[The scene begins on a Saturday night with Chuck, Sarah, Morgan, Anna, Ellie and Awesome sitting on the couch/chair in the living room cleaning up popcorn after watching the movie Miss Congeniality with Sandra Bullock. They begin to have a discussion in which the guys love it and the girls think its completely stupid. Cut to the Conversation in progress]
Morgan: What's not to love about beauty pageants? Hot women...in bathing suits...nuff said!
[Chuck nodding and half heartedly smiling]
Awesome: [in somewhat of a low breathe that everybody hears] Awesome...
[Morgan places hand high for a high five from Awesome and Chuck. They are about to give a high five when they notice 3 mean glances coming from Sarah, Ellie, and Anna making both to reconsider it.]
Ellie: Beauty pageants are stupid and besides many of those contestants are complete airheads. Remember Miss South Carolina and how she messed up a simple question. She's now a laughing stock.
Morgan: A hot laughing stock!
Anna, Sarah, and Ellie: PIG!
Morgan: Chuck....buddy...help me out of here.
Chuck: I'm staying out of it my friend. You're digging your own grave on this...stop while you can before they beat you up.
[Morgan turns to Sarah]
Morgan: Sarah, you're a hot woman..
Anna: What!?
Morgan: First off...Anna...sweety..I love you...Second, I was about to say before I was so rudely interrupted…Sarah you're a hot woman, would you ever consider entering a beauty pageant?
Sarah: Well...first off...ewwwww...but thank you anyways...I'll take it as contemplate. Truthfully, I would never subject myself to that type of demeaning, mindless entertainment that has them parading around in bathing suits for the sole purpose of not only getting television exposure, but also having guys like [pointing to Morgan, Chuck and Awesome] tweedle dee, tweedle dumb, and you tweedle dumber drool over them.
Morgan: So I guess that means no....
[Cut to Chuck laughing to where he turns his attention to a commercial coming on tv for the Miss World Beauty Pageant and when he reads one of the many contestants names he flashes. He sees pictures of an explosion, diamonds, crown, Kodak Theatre, and many beautiful women. Sarah notices this and at the same time Chuck snaps out it, he looks at Sarah and no he doesn't freak out...he does his Chuckish smile. Cue Chuck intro]
[Scene is in progress as Chuck, Casey, and Sarah at Casey’s apartmentin the middle of talking to General Beckman ]
Sarah: [Sarah sounding miffed] I don’t like this idea at all General.
Casey: [smiling and saying sarcastically]I think it’s a wonderful idea
Sarah: Shut Up Casey!
[Beckman looking perturbed]
Chuck: Ummm...Am I going under cover as her husband…boyfriend...publicist...
Beckman: Not this time Mr. Bartowski. Agent Walker is going solo on this one. Her cover will be Ms. Australia Sarah Conner. So work on your Australian accent. Her target is a fellow contestant Miss New Zealand Amber Crowe[shows picture on screen] She’s known to be a diva in the beauty pageant world. For now, consider her dangerous until otherwise notified.
Sarah: But General…I don’t think….
[Beckman cuts her off]
Beckman: Are your personal feelings conflicting with the mission at hand? I would hate to have to reassign you because you refused a mission.
Chuck: [quickly chimes in]She’ll do it…I have faith in her.
Casey: [speaks up and emphasizes a few words] I assure you General, Agent Walker is well aware her feelings [looks at Chuck] thus far have not conflicted with the mission at hand. [cut to Sarah trying to compose herself] Granted there have been distractions [looks at Chuck] but she has been able to keep absolutely focused. Don’t you agree Chuck? [smiles and then looks quickly at Chuck]
Chuck: [talking quickly]Yes, she is focused on me….I mean the missions. Absolutely 100% dedicated General…Sir…Ma’am.
Beckman: You have your orders Agent Walker
Casey: [continues to have a smile on his face]I’m bursting with anticipation at what Agent Walker does for her talent portion of the show.
[Scene ends with Sarah storming out of Casey’s apartment with Chuck following cautiously behind and at the same time turns around to see Casey grinning from ear to ear.]
[Cut to clips of Sarah meeting and then getting to know several of the contestants. She eventually meets her target Amber Crowe who is hanging out with Miss Iceland, Norway, Germany, Italy, and Sweden. Sarah wearing a necklace with a small audio camera joins Crowe, and the rest of the contestants who are sitting eating at a restaurant before the final competition startscut to Chuck and Casey in a van]
Chuck: You know its amazing how Sarah’s Australian accents sounds so real.
Casey: That’s years of government training Bartwoski.
[hearing conversations going on and then cut to ladies in restaurant]
Crow: So ladies, single…married?
Miss Germany: Single
Miss Iceland: Engaged
Miss Italy: Married
Miss Norway: Boyfriend
Sarah: Its complicated
Crowe: [intrigued look on her face]Spill girl….
[you hear all the women say yeah]
Sarah: Well there’s this guy…[cut to Chuck listening intently]…he’s a really great guy but…
Crowe: But what?
Sarah: My job….as Miss. Australia…is keeping us apart. He so far away and yet I feel he’s close by. [Cut to chuck gulping] I don’t know if he’s worth taking the risk for? I’ve been hurt in the past.
Crowe: Sarah, does he make you smile? [cut to Chuck listening even harder]
[cut to Sarah thinking, blushing, and then smiling]
Crowe: That says it all girls.
Miss Sweden: Vat’s the vost svevcal ving he has vone vor vou?
Sarah: [smiling]He surprised me one time by filling my apartment with rose petals and cooked dinner for me on Valentine’s Day.
All the ladies: Awwwwwwwweeee
[cut to Chuck grinning and then looking at Casey who is glaring at him]
Crowe: That’s so sweet…let me tell you something that guy is special. You will never meet a guy like him. Love means being to able to conquer your fear and I fair to guess he’s probably just as scared. Look, if he truly cares about you…he’ll be patient and wait for you no matter where you are or how long it take to get over the pain of being hurt in the past. Take the risk Sarah. Take the risk.
[a chant of Take the Risk is yelled by all the ladies]
[Cut to the final day with Sarah in the middle of the competition. The swimsuit competition has just ended and they come to the portion of the show where they do their talents]
Announcer: Performing an martial arts demonstration Ms. Australia Sarah Conner.
[cut to Sarah doing her routine]
[cut to Chuck and Casey in the Van outside the Kodak Theatre who is noticing something about Sarah’s martial arts style]
Chuck: Casey….
Casey: What is it now Bartowski? Need a cold shower from previously seeing Sarah in a bathing suit?
Chuck: [looks at Casey then looks at the monitor]That style of martial arts Sarah is performing….I’ve seen it somewhere
Casey: I bet you have….Oh I forget to ask, were you able to fix your computer that I heard some ninja broke and proceeded to beat the crap out of you?
Chuck: How did you…[chuck then realizes that Sarah was the ninja that broke his computer]
[Casey snickers]
[Cut to the question portion of the competition with several clips of contestants saying World Peace as they’re asked the question by the host what would be 2 wishes they would ask for. Cut to Sarah giving her answer in her Australian accent(imagine in your head Sarah saying in the accent]
Sarah: My wish is for tyrannical dictators to receive the harshest punishments for crimes against humanity. [audience is dead silent]
Host: Okay….Miss Conner
[cut to Casey in Van]
Casey: My wish too…
[Chuck gives a weird look to Casey]
[Cut back to Sarah]
Sarah: And World Peace
Host: And there you have it folks…..
[Audience applauds]
[Cut to a 5 minute intermission in which the contestants take a break to get ready to determine the winner. Sarah follows Crowe and sees, as well as, Chuck and Chuck, her with a man who opens a case, takes out a diamond necklace, and then places it around her neck. Chuck flashes. He immediately tells Casey]
Chuck: Casey, that man is an explosives expert who is planning to eliminate a foreign diplomat from Ireland seated in the audience. Plus Crowe is innocent…she’s not associated with him…he always works alone.
Casey: Are you sure Bartowski or are you flash faking in order to go in there and confront her about the computer she broke?
Chuck: Casey!
[Casey informs Sarah in hear earpiece that Crowe is not the target, but the man she’s with is. Before she’s able to make a move an announcement is heard for all contestants back on stage.]
[Cut to the end of the competition with Sarah, Crowe, and Miss Iceland standing together at the front of the stage holding hands. The host is about to announce the winner of the Miss World Beauty. Drum roll sounds All of a sudden you see the explosive expert run on stage holding a trigger with Chuck and Casey chasing him. He bumps into the three finalist knocking down Crowe and Miss Iceland with Sarah using her martial arts skills to beat the crap out of him. Leaving the crowd stunned and confused]
[cut to agents arresting the man with Chuck talking to Sarah]
Chuck: First off…good luck….secondly I know it was you in the ninja costume that broke my computer.
{Sarah looks at Casey]
Casey: What? Let’s go Bartowski
[Cut to a now under control situation. Sarah, Crowe, and Miss Iceland are standing together at the front of the stage holding hands. The host is about to announce the winner of the Miss World Beauty Pageant. Drum roll sounds]
Host: And the winner is….
[Sarah looks like she’s ready to puke, cut to chuck crossing his fingers back stage, and Casey is standing there grimacing as usual]
Host: Miss Iceland!
[Sarah and Crowe hug Miss Iceland who is crying. Confetti is dropped and the scene ends with Sarah walking backstage]
[Episode ends with Chuck and Sarah talking in the courtyard}
Chuck: So how was it being a beauty been for several weeks?
Sarah: You know, I have deep respect for what they do…its not as easy as you think…don’t get me wrong I still think it’s a demeaning, mindless competition.[cut to chuck listening and smiling] Yet, when I stood out there in front of the audience I felt special and some part of me wanted to win…but I didn’t.
Chuck: Sarah, don’t cut yourself short trust me you are a very special woman...who should never be afraid to take be able to take risks [chuck smiles and Sarah blushes]. Oh! One more thing….[Takes out a plastic crown and puts on her head] You're always be a winner to me.
[Scene ends with Chuck and Casey looking each other in the eyes, smiling, and then walk into Ellie’s apartment]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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