[The scene opens at Buy More wih Morgan talking to Chuck about how he wants to do something special for Anna's birthday. They stop and stand several feet away from a row of televisions brainstorming ideas on what to do.]
Chuck: Morgan, what does Anna like? What is her favorite color..smells...book? Where does she like to eat?
Morgan: [thinking out loud] Hot air balloon ride...nah to windy for my taste...Caribbean Cruise...no way because the last time I was on a boat I hurled in front of Anna's parents.....
Chuck: Morgan, whatever you do it will be special for her because it was from your heart.
Morgan: You're right buddy....how much is it to rent a byplane and write I love you Anna in the sky?
[Chuck puts his hand on Morgan's shoulder and at the same time a television commercial showing the Shangra La Couples Resort/Counseling Center where couples come to have an enlightening experience catches his eye. He then flashes when he sees one of the many employees being shown on the commercial prompting him to see blueprints, stolen weapons technology, and the Pentagon. He then snaps out of it, look arounds, and freak out. Cue Chuck intro]
[Casey, Sarah and Chuck are at Casey's apartment talking to General Beckman]
Beckman: Congratulations Mr. Bartowski
Chuck: Thank you General...sir...Ma'am....for what?
Beckman: You flashed on one of the most the most elusive and dangerous hackers in the world.i][A picture of him comes on screen][/i] He is responsible for the theft of top secret intelligence not just in the United States but across the world and sells them to the top bidder. He's going by the name Dr. Victor Maxim, but to his cyber contacts in the cyber world he is known as Apocolypse. Thanks to you the Pentagon has been informed and has stepped up their securty.
[Cut to Chuck smiling proudly who then looks at Sarah then Casey, who is giving him a scowly look]
Beckman: On a side note he minored in psychotherapy dealing with couples who are having trouble mentally/emotionally getting past roadblocks in order to experience happiness in their relationships. As a cover, he's been working as a couples therapist at Shangra La Resort/Counseling, which gives us a way in.
Sarah: Let me guess, we pose as a couple
Chuck: [looking at Sarah] Of course....
Beckman: Yes, a couple with mental and emotional issues that you haven't been able to deal with in your relationship. We've already signed you up.
Casey snickers leading Sarah to elbow him in the side
Beckman: Agent Casey, anything wrong?
Casey: No general, I'm just suffering from a small case of bronchitis
Beckman: You have your orders
Chuck: [half heartedly smiling]Well Mrs. Carmichael, are you ready to have our fake relationship fixed?
[Sarah rolls his eyes and leaves Casey's apartment]
[Cut to Chuck and Sarah arriving at Shangra La. They sign in at the front desk, get their key, and the front desk clerk motions for a bell boy to grab their bags. They turn around and its Casey wearing the traditional bellboy outfit grimacing at the two of them. Casey leads them to their room all-while Chuck and Sarah are trying not to laugh.Cut to Sarah and Chuck in their room. Casey informs them their appointment with Draconis is at 5pm. He walks to the open doorway, stands outside, and waits]
Chuck: What are you waiting for?
Casey: [holds out his hand] My tip
Chuck: Here's a tip for you....smile more.
[You hear a low grumbling of Casey saying Bartowski as the door closes on him]
[Cut to several different shots of Chuck and Sarah touring the facility, playing golf, meeting the owner, talking to other guests, eating lunch and looking like they're having a good time as a real couple. The good time stops and the missions begins as they see Dr. Maxim walk across the pool area then enters a room using a key card. They go back to their room to prepare for their appointment]
[Cut to Dr. Maxim's in a large room in the middle of the sesson in progress with Chuck and Sarah along with several other couples with Casey doing survellience from his room. You then cut back to the couples with the females in the room holding foam nerf bats]
Dr. Maxim: Ok couples! We're here to break down those roadblocks in your relationship. As you can see gentlemen your significant others are holding nerf bats. I like to call this postive reinforcement theory which means if your husband/boyfriend isn't cooperative you can hit him with the nerf bat. So, I want all the males in the room to face your significant other, look at each other in the eyes, and reveal to him/her what you like about her, what her makes you smile about her, waht don't you like about them, etc. We will then switch after a 10 minutes. Ready? Begin...[couples chattering]
Chuck: Sarah...You have nice hair
[Sarah bops him upside the head with the nerf bat]
Chuck: You're bossy
[Sarah bops him upside the head with the nerf bat again]
Chuck: Okay...What makes me smile...[Sarah raising her nerf bat for another attack]...[Chuck has trouble looking Sarah in the eyes, but after a while he looks straight into her eyes]...what makes me smile...well...you have this inner strength about you that not too many people can see. I know you've been in hurt in the past causing you to be scared and you unfortunately have this inability to put your trust in anyone remotely worth taking a risk for. You have a fire within your heart that no matter how many times anyone tries to snuff it out, it keeps burning with a passion. [Cut to Sarah getting lost in the moment, starts blushing, to the point of almost crying] I am feeling the exact same way here....and no matter how scared you are of not being able to tell how you truly feel you will aways know that when you look into my eyes...there is a passion that will never burn out.
[Dr. Maxim calls time and tells them to switch]
Sarah: Ummm Chuck...
[Cut to Dr. Maxim taking a call on his cell phone, tells one of his assistants to take over, and then leaves]
Chuck: [Early waiting to hear what Sarah has to say] Yeah....
Sarah: Its time to go....
[Cut to Sarah, Chuck and Casey taking down Dr. Maxim...another successful mission]
[Cut to the couryard with Chuck and Sarah walking arm in arm with Casey behind them]
Casey: Bartowski...
Chuck: You rang....get it[chuck smiling]...you being the bellboy...clearing throat and looking at Sarah at the same time.
Casey: Good job...[puts out his hand to have Chuck shake it]
[chuck shakes his hand but then gets pulled closer to Casey]
Casey: You still owe me a tip...and a car
Chuck: Do you except I.O.U's? No? I'll pay you back......
[Casey leaves and then Chuck turns around and talks to Sarah]
Chuck: What were you going to say before we were so rudely interrupted?
Sarah: Well...[looks into Chuck's eyes]you are the type of guy any woman could fall for. You're a gentlemen, kind heartd, compassionate man who puts those above yourself showing that you care more about others than you do yourself. I know that I can leave my past behind because of you and even though I'm scared to fall in love again, I know...I trust my heart will always be safe in your hands. I would be a lucky woman to have you as my husband...if this were ever a real relationship of course...which it isn't.
Chuck: [smiling]Really? You would of said that?
Sarah: Well...something like that...I haven't really had time to think about it.
Chuck: [in a sarcastic tone]Really
[The final scene ends with both Chuck and Sarah smiling at each other]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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