask her out seeing that she and I talked extensively on how I liked her and it wasn't before long that I would tell her the good news in person. I Walked through the doors of the house around 3pm that afternoon to the sight of my sister and her then boyfriend now husband Devon or should I say Captain Awesome sitting at the dinner table busy studying for their Pre-Med finals. Devon at first glance was the stereotypical good looking jock who got the beautiful girls namely my sister and early on I had my suspicions that he was only with her to get into her pants, which I was proven wrong as I got to know him. He truly cared about not only my sister, but myself and my mother as well watching over us and giving me from time to time the man to man talk that my dad would have given to me, which were sometimes way over my head to understand. Like a transformer, there was more to Awesome than meets the eye. Anyways…as I stood there with a smile on my face in front of them Ellie and Devon looked up wondering what was up.
Ellie: Hey Chuck.
Chuck: Ellie…Captain…don’t freak out…remain calm…I have some news.
Ellie eyes widen as she looks at Awesome and she is about to say something when Morgan suddenly bursts through the door, runs, and jumps on Chuck’s back leading him to respond for his best friend as he looks at Ellie and Devon.
Morgan: Chuck’s got a date for the junior prom!
Ellie: smiles What…she said yes!
Chuck nods leading Awesome to point at him with a pencil in his hand.
Awesome: Way to go Chuck…that’s awesome.
As Chuck stand there with Morgan on his back, Ellie speaks up.
Ellie: You need a tuxedo…or at least a suit.
As she says that, it flashes back to close up shot of Chuck’s upper half of his body as the camera pan from left to right.
Ellie was more excited than I was about having a date to the junior problem. For the next 3 days she would pick me up after school and take me to the mall to find something suitable to wear. We spent hours at the mall trying on everything known to man until we found the right one…a simple dark brown suit with matching pants, black shirt, light brown tie, and polished black dress shoes. In my sister’s own words, the ensemble would “bring out my eyes” and Allison would definitely notice. The last thing that needed to be taken care of was my hair and to be perfectly honest there was nothing wrong with it as it just need to be styled a certain way. Unfortunately, Ellie had other plans and decided to get my hair under control because from what she saw my hair was starting to make funny animal shapes.
Cut to a voiceover flashback of Chuck getting his hair down at some beauty salon that his sister took him to.
As I was sitting there getting my hair washed by an attractive lady, all I kept thinking was please don’t butcher my hair. After it was all said and done, they turned me around to look into the mirror thinking I would see a bad haircut in which I would show up to Allison’s front door wearing a top hot, but what I saw was a slick cut that framed my face quite nicely. I gave a smile to Ellie who was elated, overjoyed, or whatever adjective that could best describe someone who had the proudest look a big sister could ever give her little brother. When we arrived at the courtyard with my formal wear carried around my right shoulder, Ellie and I had a talk.
Ellie: I’m proud of you.
Chuck: You’re not going to kiss me on the cheek are you?
Ellie: slaps him in the right arm I have a right as your older sister. You know…if dad were here he would be proud to see the man that you’re growing up into.
Chuck: But he isn’t sis.
Ellie: I know.
Ellie hugs her little brother and after a moment or two she stands back to look at him with a motherly look.
Chuck: What?
Ellie: Nothing…Ellie changes the subject from their father to Morgan…so what about Morgan does he have a date and what is he wearing to the junior prom?
Chuck: Yeah…he does but…
Ellie: look of curiosity But what?
Chuck: Allison’s best friend Jenny surprisingly didn’t have a date and so I asked her if she wanted to go out with Morgan.
Ellie: What did she say?
Morgan: After she stopped laughing and saw that I was serious she agreed only because I asked with certain conditions added on.
Ellie: What conditions?
Chuck: Well…the conditions were there would absolutely be no touching above or below the waist…take one picture together to prove he had a date to junior prom…one slow dance…the rest of the time would be spent separated…and if he were to her embarrasses her in any way during the dance Rebecca Steiner would be allowed to kick him in the crotch.
Ellie: Smart girl…and Morgan agreed to this?
Chuck: He has a date to the junior prom what do you think?
Cut to Ellie laughing.
Ellie: So what is he wearing?
Chuck: His mom couldn’t afford to by him or a tuxedo or suit…so he’s wearing his father’s powder blue tuxedo that he used to wear to his prom and according to him it fits.
Ellie suddenly stops at what her younger brother just said leading Chuck to turn and look at her big sister.
Ellie: He’s going to get kicked in the crotch for sure.
Chuck turns to Ellie giving her a reassuring nod that it may in fact happen. The scene ends with brother and sister continuing their conversation as they walk into Casa Bartowski.
Fade Out
The scene begins an hour before the night of the Junior Prom on a Friday with the façade of Casa Bartowski. Cut to Chuck’s room where he’s standing in front of his mirror putting on his coat and after a moment or two the image of his mother Rose appears at his doorway leading him to turn around. As he looks at his mother, the vibrancy she once exuded before his father left is replaced by a somewhat haggard look as if she’s been slowly drifting away from life itself. Rose walks up with small hint of a smile on her face to her son who is now taller than her and as she looks up to caress her son’s cheek.
Rose: My handsome, charming boy.
Cut to Chuck with a look of concern.
Chuck: Hey mom…how are you doing?
Rose: I’m doing fine…don’t worry about me. Your sister told me you have a big night ahead of you.
Chuck: Yeah…I’m going to the prom with Allison Steiner.
Rose brushes off lint from the right shoulder side of Chuck’s coat.
Rose: Just remember these words from your mother…cut to Chuck listening closely…be yourself and let her see how charming you truly are.
Chuck: Come on mom…me charming?
Rose: Listen to your mother…some woman out there will fall in love with you for just being you.
Chuck smiles and gives her a hug.
Chuck: Thanks mom.
As he says that Ellie voice is heard leading both to turn in the direction of his doorway to where they a smile is seen on her face.
Ellie: You ready Chuck?
Chuck looks at his mom leading her to do a last minute straightening of his tie.
Rose: looks at Ellie Now he is…go…have fun.
Ellie and Chuck walk out of his bedroom with their mother standing there as a few tears are shed. The scene switches from Casa Bartowski to the inside of Theodore Roosevelt High School gym where his Junior Prom is being held with the song This Is How We Do It by Montell Jordan playing. Cut to the double door entrance where Chuck enters with his prom date Allison Steiner followed closely behind by a swaggering Morgan in his powder blue tuxedo with his ever so reluctant prom date Jenny Tidewell who is trying not to be seen with him. As she does, Rebecca Steiner walks up from behind with her date and stands next to Jenny to where she leans in and whispers in her ear.
Rebecca: If he does anything to embarrass you, give me the signal and I’ll kick him the crotch.
Jenny: All right…the signal is…
As she is about to tell her the signal, Morgan pulls her away leading Chuck, Allison, and Rebecca to watch as Jenny looking back as she mouths the words help me leading Allison to speak up.
Allison: Maybe we should help her.
Cut to all three looking at each other.
Chuck, Allison, and Rebecca: Nahhhh.
Chuck: looks at Allison Let’s dance.
Allison nods leading Chuck to escort her to the dance the dance floor followed by Rebecca and her date. Cut to a ariel shot of Chuck and Morgan getting down and funky through the night as moves such as The Sprinkler, The Lawnmower, the Axel Rose, The Worm, The Fishing Pole, and The Running Man make an appearance with many other dances moves such as the Kid N’Play. As the dancing continues, it flashes back to Chuck sitting on the black leather couch with an amused look on his face.
I had the time of my life that night with Allison as my prom date and despite coming close to nearly getting his crotched kicked several times by Rebecca Steiner, Morgan did too even though his date Jenny spent most of the time trying to avoid him by going to the bathroom with Allison and several of her friends. Yet, there was one point in the night where she was enjoying herself with him…granted Morgan nearly broke his neck attempting a headspin just to impress her. Anyways, the night ended with me driving Jenny to her house as Morgan escorted her to her door and in typical Morgan fashion he got slapped in the face for saying something he shouldn’t have. When I arrived at Allison’s house I walked to her door.
As he says that, it flashes back to Chuck and Allison who is wearing his coat over her shoulders are standing in front of her door. With a shy smile she brushes back some hair behind her right ear leading her to speak up as they stand under the porch light.
Allison: I had a great time.
Cut to Chuck grinning with both hands in his pockets as he nervously looks down and then up at Allison.
Chuck: Yeah…I had a great time too.
Allison: I guess I’ll see you in school on Monday.
Chuck: Yeah…Monday.
As he says that, Morgan yells from inside Chuck’s car.
Morgan: Seal the deal dude!
Chuck: quickly looks at Morgan Morgan! Looks at Allison Sorry about that…I can’t take him anywhere.
Allison laughs leading her to smile and after a brief moment Chuck leans in as they both kiss to where their eyes close. The moment is suddenly broken when Morgan starts honking the horn leading Chuck to get this angry look on this face as he looks at Allison.
Chuck: I’m sorry…looks at Morgan in the car…dude I’m so gonna hurt you.
Chuck looks back at Allison who still has a smile on her face.
Allison: Don’t be. Allison leans in and kisses Chuck on the lips leading him to close his eyes. After a second or two, she pulls always slowly, with Chuck just standing there with his eyes closed not wanting to open them. She takes of his coat, hangs it on his left hand, turns to open her door and is about halfway in when she says two words that puts an even bigger smile on Chuck’s face whose eyes are still closed. Call me.
Allison steps inside and closes the door behind her leading Chuck to open his eyes feeling his lips as his Chuckish smile appears on his face. As Chuck is walking to his car with a kick to his step added with that a Michael Jackson spin move Morgan ruins the moment as he sticks his head out the window looking at Chuck.
Morgan: Did you French kiss her?
Chuck just stares at Morgan leading him to get into his car. The scene ends with Chuck smiling as he drives off out of camera with Morgan still wanting an answer as to whether or not he French kissed her.
Fade Out
The scene begins around 11.p.m with the façade of Casa Bartowksi and cut to the front door where Chuck walks in carrying his coat over his shoulder. Upon entering the living room, Chuck is greeted by Ellie and Devon sitting on the couch watching television.
Ellie: smiles Have fun?
Chuck: sly smirk Oh yeah.
Ellie: Did you kiss Allison?
Chuck responds with a smile leading Awesome to speak up.
Awesome: That is awesome Chuck…you’re the man.
Ellie: I have a good feeling about her.
Chuck: So do I…thanks sis….for everything.
Ellie: No problem.
Chuck is about to walk towards his room when he turns to ask her a question.
Chuck: Is mom still up?
Ellie: She might be…go check.
Cut to Chuck quietly walking into his mother’s room where he finds her in bed reading. When Rose sees her son, she puts down her book and motions for him to sit down leading her to speak up.
Rose: holding Chuck’s hand How was the prom?
Chuck: It was awesome mom.
Rose: Do you like this girl?
Chuck: Yeah…I do.
Rose: Does she like you?
Chuck smiles leading him to respond.
Chuck: She does.
Rose: I’m happy for you…now don’t rush into things too fast with her you hear me.
Chuck: Yes ma’am.
Rose: Take it slow so both of you can get to know each other better.
Chuck: I will…I love you mom.
With a smile on her face Rose holds her sons head and pulls him forward to kiss Chuck on his forehead.
Rose: I love you too son…always remember that.
Chuck smiles as he hugs his mother leading him to walk to his room, but before he does he takes one last look at his mom. The flashback ends with a close up shot of Chuck with a smile on his face as he reflected back on that memorable night with Allison Steiner in front of her door. After a moment or two, he snaps out of it leading him to speak up.
Chuck: smiles Allison and I not only kept in touch, but we also became a couple much to Morgan’s chagrin. Chuck's smile turns serious Unfortunately, the relationship between Allison and I would fall apart when my mom became ill and much of my time was spent with her to where I became closed off. The last I heard...Allison is happily married with 2 kids and living in Colorado, which makes me wonder…
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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