The episode begins with a recap of what previous happened as Chuck is sitting down in a black leather couch and talking about his father 1 month after he passed away. He flashes back to several key moments in his life such his first meeting with his best friend Morgan, the plan to go see the movie Robocop with Morgan without asking his parent’s permission, getting caught by Chuck’s dad after the movie, and getting a stern lecture from his father about putting too much trust in people, especially when it can to Morgan. The scene begins with an overhead shot looking down at a wide shot of Chuck lying down on the couch. His hands are locked together as they are resting on top of his chest and his eyes are closed looking as if he’s asleep. After a brief moment, his eyes open leading the overhead shot quickly goes to a side shot as he takes a breathe and then begins to speak up.
Chuck: The day my father left was very traumatic not just for me and Ellie, but for my mom who ended up literally dying of a broken heart. None of us saw it coming…we were basically blinded sided at the fact when I saw him before I left school he was happy and content as can be with the people he loves around him. I remember it happening so vividly in my mind…
As he says that the scene begins to flashes back to the morning of August of 1990 with the façade of casa Bartowski and cut inside to the living room where Abe is sitting on the couch sipping his morning coffee and Rose cooking breakfast as they both watch the news about Iraq invading Kuwait inevitably setting off the Gulf War. After a moment or two a now 13 year old Chuck is not only getting taller and showing signs of puberty as his voice get a bit lower with acne making its unfortunate appearance. He walks from the hallway to the kitchen with his scraggily brown hair looking as if it’s growing into a big afro as he’s carrying his back pack. He’s wearing a black shirt with the Ghostbusters logo in front, jeans, and sporting the Chuck Taylor shoes. When he walks up to his mom the height difference has changed as Chuck is nearly eye to eye signifying that her baby boy is growing up to be a man leading her to rustle his hair and then kiss the side of his head. He plops his back pack down on the floor beside the chair, sits down, and begins eating pancakes, sausages on the side with a glass of milk to wash it down with. After a moment or two, Abe speaks up as he gets up from the couch taking occasional sips of his cup of coffee.
Abe: I’m telling you Rose Bush is going to send us to war with Iraq…I can feel it in my bones.
Rose: waves her hand Don’t get yourself worked up honey…goes to hug your husband as she smiles at him…that’s my job.
Abe and Rose go in for a kiss leading Chuck to speak up as he drops his fork on his plate.
Chuck: looks at his parents I’m eating here.
Cut back to his parents smiling while in the lip lock and then stop for their son’s sake leading Abe to look at Chuck as he speaks to him.
Abe: One day son…you’ll find a woman who you will fall madly in love with like I did with your mother.
Chuck: I don’t know dad...taking a bit of pancake…I’m just a…
As he is about to say what he was about to say Ellie, a now 17 year old freshman in High School who is growing into a beautiful young woman in more ways than one as she is just a bit taller as her mom, walks into the kitchen carrying her books in her arms. She’s wearing jeans, a pink shirt sleeveless, white shoes, several bracelets around her left wrist, a friendship bracelet on her left wrirst, and her hair quaffed in a style reminiscent to Jennifer Aniston’s character from the t.v. show Friends.
Ellie: Geeky pimpled faced nerd who will be alone the rest of his life?
As she sets her books down on the counter, Rose speaks up.
Rose: Eleanor Faye Bartowski…be nice to your brother. Rose pinches her arm leading Chuck to smirk. Apologize to him.
Ellie rubs her arm and then looks at her little brother who is just a foot shorter than her leading her to speak up.
Ellie: I’m sorry…Chuck smirks grows bigger…that you’re a geeky pimpled faced nerd who will be alone for the rest of her life.
Cut to Chuck’s losing his smiling leading Rose intervene again but Ellie quickly leaves as she takes a few sausage links on her way out the door.
Rose: Where are you going in such a rush?
Cut to Ellie standing at the open door and before she closes it she looks back to her mom.
Ellie: Cheerleading tryouts…waves back…bye mom!
Before the door closes Rose yells out.
Rose: Drive carefully sweety!
Cut to the door closing leading Chuck to speak up as he looks at both his parents.
Chuck: 10 bucks says she breaks her leg.
Cut to Rose quickly glancing at her son leading Abe to chuckle a bit, which gets a reaction from his wife. To avoid the glare that he’s getting from his wife he turns his attention back to Chuck.
Abe: Trust me son…puts his right hand on his son’s left shoulder…she’s out there and she will be unlike any woman you have ever met before.
As he says that Rose comes around the counter and hugs Chuck from behind and kisses him on the neck.
Rose: She’s going to be swept off her feet by my handsome, charming baby boy.
Chuck: whiney tone Mom.
Rose: rustles his hair Oh right…you’re protecting your rep.
Abe laughs and at that very moment a much taller and bit harrier Morgan comes walking in from the hallway carrying a back pack, wearing a button down brown shirt, blue jeans, Nike shoes, hair in a spike, and thoroughly focused playing his Gameboy and sits down beside him leading Rose to set breakfast in front of him. All of a sudden the sound of a record player scratching is heard leading it to go back to the present with Chuck lying down back on the couch and then sits up.
Now I know what you’re thinking…just 3 years ago my father told me that I could never hang around with Morgan ever again because of the Robocop incident. What changed?
Chuck looks straight ahead at the person he’s speaking to off camera. The scene ends with Chuck with him leaning forward as his elbows are resting on his legs as he looks forward and then to the side with a reflective look on his face.
Fade Out
The scene begins back where it left off as Chuck is leaning forward with his elbows resting on his legs as he looks forward. After a brief moment, he rubs the back of his head, looks up and then speaks up.
Chuck: dad told me that my friendship with Morgan was over but after sleeping on it he came to my room. We had a father and son talk in which he told me that after speaking with my mom the punishment was a bit harsh. So...instead of severing our friendship…he put in a probationary period closely monitoring our activities and for the most part we kept our noses clean. Anyways…getting back to the story…
As he says that he flashes back to where it left off as Morgan enters from the hallway playing a Gameboy, sits down next to Chuck, pauses the game and then eats breakfast leading Chuck to greet his bosom buddy.
Chuck: What’s up Morg…what game are you playing now?
Morgan: Tetris and I’m up to 99,000 pts.
Cut to Rose wiping down the counter as she glances back as she wipes around the sink.
Chuck: Way to go…speaking of games my dad bought me Mike Tyson’s Punch Out as an early birthday gift, which I can to my Nintendo game collection.
Morgan: Awesome dude…I heard that game rocked.
As he says that Abe walks up leading him to speak up to Morgan and his son.
Abe: So how do you boys like middle school so far?
Chuck: shrugs his shoulder It’s okay.
Morgan: It stinks Mr. B…we went from being the top of the totem pole to the low man on the totem pole.
Chuck gives Morgan a weird look
Chuck: What are you talking about…we were the low man on the totem pole in elementary school then and we’re still low on the totem pole now that we’re in middle school.
Morgan: pats chuck on the right shoulder I have a good feeling about this dude…we’re not only going to own the school, but we’re going to get all the chicks.
Chuck: Okay Parker Lewis Can’t Lose…what makes you think we’re going to get all the chicks.
Cut to Morgan pointing at his peach fuzz growing under his nose.
Morgan: I’m on my way to growing a beard…and women attracted to men with facial hair. Pus…Morgan puts his finger at him as he begins to open up his shirt leading Chuck to shield his eyes…I have chest hair.
Chuck lowers his hand leading him to squint.
Chuck: Where?
Morgan: looking down Right there…in the middle of my chest.
Chuck: Dude…that’s 1 hair.
As this is happening Abe is amused at the conversation they’re having leading him to turn back to watching the news coverage of the Gulf War. Cut back to Morgan buttoning up his shirt and then responds back to Chuck.
Morgan: Don’t be jealous that I’m growing into mature, good looking man.
Chuck stares at Morgan and then busts out laughing.
Chuck: Thanks for the laugh man…I needed that.
Chuck gets up and puts his plate, cup, and silverware in the sink leading Morgan to speak up.
Morgan: holds up both hands What…I am mature.
Chuck: turns to look at Morgan Okay if you claim to be mature then why did you plan an elaborate whoopee cushion prank with Drew Johnson to with Rebecca Steiner as the target. When it was all said and done all the kids thought she farted and she was not only embarrassed, but pretty pissed off at you.
Morgan: What makes you think I did it?
Chuck: For one thing…Rebecca came up to me, threatened me, and then threatened you with bodily harm that consisted of kicking you in the crotch 3…4…15 times if she ever finds you.
Morgan: Still…that doesn’t say I was the one who did it.
Chuck: You wrote your name on the whoopee cushion genius…knocks on Morgan’s head…hello McFly.
Morgan: I knew I shouldn’t have used my favorite whooppee cushion for the prank…shrugs his shoulders…oh well you live and learn.
As he says that Rose looks at the clock leading him to speak up to of them as she claps her hands together.
Rose: Speaking of living and learning boys…its time for you two to get to school. Chuck…Rose goes in for a kiss but decides not after Chuck gives him a look…I love you and…looks at Morgan…Morgan don’t get beat up.
Morgan: Thanks Mrs. B...picking up his Gameboy...I’ll try not to.
As they are heading towards the door the phone rings leading Rose to answer it.
Rose: Hello…yes is he is. Looks at Abe. Honey…it’s for you.
Cut to Abe getting off the couch and kissed Rose as she hands him the phone. At the same time that happens Chuck opens the door and before he leaves he turns back to tell his parents goodbye leading Abe to cover the phone with his left hand as he responds to the wave from his son.
Abe: Have a good day son.
Chuck gives a nod back leading him to walk out the door with Morgan who is focused on his game of Tetris. The scene ends with Chuck turning around to close the door leading it to cut to a shot of his father talking on the phone to where he sees a serious look comes over his face as he closes the door.
Fade Out
The scene begins around 1 in the afternoon with the façade of Roosevelt Middle School located in Echo Park, California and then cut to the gym where a game of dodge ball is in progress. After a moment or two the camera finds Morgan and Chuck in the schools required gym uniforms revealing their white pasty legs. As they are ducking and dodging the barrage of the round plastic balls they’re in the middle of a discussion about who would kick whose butt.
Morgan: Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris?
Chuck: Easy…Bruce Lee.
Morgan: Bruce Lee or Luke Skywalker?
Chuck: Hmm…that’s a toughy. Is Luke allowed to use his lightsaber and the force?
Morgan: No…that would be cheating.
Chuck: Bruce Lee.
Morgan: Okay here’s one…Godzilla vs. Vultron.
Chuck: That’s easy…Vutron.
Morgan: What…no way man Godzilla would kick Vultron’s butt by a mile.
Chuck: First off…Vultron is made up of 5 lion parts and can come at one Godzilla at different angles while flying…so the advantage goes to Vultron.
Cut to Morgan quickly dodging a dodgeball and then proceed in explaining his choice in picking Godzilla.
Morgan: Godzille has atomic breathe and when the fins or whatever those things are on his back glow he shoots out of his mouth a very powerful radioactive blast that Vultron couldn’t be shielded from if they tried. Plus…Godzilla has the healing factor going for him when he gets damaged unlike Vultron who when it gets damaged they’re basically screwed.
Chuck forgets where he is leading him to stand up unprotected.
Chuck: You don’t know what you’re talking about.
As he says that a red dodgeball hits him in the side of the face causing him to fall do the ground. Cut to upward short where Morgan hovers over his fallen friend leading him to speak up.
Morgan: Chuck…dude…you all right?
Chuck: I’m fine…look…Vultron can take down Godzilla any day of the week.
Morgan: chuckles You know what…that ball must have seriously scrambled your brains because…
Cut to Morgan bending back up to and turns around. When he does he immediately gets hit directly in the face to where he falls directly beside his fallen friend. As they are both laying there it goes to a down shot of the both of them leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: That’s what you get for ragging on Vultron.
Morgan: I would fight you right now if it wasn’t for the fact that I can’t feel my face at the moment.
At the same time he says that, their gym teacher stands above them holding a clip as the whistle around his neck dangles several inches away from their faces leading to a back and forth down/up shot conversation to where he to speak up.
Gym Teacher: Bartowski…Grimes…are you two okay?
Chuck: I’m fine…points over at Morgan…I don’t know about him though.
Morgan: Coach Watkins?
Watkins: Yes Grimes?
Morgan: I think my nose is broken.
Upon saying that Coach Watkins bends down, looks down, grabs his nose, and then pulls on it leading Morgan to scream.
Watkins: It’s not broken son.
Morgan: holding his nose Oww…it probably is now after you pulled on it.
As they are both helped up by Coach Watkins, he looks at Chuck.
Watkins: Bartowski…the reason I came over here was to tell you you’re wanted in the office.
Chuck: What did I do?
Watkins: I don’t know…I’m just the messenger. Get dressed and get over there on the double.
Chuck: looks at Watkins Yes sir. turns to Morgan Did you pull a prank on anyone today?
Morgan: Are you seriously asking me that question?
Chuck: Morgan.
Morgan: All right…1..2...or maybe 5…Chuck gives him a look…but not on you I swear.
Chuck: If I found out I’m in trouble because of one your pranks I going to do something much worse than what Rebecca Steiner planned on doing to you.
Morgan: What’s that?
Chuck: I’m going to pull that chest hair out.
Morgan: protecting his chest You wouldn’t…I would lose my mojo with the ladies.
Chuck: Oh yes…I would and what mojo?
Chuck turns to go back to the locker rooms to change leading Morgan to speak up.
Morgan: I have plenty of mojo my friend…I have it coming out of my ears. As he watches disappear into the locker room he turns around and immediately gets hit with another dodge in the face leading him to fall down off camera vie leading him to give a faint albeit hurtful call. Cooooaaaaccch.
The scene switches from the gym to the Chuck nervously walking down the halls towards the office with ever possible scenario going through his of what he could have possibly done leading him to walk inevitably open the door and walk through. As he steps through, his nervous fades when he sees his father sitting to his right leading him to speak up.
Chuck: Dad…what are you doing here?
Abe: smiles I just came to see how you were doing.
As he says that it cuts back to Chuck in the present with him standing pacing back and forth with his right hand in one pocket while the other is holding/rubbing the back of his neck.
When I saw my dad, there was something different about him as if something had changed earlier in the day when he was all smiles kissing my mom. He was smiling…but it seemed like a pensive, worried smile as if he had a lot on his mind. Something had happened when he received that phone call which I would later find out was the infamous phone call made by William Jax who informed my dad he was black listed as a spy and had a burn notice place on him. BUT…me being relieved that I wasn’t in trouble with the principle chalked it up to just my dad visiting and seeing how I was doing.
As he says that, the scene flashes back again to the office where Chuck sits down next to his dad leading him to speak up.
Abe: Son…we need to talk.
Abe’s smile turns considerably serious as looks at his son sitting to the side of him. The scene ends with Chuck looking at his father wondering what he has to say.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck leaning back against the wall beside the couch with his arms crossed with a reflective look on his face. After a brief moment of looking down he speaks up.
Chuck: We need to talk…you know those words that are usually reserved for a woman breaking up with a guy or vice versa. In a way, that was what my dad was doing even though I didn’t know it at the time.
The scene flashes back to the office where Chuck has just found out his father is there to see him. After a few moments Abe speaks to his son.
Abe: I’m leaving son.
Chuck: Going on another business trip?
Abe: smiles Yeah…on a business trip.
Chuck: Is that why you came here…to tell me you’re going to be gone for a few days.
Abe: Maybe longer.
Chuck: shrugs his shoulder Okay dad…stay safe…see ya when you get back. Bring me back something cool…like a video game.
Cut to Abe showing signs of tearing up but pulls himself together, which Chuck doesn’t really notice. They both get up leading Abe to immediately hug Chuck who is in a very awkward position as a couple kids who know him are sitting in a chair in front of the principle’s office laughing and pointing in his direction leading Chuck to speak up.
Chuck: Uh dad…could you not hug me in front of my friends. Upon saying that, Abe releases the hug he has on his son leading him to pat him on both his shoulders all-the-while sniffing. Are you okay dad?
Abe: I’m fine…just developing a cold.
Chuck: Oh that what you wanted to tell me?
Abe: Yeah…that’s it…oh wait…one more thing.
Chuck looks at his friends and then back at Abe.
Chuck: You’re not going to kiss me on the cheek are you because that would freak me out to where I end up seriously switching to another school.
Abe: chuckles No…gives a right jab to his son’s left shoulder…I’ll leave that part to your mother.
Chuck: What then?
Abe: I want you to take care of your mother and sister…you’re 13 now…the man of the house.
Chuck: Sure…curious look…dad are you on drugs?
As he says that the secretary looks up staring at Abe.
Abe: No…of course not…looks at the secretary…I’m not on drugs.
Cut back to the secretary who looks back up but keeps a watchful on him.
Chuck: As the sign says dad…points to the sign above them…say no to drugs.
Abe: holds both hands up Son I want you to know that I love you…
Chuck: interrupts his father Dad...not so loud.
Abe: shakes head Listen...I want you to promise me you’ll take care of your mother and sister.
Chuck: All right…I promise.
Abe: smirks Aces Charles…your aces.
Abe nods leading him to go in for a hug but stop to where he just stick his hand out for a hand shake. Chuck shakes his father’s hand leading him to turn towards the door and as he opens the door he turns back to give one last smile to his son.
That was the last I saw of my father Abraham Bartwoski. Funny…all the clues where there right in front of my eyes but I was too oblivious to notice because I was busy acting all cool in front of my friend…or whatever constitutes cool back then. As I left the office, I couldn’t help but feel a nagging sensation that something was wrong with my dad…either that or the stinging after effects of being hit by the dodgeball in the side of the face. You know its sad not that they’ll done away with such a fun sport like dodgeball because parents today are worried their kids today are getting hurt…shakes head…times have changed. Dodgeball…tag…what’s next red rover? Anyways…after school Morgan and I decided to walk home instead of taking the bus. We didn’t mind the walk because it gave us time to further debate on who would actually win in a fight Godzilla or Vultron. After 30 minutes of non-stopping debating we ended up back at courtyard.
The scene flashes back to the courtyard where Chuck walks around the fountain while Morgan walks steps up and walk on the flat edge playfully balancing him on it leading chuck to pretend to push him over. As they Morgan jumps down Chuck stops, turns around, and looks at him.
Chuck: This debate is never going to be settled.
Morgan: I agree…then we should settle it another way.
Chuck: What rock…paper…scissors?
Morgan: No…by playing Mike Tyson’s Punchout.
Chuck: It’s only a 1 player game.
Morgan: Here’s the deal…whoever gets to Mike Tyson and beats him wins the debate between Godzilla and Vultron.
Chuck: points at Morgan Your on!
Cut to the inside of the Casa Bartowski with the shot of the front door where Chuck and Morgan enter playfully boxing each other entering the house. As they enter, Chuck sees Ellie sitting on the couch comforting her mother who has been visibly crying evident by the number of crumpled up tissues strewn about the floor.
Chuck: Ellie…mom…what’s wrong…what going on?
Rose: tears streaming down her face It’s…your…father.
Chuck looks at Morgan who has no clue what is going on leading him to look at his older sister.
Chuck: El?
With tears in her eyes Ellie gets up and walks over to her little brother.
Ellie: Chuck…he’s gone.
Chuck: look at Ellie He went on a business trip…looks at his mom…he’ll be back soon.
Ellie: No Chuck…he left us.
Upon hearing those words, Chuck drops his book bag and runs to his parents room where he opens his dad’s drawers to find it empty with only mothballs rolling around and when he opens the closet he finds his dad’s side empty as well. A look of disbelief comes over Chuck’s face as a sense of realization comes to him leading him to close his eyes. The scene ends with Chuck standing there not saying a word with his hands gradually rolling up into a fist as a single tear rolls down his cheek.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the living room of Casa Bartowski where Chuck walked into the house finding his mom and sister in tears. They inform him that their father left them leading Chuck to not believe them at first, but soon realizes it’s for real as he sees for himself that his father’s things are no longer there. Chuck walks into camera past Morgan who is sitting down at the counter not having any idea what to do and after a second or two of pacing around he leading speaks up as Ellie continues to comfortable their mom.
Chuck: This can’t be true.
Ellie: Wake up Chuck…dad skipped out on us.
Chuck: No…shakes head…he wouldn’t do that.
Ellie: Why do you have to be so stubborn!
Chuck walks up to Ellie on the couch and glares at her.
Chuck: Maybe I learned it from being around you growing up!
Ellie: You are a piece of sh…
Morgan immediately gets up waving his hands in the air and goes to pull Chuck back away leading him to stand in between the siblings as he has one hand against Chuck’s chest and the other on Ellie’s left knee.
Morgan: looks at Chuck Can’t we all just get along.
Chuck: points at Ellie She started it.
Cut to Ellie looking at where Morgan’s hand as she feel him massaging her knee leading her to speak up.
Ellie: Morgan.
Morgan turns to look with a bit of a smile on his face.
Morgan: Yeah?
Ellie: glares at Morgan Remember the no touch policy.
Morgan looks at where his hand is and quickly removes it leading him to turn to Chuck.
Morgan: Hey…you can’t help a guy for trying.
Chuck: Morgan…shut up!
Ellie: Yeah Morgan…shut up!
Morgan: holds both hands up Whoa…hold up…why am I all of a sudden the bad guy now?
Chuck and Ellie are about to respond when Rose sits up to showing her red and somewhat swollen eyes and blotchiness on the surface of her face. Rose, with a sore throat, speaks up as she wipes her nose.
Rose: Kids…leave Morgan alone…he was trying to help. Rose puts her hand out towards Morgan Morgan come here.
Morgan takes Rose’s hand leading her to pull him in to sit in between her and Ellie. As he does, Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: What happened mom?
Rose: Your father and I had an argument after you left for school…it was like he changed into someone I didn’t know.
Chuck: What…that isn’t like dad.
Rose: yells at Chuck Chuck…he said didn’t love me anymore! Rose starts to shake and shiver. I tried to ask/plead with him what I did wrong but he wasn’t listening. He just ignored me and started packing his things.
Chuck suddenly walks away and heads towards his room leaving Morgan in between Chuck’s mom who is half hugging him and Ellie who is crying and at the same trying keeping her distance from him. After a moment or two Morgan speaks up.
Morgan: Mrs. B…maybe I should go check on Chuck.
Morgan tries to get up but isn’t able to as Rose still has her arms around his neck.
Rose: Morgan…even though you’ve tried my patience many times you’ve been a good friend to my son.
Morgan: Your welcome…I think.
Rose: Please go see how Chuck is doing.
Morgan: Yes ma’am.
Morgan hops off the couch, quickly walks backwards watching Ellie scoot over to comfort her mother, and just as he turns around he trips on the step leading him to fall down off camera view. He quickly springs up leading him to turn to see Ellie give him a “you’re such an idiot” look. After a moment or two, cut to Chuck sitting at the foot of his bed with his head down and after a while Morgan opens the door leading him to knock.
Chuck: What do you want?
Morgan: You’re mom’s worried about you dude…and so am I. Ellie...she’s 50/50.
Morgan sits next to Chuck on the foot of his bed and as he does he sees that his best friend is hold the video game Mike Tyson’s Punchout in his hand.
Chuck: You know…I was pretty stoked to play this game…now I don’t feel like playing it or want to have it.
Morgan: Well…if you don’t want it…can I…maybe…Chuck quickly looks at Morgan with a glare…I’ll ask you later.
Chuck: Morgan…my dad is gone!
Morgan: I know dude…if there’s anything I can do for you, your mom, or Ellie just asks. I’ll always be there for you…through thick and thin bro.
Chuck gets up, starts pacing around the room gripping the video game in his hand, and after a while he stands in one stop not knowing what to do leading him to throw the video game against his bedroom wall just to the side of his Dune poster that it breaks apart on the floor. Cut to Chuck with a look of anger on his face leading him to tear his room apart causing Morgan to be a bit afraid because he has never seen this side of him before. As this is happening Rose and Ellie come running into the room inevitably seeing the devastation before them leading Rose to grab her son as he is just about to throw NES system on the floor.
Chuck: LET ME GO!
Rose: in tears It’s okay…rubbing his head…its okay.
Chuck is out of breathe and struggling to break free of his mother’s embrace as he continues to try to break more of his stuff that he can get his hands on. After a while, he’s tired and inevitably drops the game system that he picked up leading him to just collapse to the ground in heap as he starts crying. Rose embraces her son leading a teary eyed Ellie to quickly walk over to embrace her mother and little brother as Morgan with both hands on top of his head is seen behind them with a look of disbelief as he surveys the aftermath of what just happened. The flashback ends as it shows Chuck sitting on the lip of the black leather couch messing with the mini Zen garden and after a moment or two he drops the mini rake on the table leading him to give a painful sigh as he speaks up looking at the person off camera.
Chuck: It took me a while to calm down and…Morgan…God bless him…was scared to come near me after a while. Smiles as he shakes his head. Yet, he stood by my side and was there for not only me, but for my mom and my sister as well. As much as Ellie doesn’t want to admit it, she really appreciates all that he has done over the years and even though there are times he gets on her nerves…she cares about him. Morgan is my friend…my brother…my comedic relief when I really need to laugh and in the coming years he would be sorely needed experiencing the two most toughest and hardest situations to deal withe one being High School...the mom dying.
Chuck rubs his face and the proceeds to run his hands through his hair. The scene ends with him breathing out a sigh of exhaustion leading him to get up and walk off camera.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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