To recap what previously happened Chuck reflects back on his days at Stanford and his first meeting with Bryce. He strikes up a conversation with Chuck after noticing a C++ textbook leading him to find out about the shared common interest of a favorite game from their past Zork. Cut to Chuck meeting Jill to where an instant friendship formulates between the both of them leading them to be in a relationship several years later. Chuck and Jill argue about Jill’s friendship with Allan Watterman who he thinks is a complete douche bag, but she think he’s just jealous. Cut to Chuck talking to Bryce in the library after getting beat again in the game Assassins and he offers his, as well as, his fellow Gamma Delta Phi frat brothers their services to take care of him, but he declines only to tell Bryce to keep his cell phone on. Move forward a month later where Chuck finds out from Dr. Fleming that he’s being kicked out for cheating and the guy who tipped him off was his best friend/roommate Bryce Larkin. Cut to Chuck talking with Jill who is equally as shocked and after a brief conversation of how important it is to believe him he goes to the frat house to find Bryce, but doesn’t find him. After calling Ellie, he walk down stairs with stuff I hand where Bryce is playing pool like nothing has happened leading Chuck to ask why. Bryce responds by telling him he brought it on himself to where it cuts a month later with Chuck at Jill’s sorority house trying to win her back only to find out that she’s now dating Bryce.
The scene begins with Chuck sitting in the corner of the black leather couch in a relaxed position with his both arms spread out resting on the top and side arm of the couch. His legs are straight out with his right leg over his left and he has a smirk on his face as he begins to speak up.
Chuck: Getting kicked out of Stanford was to me the most unbelievable and not to mention the craziest thing that has happened me…before I became an analyst for the government that is. However, unbelievable and crazy can also best describe my time in a place that I thought would be working temporarily in order to for me to recoup until I got by on my feet. That didn’t necessarily happen and it wasn’t until Sarah’s father offered the money to start my own business, which was an offer and opportunity I could not refuse…but that’s a story to tell for another time. When I returned from Stanford I spent the better part of 2 weeks secluded in my room and it was my best friend Morgan who encouraged me to work with him at Buy More to basically try to keep me not only busy, but distract from everything that had happened to me. Morgan’s intentions were good and I appreciated what he did for me. After filling out an application I had an interview with Big Mike. Looking back I was very intimidated the first time I met him and yet quite amused because during the interview he was eating a box of assorted donuts. Well…after getting hired I was then introduced to my fellow co-workers Anna, Lester, Jeff, and of course Harry Tang. Harry Tang…shakes head…my first initial meeting with him set the tone on how he and I would be working together.
As he says that, Chuck flashes back to June of 2003 around 9a.m. with the façade of Buy More and then cut inside to Big Mike walking into camera view followed closely by Chuck being led to the nerd herd desk where Morgan is standing facing the other way talking to Jeff and Lester with Anna sitting off to the side reading a magazine. As he is about to reach the nerd herd desk Big Mike speaks up.
Big Mike: Grimes!
A startled Morgan quickly turns around giving a salute.
Morgan: Yes Big Mike!
Big Mike stand in front of Morgan is about to say something when he looks over at Jeff and Lester just standing there.
Big Mike: Patel…Barnes…don’t you two knuckleheads have anything better to do?
Lester: Like what?
Cut to Jeff giving Chuck a sinister look who responds by waving at him.
Big Mike: I don't know like getting back to work.
Lester: Aren’t you going to introduce us to the new guy first.
Big Mike: NOW! Lester immediately grabs Jeff and heads off leading him to look at Anna giving a flirtatious smile as she is checking out Chuck who responds with a nervous smile and wave. You too Ms. Wu. Anna saunters off with all three men tilting their heads watching her leave and after a moment or two, Big Mike speaks up. Grimes…Morgan turns around to see him smile…you spoke very high of your friend Chuck here so I have one thing to say to you.
Morgan smiles as he looks at Chuck who smiles back as he gives him a thumbs up. He then looks back at Big Mike to respond back to him.
Morgan: What’s that sir?
Big Mike smiles turns into a scowl as he leans in.
Big Mike: Don’t make me regret hiring him?
Morgan leans back as it cuts to Chuck behind Big Mike who a freaked out look on his face.
Morgan: Trust me sir…you won’t regret.
Big Mike leans back up and then stands looking at both men as his scowl returns to a smile.
Big Mike: Excellent…take him to the back…we have new shipments that just came in.
Big Mike walks off leading Morgan to lead his best friend to the back. As they are walking Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: Morgan…buddy…thanks for getting me this job.
Morgan: Hey…you would do the same for me and this will help you get your mind off…Mogan catches himself as he begins to Chuck thinking about Bryce, Stanford, and most Jill to where he immediately changes the subject…so welcome to Buymoria…nice set up huh?
Chuck gives Morgan a weird look.
Chuck: Yeah…nods…it is. This will be temporary of course once I get back on my feet.
Morgan: past Chuck on the right shoulder Of course dude.
After several moments, they walk through the door where a several green shirts are unpacking new shipments of DVD’s. As they are standing there, a figure appears behind him inevitably startling the two as they turn around to see a bald, fairly uptight Asian man standing in front of them.
Man: Grimes…you’re here to work not to socialize. Looks at Chuck Who is this?
Morgan is about to respond when Chuck takes the initiative and introduces himself.
Chuck: Hi…sticks his hand out for a handshake…my name is Chuck…Chuck Bartowski.
The man looks at Chuck’s hand, looks at Chuck, then Morgan.
Man: Get to work…leans in and pokes him in the chest…you do know what work is don’t you?
Morgan nods as the man turns around and walks off to continue his duties. After a brief silence, Chuck leans over and talks to Morgan.
Chuck: Who was that?
Morgan: Harry Tang…he’s sort of like Saruman from Lord of the Rings only shorter, no beard, and Asian. He also has seniority here and oh did I mention he wields a magical power.
Chuck: Really…what power would that be.
Morgan: Sucking the fun out of everything.
As Chuck and Morgan laugh Harry walks by giving a menacing look to both of them. The scene ends with Chuck and Morgan looking at each other as they both get to work unpacking DVD’s. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins a month later in the DVD section where Chuck is busy stocking new DVD’s on the shelves. He’s busy working when he accidentally drops a DVD on the floor and when he kneels down to pick it up a shot of two feet appear in front of him. Suddenly, a hand comes down to pick it up to where it cuts to Chuck looking up to see Harry Tang tapping the DVD against his left hand Chuck gets up leading him to speak up.
Chuck: Mr. Tang…
Harry: holds up hand Please…call me Harry.
Harry hands him back the DVD leading Chuck to respond.
Chuck: with a bit of histance Okay…Harry.
Harry: I apologize for being so cold to you earlier today.
Chuck: It’s alright…I’m considered the newbie here so I don’t blame you.
Harry: Chuck…are you a hard worker?
Chuck: Yes sir I am.
Harry: Excellent…like you I take my job very seriously and from what I see you do too.
Chuck: Thanks
Harry: I see potential in you Chuck is it…Chuck nods…and I don’t think hanging around your friend Mr. Grimes is the best idea.
Cut to Chuck with a look of concerned curiosity.
Chuck: Why not?
Harry: Grimes lacks ambition and is a slacker when it comes to his duty as a Buy More employee. He will bring you down and I don’t want to see that happen to you.
Chuck: Morgan would never do that to me.
Harry: I admire your loyalty to him really I do, but you and I cut from a different breed from those sheep.
Chuck: shakes head What…I don’t understand.
Harry: I make it a point to know the employees who work here and you went to Stanford for a time until you were kicked out for cheating.
Chuck: I didn’t cheat.
Harry: That’s neither here nor there…what I’m saying is for a person to be at a prestigious school as Stanford must not only be a hard worker, but have a great mind as well. Harry motions to him his finger to come with him Walk with me Chuck.
Chuck: looking around Okay
Chuck sets the DVD he’s holding down following Harry and for a brief moment there is a bit of silence until Harry speaks up.
Harry: Do you remember what the salesman’s motto in Buy More is Chuck?
Chuck: When you sell more, you smile more, and when you smile more, you sell more. It all starts at Buy More.
Harry: Exactly and I potentially see you as an employee who makes a difference at Buy More in the future. We are all cogs in the engine that runs Buy More and if one cog doesn’t run smoothly there is no smile appearing on the face of Big Mike. You want Big Mike to keep smiling do you?
Chuck: Yes…yes I do.
Harry: It’s through hard work, dedication, and perseverance that you can hopefully be in Big Mike’s position someday.
Chuck: Really?
Harry smirks as he puts his hand on Chuck’s right shoulder.
Harry: Yes I do…I wouldn’t lie to you.
Chuck: Wow…thanks for the vote of confidence.
Harry: You’re welcome…turns to stand in front of him as his points his finger in the air…but in order for you to be a perfectly running, working cog you must associate yourself with those who truly want to build up Buy More instead of tear it down.
Chuck: What are you saying?
As he says that, Morgan appears in the background listening to the conversation between Harry and Chuck.
Harry: Chuck…I want you to join my team and under my leadership you will learn much from what I have to teach you. You will learn to be a well-disciplined, respectful employee who strives to want something more than to be just another mindless sheep with absolutely no ambition whatsoever holding on to some stupid fantasy world called Buymoria made up by three immature fools.
Chuck: Can I think about it?
Harry pats Chuck on the right shoulder with a smile on his face.
Harry: Sure…take your time.
Harry turns around and walks off with his smile turning into a scowl. The scene ends with Chuck watching him leave and then turns around to go back to stocking the DVD’s on the shelves leading it to focus on a shot of Morgan with a look of disbelief.
Fade Out
The scene begins with a shot of Chuck walking near the Home Theatre room when all of a sudden he gets pulled in. Cut inside where Chuck stumbles in nearly falling down and after regaining his balance in the middle of the room he turns around to see Morgan walking up to him.
Chuck: Dude what was that all about?
Morgan: I overheard you and Tang talking…are you seriously thinking about going over to the dark side?
Chuck: Nothing is set in stone Morg…besides…walks past Morgan looking out the Buy More Theatre room door and then turns back to look at him…I don’t think Tang is the bad guy you make him out to be.
Morgan: That’s what Anakin Skywalker thought before he was enticed to cross over into the dark side.
Chuck rolls his eyes as he rubs the back of his head.
Chuck: Come on buddy...aren’t being just a bit melodramatic?
Morgan: All I’m saying is that you are here to bring balance to the country of Buymoria.
Chuck: points at Morgan Now I know you’re being melodramatic.
Morgan: If you join Tang’s empire there won’t be any hope for the rebel alliance.
Chuck: holds up three fingers What rebel alliance…there’s only 3 people…you, Jeff, and Lester.
Morgan: 3 people…points at Chuck…that you know of.
Chuck throws his hands in the air and then turns around taking a few steps around as he rubs his forehead.
Chuck: Morgan do you listen to the words that are coming out of your mouth?
Morgan: What?
Chuck: We’re no longer 8 years old man…turns around to look at Morgan…we’re adults now and maybe you don’t realize it but some of us are working in order to make a living and not hiding from the world.
Morgan: What does that supposed to mean?
Chuck points at himself as an anger look appears on his face.
Chuck: I had a five year plan before Bryce had me kicked out of college and then finding about he and Jill...
Morgan: interrupts Chuck Whoa…don’t take it out on me…I’m on your side remember?
Chuck: Look…like I told you before, this job is…
Morgan: chimes in Is just temporary until I can get back on my feet. Yeah...I’ve heard over and over again from you. It’s been a month dude…face it…you’re not going anywhere and in the immortal words of Wayne and Garth I say its time to party on.
Chuck: You know what…I can’t deal with you being…
Morgan: What…being immature…that’s what you were going to say wasn’t it?
Chuck: Since we were kids it was me and you having fun all the time.
Morgan: What’s wrong with that?
Chuck: There are times to have fun and then there are times to be responsible…its time for me to be responsible for you to stop hiding from the world too.
Morgan: So it’s just like that.
Chuck: Yeah…I guess it is. I appreciate it what you’ve done for me in the past month…really I do…but I have to do what’s best for me even if it means doing something you don’t like in your eyes.
Morgan: shakes head Maybe I’m not the one who’s immature here or hiding from the world…heads towards the door but before he heads out he turns to look at Chuck…maybe you are.
The scene switches from the home theatre room to the living room of Casa Bartowski where Ellie is in the kitchen cooking as Chuck enters the front door dropping his keys on the table by the door.
Ellie: Hey little brother.
Chuck: Sis…am I immature and hiding from the world?
Ellie: What happened?
Chuck walks over and sits at the counter.
Chuck: Morgan and I had an argument at work.
Ellie goes over and sits beside her little brother.
Ellie: Over what?
Chuck: The argument first started about me joining Harry Tang’s team at Buy More and how I would be joining the dark side of the force…
Ellie: interrupts Chuck Chuck drop the Star Wars references and talk to me…your sister.
Chuck: We ended up arguing about how I keep reliving the past…he’s wrong…I’m not reliving the past as a matter of fact I’m working hard to forget it.
Ellie: Morgan’s right…shakes head in astonishment…I can’t believe I just said that.
Chuck: Come on El.
Ellie: Morgan told me about you driving over to Stanford on your lunch break and trying to patch things up with Jill. Plus…I’ve seen you constantly looking at pictures of you and Jill on your computer and not to mention “The Jill Mix” on your ipod.
Chuck: Okay…maybe I’m not completely over her.
Ellie: Chuck listen to me...Morgan is worried about you and so am I.
Chuck: Don’t be…just give me some time and I’ll be fine.
Chuck gets up and is about to head towards his room when Ellie stops him.
Ellie: Fine…but can I just say one thing.
Chuck turns around.
Chuck: What?
Ellie: You’re going to meet a great girl one day who’s going to make you forget all about Jill and trust me when I say she’s going to change your life for the better giving you the chance to move forward with your life instead of being stuck in the past.
Chuck gives a reluctant nod to his sister leading him to turn around and head to his room. The scene ends with a concerned look on Ellie’s face as she turns to resume cooking dinner.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the present with Chuck slumping back in the black leather couch playing with plastic water bottle that is half filled reflecting back on not only the apparent break up with his best friend Morgan, but also the talk he had with this sister. He breathes out a sigh and then speaks up.
Chuck: Ellie was right about meeting a great girl who would give me a chance to move forward and would inevitably change my life for the better walking into the Buy More nearly 2 years ago. Anyways, getting back to what happened between me and Morgan. We pretty much had our share of disagreements or should I say heated debates about such things as to what sandwich to take on a deserted island and according to Casey they’ve supposedly lasted for 4 hours, which I totally disagree with. Chuck realizes he’s babbling leading him to get back on the story at hand. Well…our friendship was apparently over and the following day I gave my answer to Harry, which he was glad to hear. However, before I officially joined his team he wanted me before hand to spill the beans on what I knew concerning the after hours activities so I told him being that it was just between him and me….boy was I fooled trusting what he said.
As he says that, it flashes back to the façade of Buy More around 10 a.m. and then cut inside to a shot of Harry Tang talking to his minions. As he is talking, the camera pans down each green shirt inevitably stopping at Chuck. Cut back to Harry at the tail end of his speech.
Harry: Remember…we are here to serve the customers and when we give 110% we succeed in building up Buy More instead of…glances over at Jeff, Lester, and Morgan over at the nerd herd desk with a smirk on his face…tearing it down. Oh and before I end…motions over to Chuck…welcome the newest member to our team.
Chuck shyly waves to Tang’s minions as they clap and shake his hand. His minions disperse leaving Chuck and Harry standing there talking and as they do, Chuck hears the booming voice of Big Mike calling out Morgan’s name leading him to turn around to see his former best friend getting the third degree with Jeff and Lester hightailing it out of there as soon as they heard Big Mike’s voice.
Big Mike: Grimes…you’re fired!
Morgan: What…why?
Big Mike: I have so many reasons…points to the back…go clean out your locker.
Cut to Morgan with a look of disbelief and shock on his face as slowly walks to the back. As he does, Chuck turns to look at Harry who has a smile on his face leading him to speak up.
Harry: He deserved what he got.
Chuck walks up to Harry with a confused look on his face.
Chuck: You promised me what I told you was just between you and me…I trusted you. What kind of man are you.
Harry looks Chuck in the eyes.
Harry: smiles I’m the kind of man who rules with a gentle, nurturing,…closes hand into a fist as menacing look appears…iron fist. A man who took it upon himself with the information that was given to him and used it to his advantage in order to root out an employee who don’t fit the mold around here like your loser friend Morgan Grimes.
Chuck: Morgan may be many things like being a slacker who would do anything to avoid work, a video game junkie, a collector of many comic books…but being considered a loser is not one of them. Shakes head I…I…got to go talk to Big Mike.
As he is about to walk off, Harry grabs his left arm to stop.
Harry: Where do you think you’re going?
Chuck: I’m going to make this right.
Harry: No you’re not…Grimes had a horrible work ethic and now he’s paying for it.
Chuck pulls away his arm from Harry’s grip.
Chuck: Not if I have anything say about it.
Harry: What are you going to do…sacrifice yourself…very noble of you. Shakes head Over what…friendship?
Chuck: He would do the same for me.
Harry: If you do this…you’re no longer on my team and to think…and to think I saw potential in you.
Chuck glares at Harry for a moment and then heads to Big Mike’s office. The scene switches from main area to the locker room area where Morgan is sitting at the table with a sad look on his face. Next to him is box of all of his stuff and after a moment or two Chuck enters inevitably going to his locker. As he is emptying out Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: Where are you going?
Chuck: I was fired by Big Mike
Morgan: Why?
Chuck: Look…let’s just say it was my fault that you got fired. Cut to Morgan with a look of disbelief. You warned me about Harry Tang and I just didn’t listen to you. He puts the last of his stuff in his bag and as he is about to head out the door he turns to look at Morgan. Oh…you have your job.
Morgan has a hint of smile on his face as he rubs the back of his head as Chuck leaves. Cut to the main area where Chuck is walking out with his stuff. As he passes the nerd herd desk, a perturbed customer stops him.
Lady: I was wondering if you can help…I have a lap top computer emergency and I’ve been waiting for over 20 minutes and nobody seems to be around.
Chuck: I’m sorry ma’am but…Chuck stops in mid sentence and realizes that since he’s already fired he wouldn’t get in trouble helping a customer with her lap top…you know what I would be happy to help you ma’am.
Upon saying that, it flashes forward to Chuck sitting on the black leather couch with his arms crossed holding his nearly empty water bottle under his right arm.
Chuck: After talking with her a bit and helping the lady with her lap top computer problem she leaves. That’s when Big Mike was informed by you know who about what I did. He came at me like a rabid pit bull with Harry Tang in tow telling me about how Buy More could be liable for recently fired employees to be working on computers. I could see Tang reveling in all this with a smile on his face and as he was giving me the third degree, that same old lady walked up. Big Mike quickly stopped yelling at me and focused his attention on her. She started informing him how I was most helpful in so many ways with her and that man behind him ignored her. Big Mike glared at Tang and then smiled at the lady who told him that I should be rewarded for doing a great job. When she left Tang told Big Mike to hire me back so I can be fired again. Big Mike did rehire me again on the spot and much to my surprise I thought he was going to take Tang’s advice…but after careful though he instead put me in charge of the nerd herd. I asked Big Mike why and all he said he was that he was impressed that I took the initiative to help a customer with a positive attitude even though I was fired. Plus…he got tired of trying to keep Jeff, Lester, and Morgan in line so he gave the responsibility to me much to Harry’s surprise. His plans for Buy More dominance was thwarted leading to storm off in a huff and from that point on Harry and I have been adversaries.
Chuck laughs thinking about the look of utter shock on Harry’s face. The scene ends with Chuck tapping the near empty water bottle on his chin as a smirk appears on his face.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the break room around lunchtime with Morgan sitting down having sizzling shrimp with a can of grape soda for lunch. After a moment or two Chuck enters and sits quietly next to him taking out a roast beef sandwich, a big of chips, with a bottle of water to wash it down with. The moment of silence is broken up by Chuck.
Chuck: Hey
Morgan: Hey
Chuck: Look
Morgan: Yeah
Chuck: So are we cool?
Morgan: We’re cool
Chuck and Morgan give each other a fist tap.
Chuck: Hey…umm...taking a bit of his sandwich…I’ve been meaning to ask what is Buymoria?
Upon hearing that, he sets down his utensils on the table as he puts his elbows on the table holding his hands together inevitably placing them in front of his mouth. Chuck gives him another weird look and after a brief moment it cuts back to Morgan with a calm look with a hint of a smile on his face as he lowers his hands on the table.
Morgan: Buymoria is am awesome country that myself, Jeff, and Lester envisioned this place to be. Now…Buymoria is governed by laws.
Chuck: What sort of laws?
As he says that, Jeff and Lester appear with Lester responding to Chuck.
Lester: Do you really want to know?
A startled Chuck nearly chokes on his sandwich and then turns around to see Lester with his arms crossed behind him and Jeff hovering over him giving him a menacing look leading him to nod.
Morgan: Boys close the door.
Jeff and Lester immediately look out the both doors, close them, lower the blinds, take one last look out the blinds, and then turn their attention to Chuck as they walk over standing behind Morgan. Chuck has no idea what is going on as he looks at Morgan.
Chuck: Guys what is going on?
Morgan: In order for me…glances at Jeff and Lester…us…to talk about Buymoria and its laws we must first see if you’re worthy to become a trusted member.
Chuck: Huh…okay…what do I have to do?
Morgan: Can you keep a secret Mr. Bartowski?
Chuck: Are you serious Morgan?
Jeff: chimes in Answer the question or I will cut you.
Chuck: gives Jeff a weird look Yeah…yes I can keep a secret. Listen…looks at Morgan…I still haven’t told anyone about what happened to you in elementary school during our class Halloween party.
Cut to Morgan’s eye’s widening.
Lester: What happened?
Chuck: If I told you it wouldn’t be a secret.
Lester: I’ll give you 20 bucks to tell us.
Jeff: 40 bucks and I'll throw in a date with a hot lady friend I know.
Chuck gives Jeff a horrified look as Lester speaks up.
Lester: looks at Jeff Who...Anna?
Jeff: smirks Maybe
A bidding war begins causing Morgan to speak up.
Morgan: All right…Jeff and Lester shut up…he’s proven he is trustworthy for keeping a secret that was very embarrassing and deeply traumatic, which would have been avoided if Rachel Gardner didn’t take what I did to her so personal. Momentarily gets afar off reflective look. To this day whenever I see candy corn I get a bit skittish.
Chuck: Hey you did deserve it though.
Jeff and Lester look at each other then look at Morgan.
Morgan: Look…she was wearing orange and it was funny.
Chuck: You taped a sign on her back saying I’m the great pumpkin.
Morgan: You know...she was deceptively fast for a big girl.
Chuck: She was pissed at you.
Morgan: shakes head My mom had to take me to the hospital to get the candy corn out of my nose.
Chuck: chuckles Just be glad it wasn’t shoved up any place else.
There is a brief moment of silence shared between Chuck and Morgan leading Morgan to speak up.
Morgan: Anyway…glances at Jeff and Lester with a nod then looks at Chuck…as a trusted member of Buymoria here are our sacred laws…
As he says that, it flashes forward to the present with Chuck sitting forward on the black leather couch with an amused look on his face.
Chuck: Morgan proceeded to run down a list of laws that weren’t really work related as they were mostly about not disturbing the harmonious balance that they’ve established. A balance in which they avoided as much work as possible and instead work hard on keeping activities from those like Harry Tang, as well as, his evil minions who seek to destroy that which makes Buymoria fun such as after hour poker nights in the break room on the down low. According to one of the law, there are times where a vigilante hero has to rise and take the law into his own hands to protect the country he loves. To be perfectly honest, I thought the laws were a complete joke when he told me and yet looking into his eyes he was serious about them. Looking back Morgan basically lived whole life in a fantasy world, but you know what…in all seriousness though…as much as Morgan and his two court jesters believe in Buymoria he really cares about the store and people in it like Big Mike who is back as manager, which is another interesting story that will be saved for later.
Chuck sits back on the black leather couch with a smile on his face. The scene ends with rubbing the back of his head as he drinks the remaining water in the bottle.
Fade Out
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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