[The opening scene starts with the Rocky theme playing at a relatively slow day at Buy More and you see all the employees are gathered at the big screen tv where Chuck and Morgan are deeply engrossed in a Wii boxing game. You see shots of employees cheering on Chuck and Morgan and the you see Jeff and Lester taking bets on who is going to win. After a couple of minutes pass Morgan is the winner and he does a Rocky celebration by yelling out yo Anna!...I did it!. Cut to see Anna looking embarrassed, covers her face, and walks away quickly. Big Mike walks in and basically tells the employees their not being paid to goof off so get back to work.]
[Cut to Chuck walking back to the info desk where he sees Casey standing there looking unhappy as usual and he goes to talks to him]
Chuck: Hey Casey, why didn’t you join in on the fun? I would have guessed you liked that type of action…you know…beating other people up.
Casey: Sorry Bartowski…I favor the physicality of hand to hand combat over the electronic synthesized battles any day. You see Chuck, there’s nothing like having your fist hit a bad guy’s face. [Casey doing some boxing moves and starts getting lost in the moment] The sight of a bloody noses and hearing the crack of your enemy’s ribs after you knee them in the gut is simply intoxicating. [Casey closes his eyes, inhales, and then exhales]
[Cut to Chuck with a wide eyed somewhat astonished look on his face]
Chuck: So…ummm….Casey….were you ever a boxer?
Casey: Before I joined the NSA, I was an amateur boxer. I had a 25-2 record before I gave it up to serve my country.
Chuck: Wow, did you have a nickname like other boxers do?
Casey: Snowstorm….. I didn’t look menacing at first, but once I turned it up I would relentlessly pound on my opponents with a flurry of stinging pulse pounding punches that covered every part of my opponent’s upper body that I targeted.
Chuck: Really…wow…[talking under his breathe]…I thought it would have been Sugar Bear.
Casey: What!?
Chuck: Nothing...[points to a customer and walks away quickly] Did you say you needed help sir!
[Cut to chuck glancing at a newspaper in the break room on the sports section. He sees a picture of the big PPV boxing fight scheduled to take place in Las Vegas. When he sees one of the men pictured in the background he flashes leading him to see images of arms dealings, soldiers, boxing gloves, and Buckingham Palace. He snaps out of it and freaks out. Cue chuck intro]
[Cut to Chuck, Sarah, and Casey talking to General Beckman in Casey’s apartment]
Beckman: [showing picture of man on screen] Victor Lang…On the surface he’s your typical greedy boxing promoter, but its basically a front for being one of the top arms dealers in Europe. Because of Mr. Bartowski’s possibly seeing Buckingham Palace in danger, their security level has been heightened just in case. Agent Casey, I’ve taken your background as an amateur boxer into consideration and your orders are to infiltrate his organization by any means possible and possibly try to personally associate yourself with Lang’s boxing team. Try to impress him because from what I’ve been reading he only adds the best to his stable of heavy hitters.
Sarah: What roles do we play…cover wise?
Casey: [chimes in] General...If I could suggest Agent Walker’s cover be as my manager and Chuck’s cover…[looks at Chuck sizing him and down]..my trainer.
[Cut to Sarah and Chuck giving Casey that are you serious look]
Beckman: Very well…you have your orders. [monitor goes off]
Chuck: Casey, I don’t know anything about being a boxing trainer.
Casey: You don’t know anything about what it takes to be a spy and yet you seem to amaze me every single time…..
[cut to Chuck’s reaction to the back handed compliment]
[The scene begins with a montage of the sights of Las Vegas then to several boxing matches. You then see Chuck, Sarah, and Casey in Sarah’s room going over their plan. Cut to Chuck head behind a book that reads Boxing For Dummies and Casey practicing his punches with Sarah holding pads]
Sarah: [Grabs book out of Chuck’s hands and throws it] What are you trying to do, get Casey killed?
Chuck: Look…I don’t know what a trainer does, let alone what my duties are.
Casey: Relax, just do what you would normally do when faced with a situation that you have no idea how great the magnitude is.
Chuck: Go stay in the car?
Sarah: No![smiles at Chuck]Think quick on your feet
[Chuck smiles at Sarah]
Chuck: Casey the General said, to impress Lang…do you have any idea how are you going to do that? Ooooh, I have an idea…how about impress him with your speed and agility.
Casey: OR….. I can find the biggest, baddest, meanest guy Lang has and just knock him out.
{Casey punches his hands together]
Chuck: That will work too….
[chuck looks at Sarah who is nodding in agreement]
[cut to Casey, Chuck, and Sarah walking in the area where Lang and his fighters are located. Casey then walks up to one of the biggest, baddest, meanest Victor Lang has tips him on the shoulder, punches him in the face, and they start fighting. Lang, who stops his security/bodyguards, along with his entourage, watches with interest. Casey hold his own, takes several punches, throws/lands several of his own, and after several long minutes he knocks out Lang’s behemoth warrior. Casey and Sarah see that Lang is impressed by him clapping. He walks up to Casey and talks to him]
Lang: What’s your name son?
Casey: Creed….Casey Creed.
Lang: Son, you either stupid or have the cahones the size of grapefruits to come in here to not only try to take out one of my best men, but to actually succeed at it…I have to say…I’m impressed.
[Casey, Chuck, and Sarah grin]
Sarah: My boy wants to work for you Mr. Lang
Lang: Who are you?
Casey: She’s my manager…Sarah Morrison
Lang: Who is he?
Chuck: Charlie Carmichael…I’m his trainer
Casey: So…do I have a job with you or what?
Lang: [motions them to his office]Let’s talk…
[Scene begins with Sarah standing near Casey as he is hitting the body bag, which is holding. Each hit Casey does the body bag causes Chuck to knocked off. They then start to talk]
Casey: [Whispers to Chuck and Sarah] Here’s the plan, I’m going to go spar with one of Lang’s men and in the middle of it I’m going to make a scene. Sarah that is your cue to snoop around and find any info on Lang’s business dealing.
[Sarah nods]
Casey: Chuck...[Chuck looks at Casey nervously]...you stay here with me and try not to get hit]
Chuck: I’ll try my best not to…there are no guarantees...wait…what are you going to do?
Casey: You’ll see…[Walk and gets in the ring to spar]
[Chucks calls out the champ to spar a few rounds and he accepts. The sparring begins and after a few minutes or so Casey beings to start hit a few low blows on his leading im to gets angry to the point where everybody is focused on them. This is the cue for Sarah to snoop around. She goes into Lang’s office, checks his computer, finds files of his business dealings with names/dates involving weapons and several bank account numbers with huge amounts of deposits in them. She downloads on a disk and as she is about to leave, Victor Lang walks in]
Lang: Ms. Morrison, why are you in my office?
Sarah: I was looking for you to talk about business…and pleasure as well.[Sarah gets closer to Lang and puts her hand on his shoulder]
Lang: Toots…there is an old saying that goes don’t mix business with pleasure[looks Sarah up and down]…but I can make an exception.
[Just as they’re about to kiss, one of Lang’s people opens the door and tells him there’s a fight going on]
Lang: What!....[looks at Sarah] Maybe later darlin’?
Sarah: [smiling]Sure….[Lang leaves and her smiles turns to one of disgust]
[Sarah returns to the sparring ring in time to see/hear Lang yelling at everybody, Casey’s on the ground putting a head lock on his sparring partner with blood coming out of his nose, and Chuck has somehow ended up on one of the boxers shoulders. He looks at Sarah and mouths the words Help Me]
[The scene begins the next day early in the morning with Lang observing The Champ train in preparation for his big ppv fight. You then see one of his associates walk up to him, whisper in his ear, and leaves for the security room. Cut to him entering room and talking to the security guard]
SG: We have a problem sir. See for yourself.
[Lang watches hidden camera video of Sarah going through his computer. He has a sinister look on his face and get his cell phone to call somebody]
[Cut to Casey, Sarah, and Chuck looking over the downloaded info on the disk. The phone rings and Sarah goes to answer. After a few seconds or so, she walk up to Casey and Chuck]
Sarah: The front desk says there is a gift for us downstairs. I’m going to pick it up. I’ll be back in a few.
[cut to Chuck and Casey nodding and then back to looking over the info. You then cut to Sarah entering the elevator with two men inside. After a while she has that look of something is not quite right and turns around just in time to be nearly tazed. She beats the crap out of them and just as she is about to call Chuck/Casey when the elevator dings. The doors open and Lang is standing there]
Lang: Hello Miss Morrison
Sarah: I was about to call you Mr. Lang….Victor.
Lang: Oh really…[takes out pistol and points it at Sarah]…come with me.
[Lang looks at his two henchmen on the ground]
Lang: Get up you idiots and lets go.
[Scene begins with Casey and Chuck still looking over the downloaded info]
Chuck: I wonder where Sarah is?
Casey: You miss your girlfriend already Bartowski? Its been only 15 minutes.
[Chuck looks at Casey and then the room phone rings]
Chuck: Hey, maybe its Sarah…she probably got lost and can’t remember which room we’re in.
[Chuck picks up phone]
Chuck: Sarah did you get lo….
Voice of Lang: I have your friend. I want the disk. Be at the training facility in 1 hour or she’s dead.
Chuck: If you hurt her I swear I’ll…
Voice of Lang: Remember…I hour. Tick...tock.
[Cut to Chuck and Casey walking into the training facility and see Lang in the ring with The Champ at his side. Behind him are two of his cronies holding Sarah and surrounding the ring are his fighters.]
Lang: Casey…Casey…Casey...I treated you like a son, but that all ended when you manager here went and took something that didn’t belong to her[pulls Sarah’s hair]
[Casey holds back Chuck]
Casey: Calm down…stay focused!
Lang: The disk...now!
Chuck: How do we know you’re not going to take us out when you get it?
Lang: You don’t.
Sarah: [struggling] Casey don’t do it!
Chuck: Wait! This is Vegas right….lets fight for it…winner take all. Casey vs. The Champ. If we win we get the girl and keep the disk.
Lang: If I win?
Chuck: You keep the girl, the disk, and take all three of us out.
Sarah: Chuck, what are you doing?
Chuck: Thinking quick on my feet…its what I do best…you said so yourself…remember? [Looks at Lang] How about it?
Lang: Agreed…on one condition…no gloves.
[Chuck looks at Casey and he nods. Lang, Sarah, and his two cronies step outside the ring. Casey steps into the ring and stands face to face with The Champ]
The Champ: I have a score to settle with you
Casey: Shut up and fight twinkle toes.
[Casey and The Champ have an all out fist fight with Chuck and Sarah looking on grimacing at the brutality of it all. It’s a back and forth fight between Casey and the Champ getting the upper hand. The start to slow down a bit leading them to hit each other so hard, they fall backwards to their respective corners. You then see Chuck go to Casey]
Chuck: You’re doing great…
Casey: My nose is broken...and so are several of my ribs…I don’t have much left…
Chuck: [an idea pops into his head] Listen to me Sugar Bear…
Casey: Did you just call me Sugar Bear
Chuck: [gulping]Yes…I…did…how does that make you feel?
Casey: Angry…nobody…not even you calls me by that name.
Chuck: Well…use that anger to knock[pointing at The Champ]..him out! You can knock me out later….if you have the ability to run after me tomorrow.
[Casey and The Champ get up at the same time and commence hitting each other. You then hear Chuck yell out knock him out Sugar Bear at the top of his lungs. Cut to Casey with this intense look on his face, rears back and just clocks The Champ on the side of the face knocking him flat out. Casey stands there and raises his hands in victory with Chuck checking on his beaten up comrade. All of a sudden you hear a shot in the air]
Lang: A minor victory…[points pistol at Casey and Chuck]
[Chuck looks at Sarah and vice versa]
Sarah: Nooooooooooo! [Starts running towards Chuck]
[You then hear sirens and several LVPD burst in the door. Lang’s cronies and the boxers surrounding the ring are scrambling to escape. Chuck rushes towards Lang when Sarah elbows him in the face. He tackles him to the ground and starts punching him…he stops to see if Sarah is doing okay]
Chuck: Are you okay?
Sarah: I’m fine…thanks[smiles at Chuck]
[Chuck smiles back, but then gets clocked in the face by Lang. He gets up points the gun at Chuck, but just as he is about to pull the trigger Casey grabs the gun from behind, swings Lang around and knocks him out. The Scene ends with a batter Casey and Sarah look at Lang and Chuck knocked out]
[Scene begins with Chuck holding a piece of steak over his right eye and Casey battered and bruised with a smile on his face sitting on chairs beside the ring. Sarah is tanding looking at both of them.]
Sarah: I’m proud of you two…you both deserve to be called The Champ
[They both raise their fist in the air and two grunts are heard]
Casey: Where did the LVPD come from…I didn’t call them.
Chuck: I did…right before we entered the training facility I had to use the bathroom. Well I phoned in an anonymous tip there was an illegal gambling ring going on here.
Casey: Impressive Bartowski..
Sarah: [gives that all to familiar look towards Chuck and smiles] Very impressive quick thinking Chuck
Chuck: Thanks Sarah…you always bring out the eye of the tiger in me[Chucks smiles at Sarah]
[Casey looks at both Chuck and Sarah smiling at each other]
Casey: Can we go to the hospital now or you just going to stand there smiling at each other.
[Final scene ends with Chuck and Sarah helping Casey up heading to the hospital]
[Fade to black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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