[Chuck opens with a montage of clips showing what previously happened as Big Mike handed the proverbial torch of Buy More leadership over to Chuck. Team Chuck being briefed on the return of Vuc Audric who tried to eliminate General Stanfield with a only to be thwarted by Mr. Chuck Bartowski. Cut to several moments later and you find out that not only Audric has returned with a partner no less, but also the infamous Jill Anderson, Chuck’s ex. You essentially find out that she want to meet with Chuck so they can discuss an important matter, but before that happens Team Chuck must stop Audric and his comrade in arms from fulfilling his duty. Cut to several moments later, you see an altercation between Casey, Sarah, and Audric as Chuck deals with Bratislav, as well as, a large that he eventually finds after using a tazer on him. You see Audric being killed but before he dies he presses the stick that activates the in the van in which Chuck sprays several tanks of liquid nitrogen on/into the itself causing it to freeze in the last few seconds of possibly exploding. Several moments later you see Abe becoming the new leader of the nerd herd and then come to the climax of the entire episode in which Jill shows up to reveal to Chuck that after 5 years she returns to show him the biggest surprise of all…his son. The scene begins with Chuck sitting on the beach late at night just looking at the reflection of the moon on the water with his hair blowing in the wind. You then flashback of the conversation between a standing Chuck and Jill who sitting on the side of the fountain in the courtyard]
Chuck: [pacing back and forth with angered tone]Five years…five…years…it took you this long to finally share this with me. [looks at Jill]My God… I have a son and for you to have deprived me of the chance to watch him grow up is absolutely inexcusable. [puts his hand on his heart]Do you know how that makes me feel?
Jill: [defensive tone]Make you feel? Did you ever consider how I may have been feeling at the time? I had to live with the regret of not telling you.
ChucK: [serious look]So why now after all these years and…oh…lest we forget...[points at Jill]...you choosing to throw my love for you away and be with my former roommate Bryce Larkin who got me kicked out Stanford.
Jill: [looks at Chuck]I don’t know…I just wanted Charlie to know who his father is and when it comes to Bryce…he was a mistake. However, let’s get something straight here…[points at Chuck]…Bryce never stole me away from you…I chose to be with him. You see, from how I remember it, things between us weren’t exactly going so well and the only person who I could turn to that could understand and make sense of it all was Bryce. When I told him that I was pregnant…
Chuck: [interrupts Jill]Whoa…whoa…whoa…Bryce new about this before I did? Why did you tell him first and not me.
Jill: [look s down and then at Chuck]I guess I was scared of how you would react to the news knowing you and Bryce were on the verge of possibly making it big creating your own updated version of Zork. I didn’t want Charlie to hold you back…so I decided to step out of the picture.
Chuck: [shaking his head as he gives an angry laugh]Unbelievable…you know what…I can’t even look at you right now.
[Cut to Chuck walking out of the courtyard with Jill standing there leading to the end of the flashback. You then see Chuck sitting on the beach and in the background you see Sarah walking up inevitably sitting down next to him]
Sarah: [looking straight ahead]Are you okay?
Chuck: [looking at the sand run through his fingers]Well…considering the fact that I just found out I have a son who didn’t see grow up the first 5 years of his life…I’m excellent.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and grins]You’re lying
Chuck: Yeah I am…[looks at Sarah]...I’m sorry.
Sarah: [intrigued look]What do you have to be sorry about?
Chuck: [regretful tone]You put your trust in me and I end up having a secret…
Sarah: [interrupts Chuck]A secret that Jill chose to keep from you…hey…look at me…[Chuck looks at Sarah]This doesn’t change a thing between us. [Sarah smiles and then bumps Chuck leading them to share a moment together]
[The opening scene ends with Sarah and Chuck walking back into Casa Bartowski where you see Elllie in the kitchen and Jill w/Charlie sitting on the couch watching cartoons. Sarah joins Ellie in the kitchen who both see Chuck looks at Jill and then at Charlie. He then stands a few feet away from a standing Jill who motions for Charlie to do the same, which he does. The opening scene ends with Charlie looking at Jill who motions to go over to go to his father and when he does Chuck kneels down to hug him. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins the the next day at Buy More 2 days before Valentine’s Day as you see people shopping to their hearts content while some frantically search for gift items for their wife, husband, bf, gf. You then see Chuck walking around checking up on all his employees trying to keep busy in order to get his mind off what happened last night when all of a sudden Morgan runs up behind him]
Morgan: [frantic tone]Watermelon!
Chuck: [confused look]Watermelon?
Morgan: [looks around biting his fingernails]Yeah…watermelon…the code for an impossible event you can’t control.
Chuck: I thought we agreed the codename for that was pineapple?
[Cut to Jeff walking up holding a stack of Xbox games and hearing the codename. He drops the Xbox games and begins to freak out leading him to run towards the fire alarm. Morgan realizing what Jeff is doing runs after him and tackles him to the ground between the row of video games shelves]
Jeff: [turns to look at Morgan]Why did you stop me…Chuck said the codename.
Morgan: [looks at Jeff]I stopped you because its not a store crisis…I’m going through a major personal crisis.
[cut to Abe and Lester walking up and hearing what Morgan said]
Abe: [looking down at the both of them on the ground]What’s wrong son?
Lester: [looks at Morgan]What's the crisis…I bet they ran out of grape soda in the break room?
[cut to Morgan looking at Lester and then to Chuck who calms the situation down as he talks to Morgan]
Chuck: [snapping his fingers to get Morgan’s attention]Morgan…hey...can you explain to me codename Watermelon?
Morgan: [nervous tone as he looks around]As you know in 2 days is Valentine’s day and I have nothing…nada…to give to Anna. That is why I have been avoiding her at all cost and I come to you [looking at Chuck]oh Don Juan of nerds everywhere…give me an idea…anything.
Chuck: [looks at Morgan]Sorry Morg…I’ve been a bit pre-occupied with my own personal life as of late.
Morgan: Oh yeah…Jill coming back and not to mention…you have a son…wow. Listen….
[As he is about to say something he points at Anna who is in search mode of Morgan. Chuck, Abe, Lester, and Jeff look at Anna and then look at Morgan, but he isn’t there. You see him on the floor and starts crawling in order to avoid being seen by Anna]
Anna: [walking up and looking at the guys]Have you guys seen Morgan? I want to talk to him about our plans for Valentine’s Day.
Lester: [doing a stretching motion and pointing to Morgan’s location]No…I have no idea where he is.
Jeff: [motions with his head towards Morgan’s location]Nope…not a clue.
[Cut to Abe giving a weird look at Jeff and Lester then looks at Anna who isn’t really paying attention to them]
Chuck: [looks at Anna]Don’t worry Anna…knowing Morgan he’s probably on his hands knees as we speak working to surprise you with what he has planned.
Chuck: [looks at Jeff and Lester]Get back to work fellas and remember I still have the disc.
Lester: [looks at Chuck]We will regain what is rightfully ours Chuck…oh yes...we will.
[cut to Lester looking at Jeff and motioning him to get back to doing whatever they were doing]
Abe: [looks at Chuck]Want to talk about it son?
Chuck: [looks around]I have a big dilemma dad.
Abe: [puts his hand on Chuck’s shoulder]I know…being the guy that I know that you are you want to do what is right in taking care of your son you didn’t know you had, BUT you also want to be happy with Sarah and possibly start a family of your own with her.
Chuck: [looks at Abe]Man…is there anything you don’t know?
Abe: [thinking]Yeah…how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? [cut to Chuck laughing] I’m glad to see you smiling son…seriously though…have you decided what you’re going to do?
Chick: [looks at Abe] I don’t…
[As he is about to end his sentence he sees several men, one of which is in a black suit, looking around, leading him to flash on him seeing images such as weapons stockpile, money laundering, meeting with a Chinese figure head, Claudius Communications, and the name Desmond Claudius]
[The scene begins later that afternoon in Casey’s apartment where you see Casey, Sarah, and Chuck having a discussion with General Beckman and C.I.A. Director Graham about who he flashed on]
Beckman: Desmond Claudius…[picture shows up on screen]...a media mogul and considered a major power player in creating a media network that stretches around the world. You name it…his name will most likely be either on it or attached to it.
Chuck: [chimes in]He’s a regular Elliot Carver.
[cut everybody looking at Chuck]
Casey: [giving a serious look towards Chuck]What are you talking about now Bartowski?
Chuck: [nervous tone as he looks at everybody]Elliot Carver…Tomorrow Never Dies? He’s like your typical James Bond villain who wants to take over the world by use of his media empire…you know…[cut to everybody look at Chuck with blank stares]…never mind.
Graham: [speaks up]Mr. Bartowski, this is not a movie or read from scripts by any stretch of the imagination…this is real life and it should be treated as a serious matter.
Sarah: What intel do we have on Claudius General?
Beckman: [looking at file]According to credible sources Claudius is in Los Angeles he here to launch the opening of his new media based night club called Firestorm, which is considered a front for the real business at hand. From what we gathered, he’s uses the money to fund a network of threats that span all over the world. That’s not all…we also found information that personally links you to Claudius Mr. Bartowski.
Chuck: Me? How am I linked to one of the richest man on the planet?
Graham: [looks at Chuck]Do you know a Jill Anderson?
Sarah: [speaks up]What does Chuck’s ex-girlfriend have to do with this?
Beckman: Jill Anderson heads a computer systems analyst company called Everkwest Inc. Her company has been closely working with Claudius in the integration of software and system choices to help run faster and more efficiently.
Casey: [looks at Beckman]So what you’re saying is Bartowski job is to try get close to Jill in order to get close to Claudius?
[cut to Sarah with a look on her face of disdain concerning that idea, a look of apprehension on Chuck’s face, and a smirk on Casey’s face]
Beckman: Affirmative…I know you two have a sordid history, but don’t let that distract you from the mission at hand. You have your orders.[screen turns off]
[The scene switches from Casey’s apartment to later in the day The Park where you see Chuck and Jill sitting on a bench as Charlie is having on the playground with the other kids. Cut to Casey in a van across the street monitoring their every word< and then to the conversation between Chuck and Jill]
Jill: I’m surprised you wanted to speak to me…you know after dropping a on you that you weren’t prepared to hear.
Chuck: [looks at Jill]I was hurt…you coming back after 5 years...not knowing the reason why… you leaving me for Bryce…the unexpected news of my son. Its all bit overwhelming to take in at one time.
Jill: [looking down]Yeah…those are things that I can never take back.
Chuck: However…you’re still the mother of my son and theirs is something you can give me. I [looks at Charlie playing]want to be part of his life.
Jill: [gives Chuck a look and touches his hand] I want that too.
[You then see a moment being shared between the two of them when all of sudden Sarah walks up to break the mood]
Sarah: [smiling]Hey guys,…Ellie said you would be here.
[cut to very awkward moment that leads Chuck to change the subject]
Chuck: Hey, I heard there is a night club opening up…its supposed to be innovative and totally tech savvy.
Jill: Oh yeah…my company was hired by this media mogul to look over their computer systems and see if everything checks out. If you want, I can get you, Sarah, and whoever else wants to go in. I’ll make sure to inform whoever is working at the front that you’re my guests.
Chuck: [Smiles, looks at Sarah and then at Jill]Awesome
[As he says that you hear a sudden scream and then crying. The camera cuts to Charlie who is bleeding from his forehead leading Chuck and Sarah to run quickly to him with Jill folowed behind with a hand full of paper towels that were in Jill’s purse to put over the wound. Sarah tells them to hop in her car since she drove there and all three speed off to the hospital. The scene ends with Casey slowly walking up, picking up the dropped paper tower with on it that was mistakenly left on the ground, putting it a clear plastic bag, giving a look, and then walking off camera]
[The scene begins latet that night with Chuck, Sarah, Ellie, and Awesome walking into Firestorm with an impressed look on each of their faces. As they are taking in everything that they see, Jill walks up to greet them]
Jill: [smiling]Glad you could make it.
Awesome: [looks at Jill]This place is Awesome.
Sarah: [forced smile]Thanks for inviting us…we appreciate it.
Jill: You’re welcome…I reserved a table for you guys since you’re my guests and the drinks are on me…I can afford it with my salary.
[Cut to Ellie and Sarah giving Jill forced smiles as Chuck and Awesome are getting into the groove of the music]
Ellie: So…Jill…how is Charlie doing. Sarah told me about his fall.
Jill: 8 stitches…he’s my tough little man. [points to Chuck] His father was holding his hand while he was getting patched up. I couldn’t tell who was scared more…Charlie being stitched up or Chuck watching his son get stitched up?
Chuck: [grins]Hey…we both got lollipops out of it didn’t we.
Sarah: [pinching Chuck’s cheek]Yes you did…for being two brave boys.
[cut to Jill, Sarah, Ellie, and Awesome laughing]
Awesome: [looks at Jill] So where’s the little guy now?
Jill: He’s with the babysitter probably sound asleep. He had a pretty eventful day.
Chuck: [chimes in]Tell me about it…my first duty as a dad and I rush my son to the hospital…[looks at Sarah]…hey…at least it was a bonding experience.
[cut to everybody smiling at Chuck]
Jill: [looks at Sarah]Sarah, I can’t thank you enough for driving us to the hospital. I’ll pay for any stains that may have gotten into to your interior,
Sarah: [waves hand]Don’t worry about it…its just a car.
Chuck: [leans in to whisper in Sarah’s ear] I wish Casey were that understanding like you.
[cut to Sarah smiling after whispering that in her ear and Jill seeing that exchange giving a look. Just then Desmond Claudius walks up and introduces himself]
Claudius: [looking at everybody]How is everybody doing…thanks for coming out for Firestorm’s grand opening.
Chuck: [shaking Claudius’ hand]Trust me sir…we wouldn’t miss this for the world.
Claudius: [looks at Jill]Jill…there seems to be a problem with several computers in the media/entertainment area...would you find out what’s wrong?
Jill: [looks at everybody]My job is never done…I’ll see you guys later.
[cut to everybody waving and then Awesome speaking up]
Awesome: [looks at Claudius] This is an awesome setup you got here…you must pay a fortune for the electric bill.
[cut to Ellie elbowing him in the stomach]
Claudius: [laughs and looks around]She is a beauty all right…and yes [looks at Awesome]I’m considered the power company’s new best friend.
[You then see one of Claudius’ associates walk up to him and whisper in his ear leading him to excuse himself with Chuck and Sarah paying close attention]
Claudius: [smiles]I’m sorry, there’s a business matter that I have to attend to…please excuse me.
[cut to Claudius walking away and after several moments Sarah sees him standing next to 2 Asian men at the top of the stairs near his office. Sarah taps Chuck to look and when he does he flashes on one of the men seeing images of illegal arms deals, counterfeiting, former police officer, and the name Xiang Wan Po]
Chuck: [whispers in Sarah’s ear]Claudius is talking Xiang Wan Po…former member of the Chinese secret police who is selling illegal high end weapons on the black market and counterfeiting to boot.
[cut to Sarah giving a nod of acknowledgement and then all of a sudden you see Ellie slapping Chuck in the arm]
Chuck: [holding arm]Oww sis…what did you do that for?
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]I thought we were here to have a good time...so let’s dance.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie] I don’t know…it would be kind of weird dancing with my sister.[cut to Ellie about to slap him upside the head when Chuck stops her] Kidding…just kidding. [looks at Sarah] Would you like to shake your groove thing with on the dance floor Ms. Walker?
Sarah: [smiles]Yes, I would most certainly would.
[The scene ends with Chuck, Sarah, Ellie, and Awesome grooving the rest night the away all the while keeping a watchful eye on Claudius and Wan Po]
[The scene begins in the Home Theatre Room at Buy More around midnight as you Chuck and Sarah with Casey there as well discussing with General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham on who Chuck flashed on]
Chuck: [looks at Beckman] What do we have on Wan Po General?
Beckman: Xiang Wan Po is as dangerous as they come Mr. Bartowski. From our intel, he responsible for mass s of civilians in 68’, providing weapons to radical extremist groups, and not mention he attempted along with men that were extremely loyal to him a coup de tat against his own government to overthrow the presiding leader at the time in 85’, but it was unsuccessful.
Casey: What happened?
Graham: [chimes in]Apparently, government officials were tipped off by an anonymous source leading to the arrest of his men, but he somehow was able to escape.
Sarah: [speaks up]After laying low for several years, he’s resurfaced in Los Angeles and partnering with Desmond Claudius, which means…
Beckman: [finishes the sentence]Which means…unlimited resources, funds, and man power to pull it off once again and quite possibly be successful at it this time.
Casey: What are our orders General?
Beckman: [looks at Team Chuck]Continue monitoring Claudius and Wan Po…with Mr. Bartowski’s connection to Ms. Anderson you won’t have a problem with that as she basically works for him.
[Cut to Sarah having a perturbed look on her face when Jill’s name is mentioned]
Chuck: We’re going back tonight General…[looks at Casey]…You might even find the next Mrs. John Casey there the day before Valentine’s Day…who knows.[Cut to Casey who looks at Chuck and then gives a low growl]Or not.
Beckman: [smirks]You have your orders.
[The scene switches from the Buy More Home Theatre room to early the next day as you Morgan, Ellie, and Chuck eating breakfast. They then hear a knock at the door and when Ellie opens it there stands Jill and Charlie]
Ellie: Oh …hi…what’s up…ummm…come in. [looks at Charlie and waves] Hey Charlie
[cut to Charlie smiling and waving back]
Jill: Thanks…I guess by your surprised expression you weren’t expecting me…[looks at Chuck]…Chuck offered to take Charlie to school so I dropped him off.
[cut to Chuck walking up and picking up his son]
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Yeah sis…it’s the least I can do. Oh…Jill this is Morgan…Morgan…Jill.
Morgan: [looks at Jill]So you’re Jill…the one who broke Chuck’s heart by going to the arms of his former roommate and now arch nemesis Bryce Larkin…that Jill?
Jill: [looks at Morgan]Yeah…I’m THAT Jill.
Morgan: [shakes jill’s hand and gives a jabbing shot sort of tone]Nice to meet you…I’m Chuck’s best friend and possibly best man when he gets married to Sarah… the future Mrs. Bartowski.
Jill: [gives Morgan a look]Oh…okay.
Ellie: [walks past Jill]Excuse him…he ate glue as a child.
[The scene switches from inside Ellie’s apartment to the courtyard where you see Sarah walk up to the door, but stops. She looks through the window seeing Jill and Chuck who is holding Charlie standing together and gets this look of sadness. She decides to leave and when she turns around she bumps into Abe who has Starbucks coffee in his hands]
Sarah: Sorry about that…wasn’t really paying attention.
Abe: [looks through the window and then at Sarah] I understand…Listen Sarah…I can see it in his eyes that Chuck loves you with all his heart, but right he’s going through a dilemma. He’s caught between doing what is right and what he wants to do and that is be with you. If this situation never came about you would be in Jill’s place right now with Chuck holding your son. Look at me…[cut to Sarah looking down and then Abe lifting up her head with her chin]…I would be proud to have you as my daughter-in-law.
Sarah: [smiles and tears up]Thanks Abe
[cut to Abe and Sarah sharing a hug. All of sudden you hear a sort of a coughing/grunting noise that breaks up the moment. When then turn to see who it is Casey is standing there with a folder in his hand]
Casey: [looks at both of them with a smirk]Hope I’m not interrupting anything...I wouldn’t want to find out you were attracted to older men Walker…especially Bartowski’s dad.
[cut to Abe just laughing and Sarah rolling her eyes]
Sarah: What is it Casey?
Casey: [gives a serious look]I have something here that may interest you?
Abe: [curious look]What is it?
Casey: [holding up folder]DNA results concerning Chuck and Charlie.
Sarah: How did you…
Casey: [interrupts her]Walker…shut up and listen…Chuck is not Charlie’s biological father.
[You then cut to Abe and Sarah with a surprised look on their face leading all three to turn around and look through the window. The episode ends with Jill, Chuck, and Charlie standing together like a picture perfect family, then to a close up of Chuck holding/playing around with Charlie]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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