To recap what previously happened with Chuck reflecting back on his initial start at Buy More as he was interviewed by Big Mike who was eating assorted donuts. After getting hired, he escorts Chuck to Morgan who is located at the Nerd Herd desk along with Jeff, Lester, and Anna. Upon reaching the Nerd Herd desk, Big Mike bellows Morgan’s name leading to cut to Jeff, Lester, as well as, Anna hightailing out of there. Big Mike informs Morgan that he hopes he doesn’t regret hiring Chuck inevitably telling him to take him to the back to unpack some new shipments. Cut to moments later where Morgan introduces Chuck to Buymoria whereby responding with a weird look towards his hairy friend. As they enter the back Harry Tang walks into view making his presence known to the dynamic duo. In his own Harry Tang way he makes Chuck feel welcome by giving him a scowl whereby the establishing a relationship that would set the tone on how they worked together. Move forward a month later where Tang gives Chuck the newbie employee an offer to join him as one of his minions much to the chagrin of Morgan who unfortunately hears the conversation. Cut to the home theatre room where Morgan and Chuck are in a serious conversation about whether or not Chuck will join the dark side of the force. The serious conversation turns into an argument with Chuck telling Morgan that he’s immature and is hiding from the world with Morgan responding back by saying the same thing about him. Move forward where Chuck and Ellie have a conversation about what happened between the two of them leading Ellie to agree with what Morgan said. She informs him about Morgan telling her about him going to Stanford to try to patch things up with Jill, the pictures on his computer, and even the “Jill Mix” on his Ipod. After Chuck reluctantly tells Ellie he’ll be okay and not to worry about him Ellie informs his little brother that he will meet a great girl who will change his life for the better. Cut to the next day where Chuck is standing along side Harry’s minions when a commotion is heard leading Harry and Chuck to see Big Mike yell at Morgan inevitably firing him. Morgan asks why and Big Mike responds by saying there are many reasons why moving the shot immediately to a shocked look on Chuck’s face as Harry has a sinister smile on his face. Chuck looks at Harry and asks why he would go behind his back to give what he thought was confidential information between the two of them to Big Mike. Its at that point, Harry Tang reveals his true self causing Chuck to go to Big Mike to set things straight, but not before giving Harry a glaring look. Moments later in the break room Chuck walks in and sets things straight by telling Morgan he not only has his job back, but he got fired for something that he said. Cut to Chuck leaving, but before he does he helps an elderly lady with a computer problem. Harry gets wind of it and informs Big Mike who informs Chuck how the store could be liable for recently fired employees to work with customers. Harry has a big smile on his face as he advises Big Mike to hire Chuck back and then fire him, but after talking with the elderly lady Big Mike does the opposite. He not only rehires Chuck but he also puts him in charge of the Nerd Herd much to Harry’s surprise thwarting his plans for Buy More dominance. Cut to Chuck and Morgan in the break room having lunching when Chuck makes the first move to speak up. After a short reconciliation, Chuck asks about Buymoria leading Jeff and Lester to appear out of nowhere to where they close the door, as well as, lower the blinds to give them the 411 about it, but not before Morgan asks whether or not Chuck can keep a secret. Chuck informs him he still kept the secret about what happened to him concerning the Rachel Gardner Halloween Elementary School class party incident in which candy corn was shoved up his nose causing him to go the doctor. Chuck and Morgan finish reminiscing leading all three to share with Chuck the laws of Buymoria.
The scene begins with Chuck in the present walking into camera view and plopping down on the black leather couch all-the-while giving a big sigh. After a moment or two he looks up with a smile on his face and begins to speak up.
Chuck: My sister was right…shakes head…what am I saying she’s always right. I would absolutely meet a woman who would change my life for the better, but little did I know how my life would change as it led me to become a government analyst. The day before I would meet Sarah, Ellie with the help from Awesome threw me a birthday bash, which I tried to escape from with Morgan. Ellie introduced me to her friends to help take my mind of Jill, but I ended up talking about stupid things like working on my five year plan and needing to choose a font beforehand. Plus, I talked about Jill to death and needless to say I wasn’t the life of the party. Anyways, that was in the past and the day Sarah walked into my changed my life forever. I still remember Morgan saying Vickie Vale and for some reason I started badly wrapping the name while I was making a phone call. When I glanced up, dropped the phone when I saw her causing my brain to shut down for a second. I looked at Morgan and knew immediately what he was thinking just by the look in his eyes. After introductions were made, Sarah knocking our names, and us responding with a stupid comeback she needed “help” because of her cell phone knowing full well she could fix it herself being the super spy she is. At the time I didn’t know that and after fixing her phone a frantic father quickly runs up concerned about not getting her daughter’s ballet recital on tape. Now, if you’re a guy and you had a choice to continue to talk to a hot looking blonde and maybe get a phone number or help a frantic father with his daughter’s ballet dilemma and not get killed by his wife you would choose the hot blonde. Not in this case, my sense of morals in helping the father won over and I know that Sarah was touched by that, which according to her was one of the reasons that she fell in love with me. After a job well done, I was heading over to talk to her at the Nerd Herd desk when I was stopped by Harry Tang who seemingly had this uncanny timing to ruin a perfectly good moment. Harry made his usual speech about us not being stock boys anymore blah blah blah and when he left Sarah was gone. I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to talk to her more, but my furry little buddy gave me hope in the form of her business card she left at the desk. Shaking and rubbing the back of his head To be perfectly honest, I thought that would be the last I saw of Sarah…Chuckish smile…I was wrong. Cue Chuck intro.
Fade Out
The scene begins with Chuck sitting back in the black leather couch with his Chuckish smile appearing on his face. He’s lost in thought with afar look and after a moment or two he snaps out of it leading his attention to focus back on the person he’s speaking to.
Chuck: As I said…I thought that would be the last I saw of Sarah and to have something significantly personal of hers like her business card was considered a consolation prize from a woman who I clearly thought was out of my league. If you would have seen her on that particular day with her blond hair going past her shoulders as she was wearing a brown leather coat and dark blue jeans your jaw would have been in the same place mine was…points down…on the floor. Anyways…I walked back towards the nerd herd desk disappointed but at that time in my life...I expected as much.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the nerd herd desk where Chuck walks up to Morgan in somewhat of a euphoric state as he is smelling Sarah’s card.
Chuck: giving Morgan a weird look Morgan…buddy…what are you doing?
Morgan gives a breathtaking sigh of relief.
Morgan: I think she wears Chanel #5…holds it up under Chuck’s nose…smell it…what do you think?
Chuck pushes the card away from under his nose and responds to Morgan.
Chuck: Morgan…I’m not going to smell a card left by a woman who clearly is not going to be seen around here ever again.
Morgan continues to smell the card as he gives a questioning look towards his best bud.
Morgan: Why not?
Chuck: Well…holds up two fingers...two things…you could tell she was truly impressed with my rap rendition of Vickie Vale…
Morgan: chimes in Hey...chicks dig rappers…points at Chuck…especially white chicks. They get tons of them and I could tell she was diggin’ you man.
Chuck gives Morgan another weird look.
Chuck: Dude…the only thing she was diggin’ was me fixing her phone and might I add what would a drop dead gorgeous woman like that…points towards the door…see in a guy like me? Plus, after making a total idiot of ourselves with the whole my parents are sadists and you were raised by carnival freaks it would be safe to say it went downhill from there.
Morgan: Come on bro…you’re accentuating the negative instead you should be accentuating the positive.
Chuck: Oh really…tell me Perry Como…how should I be accentuating the positive?
Morgan quickly holds up Sarah’s card in front of his eyes.
Morgan: sly smile Call her dude.
Chuck: points finger in the air That leads me to the second thing…she probably has tons of guys asking her out all the time and then you have a guy like me…well…let’s just say it’s a step down on the type of guy she usually goes for.
Morgan: Dude…what do you have to lose…raises the card in front of his face…call her.
As he says that, Jeff and Lester walk up to the nerd herd desk.
Lester: Whose Chuck going to call…looks at Jeff…and if you say Ghostbusters Jeffrey I will slap you.
Cut to Jeff who has this disappointed look on his face leading the shot to go back to Morgan.
Morgan: Sarah…the hot blonde with the broken phone that he was able to fix earlier. Chuck should ask her out.
Upon saying that, Jeff and Lester laugh causing Chuck and Morgan to look at the two.
Jeff: She’s out of your league.
Lester: Truer dat.
Lester and Jeff give an obligatory fist tap leading Morgan to respond.
Morgan: For get those two…holds up card…carpe diem dude.
Cut to an up close shot of Chuck looking at the card leading him to respond.
Chuck: I don’t know…
As he says that, Jeff swipes it from Morgan’s hand and looks at it with a smirk on his face.
Jeff: I’ll call her.
As he says that, Lester swipes the card from Jeff.
Lester: Breathing on the phone doesn’t constitute calling her…no…with a smug look Lester continues on…she’s looking for a guy like me who is suave, ruggedly handsome, and…
As he is about to finish what he’s about to say, Morgan grabs back the card and immediately chimes in.
Morgan: Totally delusion...Morgan gives a look to both Jeff and Lester leading him to look at Chuck as he holds Sarah’s card up…how about it buddy?
Cut to Chuck with a contemplative look on his face and after a moment or two he takes the card.
Chuck: points to Morgan I’ll think about it.
Cut to Morgan with a big smile on his face as he slaps his bosom buddy on his right arm.
Morgan: I’m proud of you man…things are going to turn around for you…I can feel it and it’s going to start with Sarah.
As he says that, all 4 hear Big Mike’s voice calling for Morgan from his office leading Jeff and Lester to vamoose from the nerd herd desk. Morgan gives one more reassuring put on Chuck’s right arm as he heads towards Big Mike’s office. Chuck nods at Morgan and as he watches his bearded friend walk off he holds Sarah’s card up cutting to a close up to the card then to Chuck’s face. The scene ends with a bit of smile on his face, puts the card in his shirt pocket, and then walks off camera.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present as Chuck is sitting on the black leather couch as he shakes his head letting out a small laugh. He hangs his head, rubs the back of his neck, and after a few seconds he looks up to continue speaking.
Chuck: Morgan was initially right…things were going to turn around for me when it came to Sarah and it would be not only be in a good way but also in a bad way too. After my initial meeting with Sarah, things started to happen…strange and weird things… like a ninja trying to steal my computer tower and Morgan wasn’t much help as he added to me getting beat up trying at best to thwart a robbery. We both ended up on knocked out and in a precarious position that I don’t want to ever again be in with my best friend. A ninja in my house was weird enough…but to run into a Serbian Demolition expert named Vuc Audric at Large Mart was not only weirder…but also very scary for me. I did the only I know I could do…freak out and find someone who would believe me that there is a foreign military guy who is trained in blowing up building down in one of your isles. Shakes head. Yeah…as crazy as that sounded at the time I thought I was crazy and the lady I talked to thought so as well. Anyways…I went back to Buy More, sat down, put my head down, and kept repeating I’m losing my mind over and over. It was at that point, Sarah would show up again much to my surprise. When I looked it standing there wearing pink dress shirt provocatively opened up showing a gold necklace, grey skirt, black belt, and black shoes …shakes head…anyways I thought it was another phone problem and she responded with a resounding yes. However, it wasn’t her phone that was the problem as she was apparently disappointed in me not calling her which at the time blew my mind. The situation was awkwardly uncomfortable enough with her standing there, but to make it even more awkwardly uncomfortable was Morgan cheering me on in his own way. Next thing I know…Sarah is asking me to show her around and seeing if I was free in which Morgan responded for me. All I could do was smile and just as I was about to give Morgan a look he made himself scarce to supposedly help a customer. When I turned back we both smiled at each other and on the inside I as usual was totally freaking out because I was going on a date with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. When she left Morgan quickly ran over to me with the biggest smile on his little bearded face.
Upon saying that, the scene flashes back to the nerd herd desk where Morgan runs up to Chuck elated that his best friend has just scored a date with the hot blonde Sarah.
Morgan: Way to go buddy…I knew things would turn around for you and to top it off she asked you out so the ole' Bartowski charm must have worked on her. Proudly puts his right hand on Chuck’s left shoulder as he gets a bit choked up. My boy is growing up…bites his bottom lip as he looks the other way…I’m so proud of you man.
Chuck playfully pushes Morgan to the side.
Chuck: You know if the date goes wrong…points at Morgan…it’s your fault.
Morgan: waves hands Yeah…yeah…now with Sarah in the picture maybe you can move on from what J…Chuck quickly looks at Morgan leading him to quickly correct himself…you know what’s her name did to you and move on with Sarah.
Chuck puts his right hand on Morgan’s left shoulder.
Chuck: Listen…I know you’re looking out for my best interests in all and trying to help get back in the game after what happened between me and...what I’m saying is I just don’t think I’m ready yet.
Morgan: Yes YOU are…so man up because you deserve this. If not for you do it for me.
Chuck gives a weird look towards Morgan.
Chuck: You!? Why you?
Morgan: I live vicariously through you and if you’re happy I’m happy.
Chuck: Fine…I’ll do it but don’t get your hopes up Morg.
Morgan: It’s not my hopes that should be up dude…it’s yours.
Chuck: shrugs shoulders If you say so.
Morgan: I do say so and if your date with Sarah tonight goes well…elbowing Chuck in his side as her raises his eyebrows up and down…there’s going to much more than just your hopes up tonight.
Chuck quickly looks at Morgan who has a sly smile on his face leading him to respond with a stern tone.
Chuck: Morgan
Morgan holds both hands up in front of him as Chuck turns around to go back to work.
Morgan: Okay…okay…hold on…just tell me one thing.
Chuck stops and turns back to look at Morgan.
Chuck: What?
Morgan: Are you going to at least bring some protection…just in case if you happen to get lucky. Cut to Chuck just staring at Morgan. What!? Better safe than sorry man.
Chuck walks away leading the shot to cut back to Morgan who is standing waiting for his answer with a smirk on his face. The scene ends as he watches his best friend head towards the break room shaking his head to where it cuts back to Morgan who excitedly shaking his fists in front of him.
Fade Out
The scene begins back in the present with Chuck walking into camera view holding a bottle of water. He paces back and forth taking several sips all-the-while glancing at the person who he’s speaking to leading him to set the bottle on the table. He then sits down on the black leather couch and cracks his neck a few times. After a moment or two Chuck speaks up.
Chuck: Morgan was happier than I was that as he put it scored a date with a hot blonde. To be perfectly honest I wasn’t expecting fireworks to happen with Sarah because at the time I was still floored that a beautiful woman like her asked me out. Granted…she’s a spy doing a job to in a way recruit me into the business but I didn’t know that at the time. Anyways…if you think Morgan was happy for me that I had a date you would imagine how my sister Ellie would take hearing the news. Knowing Morgan he would call Ellie about the good news and as soon as I got home she would be jumping all over me excited that her little brother is finally putting the past behind him and getting on with him all-the-while Devon congratulating me in his own awesome way. Sakes head No…I wanted to tell her in person so I could see the look on her face.
As he says that, the scene flashes back to the façade of Casa Bartowski and then cut to the courtyard where Chuck and Morgan walk in. They are in the middle of a conversation as they reach the fountain concerning Sarah when Chuck stops, stands in front of Morgan, and speaks to him.
Chuck: I know this is a big deal…
Morgan: It IS a big deal…lightly hits Chuck in the chest…a humongous deal dude. Out of a possible ten…she’s way off the charts man.
Chuck: Don’t you think I know that…it kinda freaks me out.
Morgan: Chuck…this opportunity doesn’t come along very often especially when it comes to this girl Sarah.
Chuck: points at Morgan You had mostly to do with it you know.
Morgan: You’re welcome by the way.
Chuck: I never thought I would go on date with someone like her.
Morgan: If you think about it, she’s Padme to your Anekin Skywalker. You two were pre-destined to meet my friend.
Chuck: Pre-destined…I think that’s a bit far fetched Morg. Besides…Anakin ended up in a way killing Padme because she was so heartbroken over him.
Morgan: So what’s your point?
Chuck: I don’t want to be the guy who ends up “killing her” because I was too emotionally attached to her.
Morgan: Dude…then think of it this way she’s Princess Lea to your Han Solo.
Chuck: Morgan…I consider myself more like Luke Skywalker than Han Solo.
Morgan: No…you’re Han Solo because if you’re Luke Skywalker then you would be dating your sister.
Chuck: You got a point.
Morgan: Besides, I think of myself as Han Solo type…
Chuck: chimes in More like Chewbacca if you ask me.
Morgan and Chuck share a laugh and after a brief moment Morgan speaks up with a look of seriousness in his eyes.
Morgan: The force is with you my young padawan learner.
Chuck gives a hint of laughter inevitably responding to his best friend.
Chuck: Ok Morgan Wan Kenobi…what do you sense in me.
Morgan: I sense much fear in you.
Chuck: Of course there is much fear in me…turns around, walks a few feet, and then turns back to look at Morgan…I’m freaking out because I really want the date to go well.
Morgan walks up to Chuck and puts his right hand on Chuck’s left shoulder as he looks up at his best friend.
Morgan: It will be dude and you’ll do great.
Chuck: gives his Chuckish smile Thanks man.
Morgan: No problem. Chuck and Morgan reach the door when Morgan speaks up. Hey…do you know what I’m also sensing?
Chuck: What?
Morgan: That you’re going to have the most memorable night of your life with Sarah…trust me on that.
Chuck gives a nod to his best bud and before he turns to open the door to Casa Bartowski he turns back to Morgan.
Chuck: Wait here…I don’t want you running in and telling Ellie about the date.
Morgan: You have my word.
Chuck opens the door and enters in but not before giving Morgan one more look as he motions for him to stay put. The scene ends with Chuck walking in, standing in front of a seated Ellie and Awesome, and just as he’s about to tell them Morgan runs, jumps on Chuck blurting out the good news.
Fade Out
The scene begins in the present once again with Chuck sitting on the black leather couch. He takes a swig from his bottled water and then places it back on the table in front of him. After a brief moment he speaks up.
Chuck: Morgan was right…I had the most memorable night I had in life. It literally changed my life both in a good way and in a bad way. The date started out well with Sarah and I talking at a Mexican themed restaurant.
I got to know a little about her and thinking back on it there was a bit of truth in what she said as she moved from DC in order to not remind herself of her past relationship, which we all know wasn’t a guy named Bruce. During the conversation, she was talking about how much baggage she was bringing with and for some reason I said I would be her very own baggage handler.
Needless to say there was awkward silence at the table and looking back on it I don’t regret what I said because I have essentially been carefully handling Sarah’s emotional baggage. Anyways, the date continued on with us going to a club to listen to some good bands and do a little dancing. Well…she more than I as I just stood there praying to God that I don’t pass out from her grinding on me. Just when I thought things couldn’t any crazier…enter Casey. Its at that point my life changed as we ran out of the club, got into my car, and started being chased by what I thought were bad dudes who ended up crashing into the nerd herder. Sarah and I escaped, but not before she threw one of her concealed knives with pin point accuracy in order to stop Casey from running her over. Thankfully she was okay or I wouldn’t be sitting her right now. In any case, all three of us ended up on top of some helipad where it was revealed to me that Bryce was a spy, which blew my mind. At that point, I just wanted to get out of there but they needed my help because Vuc Audric was planting a bomb in order to eliminate General Stanfield. To make a long story short the bomb was defused thanks to a little help from Morgan providing me with the means to do it by way of uploading the Irene Demova virus on the computer. I defused a bomb…it took a while for me to sink in but I soon realized that my life seriously changed when I walked up on Casey and Sarah arguing about what not only to do with me, but also with my family. As freaked out as I was, I told them that they needed me not the other way around. So I walked off and spent the rest of the night walking to try to clear my mind to where I ended up sitting on the beach thinking till the sun rose up. Sarah eventually sat beside me, we talked about how I should keep my spy job a secret from them, and she ended saying something that has sat with me even to this day. She basically said she needed me to trust her and as much as it was hard for me to do so at that exact moment I did. It was hard to explain to a concerned Sarah and seemingly happy Morgan, but they understood after Sarah gave me a reasonable lie to explain to them with the moment ending with a group hug. I tried to get my mind off things at work but it was hard because I not only saw Sarah there, but also Casey who was hired by Big Mike and I was the guy to train him…oh joy. If looks could kill, I would be dead on the spot with how Casey staring at me. At that point, Team Chuck was born and things would never be same for me ever again.
Fade To Black
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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