[The episode opens with a shot of a hospital room around noon and inside you see two beds with patients who are seemingly unconscious currently occupying them. A nurse obscures the view of their faces as she checks their vitals and adjusts their iv drip. When she walks away you immediately see its Chuck and Casey leading you to assume the worst has happened. Cut back to the nurse who is now standing by a male doctor and after a moment or two he turns around to talk to Sarah and Abe who has a very concerned look on both their faces. Sarah begins the conversation]
Sarah: [looks at doctor]How are they doing?
Doctor: [looks at Sarah]Its touch and go at the moment. They’re at a critical stage right now and all it becomes now is just a matter of waiting.
Abe: [serious look]What are they suffering from doctor?
Doctor: [turns to look at Chuck and Casey]When they first arrived they both showed the classic symptoms of acute appendicitis…nausea, vomiting, low fever, loss of appetite, nervous system damage, chills, abdominal swelling…
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and Casey]By the look on your face, it seems you don’t think it is.
Doctor: [scratches head] I did a complete diagnostic workup on both of them checking their stat, flat, and upright plate of the abdomen. I did chest x-rays do be on the safe side and pneumonia is ruled out. After doing an EKG to rule out a possible myocardial infarction, and a complete blood count, urinalysis, amylase, and chemistry panel…the tests came out negative. So, acute appendicitis has been ruled out.
[cut to Sarah walking past the doctor and stands between the beds]
Sarah: [looks over shoulder]Do you have any guesses at to what’s wrong with them?
Doctor: [sighs]From the looks of things, my guess is they’ve been poisoned.
Abe: [turns around and looks at the doctor]Are you sure and can you tell us how much is in their system?
Doctor: [looks at Sarah then at Chuck and Casey] I’m fairly certain and it primarily depends on the amount of contaminate itself that was introduced into their system. They’re symptoms can develop very rapidly, in 30 minutes, or over a period of days…weeks even.
Sarah: [holds chuck’s hand]He looks so pale.
Doctor: [stands beside Sarah]Its due to extreme dehydration and the loss of fluids has taken a toll on their bodies. In order to rehydrate the both of them, I’ve specifically instructed the nurse to intravenously put electrolyte enhancers into their iv’s to run through their systems.
Sarah: [grins]We appreciate all that you’ve done and thank you for not giving up on them.
Doctor: [gives a reassuring smile] From the looks of those two, I wouldn’t count them out just yet.
[Cut to a close up of Chuck and Casey faces as you see Sarah, Abe, and the doctor look on leading the opening scene to end. Cue Chuck into]
[The scene begins with Sarah sitting at Chuck’s beside and Abe walking around the room. You then see the doctor who resumes talking to both of them]
Doctor: Mr. Bartowski…Ms. Walker…they’re both strong fighters. They’ll beat this.
Abe: [looks at the doctor then at Chuck and Casey]You bet they will.
[cut to Sarah stilling holding Chuck’s hand when all of sudden you hear the voice of Morgan in the background]
Morgan: [looks at Chuck and Casey]Give it to us straight doc…is Chuck a goner?
[cut to the doctor about to say something when Ellie walks in with Awesome followed behind her]
Ellie: [slapping Morgan in the arm]Chuck isn’t going to die…I’d kill him if he does because he would miss the wedding. Besides…he can’t die because he hasn’t proposed to Sarah yet.
[cut to Sarah taken back by that statement as she gives an awkward smile to Ellie]
Dr. Howard: [looks at Morgan]They’re both going to pull through.
Awesome: [put hand on Morgan’s shoulder]Awesome news…you see…he and John are going to make it. Isn’t that right Dr. Howard?
Dr. Howard: [looks at Morgan then Awesome]Yes Dr. Gordon …I was speaking with my colleagues Dr. Fine and Dr. Howard who are fellow Gastroenterologists. Your friends are suffering from a case of Campylobacter Jejuni.
Morgan: [dumbfounded look]What? I thought you said they were poisoned.
Dr. Howard: Yes…in lamens terms...those two are suffering from food poisoning. [looks around]What did they have to eat?
Sarah: [looks at Sarah]Well…Chuck said they both went to Taco Bell for their lunch break yesterday and from talking to him it seemed as if they ordered everything off the menu.
Doctor: I see…there was a huge beef recall recently so they probably ate some tainted beef or meat that should have been thrown out. Good thing you brought them in as quickly as you did. In any case, they’ll be fine as long as they follow doctor’s orders. They should be out of the hospital within 3-4 days…a week tops.
[cut to Morgan walking towards Casey and then hovering over his face repeatedly waving his hand above it]
Abe: [gives a look to Morgan]Morgan what are you doing?
[cut to an upward view with am extreme shot of Morgan moving in/out who looks back and then at camera representing Casey]
Morgan: [grins] He looks so nonthreatening lying there...[pointing his finger in Casey’s face and starts rotating it in circles]…I can basically do anything to him right now and he wouldn’t even budge.
Sarah: [looks at Morgan]I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
[cut back to the upward view from Casey’s perspective]
Morgan: [looks back at Sarah]What could possibly happen? [looks back down at Casey]
[you suddenly see to two arms grab Morgan’s throat and choking him leading to Awesome and Abe to try to free him. Cut to Casey’s face as you see a smirk on his face as this is happening]
Sarah: That…[looks at Ellie and Abe]…well I warned him.
Ellie: [thinking out loud as she looking straight forward]It would be a shame if John killed him…one less mouth to feed at my house.
[Cut to Sarah and Dr. Howard both giving strange looks at Ellie. The scene ends with Sarah, Ellie, and Dr. Howard looking at Abe and Awesome trying to free Morgan from Casey’s death grip]
[The scene begins the 2 days later around mid evening as you see Chuck and Casey sitting up in bed drinking fluids, as well as, trying to eat food to bring back their strength little by little. You see Sarah and Abe standing there when Ellie walks in leading her to begin the conversation]
Ellie: [smiling]So how are you boys doing today?
Chuck: [looks at Ellie] I can’t speak for Casey, but I know I’m doing better.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and smiles]Yeah he is…the clammy, pasty look is going away and he’s getting his natural color back.
Casey: [smirks]I thought clammy and pasty was always your natural color? Huh, I guess I wrong.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Funny…at least you’re regaining your sense of humor. What no side of sarcasm with a hint of cynicism to go along with it?
Casey: [smirks]Give me time.
[cut to Ellie, Sarah, and Abe laughing]
Chuck: [looks at Abe]Where’s Morgan? From what Sarah told me, he’s afraid to come over after his last visit.[looks at Casey]
Casey: Hey, it’s quieter isn’t it?
[cut to Chuck who is nodding]
Abe: He’s at work and he told me to tell you that he’s going to make you proud by taking charge while you are away.[cut to everybody looking at Abe]I’d better go.
[You then see Abe waving to everybody and then giving a kiss on the cheek to Ellie before quickly leaving for Buy More. Cut back to Ellie who sees Sarah sitting with Chuck on his bed putting her head on his shoulder]
Ellie: [smiles]Awww…You two make the cutest couple.[looks at Casey] Do you think so John?
[cut to Chuck and Sarah looking at Casey]
Casey: [forced smile]Yes…so cute it makes you want to puke.
Ellie: I wouldn’t go that far. [gives a curious look towards Casey]Anyways, when are you going to meet a nice girl John and settle down? A nice, handsome guy like your should have someone in his life to share it with?
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Yeah buddy…you just have to work that Casey mojo for the ladies.
Sarah: [grinning as she is running her fingers through Chuck’s hair]Unless he doesn’t have any mojo to work with.
Casey: [gives a low growl]I have plenty of mojo sister…I have it running out of my ears.
[just as he says that Jayne walks through the door and immediately heads towards Casey]
Ellie: [astonished look and says out loud]Wow…that was quick.
Jayne: [kisses Casey’s forehead]I heard what happened to you…are you all right? I went to go see you at work and your co-workers told me that you were in the hospital suffering from food poisoning. Why didn’t you call me?
[cut to Chuck and Sarah who are looking at a totally different Casey before their eyes]
Casey:[looks at Jayne]Yeah I’m fine…I didn’t want you to worry.
[The scene ends with Casey giving Jayne a long kiss leading everybody else in the room to stare. After a moment or two you see Jayne look up to see Sarah, Chuck, and Ellie smiling]
[The scene begins where it left off as you see Casey and Jayne engaged in a lip lock. You then hear a cough given by Chuck breaking the moment shared by Jayne and Casey]
Jayne: [wiping her lips and brushing back her hair as she looks at Chuck, Sarah, and Ellie]Oh…uh…high…we haven’t met. I’m Jayne Richardson…John’s…[looks at Casey]
Casey: [chimes in]Close friend…yeah…she and I are close friends.
Ellie: [shakes Jaybe’s hand]Nice to meet Jayne…I’m Dr. Ellie Bartowski…[points at Chuck]Chuck’s sister…and…[points at Casey]Casey’s next door neighbor.
Jayne: [smiles]Nice to meet you and[looks at Sarah]you are?
Sarah: [grins]Sarah Walker…I’m chuck’s girlfriend.
Ellie: [interrupts the introductions]I’d like to stay and chat in order to get to know you more, but I have rounds to do.
[cut to Elle exiting out as she goes back to work leaving Chuck and Sarah to get to know more about Casey’s ‘close friend’]
Sarah: [looks at Jayne]So Jayne…where did you and Casey meet?
Jayne: [looks at Casey smiling and then at Sarah]Well…he and I met at the bonsai store I work at. As I remember it, he was a bit shy and looked lost looking for certain things that he needed.
Chuck: [looks at Casey and give his Chuckish grin]Casey…shy?
[cut to Casey giving a look to Chuck]
Jayne: Oh yeah…he looked so cute when he first walked in and we gradually struck up a conversation. Over time we found out we shared several interests like our passion for guns, being in the NRA, and I didn’t know this but we go to the same shooting range. Anyways, I could tell he was a bit intimidated by me at first because he couldn’t look me the eyes, but after a while he was comfortable around me.
Sarah: [looks at Casey chuckling]Casey...initimated?
Jayne: Don’t let the tough exterior fool you…[pats Casey’s chest]….inside he’s big warm teddy bear. [cut to Casey actually blushing] The day before Valentine’s Day I decided to take the initiative and sent him a gift basket full of Oreo cookies and a miniature bonsai tree.
Chuck: [chimes in]It was a wonderful gift…we enjoyed eating the Oreo cookies. Next time, could you please add a carton of milk with it?
[cut to Sarah elbowing Chuck in the side and then everybody having a good laugh except for Casey who hardly said a word. The scene moves forward several hours and you see Chuck flipping channels and Casey getting a bit annoyed at him as usual]
Casey: [looks back and forth at Chuck] I don’t know what’s more irritating…you’re loud snoring or not being able to pick a show to watch on tv.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Come on…we’re both in here for a while…so why don’t we make the best of it. Let’s play a game.
Casey: [glares at Casey]Let’s not and say we did[pulls the covers over him and goes to sleep]
[Cut to Chuck looking at Casey and then retreats back to flipping channels. After a few seconds he turns it off because there isn’t anything good to watch so he starts people watching leading him to see one person in particular standing in front of the nurse’s stations. He immediately flashes on images of an ice cream cone, floor plans of the hospital, a medical file on Prime Minister Soon Lee Han of Korea, dossier file called Dead Man’s Hand, the name Maxwell Klinger and finally the ice cream cone again. The scene ends with Chuck snapping out of it leading him to freak out and then calling out Casey’s name]
[The scene begins around 11pm and you see Chuck talking/explaining to Casey on who/what he flashed on. You then see serious look on Casey’s face as he begins the conversation]
Casey: [looks at Chuck as he sitting beside the bed]Let me get this straight Bartowski…The Prime Minister of South Korea Soon Lee Han is secretly having triple bypass heart surgery here in this hospital…one floor below us in a secured winged of the hospital. Not only that, there is a member of an elite group of assassins known as Dead Man’s Hand who leaves the calling card of the ace of spades. How am I doing so far?
Chuck: [looks at Casey]I think you got everything.
Casey: [calm tone]Okay…just wanted to make sure.
Chuck: [curious/anxious tone]So what’s the plan? Call General Beckman and Director Graham to inform them of the situation? Call Sarah so you two can take out Klinger? And does this plan involve me staying in bed?
Casey: No…no…[points finger in the air]good idea, but no.
Chuck: [look of confusion]What? Why?
Casey: Come on Bartowski…man up. This is the perfect opportunity to see what you’re made of. Prove to yourself that you’re more than just a guy that has a government super computer in his head and you can contribute more to the team than just giving us important intel. Hey look at it this way…you can show Sarah that you don’t always need to be protected by her.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]You think so?
Casey: Listen Bartoswki…a great man once said, “Sometimes when the team is up against it and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to go out there with all they've got and win just one for the Gipper.” So do this not only for yourself, for you’re country, but also for Agent Walker?
Chuck: [nodding]All right…let’s do this. You know…Its going to difficult though with both of us not at 100%.
Casey: [smirks] Just suck it up Bartowski. Remember…mind over matter.
Chuck: [confident look on Chuck’s face]Gotcha…let’s go save a Korean Prime Minister.
[cut to giving proud look to Chuck leading Casey to stand up, but then immediately falls down to the floor. Several moments later you see Chuck and Casey in wheel chairs about to about to head out the door. You then see Chuck have a questioning look as he looks back and forth at Casey leading Casey to begin the conversation]
Casey: [looking straight ahead]What is it Bartowksi?
Chuck: How are we going to take down Klinger without any weapons? Unless by some miracle you have any weapons hidden under your hospital gown then we don’t have a prayer.
Casey: Relax. [holds up one finger]Rule #1 Bartowski. Being a good spy means you oftentimes have to improvise and adapt to certain situations, especially when it comes to the heat of battle. [looks at Chuck] You’ve seen Agent Walker and I use what’s around us in order to get the upper hand on the perp.
Chuck: [chimes in] Not really, I’ve been too busy either hiding in fear or staying in the car to watch.
[cut to Casey giving a look to Chuck]
Casey: Yeah…right. Well…remember me throwing the microwave at one of La Cuidad’s cronies…that was improvising. [cut to Chuck nodding then holds up 2 fingers in the air]Rule #2. Don’t question the object that you’re going to use even if it looks totally ridiculous. A plunger…chop sticks…a mop…a stuffed bear… a broken head board that you were handcuffed to…basically anything and everything will be used.[holds up three fingers] Here’s Rule #3 and this is an important one so pay very close attention.[cut to Chuck listening to and looking intently Casey]Don’t screw up rule #1 and #2. You got it?
Chuck: Improvise…don’t question the object…and don’t screw up. Yeah I got it.
[You then see Casey nod then both he and Chuck roll out. Cut to a storage room where you see a the body if an orderly on the floor and then see Maxwell Klinger wearing his uniform. The scene ends with him clipping a special clearance id badge on his collar and then heading out]
[The scene begins with the elevator opening one floor below leading you to see Chuck and Casey roll out in their wheel chairs looking around to locate the possible whereabouts of Klinger]
Casey: We better split up…we’ll cover more ground that way. Be careful and try to stay alive Bartowski.
Chuck: [grins]You’re actually concerned about my safety?
Casey: A little bit.
Chuck: [puts hand on Casey’s shoulder]I’m touched
Casey: Don’t be…I just don’t want to deal with your girlfriend all over my back if you happen to die.
[cut to Chuck whose grins turns expressionless as he see Casey rolls the other direction]
Chuck: [talking to himself]You can do this Chuck. Remember the three rules Casey told you and you’ll do fine.
[chuck’s self motivation is broken up by the appearance of Ellie]
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]Chuck, what are you doing out of your room? You’re supposed to be resting in bed.
Chuck: [nervous tone] I needed to stretch my legs out sis.
Ellie: [looks at the wheelchair]You’re sitting in a wheel chair.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Good point…[tries to change subject]hey…I heard there was somebody important on this floor.
Ellie: [kneels down and speaks softly]You can’t share this information with anybody but the Prime Minister of Korea is in a secure wing just down that hall [points at the double doors marked with the number 4077]
Chuck: Can I meet him?
Ellie: He's a her and I don’t think that’s possible. Only senior medical/surgical staff with special clearance id badges are able to get in and see him, which I fortunately have right here.[points to badge]
Chuck: Come on sis…at least try to get me an autograph.
Ellie: [laughs]I’ll see what I can…I’m not guaranteeing anything.
Chuck: You’re the best.
Ellie: [smiles] know I am…now as a doctor I order you to get your butt back upstairs and into bed mister.
Chuck: [salutes Ellie]Yes ma'am
[you the see Chuck and Ellie hugging leading him to turn around and push the button to the elevator. Cut to Ellie waving bye to him as she is walking away and then you see a close up of Chuck holding in his hands the id badge he ‘borrowed’ from his sisters when they hugged. You then see Chuck searching for Casey inevitably finding and telling him about the double doors marked 4077. After a few moments you see Chuck and Casey using the key card and then entering through the doorway. Casey leads the conversation]
Casey: [looks at Chuck]Bartowksi…you never cease to amaze me. You lifted your sister’s badge…that was down right under handed of you.
Chuck: I know…I feel bad about it.
Casey: [smirks]I’m actually impressed…good job Bartowski.
Chuck: [surprised grin] Thanks…we better get going.
[You see Chuck and Casey rolling off quickly down the hall looking for Klinger and several minutes of looking in rooms Chuck spots him rolling a very large food cart towards a room with 4 bodyguards in front of the door. The scene ends with Klinger taking out a silencer and dispensing with the 4 of them then entering the room ]
[The scene begins around 1am with Klinger in the room that several more eliminated body guards laying on the floor. You then see Klinger holding between his fingers the ace of spades all-the-while pointing his silencer straight at the Prime Minister of South Korea Soon Han Lee]
Klinger: [smirking] Good morning Prime Minister…I’m here to deal you your death card.
Prime Minister: [looks at Klinger]Progress will be made in my country. Tell whoever hired you that my death will not be considered a setback…it will move forward and my predecessor will continue on with my work.
Klinger: [looks at Prime Minister]Then we will take him out as well.
[cut to Klinger throwing the ace of spades at the Prime Minister. He is about to shoot her when Casey and Chuck storm in and head straight towards Klinger. Klinger points his silencer at the two of the, but its too late as she gets mowed down by Casey causing his silencer to fly off and drop to the ground a few feet away from Chuck. Cut to Casey trying his best to take down Klinger while in his wheel chair as a barrage of punches are exchanged back and forth. You then see Chuck look at the silencer and then yells at Casey]
Chuck: Casey!
Casey: I’m kind of busy right now!
[cut to Chuck going after the silencer and at the same time Klinger knees Casey in the gut leading him to push his wheelchair into the corner hard. See Chuck reach for the silencer when Klinger pulls him back. As he is somewhat distracted by what he is focusing on doing, Chuck grabs a silver metal bed pan that is on a nearby table and hides it from view from Klinger. Cut back to Klinger quickly walks over, grabs his silencer, and stands in front of Chuck]
Klinger: [looks at Chuck, Casey, and then at The Prime Minister]Pitiful…not even two guys in hospital gowns aren’t able to help you escape your doom.
Chuck: [nervous tone]You wouldn’t shoot a guy in a wheelchair would you? It would weight on your conscience.
Klinger: [looks at Chuck]You have a point…[cut to Chuck with a relieved looked on his face]…but you see I don’t have a conscience so I’m not going to lose sleep over killing you.
Casey: [turning his wheelchair around]What is with bad guys and long speeches…just shoot us already.
[cut to Casey seeing one of the bodyguards looking at him from the floor leading him to distract him a bit more. After a few moments the bodyguard discreetly takes his gun out, aims his weapon from under the bed towards Klinger’s feet. Cut back to Klinger about to shoot Chuck when the bodyguard fires off a few rounds with one hitting his foot causing Klinger to bend down giving the perfect opportunity for Chuck to take out the silver metal bed pan and hits him at a side angle across the temple. Klinger doesn’t go down at first as he drops to his knees leading chuck to whop him on top of the head and then straight in the face causing him to fall to the ground completely knocked out. Chuck drops the bedpan on Klinger’s stomach and then breathes out a big sigh of relief]
Casey: [wheels next Chuck and looks at Klinger on the ground with the bedpan on top him]Congratulations Bartowski…that’s a piece of crap that won’t be seeing the light of day anytime soon.
[The scene ends with Chuck giving a weird look to Casey as they turn to see the Prime Minister who smiles at the both of them for saving her life]
[The scene begins around 5am at the secured wing of the hospital with security locking down the area. Cut to the Prime Minister’s room as you see Chuck, Casey, and the Prime Minister herself talking when Sarah and Abe enter the room. Cut to Chuck smiling but rethinks that after seeing the look on Sarah’s face. Sarah begins the conversation]
Sarah: [serious tone]You know you put yourself in danger but not informing the General Beckman, Director Graham, myself, or your dad.
Chuck: I know…[points at Casey]…it was all Casey’s idea.
[cut to Sarah giving a glaring look at Casey]
Casey: [slaps Chuck in the arm and then looks at Sarah]What? He went along with it.
[cut to Sarah giving a glaring look at Chuck]
Chuck: [slaps Casey in the arm and looks at him]Only after hyping me up and telling me that she would be impressed.[points at Sarah]Does she look impressed to you?
Casey: [looks at Sarah] She looks like she wants to kick the crap out of somebody?[points at Chuck] I vote Bartowski.
Chuck: [looks at Casey and then at Sarah]Kick the crap out of Casey…I wanted to stay in bed.
[cut to argument ensuing as Sarah is standing there with her arms crossed looking at the two of them causing the Prime Minister to quickly calm the situation down]
Prime Minister: [smiling as she looks at Sarah]Miss…this young man saved my life. My people and I owe him a debt of gratitude.
Chuck: [cut to smiling Chuck who hears that leading him to bow]You’re welcome.
Sarah: [looks at the Prime Minister]I’m sure they are…but it doesn’t excuse them from putting themselves in danger without proper backup.
Abe: [chimes in as he looks at Chuck and Casey]At least you two boys are okay…that’s the important thing here.
Sarah: [raises right eyebrow as she looks at Chuck]Casey maybe...Chuck is another story. [points at Chuck]I’ll deal with you later. [cut to Chuck whose smile is turned look of fear] I hope your little male bonding experience was worth it.
Casey: [looks at Sarah with a smirk and then at Chuck]It was for me…how about you Bartowski?
[You see Chuck looking at Sarah and then at Casey. The scene ends with Chuck putting his head down, loosk at Chuck and gives a side smirk to back Casey]
[Fade To Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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i've read all of your posts.
they're really good and i really would like for you to post more soon!
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