[The episode opens on a Friday with the song Taking Care of Business by Bachman Turner Overdrive(BTO) as you see shots of the Santa Monica Pier, Dodger Stadium, and Baldwin Park leading to a montage of clips inside the Buy More of all the employees hard at work on Big Mike’s last day. You then cut to after store hours with the entire staff lined up in front of the info desk and then the camera pans to Big Mike’s office door opening with the big man walking with his Marlin that he bought from eBay. Right behind him, following at a safe distance in order to not bump into him or the marling itself, is Chuck who is wearing a yellow button down shirt similar to Big Mike’s. Big Mike and Chuck stop at the info desk where the big man starts to talk but then realizes that the employees are staring at the marlin instead of him. Big Mike proceeds to hand Chuck. who is standing near Casey, his marlin all-the-while give him a glaring look as if to say break it or break you. Chuck puts the Marlin safely on top of the info desk and after a few seconds Big Mike speaks to his minions one last time]
Big Mike: [reflective tone as he paces back and forth]Listen up you nitwits…I’m not big on making speeches…[cut to all the employees chuckling under their breathe and then Big Mike stopping in mid sentence to stare at all of them]…Anyways, after years of working with you people I’ve come to realize one thing.
Morgan: [speaks up and grins]You’re leaving behind a place that has given you not only great memories, but also the molded the minds of young and eager minds like myself.
Big Mike: [gives Morgan a look]What the hell are talking about Grimes?[cut to Morgan whose grin turns to disappointed look]No…I’ve come to realize I’m finally out of this place…a place considered to be a bottomless black hole that sucks the life right of you. [points to his head]I had hair before I worked here, but I tore it all out because of you people.
[cut to Chuck with a freaked out look as he touches his hair]
Casey: [looks at Chuck, smirks, and leans over to whisper in his ear]Don’t worry Bartowski…we’ll sign you up for the hair the club for men…Agent Walker won’t be able to tell the difference.
[cut to Chuck giving a look to Casey]
Morgan: [looks at Big Mike]If Chuck is becoming head honcho…who is going to be taking over as the new leader of the Nerd Herd?
Jeff: [has a look on his face]I have an idea.
Chuck: [speaks up and looks at Jeff]We’re not having a drinking contest Jeff.
[cut to a look of disappointment on Jeff’s face]
Lester: [adjusting his tie]I nominate myself because I display qualities to be the perfect candidate for that position
Chuck: [looks at Lester]What…talk a big game, make promises you can’t keep, and end up letting someone else do your job for you.
[cut to Lester biting his lip as he gives a look as if Chuck was reading his mind about his intended plan]
Anna: [chimes in]Let’s put it to a vote….besides…[looking around]…its time for a woman to run things...[cut to the women of Buy More hooting/hollering and then looks at Morgan smiling]…right Morgan?
Morgan: [gives a goofy grin as he looks at Anna and then at Big Mike]My vote is for Anna.
Jeff: [coughing under his breathe] Whipped!
[cut to an argument ensuing amongst the employees as sides are taken as to who should be the leader of the Nerd Herd causing Big Mike to yell inevitably getting their attention]
Big Mike: [looks at the so called candidates]Bartowski will be the deciding factor…so what’s the plan Bartowksi?[turns around and looks at Chuck]
[cut to everybody looking at Chuck]
Chuck: [nervous tone]Well…instead of putting it to a vote…whoever does a better job over…let’s say…a week starting next week…is the new leader.
Big Mike: Way to think quickly on your feet Bartowski…[cut to Chuck smiling]because something tells me you’re going to need do a lot of it now that you’re the boss.
Chuck: [freaks out a bit, but smiles as he yells something aloud]FORMATION!
[You then suddenly see all the employees quickly form two lines opposite each other that start from the info desk to the front entrance]
Chuck: [looks at Big Mike and sticks his hand out for a hand shake]Good luck sir and the place won’t be the same around here without you.
[Big Mike smiles, shakes Chuck’s hand, grabs his Marlin from the info desk, and walks towards the door. Before he does, Morgan salutes him causing every to do so as well. The opening scene ends with the camera following Big Mike to where he stops at the entrance, turns around, look around, and then disappears out of sight. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins on Monday at Casey’s apartment where General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham are in the middle of discussing a highly important matter with Casey, Chuck, Sarah, and Abe]
Beckman: [serious tone]We have reason to believe the Serbian demolition expert Vuc Audric, the man who nearly accomplished eliminating General Stanfield months ago with a bomb, maybe planning to do it again.
Sarah: Do we have a location?
Graham: Well, with this being the elections General Stanfield is backing Senator John McCain and from what we understand he’ll be having a luncheon/rally sometime this week at The Crown Plaza Hotel conference room, which Stanfield will be attending.
Chuck: The first time was pure luck General…it just so happened that Audric used a Prism Express laptop with a DOS override, which we sell at Buy More.
Abe: [looks at Chuck]How were you able to disable it?
Casey: [chimes in]He downloaded the Irene Demova virus leading it to crash.
[cut to Abe giving a look to Chuck]
Sarah: [grins]Yeah…we were lucky that time and I don’t think he’s going to make the same mistake again.
Graham: Correct Agent Walker and intel has it that he’s none too pleased at failing to eliminate his intended target. Apparently he has recruited someone named…Goran Bratislav.[cut to Chuck immediately flashing on images of his passport, 1984 Winter Olympics, Serbian special forces, and the name the “Red Berets”]
Chuck: [snaps out of it]Goran Bratislav…a former Serbian police officer who provided protection for the 1984 Winter Games in Sarajevo, now in the Serbian special forces attached to an outfit called the “Red Berets”
Beckman: [serious look]Take extreme caution and make no mistakes.
Sarah: What’s our cover General?
Beckman: Since Audric has seen Mr. Bartowski’s face, it would be best if he were to simply do surveillance. That way he and The Intersect are well protected. [cut to Chuck nodding] Agent Casey…you’ll be security detail and Agent Walker you’ll be a server giving you complete access around the entire conference room area. Mr. Carmichael you’ll be sitting this one out. [cut to Abe disappointed] You have your orders [screen turns off]
[The scene switches from Casey’s apartment to later that evening inside of Ellie’s apartment as you see Ellie and Awesome working on wedding invitations. You then see Chuck, Sarah, and Morgan walk in leading Ellie to begin the conversation]
Ellie: [smiling]Hey guys…so…[looks at Chuck]…how does it feel to officially be the new manager of Buy More? I’m so proud of you.
Chuck: Thanks sis…honestly…it feels…
Awesome: [chimes in]Awesome?
Chuck: I was thinking more along the lines of…surreal. I’m responsible for not only the well being of every customer, but also the employees who work under me.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and smiles]You’ll do great…I have the utmost confidence in you that you’ll command respect from Jeff, Lester, Anna, Morgan and the rest of the employees.
Chuck: [smiles back at Sarah]Thanks
Ellie: So do I little brother…and if they don’t…[joking tone]Sarah and I will come down there and lay the smackdown on all of them…[looks at Sarah]Right Sarah?
Sarah: [nods and smiles]Right…nobody messes with my man.
Chuck: [waving hands]Okay Thelma and Louise…I’ll make sure to set some bail money aside just in case you two get arrested.
Awesome: [points 2 fingers at Chuck]No worries Chuck…you’ll be an awesome manager bro.
Morgan: We all have your back dude. You’ll do great buddy.
Chuck: I don’t know Morg…me as manager will probably end up being like a Clint Eastwood movie.
Morgan: In the Line of Fire?
Chuck: Nope…The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.
Ellie: Speaking of ugly…guess who I bumped into today?
Chuck: Who?
Ellie: Your ex…Jill.
[The scene ends with a close up of Chuck’s face as he has this look of surprise because he hasn’t seen her in 5 years and then a shot of Sarah who raises her right eyebrow at that bit of news]
[The scene begins 2 day later with Casey inside the Crown Plaza Hotel conference room with the rest of the security detail who are being briefed on what is going to happen when Stanfield and McCain arrive. Cut to Sarah and Chuck sitting in the van across the street getting the surveillance equipment ready so that Chuck can spot Audric and Bratislav]
Sarah: Talk to me Chuck…how are you feeling?
Chuck: I don’t know…at one point I felt anger…resentment…bitterness. Things that I let go of when I met you…but now…
Sarah: [chimes in]I know how you feel
Chuck: Ah yes…the aforementioned Mr. Bryce Larkin…at least you know you can trust me in every sense of the word.
Sarah: [smiles]I know I can…you don’t have any secrets to hide from me and even though there are secrets about me that I’m not able to share with you...
Chuck: [stops her]I’m a patient guy…whenever you’re ready tell me.
Sarah: [puts her head on his shoulder]Thanks
Chuck: [kisses her forehead]Ellie said she wants to talk because she supposedly has something important she wants to share with me. Probably wants to apologize for what she did to me 5 years ago.
Sarah: Do you want to talk to her?
Chuck: [looks straight and then down]A part of me does because there are so many things that I want to get off my chest, but…
Sarah: But what?
Chuck: A part of me just wants to leave what she did to me where it belongs…in the past. Seeing her again would open old wounds and I may say something that I’ll end up regretting later.
Sarah: All the more reason…at least give her a chance to explain herself why she did it…give her that much?
Chuck: [surprised look]I’ll think about…besides…I’ve moved on for good…[looks at Sarah and smiles]…and I think for the better.
Sarah: [smiles]I think so too.
[cut to Sarah and Chuck having a moment sharing a tender kiss. Just then Sarah’s cell rings, answers it, and then tells Chuck that Casey informing her it time for her to get into position as the luncheon/rally is beginning. The scene switches from The Crown Plaza Hotel Conference Room to Buy More where you see Morgan near The Wall when Abe walks in. Morgan is about to walk up and talk to him when Lester proceeds to barrel through not only him, but also customer knocking them down. Just as he is about to reach Abe Anna come out of nowhere pushing him into a CD display]
Anna: [smiling]Welcome to Buy More, may I help you?
[cut to Jeff running towards his partner in crime’s aide]
Abe: [looking at Lester on the ground as he’s being helped up by Jeff and then at Anna]Is that young man okay?
Anna: [looking behind her and then back at Abe waving her hand]He’s fine…are you looking for anything Mr. Bartowski?
Abe: Call me Abe young lady and I’m just looking around?
Anna: Is this a test? Is Chuck testing us on our professionalism?
[cut to Lester walking up a little worse for wear and standing next to Anna]
Lester: Where is the trust? I am deeply appalled that your son would think that we’re not handling ourselves professionally.
Jeff: [leans in and talks low to Lester] Are we still going to Bennigans for our lunch break…its half off on the beer battered Onion Rings
Lester: [stomps on Jeff’s foot as Abe gives them a glaring look]We don’t need to be looked after like we’re little children. We’re grown, mature adults.
[cut to Morgan walking up and slapping Lester upside the head. Lester slaps back and it turns into a slap fight between the two of them. Abe rolls his eyes and the scene ends with Abe grabbing Morgan and Lester by the ear and taking them to Chuck’s office in order to give both of them a stern talking to]
[The scene begins back at the Crown Plaza Hotel conference room where you see the luncheon/rally in full swing. You see Casey keeping a close on things, Sarah walk around the conference area serving food all-the-while surveying the area, and Chuck who is in the van eating sizzling shrimp as he doing surveillance. Cut to several moments later when Chuck spots Auric on one of the monitors, but doesn’t see Bratislav]
Chuck: [speaking into a microphone]Casey…Sarah…heads up Auric has appeared.
Casey: [speaking into his watch]All right Bartowski…we’ll do our job…just do yours.
Sarah: [speaking into her watch]Remember Chuck…for you own safety stay in…
Chuck: [repeats what she says]Stay in the van…I got it.
Casey: [serious tone]We mean it Bartowski or I’ll shove my foot so far up your arse that it will come up through your ear.
Chuck: When you put it that way…I’ll stay in the van.
[cut to Casey and Sarah spotting Auric, then signaling each other to keep back until he makes his move. The scene switches from the conference room to Chuck in the van where he spots Bratislav heading into the parking garage. He makes the decision to go after him, but not before looking for a weapon in order to use. Shuffling around Sarah’s bag that she left behind he finds two things…a gun and a tazer. Remembering how he doesn’t like to use a gun, he takes the tazer instead. He gets out of the van takes the tazer and then decides to take the extra sizzling shrimp in the bag as well. Chuck then proceeds to nervously pass by Bratislav carrying the sizzling shrimp in the bag. He acts as if he is a lost delivery guy and then begins to talk to Bartislav]
Chuck: [nervous tone]Excuse me…is this the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Bratislav: Yes it is
Chuck: Oh great…I got lost…you see I’m the new delivery guy and I'm just learnig the new routes. Anyways, I’m supposed to deliver this order to somebody on the fourth floor and [looks at his watch] I’m already late as is it.
Bratislav: Yeah…what’s in the bag.
Chuck: [holds bag up]A box of Sizzling Shrimp…hey since I’m late anyway…do you want to have this?
[cut to Bratislav thinking about it for several minutes and then agreeing to take the bag]
Bartislav: Sure…I haven’t eaten yet.
Chuck: Cool
Bratislav: How much do I owe you?
Chuck: Hey, its on the house man…I’m probably going to get fired anyway.
Bartislav: [smirks]Thanks.
Chuck: No problem
[cut to Chuck handing the bag over to Bratislav but intentionally drops it on the ground]
Chuck: Sorry dude
Bratislav: [looks at Chuck and then at the bag of sizzling shrimp]Don’t worry about it.
[Cut to Bratislav bending over to pick up the bag when Chuck takes out the tazer and zaps him with it, but he doesn’t go down at first. Undaunted, Chuck jumps on Bratislav’s back and continues to shock him but is fighting it causing him to buck like a bull. Chuck hold on for dear life as he’s being slammed against the van by Bratislav all-the-while zapping him. After a few moments, Bratislav starts to wear down to the point where he’s passes out from the pain. . Cut back to the conference room where Auric radio’s Bratislav in Serbian, but he’s not answering leading him to retreat and go back to see what happened to Bartislav. Cut back to Chuck, who is on the ground battered, bruised, and out of breath after going toe to toe with a Serbian Special Forces soldier. Chuck gradually gets up and then look to see if lunges forward at the last minute. After several seconds of tapping him with his foot, he shocks him again for good measure and then ties him up. The scene ends with Chuck opening the back of the van to reveal a bomb and then cut to chuck with a very freaked out look on his face]
[The scene begins with Sarah following Auric who is still radioing Bratislav. As a meal cart passes by Auric sees the reflection of Sarah and instinctively he ducks into the stairs. You then see Sarah radioing Casey on her position who then follows after Sarah who is following Auric in the stairwell leading to the parking garage. After several moments, Sarah is just standing there befuddled at where he could have disappeared to when all of sudden he appears behind her holding a gun to her head. Its at that point, Casey shows up pointing his gun w/ laser sight attachment directly at Auric’s head]
Casey: Shoot my partner…I shoot you.
Sarah: [looking at Casey]Do worry about me…just do whatever it takes to save the General.
Auric: [holding a detonator in one hand while hold a gun to Sarah’s head to another]Nobody will be able to save the General or the this entire hotel for that matter.
[The scene switches from the stairwell to Chuck freaking out as he’s looking at the bomb. He then backs up and begins to look around for any possibly sign of something he could to disable it because from the looks of things the Irene Demova virus isn’t going to cut it. After several moments of panicking, he spots a truck parked across the street loaded with liquid nitrogen and the driver about finished changing the tire. An idea begins leading him to book across the street to where he finds the driver of the truck]
Chuck: [holds up his nerd herd id badge and flashing it quickly]C.I.A…I need to commandeer your vehicle immediately.
Guy: [chuckles] Yeah right…get lost buddy.
Chuck: I don’t think you understand…this is a matter of national security. The lives of thousands…maybe millions of people are at stake.
Guy: [looks at chuck]Sorry buddy…my life is at stake if I don’t get these liquid nitrogen tanks to Vegas...its my job that’s going to be at stake.
[cut to the guy turning around and tightening the last of the bolts on the tire. You then see Chuck looking up, then taking out the tazer, and then zapping the driver]
Chuck: [repeating over]I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m soooooo sorry.
[Chuck places the guy in the passenger seat and then drives the truck into the parking garage next to the van. He gets out, pulls out several tanks, attaches the hoses to each of them, and places them close to the bomb. After taking a deep breathe he leading him to say something]
Chuck: I hope this works[turns it on and sprays the outside, as well as, the inside of the bomb]
[Cut back to Auric who is at a standoff with Casey as he holds Sarah hostage]
Auric: I failed the first time, but I’m not going to fail again. If I have to die myself…then so be it.
Casey: [smirks]Let me be the one do it for you…with a several bullets saved just for you.
[cut to Sarah motion to Casey with hand signal leading him to discreetly nod. Sarah suddenly does a front kick causing Auric to be disoriented leading Casey to put several rounds into him. Stumbling about he has his thumb on the ready position to detonate the bomb leading both Casey and Sarah to rush him causing all three to fall down the stairs all-the-while trying to wrestle the trigger away, but to no avail as Auric presses the bottom leading to both Sarah and Casey’s eyes to widen. Cut to Chuck, who has used up several liquid nitrogen tanks, freaks out when the bomb turns on and shows a countdown that read 10 seconds. Cut to Chuck hoping to God that it works leading him to cross his fingers]
Chuck: Come on…come on…come on![closes his eyes at 3 seconds and says something]Sarah…I love you.
[At 1 second, the entire bomb completely freezes/shuts down due to the tremendous amount of liquid nitrogen soaked on the circuits. The scene ends with Chuck doing a combination of a relieved freak out, laughing, and a victory dance]
[The scene begins 2 days later at Buy More 1 hour before the stores opens and you see Anna, Lester, Jeff, Morgan, and all the employees loitering around Chuck’s office awaiting word on who is the new leader of the new heard. Suddenly the door opens and out walks Chuck who has this look as if he’s made the decision as to who he has chosen]
Lester: [looks at Chuck]So…did you do the right thing and pick me as the new leader of the nerd herd.
Anna: [look at Lester]Fat chance…he’s picked me because he knows the Nerd Herd needs a woman’s touch.
[an argument ensues leading them to get into each other’s face]
Jeff: [looks at both of them]I’ve got 100 bucks on Anna.
Lester: [looking at Jeff]Where’s the loyalty my friend?
[cut to Jeff shrugging his shoulders leading Morgan to speak up]
Morgan: [looks at Chuck]Before Anna does a crouching tiger hidden dragon on Lester…who did you pick Chuck?
Chuck: [looks at Anna and Lester]Anna…I’m sorry I didn’t choose you.
[cut to Lester high fiving Jeff and then to a disappointed Morgan]
Lester: [smile on his face]Thanks Chuck…I won’t let you down…I know I have some big shoes…[looks down]…really big shoes to fill.
Chuck: [chuckles]I hate to break this to you Lester…you didn’t get the position either.
[cut to Anna smiling]
Lester: [bewildered look]What? Then who did?
Voice behind them:[loud tone] I did!
[cut to everybody turning around with a look of astonishment as they see Chuck’s dad Abe]
Jeff: Lame
Chuck: [smirks]Everybody…my dad’s the new leader of the Nerd Herd. He told me what happened a couple of days ago and you know what…it makes perfect sense. You a;; need someone to keep you kids in line and I think I made the perfect choice.
[cut to Abe walking through the crowd and standing next to his son with his arms crossed as he a big grin is seen on his face. The scene moves forward from that morning to evening at Casa Bartowski as Ellie in the kitchen and Chuck/Sarah cuddling on the couch watching tv. Sarah then whispers something to Chuck]
Sarah: [turning to look at Chuck]How on earth did you know that liquid nitrogen would freeze the electronic components within the bomb to prevent detonation?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]I saw it in an episode of MacGyver.[cut to Sarah giving a look] Hey…it worked didn’t it. [leaning back with confidence]You’re looking at a guy who has disarmed two bombs…that makes me the man.
[Suddenly they hear a knock at the door leading Ellie to open it and standing there is Jill]
Ellie: [glaring at her]You have the nerve to show your face her after what you did to my brother.
Jill: Thanks for the warm welcome…is Chuck here?
[cut to Chuck getting off the couch and walking up to the door]
Chuck: Jill
Jill: Hey Chuck…you look good.
Chuck: Thanks…I’ve lost weight.
Jill: [smiling]Its shows...what have you been doing?
Chuck: [vindictive tone]Well…other than exercising…I’ve dumped all my feelings for you that I’ve been holding on to for the last 5 years…so that’s been a big weight off my shoulders.
Jill: I know I deserved that.
[cut to Sarah walking up to Chuck and holding on to his arm]
Sarah: [gives her all-too-familiar look]Chuck…dinner is almost ready…[looks at Jill]…who is this?
Chuck: My bad…Sarah…this is Jill…Jill this is Sarah…my girlfriend.
[cut to Jill with a hurt look on her face and then the camera pans to Ellie smiling in the kitchen, as well as, Sarah with a smirk on her face]
Jill: Oh…I’m happy that you were able to move on…really.
Chuck: Jill...what is it that’s so important that you need to talk me…if its an apology your wanting to give me then fine. Just say it and then leave.
Jill: [looks down and then at Chuck]Its not that…can we do this in private?
Chuck: [with an angry tone looks at Jill]No Jill…say what you have to say.
[cut to Jill motioning over to someone from around the corner to come over. You then see a small boy stand in front of her]
Jill: [looking down as she rubbing his head]This is Charlie…[looks up]…your son.
[Cut to Sarah and Ellie in shock as they both look at Chuck who is completely speechless. The episode ends with a close up Charlie and then of Chuck]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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