[The scene opens with Casey and Sarah in the middle of talking to General Beckman and Director Graham as they debrief them on the assassin Richard Clark. Beckman informs them that Richard Clark was a deep cover assassin that had no ties to anyone and if they had bothered to look at the path of destruction he left behind as his Buy More Efficiency Expert cover they would have found that in each location in the United States, as well as, overseas, their were unexplained deaths of high profile executives, diplomats, and military leaders. Casey informs Beckman and Graham that because of Clark’s job as an efficiency expert he was to give his report to the Home Office. He asked them to call Big Mike and give them a believable cover story of him not being able to send the report. They agree and while the conversation is going on between the four, Beckman asks Casey about accomplishing his task and just as she says that Chuck walks in not knowing what is about to ensue]
Chuck: [walks in smiling]What’s up…did I miss anything?
Beckman: [with a surprised look on her face]Mr. Bartowski you look…well.
[Cut to Casey’s eyes darting from Beckman to Casey]
Chuck: [looks around]Why thank you General…you look…well yourself. Are you using a new facial cream…you have this glow that screams out respect my authority?
Sarah: [smiles and then chimes in]General…do we have any leads on who may possibly have hired Clark to assassinate Chuck?
[Graham chimes in]
Graham: [looks at file]We don’t have any leads at the moment, there is a paper trail that goes on forever. This may take a while, but it the meantime all three of you have had a tough night. Get some rest and have a happy New Year.
[Chuck and Sarah reciprocate those sentiments back with Casey just standing there saying nothing. Before they leave, Graham tells Casey she’ll need to discuss something with him later leading to Sarah to give a look of curiosity. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins the next day after New Years at a typical early morning at Buy More before the store opens. You then cut to Jeff, Lester, Morgan, Anna, Chuck and the rest of the buy more employees with the exception of Casey standing around the info desk waiting for a important meeting that Big Mike called for. Big Mike steps forward and talks to his minions]
Big Mike: [rubbing his bald head]I have good news…bad news…and bad bad news…which do you want first?
Lester: Is this a trick question?
Jeff: I hate trick questions…they’re lame.
Morgan: [concerned look]We’ll take the 1st bad news...wait...the bad, bad news…wait…how about saying it all in one sentence?
[A look of frustration comes over the face of Big Mike leading Chuck to save the day in order to lower his blood pressure]
Chuck: Sir, give us the good news and start from there
Big Mike: [smiling]Well, the good news is all our jobs are safe. [A sigh of relief is heard among the Buy More employees]The bad news is the efficiency expert Mr. Richard Clark suffered a heart attack at his hotel room last night. [cut to Chuck whose eyes widen and looks around]Apparently, he didn’t have time to send in his report so be happy people we dodged a bullet this time.[cut to the employees high fiving and hugging each other]
Chuck: [shushing the crowd and looks at Big Mike]What’s the bad, bad news sir?
Big Mike: [taking out a box from behind the info desk]The Home Office has decided to changed the color scheme of the store and that means new employee shirts. The change doesn’t come into effect till next week…so here are you new uniforms.
[Cut to Big Mike taking out a bright gold black buttoned down shirt with a Buy More logo/dollar sign on the right and the employees names on the left side. The staff takes a look at the shirt in horror]
Lester: [fingers touching his eyes]I’ve gone blind…I can’t see…the shirt is…too…bright.
Anna: [throws a bit of a tantrum]Ewwww….It doesn’t go with any of my outfits.
Morgan: [shaking his head]Nope…I protest…I don’t like change…I refuse to wear the shirt.
Chuck: [looks at shirts]Wow…who designed the shirt….Liberace?
Jeff: [smile on his face]I like it
[They look at Jeff and throw all the shirts at him and under the pile of shirts he responds with what did say]
[A short scene begins with Morgan rallying the troops at Buy More with sort of a Braveheart/William Wallace speech as he wants them to sign a petition to keep their original uniforms. You then cut a scene where Chuck and Sarah knocking on Casey’s door because they were worried when Casey didn’t show up for work today and when the door opens they see its not Casey. The man standing before them is the same height as Casey, but has blonde hair, wearing shorts, flip flops, and a Hawaiian shirt. Chuck and Sarah look at each other and then look at the man]
Sarah: [confused]Who are you? Where is the man who lived here?
Cameron: You mean Agent John Casey? He’s been re-assigned…my name is Agent Cameron Wilkes…I’m his replacement…howdy neighbor and fellow Buy More co-woker[puts hand out for a handshake]
[Chuck reluctantly shakes Agent Wilkes’ hand]
Sarah: So he left without telling us?
Cam: [shrugs his shoulders]I guess not
Chuck: [looks at Cameron up and down]You don’t look or dress like you’re average Agent. Plus…you don’t have that quality all agents seem to have…you know
Cameron: [interrupts him]No sense of humor and no personality to match?
[Cut to Sarah looking offended and then shakes it off]
Chuck: [puts his hands up]You see said it…not me.
Sarah: How old are you?
Cameron: [pulling down his shades]23…I’m a different kind of agent…the fun kind.
Sarah: [concerned look on face]Why was he re-assigned?
Cameron: All I know is that he disobeyed a direct order [cut to an intrigued Sarah]and I was contacted to replace him. I just moved in, so pardon the mess. I’m just unpacking my stuff like my surfboards[looks at Chuck]Do you surf?
Chuck: [smirking]I care to say that I don’t…as a matter of fact[lifts his pant legs]these legs have never seen the sun so if I go to the beach they’ll probably blind women and children. You don’t want that on your conscious do you?
Cameron: I sure don’t[points at Chuck with both fingers]thanks for the warning.
Chuck: [looks in his apartment and sees something in one of the open boxes]Hey, is that Call of Duty 4.
Cameron: [looks behind him in the box] Yeah Chuckster…I’m addicted to this game…it rules.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Yeah it rules…you called me Chuckster[looks at Sarah]Casey would usually call me by my last name.
Cameron: Oh, I don’t like being called by my last name or by Mr. Wilkes for that matter….that’s my dad’s name. I’m off duty right now so drop the formalities…you can just call me Cam.
Chuck: Okay…Cam it is.
[Sarah looks at the interaction going on between Chuck and Cameron. She breaks up the guy love that is going on between them and says that they have to go. She grabs Chuck who waves goodbye and as they head into Ellie’s apartment Cameron tells Chuck he’ll see him at work tomorrow.]
[The scene opens back at Buy More as Big Mike introduces the employees to the new guy who replaced Casey, who apparently called Big Mike to say that he quit. To Chuck’s surprise everybody warms up to Cameron instantly as they talk and laugh with him. [When the introductions were over Cameron walks over to Chuck who is at the info desk]
Cameron: [running his hands through his hair]Chuck…you have a pretty good set up here dude. Hey…where Sarah? Are you two an item?
Chuck: [looks at Cameron]She’s working across the street at Weinerlicious. Officially, our cover is bf/gf. Unofficially…we’re just friends.
Cameron: [grins]I see.
[Cut to Chuck raising his eyebrow. You then see Anna walk by checking him out and Morgan following behind her who gives Cameron the look of stay away from my girl]
Chuck: Thank you. So…you want to get started?
Cameron: [gives two thumbs up and smiles]Let’s kick this pig
[After several hours its lunch time and Chuck goes to Weinerlicious to see Sarah on his lunch break]
Sarah: [cleaning up the tables]Hey Chuck, what’s up.
Chuck: Hey Sarah…can I ask you a question?
Sarah: [concerned look]Sure!?
Chuck: What do you think of Cam?
Sarah: [thinking]He seems to be a really nice guy. You two hit it off instantly, you have a few things in common, he doesn’t want to hurt you…that’s a plus… and most of all he’s the total opposite of Casey. If you like him…I like him as well.
Chuck: [staring straight ahead]Yeah…he’s a great guy…I hate him.
Sarah: [jumps in quickly]So do I!
[Chuck looks at Sarah and then smiles.]
Chuck: [sounding curious]He’s taken a liking you.
Sarah: Are you jealous?
Chuck: [defensive]Who me? Nah…what would I be jealous of? He’s good looking, athletic, and has a great sense of style. Most women would be attracted to that sort of thing.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and smiles]I’m not most women…besides he’s not my type.
[Chuck and Sarah share a moment as they smiles at each other. The moment is broken up by the sound of Sarah’s manager calling her]
Chuck: [smiles]Well…I ‘m going back to work…I’ll make the best of it with Cam.[He kisses Sarah on the cheek, which surprises both him and Sarah. He smiles then quickly leaves, and the scene ends with Sarah smiling as she gently touches her cheek]
[The scene begins late at night as Chuck and Cam walk to their cars after closing up Buy More. Chuck asks him how was his first day on the job to where he responds with a hearty two thumbs up. You then cut to Sarah walking up in her weinerlicious outfit to which Cam immediately notices]
Cam: [looks her up and down]Well helloooo nurse!
[Chuck looks at Cam]
Sarah:Hey Chuck…Cam, how is going?
Chuck:[yawning]Tired...its been a long day…
Cam: Outstanding…now that you showed up[winks at her]
[Sarah gives him a half hearted smile]
Cam: [slowly walks over to Sarah and puts his arm around her neck]Listen…since I’m the new kid in town…would you like to go out some time? Show me the L.A. night life?
Chuck: [eyes widen]But I feel wide awake now
[Sarah turns around and looks at Chuck and mouths the words help me. Chuck is a bit taken back but then starts to smile as he is getting a kick out of Sarah squirming]
Cam: [getting his game on]We can go get a drink or two…hit a few clubs…see where the night takes us. What do you say? You can even wear that hot little number right there.
Sarah: [removes his arm from around her neck]Sorry Cam…I’m flattered and all but I don’t date the people I work with.
[Chuck snickers]
Sarah: Something wrong Chuck?
Chuck: [tapping his chest]Nothing…allergies acting up.
Cam:[disappointed look]Oh man…hey…you can’t blame a guy for trying.
Sarah: I’ll see you guys tomorrow[turns around and shivers at the thought of going out with him as she walks to her car]
[Just as Sarah walks away 2 black vans pull up. Several men jump out and attack Cam. Chuck tries to intervene but they end up attacking him as well. Sarah comes to the rescue, but to no avail. All three are knocked out, placed in the van, and then are wisked away to an unknown location]
[The scene begins with a groggy Chuck opening his eyes to one of the men in the van taking his watch as a memento. After a while he regains full consciousness as does Sarah and Cam. He looks to see if Sarah and Cam are all right and as far as he can tell they are doing okay. All of a sudden, the door opens and in walks an unknown man who chuck immediately flashes on. He sees images of Russian military, 4 stars, submarines, a beautiful young woman, his picture and the name Ivan Potrenko]
Chuck: [snaps out of it]You’re Ivan Potrenko…a 4 star general for the Russian military in the submarine division. You are a widow and you have a daughter named Famka Potrenko.
Cam: [look of amazement]Whoa…that was neat…do me now?
Sarah: [serious look on her face] Cam…now is not the time.
[Potrenko walks over to Cam]
Potrenko: Hello Mr. Wilkes….we meet again.
Cam: Hey Ivan…how is your daughter?
[As Cam says that Potrenko slaps him across the face]
Potrenko: [Grabs his hair and pulls it back]Never mention my daughter’s name from your lips ever again. You defiled my sweet innocent 18 year old daughter...my little Famka.
[Sarah and Chuck look at Potrenko, look at each other, and then look at Cam. As they are watching this, a guard on the other side of the door who took Chuck’s watch is fiddling around with it and unknowingly presses a button that signals Casey. He then puts in his pocket and continues guarding the door. Cut to Cam talking]
Cam: Oh trust me Ivan…your daughter is not so sweet and innocent.
[Potrenko slaps him again]
Chuck: [raises his finger] Excuse me...Mr…General Potrenko…sir.[salutes]
Sarah: Chuck what are you doing?
Potrenko: [with a menacing look]What is it?
Chuck: Genearl Potrenko…[gets up]..I think there is a terrible misunderstanding…we’re not with him.
[One of the guards pushes Chuck back to his seat]
Potrenko: Who are you?
Chuck: Hi…I’m…uhhh…Charles Carmichael
Cam: I thought your name was Chuck Bartowski?
Chuck: [looks at Cam and says under his breathe] You’re…NOT…helping.
[Sarah hangs her head]
Potrenko: Who are you young lady?
Sarah: I’m Sarah Walker…C.I.A. You better let us go…this is between you and Cam.
Potrenko: I’m sorry you two were mixed in with this unfortunate situation…but I regret to inform you that none of you will make it out of here alive.
[Cut to Chuck freaking out]
[The scene begins with Sarah, Chuck, and Cam alone in the room tied up for several minutes. Chuck is freaking out, Sarah is try to figure a way out as they try to untie themselves, and Cam is bleeding from the mouth after being slapped in the face twice.]
Cam: [remorseful]I’m sorry I got you to mixed up in this business.
Sarah: [looks at cam]Seriously…his 18 year old daughter?
Cam: [smiling]If you saw her you would understand….she did this thing with her tongue..
[Chuck listens intently]
Sarah: [interrupts Cam]All right….that’s enough. We have to figure a way out of here. Chuck, can you grab my leg?
Cam: [looks at Sarah] Making out at a time like this…[smiles]…very kinky?
[Just as he says a commotion is heard behind the door as if a fight is breaking out.. Voices and random gun fire is heard. All of a sudden you see the door knob turning and steps through the door with a very big gun is Casey. Casey looks at Chuck]
Casey: [grinning]Can you go one day without me having to save your butt Bartowski?
Sarah and Chuck: Casey!
Cam: [looks at Casey]Huh…so that’s Casey…he doesn’t look so tough.
[Just as he says that 3 guards run up and Casey takes them down quickly. Cut to Cam]
Cam: [impressed look on his face]I was wrong.
[Casey goes over and unties all three of them]
Chuck: I’m glad to see you….wait…how did you find us?
Casey: Someone activated the tracking system on your watch. Lucky, that I didn’t board the plane back to HQ like I was supposed to.
Sarah: Why were you re-assigned?
Casey: [changes the question]Ask me later, we should get out of here before more show up. So who captured you?
Sarah: Ivan Patrenko…Russian Military,…lucky you came along as you did because he was about to kill us.
Casey: Well…the cavalry is here. When I mean cavalry…I mean me. Let’s go.
Cam: Yeah…I second that motion good buddy.[heads out the door cautiously]
Casey: Who is that guy?
Sarah: You’re replacement.
Casey: [with a grimacing look]He’s an idiot.
Chuck: [stands in front of Casey] Yes he is
Casey: [looks at Sarah]Ready to take down Patrenko?[Sarah nods]
[They all head out]
[The scene begins several days later at Buy More with another staff meeting that Big Mike called for. You see, Jeff, Lester, Anna, Morgan, Chuck, and then Casey at the end back in a green buy more shirt. Big Mik walks up and talks to his minions]
Big Mike: I have some news…
Morgan: [interrupts him] Is it good news…bad news…or bad, bad news…
Lester: Oh…I hope its good news because I can’t stand another trick question.
Jeff: Is it about the cool new uniforms?
[Cut to Chuck holding his face in his hands]
Big Mike: [screams]That’s enough![Everybody shuts up]The news is The Home Office is no longer going with the gold shirts.
Morgan: [grins]So my petition worked?
Big Mike: No...and yes Jeff its about the shirts...apparently there was an uproar among hundreds/thousands of Buy More Employee leading them to stage a strike across the United States and overseas. So, The Home Office decided in their best interests to scrap the shirts because if the strike continued Buy More would lose money.
[The meeting is over as employees celebrated by burning the shirts out back. Inside as Casey and Chuck are talking Sarah walks in the door and joins the conversation]
Chuck: So are you back for good?
Casey: Did you miss Bartwoski? I’m touched. Yeah, I’m back…for good.
Sarah: What will happen to Cam?
Casey: He’s being re-assigned. Permanent desk duty at HQ…a little wet behind the ears if you ask me.
Chuck: General Patrenko?
Sarah: On the way back to Russia. His superiors are none too pleased with his actions.
Chuck: I’m glad your back[stands in front of Casey and gives him a hug]
Casey: [tries to push him off]Get off me Bartowski or I will shoot you.
Sarah: That’s the Casey we know, tolerate, and are partially scared of.
Chuck: [chuckles] So Casey, what orders did you disobey that they had to assign us with the reject from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
Casey: I’ll tell you later, I’ve got a beastmaster 3000 to sell.
[Chuck leaves to attend to his duties and Sarah goes back to work at Weinelicious. Casey gets a phone call and answers it]
[Voice of Beckman/cut to her being shown]Agent Casey, I’m highly disappointed you disobeyed a direct order in which I specifically told you to eliminate Mr. Bartowski? This act insubordination will most definitely cost you if you were comprised in any way.
Casey: I know general..
General: However…in light of your apparent actions my superiors have come to see how the intersect is in all intensive purposes safe in the hands of Mr. Bartowski despite the new beta intersect that is fully operational. They think he is truly a valuable piece of intel that needs protection at all cost leaving me to speculate they want to upgrade the intersect into his head. In any case, They are proud of you for saving him even when you disobeyed a direct order showing them what true patriotism is. They would also like to meet Chuck who in their own words is considered to be a hero and you as well for you bravery in the line of duty.
Casey: What does that mean General?
Beckman: This means…Mr. Bartowski stays alive…you can’t kill a hero…isn’t that right Agent Casey?
Casey: [/b] No General…you can’t.
Beckman: One last thing, John
Casey: Yeah
Beckman: Watch your back
[Beckman’s phone clicks off and the final scene ends with a serious look on Casey’s face]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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