[The opening scene begins where the season finale cliffhanger ended. Casey just hit Clark with his car and knock him out saving Chuck from certain demise. The fireworks go off in celebration of a new year and Casey gets a call from General Beckman that he is ordered to eliminate Chuck. The scene starts off with a close up of Casey’s weapon and Chuck in the background. Casey walks slowly towards a now standing Chuck who looks at him giving that Chuckish smile we all know so well. Casey raises his weapon and points it at Chuck]
Chuck: [holding both hands in the air]Casey…buddy…what are you doing?
Casey: I’m sorry…orders are orders
Chuck: [yells]WAIT!
[Casey pulls the trigger and all you see is a close of the gun barrel smoking, as well as, Casey’s cold dead eyes. The scene fades out from the beach and then fades in to a cemetery where you see Chuck’s family and friends are all wearing black. As the camera pulls back you see a casket with Chuck’s picture close by, the name Charles Levi Bartowski, and at the bottom his birth/death date. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins at C.I.A headquarter a week after Chuck’s death with Casey and Sarah talking to Graham and Beckman. They debrief their superiors on the failed mission leading to Sarah to quit her job by handing in her badge/I.D. and gun, but not before uncovering the conspiracy to eliminate Chuck by Casey and General Beckman. She takes Casey and General Beckman down. For her sworn testimony against Casey and Beckman to the FBI she was given a plea bargain that would not let her see the inside of jail cell, sit on death row for that matter for her past actions as a spy, or testify because of her cooperation with the FBI as she gave them detailed records/secret audio she copied from Casey that happened to be leaked to the media, which caused an all out firestorm. Cut to a month later at a very solemn and somber Casa Bartowski where Morgan, Ellie, Awesome, Anna, Lou, Jeff and Lester are in the living room. They are talking about how great a guy Chuck was and how he made a difference in each of their lives. You then see a news report of General Beckman on trial for conspiring to eliminate the late Charles Levi Bartowski. They then hear from a reporter that Agent John Casey will stand trial for manslaughter and after giving a few details Lester turns off the tv. All of a sudden you hear a knock on the door and when Morgan opens it Sarah is standing there and from looking at her eyes she’s been crying]
Morgan: [with a angered look on his face]What are you doing here?
[As she is about to say something Ellie pushes aside Morgan]
Ellie: [with tears in her eyes and anger in her voice]Go away…you have the nerve to show up here...you’ve lied to my family and because of that my brother is dead. I trusted you and now…he’s gone…GO away!!
[Awesome runs up and pulls back Ellie to hug her as she balls her eyes out]
Awesome: [consoling Ellie]Calm down Babe
Sarah: [with sadness in her voice]I’m sorry…if I had the power to bring him back I would…but…
Ellie: [breaks free from Awesome and gets in Sarah’s face] BUT WHAT! HUH! You worked for the C.I.A. and you put my brother’s life on the line. Even better your former partner Casey…killed Chuck in cold blood because he had something in his head that Bryce sent to him. Oh speaking of Bryce…he’s alive…and best of all he’s C.I.A. as well. How am I doing so far? Should I go on?
Sarah:You have every right to be angry…
Ellie: You haven’t seen me angry...[stops to compose herself]…Can I ask you one question”
Sarah: [trying to compose herself as well] What is it?
Ellie: Did you really love Chuck?
Sarah:[without even thinking]Yes…with all my heart.
Ellie: [with resounding resentment]The man you love…my brother…is dead and the man responsible for pulling the trigger is sitting in some prison cell right now. You know what…I’m done…as far as I am concerned YOU, Casey, Bryce, the C.I.A, General Beckman can all go to hell for all I care.
[cut to Sarah who was about to say something but is stopped with a harsh slap in the face. Sarah walks away holding her cheek and tears are just streaming down her face]
[The scene begins that night with Sarah in her apartment sitting on her bed crying as she looks at old pictures of her and Chuck together. She smiles as she remembers a montage of shared moments with him. She then flashes back to the fateful New Years morning as if it was yesterday with Casey reviving her after Clark sprayed something to knock her out]
Casey: [kneeling over Sarah]Walker, are you all right?
Sarah: [groggy]Yeah…I’m fine…
Casey:[helps her to her feet]Do you know what happened?
Sarah: [thinking as she tries to keep her balance] All I remember is opening the door thinking the pizza guy was here and after that was a blur
Casey: That’s all you can remember?
Sarah: [looks around]Yeah….Where’s Chuck?
Casey: [with a serious look on his face] Walker…Clark was an assassin. We should have checked deeper into his background. We got careless
Sarah: What!? Casey…Where’s Chuck!?
Casey: Maybe we should take you to see the doctor first.
Sarah: [getting annoyed] I’m okay…answer my question. Stop stalling Casey.
Casey: [looking remorseful]I didn’t get to him in time.
Sarah: [grabs Casey] Where is CHUCK!
Casey: [looks her in the eyes] He’s dead…Clark killed him.
Sarah: [voice trembling]No…I don’t believe you. You’re lying
Chuck: [calming her down]Walker…look at me. I’m not joking…Chuck is dead.
Sarah: [gives a small hysterical laughs]This is a cruel practical joke even for you Casey.
Casey: [giving a look of seriousness]I wish it was Walker…he’s gone.
Sarah: [with tears of anger forming in her eyes]Where’s Clark? Is he alive? Can we talk to him?
Casey: [sighing]I took him out…he shot at me…it was either me or him.
Sarah: So what does that mean for us?
Casey: The mission…We no longer have the intersect to protect. I’ll call Beckman and Graham.
[Cut to Sarah is in absolute shock and as she stands up her emotions that she’s kept locked within her heart for Chuck overwhelmed her to the point she just let it all out. The flashback is over and you see Sarah back in bed in her apartment as she cries herself to sleep]
[The scene begins the next day as Sarah walks into the U.S. Department of Justice: The Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles, California where Casey is detained. You then cut to Sarah sitting down in a chair in front of a window and after a minute or two Casey walks in wearing an orange jumpsuit with wrist/ankle bracelets. She motions for him to pick up the phone]
Casey: Hey Walker…sorry I couldn’t put on something nicer.
Sarah: [look of confusion and anger]Casey…why did you do it?
Casey: Unlike you Walker…I can obey orders.
Sarah: Why Chuck? He didn’t do anything to you?
Casey: [looks straight into Sarah’s eyes]Remember what I said to you…The choice we made to protect something bigger than ourselves is the right choice.
Sarah: You made the wrong choice.
Casey: [screams out]I made the choice for the good of our country.
Sarah: [shaking her head and pointing at Casey]That’s a load of crap and you know that!
Casey: [intense look on face and slamming his fist on the table]Look…you compromised yourself by letting your emotions take over and there were countless times where I should have turned you in, but I didn’t.
Sarah: [confused]Why didn’t you?
Casey: [thinks but then changes the subject]Look Walker I know you hate me…
[Sarah cuts him off]
Sarah: I don’t hate you Casey…I’m past hate. I just feel sorry for you because the one man who made an absolute difference in our lives is the same man you killed…his blood is on your hands…and you have to live with that.
[Casey doesn’t say a word as he sits there letting Sarah’s stinging words sink in. He then asks Sarah a question]
Casey: Did you love Chuck?
Sarah: With every fiber of my being
Casey: [In a moment of weakness]He loved you to…
Sarah: [starts tearing up]How do you know?
Casey: Come on walker…it doesn’t take being a spy to figure it out…I could see it in his eyes…I could see it in yours too…give me credit Walker…He loved you.
[Before Casey is taken back to his cell he says something to Sarah]
Casey: Remember when you asked me if I ever dreamed of having a normal life with a family?
Sarah: [looks at Casey and nods]I remember
Casey: My answer…yes I did.
[Cut to Sarah actually mustering a smile after exeperiencing anguish and turmoil that has been brewing within her heart and soul. She gets up, looks at Casey one last time before she sees him at his trial, and then leaves]
[The scene begins in Casey’s jail cell as he sits there mulling over all that has happened to him. He then flashes back to that fateful day of shooting Chuck, wiping the gun off in order to put in Clark’s hands so he would be thought to be responsible for his death, and then calling Beckman to confirm the task had been completed. Casey has his head down and running his hands through his hair when he hears a familiar voice]
Chuck: Hey Casey…nice jumpsuit…
[Casey is startled as he looks up to see Chuck in a white suit]
Casey: Bartowski…you’re…you’re
Chuck: [chuckles]I’m dead…yeah I know…sucks to be me.
Casey:[Looks around and rubs his eyes]Am I imagining things…Am I going crazy here?
Chuck: Relax…I’m only in your head.
Casey: [Confused] You are?
Chuck: [smiles]I’ve always been in your head Casey. That was the one thing you never wanted to happen because you were the type of guy that didn’t let anyone get to you and look how that turned out.
Casey: So…how are you doing?
Chuck: [laughs]I’m dead…how do you think I’m doing.
Casey: You look good for a dead man.
Chuck: [checks himself out] Yeah…thanks...got a new haircut...I’ve been doing some ab crunches…a few pull ups…some weight training…there’s an excellent gym in heaven…I have a lifetime membership[pulls out card] Its signed by the man upstairs.
Casey: [gives a low laugh] What do you want Bartowski?
Chuck: [walks up to Casey]It know it wasn’t your fault…you were just following orders.
Casey: I’m sorry…Chuck
[Casey goes to hug Chuck]
Chuck: Let it out buddy…ok…don’t stain the jacket…it’s a J.C. original.
Casey: [grins] I never told you this but I wanted to let you know…I consider you my friend.
Chuck: Now that wasn’t hard to say was it?
Casey: A little…I almost hurled there a minute.
Chuck: [checks his Rolex watch]Its time for me to go.
[Chuck walks to the middle of the cell and turns around]
Casey: [looks at him sticks his arms out to his sides, tilts his head up, and closes his eyes] What are you doing?
Chuck: [with his eyes closed]I’m trying to make a dramatic exit. Are my feet off the ground?
Casey: [looks]Nope
Chuck: Dang it…[takes out angel manual handbook]…Hold on a minute...I'm kinda new a this…[stops and looks at Casey]Look…I came hear to say something to you.
Casey: [intrigued]What?
Chuck: [walks over, puts his hand on his shoulder, and smiles] I forgive you.
Casey: [smiling]Thanks…
Chuck: Oh!…I need you to do one more thing for me.
Casey: What?
Chuck: Wake up
[At that exact moment Casey wakes up to the guard telling him that its time for him to go. They place wrist and ankle chains on him and escort him out of his cell to court where he will be tried for the murder of his friend]
[The scene beings with a shot of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles, California and outside you can see thralls of media sprawled out. Helicopters are flying everywhere and then you cut to the trial in progress as you see the jury, then a close up of Casey in a suit sitting at a defense desk with his lawyer at his side. You then see a shot of Director Graham away from Ellie, Awesome, Morgan, Anna, Jeff, Lester, Lou, and Big Mike who sitting in the background on the other side of Casey. In the back, you see Sarah sitting there trying not to call attention to herself.]
Prosecutor: Isn’t it true you were one that pulled the trigger that took the life of Charles Bartowski?
Casey: Yes it is
Prosecutor: Isn’t it also true…you were ordered by your superior General Beckman to in eliminate him when this…[reading over notes]…new beta version of the intersect was in her own words fully operational?
Casey: That is correct
Prosecutor: I think this pretty cut and dry your honor, I have no further questions.
[Just as he says that Bryce Larkin burst in the room causing a commotion. Sarah and Ellie are both shocked and angry that he had the audacity to show his face]
Bryce: You honor…[looking around]…I should be the one on trial also…its my fault…I’m responsible for Chuck’s death…I sent him the intersect.
[Judge Mason tells the guards to place him into custody and they sit him on the stand]
[Cut to Bryce on the Stand moments later]
Prosecutor: Mr. Larkin, why did you send Mr. Bartowski the intersect.
Bryce:I though it would be safe the one place that Fulcrum or any other organization looking for it would not be able to find it…in his head.
Prosecutor: Mr. Larkin do you have any idea the ramifications of what you did sending Mr. Bartowski the intersect and how it effected the people he loved/cared about.
[Bryce looks at Chuck’s family, friends, and then looks at Sarah who is trying to hold back tears a-the-while listening intently as to what he’s about to say]
Bryce: [shaking his head]No, I didn’t…but when I saw the pain and anguish his family and friends were going through on tv I knew I regretted what I had done.
Prosecutor: That regret comes too little, too late Mr. Larkin. You are just as responsible for the death of Mr. Bartowski as Mr. Casey there. You could just as easily have been the one standing there pulling the trigger.
Byce: [looks at Chuck’s family, friends, and then finally to Sarah]I’m sorry.[Bryce starts crying]
[Bryce is taken off the bench and seated next to Casey. Judge Mason then tells the jury to make their decision and when they depart, he calls for a recess. Bryce stand up turns around and looks at Sarah who looks at him. She gets up and walks out of the courtroom]
[The scene begins with the jury back in the courtroom and Judge Mason asks the them if they reached a verdict. Cut to Casey and Bryce standing and then back to the jury]
Jury: We have your honor.
Mason: What say you?
Jury: In the case of John Casey in regards to murder in the first degree…we findhim...GUILTY!
[A vindicated roar comes from Chuck’s family and friends]
Mason: What say you about Mr. Bryce Larkin?
Jury: We find Bryce Larkin…Guilty.
Mason: [bangs his gavel] Order in the court…[looks at Casey]Mr. Casey I sentence you to be put to death by lethal injection[looks at Bryce] Mr. Larkin….I sentence you to life in prison.
[Both Casey and Bryce hang their heads. As the are escorted out of the courtroom you see reports scrambling out of the courtroom to break the story and then you see Chuck’s family/friends hugging each other all-the-while crying. Cut to the guards leading Casey and Bryce out of the courtroom through the right door nearest the Judge Mason’s bench. They both walk down a long corridor to an awaiting van that is parked outside but before they could make it Sarah comes out of nowhere and beats the crap out of both guards. She looks at Bryce and kicks him in the face knocking him out next to the guards. She grabs Casey and takes him to the roof. You hear screams and calls by police for backup. Cut to the roof and you see Sarah push Casey out the door causing him to fall to the ground]
Casey: [getting up confused and scared]Sarah what are you doing?
Sarah:[with a cold look in her eyes]Something that I should have done when I had the chance[takes out a pistol and points it at Casey]
Casey: Listen to me…[backing up to the ledge]…What would Chuck say if he saw you standing here right now doing this?
Sarah: You took the one man I love away from me...I have nothing to live for.
Casey: [pleading]Sarah…look in your heart…what do you see? Is it Chuck? Is he telling you not to do this?
Sarah: [closes her eyes]I see…[opens them up]…nothing.
[As she says that Sarah pulls the trigger inevitably hitting Casey in the chest several times. He falls backwards over the ledge with the camera following him down to his impending doom towards the ground. The camera locks on to his eyes and tust then a white Stargate type glow flashes the screen and it slowly washes over to a familiar close up of a smoking gun barrel with a intense stare of Casey’s eyes. You then cut to Chuck alive and well standing there checking himself to see if he is shot who then looks behind him to see Clark with a gunshot to his chest about to shoot Chuck. He falls forward and dies. Cut back to chuck who smiles, faints and face plant on the beach]
[The scene begins at Ellie’s apartment with Chuck and Sarah recovering on the couch with Casey standing there looking at the two of them smiling]
Sarah: [holding her head]So, what happened while I was knocked out?
Chuck: [smiling]Nothing much…Mr. Clark knocked you out…tried to kill me…Casey did some super cool Dukes of Hazzard jump to save me…oh and you missed the ball drop in Times Square?
Sarah: What!?...[Sarah looks at Casey and then Chuck]…I missed the ball drop!
Chuck: [sarcastic tone]Thanks for worrying about me Sarah…really I’m touched[smiles at Sarah]
Sarah: [smiles at Chuck]I’m just kidding…besides Casey had your back the whole way…isn’t that right?
Casey: [smirks]You bet….besides…he still owes me a 1985 Crown Vic….Anyways…[smiling]Happy New Years you two.
Chuck: [amazed]Wow…a real smile…I should get this on film…where is my camera?
[Sarah laughs and then smiles at Chuck and vice versa/ Casey sees both of them smiling at each other and has a moment of clarity. The final scene ends with Casey smiling but as he turns around to look out the window that same smile then turns into a worried grimace of a look]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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