[The episode begins with a run down of what previously happened as you see the return of Bryce Larkin. After a tense reunion with Sarah in her apartment Bryce meets up with Team Chuck who is greeted by a gunshot to the chest by Casey. He informs them, Beckman, and Graham about Fulcrum’s plan to create innocent civilians as indispensable assassins. You then see a scene at the Santa Monica Pier where Morgan meets a woman who is recruiting guys to be game testers not knowing there is evil afoot. Cut to a tense, as well as, heated moment between Chuck and Bryce not only leading to Chuck punching him, but also causing him to lash out at Morgan. The last thing you see is Alecia Madison escorting Morgan to the 5 floor of Mind Games Inc. where he field tests their version of Call Of Duty with the use of a VR Helmet. The scene begins in the observation room above with an unknown person whose face you don’t see and Alecia talking to Morgan below through the VR Helmet as she’s about to initiate the brainwashing process]
Alecia: [speaks into the microphone]Mr. Grimes…how are you fairing? What do you think of our game?
[cut to animated Morgan as he’s getting into the game]
Morgan: [with a smile on his face]Call me Morgan and as my friend The Captain would say…awesome!
Alecia: [laughs]That’s good to hear Morgan. I’m monitoring your progress up here and getting excellent results. I just want to let you know that I’m going to adjust the level of difficulty on the game and if you start visually experiencing some glitches within your VR Helmet…ignore it. Just basically working out the kinks because we’re basically a new company and we want to be innovative and one of a kind. You know…different from all the rest.
Morgan: [grins]I love challenges…bring it on sister.
[cut to Alecia looking at the unknown person in the room leading that person to speak]
Unknown Person: This Mr. Grimes character is an exceptional find…a true gamer at heart. I have to hand it too you Alecia…you outdid yourself.
Alecia: [smiles at the unknown person]Thank you sir.
[cut to the unknown man leaving and then to Alecia who is typing on the keyboard and from Morgan’s view point inside the VR Helmet you see on the screen the game he’s playing. Morgan after awhile begins to see quick, very specific random images popping up on the screen every few seconds leading Morgan to notice, but he shrugs it off after Alecia told him there may be a few glitches. The scene switches from the testing room of Mind Games Inc. to mid morning at the beach where you see Chuck and Sarah sitting there trying to enjoy the calmness of the crashing waves, but it isn’t helping as Sarah begins to speak]
Sarah: [looks at the waves as her hair blows in the wind]Why now? Why did Bryce show up when my life is finally going the way I always wanted?
Chuck: [looks down and up at the shore] I don’t know…but like any other obstacle we’ve faced in the past…we’ll overcome this one…together.
Sarah: [looks down]Chuck…I need you to do something for me.
Chuck: [grins]Trust you…I have so far and I’m not going to stop now.
Sarah: [looks at Chuck and smiles]I need you to do it again because if we’re to put Bryce truly behind us and bring some much needed closure…I need have to talk to him face to face and get things finally resolvcd.
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Don’t you worry, I’ll be there right by your side every step of the way.
Sarah: [shakes her head]No…[cut to Chuck quickly looking at her]…please…I need to do this alone.
[cut to Chuck giving an understanding, as well as, concerned look to Sarah as he puts her around her inevitably giving a kiss on her forehead. The scene ends with Sarah smiling at him and then puts her head on his shoulder as they try to go back enjoying the beach scenery before them]
[The scene begins at noon with the façade of Buy More and inside you see Abe, Lester and Jeff at the info desk helping customers. You see Casey loading off a Beastmaster to a customer and finally end with Chuck in his office doing some paperwork with the door opened. You then see Anna walk up, knock on the door, leading her to speak]
Anna: [looks at Chuck]Chuck…can I talk to you.
Chuck: Sure…[stands up and motions for her to sit]…what’s up?
Anna: [sitting down]You’re sister is getting married in a month right?
Chuck: [grins as he thinks about it]Yeah…wow…where has the time gone. Wait…how did you hear about it…I haven’t told anyone at work or sent the invitations out. By the way, you should be getting yours in the mail soon.
Anna: [forced smile]Greeeaaat…anyways…Morgan has been talking about it a lot lately and how he’s been given an important job as being one of the ushers.
Chuck: [nodding]Yeah…he sure is.
Anna: I know he’s doing this because of Ellie. You know what I’m sick of being in the shadow of your sister when it comes to competing for his affections.
Chuck: [gives Anna a weird look]Excuse me? My sister is not compet…
Anna: [interrupts Chuck]I want to talk to her and tell her to stay away from my man once she’s married. Can you pass that message along?
Chuck: [scratching his head]Okay…when…where?
Anna: [stands up and gives Chuck a glaring look]Tonight…your place.
[Anna walks out the door leaving a bewildered look on Chuck’s face as he picks up his cell to call his sister. The scene switches from Chuck’s office to the conference room at the warehouse where you see Bryce sitting down and then you hear the elevator ding leading the door to open. Sarah steps out, walks over, and stands across the table from Bryce. Bryce begins to speak]
Bryce: [stands up]I’m here…what do you want?
Sarah: [looks at Bryce]I want to talk about us…I want closure Bryce so that I can move on with my life.
Bryce: [shakes head]You want to talk about us? Remember, what you told me in the car when I was being taken in…[cut to Sarah looking at him]…you said you weren’t good at talking. What’s with the sudden change…wait…let me guess its Chuck.
Sarah: Actually, it was you that helped me with that changed.
Bryce: [points to himself]Me?
Sarah: It was during a mission a while back that went bad and I ended up knocked out for 2 days and to make a long story short I came to terms with certain issues concerning my past, why I hid behind the job, and the fear of sharing my feelings.[cut to Bryce giving a look to Sarah as he crosses his arms]In a way, you showed me that the life I’ve always longed for was deep down in my heart and no matter how much I pushed it aside I couldn’t. You see, whether I met Chuck or not my wanting a life, friends, and a family were gradually winning out…so in a way he helped me without even knowing it. What I also realized is that I am in love with him and whatever you say, try, or do can’t change my mind.
Bryce: [turns around and throws his hands in air]You got to be kidding me.
Sarah: No…I’m not kidding and are you even listening to anything I’ve been saying.
Bryce: [turns back around]Yeah…what you’re basically saying is Chuck won and he’s the better man. I hope you two are very happy with each other.
Sarah: You really don’t get it do you?
Bryce: Apparently not and for the life of me I don’t know why we’re even having this stupid conversation in the first place.
Sarah: Stupid…okay then…tell me the truth. Were you ever actually in love with me or did you love playing with my emotions because you knew how to push my buttons.
[Cut to Bryce giving a dramatic pause as he is looks at Sarah who is waiting for his answer. The scene ends with the camera positioned right in between the both of them as the camera fades out]
[The scene returns to mid afternoon at Mind Games Inc. where you see a short clip with Morgan no longer playing the game as you cut to inside the VR helmet and see that he’s in a deep trance as the effects of the brainwashing are starting to take effect. The scene switches from there back to Bryce who is standing there about to give his answer to Sarah. The scene begins with Sarah speaking]
Sarah: [looks at Bryce]Well…[cut to Bryce about to say something when Sarah’s cell phone rings leading her to answer it]Walker here.
Voice of Casey: Walker, we may have some leads. Get over to my apartment A.S.A.P.
[cut to Sarah getting off the phone and looking at Bryce]
Sarah: I want your answer, but as of right now there are more important matters to attend to. Let’s go.
[cut to Bryce who gives a disgruntled sigh as they both leave for Casey’s apartment. After a few moments of looking at the cit of Los Angeles from the sky you see Team Chuck and Bryce in the apartment. Casey leads the conversation]
Casey: [holds up 4 folders]We have a 4 possible leads on where Fulcrum may be doing their own version of the Manchurian Candidate. There are 4 locations sprawled across the city of Los Angeles. So here’s how it going to go…
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Wait…why are you deciding where we go.
Casey: Because Bartowski…I haven’t shot anybody in awhile and I feel a bit irritable. So, if you don’t want to be the first one to get shot I suggest you take what I give you.
Chuck: [points finger in the air]And where am I going?
Casey: [looks at Abe]Carmichael you get Lincoln Blvd in Playa Vista
Abe: [takes file]I’m on my way
[cut to Abe heading out the door leaving Sarah, Chuck, Bryce, and Casey left]
Casey:[looks at Bryce]Larkin you take the one in West Los Angeles.[cut to Bryce giving Casey a look as he grabs the folder from him then glances at Sarah before he heads out the door] Chuck you’re with me as we check out Santa Monica.
[cut to Sarah interrupting Casey]
Sarah: [looks at Casey]Why is Chuck going with you.
[cut to Chuck looking at Sarah and then at Casey wanting to know that same question]
Casey: [looks at Sarah]Walker…right now as I see it, you’re old boyfriend has you a bit off balance…you need to stay focused. Don’t worry about Bartowski. He’ll be safe with me as long as he listen and stays in the car this time.
[cut to Chuck giving Casey a look]
Sarah: Fine…where’s my location?
Casey: [hands Sarah a folder]You have the one in Burbank…a place called Mind Games Inc.
[cut to all three leaving out the door for their intended destinations leading the scene to switch to the evening at Casa Bartowksi where you see Ellie sitting down on the couch watching television when all of a sudden she hears a knock at the door. When she opens the door Anna is standing there with a forced smile on her face as Ellie begins the conversation]
Ellie: [looks at Anna]Hey Anna…Chuck told me you would be stopping by. Come on in.[cut to Anna walking in, steps into the living room, and immediately turns around with her arms crossed]What’s up?
Anna: [glares at her]You…that’s what’s up?
Ellie: Do you have a problem with me?
Anna: I certainly do and it involves you seducing Morgan with your ways.
Ellie: [astonished look]And what ways would that be?
Anna: Oh you know…like the time you serve him his favorite meal at Thanksgiving dinner…sweet potatoes with marshmallows.
Ellie: [holds both hands up]Anna…let me assure you I am not interested in Morgan…he’s part of the family whether I like it or not…he’s like the annoying little brother who I never really wanted..
Anna: [gives a wincing smile]Uh huh…you know what I don’t believe you. That’s why I going to what I should have done in the first place.
Ellie: [backs up a bit]What…fight me?
Anna: No…I’m letting go of Morgan…you win. You have the sexiest man I have ever seen.
[cut to Ellie who is both astonished and confused at what Anna just said. The scene ends with a close up of Anna’s face as she this look of contempt for the woman who she thinks has the hots for Morgan]
[The scene begins around 7pm where you see Sarah pull up to Mind Games Inc. Before entering the building she establishes a cover as a reporter working for gameinformer.com You then see her enter the building heading straight towards the info desk]
Sarah: [looks at the security guy with a smile]Hello my name is Sarah Carmichael…I’m a reporter with gameinformer.com and I’m doing a cover story on this company. May I speak with someone in charge?
Security Guy: [gives a serious look to Sarah]One moment miss.[cut to him getting on the phone and speaking to someone and after a few seconds he gets off the phone]Someone will be right down to speak with you.
Sarah: [smiles]Thank you I very much appreciate it.
[cut to the security giving a head nod and smile back to Sarah. After a few moments of waiting you see Alecia along with same two big dudes walk up]
Alecia: [looks at Sarah as she shakes her hand]Ms. Carmichael…I’m the company Liaison for Mind Games Inc. Alecia Madison. How may I be of service to you?
Sarah: Well…I’m a reporter for gameinformer.com and we are interested in doing a piece on your company. From what we understand you’re a fledgling company that is fairly new and would like to make a name for yourself in the gaming industry.
Alecia: [gives a courteous smiles]Yes we are…but I’m sorry to inform you we can’t do an interview unless you make an appointment and[looking in the company date book]from what I can see…yes…you haven’t made on.
Sarah: [grins]I guess my boss forgot to make it. I apologize.
Alecia: No need…things happen. Just make an appointment and we’ll have that interview. [looks at Sarah’s gold locket]Pretty locket.
Sarah: [looks at locket]Yes it is…my boyfriend gave it to me for Valentine’s Day.
Alecia: [grins]You’re a lucky girl.
Sarah: Yeah…I am. Anyways, thank you for your time.
Alecia: You’re welcome.
[cut to Sarah leaving out the door but before she leaves she glances over her shoulder to see Alecia talking security and then the two big dudes in black suits. She has a very serious look on her face giving Sarah the feeling that something is not quite right. She immediately gets in her porche, drives off, and heads towards the back of the building. She gets out, heads towards the door, and picks the lock, opens the door and heads up the stairs. She carefully works her way up and instinctively she heads into the 5th floor where Morgan is currently in. You then see Sarah carefully work her way through the halls when she stumbles upon the observation area. The scene ends when as she is searching for important intel she see on the computer screen Morgan being brainwashed. The scene switches to Chuck and Casey who are head into the Santa Monica are to check out the possible lead. After a bit of silence Chuck beings to talk]
Chuck: [looks straight ahead]Casey…do you think Bryce…
Casey: [glances at Chuck as he’s driving]Yes…
Chuck: Well thanks for the vote of confidence.
Casey: Look Bartowski…I’m not going to get involved in this love triangle between the three of you…[cut to Chuck with a look of uncertainty]…but I remember a man who told this guy to fight for the woman he loves who he thought died from a bomb, then turned out to be alive, and was going to get married to a Russian mob boss. Let’s just say even though this woman is probably halfway around the world with a undercover life, he thanks him for pushing him to go after her.
Chuck: [looks at Casey]You’re welcome man
[cut to Chuck putting his hand on his shoulder]
Casey: [gives off a low growl]Don’t touch me while I’m driving
Chuck: I can do that.
[You then see Chuck looking out the passenger seat with a grin forming on his face. The scene ends back at the observation area where you see Sarah reach Morgan who is not only currently seeing images more rapidly, but there’s also a voice that is telling who the potential target is]
[The scene begins where it left off as Sarah reaches Morgan. She takes off the VR Helmet and can clearly see that he’s out of it. She draws her weapon, helps him up and tries to get him out of the building, but doesn’t get very far as she run into Alecia Madison. She places beleaguered Morgan against the wall, stands in front of him, leading Alecia to speak]
Alecia: [looks at Sarah]Ms. Carmichael…I though I told you that in order to get an interview you need to make an appointment.
Sarah: [points gun at Alecia]Sorry…I just couldn’t wait to bring our readers an exclusive.
Alecia: [raises her right eyebrow]I’m sorry to hear that because as it now stands you are currently trespassing. So I guess the interview won’t happen after all.
Sarah: [looks at Alecia as she points her gun at her] Fine by me…I don’t think our readers would be interested in your company brainwashing people, but I think the authorities would. So if you don’t mind…I’m taking my friend out of here.
Alecia: [grins]I don’t think so.
Sarah: Why is that?
[You then see Sarah being hit from behind and when she falls to the floor you cut Morgan standing there with a small extinguisher in his hands. Cut Alecia walking over to an unconscious Sarah, bends down, takes her locket, and grins. The scene ends with an upward shot as you see Morgan holding the fire extinguisher as he stands over Sarah]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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