[The scene opens with Casey and Sarah in the middle of talking to General Beckman and Director Graham as they debrief them on the assassin Richard Clark. Beckman informs them that Richard Clark was a deep cover assassin that had no ties to anyone and if they had bothered to look at the path of destruction he left behind as his Buy More Efficiency Expert cover they would have found that in each location in the United States, as well as, overseas, their were unexplained deaths of high profile executives, diplomats, and military leaders. Casey informs Beckman and Graham that because of Clark’s job as an efficiency expert he was to give his report to the Home Office. He asked them to call Big Mike and give them a believable cover story of him not being able to send the report. They agree and while the conversation is going on between the four, Beckman asks Casey about accomplishing his task and just as she says that Chuck walks in not knowing what is about to ensue]
Chuck: [walks in smiling]What’s up…did I miss anything?
Beckman: [with a surprised look on her face]Mr. Bartowski you look…well.
[Cut to Casey’s eyes darting from Beckman to Casey]
Chuck: [looks around]Why thank you General…you look…well yourself. Are you using a new facial cream…you have this glow that screams out respect my authority?
Sarah: [smiles and then chimes in]General…do we have any leads on who may possibly have hired Clark to assassinate Chuck?
[Graham chimes in]
Graham: [looks at file]We don’t have any leads at the moment, there is a paper trail that goes on forever. This may take a while, but it the meantime all three of you have had a tough night. Get some rest and have a happy New Year.
[Chuck and Sarah reciprocate those sentiments back with Casey just standing there saying nothing. Before they leave, Graham tells Casey she’ll need to discuss something with him later leading to Sarah to give a look of curiosity. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins the next day after New Years at a typical early morning at Buy More before the store opens. You then cut to Jeff, Lester, Morgan, Anna, Chuck and the rest of the buy more employees with the exception of Casey standing around the info desk waiting for a important meeting that Big Mike called for. Big Mike steps forward and talks to his minions]
Big Mike: [rubbing his bald head]I have good news…bad news…and bad bad news…which do you want first?
Lester: Is this a trick question?
Jeff: I hate trick questions…they’re lame.
Morgan: [concerned look]We’ll take the 1st bad news...wait...the bad, bad news…wait…how about saying it all in one sentence?
[A look of frustration comes over the face of Big Mike leading Chuck to save the day in order to lower his blood pressure]
Chuck: Sir, give us the good news and start from there
Big Mike: [smiling]Well, the good news is all our jobs are safe. [A sigh of relief is heard among the Buy More employees]The bad news is the efficiency expert Mr. Richard Clark suffered a heart attack at his hotel room last night. [cut to Chuck whose eyes widen and looks around]Apparently, he didn’t have time to send in his report so be happy people we dodged a bullet this time.[cut to the employees high fiving and hugging each other]
Chuck: [shushing the crowd and looks at Big Mike]What’s the bad, bad news sir?
Big Mike: [taking out a box from behind the info desk]The Home Office has decided to changed the color scheme of the store and that means new employee shirts. The change doesn’t come into effect till next week…so here are you new uniforms.
[Cut to Big Mike taking out a bright gold black buttoned down shirt with a Buy More logo/dollar sign on the right and the employees names on the left side. The staff takes a look at the shirt in horror]
Lester: [fingers touching his eyes]I’ve gone blind…I can’t see…the shirt is…too…bright.
Anna: [throws a bit of a tantrum]Ewwww….It doesn’t go with any of my outfits.
Morgan: [shaking his head]Nope…I protest…I don’t like change…I refuse to wear the shirt.
Chuck: [looks at shirts]Wow…who designed the shirt….Liberace?
Jeff: [smile on his face]I like it
[They look at Jeff and throw all the shirts at him and under the pile of shirts he responds with what did say]
[A short scene begins with Morgan rallying the troops at Buy More with sort of a Braveheart/William Wallace speech as he wants them to sign a petition to keep their original uniforms. You then cut a scene where Chuck and Sarah knocking on Casey’s door because they were worried when Casey didn’t show up for work today and when the door opens they see its not Casey. The man standing before them is the same height as Casey, but has blonde hair, wearing shorts, flip flops, and a Hawaiian shirt. Chuck and Sarah look at each other and then look at the man]
Sarah: [confused]Who are you? Where is the man who lived here?
Cameron: You mean Agent John Casey? He’s been re-assigned…my name is Agent Cameron Wilkes…I’m his replacement…howdy neighbor and fellow Buy More co-woker[puts hand out for a handshake]
[Chuck reluctantly shakes Agent Wilkes’ hand]
Sarah: So he left without telling us?
Cam: [shrugs his shoulders]I guess not
Chuck: [looks at Cameron up and down]You don’t look or dress like you’re average Agent. Plus…you don’t have that quality all agents seem to have…you know
Cameron: [interrupts him]No sense of humor and no personality to match?
[Cut to Sarah looking offended and then shakes it off]
Chuck: [puts his hands up]You see said it…not me.
Sarah: How old are you?
Cameron: [pulling down his shades]23…I’m a different kind of agent…the fun kind.
Sarah: [concerned look on face]Why was he re-assigned?
Cameron: All I know is that he disobeyed a direct order [cut to an intrigued Sarah]and I was contacted to replace him. I just moved in, so pardon the mess. I’m just unpacking my stuff like my surfboards[looks at Chuck]Do you surf?
Chuck: [smirking]I care to say that I don’t…as a matter of fact[lifts his pant legs]these legs have never seen the sun so if I go to the beach they’ll probably blind women and children. You don’t want that on your conscious do you?
Cameron: I sure don’t[points at Chuck with both fingers]thanks for the warning.
Chuck: [looks in his apartment and sees something in one of the open boxes]Hey, is that Call of Duty 4.
Cameron: [looks behind him in the box] Yeah Chuckster…I’m addicted to this game…it rules.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Yeah it rules…you called me Chuckster[looks at Sarah]Casey would usually call me by my last name.
Cameron: Oh, I don’t like being called by my last name or by Mr. Wilkes for that matter….that’s my dad’s name. I’m off duty right now so drop the formalities…you can just call me Cam.
Chuck: Okay…Cam it is.
[Sarah looks at the interaction going on between Chuck and Cameron. She breaks up the guy love that is going on between them and says that they have to go. She grabs Chuck who waves goodbye and as they head into Ellie’s apartment Cameron tells Chuck he’ll see him at work tomorrow.]
[The scene opens back at Buy More as Big Mike introduces the employees to the new guy who replaced Casey, who apparently called Big Mike to say that he quit. To Chuck’s surprise everybody warms up to Cameron instantly as they talk and laugh with him. [When the introductions were over Cameron walks over to Chuck who is at the info desk]
Cameron: [running his hands through his hair]Chuck…you have a pretty good set up here dude. Hey…where Sarah? Are you two an item?
Chuck: [looks at Cameron]She’s working across the street at Weinerlicious. Officially, our cover is bf/gf. Unofficially…we’re just friends.
Cameron: [grins]I see.
[Cut to Chuck raising his eyebrow. You then see Anna walk by checking him out and Morgan following behind her who gives Cameron the look of stay away from my girl]
Chuck: Thank you. So…you want to get started?
Cameron: [gives two thumbs up and smiles]Let’s kick this pig
[After several hours its lunch time and Chuck goes to Weinerlicious to see Sarah on his lunch break]
Sarah: [cleaning up the tables]Hey Chuck, what’s up.
Chuck: Hey Sarah…can I ask you a question?
Sarah: [concerned look]Sure!?
Chuck: What do you think of Cam?
Sarah: [thinking]He seems to be a really nice guy. You two hit it off instantly, you have a few things in common, he doesn’t want to hurt you…that’s a plus… and most of all he’s the total opposite of Casey. If you like him…I like him as well.
Chuck: [staring straight ahead]Yeah…he’s a great guy…I hate him.
Sarah: [jumps in quickly]So do I!
[Chuck looks at Sarah and then smiles.]
Chuck: [sounding curious]He’s taken a liking you.
Sarah: Are you jealous?
Chuck: [defensive]Who me? Nah…what would I be jealous of? He’s good looking, athletic, and has a great sense of style. Most women would be attracted to that sort of thing.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and smiles]I’m not most women…besides he’s not my type.
[Chuck and Sarah share a moment as they smiles at each other. The moment is broken up by the sound of Sarah’s manager calling her]
Chuck: [smiles]Well…I ‘m going back to work…I’ll make the best of it with Cam.[He kisses Sarah on the cheek, which surprises both him and Sarah. He smiles then quickly leaves, and the scene ends with Sarah smiling as she gently touches her cheek]
[The scene begins late at night as Chuck and Cam walk to their cars after closing up Buy More. Chuck asks him how was his first day on the job to where he responds with a hearty two thumbs up. You then cut to Sarah walking up in her weinerlicious outfit to which Cam immediately notices]
Cam: [looks her up and down]Well helloooo nurse!
[Chuck looks at Cam]
Sarah:Hey Chuck…Cam, how is going?
Chuck:[yawning]Tired...its been a long day…
Cam: Outstanding…now that you showed up[winks at her]
[Sarah gives him a half hearted smile]
Cam: [slowly walks over to Sarah and puts his arm around her neck]Listen…since I’m the new kid in town…would you like to go out some time? Show me the L.A. night life?
Chuck: [eyes widen]But I feel wide awake now
[Sarah turns around and looks at Chuck and mouths the words help me. Chuck is a bit taken back but then starts to smile as he is getting a kick out of Sarah squirming]
Cam: [getting his game on]We can go get a drink or two…hit a few clubs…see where the night takes us. What do you say? You can even wear that hot little number right there.
Sarah: [removes his arm from around her neck]Sorry Cam…I’m flattered and all but I don’t date the people I work with.
[Chuck snickers]
Sarah: Something wrong Chuck?
Chuck: [tapping his chest]Nothing…allergies acting up.
Cam:[disappointed look]Oh man…hey…you can’t blame a guy for trying.
Sarah: I’ll see you guys tomorrow[turns around and shivers at the thought of going out with him as she walks to her car]
[Just as Sarah walks away 2 black vans pull up. Several men jump out and attack Cam. Chuck tries to intervene but they end up attacking him as well. Sarah comes to the rescue, but to no avail. All three are knocked out, placed in the van, and then are wisked away to an unknown location]
[The scene begins with a groggy Chuck opening his eyes to one of the men in the van taking his watch as a memento. After a while he regains full consciousness as does Sarah and Cam. He looks to see if Sarah and Cam are all right and as far as he can tell they are doing okay. All of a sudden, the door opens and in walks an unknown man who chuck immediately flashes on. He sees images of Russian military, 4 stars, submarines, a beautiful young woman, his picture and the name Ivan Potrenko]
Chuck: [snaps out of it]You’re Ivan Potrenko…a 4 star general for the Russian military in the submarine division. You are a widow and you have a daughter named Famka Potrenko.
Cam: [look of amazement]Whoa…that was neat…do me now?
Sarah: [serious look on her face] Cam…now is not the time.
[Potrenko walks over to Cam]
Potrenko: Hello Mr. Wilkes….we meet again.
Cam: Hey Ivan…how is your daughter?
[As Cam says that Potrenko slaps him across the face]
Potrenko: [Grabs his hair and pulls it back]Never mention my daughter’s name from your lips ever again. You defiled my sweet innocent 18 year old daughter...my little Famka.
[Sarah and Chuck look at Potrenko, look at each other, and then look at Cam. As they are watching this, a guard on the other side of the door who took Chuck’s watch is fiddling around with it and unknowingly presses a button that signals Casey. He then puts in his pocket and continues guarding the door. Cut to Cam talking]
Cam: Oh trust me Ivan…your daughter is not so sweet and innocent.
[Potrenko slaps him again]
Chuck: [raises his finger] Excuse me...Mr…General Potrenko…sir.[salutes]
Sarah: Chuck what are you doing?
Potrenko: [with a menacing look]What is it?
Chuck: Genearl Potrenko…[gets up]..I think there is a terrible misunderstanding…we’re not with him.
[One of the guards pushes Chuck back to his seat]
Potrenko: Who are you?
Chuck: Hi…I’m…uhhh…Charles Carmichael
Cam: I thought your name was Chuck Bartowski?
Chuck: [looks at Cam and says under his breathe] You’re…NOT…helping.
[Sarah hangs her head]
Potrenko: Who are you young lady?
Sarah: I’m Sarah Walker…C.I.A. You better let us go…this is between you and Cam.
Potrenko: I’m sorry you two were mixed in with this unfortunate situation…but I regret to inform you that none of you will make it out of here alive.
[Cut to Chuck freaking out]
[The scene begins with Sarah, Chuck, and Cam alone in the room tied up for several minutes. Chuck is freaking out, Sarah is try to figure a way out as they try to untie themselves, and Cam is bleeding from the mouth after being slapped in the face twice.]
Cam: [remorseful]I’m sorry I got you to mixed up in this business.
Sarah: [looks at cam]Seriously…his 18 year old daughter?
Cam: [smiling]If you saw her you would understand….she did this thing with her tongue..
[Chuck listens intently]
Sarah: [interrupts Cam]All right….that’s enough. We have to figure a way out of here. Chuck, can you grab my leg?
Cam: [looks at Sarah] Making out at a time like this…[smiles]…very kinky?
[Just as he says a commotion is heard behind the door as if a fight is breaking out.. Voices and random gun fire is heard. All of a sudden you see the door knob turning and steps through the door with a very big gun is Casey. Casey looks at Chuck]
Casey: [grinning]Can you go one day without me having to save your butt Bartowski?
Sarah and Chuck: Casey!
Cam: [looks at Casey]Huh…so that’s Casey…he doesn’t look so tough.
[Just as he says that 3 guards run up and Casey takes them down quickly. Cut to Cam]
Cam: [impressed look on his face]I was wrong.
[Casey goes over and unties all three of them]
Chuck: I’m glad to see you….wait…how did you find us?
Casey: Someone activated the tracking system on your watch. Lucky, that I didn’t board the plane back to HQ like I was supposed to.
Sarah: Why were you re-assigned?
Casey: [changes the question]Ask me later, we should get out of here before more show up. So who captured you?
Sarah: Ivan Patrenko…Russian Military,…lucky you came along as you did because he was about to kill us.
Casey: Well…the cavalry is here. When I mean cavalry…I mean me. Let’s go.
Cam: Yeah…I second that motion good buddy.[heads out the door cautiously]
Casey: Who is that guy?
Sarah: You’re replacement.
Casey: [with a grimacing look]He’s an idiot.
Chuck: [stands in front of Casey] Yes he is
Casey: [looks at Sarah]Ready to take down Patrenko?[Sarah nods]
[They all head out]
[The scene begins several days later at Buy More with another staff meeting that Big Mike called for. You see, Jeff, Lester, Anna, Morgan, Chuck, and then Casey at the end back in a green buy more shirt. Big Mik walks up and talks to his minions]
Big Mike: I have some news…
Morgan: [interrupts him] Is it good news…bad news…or bad, bad news…
Lester: Oh…I hope its good news because I can’t stand another trick question.
Jeff: Is it about the cool new uniforms?
[Cut to Chuck holding his face in his hands]
Big Mike: [screams]That’s enough![Everybody shuts up]The news is The Home Office is no longer going with the gold shirts.
Morgan: [grins]So my petition worked?
Big Mike: No...and yes Jeff its about the shirts...apparently there was an uproar among hundreds/thousands of Buy More Employee leading them to stage a strike across the United States and overseas. So, The Home Office decided in their best interests to scrap the shirts because if the strike continued Buy More would lose money.
[The meeting is over as employees celebrated by burning the shirts out back. Inside as Casey and Chuck are talking Sarah walks in the door and joins the conversation]
Chuck: So are you back for good?
Casey: Did you miss Bartwoski? I’m touched. Yeah, I’m back…for good.
Sarah: What will happen to Cam?
Casey: He’s being re-assigned. Permanent desk duty at HQ…a little wet behind the ears if you ask me.
Chuck: General Patrenko?
Sarah: On the way back to Russia. His superiors are none too pleased with his actions.
Chuck: I’m glad your back[stands in front of Casey and gives him a hug]
Casey: [tries to push him off]Get off me Bartowski or I will shoot you.
Sarah: That’s the Casey we know, tolerate, and are partially scared of.
Chuck: [chuckles] So Casey, what orders did you disobey that they had to assign us with the reject from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
Casey: I’ll tell you later, I’ve got a beastmaster 3000 to sell.
[Chuck leaves to attend to his duties and Sarah goes back to work at Weinelicious. Casey gets a phone call and answers it]
[Voice of Beckman/cut to her being shown]Agent Casey, I’m highly disappointed you disobeyed a direct order in which I specifically told you to eliminate Mr. Bartowski? This act insubordination will most definitely cost you if you were comprised in any way.
Casey: I know general..
General: However…in light of your apparent actions my superiors have come to see how the intersect is in all intensive purposes safe in the hands of Mr. Bartowski despite the new beta intersect that is fully operational. They think he is truly a valuable piece of intel that needs protection at all cost leaving me to speculate they want to upgrade the intersect into his head. In any case, They are proud of you for saving him even when you disobeyed a direct order showing them what true patriotism is. They would also like to meet Chuck who in their own words is considered to be a hero and you as well for you bravery in the line of duty.
Casey: What does that mean General?
Beckman: This means…Mr. Bartowski stays alive…you can’t kill a hero…isn’t that right Agent Casey?
Casey: [/b] No General…you can’t.
Beckman: One last thing, John
Casey: Yeah
Beckman: Watch your back
[Beckman’s phone clicks off and the final scene ends with a serious look on Casey’s face]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Chuck vs. The Countdown Part 2
[The opening scene begins where the season finale cliffhanger ended. Casey just hit Clark with his car and knock him out saving Chuck from certain demise. The fireworks go off in celebration of a new year and Casey gets a call from General Beckman that he is ordered to eliminate Chuck. The scene starts off with a close up of Casey’s weapon and Chuck in the background. Casey walks slowly towards a now standing Chuck who looks at him giving that Chuckish smile we all know so well. Casey raises his weapon and points it at Chuck]
Chuck: [holding both hands in the air]Casey…buddy…what are you doing?
Casey: I’m sorry…orders are orders
Chuck: [yells]WAIT!
[Casey pulls the trigger and all you see is a close of the gun barrel smoking, as well as, Casey’s cold dead eyes. The scene fades out from the beach and then fades in to a cemetery where you see Chuck’s family and friends are all wearing black. As the camera pulls back you see a casket with Chuck’s picture close by, the name Charles Levi Bartowski, and at the bottom his birth/death date. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins at C.I.A headquarter a week after Chuck’s death with Casey and Sarah talking to Graham and Beckman. They debrief their superiors on the failed mission leading to Sarah to quit her job by handing in her badge/I.D. and gun, but not before uncovering the conspiracy to eliminate Chuck by Casey and General Beckman. She takes Casey and General Beckman down. For her sworn testimony against Casey and Beckman to the FBI she was given a plea bargain that would not let her see the inside of jail cell, sit on death row for that matter for her past actions as a spy, or testify because of her cooperation with the FBI as she gave them detailed records/secret audio she copied from Casey that happened to be leaked to the media, which caused an all out firestorm. Cut to a month later at a very solemn and somber Casa Bartowski where Morgan, Ellie, Awesome, Anna, Lou, Jeff and Lester are in the living room. They are talking about how great a guy Chuck was and how he made a difference in each of their lives. You then see a news report of General Beckman on trial for conspiring to eliminate the late Charles Levi Bartowski. They then hear from a reporter that Agent John Casey will stand trial for manslaughter and after giving a few details Lester turns off the tv. All of a sudden you hear a knock on the door and when Morgan opens it Sarah is standing there and from looking at her eyes she’s been crying]
Morgan: [with a angered look on his face]What are you doing here?
[As she is about to say something Ellie pushes aside Morgan]
Ellie: [with tears in her eyes and anger in her voice]Go away…you have the nerve to show up here...you’ve lied to my family and because of that my brother is dead. I trusted you and now…he’s gone…GO away!!
[Awesome runs up and pulls back Ellie to hug her as she balls her eyes out]
Awesome: [consoling Ellie]Calm down Babe
Sarah: [with sadness in her voice]I’m sorry…if I had the power to bring him back I would…but…
Ellie: [breaks free from Awesome and gets in Sarah’s face] BUT WHAT! HUH! You worked for the C.I.A. and you put my brother’s life on the line. Even better your former partner Casey…killed Chuck in cold blood because he had something in his head that Bryce sent to him. Oh speaking of Bryce…he’s alive…and best of all he’s C.I.A. as well. How am I doing so far? Should I go on?
Sarah:You have every right to be angry…
Ellie: You haven’t seen me angry...[stops to compose herself]…Can I ask you one question”
Sarah: [trying to compose herself as well] What is it?
Ellie: Did you really love Chuck?
Sarah:[without even thinking]Yes…with all my heart.
Ellie: [with resounding resentment]The man you love…my brother…is dead and the man responsible for pulling the trigger is sitting in some prison cell right now. You know what…I’m done…as far as I am concerned YOU, Casey, Bryce, the C.I.A, General Beckman can all go to hell for all I care.
[cut to Sarah who was about to say something but is stopped with a harsh slap in the face. Sarah walks away holding her cheek and tears are just streaming down her face]
[The scene begins that night with Sarah in her apartment sitting on her bed crying as she looks at old pictures of her and Chuck together. She smiles as she remembers a montage of shared moments with him. She then flashes back to the fateful New Years morning as if it was yesterday with Casey reviving her after Clark sprayed something to knock her out]
Casey: [kneeling over Sarah]Walker, are you all right?
Sarah: [groggy]Yeah…I’m fine…
Casey:[helps her to her feet]Do you know what happened?
Sarah: [thinking as she tries to keep her balance] All I remember is opening the door thinking the pizza guy was here and after that was a blur
Casey: That’s all you can remember?
Sarah: [looks around]Yeah….Where’s Chuck?
Casey: [with a serious look on his face] Walker…Clark was an assassin. We should have checked deeper into his background. We got careless
Sarah: What!? Casey…Where’s Chuck!?
Casey: Maybe we should take you to see the doctor first.
Sarah: [getting annoyed] I’m okay…answer my question. Stop stalling Casey.
Casey: [looking remorseful]I didn’t get to him in time.
Sarah: [grabs Casey] Where is CHUCK!
Casey: [looks her in the eyes] He’s dead…Clark killed him.
Sarah: [voice trembling]No…I don’t believe you. You’re lying
Chuck: [calming her down]Walker…look at me. I’m not joking…Chuck is dead.
Sarah: [gives a small hysterical laughs]This is a cruel practical joke even for you Casey.
Casey: [giving a look of seriousness]I wish it was Walker…he’s gone.
Sarah: [with tears of anger forming in her eyes]Where’s Clark? Is he alive? Can we talk to him?
Casey: [sighing]I took him out…he shot at me…it was either me or him.
Sarah: So what does that mean for us?
Casey: The mission…We no longer have the intersect to protect. I’ll call Beckman and Graham.
[Cut to Sarah is in absolute shock and as she stands up her emotions that she’s kept locked within her heart for Chuck overwhelmed her to the point she just let it all out. The flashback is over and you see Sarah back in bed in her apartment as she cries herself to sleep]
[The scene begins the next day as Sarah walks into the U.S. Department of Justice: The Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles, California where Casey is detained. You then cut to Sarah sitting down in a chair in front of a window and after a minute or two Casey walks in wearing an orange jumpsuit with wrist/ankle bracelets. She motions for him to pick up the phone]
Casey: Hey Walker…sorry I couldn’t put on something nicer.
Sarah: [look of confusion and anger]Casey…why did you do it?
Casey: Unlike you Walker…I can obey orders.
Sarah: Why Chuck? He didn’t do anything to you?
Casey: [looks straight into Sarah’s eyes]Remember what I said to you…The choice we made to protect something bigger than ourselves is the right choice.
Sarah: You made the wrong choice.
Casey: [screams out]I made the choice for the good of our country.
Sarah: [shaking her head and pointing at Casey]That’s a load of crap and you know that!
Casey: [intense look on face and slamming his fist on the table]Look…you compromised yourself by letting your emotions take over and there were countless times where I should have turned you in, but I didn’t.
Sarah: [confused]Why didn’t you?
Casey: [thinks but then changes the subject]Look Walker I know you hate me…
[Sarah cuts him off]
Sarah: I don’t hate you Casey…I’m past hate. I just feel sorry for you because the one man who made an absolute difference in our lives is the same man you killed…his blood is on your hands…and you have to live with that.
[Casey doesn’t say a word as he sits there letting Sarah’s stinging words sink in. He then asks Sarah a question]
Casey: Did you love Chuck?
Sarah: With every fiber of my being
Casey: [In a moment of weakness]He loved you to…
Sarah: [starts tearing up]How do you know?
Casey: Come on walker…it doesn’t take being a spy to figure it out…I could see it in his eyes…I could see it in yours too…give me credit Walker…He loved you.
[Before Casey is taken back to his cell he says something to Sarah]
Casey: Remember when you asked me if I ever dreamed of having a normal life with a family?
Sarah: [looks at Casey and nods]I remember
Casey: My answer…yes I did.
[Cut to Sarah actually mustering a smile after exeperiencing anguish and turmoil that has been brewing within her heart and soul. She gets up, looks at Casey one last time before she sees him at his trial, and then leaves]
[The scene begins in Casey’s jail cell as he sits there mulling over all that has happened to him. He then flashes back to that fateful day of shooting Chuck, wiping the gun off in order to put in Clark’s hands so he would be thought to be responsible for his death, and then calling Beckman to confirm the task had been completed. Casey has his head down and running his hands through his hair when he hears a familiar voice]
Chuck: Hey Casey…nice jumpsuit…
[Casey is startled as he looks up to see Chuck in a white suit]
Casey: Bartowski…you’re…you’re
Chuck: [chuckles]I’m dead…yeah I know…sucks to be me.
Casey:[Looks around and rubs his eyes]Am I imagining things…Am I going crazy here?
Chuck: Relax…I’m only in your head.
Casey: [Confused] You are?
Chuck: [smiles]I’ve always been in your head Casey. That was the one thing you never wanted to happen because you were the type of guy that didn’t let anyone get to you and look how that turned out.
Casey: So…how are you doing?
Chuck: [laughs]I’m dead…how do you think I’m doing.
Casey: You look good for a dead man.
Chuck: [checks himself out] Yeah…thanks...got a new haircut...I’ve been doing some ab crunches…a few pull ups…some weight training…there’s an excellent gym in heaven…I have a lifetime membership[pulls out card] Its signed by the man upstairs.
Casey: [gives a low laugh] What do you want Bartowski?
Chuck: [walks up to Casey]It know it wasn’t your fault…you were just following orders.
Casey: I’m sorry…Chuck
[Casey goes to hug Chuck]
Chuck: Let it out buddy…ok…don’t stain the jacket…it’s a J.C. original.
Casey: [grins] I never told you this but I wanted to let you know…I consider you my friend.
Chuck: Now that wasn’t hard to say was it?
Casey: A little…I almost hurled there a minute.
Chuck: [checks his Rolex watch]Its time for me to go.
[Chuck walks to the middle of the cell and turns around]
Casey: [looks at him sticks his arms out to his sides, tilts his head up, and closes his eyes] What are you doing?
Chuck: [with his eyes closed]I’m trying to make a dramatic exit. Are my feet off the ground?
Casey: [looks]Nope
Chuck: Dang it…[takes out angel manual handbook]…Hold on a minute...I'm kinda new a this…[stops and looks at Casey]Look…I came hear to say something to you.
Casey: [intrigued]What?
Chuck: [walks over, puts his hand on his shoulder, and smiles] I forgive you.
Casey: [smiling]Thanks…
Chuck: Oh!…I need you to do one more thing for me.
Casey: What?
Chuck: Wake up
[At that exact moment Casey wakes up to the guard telling him that its time for him to go. They place wrist and ankle chains on him and escort him out of his cell to court where he will be tried for the murder of his friend]
[The scene beings with a shot of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles, California and outside you can see thralls of media sprawled out. Helicopters are flying everywhere and then you cut to the trial in progress as you see the jury, then a close up of Casey in a suit sitting at a defense desk with his lawyer at his side. You then see a shot of Director Graham away from Ellie, Awesome, Morgan, Anna, Jeff, Lester, Lou, and Big Mike who sitting in the background on the other side of Casey. In the back, you see Sarah sitting there trying not to call attention to herself.]
Prosecutor: Isn’t it true you were one that pulled the trigger that took the life of Charles Bartowski?
Casey: Yes it is
Prosecutor: Isn’t it also true…you were ordered by your superior General Beckman to in eliminate him when this…[reading over notes]…new beta version of the intersect was in her own words fully operational?
Casey: That is correct
Prosecutor: I think this pretty cut and dry your honor, I have no further questions.
[Just as he says that Bryce Larkin burst in the room causing a commotion. Sarah and Ellie are both shocked and angry that he had the audacity to show his face]
Bryce: You honor…[looking around]…I should be the one on trial also…its my fault…I’m responsible for Chuck’s death…I sent him the intersect.
[Judge Mason tells the guards to place him into custody and they sit him on the stand]
[Cut to Bryce on the Stand moments later]
Prosecutor: Mr. Larkin, why did you send Mr. Bartowski the intersect.
Bryce:I though it would be safe the one place that Fulcrum or any other organization looking for it would not be able to find it…in his head.
Prosecutor: Mr. Larkin do you have any idea the ramifications of what you did sending Mr. Bartowski the intersect and how it effected the people he loved/cared about.
[Bryce looks at Chuck’s family, friends, and then looks at Sarah who is trying to hold back tears a-the-while listening intently as to what he’s about to say]
Bryce: [shaking his head]No, I didn’t…but when I saw the pain and anguish his family and friends were going through on tv I knew I regretted what I had done.
Prosecutor: That regret comes too little, too late Mr. Larkin. You are just as responsible for the death of Mr. Bartowski as Mr. Casey there. You could just as easily have been the one standing there pulling the trigger.
Byce: [looks at Chuck’s family, friends, and then finally to Sarah]I’m sorry.[Bryce starts crying]
[Bryce is taken off the bench and seated next to Casey. Judge Mason then tells the jury to make their decision and when they depart, he calls for a recess. Bryce stand up turns around and looks at Sarah who looks at him. She gets up and walks out of the courtroom]
[The scene begins with the jury back in the courtroom and Judge Mason asks the them if they reached a verdict. Cut to Casey and Bryce standing and then back to the jury]
Jury: We have your honor.
Mason: What say you?
Jury: In the case of John Casey in regards to murder in the first degree…we findhim...GUILTY!
[A vindicated roar comes from Chuck’s family and friends]
Mason: What say you about Mr. Bryce Larkin?
Jury: We find Bryce Larkin…Guilty.
Mason: [bangs his gavel] Order in the court…[looks at Casey]Mr. Casey I sentence you to be put to death by lethal injection[looks at Bryce] Mr. Larkin….I sentence you to life in prison.
[Both Casey and Bryce hang their heads. As the are escorted out of the courtroom you see reports scrambling out of the courtroom to break the story and then you see Chuck’s family/friends hugging each other all-the-while crying. Cut to the guards leading Casey and Bryce out of the courtroom through the right door nearest the Judge Mason’s bench. They both walk down a long corridor to an awaiting van that is parked outside but before they could make it Sarah comes out of nowhere and beats the crap out of both guards. She looks at Bryce and kicks him in the face knocking him out next to the guards. She grabs Casey and takes him to the roof. You hear screams and calls by police for backup. Cut to the roof and you see Sarah push Casey out the door causing him to fall to the ground]
Casey: [getting up confused and scared]Sarah what are you doing?
Sarah:[with a cold look in her eyes]Something that I should have done when I had the chance[takes out a pistol and points it at Casey]
Casey: Listen to me…[backing up to the ledge]…What would Chuck say if he saw you standing here right now doing this?
Sarah: You took the one man I love away from me...I have nothing to live for.
Casey: [pleading]Sarah…look in your heart…what do you see? Is it Chuck? Is he telling you not to do this?
Sarah: [closes her eyes]I see…[opens them up]…nothing.
[As she says that Sarah pulls the trigger inevitably hitting Casey in the chest several times. He falls backwards over the ledge with the camera following him down to his impending doom towards the ground. The camera locks on to his eyes and tust then a white Stargate type glow flashes the screen and it slowly washes over to a familiar close up of a smoking gun barrel with a intense stare of Casey’s eyes. You then cut to Chuck alive and well standing there checking himself to see if he is shot who then looks behind him to see Clark with a gunshot to his chest about to shoot Chuck. He falls forward and dies. Cut back to chuck who smiles, faints and face plant on the beach]
[The scene begins at Ellie’s apartment with Chuck and Sarah recovering on the couch with Casey standing there looking at the two of them smiling]
Sarah: [holding her head]So, what happened while I was knocked out?
Chuck: [smiling]Nothing much…Mr. Clark knocked you out…tried to kill me…Casey did some super cool Dukes of Hazzard jump to save me…oh and you missed the ball drop in Times Square?
Sarah: What!?...[Sarah looks at Casey and then Chuck]…I missed the ball drop!
Chuck: [sarcastic tone]Thanks for worrying about me Sarah…really I’m touched[smiles at Sarah]
Sarah: [smiles at Chuck]I’m just kidding…besides Casey had your back the whole way…isn’t that right?
Casey: [smirks]You bet….besides…he still owes me a 1985 Crown Vic….Anyways…[smiling]Happy New Years you two.
Chuck: [amazed]Wow…a real smile…I should get this on film…where is my camera?
[Sarah laughs and then smiles at Chuck and vice versa/ Casey sees both of them smiling at each other and has a moment of clarity. The final scene ends with Casey smiling but as he turns around to look out the window that same smile then turns into a worried grimace of a look]
[Fade to Black]
Chuck: [holding both hands in the air]Casey…buddy…what are you doing?
Casey: I’m sorry…orders are orders
Chuck: [yells]WAIT!
[Casey pulls the trigger and all you see is a close of the gun barrel smoking, as well as, Casey’s cold dead eyes. The scene fades out from the beach and then fades in to a cemetery where you see Chuck’s family and friends are all wearing black. As the camera pulls back you see a casket with Chuck’s picture close by, the name Charles Levi Bartowski, and at the bottom his birth/death date. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins at C.I.A headquarter a week after Chuck’s death with Casey and Sarah talking to Graham and Beckman. They debrief their superiors on the failed mission leading to Sarah to quit her job by handing in her badge/I.D. and gun, but not before uncovering the conspiracy to eliminate Chuck by Casey and General Beckman. She takes Casey and General Beckman down. For her sworn testimony against Casey and Beckman to the FBI she was given a plea bargain that would not let her see the inside of jail cell, sit on death row for that matter for her past actions as a spy, or testify because of her cooperation with the FBI as she gave them detailed records/secret audio she copied from Casey that happened to be leaked to the media, which caused an all out firestorm. Cut to a month later at a very solemn and somber Casa Bartowski where Morgan, Ellie, Awesome, Anna, Lou, Jeff and Lester are in the living room. They are talking about how great a guy Chuck was and how he made a difference in each of their lives. You then see a news report of General Beckman on trial for conspiring to eliminate the late Charles Levi Bartowski. They then hear from a reporter that Agent John Casey will stand trial for manslaughter and after giving a few details Lester turns off the tv. All of a sudden you hear a knock on the door and when Morgan opens it Sarah is standing there and from looking at her eyes she’s been crying]
Morgan: [with a angered look on his face]What are you doing here?
[As she is about to say something Ellie pushes aside Morgan]
Ellie: [with tears in her eyes and anger in her voice]Go away…you have the nerve to show up here...you’ve lied to my family and because of that my brother is dead. I trusted you and now…he’s gone…GO away!!
[Awesome runs up and pulls back Ellie to hug her as she balls her eyes out]
Awesome: [consoling Ellie]Calm down Babe
Sarah: [with sadness in her voice]I’m sorry…if I had the power to bring him back I would…but…
Ellie: [breaks free from Awesome and gets in Sarah’s face] BUT WHAT! HUH! You worked for the C.I.A. and you put my brother’s life on the line. Even better your former partner Casey…killed Chuck in cold blood because he had something in his head that Bryce sent to him. Oh speaking of Bryce…he’s alive…and best of all he’s C.I.A. as well. How am I doing so far? Should I go on?
Sarah:You have every right to be angry…
Ellie: You haven’t seen me angry...[stops to compose herself]…Can I ask you one question”
Sarah: [trying to compose herself as well] What is it?
Ellie: Did you really love Chuck?
Sarah:[without even thinking]Yes…with all my heart.
Ellie: [with resounding resentment]The man you love…my brother…is dead and the man responsible for pulling the trigger is sitting in some prison cell right now. You know what…I’m done…as far as I am concerned YOU, Casey, Bryce, the C.I.A, General Beckman can all go to hell for all I care.
[cut to Sarah who was about to say something but is stopped with a harsh slap in the face. Sarah walks away holding her cheek and tears are just streaming down her face]
[The scene begins that night with Sarah in her apartment sitting on her bed crying as she looks at old pictures of her and Chuck together. She smiles as she remembers a montage of shared moments with him. She then flashes back to the fateful New Years morning as if it was yesterday with Casey reviving her after Clark sprayed something to knock her out]
Casey: [kneeling over Sarah]Walker, are you all right?
Sarah: [groggy]Yeah…I’m fine…
Casey:[helps her to her feet]Do you know what happened?
Sarah: [thinking as she tries to keep her balance] All I remember is opening the door thinking the pizza guy was here and after that was a blur
Casey: That’s all you can remember?
Sarah: [looks around]Yeah….Where’s Chuck?
Casey: [with a serious look on his face] Walker…Clark was an assassin. We should have checked deeper into his background. We got careless
Sarah: What!? Casey…Where’s Chuck!?
Casey: Maybe we should take you to see the doctor first.
Sarah: [getting annoyed] I’m okay…answer my question. Stop stalling Casey.
Casey: [looking remorseful]I didn’t get to him in time.
Sarah: [grabs Casey] Where is CHUCK!
Casey: [looks her in the eyes] He’s dead…Clark killed him.
Sarah: [voice trembling]No…I don’t believe you. You’re lying
Chuck: [calming her down]Walker…look at me. I’m not joking…Chuck is dead.
Sarah: [gives a small hysterical laughs]This is a cruel practical joke even for you Casey.
Casey: [giving a look of seriousness]I wish it was Walker…he’s gone.
Sarah: [with tears of anger forming in her eyes]Where’s Clark? Is he alive? Can we talk to him?
Casey: [sighing]I took him out…he shot at me…it was either me or him.
Sarah: So what does that mean for us?
Casey: The mission…We no longer have the intersect to protect. I’ll call Beckman and Graham.
[Cut to Sarah is in absolute shock and as she stands up her emotions that she’s kept locked within her heart for Chuck overwhelmed her to the point she just let it all out. The flashback is over and you see Sarah back in bed in her apartment as she cries herself to sleep]
[The scene begins the next day as Sarah walks into the U.S. Department of Justice: The Metropolitan Detention Center in Los Angeles, California where Casey is detained. You then cut to Sarah sitting down in a chair in front of a window and after a minute or two Casey walks in wearing an orange jumpsuit with wrist/ankle bracelets. She motions for him to pick up the phone]
Casey: Hey Walker…sorry I couldn’t put on something nicer.
Sarah: [look of confusion and anger]Casey…why did you do it?
Casey: Unlike you Walker…I can obey orders.
Sarah: Why Chuck? He didn’t do anything to you?
Casey: [looks straight into Sarah’s eyes]Remember what I said to you…The choice we made to protect something bigger than ourselves is the right choice.
Sarah: You made the wrong choice.
Casey: [screams out]I made the choice for the good of our country.
Sarah: [shaking her head and pointing at Casey]That’s a load of crap and you know that!
Casey: [intense look on face and slamming his fist on the table]Look…you compromised yourself by letting your emotions take over and there were countless times where I should have turned you in, but I didn’t.
Sarah: [confused]Why didn’t you?
Casey: [thinks but then changes the subject]Look Walker I know you hate me…
[Sarah cuts him off]
Sarah: I don’t hate you Casey…I’m past hate. I just feel sorry for you because the one man who made an absolute difference in our lives is the same man you killed…his blood is on your hands…and you have to live with that.
[Casey doesn’t say a word as he sits there letting Sarah’s stinging words sink in. He then asks Sarah a question]
Casey: Did you love Chuck?
Sarah: With every fiber of my being
Casey: [In a moment of weakness]He loved you to…
Sarah: [starts tearing up]How do you know?
Casey: Come on walker…it doesn’t take being a spy to figure it out…I could see it in his eyes…I could see it in yours too…give me credit Walker…He loved you.
[Before Casey is taken back to his cell he says something to Sarah]
Casey: Remember when you asked me if I ever dreamed of having a normal life with a family?
Sarah: [looks at Casey and nods]I remember
Casey: My answer…yes I did.
[Cut to Sarah actually mustering a smile after exeperiencing anguish and turmoil that has been brewing within her heart and soul. She gets up, looks at Casey one last time before she sees him at his trial, and then leaves]
[The scene begins in Casey’s jail cell as he sits there mulling over all that has happened to him. He then flashes back to that fateful day of shooting Chuck, wiping the gun off in order to put in Clark’s hands so he would be thought to be responsible for his death, and then calling Beckman to confirm the task had been completed. Casey has his head down and running his hands through his hair when he hears a familiar voice]
Chuck: Hey Casey…nice jumpsuit…
[Casey is startled as he looks up to see Chuck in a white suit]
Casey: Bartowski…you’re…you’re
Chuck: [chuckles]I’m dead…yeah I know…sucks to be me.
Casey:[Looks around and rubs his eyes]Am I imagining things…Am I going crazy here?
Chuck: Relax…I’m only in your head.
Casey: [Confused] You are?
Chuck: [smiles]I’ve always been in your head Casey. That was the one thing you never wanted to happen because you were the type of guy that didn’t let anyone get to you and look how that turned out.
Casey: So…how are you doing?
Chuck: [laughs]I’m dead…how do you think I’m doing.
Casey: You look good for a dead man.
Chuck: [checks himself out] Yeah…thanks...got a new haircut...I’ve been doing some ab crunches…a few pull ups…some weight training…there’s an excellent gym in heaven…I have a lifetime membership[pulls out card] Its signed by the man upstairs.
Casey: [gives a low laugh] What do you want Bartowski?
Chuck: [walks up to Casey]It know it wasn’t your fault…you were just following orders.
Casey: I’m sorry…Chuck
[Casey goes to hug Chuck]
Chuck: Let it out buddy…ok…don’t stain the jacket…it’s a J.C. original.
Casey: [grins] I never told you this but I wanted to let you know…I consider you my friend.
Chuck: Now that wasn’t hard to say was it?
Casey: A little…I almost hurled there a minute.
Chuck: [checks his Rolex watch]Its time for me to go.
[Chuck walks to the middle of the cell and turns around]
Casey: [looks at him sticks his arms out to his sides, tilts his head up, and closes his eyes] What are you doing?
Chuck: [with his eyes closed]I’m trying to make a dramatic exit. Are my feet off the ground?
Casey: [looks]Nope
Chuck: Dang it…[takes out angel manual handbook]…Hold on a minute...I'm kinda new a this…[stops and looks at Casey]Look…I came hear to say something to you.
Casey: [intrigued]What?
Chuck: [walks over, puts his hand on his shoulder, and smiles] I forgive you.
Casey: [smiling]Thanks…
Chuck: Oh!…I need you to do one more thing for me.
Casey: What?
Chuck: Wake up
[At that exact moment Casey wakes up to the guard telling him that its time for him to go. They place wrist and ankle chains on him and escort him out of his cell to court where he will be tried for the murder of his friend]
[The scene beings with a shot of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles, California and outside you can see thralls of media sprawled out. Helicopters are flying everywhere and then you cut to the trial in progress as you see the jury, then a close up of Casey in a suit sitting at a defense desk with his lawyer at his side. You then see a shot of Director Graham away from Ellie, Awesome, Morgan, Anna, Jeff, Lester, Lou, and Big Mike who sitting in the background on the other side of Casey. In the back, you see Sarah sitting there trying not to call attention to herself.]
Prosecutor: Isn’t it true you were one that pulled the trigger that took the life of Charles Bartowski?
Casey: Yes it is
Prosecutor: Isn’t it also true…you were ordered by your superior General Beckman to in eliminate him when this…[reading over notes]…new beta version of the intersect was in her own words fully operational?
Casey: That is correct
Prosecutor: I think this pretty cut and dry your honor, I have no further questions.
[Just as he says that Bryce Larkin burst in the room causing a commotion. Sarah and Ellie are both shocked and angry that he had the audacity to show his face]
Bryce: You honor…[looking around]…I should be the one on trial also…its my fault…I’m responsible for Chuck’s death…I sent him the intersect.
[Judge Mason tells the guards to place him into custody and they sit him on the stand]
[Cut to Bryce on the Stand moments later]
Prosecutor: Mr. Larkin, why did you send Mr. Bartowski the intersect.
Bryce:I though it would be safe the one place that Fulcrum or any other organization looking for it would not be able to find it…in his head.
Prosecutor: Mr. Larkin do you have any idea the ramifications of what you did sending Mr. Bartowski the intersect and how it effected the people he loved/cared about.
[Bryce looks at Chuck’s family, friends, and then looks at Sarah who is trying to hold back tears a-the-while listening intently as to what he’s about to say]
Bryce: [shaking his head]No, I didn’t…but when I saw the pain and anguish his family and friends were going through on tv I knew I regretted what I had done.
Prosecutor: That regret comes too little, too late Mr. Larkin. You are just as responsible for the death of Mr. Bartowski as Mr. Casey there. You could just as easily have been the one standing there pulling the trigger.
Byce: [looks at Chuck’s family, friends, and then finally to Sarah]I’m sorry.[Bryce starts crying]
[Bryce is taken off the bench and seated next to Casey. Judge Mason then tells the jury to make their decision and when they depart, he calls for a recess. Bryce stand up turns around and looks at Sarah who looks at him. She gets up and walks out of the courtroom]
[The scene begins with the jury back in the courtroom and Judge Mason asks the them if they reached a verdict. Cut to Casey and Bryce standing and then back to the jury]
Jury: We have your honor.
Mason: What say you?
Jury: In the case of John Casey in regards to murder in the first degree…we findhim...GUILTY!
[A vindicated roar comes from Chuck’s family and friends]
Mason: What say you about Mr. Bryce Larkin?
Jury: We find Bryce Larkin…Guilty.
Mason: [bangs his gavel] Order in the court…[looks at Casey]Mr. Casey I sentence you to be put to death by lethal injection[looks at Bryce] Mr. Larkin….I sentence you to life in prison.
[Both Casey and Bryce hang their heads. As the are escorted out of the courtroom you see reports scrambling out of the courtroom to break the story and then you see Chuck’s family/friends hugging each other all-the-while crying. Cut to the guards leading Casey and Bryce out of the courtroom through the right door nearest the Judge Mason’s bench. They both walk down a long corridor to an awaiting van that is parked outside but before they could make it Sarah comes out of nowhere and beats the crap out of both guards. She looks at Bryce and kicks him in the face knocking him out next to the guards. She grabs Casey and takes him to the roof. You hear screams and calls by police for backup. Cut to the roof and you see Sarah push Casey out the door causing him to fall to the ground]
Casey: [getting up confused and scared]Sarah what are you doing?
Sarah:[with a cold look in her eyes]Something that I should have done when I had the chance[takes out a pistol and points it at Casey]
Casey: Listen to me…[backing up to the ledge]…What would Chuck say if he saw you standing here right now doing this?
Sarah: You took the one man I love away from me...I have nothing to live for.
Casey: [pleading]Sarah…look in your heart…what do you see? Is it Chuck? Is he telling you not to do this?
Sarah: [closes her eyes]I see…[opens them up]…nothing.
[As she says that Sarah pulls the trigger inevitably hitting Casey in the chest several times. He falls backwards over the ledge with the camera following him down to his impending doom towards the ground. The camera locks on to his eyes and tust then a white Stargate type glow flashes the screen and it slowly washes over to a familiar close up of a smoking gun barrel with a intense stare of Casey’s eyes. You then cut to Chuck alive and well standing there checking himself to see if he is shot who then looks behind him to see Clark with a gunshot to his chest about to shoot Chuck. He falls forward and dies. Cut back to chuck who smiles, faints and face plant on the beach]
[The scene begins at Ellie’s apartment with Chuck and Sarah recovering on the couch with Casey standing there looking at the two of them smiling]
Sarah: [holding her head]So, what happened while I was knocked out?
Chuck: [smiling]Nothing much…Mr. Clark knocked you out…tried to kill me…Casey did some super cool Dukes of Hazzard jump to save me…oh and you missed the ball drop in Times Square?
Sarah: What!?...[Sarah looks at Casey and then Chuck]…I missed the ball drop!
Chuck: [sarcastic tone]Thanks for worrying about me Sarah…really I’m touched[smiles at Sarah]
Sarah: [smiles at Chuck]I’m just kidding…besides Casey had your back the whole way…isn’t that right?
Casey: [smirks]You bet….besides…he still owes me a 1985 Crown Vic….Anyways…[smiling]Happy New Years you two.
Chuck: [amazed]Wow…a real smile…I should get this on film…where is my camera?
[Sarah laughs and then smiles at Chuck and vice versa/ Casey sees both of them smiling at each other and has a moment of clarity. The final scene ends with Casey smiling but as he turns around to look out the window that same smile then turns into a worried grimace of a look]
[Fade to Black]
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Chuck Vs. The Countdown Part 1
[The scene opens on early in the morning on New Years Eve at Buy More before it opens up. At the bottom of the screen suddenly appears a clock ticker that reads 06:30.00 a.m. and then you see all the employees gathered near the info desk and as the camera pans from left to right you see Lester looking at his iphone, a sleeping Jeff, Anna filing her fingernails, Morgan, Casey glaring, and then the leader of the Nerd Herd Chuck. You then cut to Lester putting away his iphone and then elbowing Jeff in his stomach to wake up as Big Mike walks up to talk to the entire staff]
Big Mike: [with a stern voice]Listen up! I need everybody focused…[stops in mid sentence to look at Jeff and Lester]…because the clock is ticking people and this is a serious matter.
Morgan: [with a concerned look on his face]What’s going on big guy? Is Tang coming back?
[Chuck’s eyes widen, looks at Morgan, and then looks at Big Mike]
Big Mike: No...[cut to chuck looking relieved]…They’re sending someone from the Buy More home office to inspect how we operate so I need everyone…[stops in mid sentence again to look at Jeff and Lester]…to be on their game. The inspector is supposed to arrive some time today.
[The buy more employees talk amongst themselves and the camera cuts to Lester]
Lester: You can count on us sir…we’re ready to work our butts off to impress the inspector.
Big Mike: Lester…when was the last time you and sleeping beauty over there have done any real work?
Lester: [thinking]What day is it?
Big Mike: Monday
Lester: Hmmmm…Oh...Last Monday
Big Mike: [massages his temple and then looks at Chuck frustrated]Chuck…get your team in line or you all[points to all the employees]will find yourselves in another line…the unemployment line.[Big Mike checks his watch]Okay we have 30 minutes till the store opens…find something to do[The employees scatter]
[Chuck nervously nods and heads towards the info desk where Morgan is standing with Anna]
Morgan: So, what does the Bartowski clan have planned for New Years Eve?
Chuck: Well, Ellie is out of town with Awesome[cut to Anna smirking with that bit of news]to spend New Years Eve with his folks so…[puts his hands together and then separates them]…I pretty much have the place to myself.
Morgan: [eyes widen]It’s a perfect opportunity for you bro!
Chuck: [confused look]A perfect opportunity for what?
Morgan: You know…[looks at chuck and moves his eyebrow up and down]…you alone with Sarah. Its like you’re Tom Cruise in Risky Business and Sarah…she’s Rebecca De Morney. Seize the moment dude!
Chuck: I’m not going to the seize the moment with Sarah…since the Christmas Party we have come to a mutual understanding that it’s better off to be friends. She is going to stop by though and watch the ball drop in Time Square in New York with me on tv to ring in the New Year. Nothing really exciting…Its pretty much going to be a boring night for both of us.
[Jeff walks by and says lame. Cut to Casey with a very serious look on his face motions Chuck over to him. Chuck ends his conversation with Morgan and goes to talk with Casey]
Chuck: What’s up Mr. Scrooge!?
Casey: [looks at Chuck and does a low growl]We have a situation
[Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins as Chuck and Casey walk in the Buy More’s home theatre lounge. Again the clock appears at the bottom of the screen reading 06:40:25 a.m. The curtains are covering the windows. Chuck sees Sarah standing there and has a confused look on his face]
Chuck: Sarah…how did you get in here? Did you use some super spy invisibility cloak?
Sarah: No…I used the back door.
[Cut to chuck giving the look of feeling stupid]
Casey: Bartowski…the reason I got you here is because of the inspector who is coming today. I know who it is?
Chuck: [surprised look on his face]That's the situation...I thought some terr....wait...how do you know who the inspector is? Do you have everybody bugged?
Casey: [smirks]Maybe…
[Chuck looks at Casey]
Sarah: [chimes in]His name is Richard Clark. [Sarah gives Chuck picture to look at but doesn’t flash]An efficiency expert from Bristol Connecticut who is big on time. He’s THE toughest of the tough and according to his file he is responsible for not only shutting down several Buy More stores in the East Coast until they’re employees are straightened out, but also firing them as well when they don’t.
Casey: His unofficial nickname by those who are no longer working as a Buy More employee is The Cleaner. So far he seems to be legit, but just in case we’re going to keep a close eye on him just in case he tries to do anything out of the ordinary.
Chuck: That’s comforting to know. Wait…what would a Buy More inspector want with the intersect?
Sarah: We’re just being careful because you’re an impor….
Chuck: [repeats it the same time as Sarah]Important piece of intel…yeah I got it…its not like I heard that a thousands time from you.
[The time on the clock reads 06:50:05 a.m. and you suddenly hear from outside the lounge Big Mike’s voice calling for Chuck]
Sarah: You two better go[smiles at Chuck]
Chuck: [before he leaves out the door]Hey Sarah…we still on for tonight?[gives a questioning grin]
Sarah: I’ll be there[smiles]
Chuck: [smiles]Awesome…[looks away]…did I just say that?
[Sarah laughs and they both stand there smiling at each other. Casey sees both of them smiling, grimaces, and then clears his throat]
Casey: Before I die of old age waiting for you to love birds to stop smiling at each other I suggest[looks at Chuck]we get back to work!
[Sarah heads out the back door while Casey and Chuck head out of the home theatre lounge to go see what Big Mike wants]
[Scene begins with the clock reading 10:00::00 a.m. as you see thralls of customers shopping at Buy More. At that point, you see a bald man in glasses, wearing a sharp suit, holding a suit case walking into and looking around. He sets his suit case down and takes out a pen/pad and starts writing things down. Chuck out of the corner of his eye sees Big Mike approaches the man, talk a bit, and then head straight towards Chuck’s direction. Chuck is freaking out as they approach him]
Big Mike: Chuck this is Mr. Richard Clark from the Home Office
Chuck: Hi…hello…Mr. Clark[sticks his hand out to shake hands]
[Clark looks at him and then writes something in his pad]
Clark: Chuck…is it? I didn’t hear the Buy More greeting? You were wasting time trying to figure out what you were going to say to me. That’s unacceptable[walks away and starts looking around the store]
Chuck: Well…[looks at Big Mike and says sarcastically]My first impression of him is that he seems to be a real party animal.
Big Mike: [has a look like he’s about to have an aneurism]Remember Bartowski…keep your crew in line.
[Just as he says that Morgan walks up]
Morgan: Is that the efficiency expert…he looks like Mr. Clean?
Chuck: [looks at Clark for a moment and then at Morgan]Richard Clark…yeah he is…and no he doesn’t look like Mr. Clean. So get back to work before he writes something else on his pad.[Morgan leaves and Casey passes by]
Casey: Be on your toes Bartowski…remember stay cool and remember we have your back.[Close up on a nervous Chuck]
[Several hours pass as Clark walks around the store writing down notes, checking his watch, and not saying a word to anybody. Every now and then he glares at Chuck who is walking around the store. He sees him glare at him and tries to say away from his sight as much as possible, but to no avail At 12:50 p.m. the scene cuts to Chuck and Morgan in the break room having lunch talking when Richard Clark walks in]
Clark:Mr. Bartowski…Mr. Grimes.
[They both nod and just as Clark starts surveying the area. Sarah walk in to see Chuck carrying her lunch. You see Clark glare at Sarah and then writes down something in his pad]
Sarah: Hey Chuck, I decided to have lunch with you today. Hey Morgan!
[Morgan grunts and waves as he is scarfing down noodles]
Chuck: That’s sweet Sarah.
Clark: [Clark chimes in]Mr. Bartowski, you do know your lunch break lasts 30 minutes and according to my watch you have 10 minutes left. So I suggest you stop wasting your time cavorting with this young lady here and finish eat so you can go back to work promptly at 1p.m.[He leaves]
Sarah: What crawled up his shorts?
Morgan: I bet he was beat up in High School…a lot.
[Casey looks at Morgan and reluctantly nods]
[The scene begins at 10:00 p.m. as the stored is locked up. You see all the buy more employees in front of the info desk nervously waiting for what Richard Clark is about to say to them. At 10:05:00 he walks up and begins speaking]
Clark: [fixes his glasses and puts his fingers together] I am disappointed in how this particular Buy More is running[takes out pad and goes down the list] The main problem that I have observed is time management between customers and scheduled breaks. However, the only bright spot among you is…[looks at pad]…ah yes…Mr. Casey. [cut to Casey smirking]He seems to be the only one who knows how to be efficient with time. In any case, I will send my report to the Home Office tomorrow. Good night and [sarcastic tone] may you all have a happy New Year.
[Clark picks up his suit case and heads out the door but not before he gives one more glare to Chuck. He quickly turns around to walk the other way and runs into Casey]
Casey: Watch it Bartowski…you’re looking at an efficient employee…be careful because I may end up taking take your job.
Chuck: [nervously freaking out]You think I’m getting canned?
[Casey just stands there smirking at him]
Jeff: [walking up]This is lame
Lester: My sentiments exactly my brother[they tap fists] I was actually doing some real work this time and Dr. Killjoy slammed us.
[Anna chimes in]
Anna: I know a guy…
[Everybody looks at her]
Morgan: All right guys, that the cue to call it a night. Me and Anna are heading out. Chuck…guys…Happy New Year.
Anna: Just putting it out there…[waves] By guys!
[Jeff and Lester give a head nod]
Chuck: Happy New Year to you to Morgan…Anna..[looks at Jeff, Lester, the rest of the employees and scream out loud] and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO REST OF YOU GUYS!
[A scream of Happy New Years is reciprocated back]
[Cut to a time laspe of the employees filing out one by one. Casey, Chuck and Sarah are in the home theatre lounger talking to Beckman and Graham. They tell them that he hasn’t flashed and it has been surprisingly non-terror threatening day. Cut to Chuck and Sarah part ways to meet back later at Chuck’s house leaving Casey to do some last minute inventory that Big Mike left for him to do. Cut to outside the Buy More as Chuck locks the doors. Chuck walks to his car, he stops to looks around for a few second, gets in his car and drives off. At the bottom of the screen reads 11:00:05 p.m. I hour till New Year]
[The scene begins at Casa Bartowski. Cut to a scene hearing a knock at the door, opens it up and sees Sarah standing there. He invites her in and spend time eating popcorn on the couch watching the New Years celebration in Times Square. All of sudden they hear a knock at the door]
Chuck: [washing dishes in the kitchen]Its probably the pizza we ordered
Sarah: I got it… you have it the next time.
Chuck: [from the kitchen]Yup!
[Sarah walks to the door with money in hand, opens it, and all you see is something sprayed in her face causing her to be knocked out on to the floor]
Chuck: Sarah…I hope you’re not eating that pizza witho….
[As chuck walks out he sees Richard Clark stand in the middle of the living room]
Clark: Hello Mr. BartowskiChuck: Oh!...Mr. Clark, I thought you were the pizza…what are doing here so late…[walks forward to talk to him. Chuck sees Sarah on the floor and tries to go over to her but is stopped by Clark who takes out a silencer]
Chuck: [freaked out tone]What did you do to her?
Clark: [looking at his watch]She be fine….she’ll wake up with a nice headache tomorrow.
Chuck: [with a confused look on his face]Who are you? I thought you were an efficiency expert for the Buy More Home Office.
Clark: I am…I’m also trained assassin.[looking at his watch again]Listen I don’t have much time…I have a schedule to keep…so I'm going to make this quick.
Chuck: [backs up and then hits the button on his watch to notify Casey that he’s in trouble]Huh…so you really are The Cleaner…[breathing hard]Who sent…who hired you?
Clark: No time for small talk…I have a schedule to keep and I really don’t want to waste time.[points silencer at Chuck]
Chuck: Wait! [pretends to see someone out the window making Clark looks. He picks up the popcorn bowl and throws it at Clark hitting him in the head. Chuck before running out the door looks at Sarah unconscious on the floor and then heads out]
[Cut to Casey doing the last bits of inventory is alerted by Chuck’s distress call. He checks the tracker and sees that Chuck is on foot headed towards the beach. He drops everything, gets in his care, and rushes to his aide. At the bottom of the screen reads 11:35:45 p.m. 15 minutes till New Year]
[The scene begins with Chuck running on to the Beach and as he looks behind him he trips and falls causing him to roll down the shore. Chuck is groggy and at that point you see Clark running over the dune holding his silencer. He stands in front of Chuck, points his silencer at his head, and he tells him to get up. Thinking quickly, he grabs a handful of sand getting up and Clark is talking to him]
Clark: [breathing heavily]Mr. Bartowski…you are throwing me off schedule. I hate when I’m off schedule.
[Thinking quickly again Chuck asks him one more question]
Chuck: [hold up his left hand]Wait…before you shoot…what time is it?
[Clark looks at his watch and at that point Chuck throws sand in his face. At that same moment Casey does a dukes of hazzard on the beach inevitable doing one of those cool u turns to the point that he hits Clark causing him to fly several feet away. Casey gets out of the car with his weapon drawn and checks on Clark and then Chuck]
Casey: Are you okay? Where is Sarah?
Chuck: [catching his breathe and freaking out]I’m fine….Sarah is back in Ellie’s apartment unconscious. Is Clark dead?
Casey: Nope…he’s just unconscious.
Chuck:[ puts hand on Casey’s shoulder]Thank God you arrived Casey…I’m glad you were here to save me.
Casey: I’m here to do my job…[smirks]besides if you’re dead who is going to get me my 1985 Crown Vic that you owe me.
Chuck: [shaking his head] You’re never gonna let me forget that are you?
Casey: [smiles at Chuck]Nope
[Just as he says that fireworks illuminate the night sky. Chuck looks at his watch and sees that its midnight]
Chuck:[looks at Casey]What a way to ring in the New Year…..Happy New Year Casey.
Casey: [smirks]Happy New Year Bartowski
[Just as he says that Casey gets a phone call and he answers it]
Voice of General Beckman: Agent Casey…the beta version of the intersect is fully operational and the new computer is online. You know what to do.
[Casey hangs up and turns around to see Chuck sitting on the sand resting himself with his back to the car door. The final shot you see is a close up of Casey’s weapon with Chuck in the background]
[Fade to Black with these words showingTo Be Continued…]
Big Mike: [with a stern voice]Listen up! I need everybody focused…[stops in mid sentence to look at Jeff and Lester]…because the clock is ticking people and this is a serious matter.
Morgan: [with a concerned look on his face]What’s going on big guy? Is Tang coming back?
[Chuck’s eyes widen, looks at Morgan, and then looks at Big Mike]
Big Mike: No...[cut to chuck looking relieved]…They’re sending someone from the Buy More home office to inspect how we operate so I need everyone…[stops in mid sentence again to look at Jeff and Lester]…to be on their game. The inspector is supposed to arrive some time today.
[The buy more employees talk amongst themselves and the camera cuts to Lester]
Lester: You can count on us sir…we’re ready to work our butts off to impress the inspector.
Big Mike: Lester…when was the last time you and sleeping beauty over there have done any real work?
Lester: [thinking]What day is it?
Big Mike: Monday
Lester: Hmmmm…Oh...Last Monday
Big Mike: [massages his temple and then looks at Chuck frustrated]Chuck…get your team in line or you all[points to all the employees]will find yourselves in another line…the unemployment line.[Big Mike checks his watch]Okay we have 30 minutes till the store opens…find something to do[The employees scatter]
[Chuck nervously nods and heads towards the info desk where Morgan is standing with Anna]
Morgan: So, what does the Bartowski clan have planned for New Years Eve?
Chuck: Well, Ellie is out of town with Awesome[cut to Anna smirking with that bit of news]to spend New Years Eve with his folks so…[puts his hands together and then separates them]…I pretty much have the place to myself.
Morgan: [eyes widen]It’s a perfect opportunity for you bro!
Chuck: [confused look]A perfect opportunity for what?
Morgan: You know…[looks at chuck and moves his eyebrow up and down]…you alone with Sarah. Its like you’re Tom Cruise in Risky Business and Sarah…she’s Rebecca De Morney. Seize the moment dude!
Chuck: I’m not going to the seize the moment with Sarah…since the Christmas Party we have come to a mutual understanding that it’s better off to be friends. She is going to stop by though and watch the ball drop in Time Square in New York with me on tv to ring in the New Year. Nothing really exciting…Its pretty much going to be a boring night for both of us.
[Jeff walks by and says lame. Cut to Casey with a very serious look on his face motions Chuck over to him. Chuck ends his conversation with Morgan and goes to talk with Casey]
Chuck: What’s up Mr. Scrooge!?
Casey: [looks at Chuck and does a low growl]We have a situation
[Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins as Chuck and Casey walk in the Buy More’s home theatre lounge. Again the clock appears at the bottom of the screen reading 06:40:25 a.m. The curtains are covering the windows. Chuck sees Sarah standing there and has a confused look on his face]
Chuck: Sarah…how did you get in here? Did you use some super spy invisibility cloak?
Sarah: No…I used the back door.
[Cut to chuck giving the look of feeling stupid]
Casey: Bartowski…the reason I got you here is because of the inspector who is coming today. I know who it is?
Chuck: [surprised look on his face]That's the situation...I thought some terr....wait...how do you know who the inspector is? Do you have everybody bugged?
Casey: [smirks]Maybe…
[Chuck looks at Casey]
Sarah: [chimes in]His name is Richard Clark. [Sarah gives Chuck picture to look at but doesn’t flash]An efficiency expert from Bristol Connecticut who is big on time. He’s THE toughest of the tough and according to his file he is responsible for not only shutting down several Buy More stores in the East Coast until they’re employees are straightened out, but also firing them as well when they don’t.
Casey: His unofficial nickname by those who are no longer working as a Buy More employee is The Cleaner. So far he seems to be legit, but just in case we’re going to keep a close eye on him just in case he tries to do anything out of the ordinary.
Chuck: That’s comforting to know. Wait…what would a Buy More inspector want with the intersect?
Sarah: We’re just being careful because you’re an impor….
Chuck: [repeats it the same time as Sarah]Important piece of intel…yeah I got it…its not like I heard that a thousands time from you.
[The time on the clock reads 06:50:05 a.m. and you suddenly hear from outside the lounge Big Mike’s voice calling for Chuck]
Sarah: You two better go[smiles at Chuck]
Chuck: [before he leaves out the door]Hey Sarah…we still on for tonight?[gives a questioning grin]
Sarah: I’ll be there[smiles]
Chuck: [smiles]Awesome…[looks away]…did I just say that?
[Sarah laughs and they both stand there smiling at each other. Casey sees both of them smiling, grimaces, and then clears his throat]
Casey: Before I die of old age waiting for you to love birds to stop smiling at each other I suggest[looks at Chuck]we get back to work!
[Sarah heads out the back door while Casey and Chuck head out of the home theatre lounge to go see what Big Mike wants]
[Scene begins with the clock reading 10:00::00 a.m. as you see thralls of customers shopping at Buy More. At that point, you see a bald man in glasses, wearing a sharp suit, holding a suit case walking into and looking around. He sets his suit case down and takes out a pen/pad and starts writing things down. Chuck out of the corner of his eye sees Big Mike approaches the man, talk a bit, and then head straight towards Chuck’s direction. Chuck is freaking out as they approach him]
Big Mike: Chuck this is Mr. Richard Clark from the Home Office
Chuck: Hi…hello…Mr. Clark[sticks his hand out to shake hands]
[Clark looks at him and then writes something in his pad]
Clark: Chuck…is it? I didn’t hear the Buy More greeting? You were wasting time trying to figure out what you were going to say to me. That’s unacceptable[walks away and starts looking around the store]
Chuck: Well…[looks at Big Mike and says sarcastically]My first impression of him is that he seems to be a real party animal.
Big Mike: [has a look like he’s about to have an aneurism]Remember Bartowski…keep your crew in line.
[Just as he says that Morgan walks up]
Morgan: Is that the efficiency expert…he looks like Mr. Clean?
Chuck: [looks at Clark for a moment and then at Morgan]Richard Clark…yeah he is…and no he doesn’t look like Mr. Clean. So get back to work before he writes something else on his pad.[Morgan leaves and Casey passes by]
Casey: Be on your toes Bartowski…remember stay cool and remember we have your back.[Close up on a nervous Chuck]
[Several hours pass as Clark walks around the store writing down notes, checking his watch, and not saying a word to anybody. Every now and then he glares at Chuck who is walking around the store. He sees him glare at him and tries to say away from his sight as much as possible, but to no avail At 12:50 p.m. the scene cuts to Chuck and Morgan in the break room having lunch talking when Richard Clark walks in]
Clark:Mr. Bartowski…Mr. Grimes.
[They both nod and just as Clark starts surveying the area. Sarah walk in to see Chuck carrying her lunch. You see Clark glare at Sarah and then writes down something in his pad]
Sarah: Hey Chuck, I decided to have lunch with you today. Hey Morgan!
[Morgan grunts and waves as he is scarfing down noodles]
Chuck: That’s sweet Sarah.
Clark: [Clark chimes in]Mr. Bartowski, you do know your lunch break lasts 30 minutes and according to my watch you have 10 minutes left. So I suggest you stop wasting your time cavorting with this young lady here and finish eat so you can go back to work promptly at 1p.m.[He leaves]
Sarah: What crawled up his shorts?
Morgan: I bet he was beat up in High School…a lot.
[Casey looks at Morgan and reluctantly nods]
[The scene begins at 10:00 p.m. as the stored is locked up. You see all the buy more employees in front of the info desk nervously waiting for what Richard Clark is about to say to them. At 10:05:00 he walks up and begins speaking]
Clark: [fixes his glasses and puts his fingers together] I am disappointed in how this particular Buy More is running[takes out pad and goes down the list] The main problem that I have observed is time management between customers and scheduled breaks. However, the only bright spot among you is…[looks at pad]…ah yes…Mr. Casey. [cut to Casey smirking]He seems to be the only one who knows how to be efficient with time. In any case, I will send my report to the Home Office tomorrow. Good night and [sarcastic tone] may you all have a happy New Year.
[Clark picks up his suit case and heads out the door but not before he gives one more glare to Chuck. He quickly turns around to walk the other way and runs into Casey]
Casey: Watch it Bartowski…you’re looking at an efficient employee…be careful because I may end up taking take your job.
Chuck: [nervously freaking out]You think I’m getting canned?
[Casey just stands there smirking at him]
Jeff: [walking up]This is lame
Lester: My sentiments exactly my brother[they tap fists] I was actually doing some real work this time and Dr. Killjoy slammed us.
[Anna chimes in]
Anna: I know a guy…
[Everybody looks at her]
Morgan: All right guys, that the cue to call it a night. Me and Anna are heading out. Chuck…guys…Happy New Year.
Anna: Just putting it out there…[waves] By guys!
[Jeff and Lester give a head nod]
Chuck: Happy New Year to you to Morgan…Anna..[looks at Jeff, Lester, the rest of the employees and scream out loud] and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO REST OF YOU GUYS!
[A scream of Happy New Years is reciprocated back]
[Cut to a time laspe of the employees filing out one by one. Casey, Chuck and Sarah are in the home theatre lounger talking to Beckman and Graham. They tell them that he hasn’t flashed and it has been surprisingly non-terror threatening day. Cut to Chuck and Sarah part ways to meet back later at Chuck’s house leaving Casey to do some last minute inventory that Big Mike left for him to do. Cut to outside the Buy More as Chuck locks the doors. Chuck walks to his car, he stops to looks around for a few second, gets in his car and drives off. At the bottom of the screen reads 11:00:05 p.m. I hour till New Year]
[The scene begins at Casa Bartowski. Cut to a scene hearing a knock at the door, opens it up and sees Sarah standing there. He invites her in and spend time eating popcorn on the couch watching the New Years celebration in Times Square. All of sudden they hear a knock at the door]
Chuck: [washing dishes in the kitchen]Its probably the pizza we ordered
Sarah: I got it… you have it the next time.
Chuck: [from the kitchen]Yup!
[Sarah walks to the door with money in hand, opens it, and all you see is something sprayed in her face causing her to be knocked out on to the floor]
Chuck: Sarah…I hope you’re not eating that pizza witho….
[As chuck walks out he sees Richard Clark stand in the middle of the living room]
Clark: Hello Mr. BartowskiChuck: Oh!...Mr. Clark, I thought you were the pizza…what are doing here so late…[walks forward to talk to him. Chuck sees Sarah on the floor and tries to go over to her but is stopped by Clark who takes out a silencer]
Chuck: [freaked out tone]What did you do to her?
Clark: [looking at his watch]She be fine….she’ll wake up with a nice headache tomorrow.
Chuck: [with a confused look on his face]Who are you? I thought you were an efficiency expert for the Buy More Home Office.
Clark: I am…I’m also trained assassin.[looking at his watch again]Listen I don’t have much time…I have a schedule to keep…so I'm going to make this quick.
Chuck: [backs up and then hits the button on his watch to notify Casey that he’s in trouble]Huh…so you really are The Cleaner…[breathing hard]Who sent…who hired you?
Clark: No time for small talk…I have a schedule to keep and I really don’t want to waste time.[points silencer at Chuck]
Chuck: Wait! [pretends to see someone out the window making Clark looks. He picks up the popcorn bowl and throws it at Clark hitting him in the head. Chuck before running out the door looks at Sarah unconscious on the floor and then heads out]
[Cut to Casey doing the last bits of inventory is alerted by Chuck’s distress call. He checks the tracker and sees that Chuck is on foot headed towards the beach. He drops everything, gets in his care, and rushes to his aide. At the bottom of the screen reads 11:35:45 p.m. 15 minutes till New Year]
[The scene begins with Chuck running on to the Beach and as he looks behind him he trips and falls causing him to roll down the shore. Chuck is groggy and at that point you see Clark running over the dune holding his silencer. He stands in front of Chuck, points his silencer at his head, and he tells him to get up. Thinking quickly, he grabs a handful of sand getting up and Clark is talking to him]
Clark: [breathing heavily]Mr. Bartowski…you are throwing me off schedule. I hate when I’m off schedule.
[Thinking quickly again Chuck asks him one more question]
Chuck: [hold up his left hand]Wait…before you shoot…what time is it?
[Clark looks at his watch and at that point Chuck throws sand in his face. At that same moment Casey does a dukes of hazzard on the beach inevitable doing one of those cool u turns to the point that he hits Clark causing him to fly several feet away. Casey gets out of the car with his weapon drawn and checks on Clark and then Chuck]
Casey: Are you okay? Where is Sarah?
Chuck: [catching his breathe and freaking out]I’m fine….Sarah is back in Ellie’s apartment unconscious. Is Clark dead?
Casey: Nope…he’s just unconscious.
Chuck:[ puts hand on Casey’s shoulder]Thank God you arrived Casey…I’m glad you were here to save me.
Casey: I’m here to do my job…[smirks]besides if you’re dead who is going to get me my 1985 Crown Vic that you owe me.
Chuck: [shaking his head] You’re never gonna let me forget that are you?
Casey: [smiles at Chuck]Nope
[Just as he says that fireworks illuminate the night sky. Chuck looks at his watch and sees that its midnight]
Chuck:[looks at Casey]What a way to ring in the New Year…..Happy New Year Casey.
Casey: [smirks]Happy New Year Bartowski
[Just as he says that Casey gets a phone call and he answers it]
Voice of General Beckman: Agent Casey…the beta version of the intersect is fully operational and the new computer is online. You know what to do.
[Casey hangs up and turns around to see Chuck sitting on the sand resting himself with his back to the car door. The final shot you see is a close up of Casey’s weapon with Chuck in the background]
[Fade to Black with these words showingTo Be Continued…]
Chuck Vs. The Louge Lizard
[The opening scene is a shot of Los Angeles and you hear the song We’ve Got A World That Swings by Mel Torme(See Below)Click and you then cut to casa Bartowski. The song continues on and we get a glimpse of Chuck singing in front of the mirror along to the song with a comb in his hand representing a microphone. The wannabe crooner snaps his fingers to the ditty as he does some slick moves and at the same time he’s doing that Sarah is smiling as she watches him. The look on her face reads that she is very impressed and is tickled at the moves Chuck is doing. Chuck turns around when the song reaches it climatic end sees Sarah standing there causing him to throw the comb]
Sarah: [Clapping]Wow Chuck! I did not know you can sing?
Chuck: [with Chuckish smile] Hey Sarah…well just like you…there’s certain things that you don’t know about me that I like to keep secret as well.
Sarah: Does Ellie, Awesome, Morgan and the rest of the guys know about your talent?
Chuck: [hurries to the door, looks in the hallway, and then closes it] Ellie does…Awesome. a little…Morgan…not so much…and I want to keep it that way?
Sarah: Why? Chuck, you are really talented guy…you shouldn’t be embarrassed by it.
Chuck: [talking too quickly]I’m deathly afraid of crowds...it goes by to my childhood and my eighth grade recital…[cut to Chuck’s face as he remembers back and shivers]…I’m never wearing white paints again.
Sarah:[confused look on her face] Anyways…I came to get you…Beckman is waiting for us in Casey’s apartment…
Chuck: [Chuck cuts off Sarah]Let me guess…another mission…with the possibility of me staying in the car again?
[Sarah drags Chuck to Casey’s apartment and then cut to all three in the middle of a Beckman briefing Team Chuck on their next mission. A picture of The Dandridge Hotel is shown, as well as, two men, one of which Chuck immediately flashes on. He sees images of stolen government secrets, military weapons, piano, background singers, a tux, a stage, and man whose name is Martin Dean]
Chuck: [snaps out of it and chimes in before Beckman speaks]That’s Martin Dean…a former defense analyst whose genius mind has created unheard of military weapons. The FBI has been tacking his moveents as of late because he’s been making deals that are considered suspicious. Deals that are legit to the eyes of world, but to the FBI, CIA, NSA, Interpol....there’s something fishy going on
Casey: You never cease to amaze me Bartwoski…how much info is actually stored in that cranium of yours you call a head?
[Chuck looks at Casey]
Beckman: Impressive Mr. Bartowksi. That leads to the mission at hand. It will be at the Dandridge Hotel.
Sarah: General…I distinctly remember that The Sinatra Lounge is located within the Dandridge Hotel. My thinking is that my cover should be a cocktail waitress, Casey is the bartender, and Chuck…a lounge singer[Chuck quickly looks at Sarah and immediately starts freaking out]
Beckman: [raises right eyebrow] Mr. Bartowski...do you sing?
[Chuck raises his finger and is about to say something when Sarah chimes in]
Sarah: Yes he does General…he is an excellent singer.
[Casey looks at Chuck and starts smiling]
Beckman: Well then…you have your assignment. We’ll have your background cover story ready when you get there…Good luck.
Casey: [looks at chuck and grins]I’m going to enjoy this…I should probably bring my video camera…you know for posterity reasons.
[Cut to Chuck looking anxiety ridden with a half hearted smile on his face. Cue Chuck Intro]
[The scene opens at the beautiful Dandridge Hotel and then cut to Chuck backstage of the Sinatra Lounge hyperventilating into a paper bag. You then see Casey and Sarah walk backstage, see chuck, and talk to him]
Casey: Game time Bartowski!
[Chuck’s eyes widen and looking as if he’s about to pass out]
Sarah: [Grabs Chuck and talks to him]Chuck! Breathe…look at me…remember you’re not Chuck Bartowski…you are Chaz Carmichael lounge singer. Remember…Chaz Carmichael.
Chuck: [Talking quickly]Sarah..I cant…I can’t…
[Sarah slaps him across the face]
Chuck: Did you just slap me in the face?
Sarah: Focus! Intel said that Martin Dean goes by a set schedule and usually arrives for his drink at the bar promptly at 8pm. He then meets with his contact at 9pm. So we need you to stay alert. Just have fun.
Chuck: What if I can’t?
Casey: [with menacing look]I’ll slap you in the face…over and over again until you do.[smiles at Chuck]
Sarah: [smiles at Chuck]Relax Chuck…you’re public awaits.
[Cut to Chuck stumbling on stage trying to work the microphone with Casey and Sarah looking on. Chuck looks at the piano player, drummer, and then at the backup singers. He starts freaking out when he looks out at the audience, but when he sees Sarah smiling he calms down and starts to slowly but surely belting out tunes. Cut to Martin Dean walking in 8pm on the dot and sitting at the bar. Casey walks up to him]
Casey: What will you have sir?
Dean:Scotch on the rocks and make it a double.
Casey: Yes sir…coming right up[looks at Sarah]
[An hour later enter Dean’s contact. They move from the bar to a secluded table to talk. The scene ends with Chuck trying to sing piano man by Billy Joel and Sarah getting as close as possible to hear Dean and his contact]
[The scene begins several days after the first night in Casey’s apartment as Team Chuck debriefs Beckman on their first night of surveillance]
Beckman: Did you get any leads?
Sarah:Not much General…we’re going back tonight for more intel.
Casey: It was more of happy hour than business General. Hopefully we’ll know more by tonight.
Beckman: Where is the talented Mr. Bartowski?
Sarah: He’s practicing a few songs…I think he’s starting to have fun with it. He’s actually fitting into the cover of Chaz Carmichael quite well.
Casey: [usual gruff voice]A little too well
Beckman: [intrigued look on her face] Explain Agent Casey
Casey:He put a tip jar on the piano and is now starting to become so confident he’s winking at people. He winked at me yesterday…[looks at Sarah]…I don’t like it when people wink at me.
[Sarah and Beckman both smile]
Beckman: Keep the surveillance going and report back what you find[Screen goes off]
[Cut to Chuck in his room singing. Morgan walks in with a look of confusion]
Morgan: What are you doing?
Chuck: Nothing…what do you think I’m doing?
Morgan: It looks like you’re busting out tunes to the greatest hits of Neil Sedaka.
Chuck: [nervously defensive]Can’t a guy just listen to some Neil Sedaka in the privacy of his own room?
Morgan: Who are you and what have you done with Chuck? [Morgan thinks out loud invasion of the body snatchers]Where is Chuck…tell me now![pulls chucks hair]
Chuck: [slaps Morgan’s hand away]Hey that hurt! Okay…look…[brings Morgan closer in] The reason I’m doing this is because I want to do something special for Sarah. Things haven’t been going so well between us…so I want to make it up to her.
Morgan: [smile on his face]I gotcha bro…trying to score some major points with the lady…I respect that my friend…my lips our sealed.
[Morgan and Chuck tap fists. He then spots Ellie walking down the hall and chases after her. Chuck continues to practice his song that he’s performing for tonight]
[The scene begins in the Sinatra Lounge with all the patrons waiting for Chaz Carmichael to perform on stage. Martin Dean and his contact are again sitting at the same secluded table but this time Casey bugged their booth. You then see chuck walking to the middle of the stage wearing a tux with the tie untied and he grabs a stool to sit Sarah is working the tables when she stops to look at Chuck. He taps the microphone]
Chuck: Good evening ladies and gentlemen…welcome to the Sinatra Lounge. I’m your entertainment for tonight Chaz Carmichael and please don’t forget to tip your waitress.[winks at Sarah and she blushes]
[The lights lower, the drummer/guitarist start playing, and the background singers start wooing]
Chuck:Before I begin, I would like to dedicate this song to a very special lady. So Sarah…actually any woman out there whose name is Sarah…this one is for you.
[Chuck begins singing Hall and Oats Sarah Smile (See Below)During the song you cut to all the women in the audience becoming overwhelmingly touched…including Sarah whose eyes are glued on to Chuck. Cut to Casey whose mouth is wide open in amazement. After about three and a half minutes the song is over leading to the audience standing to applaud the performance]
Chuck: [waves hands in air]Thank you….thank you.
[Walks over to the bar where Casey and Sarah are at]
Chuck: So…[looks at Casey and Sarah]…what do we got on Dean and his contact…anything?
[Sarah stares at chuck whiling smiling like a school girl but then snaps out of it]
Sarah: Ummm…yeah Dean…right. Well, we’re close to taking him down.
Casey: Bartowski…I know I bust your chops…a lot
Chuck: [nodding head]Yes…you are a chopbuster
Casey: I have to say….I have a whole new respect for you.
Chuck: [smiling]Really!?
Casey: No[turns his attention to monitoring the bug at Dean’s table]
[Chuck stops smiling and gives Casey a glare]
Sarah: Chuck that was beautiful.
Chuck: Well I just sang it…give all the credit to Hall and Oates who wrote it.
Casey:[Eyebrows go up]Chuck…Sarah…its going down now. [points to the stage]Chuck…go sing something while we take Dean and his contact down.
Chuck: What do I sing?
Casey: I don’t care…sing I’m a little teapot for all I care…just sing something.
Chuck:You know….with that attitude you don’t deserve a wink from me.
[Casey growls at Chuck]
[Chuck hops on Stage and talks to the audience]
Chuck: Okay ladies and gentlemen…this will be my final song of the night.
[As he starts to sing one by one lighters start to click on and being waved back and forth. You then cut to Sarah and Casey arresting Dean and his contact. They bring both of them out in the cover of darkness as Chuck sings. You then hear Dean say wait..stop…I want to hear him sing. He’s such a great and talented singer to which Sarah responds by saying with a smile on her face…yes he certainly is]
[Scene begins in the courtyard as Chuck is doing some crooner moves wearing a fedora. He starts flipping it and then placing it on his head. Sarah walks up and talks to Chuck]
Sarah: Am I interrupting anything?
[Chuck drops the fedora and then Sarah picks it up]
Chuck: Hey Sarah…nah I was just having some fun.
Sarah:[laughs]A little too much fun[smiling at Chuck and puts fedora on Chuck’s head]
Chuck: Thanks[smiling at Sarah]
Sarah: For what?
Chuck: For pushing me to do something that I was deathly afraid of. I would have never been able to conquer my fear if it wasn’t for you. You know…I consider you one classy dame in my book.[taps her chin]
Sarah: [smiles]Thanks…Can I ask you a question?
Chuck: Shoot
Sarah: [gives that all-too-familiar look]Were you referring to me as the special lady who you dedicated the song to?
[Chuck looks into her eyes, smiles at her, takes the fedora off his head, and puts its on her head]
The final scene ends with Sarah and Chuck walking side by side as they’re walking towards Ellie’s apartment. The camera slowly pans back and the song Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra plays. (See below)
[Fade to Black]
Sarah: [Clapping]Wow Chuck! I did not know you can sing?
Chuck: [with Chuckish smile] Hey Sarah…well just like you…there’s certain things that you don’t know about me that I like to keep secret as well.
Sarah: Does Ellie, Awesome, Morgan and the rest of the guys know about your talent?
Chuck: [hurries to the door, looks in the hallway, and then closes it] Ellie does…Awesome. a little…Morgan…not so much…and I want to keep it that way?
Sarah: Why? Chuck, you are really talented guy…you shouldn’t be embarrassed by it.
Chuck: [talking too quickly]I’m deathly afraid of crowds...it goes by to my childhood and my eighth grade recital…[cut to Chuck’s face as he remembers back and shivers]…I’m never wearing white paints again.
Sarah:[confused look on her face] Anyways…I came to get you…Beckman is waiting for us in Casey’s apartment…
Chuck: [Chuck cuts off Sarah]Let me guess…another mission…with the possibility of me staying in the car again?
[Sarah drags Chuck to Casey’s apartment and then cut to all three in the middle of a Beckman briefing Team Chuck on their next mission. A picture of The Dandridge Hotel is shown, as well as, two men, one of which Chuck immediately flashes on. He sees images of stolen government secrets, military weapons, piano, background singers, a tux, a stage, and man whose name is Martin Dean]
Chuck: [snaps out of it and chimes in before Beckman speaks]That’s Martin Dean…a former defense analyst whose genius mind has created unheard of military weapons. The FBI has been tacking his moveents as of late because he’s been making deals that are considered suspicious. Deals that are legit to the eyes of world, but to the FBI, CIA, NSA, Interpol....there’s something fishy going on
Casey: You never cease to amaze me Bartwoski…how much info is actually stored in that cranium of yours you call a head?
[Chuck looks at Casey]
Beckman: Impressive Mr. Bartowksi. That leads to the mission at hand. It will be at the Dandridge Hotel.
Sarah: General…I distinctly remember that The Sinatra Lounge is located within the Dandridge Hotel. My thinking is that my cover should be a cocktail waitress, Casey is the bartender, and Chuck…a lounge singer[Chuck quickly looks at Sarah and immediately starts freaking out]
Beckman: [raises right eyebrow] Mr. Bartowski...do you sing?
[Chuck raises his finger and is about to say something when Sarah chimes in]
Sarah: Yes he does General…he is an excellent singer.
[Casey looks at Chuck and starts smiling]
Beckman: Well then…you have your assignment. We’ll have your background cover story ready when you get there…Good luck.
Casey: [looks at chuck and grins]I’m going to enjoy this…I should probably bring my video camera…you know for posterity reasons.
[Cut to Chuck looking anxiety ridden with a half hearted smile on his face. Cue Chuck Intro]
[The scene opens at the beautiful Dandridge Hotel and then cut to Chuck backstage of the Sinatra Lounge hyperventilating into a paper bag. You then see Casey and Sarah walk backstage, see chuck, and talk to him]
Casey: Game time Bartowski!
[Chuck’s eyes widen and looking as if he’s about to pass out]
Sarah: [Grabs Chuck and talks to him]Chuck! Breathe…look at me…remember you’re not Chuck Bartowski…you are Chaz Carmichael lounge singer. Remember…Chaz Carmichael.
Chuck: [Talking quickly]Sarah..I cant…I can’t…
[Sarah slaps him across the face]
Chuck: Did you just slap me in the face?
Sarah: Focus! Intel said that Martin Dean goes by a set schedule and usually arrives for his drink at the bar promptly at 8pm. He then meets with his contact at 9pm. So we need you to stay alert. Just have fun.
Chuck: What if I can’t?
Casey: [with menacing look]I’ll slap you in the face…over and over again until you do.[smiles at Chuck]
Sarah: [smiles at Chuck]Relax Chuck…you’re public awaits.
[Cut to Chuck stumbling on stage trying to work the microphone with Casey and Sarah looking on. Chuck looks at the piano player, drummer, and then at the backup singers. He starts freaking out when he looks out at the audience, but when he sees Sarah smiling he calms down and starts to slowly but surely belting out tunes. Cut to Martin Dean walking in 8pm on the dot and sitting at the bar. Casey walks up to him]
Casey: What will you have sir?
Dean:Scotch on the rocks and make it a double.
Casey: Yes sir…coming right up[looks at Sarah]
[An hour later enter Dean’s contact. They move from the bar to a secluded table to talk. The scene ends with Chuck trying to sing piano man by Billy Joel and Sarah getting as close as possible to hear Dean and his contact]
[The scene begins several days after the first night in Casey’s apartment as Team Chuck debriefs Beckman on their first night of surveillance]
Beckman: Did you get any leads?
Sarah:Not much General…we’re going back tonight for more intel.
Casey: It was more of happy hour than business General. Hopefully we’ll know more by tonight.
Beckman: Where is the talented Mr. Bartowski?
Sarah: He’s practicing a few songs…I think he’s starting to have fun with it. He’s actually fitting into the cover of Chaz Carmichael quite well.
Casey: [usual gruff voice]A little too well
Beckman: [intrigued look on her face] Explain Agent Casey
Casey:He put a tip jar on the piano and is now starting to become so confident he’s winking at people. He winked at me yesterday…[looks at Sarah]…I don’t like it when people wink at me.
[Sarah and Beckman both smile]
Beckman: Keep the surveillance going and report back what you find[Screen goes off]
[Cut to Chuck in his room singing. Morgan walks in with a look of confusion]
Morgan: What are you doing?
Chuck: Nothing…what do you think I’m doing?
Morgan: It looks like you’re busting out tunes to the greatest hits of Neil Sedaka.
Chuck: [nervously defensive]Can’t a guy just listen to some Neil Sedaka in the privacy of his own room?
Morgan: Who are you and what have you done with Chuck? [Morgan thinks out loud invasion of the body snatchers]Where is Chuck…tell me now![pulls chucks hair]
Chuck: [slaps Morgan’s hand away]Hey that hurt! Okay…look…[brings Morgan closer in] The reason I’m doing this is because I want to do something special for Sarah. Things haven’t been going so well between us…so I want to make it up to her.
Morgan: [smile on his face]I gotcha bro…trying to score some major points with the lady…I respect that my friend…my lips our sealed.
[Morgan and Chuck tap fists. He then spots Ellie walking down the hall and chases after her. Chuck continues to practice his song that he’s performing for tonight]
[The scene begins in the Sinatra Lounge with all the patrons waiting for Chaz Carmichael to perform on stage. Martin Dean and his contact are again sitting at the same secluded table but this time Casey bugged their booth. You then see chuck walking to the middle of the stage wearing a tux with the tie untied and he grabs a stool to sit Sarah is working the tables when she stops to look at Chuck. He taps the microphone]
Chuck: Good evening ladies and gentlemen…welcome to the Sinatra Lounge. I’m your entertainment for tonight Chaz Carmichael and please don’t forget to tip your waitress.[winks at Sarah and she blushes]
[The lights lower, the drummer/guitarist start playing, and the background singers start wooing]
Chuck:Before I begin, I would like to dedicate this song to a very special lady. So Sarah…actually any woman out there whose name is Sarah…this one is for you.
[Chuck begins singing Hall and Oats Sarah Smile (See Below)During the song you cut to all the women in the audience becoming overwhelmingly touched…including Sarah whose eyes are glued on to Chuck. Cut to Casey whose mouth is wide open in amazement. After about three and a half minutes the song is over leading to the audience standing to applaud the performance]
Chuck: [waves hands in air]Thank you….thank you.
[Walks over to the bar where Casey and Sarah are at]
Chuck: So…[looks at Casey and Sarah]…what do we got on Dean and his contact…anything?
[Sarah stares at chuck whiling smiling like a school girl but then snaps out of it]
Sarah: Ummm…yeah Dean…right. Well, we’re close to taking him down.
Casey: Bartowski…I know I bust your chops…a lot
Chuck: [nodding head]Yes…you are a chopbuster
Casey: I have to say….I have a whole new respect for you.
Chuck: [smiling]Really!?
Casey: No[turns his attention to monitoring the bug at Dean’s table]
[Chuck stops smiling and gives Casey a glare]
Sarah: Chuck that was beautiful.
Chuck: Well I just sang it…give all the credit to Hall and Oates who wrote it.
Casey:[Eyebrows go up]Chuck…Sarah…its going down now. [points to the stage]Chuck…go sing something while we take Dean and his contact down.
Chuck: What do I sing?
Casey: I don’t care…sing I’m a little teapot for all I care…just sing something.
Chuck:You know….with that attitude you don’t deserve a wink from me.
[Casey growls at Chuck]
[Chuck hops on Stage and talks to the audience]
Chuck: Okay ladies and gentlemen…this will be my final song of the night.
[As he starts to sing one by one lighters start to click on and being waved back and forth. You then cut to Sarah and Casey arresting Dean and his contact. They bring both of them out in the cover of darkness as Chuck sings. You then hear Dean say wait..stop…I want to hear him sing. He’s such a great and talented singer to which Sarah responds by saying with a smile on her face…yes he certainly is]
[Scene begins in the courtyard as Chuck is doing some crooner moves wearing a fedora. He starts flipping it and then placing it on his head. Sarah walks up and talks to Chuck]
Sarah: Am I interrupting anything?
[Chuck drops the fedora and then Sarah picks it up]
Chuck: Hey Sarah…nah I was just having some fun.
Sarah:[laughs]A little too much fun[smiling at Chuck and puts fedora on Chuck’s head]
Chuck: Thanks[smiling at Sarah]
Sarah: For what?
Chuck: For pushing me to do something that I was deathly afraid of. I would have never been able to conquer my fear if it wasn’t for you. You know…I consider you one classy dame in my book.[taps her chin]
Sarah: [smiles]Thanks…Can I ask you a question?
Chuck: Shoot
Sarah: [gives that all-too-familiar look]Were you referring to me as the special lady who you dedicated the song to?
[Chuck looks into her eyes, smiles at her, takes the fedora off his head, and puts its on her head]
The final scene ends with Sarah and Chuck walking side by side as they’re walking towards Ellie’s apartment. The camera slowly pans back and the song Fly Me To The Moon by Frank Sinatra plays. (See below)
[Fade to Black]
Chuck vs. The Beginning
[The opening scene begins with a view of Los Angeles and then a shot of the Bartowski apartment complex. You then cut to Chuck sitting leaning back in a chair facing the window. He’s getting lost in looking at the photo of him and Bryce along with 2 of his fraternity brothers. He flashes back to the time when he meets Bryce for the first when all of a sudden a faint call of his name is heard. It grows increasingly louder to the point where his name is loudly called one more time causing to not only snap out of it, but it also causes him to fall backwards on to the floor. The picture flies in the air and then cut to a camera angle from Chuck’s point of view as he looks up at Sarah]
Sarah: Chuck…I’ve been standing here trying to get your attention? Something must have gotten you so focused that you couldn’t hear me.
Chuck: Oh…hey…what’s up Sarah…sorry.
[Sarah helps Chuck up to his feet and then looks down to see the picture on the floor he was looking at beside her foot]
Sarah: [picks up picture and looks at it] What’s this?
Chuck: A picture of me, Bryce, and two of our frat brothers at Stanford. That was before my life went down the crapper and you know what I still can’t wrap my brain around the fact my best friend…Bryce Larkin…was C.I.A. If he was standing here right now and not undercover somewhere trying to take down Fulcrum I would want to talk to me because there are so many unanswered questions that I have…about our friendship…but most of all…about Jill.
Sarah: [Touches Chuck’s hand gently and smiles at him]Hey, you’re not the only one with unanswered questions.[They begin to share a special moment]
[The shared moment is immediately interrupted up by the entrance of Morgan]
Morgan: Hey buddy…ooh…I see you are getting you’re groove on…boom chaka wow wow.
[Sarah rolls her eyes]
Chuck: What do you want Morgan?
Morgan: We’re all planning to go to the movies, want to come with?
[Sarah nods her head to the side and motions to go. Chuck reluctantly agrees, puts the picture on the bed, and then leaves for the movies. The scene ends with the camera panning closer to the picture of Chuck, Morgan, and his two frat brothers. Cue Chuck intro]
[Scene begins 8 years ago at the Stanford courtyard when Bryce meets Chuck for the very first time. Chuck talks about creating a game that is similar to old game called Zork and Bryce remember it to the point where he talks about the next millennium belongs to the geek. Chuck and Bryce talk about Everquest leading Bryce to tell him that his friend Jill loves that game, which intrigues Chuck. Chuck and Bryce form an instant friendship and then head to the quad to meet Jill. Cut to Jill in the quad talking to some friend when Bryce walks up to her with Chuck following behind focusing on trying not to drop all his books]
Bryce: Hey Jill, I want you to meet someone.
[Jill turns around and as she does, Chuck who isn’t paying attention runs into her inevitably knocking all his books to the ground. All three go down to pick up the books leading to Chuck and Jill to bump heads. Chuck rubs his head and then sees Jill]
Chuck: [holding his head and picking up books at the same time]Hi…my name is Chuck…Chuck Bartowski…all around clumsy guy…and allbeit sorry one at that for bumping into you.
Jill: [fixes her hair, smiles, and helps pick up chuck’s books]No problem….I’m clumsy as well. Maybe it was fate that brought us together? [Jill laughs]
[Chuck laughs as well and while all this is happening Bryce is grinning as he sees the connection going on between Chuck and Jill]
Bryce: [jumps in]Chuck…meet Jill Anderson…the girl who I told you about that is into Everquest.
[Chuck and Jill shake hands]
Chuck: You know….I thought only guys like me were into playing computer games like Everquest. Usually, the thought of guys who spend their time playing computer games would make any girl run away because all the girls I’ve date have ended up leaving me high and dry when they find out that bit of news.
Jill: Wow…maybe you’ve been dating the wrong kind of girls[smiles at Chuck again and vice versa]
[The moment is broken up by Bryce putting his arm around the necks of Jill and Chuck. He talk to both of them]
Bryce: I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
[The scene ends with the camera slowly backing up from Chuck, Bryce, and Jill as they are talking/laughing]
[Scene begins 4 years after Chuck, Bryce, and Jill meet. Jill and Chuck are in a serious relationship and you cut to a scene with both of them hand in hand walking down the quad. All of a sudden you see Bryce run up and jumps on Chuck’s back]
Chuck: What's up bro
[Bryce talks to Chuck in Klingon. Chuck looks at Jill and responds back to Bryce in Klingon]
Jill: [stomps her foot on the ground]Come on guys…you know I don’t understand Klingon…what are you guys saying?
Bryce: I said…do you know any beautiful girls on campus.
Chuck: I said…I’m standing right next to her[Chuck smiles at Jill, she smiles back and then kisses him]
Bryce: [punches Chuck in the arm]Hey, I’ve been working on some new codes on the TSR80 for our updated version of Zork. Check it out when you have the time. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to work on it more because I got so focused on it that I lost track of time. I’m now late for Professor Flemming’s class. [Looks behind as he is running to class]Hey, I’ll see you two later?
Chuck: You got it buddy!
Jill: Later Byrce!
[cut to Bryce walking into Flemming’s class and sitting down]
Flemming: Thanks for joining us Mr. Larkin.
[Bryce waves his hand a bit embarrassed. After 40 minutes class ends and Bryce is about to leave when Professor Flemming tells him to walk with him to his office. Cut to Bryce and Chuck in his office]
Flemming: Mr. Larkin…how are you and Ms. Anderson fairing?
Bryce: Well…as students…we’re barely hanging on...as C.I.A operatives, were doing outstanding sir.
[Flemming gives off a pleases look on his face]
Flemming: I hope Agent Anderson is not getting too attached to Mr. Bartowski because her job has been to get close to him in order to see if there were any negative effects he may be suffering from with the encoded message testing.
Bryce: I assure you sir…Agent Anderson knows full well of what is expected of her.
Flemming: Splendid. Keep up the good word...you're dimissed
Bryce: Yes sir
[Bryce leaves and just as he’s about to leave the building, he remembers that he wanted to ask Professor Flemming something. He sees the door ajar and he’s about to knock when he overhears a conversation in progress that Professor Flemming is having with TPTB]
Flemming: Yes...the subject Charles Bartowski...he’s an excellent candidate for the Omaha Project. Once I have a conference with him, test him a bit more, and get further info I would send my complete analysis to you. Yes…I agree…he will be a great asset for the C.I.A.
[Cut to Bryce with a disturbed look on his face and then quietly/discreetly leaves the building]
[Scene begins in Bryce’s room as you see him pace back and forth. He looks a bit edgy as he finds out that Chuck is being considered for the Omaha Project. He knows that Chuck isn’t suited for that type of job. Chuck then walks into the room]
Chuck: [Whistling as he walks in]] What’s up roomy!
Bryce: [with a pensive smile on his face]How is everything Chuckster?
Chuck: Great! My life right now couldn’t be better! My five year plan is falling into place. I have a great best friend who may also possibly be my business partner in the computer gaming industry as we are working on our new updated version of Zork. Finally, I have a great girlfriend who I am madly in love with.
Bryce: [With another pensive smile]That sounds great buddy! Congratulations…I’m happy for you.
Chuck: Can I share something with you? This is between you and me…on the down low.
Bryce: Sure…what? You know you can trust me.
Chuck: I think Jill is the one…I’m going to ask her to marry me. Of course, I need a ring to propose to her but that’s merely a small technicality. Yeah…[sits down, puts his hands behind head, and has his feet up on the desk]… everything is falling into place. Nothing is gonna bring me down from this high.
[Bryce now has a serious look on his face and then tells Chuck he has to go the library. He then takes out his cell phone to call Jill to meet him at the library. Cut to Jill and Casey in the progress of having a conversation about Chuck]
Casey: We have 2 problems. First, Chuck is falling in love with you. Second, Flemming wants Chuck to be part of the Omaha Project.
Jill: What!?
Bryce: Have you at any point compromised yourself? Do you have any real feelings for Chuck at all? Tell me now!
Jill: You know me Bryce, I am all business. But I do care about him and I know you do to. We can’t let Flemming talk to Chuck. He is not suited for the field…you know that and I know that. He’s just too nice of a guy.
Bryce: I agree. Here’s the plan[music starts to play as they start going over what to do in order to save Chuck]
[Scene begins the bext day in Chuck and Bryce’s room around noon. You hear the answering machine click on and you hear Professor Flemming asking Chuck to meet at his office at around 10am. At that point you see someone erase that message and when the camera pans back you see its Bryce. You see this look of seriousness on Bryce’s face. Cut to Bryce entering Professor Flemming office and he basically tells him that Chuck isn’t coming and saying he’s not cut out for the spy game because he has too much heart. He then tells Professor Flemming that he is going to help him save Chuck. Cut to Bryce putting the test answer keys under Chuck’s bed and as he is about to leave he has this sad look on his face as he checks out the picture of him, Chuck and the two frat bros on Chuck’s dresser. He then calls Flemming who in turn calls Chuck to meet him at his office. Cut to Chuck in Flemming’s office talking as he informs him that he has evidence of him cheating and the one who gave the tip was Bryce. Flemming then tells him he’s being kicked out of Stanford and the look on Chuck’s face is one of complete shock. He leaves Flemming’s office in disbelief and he goes to Jill to talk to her because he knows she’s the one person that can make things better of all the turmoil. Chuck eventually finds Jill in the quad]
Chuck: Jill I’m glad I found you, I need to talk to you…you’re never going to believe what Bryce did to me..
Jill: Chuck, we have to talk…..
Chuck: Can it wait, this is BIG…like Luke Skywalker finding out that Darth Vader is his father…big
Jill: Chuck…PLEASE…we really need to talk.
Chuck: Yeah…[directs her to a bench in the quad]…what’s up?
Jill: [with a nervous tone]I want to break up.
Chuck: [Chuck is stunned again and tears are starting to form] Wha…why…I thought things were going great between us…I was even going to propose to you….what did I do wrong? Please tell me…I can change.
Jill: [crying] Its not you…its me. I’m…..I’m….I’m…
Chuck: What is it….are you pregnant? Are you in trouble with the law? [trying to lighten the mood the best he can] Are you mad that you can’t understand Klingon?
Jill: Chuck…I’m in love with someone else.
Chuck: [looks as if someone punched him in the gut]Who…is…the…guy?
Jill: [has difficulty looking at Chuck]Its…Bryce
Chuck: [looking as if he’s having a heart attack]How long?
Jill: 2 months
[Chuck is devastated by the overwhelming news. He gets up dazed, confused, and heartbroken and he walks away with Jill crying in the background. As he disappears in the distance, the camera cuts back to Jill who stops crying, uses her cell phone to call Bryce and tell him that plan C is accomplished. You then cut to Chuck entering his room, stands against the wall, drops to the floor, and just sits there. Just when you think he’s at his lowest, Bryce walks in and he begins to talk to Chuck to add insult to injury]
Bryce: I guess you heard…Hey man, it just happened. She came to me and one thing led to another. I know you hate me because I’ve betrayed both your trust and our friendship. Look, you’ll meet someone else…fall in lov...getmarried…have kids…hey things will get better for you…I promise.
[Chuck doesn’t say a word. He just sits there looking forward. Bryce leaves. You then see Chuck call Ellie and tells him about being expelled to where you see Bryce hearing from the other side of the door in pain at what he has done to his best friend. He walks downstairs. Cut to an hour later as Chuck packs up his stuff. He walks downstairs and sees Bryce playing pool who when he looks at him gives an ice cold look as he says he brought this on himself]
[Scene begins back in the present with Chuck, Sarah, and the rest of the gang retuning from the movies. Chuck and Sarah are left alone in the courtyard to talk with each other]
Sarah: [Walking, holding Chuck’s arm and putting her head on his shoulder]So, do you feel any better?
Chuck: I actually do feel better…thanks. Thanks, for getting me to go to the movies. I really needed it. You have been a source of strength for me whenever I needed encouragement, especially when it comes to Bryce.
Sarah: You are welcome[Hugs chucks arms tighter and snuggles it]
Chuck: You know…It helped me keep my mind off things and you know what even though I still want answers to those unanswered question from Bryce…I know they’ll be answered in due time.
Sarah: That’s positive thinking right ther Chuck. Hold on to that because that is one of those endearing quality most women like myself are attracted to.
Chuck: You know….every time I’m with you[looks into Sarah’s eyes] amid the chaos things just seem to calm down for me. Why is that?
Sarah: [Looks into Chuck’s eyes]I don’t know...I can say the same for me too when I'm with you.
[They both smile at each other and the beautiful moment that’s being shared is ruined when Casey walks by and says Get A Room]
[Fade to Black]
Sarah: Chuck…I’ve been standing here trying to get your attention? Something must have gotten you so focused that you couldn’t hear me.
Chuck: Oh…hey…what’s up Sarah…sorry.
[Sarah helps Chuck up to his feet and then looks down to see the picture on the floor he was looking at beside her foot]
Sarah: [picks up picture and looks at it] What’s this?
Chuck: A picture of me, Bryce, and two of our frat brothers at Stanford. That was before my life went down the crapper and you know what I still can’t wrap my brain around the fact my best friend…Bryce Larkin…was C.I.A. If he was standing here right now and not undercover somewhere trying to take down Fulcrum I would want to talk to me because there are so many unanswered questions that I have…about our friendship…but most of all…about Jill.
Sarah: [Touches Chuck’s hand gently and smiles at him]Hey, you’re not the only one with unanswered questions.[They begin to share a special moment]
[The shared moment is immediately interrupted up by the entrance of Morgan]
Morgan: Hey buddy…ooh…I see you are getting you’re groove on…boom chaka wow wow.
[Sarah rolls her eyes]
Chuck: What do you want Morgan?
Morgan: We’re all planning to go to the movies, want to come with?
[Sarah nods her head to the side and motions to go. Chuck reluctantly agrees, puts the picture on the bed, and then leaves for the movies. The scene ends with the camera panning closer to the picture of Chuck, Morgan, and his two frat brothers. Cue Chuck intro]
[Scene begins 8 years ago at the Stanford courtyard when Bryce meets Chuck for the very first time. Chuck talks about creating a game that is similar to old game called Zork and Bryce remember it to the point where he talks about the next millennium belongs to the geek. Chuck and Bryce talk about Everquest leading Bryce to tell him that his friend Jill loves that game, which intrigues Chuck. Chuck and Bryce form an instant friendship and then head to the quad to meet Jill. Cut to Jill in the quad talking to some friend when Bryce walks up to her with Chuck following behind focusing on trying not to drop all his books]
Bryce: Hey Jill, I want you to meet someone.
[Jill turns around and as she does, Chuck who isn’t paying attention runs into her inevitably knocking all his books to the ground. All three go down to pick up the books leading to Chuck and Jill to bump heads. Chuck rubs his head and then sees Jill]
Chuck: [holding his head and picking up books at the same time]Hi…my name is Chuck…Chuck Bartowski…all around clumsy guy…and allbeit sorry one at that for bumping into you.
Jill: [fixes her hair, smiles, and helps pick up chuck’s books]No problem….I’m clumsy as well. Maybe it was fate that brought us together? [Jill laughs]
[Chuck laughs as well and while all this is happening Bryce is grinning as he sees the connection going on between Chuck and Jill]
Bryce: [jumps in]Chuck…meet Jill Anderson…the girl who I told you about that is into Everquest.
[Chuck and Jill shake hands]
Chuck: You know….I thought only guys like me were into playing computer games like Everquest. Usually, the thought of guys who spend their time playing computer games would make any girl run away because all the girls I’ve date have ended up leaving me high and dry when they find out that bit of news.
Jill: Wow…maybe you’ve been dating the wrong kind of girls[smiles at Chuck again and vice versa]
[The moment is broken up by Bryce putting his arm around the necks of Jill and Chuck. He talk to both of them]
Bryce: I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
[The scene ends with the camera slowly backing up from Chuck, Bryce, and Jill as they are talking/laughing]
[Scene begins 4 years after Chuck, Bryce, and Jill meet. Jill and Chuck are in a serious relationship and you cut to a scene with both of them hand in hand walking down the quad. All of a sudden you see Bryce run up and jumps on Chuck’s back]
Chuck: What's up bro
[Bryce talks to Chuck in Klingon. Chuck looks at Jill and responds back to Bryce in Klingon]
Jill: [stomps her foot on the ground]Come on guys…you know I don’t understand Klingon…what are you guys saying?
Bryce: I said…do you know any beautiful girls on campus.
Chuck: I said…I’m standing right next to her[Chuck smiles at Jill, she smiles back and then kisses him]
Bryce: [punches Chuck in the arm]Hey, I’ve been working on some new codes on the TSR80 for our updated version of Zork. Check it out when you have the time. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to work on it more because I got so focused on it that I lost track of time. I’m now late for Professor Flemming’s class. [Looks behind as he is running to class]Hey, I’ll see you two later?
Chuck: You got it buddy!
Jill: Later Byrce!
[cut to Bryce walking into Flemming’s class and sitting down]
Flemming: Thanks for joining us Mr. Larkin.
[Bryce waves his hand a bit embarrassed. After 40 minutes class ends and Bryce is about to leave when Professor Flemming tells him to walk with him to his office. Cut to Bryce and Chuck in his office]
Flemming: Mr. Larkin…how are you and Ms. Anderson fairing?
Bryce: Well…as students…we’re barely hanging on...as C.I.A operatives, were doing outstanding sir.
[Flemming gives off a pleases look on his face]
Flemming: I hope Agent Anderson is not getting too attached to Mr. Bartowski because her job has been to get close to him in order to see if there were any negative effects he may be suffering from with the encoded message testing.
Bryce: I assure you sir…Agent Anderson knows full well of what is expected of her.
Flemming: Splendid. Keep up the good word...you're dimissed
Bryce: Yes sir
[Bryce leaves and just as he’s about to leave the building, he remembers that he wanted to ask Professor Flemming something. He sees the door ajar and he’s about to knock when he overhears a conversation in progress that Professor Flemming is having with TPTB]
Flemming: Yes...the subject Charles Bartowski...he’s an excellent candidate for the Omaha Project. Once I have a conference with him, test him a bit more, and get further info I would send my complete analysis to you. Yes…I agree…he will be a great asset for the C.I.A.
[Cut to Bryce with a disturbed look on his face and then quietly/discreetly leaves the building]
[Scene begins in Bryce’s room as you see him pace back and forth. He looks a bit edgy as he finds out that Chuck is being considered for the Omaha Project. He knows that Chuck isn’t suited for that type of job. Chuck then walks into the room]
Chuck: [Whistling as he walks in]] What’s up roomy!
Bryce: [with a pensive smile on his face]How is everything Chuckster?
Chuck: Great! My life right now couldn’t be better! My five year plan is falling into place. I have a great best friend who may also possibly be my business partner in the computer gaming industry as we are working on our new updated version of Zork. Finally, I have a great girlfriend who I am madly in love with.
Bryce: [With another pensive smile]That sounds great buddy! Congratulations…I’m happy for you.
Chuck: Can I share something with you? This is between you and me…on the down low.
Bryce: Sure…what? You know you can trust me.
Chuck: I think Jill is the one…I’m going to ask her to marry me. Of course, I need a ring to propose to her but that’s merely a small technicality. Yeah…[sits down, puts his hands behind head, and has his feet up on the desk]… everything is falling into place. Nothing is gonna bring me down from this high.
[Bryce now has a serious look on his face and then tells Chuck he has to go the library. He then takes out his cell phone to call Jill to meet him at the library. Cut to Jill and Casey in the progress of having a conversation about Chuck]
Casey: We have 2 problems. First, Chuck is falling in love with you. Second, Flemming wants Chuck to be part of the Omaha Project.
Jill: What!?
Bryce: Have you at any point compromised yourself? Do you have any real feelings for Chuck at all? Tell me now!
Jill: You know me Bryce, I am all business. But I do care about him and I know you do to. We can’t let Flemming talk to Chuck. He is not suited for the field…you know that and I know that. He’s just too nice of a guy.
Bryce: I agree. Here’s the plan[music starts to play as they start going over what to do in order to save Chuck]
[Scene begins the bext day in Chuck and Bryce’s room around noon. You hear the answering machine click on and you hear Professor Flemming asking Chuck to meet at his office at around 10am. At that point you see someone erase that message and when the camera pans back you see its Bryce. You see this look of seriousness on Bryce’s face. Cut to Bryce entering Professor Flemming office and he basically tells him that Chuck isn’t coming and saying he’s not cut out for the spy game because he has too much heart. He then tells Professor Flemming that he is going to help him save Chuck. Cut to Bryce putting the test answer keys under Chuck’s bed and as he is about to leave he has this sad look on his face as he checks out the picture of him, Chuck and the two frat bros on Chuck’s dresser. He then calls Flemming who in turn calls Chuck to meet him at his office. Cut to Chuck in Flemming’s office talking as he informs him that he has evidence of him cheating and the one who gave the tip was Bryce. Flemming then tells him he’s being kicked out of Stanford and the look on Chuck’s face is one of complete shock. He leaves Flemming’s office in disbelief and he goes to Jill to talk to her because he knows she’s the one person that can make things better of all the turmoil. Chuck eventually finds Jill in the quad]
Chuck: Jill I’m glad I found you, I need to talk to you…you’re never going to believe what Bryce did to me..
Jill: Chuck, we have to talk…..
Chuck: Can it wait, this is BIG…like Luke Skywalker finding out that Darth Vader is his father…big
Jill: Chuck…PLEASE…we really need to talk.
Chuck: Yeah…[directs her to a bench in the quad]…what’s up?
Jill: [with a nervous tone]I want to break up.
Chuck: [Chuck is stunned again and tears are starting to form] Wha…why…I thought things were going great between us…I was even going to propose to you….what did I do wrong? Please tell me…I can change.
Jill: [crying] Its not you…its me. I’m…..I’m….I’m…
Chuck: What is it….are you pregnant? Are you in trouble with the law? [trying to lighten the mood the best he can] Are you mad that you can’t understand Klingon?
Jill: Chuck…I’m in love with someone else.
Chuck: [looks as if someone punched him in the gut]Who…is…the…guy?
Jill: [has difficulty looking at Chuck]Its…Bryce
Chuck: [looking as if he’s having a heart attack]How long?
Jill: 2 months
[Chuck is devastated by the overwhelming news. He gets up dazed, confused, and heartbroken and he walks away with Jill crying in the background. As he disappears in the distance, the camera cuts back to Jill who stops crying, uses her cell phone to call Bryce and tell him that plan C is accomplished. You then cut to Chuck entering his room, stands against the wall, drops to the floor, and just sits there. Just when you think he’s at his lowest, Bryce walks in and he begins to talk to Chuck to add insult to injury]
Bryce: I guess you heard…Hey man, it just happened. She came to me and one thing led to another. I know you hate me because I’ve betrayed both your trust and our friendship. Look, you’ll meet someone else…fall in lov...getmarried…have kids…hey things will get better for you…I promise.
[Chuck doesn’t say a word. He just sits there looking forward. Bryce leaves. You then see Chuck call Ellie and tells him about being expelled to where you see Bryce hearing from the other side of the door in pain at what he has done to his best friend. He walks downstairs. Cut to an hour later as Chuck packs up his stuff. He walks downstairs and sees Bryce playing pool who when he looks at him gives an ice cold look as he says he brought this on himself]
[Scene begins back in the present with Chuck, Sarah, and the rest of the gang retuning from the movies. Chuck and Sarah are left alone in the courtyard to talk with each other]
Sarah: [Walking, holding Chuck’s arm and putting her head on his shoulder]So, do you feel any better?
Chuck: I actually do feel better…thanks. Thanks, for getting me to go to the movies. I really needed it. You have been a source of strength for me whenever I needed encouragement, especially when it comes to Bryce.
Sarah: You are welcome[Hugs chucks arms tighter and snuggles it]
Chuck: You know…It helped me keep my mind off things and you know what even though I still want answers to those unanswered question from Bryce…I know they’ll be answered in due time.
Sarah: That’s positive thinking right ther Chuck. Hold on to that because that is one of those endearing quality most women like myself are attracted to.
Chuck: You know….every time I’m with you[looks into Sarah’s eyes] amid the chaos things just seem to calm down for me. Why is that?
Sarah: [Looks into Chuck’s eyes]I don’t know...I can say the same for me too when I'm with you.
[They both smile at each other and the beautiful moment that’s being shared is ruined when Casey walks by and says Get A Room]
[Fade to Black]
Chuck Vs. The Champ
[The opening scene starts with the Rocky theme playing at a relatively slow day at Buy More and you see all the employees are gathered at the big screen tv where Chuck and Morgan are deeply engrossed in a Wii boxing game. You see shots of employees cheering on Chuck and Morgan and the you see Jeff and Lester taking bets on who is going to win. After a couple of minutes pass Morgan is the winner and he does a Rocky celebration by yelling out yo Anna!...I did it!. Cut to see Anna looking embarrassed, covers her face, and walks away quickly. Big Mike walks in and basically tells the employees their not being paid to goof off so get back to work.]
[Cut to Chuck walking back to the info desk where he sees Casey standing there looking unhappy as usual and he goes to talks to him]
Chuck: Hey Casey, why didn’t you join in on the fun? I would have guessed you liked that type of action…you know…beating other people up.
Casey: Sorry Bartowski…I favor the physicality of hand to hand combat over the electronic synthesized battles any day. You see Chuck, there’s nothing like having your fist hit a bad guy’s face. [Casey doing some boxing moves and starts getting lost in the moment] The sight of a bloody noses and hearing the crack of your enemy’s ribs after you knee them in the gut is simply intoxicating. [Casey closes his eyes, inhales, and then exhales]
[Cut to Chuck with a wide eyed somewhat astonished look on his face]
Chuck: So…ummm….Casey….were you ever a boxer?
Casey: Before I joined the NSA, I was an amateur boxer. I had a 25-2 record before I gave it up to serve my country.
Chuck: Wow, did you have a nickname like other boxers do?
Casey: Snowstorm….. I didn’t look menacing at first, but once I turned it up I would relentlessly pound on my opponents with a flurry of stinging pulse pounding punches that covered every part of my opponent’s upper body that I targeted.
Chuck: Really…wow…[talking under his breathe]…I thought it would have been Sugar Bear.
Casey: What!?
Chuck: Nothing...[points to a customer and walks away quickly] Did you say you needed help sir!
[Cut to chuck glancing at a newspaper in the break room on the sports section. He sees a picture of the big PPV boxing fight scheduled to take place in Las Vegas. When he sees one of the men pictured in the background he flashes leading him to see images of arms dealings, soldiers, boxing gloves, and Buckingham Palace. He snaps out of it and freaks out. Cue chuck intro]
[Cut to Chuck, Sarah, and Casey talking to General Beckman in Casey’s apartment]
Beckman: [showing picture of man on screen] Victor Lang…On the surface he’s your typical greedy boxing promoter, but its basically a front for being one of the top arms dealers in Europe. Because of Mr. Bartowski’s possibly seeing Buckingham Palace in danger, their security level has been heightened just in case. Agent Casey, I’ve taken your background as an amateur boxer into consideration and your orders are to infiltrate his organization by any means possible and possibly try to personally associate yourself with Lang’s boxing team. Try to impress him because from what I’ve been reading he only adds the best to his stable of heavy hitters.
Sarah: What roles do we play…cover wise?
Casey: [chimes in] General...If I could suggest Agent Walker’s cover be as my manager and Chuck’s cover…[looks at Chuck sizing him and down]..my trainer.
[Cut to Sarah and Chuck giving Casey that are you serious look]
Beckman: Very well…you have your orders. [monitor goes off]
Chuck: Casey, I don’t know anything about being a boxing trainer.
Casey: You don’t know anything about what it takes to be a spy and yet you seem to amaze me every single time…..
[cut to Chuck’s reaction to the back handed compliment]
[The scene begins with a montage of the sights of Las Vegas then to several boxing matches. You then see Chuck, Sarah, and Casey in Sarah’s room going over their plan. Cut to Chuck head behind a book that reads Boxing For Dummies and Casey practicing his punches with Sarah holding pads]
Sarah: [Grabs book out of Chuck’s hands and throws it] What are you trying to do, get Casey killed?
Chuck: Look…I don’t know what a trainer does, let alone what my duties are.
Casey: Relax, just do what you would normally do when faced with a situation that you have no idea how great the magnitude is.
Chuck: Go stay in the car?
Sarah: No![smiles at Chuck]Think quick on your feet
[Chuck smiles at Sarah]
Chuck: Casey the General said, to impress Lang…do you have any idea how are you going to do that? Ooooh, I have an idea…how about impress him with your speed and agility.
Casey: OR….. I can find the biggest, baddest, meanest guy Lang has and just knock him out.
{Casey punches his hands together]
Chuck: That will work too….
[chuck looks at Sarah who is nodding in agreement]
[cut to Casey, Chuck, and Sarah walking in the area where Lang and his fighters are located. Casey then walks up to one of the biggest, baddest, meanest Victor Lang has tips him on the shoulder, punches him in the face, and they start fighting. Lang, who stops his security/bodyguards, along with his entourage, watches with interest. Casey hold his own, takes several punches, throws/lands several of his own, and after several long minutes he knocks out Lang’s behemoth warrior. Casey and Sarah see that Lang is impressed by him clapping. He walks up to Casey and talks to him]
Lang: What’s your name son?
Casey: Creed….Casey Creed.
Lang: Son, you either stupid or have the cahones the size of grapefruits to come in here to not only try to take out one of my best men, but to actually succeed at it…I have to say…I’m impressed.
[Casey, Chuck, and Sarah grin]
Sarah: My boy wants to work for you Mr. Lang
Lang: Who are you?
Casey: She’s my manager…Sarah Morrison
Lang: Who is he?
Chuck: Charlie Carmichael…I’m his trainer
Casey: So…do I have a job with you or what?
Lang: [motions them to his office]Let’s talk…
[Scene begins with Sarah standing near Casey as he is hitting the body bag, which is holding. Each hit Casey does the body bag causes Chuck to knocked off. They then start to talk]
Casey: [Whispers to Chuck and Sarah] Here’s the plan, I’m going to go spar with one of Lang’s men and in the middle of it I’m going to make a scene. Sarah that is your cue to snoop around and find any info on Lang’s business dealing.
[Sarah nods]
Casey: Chuck...[Chuck looks at Casey nervously]...you stay here with me and try not to get hit]
Chuck: I’ll try my best not to…there are no guarantees...wait…what are you going to do?
Casey: You’ll see…[Walk and gets in the ring to spar]
[Chucks calls out the champ to spar a few rounds and he accepts. The sparring begins and after a few minutes or so Casey beings to start hit a few low blows on his leading im to gets angry to the point where everybody is focused on them. This is the cue for Sarah to snoop around. She goes into Lang’s office, checks his computer, finds files of his business dealings with names/dates involving weapons and several bank account numbers with huge amounts of deposits in them. She downloads on a disk and as she is about to leave, Victor Lang walks in]
Lang: Ms. Morrison, why are you in my office?
Sarah: I was looking for you to talk about business…and pleasure as well.[Sarah gets closer to Lang and puts her hand on his shoulder]
Lang: Toots…there is an old saying that goes don’t mix business with pleasure[looks Sarah up and down]…but I can make an exception.
[Just as they’re about to kiss, one of Lang’s people opens the door and tells him there’s a fight going on]
Lang: What!....[looks at Sarah] Maybe later darlin’?
Sarah: [smiling]Sure….[Lang leaves and her smiles turns to one of disgust]
[Sarah returns to the sparring ring in time to see/hear Lang yelling at everybody, Casey’s on the ground putting a head lock on his sparring partner with blood coming out of his nose, and Chuck has somehow ended up on one of the boxers shoulders. He looks at Sarah and mouths the words Help Me]
[The scene begins the next day early in the morning with Lang observing The Champ train in preparation for his big ppv fight. You then see one of his associates walk up to him, whisper in his ear, and leaves for the security room. Cut to him entering room and talking to the security guard]
SG: We have a problem sir. See for yourself.
[Lang watches hidden camera video of Sarah going through his computer. He has a sinister look on his face and get his cell phone to call somebody]
[Cut to Casey, Sarah, and Chuck looking over the downloaded info on the disk. The phone rings and Sarah goes to answer. After a few seconds or so, she walk up to Casey and Chuck]
Sarah: The front desk says there is a gift for us downstairs. I’m going to pick it up. I’ll be back in a few.
[cut to Chuck and Casey nodding and then back to looking over the info. You then cut to Sarah entering the elevator with two men inside. After a while she has that look of something is not quite right and turns around just in time to be nearly tazed. She beats the crap out of them and just as she is about to call Chuck/Casey when the elevator dings. The doors open and Lang is standing there]
Lang: Hello Miss Morrison
Sarah: I was about to call you Mr. Lang….Victor.
Lang: Oh really…[takes out pistol and points it at Sarah]…come with me.
[Lang looks at his two henchmen on the ground]
Lang: Get up you idiots and lets go.
[Scene begins with Casey and Chuck still looking over the downloaded info]
Chuck: I wonder where Sarah is?
Casey: You miss your girlfriend already Bartowski? Its been only 15 minutes.
[Chuck looks at Casey and then the room phone rings]
Chuck: Hey, maybe its Sarah…she probably got lost and can’t remember which room we’re in.
[Chuck picks up phone]
Chuck: Sarah did you get lo….
Voice of Lang: I have your friend. I want the disk. Be at the training facility in 1 hour or she’s dead.
Chuck: If you hurt her I swear I’ll…
Voice of Lang: Remember…I hour. Tick...tock.
[Cut to Chuck and Casey walking into the training facility and see Lang in the ring with The Champ at his side. Behind him are two of his cronies holding Sarah and surrounding the ring are his fighters.]
Lang: Casey…Casey…Casey...I treated you like a son, but that all ended when you manager here went and took something that didn’t belong to her[pulls Sarah’s hair]
[Casey holds back Chuck]
Casey: Calm down…stay focused!
Lang: The disk...now!
Chuck: How do we know you’re not going to take us out when you get it?
Lang: You don’t.
Sarah: [struggling] Casey don’t do it!
Chuck: Wait! This is Vegas right….lets fight for it…winner take all. Casey vs. The Champ. If we win we get the girl and keep the disk.
Lang: If I win?
Chuck: You keep the girl, the disk, and take all three of us out.
Sarah: Chuck, what are you doing?
Chuck: Thinking quick on my feet…its what I do best…you said so yourself…remember? [Looks at Lang] How about it?
Lang: Agreed…on one condition…no gloves.
[Chuck looks at Casey and he nods. Lang, Sarah, and his two cronies step outside the ring. Casey steps into the ring and stands face to face with The Champ]
The Champ: I have a score to settle with you
Casey: Shut up and fight twinkle toes.
[Casey and The Champ have an all out fist fight with Chuck and Sarah looking on grimacing at the brutality of it all. It’s a back and forth fight between Casey and the Champ getting the upper hand. The start to slow down a bit leading them to hit each other so hard, they fall backwards to their respective corners. You then see Chuck go to Casey]
Chuck: You’re doing great…
Casey: My nose is broken...and so are several of my ribs…I don’t have much left…
Chuck: [an idea pops into his head] Listen to me Sugar Bear…
Casey: Did you just call me Sugar Bear
Chuck: [gulping]Yes…I…did…how does that make you feel?
Casey: Angry…nobody…not even you calls me by that name.
Chuck: Well…use that anger to knock[pointing at The Champ]..him out! You can knock me out later….if you have the ability to run after me tomorrow.
[Casey and The Champ get up at the same time and commence hitting each other. You then hear Chuck yell out knock him out Sugar Bear at the top of his lungs. Cut to Casey with this intense look on his face, rears back and just clocks The Champ on the side of the face knocking him flat out. Casey stands there and raises his hands in victory with Chuck checking on his beaten up comrade. All of a sudden you hear a shot in the air]
Lang: A minor victory…[points pistol at Casey and Chuck]
[Chuck looks at Sarah and vice versa]
Sarah: Nooooooooooo! [Starts running towards Chuck]
[You then hear sirens and several LVPD burst in the door. Lang’s cronies and the boxers surrounding the ring are scrambling to escape. Chuck rushes towards Lang when Sarah elbows him in the face. He tackles him to the ground and starts punching him…he stops to see if Sarah is doing okay]
Chuck: Are you okay?
Sarah: I’m fine…thanks[smiles at Chuck]
[Chuck smiles back, but then gets clocked in the face by Lang. He gets up points the gun at Chuck, but just as he is about to pull the trigger Casey grabs the gun from behind, swings Lang around and knocks him out. The Scene ends with a batter Casey and Sarah look at Lang and Chuck knocked out]
[Scene begins with Chuck holding a piece of steak over his right eye and Casey battered and bruised with a smile on his face sitting on chairs beside the ring. Sarah is tanding looking at both of them.]
Sarah: I’m proud of you two…you both deserve to be called The Champ
[They both raise their fist in the air and two grunts are heard]
Casey: Where did the LVPD come from…I didn’t call them.
Chuck: I did…right before we entered the training facility I had to use the bathroom. Well I phoned in an anonymous tip there was an illegal gambling ring going on here.
Casey: Impressive Bartowski..
Sarah: [gives that all to familiar look towards Chuck and smiles] Very impressive quick thinking Chuck
Chuck: Thanks Sarah…you always bring out the eye of the tiger in me[Chucks smiles at Sarah]
[Casey looks at both Chuck and Sarah smiling at each other]
Casey: Can we go to the hospital now or you just going to stand there smiling at each other.
[Final scene ends with Chuck and Sarah helping Casey up heading to the hospital]
[Fade to black]
[Cut to Chuck walking back to the info desk where he sees Casey standing there looking unhappy as usual and he goes to talks to him]
Chuck: Hey Casey, why didn’t you join in on the fun? I would have guessed you liked that type of action…you know…beating other people up.
Casey: Sorry Bartowski…I favor the physicality of hand to hand combat over the electronic synthesized battles any day. You see Chuck, there’s nothing like having your fist hit a bad guy’s face. [Casey doing some boxing moves and starts getting lost in the moment] The sight of a bloody noses and hearing the crack of your enemy’s ribs after you knee them in the gut is simply intoxicating. [Casey closes his eyes, inhales, and then exhales]
[Cut to Chuck with a wide eyed somewhat astonished look on his face]
Chuck: So…ummm….Casey….were you ever a boxer?
Casey: Before I joined the NSA, I was an amateur boxer. I had a 25-2 record before I gave it up to serve my country.
Chuck: Wow, did you have a nickname like other boxers do?
Casey: Snowstorm….. I didn’t look menacing at first, but once I turned it up I would relentlessly pound on my opponents with a flurry of stinging pulse pounding punches that covered every part of my opponent’s upper body that I targeted.
Chuck: Really…wow…[talking under his breathe]…I thought it would have been Sugar Bear.
Casey: What!?
Chuck: Nothing...[points to a customer and walks away quickly] Did you say you needed help sir!
[Cut to chuck glancing at a newspaper in the break room on the sports section. He sees a picture of the big PPV boxing fight scheduled to take place in Las Vegas. When he sees one of the men pictured in the background he flashes leading him to see images of arms dealings, soldiers, boxing gloves, and Buckingham Palace. He snaps out of it and freaks out. Cue chuck intro]
[Cut to Chuck, Sarah, and Casey talking to General Beckman in Casey’s apartment]
Beckman: [showing picture of man on screen] Victor Lang…On the surface he’s your typical greedy boxing promoter, but its basically a front for being one of the top arms dealers in Europe. Because of Mr. Bartowski’s possibly seeing Buckingham Palace in danger, their security level has been heightened just in case. Agent Casey, I’ve taken your background as an amateur boxer into consideration and your orders are to infiltrate his organization by any means possible and possibly try to personally associate yourself with Lang’s boxing team. Try to impress him because from what I’ve been reading he only adds the best to his stable of heavy hitters.
Sarah: What roles do we play…cover wise?
Casey: [chimes in] General...If I could suggest Agent Walker’s cover be as my manager and Chuck’s cover…[looks at Chuck sizing him and down]..my trainer.
[Cut to Sarah and Chuck giving Casey that are you serious look]
Beckman: Very well…you have your orders. [monitor goes off]
Chuck: Casey, I don’t know anything about being a boxing trainer.
Casey: You don’t know anything about what it takes to be a spy and yet you seem to amaze me every single time…..
[cut to Chuck’s reaction to the back handed compliment]
[The scene begins with a montage of the sights of Las Vegas then to several boxing matches. You then see Chuck, Sarah, and Casey in Sarah’s room going over their plan. Cut to Chuck head behind a book that reads Boxing For Dummies and Casey practicing his punches with Sarah holding pads]
Sarah: [Grabs book out of Chuck’s hands and throws it] What are you trying to do, get Casey killed?
Chuck: Look…I don’t know what a trainer does, let alone what my duties are.
Casey: Relax, just do what you would normally do when faced with a situation that you have no idea how great the magnitude is.
Chuck: Go stay in the car?
Sarah: No![smiles at Chuck]Think quick on your feet
[Chuck smiles at Sarah]
Chuck: Casey the General said, to impress Lang…do you have any idea how are you going to do that? Ooooh, I have an idea…how about impress him with your speed and agility.
Casey: OR….. I can find the biggest, baddest, meanest guy Lang has and just knock him out.
{Casey punches his hands together]
Chuck: That will work too….
[chuck looks at Sarah who is nodding in agreement]
[cut to Casey, Chuck, and Sarah walking in the area where Lang and his fighters are located. Casey then walks up to one of the biggest, baddest, meanest Victor Lang has tips him on the shoulder, punches him in the face, and they start fighting. Lang, who stops his security/bodyguards, along with his entourage, watches with interest. Casey hold his own, takes several punches, throws/lands several of his own, and after several long minutes he knocks out Lang’s behemoth warrior. Casey and Sarah see that Lang is impressed by him clapping. He walks up to Casey and talks to him]
Lang: What’s your name son?
Casey: Creed….Casey Creed.
Lang: Son, you either stupid or have the cahones the size of grapefruits to come in here to not only try to take out one of my best men, but to actually succeed at it…I have to say…I’m impressed.
[Casey, Chuck, and Sarah grin]
Sarah: My boy wants to work for you Mr. Lang
Lang: Who are you?
Casey: She’s my manager…Sarah Morrison
Lang: Who is he?
Chuck: Charlie Carmichael…I’m his trainer
Casey: So…do I have a job with you or what?
Lang: [motions them to his office]Let’s talk…
[Scene begins with Sarah standing near Casey as he is hitting the body bag, which is holding. Each hit Casey does the body bag causes Chuck to knocked off. They then start to talk]
Casey: [Whispers to Chuck and Sarah] Here’s the plan, I’m going to go spar with one of Lang’s men and in the middle of it I’m going to make a scene. Sarah that is your cue to snoop around and find any info on Lang’s business dealing.
[Sarah nods]
Casey: Chuck...[Chuck looks at Casey nervously]...you stay here with me and try not to get hit]
Chuck: I’ll try my best not to…there are no guarantees...wait…what are you going to do?
Casey: You’ll see…[Walk and gets in the ring to spar]
[Chucks calls out the champ to spar a few rounds and he accepts. The sparring begins and after a few minutes or so Casey beings to start hit a few low blows on his leading im to gets angry to the point where everybody is focused on them. This is the cue for Sarah to snoop around. She goes into Lang’s office, checks his computer, finds files of his business dealings with names/dates involving weapons and several bank account numbers with huge amounts of deposits in them. She downloads on a disk and as she is about to leave, Victor Lang walks in]
Lang: Ms. Morrison, why are you in my office?
Sarah: I was looking for you to talk about business…and pleasure as well.[Sarah gets closer to Lang and puts her hand on his shoulder]
Lang: Toots…there is an old saying that goes don’t mix business with pleasure[looks Sarah up and down]…but I can make an exception.
[Just as they’re about to kiss, one of Lang’s people opens the door and tells him there’s a fight going on]
Lang: What!....[looks at Sarah] Maybe later darlin’?
Sarah: [smiling]Sure….[Lang leaves and her smiles turns to one of disgust]
[Sarah returns to the sparring ring in time to see/hear Lang yelling at everybody, Casey’s on the ground putting a head lock on his sparring partner with blood coming out of his nose, and Chuck has somehow ended up on one of the boxers shoulders. He looks at Sarah and mouths the words Help Me]
[The scene begins the next day early in the morning with Lang observing The Champ train in preparation for his big ppv fight. You then see one of his associates walk up to him, whisper in his ear, and leaves for the security room. Cut to him entering room and talking to the security guard]
SG: We have a problem sir. See for yourself.
[Lang watches hidden camera video of Sarah going through his computer. He has a sinister look on his face and get his cell phone to call somebody]
[Cut to Casey, Sarah, and Chuck looking over the downloaded info on the disk. The phone rings and Sarah goes to answer. After a few seconds or so, she walk up to Casey and Chuck]
Sarah: The front desk says there is a gift for us downstairs. I’m going to pick it up. I’ll be back in a few.
[cut to Chuck and Casey nodding and then back to looking over the info. You then cut to Sarah entering the elevator with two men inside. After a while she has that look of something is not quite right and turns around just in time to be nearly tazed. She beats the crap out of them and just as she is about to call Chuck/Casey when the elevator dings. The doors open and Lang is standing there]
Lang: Hello Miss Morrison
Sarah: I was about to call you Mr. Lang….Victor.
Lang: Oh really…[takes out pistol and points it at Sarah]…come with me.
[Lang looks at his two henchmen on the ground]
Lang: Get up you idiots and lets go.
[Scene begins with Casey and Chuck still looking over the downloaded info]
Chuck: I wonder where Sarah is?
Casey: You miss your girlfriend already Bartowski? Its been only 15 minutes.
[Chuck looks at Casey and then the room phone rings]
Chuck: Hey, maybe its Sarah…she probably got lost and can’t remember which room we’re in.
[Chuck picks up phone]
Chuck: Sarah did you get lo….
Voice of Lang: I have your friend. I want the disk. Be at the training facility in 1 hour or she’s dead.
Chuck: If you hurt her I swear I’ll…
Voice of Lang: Remember…I hour. Tick...tock.
[Cut to Chuck and Casey walking into the training facility and see Lang in the ring with The Champ at his side. Behind him are two of his cronies holding Sarah and surrounding the ring are his fighters.]
Lang: Casey…Casey…Casey...I treated you like a son, but that all ended when you manager here went and took something that didn’t belong to her[pulls Sarah’s hair]
[Casey holds back Chuck]
Casey: Calm down…stay focused!
Lang: The disk...now!
Chuck: How do we know you’re not going to take us out when you get it?
Lang: You don’t.
Sarah: [struggling] Casey don’t do it!
Chuck: Wait! This is Vegas right….lets fight for it…winner take all. Casey vs. The Champ. If we win we get the girl and keep the disk.
Lang: If I win?
Chuck: You keep the girl, the disk, and take all three of us out.
Sarah: Chuck, what are you doing?
Chuck: Thinking quick on my feet…its what I do best…you said so yourself…remember? [Looks at Lang] How about it?
Lang: Agreed…on one condition…no gloves.
[Chuck looks at Casey and he nods. Lang, Sarah, and his two cronies step outside the ring. Casey steps into the ring and stands face to face with The Champ]
The Champ: I have a score to settle with you
Casey: Shut up and fight twinkle toes.
[Casey and The Champ have an all out fist fight with Chuck and Sarah looking on grimacing at the brutality of it all. It’s a back and forth fight between Casey and the Champ getting the upper hand. The start to slow down a bit leading them to hit each other so hard, they fall backwards to their respective corners. You then see Chuck go to Casey]
Chuck: You’re doing great…
Casey: My nose is broken...and so are several of my ribs…I don’t have much left…
Chuck: [an idea pops into his head] Listen to me Sugar Bear…
Casey: Did you just call me Sugar Bear
Chuck: [gulping]Yes…I…did…how does that make you feel?
Casey: Angry…nobody…not even you calls me by that name.
Chuck: Well…use that anger to knock[pointing at The Champ]..him out! You can knock me out later….if you have the ability to run after me tomorrow.
[Casey and The Champ get up at the same time and commence hitting each other. You then hear Chuck yell out knock him out Sugar Bear at the top of his lungs. Cut to Casey with this intense look on his face, rears back and just clocks The Champ on the side of the face knocking him flat out. Casey stands there and raises his hands in victory with Chuck checking on his beaten up comrade. All of a sudden you hear a shot in the air]
Lang: A minor victory…[points pistol at Casey and Chuck]
[Chuck looks at Sarah and vice versa]
Sarah: Nooooooooooo! [Starts running towards Chuck]
[You then hear sirens and several LVPD burst in the door. Lang’s cronies and the boxers surrounding the ring are scrambling to escape. Chuck rushes towards Lang when Sarah elbows him in the face. He tackles him to the ground and starts punching him…he stops to see if Sarah is doing okay]
Chuck: Are you okay?
Sarah: I’m fine…thanks[smiles at Chuck]
[Chuck smiles back, but then gets clocked in the face by Lang. He gets up points the gun at Chuck, but just as he is about to pull the trigger Casey grabs the gun from behind, swings Lang around and knocks him out. The Scene ends with a batter Casey and Sarah look at Lang and Chuck knocked out]
[Scene begins with Chuck holding a piece of steak over his right eye and Casey battered and bruised with a smile on his face sitting on chairs beside the ring. Sarah is tanding looking at both of them.]
Sarah: I’m proud of you two…you both deserve to be called The Champ
[They both raise their fist in the air and two grunts are heard]
Casey: Where did the LVPD come from…I didn’t call them.
Chuck: I did…right before we entered the training facility I had to use the bathroom. Well I phoned in an anonymous tip there was an illegal gambling ring going on here.
Casey: Impressive Bartowski..
Sarah: [gives that all to familiar look towards Chuck and smiles] Very impressive quick thinking Chuck
Chuck: Thanks Sarah…you always bring out the eye of the tiger in me[Chucks smiles at Sarah]
[Casey looks at both Chuck and Sarah smiling at each other]
Casey: Can we go to the hospital now or you just going to stand there smiling at each other.
[Final scene ends with Chuck and Sarah helping Casey up heading to the hospital]
[Fade to black]
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