[The opening scene begins with a view of Los Angeles and then a shot of the Bartowski apartment complex. You then cut to Chuck sitting leaning back in a chair facing the window. He’s getting lost in looking at the photo of him and Bryce along with 2 of his fraternity brothers. He flashes back to the time when he meets Bryce for the first when all of a sudden a faint call of his name is heard. It grows increasingly louder to the point where his name is loudly called one more time causing to not only snap out of it, but it also causes him to fall backwards on to the floor. The picture flies in the air and then cut to a camera angle from Chuck’s point of view as he looks up at Sarah]
Sarah: Chuck…I’ve been standing here trying to get your attention? Something must have gotten you so focused that you couldn’t hear me.
Chuck: Oh…hey…what’s up Sarah…sorry.
[Sarah helps Chuck up to his feet and then looks down to see the picture on the floor he was looking at beside her foot]
Sarah: [picks up picture and looks at it] What’s this?
Chuck: A picture of me, Bryce, and two of our frat brothers at Stanford. That was before my life went down the crapper and you know what I still can’t wrap my brain around the fact my best friend…Bryce Larkin…was C.I.A. If he was standing here right now and not undercover somewhere trying to take down Fulcrum I would want to talk to me because there are so many unanswered questions that I have…about our friendship…but most of all…about Jill.
Sarah: [Touches Chuck’s hand gently and smiles at him]Hey, you’re not the only one with unanswered questions.[They begin to share a special moment]
[The shared moment is immediately interrupted up by the entrance of Morgan]
Morgan: Hey buddy…ooh…I see you are getting you’re groove on…boom chaka wow wow.
[Sarah rolls her eyes]
Chuck: What do you want Morgan?
Morgan: We’re all planning to go to the movies, want to come with?
[Sarah nods her head to the side and motions to go. Chuck reluctantly agrees, puts the picture on the bed, and then leaves for the movies. The scene ends with the camera panning closer to the picture of Chuck, Morgan, and his two frat brothers. Cue Chuck intro]
[Scene begins 8 years ago at the Stanford courtyard when Bryce meets Chuck for the very first time. Chuck talks about creating a game that is similar to old game called Zork and Bryce remember it to the point where he talks about the next millennium belongs to the geek. Chuck and Bryce talk about Everquest leading Bryce to tell him that his friend Jill loves that game, which intrigues Chuck. Chuck and Bryce form an instant friendship and then head to the quad to meet Jill. Cut to Jill in the quad talking to some friend when Bryce walks up to her with Chuck following behind focusing on trying not to drop all his books]
Bryce: Hey Jill, I want you to meet someone.
[Jill turns around and as she does, Chuck who isn’t paying attention runs into her inevitably knocking all his books to the ground. All three go down to pick up the books leading to Chuck and Jill to bump heads. Chuck rubs his head and then sees Jill]
Chuck: [holding his head and picking up books at the same time]Hi…my name is Chuck…Chuck Bartowski…all around clumsy guy…and allbeit sorry one at that for bumping into you.
Jill: [fixes her hair, smiles, and helps pick up chuck’s books]No problem….I’m clumsy as well. Maybe it was fate that brought us together? [Jill laughs]
[Chuck laughs as well and while all this is happening Bryce is grinning as he sees the connection going on between Chuck and Jill]
Bryce: [jumps in]Chuck…meet Jill Anderson…the girl who I told you about that is into Everquest.
[Chuck and Jill shake hands]
Chuck: You know….I thought only guys like me were into playing computer games like Everquest. Usually, the thought of guys who spend their time playing computer games would make any girl run away because all the girls I’ve date have ended up leaving me high and dry when they find out that bit of news.
Jill: Wow…maybe you’ve been dating the wrong kind of girls[smiles at Chuck again and vice versa]
[The moment is broken up by Bryce putting his arm around the necks of Jill and Chuck. He talk to both of them]
Bryce: I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
[The scene ends with the camera slowly backing up from Chuck, Bryce, and Jill as they are talking/laughing]
[Scene begins 4 years after Chuck, Bryce, and Jill meet. Jill and Chuck are in a serious relationship and you cut to a scene with both of them hand in hand walking down the quad. All of a sudden you see Bryce run up and jumps on Chuck’s back]
Chuck: What's up bro
[Bryce talks to Chuck in Klingon. Chuck looks at Jill and responds back to Bryce in Klingon]
Jill: [stomps her foot on the ground]Come on guys…you know I don’t understand Klingon…what are you guys saying?
Bryce: I said…do you know any beautiful girls on campus.
Chuck: I said…I’m standing right next to her[Chuck smiles at Jill, she smiles back and then kisses him]
Bryce: [punches Chuck in the arm]Hey, I’ve been working on some new codes on the TSR80 for our updated version of Zork. Check it out when you have the time. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to work on it more because I got so focused on it that I lost track of time. I’m now late for Professor Flemming’s class. [Looks behind as he is running to class]Hey, I’ll see you two later?
Chuck: You got it buddy!
Jill: Later Byrce!
[cut to Bryce walking into Flemming’s class and sitting down]
Flemming: Thanks for joining us Mr. Larkin.
[Bryce waves his hand a bit embarrassed. After 40 minutes class ends and Bryce is about to leave when Professor Flemming tells him to walk with him to his office. Cut to Bryce and Chuck in his office]
Flemming: Mr. Larkin…how are you and Ms. Anderson fairing?
Bryce: Well…as students…we’re barely hanging on...as C.I.A operatives, were doing outstanding sir.
[Flemming gives off a pleases look on his face]
Flemming: I hope Agent Anderson is not getting too attached to Mr. Bartowski because her job has been to get close to him in order to see if there were any negative effects he may be suffering from with the encoded message testing.
Bryce: I assure you sir…Agent Anderson knows full well of what is expected of her.
Flemming: Splendid. Keep up the good word...you're dimissed
Bryce: Yes sir
[Bryce leaves and just as he’s about to leave the building, he remembers that he wanted to ask Professor Flemming something. He sees the door ajar and he’s about to knock when he overhears a conversation in progress that Professor Flemming is having with TPTB]
Flemming: Yes...the subject Charles Bartowski...he’s an excellent candidate for the Omaha Project. Once I have a conference with him, test him a bit more, and get further info I would send my complete analysis to you. Yes…I agree…he will be a great asset for the C.I.A.
[Cut to Bryce with a disturbed look on his face and then quietly/discreetly leaves the building]
[Scene begins in Bryce’s room as you see him pace back and forth. He looks a bit edgy as he finds out that Chuck is being considered for the Omaha Project. He knows that Chuck isn’t suited for that type of job. Chuck then walks into the room]
Chuck: [Whistling as he walks in]] What’s up roomy!
Bryce: [with a pensive smile on his face]How is everything Chuckster?
Chuck: Great! My life right now couldn’t be better! My five year plan is falling into place. I have a great best friend who may also possibly be my business partner in the computer gaming industry as we are working on our new updated version of Zork. Finally, I have a great girlfriend who I am madly in love with.
Bryce: [With another pensive smile]That sounds great buddy! Congratulations…I’m happy for you.
Chuck: Can I share something with you? This is between you and me…on the down low.
Bryce: Sure…what? You know you can trust me.
Chuck: I think Jill is the one…I’m going to ask her to marry me. Of course, I need a ring to propose to her but that’s merely a small technicality. Yeah…[sits down, puts his hands behind head, and has his feet up on the desk]… everything is falling into place. Nothing is gonna bring me down from this high.
[Bryce now has a serious look on his face and then tells Chuck he has to go the library. He then takes out his cell phone to call Jill to meet him at the library. Cut to Jill and Casey in the progress of having a conversation about Chuck]
Casey: We have 2 problems. First, Chuck is falling in love with you. Second, Flemming wants Chuck to be part of the Omaha Project.
Jill: What!?
Bryce: Have you at any point compromised yourself? Do you have any real feelings for Chuck at all? Tell me now!
Jill: You know me Bryce, I am all business. But I do care about him and I know you do to. We can’t let Flemming talk to Chuck. He is not suited for the field…you know that and I know that. He’s just too nice of a guy.
Bryce: I agree. Here’s the plan[music starts to play as they start going over what to do in order to save Chuck]
[Scene begins the bext day in Chuck and Bryce’s room around noon. You hear the answering machine click on and you hear Professor Flemming asking Chuck to meet at his office at around 10am. At that point you see someone erase that message and when the camera pans back you see its Bryce. You see this look of seriousness on Bryce’s face. Cut to Bryce entering Professor Flemming office and he basically tells him that Chuck isn’t coming and saying he’s not cut out for the spy game because he has too much heart. He then tells Professor Flemming that he is going to help him save Chuck. Cut to Bryce putting the test answer keys under Chuck’s bed and as he is about to leave he has this sad look on his face as he checks out the picture of him, Chuck and the two frat bros on Chuck’s dresser. He then calls Flemming who in turn calls Chuck to meet him at his office. Cut to Chuck in Flemming’s office talking as he informs him that he has evidence of him cheating and the one who gave the tip was Bryce. Flemming then tells him he’s being kicked out of Stanford and the look on Chuck’s face is one of complete shock. He leaves Flemming’s office in disbelief and he goes to Jill to talk to her because he knows she’s the one person that can make things better of all the turmoil. Chuck eventually finds Jill in the quad]
Chuck: Jill I’m glad I found you, I need to talk to you…you’re never going to believe what Bryce did to me..
Jill: Chuck, we have to talk…..
Chuck: Can it wait, this is BIG…like Luke Skywalker finding out that Darth Vader is his father…big
Jill: Chuck…PLEASE…we really need to talk.
Chuck: Yeah…[directs her to a bench in the quad]…what’s up?
Jill: [with a nervous tone]I want to break up.
Chuck: [Chuck is stunned again and tears are starting to form] Wha…why…I thought things were going great between us…I was even going to propose to you….what did I do wrong? Please tell me…I can change.
Jill: [crying] Its not you…its me. I’m…..I’m….I’m…
Chuck: What is it….are you pregnant? Are you in trouble with the law? [trying to lighten the mood the best he can] Are you mad that you can’t understand Klingon?
Jill: Chuck…I’m in love with someone else.
Chuck: [looks as if someone punched him in the gut]Who…is…the…guy?
Jill: [has difficulty looking at Chuck]Its…Bryce
Chuck: [looking as if he’s having a heart attack]How long?
Jill: 2 months
[Chuck is devastated by the overwhelming news. He gets up dazed, confused, and heartbroken and he walks away with Jill crying in the background. As he disappears in the distance, the camera cuts back to Jill who stops crying, uses her cell phone to call Bryce and tell him that plan C is accomplished. You then cut to Chuck entering his room, stands against the wall, drops to the floor, and just sits there. Just when you think he’s at his lowest, Bryce walks in and he begins to talk to Chuck to add insult to injury]
Bryce: I guess you heard…Hey man, it just happened. She came to me and one thing led to another. I know you hate me because I’ve betrayed both your trust and our friendship. Look, you’ll meet someone else…fall in lov...getmarried…have kids…hey things will get better for you…I promise.
[Chuck doesn’t say a word. He just sits there looking forward. Bryce leaves. You then see Chuck call Ellie and tells him about being expelled to where you see Bryce hearing from the other side of the door in pain at what he has done to his best friend. He walks downstairs. Cut to an hour later as Chuck packs up his stuff. He walks downstairs and sees Bryce playing pool who when he looks at him gives an ice cold look as he says he brought this on himself]
[Scene begins back in the present with Chuck, Sarah, and the rest of the gang retuning from the movies. Chuck and Sarah are left alone in the courtyard to talk with each other]
Sarah: [Walking, holding Chuck’s arm and putting her head on his shoulder]So, do you feel any better?
Chuck: I actually do feel better…thanks. Thanks, for getting me to go to the movies. I really needed it. You have been a source of strength for me whenever I needed encouragement, especially when it comes to Bryce.
Sarah: You are welcome[Hugs chucks arms tighter and snuggles it]
Chuck: You know…It helped me keep my mind off things and you know what even though I still want answers to those unanswered question from Bryce…I know they’ll be answered in due time.
Sarah: That’s positive thinking right ther Chuck. Hold on to that because that is one of those endearing quality most women like myself are attracted to.
Chuck: You know….every time I’m with you[looks into Sarah’s eyes] amid the chaos things just seem to calm down for me. Why is that?
Sarah: [Looks into Chuck’s eyes]I don’t know...I can say the same for me too when I'm with you.
[They both smile at each other and the beautiful moment that’s being shared is ruined when Casey walks by and says Get A Room]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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