[The scene opens on early in the morning on New Years Eve at Buy More before it opens up. At the bottom of the screen suddenly appears a clock ticker that reads 06:30.00 a.m. and then you see all the employees gathered near the info desk and as the camera pans from left to right you see Lester looking at his iphone, a sleeping Jeff, Anna filing her fingernails, Morgan, Casey glaring, and then the leader of the Nerd Herd Chuck. You then cut to Lester putting away his iphone and then elbowing Jeff in his stomach to wake up as Big Mike walks up to talk to the entire staff]
Big Mike: [with a stern voice]Listen up! I need everybody focused…[stops in mid sentence to look at Jeff and Lester]…because the clock is ticking people and this is a serious matter.
Morgan: [with a concerned look on his face]What’s going on big guy? Is Tang coming back?
[Chuck’s eyes widen, looks at Morgan, and then looks at Big Mike]
Big Mike: No...[cut to chuck looking relieved]…They’re sending someone from the Buy More home office to inspect how we operate so I need everyone…[stops in mid sentence again to look at Jeff and Lester]…to be on their game. The inspector is supposed to arrive some time today.
[The buy more employees talk amongst themselves and the camera cuts to Lester]
Lester: You can count on us sir…we’re ready to work our butts off to impress the inspector.
Big Mike: Lester…when was the last time you and sleeping beauty over there have done any real work?
Lester: [thinking]What day is it?
Big Mike: Monday
Lester: Hmmmm…Oh...Last Monday
Big Mike: [massages his temple and then looks at Chuck frustrated]Chuck…get your team in line or you all[points to all the employees]will find yourselves in another line…the unemployment line.[Big Mike checks his watch]Okay we have 30 minutes till the store opens…find something to do[The employees scatter]
[Chuck nervously nods and heads towards the info desk where Morgan is standing with Anna]
Morgan: So, what does the Bartowski clan have planned for New Years Eve?
Chuck: Well, Ellie is out of town with Awesome[cut to Anna smirking with that bit of news]to spend New Years Eve with his folks so…[puts his hands together and then separates them]…I pretty much have the place to myself.
Morgan: [eyes widen]It’s a perfect opportunity for you bro!
Chuck: [confused look]A perfect opportunity for what?
Morgan: You know…[looks at chuck and moves his eyebrow up and down]…you alone with Sarah. Its like you’re Tom Cruise in Risky Business and Sarah…she’s Rebecca De Morney. Seize the moment dude!
Chuck: I’m not going to the seize the moment with Sarah…since the Christmas Party we have come to a mutual understanding that it’s better off to be friends. She is going to stop by though and watch the ball drop in Time Square in New York with me on tv to ring in the New Year. Nothing really exciting…Its pretty much going to be a boring night for both of us.
[Jeff walks by and says lame. Cut to Casey with a very serious look on his face motions Chuck over to him. Chuck ends his conversation with Morgan and goes to talk with Casey]
Chuck: What’s up Mr. Scrooge!?
Casey: [looks at Chuck and does a low growl]We have a situation
[Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins as Chuck and Casey walk in the Buy More’s home theatre lounge. Again the clock appears at the bottom of the screen reading 06:40:25 a.m. The curtains are covering the windows. Chuck sees Sarah standing there and has a confused look on his face]
Chuck: Sarah…how did you get in here? Did you use some super spy invisibility cloak?
Sarah: No…I used the back door.
[Cut to chuck giving the look of feeling stupid]
Casey: Bartowski…the reason I got you here is because of the inspector who is coming today. I know who it is?
Chuck: [surprised look on his face]That's the situation...I thought some terr....wait...how do you know who the inspector is? Do you have everybody bugged?
Casey: [smirks]Maybe…
[Chuck looks at Casey]
Sarah: [chimes in]His name is Richard Clark. [Sarah gives Chuck picture to look at but doesn’t flash]An efficiency expert from Bristol Connecticut who is big on time. He’s THE toughest of the tough and according to his file he is responsible for not only shutting down several Buy More stores in the East Coast until they’re employees are straightened out, but also firing them as well when they don’t.
Casey: His unofficial nickname by those who are no longer working as a Buy More employee is The Cleaner. So far he seems to be legit, but just in case we’re going to keep a close eye on him just in case he tries to do anything out of the ordinary.
Chuck: That’s comforting to know. Wait…what would a Buy More inspector want with the intersect?
Sarah: We’re just being careful because you’re an impor….
Chuck: [repeats it the same time as Sarah]Important piece of intel…yeah I got it…its not like I heard that a thousands time from you.
[The time on the clock reads 06:50:05 a.m. and you suddenly hear from outside the lounge Big Mike’s voice calling for Chuck]
Sarah: You two better go[smiles at Chuck]
Chuck: [before he leaves out the door]Hey Sarah…we still on for tonight?[gives a questioning grin]
Sarah: I’ll be there[smiles]
Chuck: [smiles]Awesome…[looks away]…did I just say that?
[Sarah laughs and they both stand there smiling at each other. Casey sees both of them smiling, grimaces, and then clears his throat]
Casey: Before I die of old age waiting for you to love birds to stop smiling at each other I suggest[looks at Chuck]we get back to work!
[Sarah heads out the back door while Casey and Chuck head out of the home theatre lounge to go see what Big Mike wants]
[Scene begins with the clock reading 10:00::00 a.m. as you see thralls of customers shopping at Buy More. At that point, you see a bald man in glasses, wearing a sharp suit, holding a suit case walking into and looking around. He sets his suit case down and takes out a pen/pad and starts writing things down. Chuck out of the corner of his eye sees Big Mike approaches the man, talk a bit, and then head straight towards Chuck’s direction. Chuck is freaking out as they approach him]
Big Mike: Chuck this is Mr. Richard Clark from the Home Office
Chuck: Hi…hello…Mr. Clark[sticks his hand out to shake hands]
[Clark looks at him and then writes something in his pad]
Clark: Chuck…is it? I didn’t hear the Buy More greeting? You were wasting time trying to figure out what you were going to say to me. That’s unacceptable[walks away and starts looking around the store]
Chuck: Well…[looks at Big Mike and says sarcastically]My first impression of him is that he seems to be a real party animal.
Big Mike: [has a look like he’s about to have an aneurism]Remember Bartowski…keep your crew in line.
[Just as he says that Morgan walks up]
Morgan: Is that the efficiency expert…he looks like Mr. Clean?
Chuck: [looks at Clark for a moment and then at Morgan]Richard Clark…yeah he is…and no he doesn’t look like Mr. Clean. So get back to work before he writes something else on his pad.[Morgan leaves and Casey passes by]
Casey: Be on your toes Bartowski…remember stay cool and remember we have your back.[Close up on a nervous Chuck]
[Several hours pass as Clark walks around the store writing down notes, checking his watch, and not saying a word to anybody. Every now and then he glares at Chuck who is walking around the store. He sees him glare at him and tries to say away from his sight as much as possible, but to no avail At 12:50 p.m. the scene cuts to Chuck and Morgan in the break room having lunch talking when Richard Clark walks in]
Clark:Mr. Bartowski…Mr. Grimes.
[They both nod and just as Clark starts surveying the area. Sarah walk in to see Chuck carrying her lunch. You see Clark glare at Sarah and then writes down something in his pad]
Sarah: Hey Chuck, I decided to have lunch with you today. Hey Morgan!
[Morgan grunts and waves as he is scarfing down noodles]
Chuck: That’s sweet Sarah.
Clark: [Clark chimes in]Mr. Bartowski, you do know your lunch break lasts 30 minutes and according to my watch you have 10 minutes left. So I suggest you stop wasting your time cavorting with this young lady here and finish eat so you can go back to work promptly at 1p.m.[He leaves]
Sarah: What crawled up his shorts?
Morgan: I bet he was beat up in High School…a lot.
[Casey looks at Morgan and reluctantly nods]
[The scene begins at 10:00 p.m. as the stored is locked up. You see all the buy more employees in front of the info desk nervously waiting for what Richard Clark is about to say to them. At 10:05:00 he walks up and begins speaking]
Clark: [fixes his glasses and puts his fingers together] I am disappointed in how this particular Buy More is running[takes out pad and goes down the list] The main problem that I have observed is time management between customers and scheduled breaks. However, the only bright spot among you is…[looks at pad]…ah yes…Mr. Casey. [cut to Casey smirking]He seems to be the only one who knows how to be efficient with time. In any case, I will send my report to the Home Office tomorrow. Good night and [sarcastic tone] may you all have a happy New Year.
[Clark picks up his suit case and heads out the door but not before he gives one more glare to Chuck. He quickly turns around to walk the other way and runs into Casey]
Casey: Watch it Bartowski…you’re looking at an efficient employee…be careful because I may end up taking take your job.
Chuck: [nervously freaking out]You think I’m getting canned?
[Casey just stands there smirking at him]
Jeff: [walking up]This is lame
Lester: My sentiments exactly my brother[they tap fists] I was actually doing some real work this time and Dr. Killjoy slammed us.
[Anna chimes in]
Anna: I know a guy…
[Everybody looks at her]
Morgan: All right guys, that the cue to call it a night. Me and Anna are heading out. Chuck…guys…Happy New Year.
Anna: Just putting it out there…[waves] By guys!
[Jeff and Lester give a head nod]
Chuck: Happy New Year to you to Morgan…Anna..[looks at Jeff, Lester, the rest of the employees and scream out loud] and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO REST OF YOU GUYS!
[A scream of Happy New Years is reciprocated back]
[Cut to a time laspe of the employees filing out one by one. Casey, Chuck and Sarah are in the home theatre lounger talking to Beckman and Graham. They tell them that he hasn’t flashed and it has been surprisingly non-terror threatening day. Cut to Chuck and Sarah part ways to meet back later at Chuck’s house leaving Casey to do some last minute inventory that Big Mike left for him to do. Cut to outside the Buy More as Chuck locks the doors. Chuck walks to his car, he stops to looks around for a few second, gets in his car and drives off. At the bottom of the screen reads 11:00:05 p.m. I hour till New Year]
[The scene begins at Casa Bartowski. Cut to a scene hearing a knock at the door, opens it up and sees Sarah standing there. He invites her in and spend time eating popcorn on the couch watching the New Years celebration in Times Square. All of sudden they hear a knock at the door]
Chuck: [washing dishes in the kitchen]Its probably the pizza we ordered
Sarah: I got it… you have it the next time.
Chuck: [from the kitchen]Yup!
[Sarah walks to the door with money in hand, opens it, and all you see is something sprayed in her face causing her to be knocked out on to the floor]
Chuck: Sarah…I hope you’re not eating that pizza witho….
[As chuck walks out he sees Richard Clark stand in the middle of the living room]
Clark: Hello Mr. BartowskiChuck: Oh!...Mr. Clark, I thought you were the pizza…what are doing here so late…[walks forward to talk to him. Chuck sees Sarah on the floor and tries to go over to her but is stopped by Clark who takes out a silencer]
Chuck: [freaked out tone]What did you do to her?
Clark: [looking at his watch]She be fine….she’ll wake up with a nice headache tomorrow.
Chuck: [with a confused look on his face]Who are you? I thought you were an efficiency expert for the Buy More Home Office.
Clark: I am…I’m also trained assassin.[looking at his watch again]Listen I don’t have much time…I have a schedule to keep…so I'm going to make this quick.
Chuck: [backs up and then hits the button on his watch to notify Casey that he’s in trouble]Huh…so you really are The Cleaner…[breathing hard]Who sent…who hired you?
Clark: No time for small talk…I have a schedule to keep and I really don’t want to waste time.[points silencer at Chuck]
Chuck: Wait! [pretends to see someone out the window making Clark looks. He picks up the popcorn bowl and throws it at Clark hitting him in the head. Chuck before running out the door looks at Sarah unconscious on the floor and then heads out]
[Cut to Casey doing the last bits of inventory is alerted by Chuck’s distress call. He checks the tracker and sees that Chuck is on foot headed towards the beach. He drops everything, gets in his care, and rushes to his aide. At the bottom of the screen reads 11:35:45 p.m. 15 minutes till New Year]
[The scene begins with Chuck running on to the Beach and as he looks behind him he trips and falls causing him to roll down the shore. Chuck is groggy and at that point you see Clark running over the dune holding his silencer. He stands in front of Chuck, points his silencer at his head, and he tells him to get up. Thinking quickly, he grabs a handful of sand getting up and Clark is talking to him]
Clark: [breathing heavily]Mr. Bartowski…you are throwing me off schedule. I hate when I’m off schedule.
[Thinking quickly again Chuck asks him one more question]
Chuck: [hold up his left hand]Wait…before you shoot…what time is it?
[Clark looks at his watch and at that point Chuck throws sand in his face. At that same moment Casey does a dukes of hazzard on the beach inevitable doing one of those cool u turns to the point that he hits Clark causing him to fly several feet away. Casey gets out of the car with his weapon drawn and checks on Clark and then Chuck]
Casey: Are you okay? Where is Sarah?
Chuck: [catching his breathe and freaking out]I’m fine….Sarah is back in Ellie’s apartment unconscious. Is Clark dead?
Casey: Nope…he’s just unconscious.
Chuck:[ puts hand on Casey’s shoulder]Thank God you arrived Casey…I’m glad you were here to save me.
Casey: I’m here to do my job…[smirks]besides if you’re dead who is going to get me my 1985 Crown Vic that you owe me.
Chuck: [shaking his head] You’re never gonna let me forget that are you?
Casey: [smiles at Chuck]Nope
[Just as he says that fireworks illuminate the night sky. Chuck looks at his watch and sees that its midnight]
Chuck:[looks at Casey]What a way to ring in the New Year…..Happy New Year Casey.
Casey: [smirks]Happy New Year Bartowski
[Just as he says that Casey gets a phone call and he answers it]
Voice of General Beckman: Agent Casey…the beta version of the intersect is fully operational and the new computer is online. You know what to do.
[Casey hangs up and turns around to see Chuck sitting on the sand resting himself with his back to the car door. The final shot you see is a close up of Casey’s weapon with Chuck in the background]
[Fade to Black with these words showingTo Be Continued…]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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