[The episode open with a short montage of clips of what previously happened as you see Morgan in the process of being brainwashed and then cut to the beach where you see Chuck and Sarah have a conversation about why Bryce showed up. Sarah then tells Chuck that in order to resolve the situation so that both she and Chuck can move on with their lives she has to talk with him…alone. You then see Anna and Ellie have a discussion about Morgan leading her to give him up, which surprises her. Cut to a talk between Sarah and Bryce as she asks him if he was ever actually in love with her. Finally, you see Sarah walk into Mind Games. Inc. under the guise as a reporter looking for an interview. Cut to an interaction between Alecia and then after several moments you see Sarah sneak into the building where she ends up not only finding Fulcrum’s brainwashing operation, but also Morgan as well. She takes him, runs into Alecia, Sarah props him against the wall and stands in front of him with her gun drawn. The last thing you see is Morgan hit Sarah from behind with a small fire extinguisher. The scene begins as you see Sarah with her hands bound and tied behind a chair in the observation room with Morgan who has a emotionless look on his face, Alecia wearing Sarah’s gold locket, and the unknown man. Alecia begins to speak]
Alecia: [lifts Sarah’s chin with her finger to look at her]She certainly isn’t a reporter, but she was definitely snooping around. Who are you?
[cut to Alecia pulling her finger away causing Sarah’s head to drop down]
Unknown Man: [holds up Sarah’s gun]She’s a government agent.
Alecia: [looks at unknown man then to Sarah]How do you know?
Unknown Man: I used to be one my dear and all government agents are given a standard issued M1911 pistol.[points as the camera cuts to Sarah]This young lady posing as a supposed reporter must be either F.B.I., N.S.A, or C.I.A.
Alecia: [concerned look on her face]Do you think she had time to contact anyone before she tried to spring Mr. Grimes there.
[cut to a shot of Morgan just standing there stone faced]
Unknown Man: [holds hand up]I don’t think so.
Alecia: [gives a serious look to an unconscious Sarah]What makes you so sure.
Unknown Man: The fact that when you searched her she didn’t have a cell phone leading me to believe she left it behind, which is a mistake on her part.
Alecia: [grins as she looks at Morgan]What is the connection between her and Mr. Grimes over there?
Unknown Man: [low laugh]At this juncture, it’s a question to be answered later. As you know we have more important matters to attend to.[cut to Alecia nodding]How far along was Mr. Grimes before the process was interrupted?
Alecia: [looks at computer screen]About 80% sir.[looks at unknown man]Is that even enough?
Unknown Man: That is more than sufficient. Keep in mind, he’s basically a dispensable mark who can be easily replaced with someone else.[looks at Morgan]Although, from the brainwave patterns you showed me he is a perfect specimen for another project that I had in mind. Oh well...[looks at Alecia]You know what to do.
[cut to Alecia taking Morgan back to the field testing area and there she whispers something in his ear essentially bringing him out of his trance like state. You then see Morgan looking around and then at Alecia. Alecia begins to speak]
Alecia: [puts her hand on Morgan’s shoulder]You did an excellent job Morgan. As a matter of fact you were able to exceed expectations and rise to the challenge. I’m impressed.
Morgan: [grins]Well…you know…I’m a true gamer at heart. Some say I spend more hours in the day playing games than I do working at Buy More along side my boss who is also my best friend.
Alecia: [interested look on her face]Really…I must meet your friend. Does he have the same passion in games as you do?
Morgan: [thinking]He used to…now all his time his taken with his girlfriend.
Alecia: [sympathetic tone]I’m sorry to hear that. In any case, Morgan we thank you for your time and we’ll contact you soon because I’m sure we’ll have a challenge for you that you’ll probably die for.
[You see Alecia smiling as you see her escort an excited Morgan out of the building. The scene ends with an upward silhouette shot of the unknown man and then the unconscious body of Sarah tied up to the chair. Cue Chuck intro]
[The scene begins in Santa Monica with the façade of Gray Matters Interactive as you see Chuck and Casey walk out from the elevator into the parking garage. Chuck begins to speak as they head towards the nerd herder]
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Well that lead didn’t pan out, but you got a phone number out it.
Casey: [glares at Chuck]Real funny Bartowski. First off, I’m seeing Jayne and secondly…I don’t swing that way.
Chuck: [hold both hands up]Hey, I’m just saying keep your options open. He’s a good looking dude.
Casey: [hands card with phone number to Chuck]If you think he’s handsome, why don’t you call him and ask him out.
Chuck: [puts hands up]Hey, I think he’s more into the rugged out door type than the nerdy type. And from what I saw in there if things don’t work out with Jayne you’ll be set for life with him. He did say he has a condo on the beach…think about it.
[cut to Casey giving a low growl leading Chuck to freak out a bit. Just then Casey’s cell phone causing Chuck to have this saved in the nick of time look. After a few seconds he tells him to go to the warehouse then hangs up looking at Chuck]
Casey: That was your dad…his lead didn’t pan out.
Chuck: [concerned look]That leaves Bryce and Sarah. You know…I thought I would never utter those two words in the same sentence.
Casey: Get your head in the game Bartowski…we got work to do. Let’s go.
[Cut to Casey and Chuck getting into the nerd herder and driving off. The scene switches from the parking garage of Gray Matters Inc. to Morgan walking up to Casa Bartowski. As he walks up to the door it opens leading him to see Anna walk out with Ellie standing in the doorway. Morgan begins the conversation]
Morgan: [smiles]Hey Anna Banna [looks at Ellie and waves] Hey Ellie.
[cut to Anna with a disgusted look on her face as Morgan says her name]
Ellie: [looks at Morgan]Chuck isn’t here Morgan[looks at her watch] and I have to be at work in an hour.
Morgan: [looks at Ellie]Okay…[looks at Anna]…Hey sweetie, what are you doing here.
Anna: [looks at Morgan]I had a talk with Ellie.
[cut to Ellie looking at both of Anna and Morgan leading her to close the door behind her]
Morgan: [grins]What did my two favorite women have to talk about?
Anna: [looks down and then at Morgan]You
Morgan: Oh really… well I…
Anna: [interrupts Morgan]Morgan I think we should break up.
Morgan: Break up? Why…I don’t understand. Ii it because Chuck gave me 2 days off...listen I tried to get you some days off as well but he shot that idea down.
[cut to Ellie inside standing next to the door listening to the conversation and having this look of concern for Morgan. She then walks away leading it to cut back to Anna and Morgan outside]
Anna: What? No….I think you know and that’s why I’m making the decision to let you go so that you can be with your dream woman.
Morgan: Who…Ellie?
Anna: [glares at Morgan]No…Jessica Alba…of course Ellie you idiot. I can’t compete with her and her sweet potatoes with marshmallows.
Morgan: [walking towards]Anna come on.
Anna: [backs up as]No Morgan…I think we should see each other again.
Morgan: What about at work?
Anna: We’ll just be co-workers…nothing more nothing less.
[cut to Morgan about to say something when Anna walks away leading Morgan. The scene ends with Morgan walking over to the fountain, sits down, and buries his face in his hands]
[The scene begins in the observation room where you see Sarah begin to wake up. When she opens her eyes she sees two blurry figures in front of her. After a while the figures becomes clear as day. The unknown man begins to speak]
Unknown Man: [looks at Sarah]Ah…I see our guest has woken up. How are you my dear?
Sarah: [looks up at Unknown Man]Who are you and where is Morgan?
Alecia: [walks past Sarah and then stands beside unknown man]Sir…she does know him. We should eliminate her immediately because she’s considered a liability.
[cut to unknown man holding up his finger towards Alecia]
Unknown Man: Calm down…you don’t see the grander scheme of things as I do. She’s not a liability…as a matter of fact she’s our insurance policy. Young lady don’t concern yourself with who I am and for your friend Mr. Grimes…let’s just say he’s now working for us whether he knows it or not.
Sarah: He was brainwashed to do Fulcrum’s dirty work.
[cut to Alecia walking up, pulling Sarah’s head back by her hair, takes out a knife, and places it on her neck]
Alecia: She knows about Fulcrum sir. Let me slit her throat.
Unknown Man: [sighs]Alecia, let go of the young ladies hair. [cut to Alecia reluctantly doing it as he puts her knife away and steps back] I’m sorry about that…she’s a bit overzealous. Don’t get me wrong she’s good at her job but has a lot to learn.
Sarah: [looks at Alecia wearing her locket]I’m going to need that back.
Alecia: [holds locket in her hand]Oh this…I’m planning on keeping it because it looks so much better on me that you.
Sarah: [smirks]We’ll see.
Unknown Man: [points at both Alecia and Sarah]Now play nice kids. Alecia…watch her as I make preparations and notify our people that Project Trojan Horse is in full effect.
[You see the unknown man step out of the room leading the scene to switch from the observation room to the conference room at the warehouse. There you see Abe, Chuck, and Abe talking to each other when they hear the elevator ding leading Bryce to walk out. Abe speaks to him]
Abe: Did you find anything?
Bryce: Nothing...have you heard from Sarah?
Casey: No…She’s a big girl Larkin and she’s well trained government again that can take care of herself.
Chuck: [looks straight ahead]Yeah Bryce…she can take care of herself unlike you who only cares about yourself.
Bryce: [looks at Chuck]Tell me how you really feel Chuck.
Chuck: [looks at Bryce]From the time you stepped back into my life all you cared about was The Intersect and not how I was doing. You were responsible for getting me kicked out of Stanford.
Bryce: [angered tone and points to himself]After I found out that your were being chosen by Professor Fleming for the Omaha Project. You know what…a thank you would be nice because you owe me for saving you.
Chuck: I don’t owe you a damn thing.
[cut to Chuck standing up and staring eye to eye with Bryce]
Bryce: [smirks]When did you start growing a set…maybe all that sexual tension between you and Sarah is getting you all worked up.
[Cut to Chuck lunging towards Bryce leading both of them to fall to the floor. You then see Casey and Abe quickly do damage control as they separate the two. Casey picks up Bryce and pushes him behind him then looks at Abe who is holding a very infuriated Chuck]
Casey: [looks at Abe]Take him outside so he can cool off.
[cut to Abe escorting out of the room via the elevator and then back to Casey and Bryce. You see Casey look at Bryce and is about to walk past him when he speaks up]
Bryce: [looks at Casey]Thanks Casey
[cut to Casey suddenly grabbing Bryce’s neck, chokeslams him on to the conference table, takes out his gun, and sticks right in his face. The scene ends with an angry glaring look on Casey’s face and then to Bryce who is looking down the barrel of Casey’s gun]
[The scene begins in the courtyard where you see Morgan still sitting there and then Ellie emerges from her apartment dressed in her scrubs. She sees Morgan sitting there leading to a short conversation]
Ellie: [looks at Morgan]Are you okay?
Morgan: [looks down]Anna just told me its over between us.
Ellie: This is silly and not to mention stupid…you two will work it out. [looks at watch]I have to go to work. Are you so you are okay?
[cut to Morgan nodding and Ellie about to head out when she suddenly stops. She turns around and talks to Morgan]
Ellie: You know what…I can have someone cover my shift. Come on inside and let’s talk.
[you see a sad Morgan get up and walk with Ellie into the apartment. The scene switches back to the conference room where you see Casey sticking his gun right in Bryce’s face. Bryce speaks up]
Bryce: What’s the deal? I haven’t done anything to you.
Casey: [intense look]Yes you have.
Bryce: What…why are you of all people suddenly concerned about other people, particularly Chuck and Sarah. You’re the type of agent who shoots now, doesn’t ask questions later, and doesn't get personal relationships.
Casey: I’m not concerned about Chuck and Sarah.
Bryce: It sure seems like it.
Casey: Listen to me very closely. You see when you mess with my team you mess with me, especially when it concerns Sarah and Chuck. [cut to Bryce clearly paying attention to him]You see Sarah is my partner and when she’s not happy…well I’m usually laughing at her expense. Yeah, I like to mess with her when it comes to her relationship with Chuck but I’m only one that can do that, but now you come into the picture and you’re disrupting my happiness.
Bryce: You’re getting soft Casey. I thought you were cold school.
[cut to Casey gripping his gun even harder, and sticks it harder against his face all the while choking him]
Casey: I still am and if you if keep talking Larkin and show you just how cold school I am….and this time I’ll make sure I’ll finish the job.
[You see a bit of fear in Bryce’s eyes as the scene switches from the conference room back to the observation area where you see Alecia and a tied up Sarah who is glaring at her as she reads the inscription inside the locket leading her to speak]
Alecia: So…if you truly have a boyfriend…he must love you very much to have these words inscribed in here.
[cut to Sarah using her watch that has a built in knife cutting the ropes around her wrist]
Sarah: Keep talking…its going to be so much fun kicking your ass when I get my hands on you.
Alecia: [walks over and looks at her face to face]You know if I had my way you would be dead by now and with you out of the way maybe I’ll pay a little visit to see your boyfriend.
[cut to Sarah freeing herself from her bonds leading her to give a smirk to Alecia]
Sarah: You know what’s funny?
Alecia: [curious tone]What?
Sarah: The time it took for you talk to me, I was able to free myself.
[cut to Sarah putting her hands up holding the ropes and then smiles at Alecia who doesn’t react in time as Sarah bends down, picks up the chair from the front legs, flips it upward towards Alecia all in one fast motion causing her to become disoriented. She stumble back leading Sarah to use the chair once again and hit her in the back causing her to be knocked out. She searches Alecia and finds that she has a phone and before she calls for help she grabs the necklace from around her neck. The scene ends with Sarah calling Team Chuck]
[The scene begins back at the warehouse where you hear the elevetor ding leading you to see Chuck and Abe stepping back into the conference room. They see Bryce on the table with Casey sticking his gun in his face. Abe begins to speak]
Abe: [gives a weird look]Are we interrupting you two or should we come back later?
[cut to Casey putting away his gun and steps away from Bryce who sits up]
Casey: [looks at Bryce and then at Chuck] What is it Carmichael?
Chuck:Its Sarah.
[cut to everybody in the room looking at each other leading the scene to switch back to the observation room where you see a semi unconscious Alecia and Sarah who is preparing to escape. She looks at Alecia one more time and then heads out carefully avoiding detection. As she rounds the corner she immediately encounters several henchmen and commences the beat down. As she is busy beating the living daylights out of them, she doesn’t see the unknown man walk up behind her and after a few seconds you see her whole body tense up as you hear what sounds like volts of electricity. She falls to the floor as you see the unknown man stand there with a tazer in his hand. Cut to several minutes later as Chuck, Abe, Casey, and Bryce arriving in a van at Mind Games Inc. in Burbank and heading straight into the building. They are stopped by security and several big men in dark suits. Cut to Casey looking at Chuck who speaks up]
Chuck: [points outside] I know…stay in van.
[cut back to the unknown man standing over Sarah when Alecia stumbles up leading him to speak]
Unknown Man: I hope you learned your lesson.
[cut to Alecia grabbing the necklace back from Sarah as is about to say something when one of his henchmen runs up]
Henchmen: Sir…we have a situation.
[cut to the security room where you see the Alecia, the unknown man, and the same henchmen with Sarah over her shoulder watch as there is an all out brawl in the lobby. Suddenly you see Casey come on screen giving a security guard a head butt leading the unknown man to not only grunt but speak to Alecia]
Unknown Man: Prepare the helicopter for take off and you[points to henchmen in the room] go with her.
[cut back to the lobby where you see Abe, Casey, and Bryce kicking butt and after a while the bad guys are all laid out. Suddenly you see a team of agents walking in with Chuck following closely behind him leading Casey to look at Chuck and then at the agents]
Casey: [waves his finger around in the air]Secure the building and we have one female agent that’s been captured. Proceed with caution.
[cut to all the agents scrambling and then to Team Chuck and Bryce heading up the stairs. As they head up the stairs they are met with a barrage of gun fire leading Bryce, Casey, and Abe to return fire. One by one they pick off henchmen inevitably leading them to the second floor. Casey motions for Bryce to head into it. After reaching the third floor he motions for Chuck and Abe to go in and search the area inevitably leaving Casey to go search the floor flour. As he is about to enter the fourth floor, the door to the fifth floor above him flies open as you see the unknown man come out. Casey shouts]
Casey: [hugs the wall as he points his gun up]Hold it!
[cut to the unknown man stopping and is about to turn around when all of a sudden two of his henchmen appear firing at Casey giving the opportunity for the unknown man to head to the roof. Casey is able to take out one of the henchmen but is shot in the arm by the other, but before he goes down he takes out the henchmen. The scene ends with Casey slumped down on the stairwell between the 4th and 5th floor bleeding from the gunshot]
[The scene begins where it left off as you see Casey on the stairwell after being shot in the arm. He wills himself to get up and starts chasing after the unknown man up the stairs towards the roof. The unknown man reaches the door first and as he’s about to head towards the helicopter that has Sarah in it you from an over the shoulder view of Casey busting through the door with his weapon drawn right at him. Casey begins by yelling]
Casey: [points gun at man]Freeze…stay wear you are…or not. Just give me a reason to shoot.
Unknown Man: [holding both hands in the air with his back to Casey]I see the years have treated you well Casey
Casey: [serious tone]Who are you and how do you know my name?
[cut to the unknown man turns around leading Casey to see his face]
Casey: [eyes widen]Captain!?
Captain: Oh…I’m no longer a Captain anymore. I’m just a man that feels he has been betrayed by the same government that you work for.
Casey: [haunted look on his face as he begins to slowly lower his weapon]I saw you die in Chechnya with my own eyes.
Captain: [grins as he walks closer]Thing are not always what they appear to be son.
Casey: [raises weapon with an angered look on his face]Don’t move…tell me why Cappy?
Captain: Its simple really…you don’t get paid enough if you’re the proverbial good guy so I joined up with a team more to my liking.
Casey: [serious look as he gives a low growl]Fulcrum
Captain: Ah...I see you are familiar with them and their handywork.
Casey: Where is Sarah?
Captain: So that is the young ladies' name. She's in the helicopter safe and sound....for now.
Casey: [points gun at him]Surrender now and let her go.
Captain: [shakes head]I'm afraid I can't do that.
[suddenly you see a spray of bullets hitting near Casey’s general direction leading him to duck behind a corner. He fires back leading to a gun fight and after a few moments he runs out of ammo, but not Alecia who is still spraying massive amounts of ammo in his direction. Cut to Captain who gets in the helicopter and revs up the engines as Alecia has Casey pinned down. As several moments Captain yells for Alecia to get in while his other henchmen lays down more cover fire so that his boss can escape. After a few seconds the helicopter rises and at that same time Bryce and Abe arrive to help Casey. They easily dispense with the henchmen leading both of them to walk up to Casey]
Bryce: [looks around]Where is Sarah?
Casey: [stands up and point gun up at the helicopter]Up there
[cut to Chuck voice echoing from the stairwell]
Voice of Chuck: Is it safe to come out?
Abe: [looks at the doorway]Yeah it is…come on out son.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Where is Sarah?
Bryce: [looks up and then at Chuck] They took her
Chuck: [freaked out look]Aren’t we going to call in the Calvary like the air force or something.
Abe: [looks at Chuck]By the time they get here, they’ll be long gone.
[cut to Chuck freaking out some more]
Chuck: [looks at Casey’s arm]You’ve been shot.
Casey: [looks at his arm]I’ll live. Listen up…we seriously have to regroup
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Why?
Casey: [looks at helicopter flying away]Things just got a bit more complicated.[You see a dejected Casey walking away off camera leading Chuck to just stand there as he has his hands up looking at the helicopter flying off in the distance. The scene ends with Alecia, Captain, and unconscious Sarah in the back flying off to who knows where]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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