[The opening scene is a shot of Los Angeles and you hear the song We’ve Got A World That Swings by Mel Torme(See Below)Click and you then cut to casa Bartowski. The song continues on and we get a glimpse of Chuck singing in front of the mirror along to the song with a comb in his hand representing a microphone. The wannabe crooner snaps his fingers to the ditty as he does some slick moves and at the same time he’s doing that Sarah is smiling as she watches him. The look on her face reads that she is very impressed and is tickled at the moves Chuck is doing. Chuck turns around when the song reaches it climatic end sees Sarah standing there causing him to throw the comb]
Sarah: [Clapping]Wow Chuck! I did not know you can sing?
Chuck: [with Chuckish smile] Hey Sarah…well just like you…there’s certain things that you don’t know about me that I like to keep secret as well.
Sarah: Does Ellie, Awesome, Morgan and the rest of the guys know about your talent?
Chuck: [hurries to the door, looks in the hallway, and then closes it] Ellie does…Awesome. a little…Morgan…not so much…and I want to keep it that way?
Sarah: Why? Chuck, you are really talented guy…you shouldn’t be embarrassed by it.
Chuck: [talking too quickly]I’m deathly afraid of crowds...it goes by to my childhood and my eighth grade recital…[cut to Chuck’s face as he remembers back and shivers]…I’m never wearing white paints again.
Sarah:[confused look on her face] Anyways…I came to get you…Beckman is waiting for us in Casey’s apartment…
Chuck: [Chuck cuts off Sarah]Let me guess…another mission…with the possibility of me staying in the car again?
[Sarah drags Chuck to Casey’s apartment and then cut to all three in the middle of a Beckman briefing Team Chuck on their next mission. A picture of The Dandridge Hotel is shown, as well as, two men, one of which Chuck immediately flashes on. He sees images of stolen government secrets, military weapons, piano, background singers, a tux, a stage, and man whose name is Martin Dean]
Chuck: [snaps out of it and chimes in before Beckman speaks]That’s Martin Dean…a former defense analyst whose genius mind has created unheard of military weapons. The FBI has been tacking his moveents as of late because he’s been making deals that are considered suspicious. Deals that are legit to the eyes of world, but to the FBI, CIA, NSA, Interpol....there’s something fishy going on
Casey: You never cease to amaze me Bartwoski…how much info is actually stored in that cranium of yours you call a head?
[Chuck looks at Casey]
Beckman: Impressive Mr. Bartowksi. That leads to the mission at hand. It will be at the Dandridge Hotel.
Sarah: General…I distinctly remember that The Sinatra Lounge is located within the Dandridge Hotel. My thinking is that my cover should be a cocktail waitress, Casey is the bartender, and Chuck…a lounge singer[Chuck quickly looks at Sarah and immediately starts freaking out]
Beckman: [raises right eyebrow] Mr. Bartowski...do you sing?
[Chuck raises his finger and is about to say something when Sarah chimes in]
Sarah: Yes he does General…he is an excellent singer.
[Casey looks at Chuck and starts smiling]
Beckman: Well then…you have your assignment. We’ll have your background cover story ready when you get there…Good luck.
Casey: [looks at chuck and grins]I’m going to enjoy this…I should probably bring my video camera…you know for posterity reasons.
[Cut to Chuck looking anxiety ridden with a half hearted smile on his face. Cue Chuck Intro]
[The scene opens at the beautiful Dandridge Hotel and then cut to Chuck backstage of the Sinatra Lounge hyperventilating into a paper bag. You then see Casey and Sarah walk backstage, see chuck, and talk to him]
Casey: Game time Bartowski!
[Chuck’s eyes widen and looking as if he’s about to pass out]
Sarah: [Grabs Chuck and talks to him]Chuck! Breathe…look at me…remember you’re not Chuck Bartowski…you are Chaz Carmichael lounge singer. Remember…Chaz Carmichael.
Chuck: [Talking quickly]Sarah..I cant…I can’t…
[Sarah slaps him across the face]
Chuck: Did you just slap me in the face?
Sarah: Focus! Intel said that Martin Dean goes by a set schedule and usually arrives for his drink at the bar promptly at 8pm. He then meets with his contact at 9pm. So we need you to stay alert. Just have fun.
Chuck: What if I can’t?
Casey: [with menacing look]I’ll slap you in the face…over and over again until you do.[smiles at Chuck]
Sarah: [smiles at Chuck]Relax Chuck…you’re public awaits.
[Cut to Chuck stumbling on stage trying to work the microphone with Casey and Sarah looking on. Chuck looks at the piano player, drummer, and then at the backup singers. He starts freaking out when he looks out at the audience, but when he sees Sarah smiling he calms down and starts to slowly but surely belting out tunes. Cut to Martin Dean walking in 8pm on the dot and sitting at the bar. Casey walks up to him]
Casey: What will you have sir?
Dean:Scotch on the rocks and make it a double.
Casey: Yes sir…coming right up[looks at Sarah]
[An hour later enter Dean’s contact. They move from the bar to a secluded table to talk. The scene ends with Chuck trying to sing piano man by Billy Joel and Sarah getting as close as possible to hear Dean and his contact]
[The scene begins several days after the first night in Casey’s apartment as Team Chuck debriefs Beckman on their first night of surveillance]
Beckman: Did you get any leads?
Sarah:Not much General…we’re going back tonight for more intel.
Casey: It was more of happy hour than business General. Hopefully we’ll know more by tonight.
Beckman: Where is the talented Mr. Bartowski?
Sarah: He’s practicing a few songs…I think he’s starting to have fun with it. He’s actually fitting into the cover of Chaz Carmichael quite well.
Casey: [usual gruff voice]A little too well
Beckman: [intrigued look on her face] Explain Agent Casey
Casey:He put a tip jar on the piano and is now starting to become so confident he’s winking at people. He winked at me yesterday…[looks at Sarah]…I don’t like it when people wink at me.
[Sarah and Beckman both smile]
Beckman: Keep the surveillance going and report back what you find[Screen goes off]
[Cut to Chuck in his room singing. Morgan walks in with a look of confusion]
Morgan: What are you doing?
Chuck: Nothing…what do you think I’m doing?
Morgan: It looks like you’re busting out tunes to the greatest hits of Neil Sedaka.
Chuck: [nervously defensive]Can’t a guy just listen to some Neil Sedaka in the privacy of his own room?
Morgan: Who are you and what have you done with Chuck? [Morgan thinks out loud invasion of the body snatchers]Where is Chuck…tell me now![pulls chucks hair]
Chuck: [slaps Morgan’s hand away]Hey that hurt! Okay…look…[brings Morgan closer in] The reason I’m doing this is because I want to do something special for Sarah. Things haven’t been going so well between us…so I want to make it up to her.
Morgan: [smile on his face]I gotcha bro…trying to score some major points with the lady…I respect that my friend…my lips our sealed.
[Morgan and Chuck tap fists. He then spots Ellie walking down the hall and chases after her. Chuck continues to practice his song that he’s performing for tonight]
[The scene begins in the Sinatra Lounge with all the patrons waiting for Chaz Carmichael to perform on stage. Martin Dean and his contact are again sitting at the same secluded table but this time Casey bugged their booth. You then see chuck walking to the middle of the stage wearing a tux with the tie untied and he grabs a stool to sit Sarah is working the tables when she stops to look at Chuck. He taps the microphone]
Chuck: Good evening ladies and gentlemen…welcome to the Sinatra Lounge. I’m your entertainment for tonight Chaz Carmichael and please don’t forget to tip your waitress.[winks at Sarah and she blushes]
[The lights lower, the drummer/guitarist start playing, and the background singers start wooing]
Chuck:Before I begin, I would like to dedicate this song to a very special lady. So Sarah…actually any woman out there whose name is Sarah…this one is for you.
[Chuck begins singing Hall and Oats Sarah Smile (See Below)During the song you cut to all the women in the audience becoming overwhelmingly touched…including Sarah whose eyes are glued on to Chuck. Cut to Casey whose mouth is wide open in amazement. After about three and a half minutes the song is over leading to the audience standing to applaud the performance]
Chuck: [waves hands in air]Thank you….thank you.
[Walks over to the bar where Casey and Sarah are at]
Chuck: So…[looks at Casey and Sarah]…what do we got on Dean and his contact…anything?
[Sarah stares at chuck whiling smiling like a school girl but then snaps out of it]
Sarah: Ummm…yeah Dean…right. Well, we’re close to taking him down.
Casey: Bartowski…I know I bust your chops…a lot
Chuck: [nodding head]Yes…you are a chopbuster
Casey: I have to say….I have a whole new respect for you.
Chuck: [smiling]Really!?
Casey: No[turns his attention to monitoring the bug at Dean’s table]
[Chuck stops smiling and gives Casey a glare]
Sarah: Chuck that was beautiful.
Chuck: Well I just sang it…give all the credit to Hall and Oates who wrote it.
Casey:[Eyebrows go up]Chuck…Sarah…its going down now. [points to the stage]Chuck…go sing something while we take Dean and his contact down.
Chuck: What do I sing?
Casey: I don’t care…sing I’m a little teapot for all I care…just sing something.
Chuck:You know….with that attitude you don’t deserve a wink from me.
[Casey growls at Chuck]
[Chuck hops on Stage and talks to the audience]
Chuck: Okay ladies and gentlemen…this will be my final song of the night.
[As he starts to sing one by one lighters start to click on and being waved back and forth. You then cut to Sarah and Casey arresting Dean and his contact. They bring both of them out in the cover of darkness as Chuck sings. You then hear Dean say wait..stop…I want to hear him sing. He’s such a great and talented singer to which Sarah responds by saying with a smile on her face…yes he certainly is]
[Scene begins in the courtyard as Chuck is doing some crooner moves wearing a fedora. He starts flipping it and then placing it on his head. Sarah walks up and talks to Chuck]
Sarah: Am I interrupting anything?
[Chuck drops the fedora and then Sarah picks it up]
Chuck: Hey Sarah…nah I was just having some fun.
Sarah:[laughs]A little too much fun[smiling at Chuck and puts fedora on Chuck’s head]
Chuck: Thanks[smiling at Sarah]
Sarah: For what?
Chuck: For pushing me to do something that I was deathly afraid of. I would have never been able to conquer my fear if it wasn’t for you. You know…I consider you one classy dame in my book.[taps her chin]
Sarah: [smiles]Thanks…Can I ask you a question?
Chuck: Shoot
Sarah: [gives that all-too-familiar look]Were you referring to me as the special lady who you dedicated the song to?
[Chuck looks into her eyes, smiles at her, takes the fedora off his head, and puts its on her head]
The final scene ends with Sarah and Chuck walking side by side as they’re walking towards Ellie’s apartment. The camera slowly pans back and the song Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra plays. (See below)
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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