[The Episode begins a week after Valentine’s Day and it’s a beautiful Frieday morning as you see a sweeping ariel shot of Los Angeles. You cut to Casa Bartowski and inside you see Ellie wearing a robe asleep at the breakfast/dining room table surrounded by papers, sticky notes, as well as, a giant white notebook. You then see Awesome walk in the front door still wearing his scrubs after working the night shift at the hospital and when he sees her he slowly walks over giving her a kiss on the cheek causing her to not only slowly wake up, but also smile as she sees Devon’s face. However, the smile quickly turns into shear panic as she quickly gets up, starts picking/up organizing papers, as well as, the big white notebook holding them closer to her, and then starts walking aimlessly around the living room. While this is happening Awesome is laughing leading the conversation to begin]
Ellie: [stops and looks at Awesome]Devon, why are you standing there just laughing when our wedding is less than 4 month away.
Awesome: [smiles at Ellie]Sorry Babe…I was laughing because you have something on your face.
Ellie: [trying to look at her cheek]What is it?
[cut to Awesome walking over and removing a sticky note stuck on her cheek]
Awesome: [holding it up]A sticky note…[reading it and then looks at Ellie]..you wrote down I’m going crazy.
[cut to Chuck walking in dressed for work and grabbing a box of cereal, a bowl from the cupboard, milk from the fridge, and getting a spoon from the drawer]
Chuck: [looks at Awesome as he sits at the counter]Who’s going crazy?
Awesome: [points at Ellie]Your sister…she’s stressing herself out trying to plan everything for the wedding. That is not awesome.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Come on sis…don’t stress yourself out or you’ll end up having a nervous breakdown and just run off like Julia Roberts did in the movie Runaway Bride.
Ellie: [pacing back and forth]I wouldn’t be stressing out if I had a little help…[looks at Awesome with seriousness]…sweety! There’s so much we have plan for and take care of before the wedding. [looks at Awesome and starts listing things out loud] The florist…catering…photographer…booking a band…choosing my wedding dress…choosing Sarah’s bridesmaids dress…creating the seating arrangements…picking the color scheme…picking a theme for our wedding. Thank God, dad’s friend was able to book The Swan Lake Area at The Hotel Bel Air on June 14th because all the other places at this point are all now booked up.
Awesome: [looks at Ellie]Hey…hold on a minute…I tried to help. Remember a week ago…I suggested a cost effective alternative to the tuxedos because I know a guy who can hook Chuck, your dad, and I up. Plus…the music is added in with no cost at all.
Ellie: [stares at Awesome]You, my dad, and Chuck are not going to wear kilts at the wedding and there will absolutely be no bag pipes playing at the ceremony either.
[cut to a disappointed look on Awesome’s face]
Chuck: [chimes in]Thanks sis for shooting down that idea because my legs haven’t seen daylight for quite a long time.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck and the gives a sad puppy dog look on her face to Awesome]Devon…[drops everything, walks towards Awesome and leans on him]…I need your hep…I can’t do this all by myself…with both of us working at the hospital I don’t know how we’re going to get this all done.
Chuck: [looks at Ellie and Awesome as he’s eating cereal]Why don’t you guys hire a wedding planner. They live for this kind of stuff.
[cut to Ellie and Awesome looking at Chuck then looking at each other]
Ellie: [eyes widen]Great idea little brother.
Awesome: [points finger at Chuck]That’s an awesome idea Chuck…way to think quickly bro. That’s why you’re my best man.[looks at Ellie]See…now just calm down and take a deep breathe.[Cut to Ellie taking a deep breathe in and then letting it all out]Feel better?
Ellie: [breathes in/out and then smiles]Yeah...thanks. Now I remember why I’m marrying you. [with her closed Ellie asks Awesome a question]Oh…I forgot to ask…have you and Chuck bought your tuxedos yet that we looked at so we can have them tailored so they fit right? Dad already bought his.
Awesome: [kisses Ellie’s forehead and hugs her tighter]Of course we did. [cut to Chuck nodding in agreement] Don’t worry about it…[looks at Ellie who opens her eyes to look at Awesome]…Chuck and I have it all under control. Now why don’t you go take a nice, long, relaxing bath while we clean up out here.
[cut to Ellie walking to the bathroom and as she looks back both Chuck and Awesome stand there smiling/waving at her. After a few moments you hear the water running and then you see Chuck and Awesome looking at each other leading both of them to run out the door to buy the tuxedos for the wedding. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins around 10pm with the façade of Buy More and inside you see Chuck sitting inside his office working/writing things down with his door open. Cut to Abe walking up and knocking on the door leading to the conversation between father and son to begin]
Abe: [sitting on the side of the table]I heard you and Devon had a pretty eventful morning running out to buy those tuxedos.
Chuck: [looks at Abe]How do you know?
Abe: [shakes head]I was talking to Casey. He was doing his usual early morning surveillance and listened in on what was going on. He saw you two run out the door like mad men.
Chuck: [gives his Chuckish smile]Of course...Casey...yeah...we finally bought the tuxedos after putting it off for so long. Now we have to get them fitted some time this week.[sarcastic tone]That’s going to be fun.
[As Chuck says that Morgan walks up]
Morgan: [looks at Abe and then Chuck]Chuck…I need to talk to you.
Chuck: [looks at Morgan]Did you swallow something…is Anna trying to kill you…again. Has a customer threatened you with bodily harm? What is it this time?
Morgan: [points finger in the air]Chuck…buddy…I want to take part in your sister’s wedding. You know…make a contribution to the Bartowski family who has graciously let me into their home and opened their arms accepting me as part of the family…granted it’s oftentimes unannounced through the Morgan door, but still.
Chuck: [raises right eyebrow and grins]You just want to impress Ellie don’t you?
Morgan: When will she come to her senses and realize I’m truly the man of her dreams?
Abe: [puts hand on Morgan’s shoulder]When Angelina Jolie comes to her senses, dumps Brad Pitt, and runs to me. Yeah…like that would ever happen.
Morgan: [looks at Abe] That’s harsh Mr. B.
[cut to Chuck grinning and Abe giving a little chuckle at Morgan’s expense]
Morgan: Come on dude…can you just put a good word in for me. I’ll gladly be an usher…how hard a job can that be? I just want to show her that when it comes to important events like her wedding I can be a mature, responsible adult.
Chuck:[thinking]I’ll see what I can do.
[cut to Jeff and Lester running up to the doorway]
Jeff: [sticks his head in and spots Morgan]There you are…we’ve been looking all over for you… we’re going to the roof to throw water balloons at the Large Mart employees.
Lester: [sticking head in office as well and looks at Morgan]Quick…get you’re sling shot out of your locker.
[cut to Morgan running out the door as Chuck and Abe look at Jeff, Lester, and Morgan heading to the roof carrying 3 buckets of water balloons]
Chuck: [arms crossed]There goes the mature, responsible adult right there.
Abe: [looks at Chuck and pats him on the arm]I’ll keep an eye on them son.
Chuck: [looks at Abe heading towards the roof]Thanks dad.
[cut to Casey walking up and looking at Chuck from the legs up]
Casey: [smirks]Come on William Wallace…the general wants to see us.
[After several moments later you see Casey. Chuck, as well as, Sarah who is wearing the gold locket around her neck Chuck gave her, in the Buy More Home Theatre room standing in front of the screen as you see General Beckman and C.I.A. Director Graham. C.I.A Director Graham is in the middle of speaking to them]
Graham: [looks at Chuck]Mr. Bartowski…we feel that its in your best interest to relocate you. The dangers you face grow increasingly larger. [cut to Chuck’s eyes widening and then looks at Sarah] With all that has happened in the past year we have serious doubts as to how well protected The Beta Version of the Intersect truly is.
Sarah: [quickly looks at Chuck and then at Beckman]General…I assure you Agent Casey and I have the situation well under control.
Graham: [looks at Sarah]Under control Agent Walker? From Agent Casey’s reports we think otherwise.
Chuck: [nervous tone as he looks at both Beckman and Graham]You guys sent your best agents to protect me and I’m still alive. I owe these two my life…please don’t do this to me again. Not now.
Beckman: [looks at Chuck and then at Casey]Agent Casey…do you agree with Agent Walker that you both have the situation under control and that relocation is not necessary?
Casey: [looks at Sarah who is saying a lot with her eyes]Negative...Fulcrum is getting closer as time goes by and I firmly believe that relocating Chuck is the best course of action.
[cut to Sarah and Chuck quickly looking at Casey with mixed emotions]
Beckman: [nodding]Very well…we’ll make the arrangements to ha…
Casey: [interrupts Beckman]However General…if I can make a suggestion.
Beckman: [listening intently]Proceed.
Casey: [looks at Chuck and Sarah then at Beckman]Bartowski’s sister will be getting married in a few months and its highly unlikely he will be a resident once the union is finalized. Plus…Agent Walker and Chuck’s cover as bf/gf hasn’t been compromised in any way.
Graham: [gives a serious look to Casey]What’s your point Agent Casey?
Casey: [looks at Beckman and Graham]My point is…[looks at Chuck and Sarah]…for cover sake…I believe Chuck and Agent Walker should move in together.
[cut to a side view where you see Chuck and Sarah looking at each other then look at Casey. The scene ends with a close up of Casey’s face as he exudes a look of professionalism with a hint of a smirk on his face]
[The scene begins around lunch time with the façade of Weinerlicious and inside you see Chuck and Sarah sitting down having a conversation about the living arrangements that Casey suggested to Beckman and Graham]
Chuck: [looks straight ahead]So we’re moving in together…that’s a big step in our relationship. What…we’ve only known each other close to a year now. Don’t get me wrong, I want to but on my own terms...not forced to because of Fulcrum or any other bad guy out there.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Relax Chuck. Look at me…[Chuck looks at Sarah]…we faced far greater obstacles than this together. [smiles]Besides…would your rather live in a bunker or with me?
Chuck: [grins]You of course
Sarah: [smirks]Then what’s the problem?
Chuck: [tapping finger on table] Call me old fashioned…but I’m the type of guy who would like to get to know more about a woman before ever taking the big step in moving in together. The only things I really know about you is that you don’t like black olives on your vegetarian pizza, when you’re lying you sigh first, and you like to throw knives at alarm clocks.[cut to Sarah chuckling] I would like to know more about you, but I know you can’t tell me not only for your protection, by also my protection as well.
Sarah: [smiles]When the time is right…I’ll eventually tell you everything.
Chuck: [nodding]Yeah…I know. [looks at watch and in a joking tone]Are you ready now?
[cut to Sarah punching Chuck in the arm but moves to avoid it as he laughs]
Sarah: Anyways…they will call use once they make their decision.
[cut to Chuck noticing that Sarah is lost in thought as she rubbing the gold locket between her fingers]
Chuck: [looks at the gold locket and then at Sarah]You know…if you keep rubbing that any harder you’re gonna melt it.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and then at the gold locket]Sorry…I was just thinking about the night you gave this to me at the beach. I have never been given a gift like this before…especially one that represents so special and absolutely priceless...your heart.
Chuck: [reaches over, puts gold locket in his hand, opens it up, and then looks at into Sarah’s eyes]You put a picture of me in there.
Sarah: [looks at picture and then into Chuck’s eyes]No matter where I am I know you’ll always be with me close to my heart.
[cut to chuck and Sarah sharing a moment and after a while its broken up by Chuck’s cell phone ringing leading him to answer it. After a second or two he hangs up]
Sarah: [curious look]Who was it?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]It’s Ellie…she called to say she’s made three appointments to interview wedding planners tomorrow.
Sarah: That’s good news
Chuck: Yeah… it is good news and things have been hectic for her trying to take care of everything all by herself. Hiring a wedding planner will not only takes all the pressure off her shoulders it also prevent Awesome, my dad, or myself from experiencing bodily harm.
Sarah: [tilts her head]You’re joking right?
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Last week she threw the toaster at me nearly hitting me in the head and I didn’t even do anything wrong. Luckily, she’s a bad aim. I know you’re a trained spy who can take on anybody…but watch out or you’ll probably end up injured or knocked out by a stressed out bride-to-be.
[cut to Sarah laughing]
Sarah: [grins]Oh great…thanks for the warning. I have to go with her to not only have my bridesmaid dress fitted next week, but have her wedding dressed fitted as well.
Chuck: My suggestion...remove any heavy objects just in case she gets angry at you. Better to be safe than sorry.
[cut to Sarah and Chuck laughing leading the scene to switch from an afternoon at Weinerlicious to an evening at Casa Bartoswki. You see Chuck walk in]
Chuck: [yells out]Sis? Awesome? Morgan?
[Chuck walks over the fridge takes out a brew, opens it, and starts drinking it. He notices a notepad at the table with the cordless phone right beside it and out of curiosity he looks at the three names of the wedding planners that she’ll be interviewing tomorrow. The first name, Fran Donolly, causes him to flash leading him to see images of a wanted poster and 10 counts of marriage fraud]
Chuck: [talking out loud]Ms. Donolly…if that is your real name…you’re not planning my sister’s wedding. Note to self, call the police and make sure to give them this number.
[cut to Chuck reading the second name, Mary Fiore, causing him to flash again leading him to see images of Ashworth University, diploma, Ph.D., and the business name Eventful]
Chuck: [out loud]Ms. Fiore…you pass.
[cut to Chuck reading the final name, Michelle Mitrokhin, leading him to flash seeing images of a former KGB operative, member of the Cambridge Five, passports, the name Nadia Penkovsky and FBI, NSA, C.I.A, and Interpol’s most wanted list causing him to immediately snap out of it]
Chuck: [freaks out]Oh boy
[The scene ends with Chuck quickly taking out his phone and calling Casey about who he flashed on and gives him the information]
[The scene begins the next day around noon in the courtyard of Casa Bartowski where you see Michelle Mitrokhin aka Nadia Penkovsky walking up to Ellie’s door and about to knock on when Casey along with Chuck stands behind her]
Casey: Michelle Mitrokhin
Nadia: [turns around]Yes, young man, do I know you?
Casey: [holds up badge]No ma’am, but I do know you or should I say your true name…[holds up folder]…Nadia Penkovsky.
Chuck: Nadia Penkovsky…former KGB and member of The Cambridge Five. You were responsible for not only leading a failed coup de tat against Mikhail Gorbachev, but also stealing secrets from our government and selling them to the highest bidder.
Nadia: [looks down, then looks up, grins, and looks at Chuck]It’s been at least 40 years since I’ve been known by that name. [walking up to both Chuck and Casey]Is this the end of the road for me?
Casey: I’m afraid so…my orders are to take you in.
Chuck: [looks at Penkovsky]If its any consolation, you were the next qualified candidate to be my sister’s wedding planner.
[cut to Nadia smirking and then looking at Casey]
Nadia: [curious tone]How were you able to find me?
Casey: Does it really matter? Its time to go ma’am.
[cut to Casey going over to arrest her when all of sudden Nadia back hands Casey in the face,knees him in the gut, and then a roudhouse kick to the face leading him to fall into the fountain. She then spins around, takes out a Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife, grabs Chuck holding the knife to his neck, and uses his him as a shield to escape]
Chuck: [throwing hands in the air]Why am I always the human shield?
Nadia: You’ll be released in due time…I just need a head start for my escape and you’re going to help me.
Chuck: [nervous grin]Glad I could be of assistance. Listen…would it be all possible for you to surrender peacefully and quietly.
Nadia: [talking to Chuck and backing up towards the entrance way]I’m sorry young man…but I rather enjoy my freedom.
Chuck: [nervous laugh]Me too…we got something in common... only that I enjoy the freedom of living.
[cut to Nadia backing up with Chuck and when all of a sudden from out of the corner she gets hit in the face by the butt of a gun. You see Nadia falling down as she’s knocked out on ground]
Sarah: [looks at Chuck]Sorry I’m late….traffic was a killer. [looking at Casey who is walking up all wet] What happened to you?
Chuck: [looks at Casey and then at Sarah]He got beat up by a 60 year old wedding planner and fell into the fountain
[cut to Sarah laughing and then to Casey who is giving a low growl]
Sarah: [picks up Penkovsky] I’ll take her in while you[looks at Casey]go dry yourself off.
[cut to Sarah walking of with Penkovsky as Chuck pats Casey on the shoulder as he heads towards his apartment. Just as he does that Ellie walks out looking at Chuck and a soaked Casey]
Ellie: [looks at Casey]John…what happened to you?
Casey: [looks at Chuck and then at Ellie]Well…uhh…
Chuck: [chimes in]John was the tragic victim of a water balloon ambush at Buy More this morning… [looks at Casey who nods]…as you can see they got him good.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]Okay…[looks around]…Did you happen to see a woman around…she was supposed be here at noon for her interview.
Chuck: [shakes head]Nope…how about you Casey?
Casey: [shaking head]Sorry…if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go change.
[cut to Casey walking off shaking his pant leg and while inside his apartment his phone rings leading him to answer it. On the other is General Beckman with their decision and then cut back Ellie resuming her talk with Chuck]
Ellie: This is the second wedding planner that hasn’t shown up…Fran Donolly’s secretary called and said she had to cancel...something about taking a 10 year sabaticle.
Chuck: [eyes widen]Oh really…sorry to hear that. Hey…I have a good feeling about Mary Fiore though. [cut to Ellie looking at Chuck] Oh yeah…I read the names on the notepad when I came in last night.
Ellie: [smiles at Chuck]Oh…I hope so little brother…I hope so.
[The scene moves a few hours later as you see Ellie talking with Mary Fiore and after an hour of doing business, as well as, taking a bit of time to chit chat Ellie hires her as her wedding planner. Ellie proceeds to walk her towards the door leading to a short conversation]
Mary: [shakes Ellie’s hand]Ms. Bartowski…Ellie…leave everything to me. You will have the perfect wedding you’ve always wanted since you were a little girl.
Ellie: [excited smile]I’m so happy to hear you say that. Thanks you so much.
Mary: [smiles]You’re welcome and we’ll start planning sometime this week. I’ll call you to set up a time. Have a nice day.
Ellie: [waves]You too.
[The scene ends with Ellie closing the door and then doing a little victory dance in celebration of not only hiring a wedding plan, but also putting the stress of planning the wedding in her hands]
[The scene begins in the evening at Casa Bartowski where you see Sarah, Chuck, Abe, and Awesome sitting at the table with Ellie standing at the front. She begins the conversation]
Ellie: [smiles]Thank you all for coming to this family meeting. I want to let you know I’ve hired a wedding planner. [raises arms in the air] Yay!
Abe: That’s great honey…now you can relax and stopping throw kitchen appliances at us.
[cut to Ellie giving her dad an apologetic smile]
Sarah: [smiles] Congratulations...I know the wedding planner you picked is going make your dream wedding a reality.
Awesome: [looks at Ellie]That’s awesome new babe.
Ellie: [smiles back at Sarah]It is awesome news…now I can breathe easier. That’s one major job that I don’t need to worry about.
Chuck: [chimes in]Speaking of jobs sis…Morgan would like to be a part of the wedding. Now before you say no…hear me out.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]I’m listening
Chuck: You need ushers at your wedding right…well…Morgan will more than happy to take the position. Plus I know two guys that I know will be happy to help…besides…they oew me big time.
Ellie:[look of apprehension] I don't know Chuck.
Awesome: [looks at Ellie]Come on babe…what’s the worst that could happen?
[cut to Ellie giving a look to Awesome]
Abe: [chimes in]Honey…if it makes you feel any better Casey will be head usher and will be in charge to keep them in line.[looks at Chuck] Right son?
Chuck: [looks at Abe]You bet dad[Looks at Ellie]See…so how about it?
Ellie: [thinking]As long as John is in charge of those three…I’ll agree to it.
[cut to Morgan running in and hugging Ellie]
Morgan: [smiling]Thank you…thank you...thank you...I will not let you down.
Ellie: [trying to push back Morgan]Remember the no touch policy still stands.
Morgan: [quickly backing up]Okay…I won’t let you down Ellie...I promise.[looks at Chuck and starts pretend boxing him]Dude…thanks man. That’s why we’re a great team…you and me…like Crocket and Tubbs from Miami Vice.
[cut to Chuck giving a weird look to Morgan when Sarah elbows Chuck giving him a looking]
Chuck: [putting hands in the air]Excuse me…I would like to make an announcement myself.
[cut to Ellie sitting down next to Awesome and everybody else paying close attention]Since we’re all in good spirits I want to tell you [looks at Ellie and Awesome] that I’m moving out.
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]What? When did you decide this?
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time. With you guys getting married soon I thought it best that you need your space and privacy.
Abe: [looking at Chuck]When are you moving out son?
Chuck: [looks at Abe]Not now…if that’s what your thinking.[looking at Ellie]Look sis…I think its time for to get my own place.[smiles]I appreciate you and Awesome putting up with me and all that you've done for me in the past 5 years, but I think I’m making the right decision here.
Ellie: [walks over and hugs Chuck]I’m proud of you Chuck.
[cut to Morgan breaking up the brother/sister moment]
Morgan: [looks at Chuck]Dude…that’s great news your moving out.
Chuck: [looks at Morgan]Why is that?
Morgan: Perfect opportunity for you and I to be roommates buddy. Plus…it gives me a reason to move out of my grandmother’s place.[puts hand up for a high five]
Sarah: [chimes in]I don’t think that’s going work Morgan.
Morgan: [puts hand down as he looks at Sarah]Why not?
Chuck: [puts his arm around Sarah]Because Morg…the reason I’m moving out is…[looks at Ellie, Awesome, Abe, and Morgan then to Sarah] I’m moving in with Sarah.
Awesome: [points at Chuck]Way to go Chuck…you made an awesome decision. You’re the man.
[cut to a stunned look on Morgan’s face]
Chuck: We talked it over and Sarah is going to move out of her apartment. We’re going to look for a place and once we find one to our liking…we’ll let you know where it is so we can have a house warming party.
Ellie: [smiles and messes with Chuck’s hair]My baby bro is growing up. [looks at Sarah] Sarah…take care of him for me will you and if he gives you any trouble at all…call me and I will come over there and kick his butt.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck chuckling and then at Ellie]No problem
[The episode ends with Sarah, Chuck, Abe, Ellie, and Awesome with all smiles as they have two things to celebrate. The final shot is of Morgan with a forced smile as he celebrates with the group, but when turns around to head out the door he has this disappointed look on his face realizing that it’s the beginning of the end]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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