[The episode opens with clips from what previously happened as you see Chuck angry at Jill for hiding the fact for the past 5 years that he has a son. You then see Chuck talking with his dad at Buy More talking about the dilemma he is when he flashes on Desmond Claudius who he later finds out he’s more than just a media mogul. Cut to a scene where Jill and Chuck are at the park with their son as they have a short conversation about him wanting to be in Charlie’s life leading to a moment inevitbaly cut short by the arrival of Sarah. After a short discussion that leads to them getting into Claudius’ night club firestorm you suddenly see Jill, Chuck, and Sarah drive off in Sarah’s car with a bleeding Charlie to the hospital. Cut to Casey’s arrival and putting the bloodied paper towel that was left behind in a plastic bag then walking off. Cut to later that night at the night club Firestorm where Chuck flashes on Claudius’ business associate Xiang Wan Po who is a shady character with a very dangerous past. You then see Sarah having a touching conversation with Abe when Casey walks up and reveals that Chuck is not Charlie’s biological father leading all three to look through the window at father and son playing around. The scene begins in Casey’s going more in depth with the information that he found]
Sarah: [serious tone]Are you sure the DNA results are correct?
Casey: [looks at Sarah]I had the lab techs at the warehouse test it at least three times and it confirms that Chuck is not Charlie’s father. Walker…I thought you of all people would be glad to hear this news.
Sarah: [defensive tone]This is not about me Casey…its about Chuck and how he’s going to take the news that Charlie is not his son. Its going to leave him devastated and heartbroken.
Casey: [offensive tone]Oh come on Walker...I know that you’re smiling inside and you can’t wait to go in there and tell Bartowski that Jill may have been lying to him about being the father.
Sarah: [angered tone]You have no idea how I’m feeling or what I’m even thinking for that matter so back off…or else!
Casey: [smirks]What are you going to do about it Walker? Get all emotional on me?
[Cut to Abe getting in between Sarah and Casey to calm the situation down before a fight breaks out]
Abe: [low forceful tone as he looks at Casey and Sarah]All right you two…cool it. I know you two care about my son. [looks at Casey]Well…okay…one of you does more than the other. Anyways, we have to give him as much support now more than ever.
Sarah: [looks at Casey and then at Abe]Fine…for Chuck.
Casey:[looks at Abe and then at Sarah]All right…for Bartowski’s sake.
Abe: [looks at Casey]Did the DNA results find out who the real father is?
Casey: Yes it did…the father is….
[Just as he is about to say who the father is Jill and Chuck who is holding Charlie walk out the door. They see Sarah, Casey, and Abe standing there and begin to talk to them]
Chuck: [smiles]Hey Sarah…dad…Casey [All three acknowledge with a nod/wav/grunt and then Chuck looks at Jill]Jill I know you’ve met Sarah…this handsome gentlemen is my dad Abraham Bartowski.
Abe: [smiles]Nice to meet you and call me Abe for short young lady. [looks at Charlie]So…this is my grandson.
[cut to Sarah and Casey looking at Abe who gives them a look]
Chuck: [looks at Charlie]Yeah Charlie...that’s you grandpa…you’ll have plenty of time to get to know him. [looks at Jill and then points at Casey]And that is John Casey…he works for me at Buy More. He’s a hard worker and yet his customer service needs a bit of work.
[cut to Casey giving a low growl leading Chuck’s smile to turn into a slight look of fear]
Jill: [grins]Nice to meet you Abe and Casey[looks at watch and then at Chuck]Hey…you better get going if you want to beat the traffic to Logan Street Elementary School. I don’t want our son to be late.
[cut to Sarah biting her lipe as she has that look of wanting to reveal to him what she just found out about Charlie]
Chuck: [impresonating Ace Ventura]All righty then…let’s go big guy.[cut to Jill and Chuck holding Charlie’s hand as they head to the Nerd Herder when Chuck suddenly stops, turns around and looks at Sarah]Oh…hey…Sarah…our plans for tommorrow night…
Sarah: [gives a forced smile as she interrupts Chuck]I’ll understand if you need to cancel them.
[cut to Chuck giving the wait a minute gesture to Jill and Charlie and walking towards Sarah]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Are you kidding me…it’s still on. I know things have been a bit hectic with everything that’s happened, but I just want you to know I have something special planned for you.
Sarah: [smiling as she gives that all-too-familiar look]What is it?
Chuck: [smiles]It’s a surprise.
[Chuck proceeds to hold both her hands and looks into her eyes leading to Sarah to blushingly smile. Cut to Jill who looks looks away, Abe who has a small grin on his face, and Casey who has this annoyed look on his face as he sees Chuck and Sarah sharing a moment. You then suddenly hear a cough from Jill breaking up the moment and tapping her watch]
Jill: [breaks up moment as she looks at Chuck]We got to go.
Chuck: [looks at Jill and then at Sarah]Got to run…we’ll talk later.
[cut to Chuck jogging over to Jill and Charlie]
Sarah: [waving and talking under her breathe]Yes we do…yes we do.
[The opening scene ends with Sarah looking at Jill, Charlie, and Chuck walk off and then turns around to look at Abe and then Casey who is tapping the folder that has the name of Charlie’s father]
[The scene begins in the afternoon at Buy More where you see everybody busy at work when a delivery person drops off a pre-Valentine’s Day gift basket filled with Oreo cookies at the nerd herd desk where Abe, Jeff , Lester, and Anna are working at leading Anna to begin the conversation as they open it up to partake in the sugary double stuffed goodness that is creamy the red filling]
Anna: [looks at the gift basket and thinks out loud]Morgan...you shouldn’t have.
Abe: That was nice of Morgan, especially before Valentine’s Day.
Jeff: [looks at gift basket]What a lame gift
Lester: You got that right brother.
[cut to Jeff and Lester doing a fist tap and then Abe giving them a look]
Abe: [looks at Jeff and Lester]And when was the last time you received something special before or on Valentine’s Day?
Jeff: [looks at Anna]Does a restraining order count?
Chuck: [walking up joining the conversation]That’s not special Jeff…that’s just disturbingly creepy.[looks at gift basket] So whose this for?
Anna: [smiling]Its from my Morgan...its his way of telling me that I’m doubly sweet and its from the bottom of his heart filled with love.
Lester: [raising left eyebrow]Are you sure? What it says to me is that you’re smothering him in the relationship that you stuffed him into not being able to let him move. [cut to everybody just staring at Lester]Not letting him be able to breathe. [tugging at his collar] He wants out I tell you…he wants out! [looks at Anna and grabs her by both arms]For crying out loud woman, let the man out!
[cut to Anna escaping Lester’s grip and slapping him in the face not one, not twice, but three times. You then see Lester coming back from wherever he went off to as he holds both his cheeks]
Lester: [holding his cheeks as he’s comforted by Jeff] Thank you…I needed that.
[cut to Lester straightening his tie, fixing his hair, and then walking away with Jeff in tow with the little dignity he has left after being slapped by Anna]
Anna: You’re welcome [looks at everybody]Does anybody else need to be slapped?[cut to everybody backing up a bit and holding up their hands] Okay then…where’s is Morgan so I can properly thank him.
[cut to Chuck looking around and eventually spots him hiding behind the Call of Duty poster mouthing its not from me]
Chuck: [looks at Morgan, then Anna, and then inside the basket]Hey…there’s a card.
Anna: [grabs card and smiles]That’s mine
Chuck: Ummm…Anna…I don’t think...
Anna: [interrupts Chuck and gives him a glaring, sinister look]You don’t think what?
Chuck: [hiding behind Abe]Nothing....absolutely nothing
[Cut to Anna ripping open the envelope, reading it, throwing it down in disgust, and then walking off. You then see upward shot of Abe, Jeff, Lester, Chuck, and Morgan who was waiting for the coast to be clear creep up to see who the gift basket was for stand over theenvelope that Anna threw down. Chuck then proceeds to pick it up to read it and just as he does Casey walks by hauling several boxes of Xbox systems]
Casey: [looks at cookies]Hey…free oreos and double stuffed…my favorite. Awesome[thinks out loud and shakes his head]I’ve been hanging around Ellie’s fiancé too long. [eats some more Oreos and then looks at everybody]Who’s this for?
Chuck: [reads the card and then has a smirk on his face as he looks at Casey]You…from your secret admirer.
[cut to Casey who has this surprised deer staring in the headlights look as he bites into an Oreo cookie. The scene shifts from Buy More to the façade of Firestorm and inside the quietness of the building you Jill working on several more computers in order to fix problems on behalf of Claudius’ request. You then see her end up in his office and as she starts working on his computer to fix possible problems, she stumbles on certain encrypted files that intrigue her. Out of curiosity, she starts to decoding the encrypted files inevitably slipping through a backdoor firewall. She eventually sees the information, downloads it on to a disc and then immediately leaves the building. As you see her leave you then see a close up of Claudius’ associates walking into camera view. The scene ends with him presumably calling Desmond Claudius to inform him of the situation]
[The scene begins with the façade of Weinerlicious and inside you see Chuck having lunch with Sarah. You see they’re laughing and joking around wih each other like a couple of school kids. You then hear Chuck begin the conversation that turns gradually serious]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]I know this has been hard on you with Jill and Charlie showing up out of the blue like this.
Sarah: [forced smile and sighing]It all right
Chuck: Your lying
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]How do you know?
Chuck: [grins]Well, for one thing you usually give a sigh when something bothers you and I know your real smile from the smile you’re giving me now. Listen…I know having both Jill and Charlie here makes it an uncomfortable situation, but you have to face facts…they’re a part of my…our lives now.
Sarah: [looks down and then puts her head on Chuck’s shoulder]I know…its just bad timing.
Chuck: [kisses her forehead]If I could turn back time I would go back, but what happened…happened. Anyways, I have something special planned for you that I know you will enjoy.
Sarah: [face brightens up]What is it? I want to know.
Chuck: [smiles]Well…it wouldn't be special if you knew about it wouldn’t it? You’ll find out soon enough.
[cut to Scooter walking up behind Sarah and telling her something]
Scooter: [demanding tone] Ms. Walker, your break is almost over so I suggest you quickly finish whatever your planning for Valentine’s Day in 5 minutes.
Sarah: [looks at Scooter]Don’t you have anyone special in your life for Valentine’s Day? A girlfriend…a secret admirer at least? It might loosen you up more?
Scooter: [looks at Sarah]I have my mother…she the only woman who truly loves me. [walks to the back]
Sarah: [turns around and looks at Chuck]Wow…That explains a lot.
[cut to Chuck trying not to burst out laughing]
Scooter: [annoucing from the back]4 minutes Ms. Walker
[cut to Sarah rolling her eyes and drinking her soft drink]
Chuck: [changes the subject]Hey…speaking of secret admirer…Casey has one.
Sarah: [spits out her soft drinking and quickly looks at Chuck]Are you serious? What did he get? Who is it?
Chuck: [looks at the customer seated next to Sarah]Sorry about that Ma’am. She has the hiccups.
[cut to a soda soaked woman with a perturbed look on her face sitting and then getting up to head out the door]
Chuck: [looks at the lady walking out and then at Sarah]Yes I’m serious…a gift basket filled with Oreo Cookies…and we don’t know.
Sarah: Was there anything in the gift basket other than the Oreo Cookies?
Chuck: [grins]Funny that you mention that…there was a miniature bonsai tree in the middle of the basket. All Casey did was pick it up and then had this look on his face that he knew who sent it to him.
Sarah: [thinking]I wonder who is crazy enough to send Casey a Valentine gift basket full of Oreo cookies?
Chuck: [looking at watch] I don’t know…but I do know one thing…[points both fingers at himself] this guy who is crazy for you[points two fingers at Sarah]is going back to work.
[You then see Chuck kiss Sarah on the cheek and head out the door. As he is walking in the parking lot, his cell phone rings and when he answers it he hears the voice of Jill. She tells him to meet him at her company Everkwest Inc. The scene ends with Chuck getting in the nerd herder and heads out to where she is]
[The scene begins in evening with the façade of Everkwest Inc. where you see Chuck arrive and then head into the building. Cut to Chuck and Jill looking at the files leading to Chuck to begin the discussion]
Chuck: [looks at Jill]You have to take this to authorities right away.
Jill: [serious look]You know I can’t…Claudius has connections and he’ll use them to get this CD back…no…I’m using this as leverage.
Chuck: [looking at Jill and then paces around]What are you out of your mind? What about Charlie? Have you thought about the danger you’re putting him in?
Jill: [look on contemplation] I thought about that…Chuck if anything happens to me I want you to take care of him…after all he’s your son.
Chuck: [looks and then hugs Jill]Look, I care about you…I don’t want you do anything stupid that will get you killed leaving our son without a mother.
Jill: [smiling while in the embrace]Can I ask you a question?
Chuck: [looks at Jill]Sure...what is it?
Jill: [give him a look]Do you still love me? The reason I’m asking is because I still love you and there’s not a day that goes by that I still think about you.
Chuck: [looks down]Jill…I…
[cut to Jill suddenly initiating a kiss that turns deeply passionate as she runs her hands through his hair leading Chuck to be in the moment. After a couple of seconds Chuck backs up keeping Jill at arm’s distance. She sees him with his eyes closed holding both hands in the air]
Jill: [yearning look]Tell me you still have feelings for me…tell me you still love me…tell me there possibly is still hope for us.
Chuck: [eyes closed]Jill…I…love…
Jill: [holding both hands close to her heart]Yes?
Chuck: I love…[opens eyes]…more than anything to tell you that I still have feelings for you or that I love you, but…things have changed…I love Sarah. All I can ever be for you is just a friend.
Jill: [in tears]Is that all..just friends?
Chuck: [takes a deep breathe]That’s all I can give you…my friendship. [cut to a look of devastating disappointment on Jill’s face]Sarah…[points and looks to the side]…she was there for me when I needed it the most and she brought back not only hope within my heart that I lost 5 years ago, but the confidence to be straight up and forward. So I stand here and say this to you…[pointing at Jill and then hold his chest]…I’m sorry if you thought if there was any hope for us, but I moved on and you have to realize that. You and I will always be connected by our son.
Jill: [forced smiled]Hey, you can’t blame a girl for trying.
Chuck: [smiling]Hey, you'll find a guy who will love you unconditionally as I do Sarah.
[cut to Jill mustering a smile through her tears]
Jill: [looks at Chuck]Sarah’s a lucky woman to have a special guy like you.
Chuck: [grins]Yeah…well…[changes the subject and gives a serious look to Jill]…Listen…I know some people who I can trust…give me the disc and don’t worry…they’re the good guys.
Jill: Are you sure?
[cut to Jill handing Chuck the disc]
Chuck: Yeah…what I want you to do is pick up Charlie from School…go home…and wait for my call. Can you do that for me?
Jill: Yeah I can…[cut to Chuck and Jill about to head out the door when she says something]…Chuck
Chuck: [looks out the office door and then at Jill] Yeah
Jill: I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you.
Chuck: [giving a look of acknowledgement] We better get going.
[cut to both Chuck and Jill leaving Everkwest Inc and heading off in different directions. The scene with Chuck calling Sarah to meet him and Casey at his apartment pronto]
[The scene begins at Casey’s apartment where you see Sarah and Casey waiting there. Just then the door opens with Chuck walking in and then proceeds to speak]
Chuck: [hold up disc]We have the evidence we need to take down Claudius and Pan Wo.
Casey:[looks at Chuck]Good job Bartowski…we’ll inform General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham.[looks at Sarah as if motioning to tell him]
Sarah: [looks at Casey and then at Chuck]Chuck…we need to talk about something really important…its concerning Charlie.
Chuck: [curious tone]What about him…what about my son?
Sarah: That just it…he’s not your son.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and then Casey]Of course he is…come on guys are you playing a joke on me because if you are…its not funny.
Casey: [looks at Chuck]We’re not joking Bartowski and I have the proof right here.[holds up folder]
[cut to Casey handing over the folder to Chuck and him opening up to read it]
Chuck: [reads it, looks down,and then shakes head]You got to be kidding…you’re telling me that Charlie’s father is…is…Allan Watterman? The same Allan Watterman from my Stanford days who I bumped into while you, Casey I were looking for La Cuidad. The same Allan Watterman who is involved in insider trading, and has offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands?
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Yup…that douche bag.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah and then smirks]Remind me to inform the proper authorities about him and his offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands. I never really liked anyways.
Sarah: Are you okay?
Chuck: [chuckles a bit]Huh…yeah...I’m okay…for a split second I actually thought I was going to read Bryce’s name.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Good thing he wasn’t…if Charlie were Bryce’s son and Fulcrum knew about it…they would use it against him. It would put not only him in even more danger, but Charlie in danger as well.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]I have to call Jill to tell her that we have things under control[cut to Chuck calling Jill and as he is doing that looks at Casey] Did you ever find out who your secret admirer was that sent you the gift basket of Oreo cookies?
[cut to Sarah giving a look of disbelief]
Casey: [looks at Sarah]What?
Sarah: Nothing…I’m just surprised that’s all.
[cut to Chuck smiling and then after a few seconds gets Jill on the phone]
Voice of Jill: Chuck?
Chuck: [talking on cell]Yeah…its me…are you and Charlie okay?
Voice of Jill: We’re both fine
Chuck: Listen…sit tight…I’m bringing the good guys over so…
Voice of Jill: Chuck…don’t…
[cut to a close up of Chuck’s face as there is a seemingly long silence at the other end]
Chuck: [yells into phone]Jill…are you there? Jill!
Voice of Claudius:] Mr. Bartowski…if you want to see Ms. Anderson and her son alive again come to Club Firestorm and alone. Bring the disc. [phone clicks off]
Chuck: [looks at Casey and Sarah]Claudius has her.
Casey: So let’s get going…I haven’t shot anyone in a while.
[cut to Chuck looking at Casey]
Chuck: [looks straight ahead]No…I’m going in there alone. I have to or he’ll kill them both.
[The scene ends with a Casey and Sarah in the background as you see close of him as he grips the disc in his hands tapping it on his forehead]
[The scene begins at midnight at a packed club Firestorm where you see Chuck enters and then escorted to Claudius’ office. When he walks in he sees Jill and Charlie sitting there scared, as well as, Xiang Wan Po near Claudius’ desk. Claudius leads the conversation]
Claudius: [looking out into the crowd and then at Chuck]Where’s my disc?
Chuck: [holds up disc]I have it…now let them go. Do we have a deal?
Claudius: [looks at Chuck]Deal[cut to Claudius walking over to Chuck. taking the disc, looking at Chuck, and punching him in the stomach leading him to fall to the ground]On second thought…no deal. Wan Po my friend…[motions to him and then to Chuck]if you will.
[Cut to Wan Po nodding, walking over/ picking up chuck and then doing a round house kick right to the face]
Jill: [pleading to Claudius]Stop it!
Claudius: [smirks]Oh…no my dear. We’re just getting started.[nods to Wan Po]
[Cut to Wan Po picking up Chuck, kneeing him in the gut, and then a double axe handle blow to the back causing him floor to the floor again. You then see Jill comforting a crying Charlie as he pleads to Claudius to stop]
Claudius: [looks at Jill and sighs]All right…looks at two of his associates] Kill them and do it quietly.
[cut to Claudius and Wan Po leaving his office. You then see Jill and Charlie run over to Chuck who shields them from the two associates who are holding silencers. They walk over to the window, hold up their silencers to Jill/Chuck’s head, and just as they’re all about to pull the trigger all the lights go out in the club leading to several small explosions. Mass chaos erupts with the crowd heading toward the exits and you then see two people repelling and crashing through the window wearing black with night vision goggles on. From this point on you see the scene shot totally in night vision. The two people take out the two associates with ease and then head towards Chuck leading one of them to talk]
Sarah: [whispering in his ear]Chuck..its me Sarah…and Casey.
Chuck: [grinning]I thought I told you to stay back in the apartment?
Casey: [pats him on the shoulder and whispers in his ear]Sorry Bartowski…just like you tend to do…we hardly listen.
Casey: [whispers to Sarah]Take Bartowski, Jill, and Charlie to safety.
Sarah: [looks at Casey]What are you going to do?
Casey: [looks at the golf clubs in the corner]I’m going golfing.
[Sarah helps lead, Chuck, Jill and Charlie out the door to safety. Casey takes the golf bag and searches for Claudius and Wan Po in the dark, who haven’t really gone far. They are near the bar trying to avoid all the customers who are stampeding out of the club. Casey grabs a 9 iron, slowly walks down the stairs, walks over to Claudius first who beside the bar, taps him on the shoulder with the golf club. Cut to Claudius turning around to see who it is]
Casey: [yelling]FOUR!
[You then see Casey knock Claudius out cold with one swing leading Wan Po to back up as he stumbles around in the dark. Casey drops the 9 iron and pulls out a driver. He hits Wan with a round house to the face causing him to fall to the ground. Wan Po gets up bleeding and as he does so gets a driver in the gut and then one to the side of the head leading Wan Po to fall to his knees doubled over in pain]
Wan Po: [holding hands together and screams out]Mercy!
[cut to Casey about to swing for the fences but then decides the better of it and just punches him in the face knocking him out Casey takes off his goggles and as he does the the lights turn on. You see a smirk on Casey face as he stands over Claudius and Wan Po leading him to take the driver, looks at the club head, blows some dirt off it, and then places it back in the bag. Casey takes the golf bag minus the 9 iron and walks out of Firestorm as agents head in to arrest the bad guys. The scene the switches to the Buy More Home Theater room Casey and Sarah have a short conversation with Beckman and Graham]
Beckman: How is Mr. Bartowksi doing?
Sarah: [looks at Beckman]He’s banged up…but he’ll recover. What about Claudius and Wan Po?
Beckman: [grins]They’ll be taken care like their predecessors before them.
Sarah: Jill and Charlie…will they be safe?
Graham: For the time being…if it were my suggestion they should relocate.
Casey: [looks at Sarah]We’ll take care of it sir.
[The scene ends with Casey and Sarah looking at each other as they plan on what to do with Jill and Charlie]
[The scene begins right around closing time at Buy More where you see Chuck in his office doing paperwork, Jeff/Lester in the hole, and Abe/Anna at the info desk. All of sudden you hear Morgan’s voice on the loud speaker leading everybody in the store including Anna to pay attention]
Voice of Morgan: Testing…1..2..3…Okay…Anna this is for you
Chuck: [stepping out of his office and thinks out loud to himself]Oh the Beatles...this is not going to be good at all.
Voice of Morgan: Anna I haven’t made any plans for tonight so I’m going to do this...[starts singing…badly]I want to hold your hand...I want to hold your hand….I want to hold your hand…Oh please, say to me…You'll let me be your man….And please, say to me…You'll let me hold your hand...
[cut to Casey in the back putting his fingers in his ears at the pure torture of it all]
[After a few moments you then see Morgan walk out and heading towards Anna still singing. Cut to everybody in the store just looking at Morgan as he inevitably stands in front of Anna. As he is about to sing one more line Anna covers his mouth leading her to say something]
Anna: [looks at Morgan]Morgan…[cut to Chuck, Abe, Lester, and Jeff preparing themselves see Anna punch in the face]…That was beautiful…you sang to me.
Morgan: [smiles]I just wanted to do something special so…
[Before Morgan could finish the sentence Anna grabs him by the hand and pulls him towards the break room. Cut to Chuck look at all this and says something]
Chuck: [grins]They make one…happy…dysfunctional couple.
[cut to Casey Walking up]
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Jill and Charlie are currently relocating to Italy as we speak.
Chuck: [grins]So how is the new computer analyst for one of the C.I.A’s cover businesses.
Casey: She’s going to be well protected Bartowski even if Charlie isn’t your son…don’t you worry about. [looks at Chuck]I have to ask…why didn’t you tell her?
Chuck: [looks at Casey]She’s already been through enough...besides…we’ll still keep in contact.
[cut to a 5’6, 29 year old petite woman, brunette hair, brown eyes, wearing jeans, red halter top, a brown jacket, and high heels looking around for someone]
Chuck: [looks at the woman and points finger in air]Ma’am do...
Casey: [interrupts him as he looks at the woman]She’s not a customer…[looks at Chuck and smirks]She’s my secret admirer...my date.[waves at woman who waves back at Casey]
Chuck: What’s her name? What does she do?
Casey: [looks at woman]Her name is Jayne Richardson…she works at YamaGushi’s Bonsai Nursery. [looks at Chuck] She was one the one who sent the gift basket filled with Oreo Cookies.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Where are you going on your date?
Casey: [looks at Chuck]If must know...the firing range...[cut to Chuck giving a weird look to Casey and then Casey looking at Chuck]...She's a member of the NRA...my kind of woman.
[cut to Chuck smiling at Casey who is walking towards Jayne and as they leave out the door Casey looks back giving Chuck a wink]
[The scene swtiches to around 8:30pm, Valentine’s Day night, as you Sarah in her apartment wondering what her surprise is that Chuck has planned. Suddenly you hear Sarah’s cell phone ring leading her to answer it. From the look on her face its Chuck and after a few moments she heads out the door in a red cocktail dress. She gets in her car and heads off to the spot that is considered special to both of them…the beach. After a few moments she arrives and when she walks up over the hill…she sees the most beautiful sight. She sees 4 tiki torches surrounding a blanket with a picnic basket sitting on, and finally Chuck with no shoes standing there wearing all white holding a dozen roses]
Chuck: [smiling]Surprise
[cut to Sarah just smiling and then walking towards Chuck. You and then a montage of clips of Sarah and Chuck having dinner on the beach and as the song The Rose by Westlife plays. Moments later you see Chuck and Sarah dancing in the sand with the backdrop the moon behind them leading Sarah to say something]
Sarah: [putting her head on Chuck’s heart]Thank you Chuck.
Chuck: [whispering in her ear]For what?
Sarah: [looks into Chuck’s eyes]Making my Valentine’s Day one that I will never forget as long as I live.
Chuck: [looks into Sarah’s eyes]It gets better[cut to Chuck getting down on one knee]
Sarah: [eyes widen]Chuck?
Chuck: [looks up at Sarah]Sarah Walker…my heart belongs to you…[opening box revealing a small gold locket]
[cut to an stunned Sarah who thought Chuck may have been porposing. She's has that disappointed and yet relieved look]
Chuck: [looks up at Sarah]Open it
[She takes the gold locket, opens it, and then reads the enscription out loud]
Sarah: My heart is yours, for all time.
Chuck: [stands up and looks into Sarah's eyes as he holds her hands]Do you accept?
Sarah: [in tears]Yes..I do.
[Cut to Chuck putting both hands gently on Sarah’s face as he goes in for a deeply, romantic kiss Sarah just goes with it and they both lost in the moment. You then see a full length shot of both of them still kissing leading the camera to the right as the episode ends with the shot of the moon]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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