[The episode opens with a montage of clips of what previously happened as you see Chuck freaking out about being engaged leading Sarah to ask Abe to take her back to the hotel without even talking to Chuck before she leaves. You then see Lester’s ex-wife tell him that she wants to get back together again and what she did to him was a big mistake. You see Sarah and Chuck have a falling out in front of their hotel room leading Sarah to hand him back the necklace he gave her on Valentine’s Day causing Chuck’s heart to sink. You see Chuck meet Marcelina’s best friend Alexi and they both find out that the wedding has been planned for this weekend. Finally, you see Chuck and Alexi on the pier as they have a man to man talk leading Chuck to find out that Alexi is in love with Marcelina. The scene begins a few minutes later as you see Chuck enter the house. Alexi is in the kitchen downing some more beers getting sloppy drunk and Marcelina is sitting with her friends just gabbing away in the living room. Chuck begins the conversation]
Chuck: [looks at Marcelina as he waves at her friends who smile at him]Marcelina…can I have a word with you in private?
[cut to Marcelina’s friends smiling at Chuck, smiling at each other, all-the-while giggling like school girls]
Marcelina: [smiles]Yes…my husband.
[cut to her looking back at her friends giggling/smiling and then at Chuck]
Chuck: [nervous laugh as he points at her]Not you’re husband…yet.[looks away and talks under his breath] Oh God help me.
Marcelina: [looks at Chuck]What did you say?
Chuck: [eyes widen] Nothing…ummm…let’s go outside and talk.
[cut to Marcelina getting up and heading out the door with Chuck, but before she does she looks at Alexi in the kitchen and says something to him in Polish leading him to say something back as he raises his beer to her. After a moment or two you see Chuck and Marcelina on the pier leading Chuck to talk with her]
Chuck: [looks ahead and then at Marcelina whose hair is blowing in the wind] Marcelina…how long have you known Alexi?
Marcelina: [looks at Chuck]We have known each other since you leave Sandomierz during summer with your family years ago. He moved here with his family from the town of Gorzyce, we grew up together, and have been friends ever since.
Chuck: [curious tone]Awesome…my first impression of him is that he’s a good man.
[cut to Chuck looking at Marcelina who is smiling as she is thinking about him]
Marcelina: [brushes hair back from face as she laughs a bit]Yes…he is a good man. He’s been a good friend to me for along time.
[cut to Chuck and Marcelina stopping at the end of the pier]
Chuck: [stands in front of her]Are you two close?
Marcelina: [gives Chuck a weird look]Why you asking these questions?
Chuck: [looks around and waves hand]Oh nothing…[scratches his head, looks back and changes subject]He seems like a cool guy…Alexci…very protective of you.
Marcelina: [smiling and nodding]He is a cool guy [lost in thought as she thinks about Alexi]Yes…he looks out for me…very sweet…[pats her chest]…good heart. [snaps out of it leading her to look at Chuck] Lexi should be your best man…yes?
[cut to Chuck not really liking that idea, but then reluctantly accepts it with a forced smile on his face]
Chuck: Yes…[gives two thumbs up sign]…best man.
Marcelina: [hugs Chuck]Okay…I’ll go tell Lexi.
[cut to Chuck pointing his finger in the air as Marcelina walks up the pier towards the house]
Chuck: [yells and raises fist in the air]Yes…you do that…you go tell Lexi he’s my best man…[stops yelling as he turns around to look at the open lake]…while I figure out how I’m going to get out of this mess.
[The opening scene ends with Chuck standing at the end of the pier with both hands on tops of his head, then walks over to one of the posts, looks at it, goes to hold it and then starts hitting his head on it several times. Cue Chuck Intro]
[The scene begins with the facade of Buy More and cut to the cage area where you see Casey doing inventory. You see a front view of him and in the background you see Lester walk in with a look on his face that is contemplating whether or not to talk to him. When he finally does, he walks up cautiously to him leading Casey to speak]
Casey: What do you want Lester?
Lester: [confused look] How did you know it was me? Never mind…I need help.
Casey: [turns around and looks at Lester]Everybody knows you need help…thankfully you took the first step in admitting to it.
[cut to Lester just giving a look to Casey]
Lester: Are you going to help me or not...it concerns my lady situation.
Casey: What's in it for me?
Lester: I won't bug you ever again.
Casey: Fine.
Lester: [puts his hands together and starts pacing back/forth]Okay...you seem like a man that has no problem scaring women away.[cut to Casey giving a low growl]I need your expertise on how to repel women away.
Casey: [gives another low growl and glares at Casey]Get out or I will stick my foot up so far up your ass that you can actually smell it with that large beak you call a nose.
Lester: [smiles]That right there…show me…teach me… the ways of the darkside.
[cut to Casey lunging forward at Lester leading him to run away. The scene switches from Buy More to evening at Abe’s room where you see Ellie, Awesome, and Abe but no sign of Sara. Ellie begins the conversation]
Ellie: [looks at Chuck and Abe]So that’s the plan?
Awesome: I think it’s an awesome plan.
[cut to Ellie just staring at Awesome]
Ellie: What if it doesn’t work?
Chuck: [looks at Abe and then Ellie]Then I guess you’ll have Marcelina as sister-in-law instead of Sarah won’t you.
[cut to an ‘oh no she isn’t’ look on Ellie’s face]
Abe: [puts hand on Chuck’s shoulder]The wedding is less than 48 hours away….can you be able to pull this off.
Chuck: [looks at Abe]I’ve been in way tougher spots than this dad. I can handle this.
[cut to Ellie giving a weird look and punching Chuck in the left arm]
Chuck: [holding left arm]Ow…what was that for?
Ellie: [glares at Chuck]If this doesn’t work, you won’t have to worry about Sarah killing you because I’m going to kill you first.
Chuck: [looks at Abe]Dad…[points at Ellie]she threatening to kill me.
Abe: [looks at Ellie]Ellie…pumpkin…don’t kill your brother.
Ellie: [looks at Abe]I’m just looking out for him dad…you know how stupid he can get sometimes.
Chuck: I love you too sis.
[cut to Ellie and Awesome going to their room. Chuck is about to leave for his room when Abe stops him]
Abe: Son…if you’re going to check to see if Sarah is there…she isn’t.
Chuck: What…where is she?
Abe: I don’t know? All I know was that she had her bags with her.
Chuck: [looks down and then at Abe again] Did she tell you anything…anything at all?
Abe: [sighs]Before she left…she told me to give you this.
[cut to Abe taking an envelope out of his pocket and handing it to Chuck. Abe puts his hand on his shoulder and then leaves the room leading Chuck to sit at the end of the bed. Chuck reads the note and after a few seconds he crumples it up leading him to throw it to the ground. The scene ends with the camera panning slowly around Chuck as he drops to the floor in front of the bed just sitting there as he has both arms resting on his knees looking like his world has just crumbled around him]
[The scene begins the next day where you see a mentally not all there Chuck enter the diner where Marcelina works, but she isn’t there because she’s preparing for the wedding that is tomorrow. Who is there though is Alexi wearing sunglasses, eating breakfast at the counter, and sees him entering the diner. Chuck sees him as well, decides not to talk to him, and finds a booth to sit in so that he can sulk about Sarah Alexi looks back and forth at Chuck looking pretty agitated leading him to finally get up to go to talk to him. Chuck begins the conversation]
Chuck: [looks at Alexi]Can I help you?
Alexi: [angered tone]It not enough you marry Lina…but having me as your best man. Why?
Chuck: [puts both hands in air]Whoa…it wasn’t my idea…it was Lina’s…
Alexi: [interrupts him]You don’t deserve to call her by that name.
[as he says that Alexi spits in his face leading to many of the customers in the diner to watch in awe]
Chuck: [wipes the spit from his face as he talks to himself]Great…just great. Sarah leaves…and now I get spit in the face by a man…[looks at Alexi]…that doesn’t have the guts to tell my fiancé…who coincidentally I didn’t find out that I was engaged to till a couple of days ago. How about that…14 years people…it’s a long time to be engaged isn’t. [waves hand] Anyways…here the thing…this guy right here…[points at Alexi]…is in love with her…[looks at everybody in the diner]…mind you I was in a perfectly great relationship until this happened. [turns to look at Alexi] For crying out loud why don’t you fight for man?
Alexi: [angered look on face]I cannot defy tradition.
Chuck: [puts both hands in air as he yells at him]Screw tradition![cut to the customers talking amongst themselves]If you love someone you should fight for them…whatever the obstacles that are standing in your way.
[cut to Alexi clinching his fists]
Alexi: [angered grin]I should fight for her?
Chuck: [leans in]Yes…fight for her.[turns around to look at everybody]Is there an echo in here?[turns back around to look at Alexi]
[cut to Alex in the midst of throwing a punch knocking back Chuck with one punch to the face causing him to stumble back towards a couple eating at the table. He flips back over the table causing their food to fly in the air and land on an unconscious Chuck who is face down completely knocked out. You then see Alexi shake off his right hand, look at the other customers and then leave out the front door. The scene switches from the diner to after closing hours at Buy More where you see Jeff and Lester in the middle of a discussion]
Lester: Explain to me again why you want me to back her again?
Jeff: [looks at Lester]The Chuck effect?
Lester:[confused look]The Chuck Effect?
Jeff: It all started with Chuck when he met the hot corn dog girl. If you take her back…she probably has hot friends…please I need this…[grabs him by the shirt and whispers to him]…I’m so lonely.
[as Jeff says that Casey walks up behind Lester who jumps as he startled by him leading the C man to look at Jeff ]
Casey:[glares at Jeff]Scram!
Jeff: [freak out look]Gotcha
[cut to Jeff giving one last look to Lester before who quickly leaves]
Casey: [looks around and then leans into Lester]If you mention to anyone…I mean anyone that I’m helping you know where I will stick my foot.
[The scene ends with Lester agreeing to what Casey said. They both head off camera and the last thing you hear is Lester says thanks and Casey retort with a don’t touch me]
[The scene begins at the diner later in the evening where you see from Chuck’s perspective slowly opening his eyes which start off blurred and eventually get clearer as he sees Ellie, Awesome, and Abe stand over him. You see off to the side the town police officer with Alexi and Marcelina arguing with each other. Abe begins to talk to him]
Abe: [looking down at Chuck]Are you okay son?
Chuck: [looking up at Abe]I’m doing great…I decided to take on a nice nap on the diner floor after eating breakfast.[wipes off some scrambled eggs off his shirt] How about you?
[cut to Chuck slowly sitting up seeing Alexi and Marcelina argue off to the side]
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]What did you do?
Chuck: I didn’t do anything…[points at Alexi]Alexi hit me.
[cut to Abe, Ellie, and Awesome helping Chuck to his feet]
Ellie: [looks at Chuck]He hit you…nobody hits my brother and gets away with it. [looks at Awesome] Devon…go hit him.
Awesome: [raises right eyebrow]I don’t think that’s an awesome idea babe.
Ellie: If you want me to be your wife…you will do this?
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]Whoa…calm down Don King…Devon isn’t going hit him.
[cut to Marcelina walking up and checking on Chuck with the town police officer followed behind her]
Marcelina: Are you okay? Why did Alexi hit you?
Chuck: [holds hands up]I’m fine…I’m fine…it was just a simple misunderstanding.
Officer: [looks at Alexi and then at Chuck]Do you want to press charges sir?
[there is a small pause as he looks at Alexi leading Chuck to say something]
Chuck:[shakes head]Nope...I’m not pressing charges.
[cut to the officer speaking polish to Alexi who stares at Chuck, and then goes outside followed by Marcelina but not before apologizing to Chuck about what Alexi did. You see an animated Alexi and Marcelina both stand outside the diner window continuing to argue leading them to walk away from camera view]
Abe: [looks at Chuck]And he’s your best man for your wedding.
[cut to Ellie handing him a bag of ice to put on his face]
Chuck: [puts bag of ice on his right eye]I haven’t forgotten…if this works…everything will work out in the end…hopefully.
[just then Chuck gets a call on his cell leading him to walk off a bit and when he answers it its Morgan. The scene cuts back and forth to Chuck and Morgan as they talk to each other]
Morgan: What’s up buddy…watcha doing?
Chuck: [looking at himself covered in food]Nothing really…just having breakfast. What’s up?
Morgan: So, are you still marrying the hot polish girl and if so what does Sarah think about all this?
Chuck: [gives a big sigh] Apparently, I still am Morg and I wouldn’t know about Sarah…she left me a Dear John letter.
Morgan: [sympathetic tone]Sorry dude…that bites. Sarah was a cool chick…I’ll miss her. I though for sure she would be the future Mrs. Bartowski.
Chuck: This whole situations stinks man.
Morgan: I know bro…but you got to admit you’re the pimp. [cut to Chuck giving a weird look at that statement] Anyways…hey, maybe if Lester is able to fix the situation he’s going through with his ex-wife he can try to hit on Sarah again like he did last time.
Chuck: [surprised look]I am not a pim…wait…Lester did what?
[The scene ends with a perturbed and yet humorous look on Chuck’s face with that bit of news as he tells him what Lester did the time he broke up with Sarah to date Lou]
[The scene begins at Buy More where you see Sarra walk in and then being greeted by Lester who escorts her to the Home Theatre Room. Along the way Sarra talks to Lester]
Sarra: [looks at Lester]I’m glad you called…have you made a decision?
[cut to both of them passing by Jeff who mouths the words get back with her to Lester]
Lester: [looks at Jeff and then at Sarra]I have
[they both enter the home theatre room where Sarra sees Casey standing there leading her to talk to Lester]
Sarra: [points at Casey]Who is he?
Lester: [looks at Casey and then at Sarra]He’s my...ummm...advisor.
Sarra: Okay…so what’s your decision?
[cut to Casey giving a low grunt and Lester looking back at him then to Sarra]
Lester: I’m better off without you than with you.
Sarra: [looks at Lester]Really…I think you're lying to yourself.
Lester: You’re manipulative, conniving, a liar and… and you're...[you then see Sarra walk up seductively to Lester and play with his tie]…sooooo beautiful…
Sarra: [looks into Lester’s eyes and smiles]Is your answer still no?
[cut to Lester taking in a big gulp leading to Casey to growl a lit bit louder]
Lester: [snaps out of it]Right…[grabs his tie and straights it]…you’re final fantasy spells don’t work on me anymore so…so scram sister.
Sarra: [miffed look]You’re loss…you’re giving up the best thing you will ever have in your life.
[Sarra leaves out the Buy More Home Theatre Room and then Jeff enters leading him to look at Lester]
Jeff: So?
Lester: [looks at Casey and then at Jeff]Kicked her to the curb.[sticks his hand out for a fist tap]
[cut to Jeff reluctantly gives him a fist tap back, turns around and looks at Sarra head out the door leading him to softly say as he waves to Sarra bye hot girl. You then see Casey walk up to Lester]
Casey: [leans in and smirks]Good job…now you owe me.
[Cut to Lester looking at Casey walking away as he has this what have I done look on his face. The scene switches from the home theatre room at Buy More to Chuck and Marcelina’s wedding day. You see the façade of Sandomierz Cathedral and inside a small room you see Chuck wearing a tuxedo sportin a shiner on his right eye pacing around lost in thought as he prepares what hopes to be a plan that will hopefully work out. Cut to Abe walking in and talking to his son]
Abe: [puts both hands on Chuck’s shoulders and looks at him]It’s now or never son. Hope you know what you are doing?
Chuck: [looks at Abe]I hope so too…its all up to Marcelina and Alexi. My fate…my future… is basically in their hands.
Abe: Just know…whatever happens I’m proud of you and your mother[looks up] would be proud of you also.
Chuck: [smiles]Thanks dad…I just wish Sarah were here.
Abe: I wish she were here too son, but in Marcelina’s place instead. Listen, you know…I know…Morgan…Ellie…Devon…even Casey who doesn’t want to admit it knows that you and Sarah belong together.
[cut to father and son hugging when Jakub walks in with a big smile on his face as he walks up and stands between Chuck and Abe]
Jakub: [puts hand on Chuck and Abe’s shoulder]Come…we celebrate a new beginning.[looks at Chuck]My son.
Chuck: [forced smiles as he looks at Abe then Jakub]Okay…dad.
[The scene ends with Chuck, Abe, and Jakub heading out to the door to what may be the most pivotal point in Chuck’s life]
[The scene begins inside the cathedral as you see what looks like the whole town has attended the wedding. What you don’t see is Chuck or Alexi standing at the front because in the polish wedding tradition the bride and the groom walk up the aisle together preceded by their groomsmen and bridesmaids. The parents and other guests are usually already seated when the couple enters the church. Cut to the start of the wedding as everybody stands as they all look to the back doors that inevitably open to have Chuck and Marcelina walk up to the pastor. After several minutes they reach the front leading for the priest to make a speech. After several minutes of that he begins the vows as he first looks at Marcelina]
Priest: Do you..Marcelina Anya Kaczmarek take Charles as you’re lawfully wedded husband?
[cut to Marcelina’s parent’s with big smiles as Chuck’s family has the look of dread waiting for what Chuck has planned]
Marcelina: [looks at Chuck]I do.
Priest: [looks at Chuck] Do you Charles Irving Bartowski take Marcelina as your lawfully wedded wife?
[cut to Chuck’s family holding their breath]
Chuck: [looks at Marcelina]I…I…can’t do this.
Marcelina and her family: What?
[cut to Alexi with a surprised look on his face, all the guest talking amongst themselves, and Marcelina’s father swearing in Polish leading him to say something]
Jakub: [looks at Abe and then Chuck]What is meaning of this?
[cut to Abe shrugging his shoulders at Jakub and then smiling at Chuck giving him a reassuring look with a fist shake]
Chuck: [looks at Jakub as he paces back and forth]I can’t marry someone who is in love with someone else. It goes against my better judgment.
Jakub: [looks at his wife, at Marcelina, and then at Chuck]Who is this person that is in love with my daughter?
Chuck: [stops in front of Alexi, turns around, and then puts his hand on his shoulder as he points at him]He is…and before [points at Marcelina]you say you aren’t can both of you[looks back and forth at Marcelina and Alexi]be honest with yourselves and admit that you have deep feelings for each other when you’re around one another?[cut to Alexi and Marcelina looking at each other then Chuck looking at her]Marcelina, I’ve seen the glint in your eye when you talk about him and [looks at Alexi]you told me about her 5 smiles. What I’m saying to you two is that I can’t marry someone who I not only don't love…[looks at Jakub and then at Alexi]...sorry...but there’s also the little fact that I don’t actually know her that well, which I have been trying to tell you people. Look…we were basically two young hormonal 12 year old kids and I didn’t have any idea what was going on. [looks at Marcelina]I only knew you for a summer…but[looks, points at, then walks towards Alexi]he…he has known you for a lot longer than I have. Both of you have memories, experiences, and everything under the sun that are considered absolutely special that I can never see, feel, or share. Listen to me…don’t blow the biggest opportunity you have that is facing you right now because if you do you’ll end up regretting this for the rest of your life. [Chuck points at himself]I made a mistake and it cost me the woman I love…it’s a regret that I will have to live with for the rest of my life and yet I would trade it for that one moment in time where she and I first met so I can see her smile at me.[looks down, then up, and points at the two of them]You two…[shakes head]…remember these words: love is blind and it sometimes takes someone who can truly open your eyes to find the one you love has always been standing right in front of you.
[cut to everybody in the cathedral either smiling, crying, or both. Chuck stops talking as the camera cuts to both Alexi and Marcelina]
Marcelina: [looks at Alexi]I have 5 smiles?
[cut to Alexi just grinning leading Chuck to walk up the isle and out the big double doors Chuck disappears into the sunlight and the scene ends with the appearance of Sarah near the doors coming into camera view as she looks outside and then down showing a smile on her face]
[The scene begins near the lake where in the background you hear a piano playing the song Love Is Not All Around seen below. The song fades out a bit as you then see Chuck standing near the lake just staring across the water when Ellie walks up from behind to talk to him]
Ellie: [puts her hand on his shoulder]I’m proud of you little brother. You took charge of the situation and prove to me and dad that you’re all grown up.
Chuck: [looks straight ahead]Thanks sis.
[cut to a loud commotion in the background leading both of them to turn and look. They see the town celebrate the wedding of Marcelina and Alexi who got married. Upon seeing the happy couple Chuck says something]
Chuck: [looks at Ellie]At least they got to experience their happy ending.
[as soon as he says that Sarah appears who Ellie sees causing her to smile. She looks at Chuck and says something too him]
Ellie: Maybe you’ll have you’re happy ending after all.[motions to look behind him leading her to walk off]
Chuck: [surprised look]I…I thought you left.
Sarah: [smiles as the wind blows her hair]Didn’t you read my note and[sees the shiner] are you okay?
Chuck: [Chuckish grin]Not really…I just stared at it.[points at shiner]Oh this...I'm fine...[chuckles]...you should see the other guy.
Sarah:[grins]Well...if you had bothered to read it…you would have read that I paid for another room. You thought I left the country?[cut to Chuck shrugging his shoulders]Now, why would I do that when the man who is standing in front of me helped me open my eyes to a love that is pure, honest, and compassionate beyond belief.[cut to Sarah walking up and looking into Chuck’s eyes. She pulls him in for a kiss leading Chuck to pick her up and spin her around as both of them share a very warm, tender heart warming moment that ends with both of them hugging]Now…if you don’t mind…may I have your heart?[opens hand]
Chuck: [smiles as he takes the gold locket out of his pocket]For all time.
[cut to Sarah turning around and holding up her hair, as Chuckplaces the gold locket around her neck. You then see a close up of Sarah as she closes her eyes as she takes in the memorable when she suddenly hears Chuck voice]
Voice of Chuck: You know…there’s was another reason why we took this trip other than seeing where my mom grew up.
[cut to Sarah spins around about to say what was the reason when she sees Chuck on one knee holding up a ring]
Chuck: [looks up with a smile at Sarah]Sarah…
[You see a wide side shot as you see Chuck down on bended knee leading to a close up of Sarah’s face. The scene ends with the camera slowly panning back as you hear the piano playing that same song again in the background]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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