[The episode begins a week after the Poland trip with a scenic night shot of Los Angeles and after a few moments or so you cut to the façade of Weinerlicious. Inside you see Sarah walking to the door and turning the sign from open to closed leading her to clean up the place. As she is cleaning up she begins to smile as her thoughts reflect back to Poland and to the lake where Chuck went down on bended knee to propose to her inevitably causing a flashback. The scene begins with Chuck holding the ring up to Sarah as she looks at him]
Chuck: [smiling]Sarah Walker…would you do me the honor and accept my mother’s ring to be my wife?
Sarah: [astonished look as tears starts forming]Chuck…I’m…this is…I don’t know what to say.
Chuck: [looks up]Then don’t say anything. [cut to Sarah looking at him with her all-too-familiar look]I know this relationship is complicated enough with you being a spy, being my handler, the super computer that downloaded in my head, Fulcrum getting close, and the fact that if Beckman and Graham knew about what I was doing right now…you would be reassigned in a second…[cut to smiling Sarah looking at Chuck]…but guess what?
Sarah: [grins]What?
Chuck: That all doesn’t matter because when I look into your eyes I already know the answer.[stands up and looking into her eyes]Listen…I’m not going to push you to verbally say yes…whenever you’re ready. Like I said to you before…I’m a patient guy and if I have to wait till I am old, bald, with dentures, and start wearing long black socks with sandals in public…then so be it.
Sarah: [shedding a few tears as she laughs]How did I get so lucky falling in love with a man like you?
Chuck: [grins]I’ve asked myself that same question many times about you.
[cut to both of them going in for a hug leading to a long kiss that inevitably ends the flashback. You then see Sarah snap out of it as she hears a knock at the door leading her to open it. Chuck enters leading him to kiss her and then ask her if she’s ready to go being that they carpooled together. After a few moments of looking at the Los Angeles skyline you see the nerd herder stop in front of Sarah’s apartment. As they enter the front door the camera switches to point of view where it seems as if someone is watching them. Cut to both Chuck with his arm around Sarah arriving at her apartment door leading Chuck to speak]
Chuck: [looks at Sarah]Penny for your thoughts?
Sarah: [snaps out of it]Huh…oh…just thinking about the last couple of days.
Chuck: And?
Sarah: [grins as she looks straight ahead with her head on Chuck’s shoulder]Even though the trip to Poland didn’t start off the way I liked…[looks at Chuck]...it ended better than I possibly ever could imagine.
[cut again to the same camera view where it seems they’re both being watched]
Chuck: For me too…[kisses Sarah on the lips and then looks at Sarah]…although if things didn’t go the way I had hoped I wouldn’t be standing here right now.
Sarah: [raises her right eyebrow]How sure were you about you’re plan working.
Chuck: 100%...[Sarah looks at him]…okay 50/50…[Sarah looks at him again]…All right I was crossing my fingers hoping that Marcelina and Alexi would figure out they were in love with each other.
Sarah: [smile]I’m glad they did or you would be in serious trouble mister.
Chuck: [chuckish grin as he steps closer to Sarah]Reeeaaalllyyy
[cut to the both of them kissing and at the same time she’s unlocking her door. The door is opened leading her to pull herself away giving her all-too-familiar look to Chuck]
Sarah: [waves with her fingers]Good night Chuck
[cut to Sarah closing door and then hearing a knock leading her to open it]
Chuck:[sticks head in as he looks at Sarah smiling]Can I get one more kiss?
[cut to Sarah giving Chuck a kiss that leaves a goofy smile on Chuck’s face. Chuck leaves as Sarah closes the door behind. She leans with her back on the door, she smiles, and after a few moments she then proceeds to walk away when all of a sudden she hears a knock at the door again causing her to turn around. She gives a look and says Chuck under her breathe leading her to say something]
Sarah: [walks to the door]Okay…this is the last time I’ll give you a kiss and…
[cut to Sarah in mid sentence as she opens the door leading her to see a familiar face]
Bryce: [smirks as he looks at Sarah]Maybe later
[The scene ends with a shocked look on Sarah’s face as she sees the man she didn’t choose to go with when he offered a chance to leave Chuck behind, but didn’t]
[The scene begins where it left off as you see a smirking Bryce standing at Sarah’s doorway. Cut to Sarah who is absolutely speechless leading Bryce to not only let himself in, but also speak]
Bryce: [looks around]Nice apartment Sarah…[walks to the window]…and what a view. The C.I.A. sure takes care of its own.
Sarah: [snaps out of it]What are you doing here Bryce?
[cut to Bryce going in for a kiss, but Sarah turns her head as she feels his lips on he cheek. You see a look on Bryce’s face leading him to speak again]
Bryce: [looks straight ahead]Relax…I’m here on business not pleasure…[turns, walks towards, and then stands in front of Sarah with a big smirk on his face]…although from the looks of things I see you’ve been busy doing both. Wow…you and Chuck. I would have never guessed. Tell me…have you two…
Sarah: [slaps Bryce in the face]That is none of your business.
[cut to Bryce massaging his cheek and then giving a small laugh]
Bryce: [tilts his head as he looks at Sarah as he points at her]So…he’s the reason you didn’t come with me in order to go deep cover after Fulcrum.
Sarah: [glares at Bryce]I don’t have to explain myself to you. I’ll ask you again…why are you here and what business are you talking about?
Bryce: [sits on the edge of Sarah’s bed]Have you heard of Project Trojan Horse?[cut to Sarah shaking her head no]I was able to gather bits and pieces of intel and from what I could gather Fulcrum is developing a way to use civilians and turn them into cold blooded assassins.
Sarah: [curious tone]How is that possible?
Bryce: Brainwashing…from what I found out the civilians in question are considered dispensable marks and the only way to activate him or her is by a trigger word or phrase. Once activated the assassin takes out the assigned target.
Sarah: So who’s the target?
Bryce: That I don’t know…which is why I need you, Casey, and Chuck’s help since he is after all The Intersect.
Sarah: [crosses her arms]I’ll talk to them…I’m not guaranteeing anything.
Bryce: That’s my girl…[smirks]…I know you can do it.
Sarah: [gives him a look]How can we contact you?
Bryce: Don’t worry…I’ll contact you.[pauses for a bit as he stares at her]You know…there’s something different about you.
Sarah: [looks at Bryce]I’m happy and for the first time in my life I’ve been able to share my feelings with someone.
Bryce: Uh Huh…with Chuck I see. What makes him so different from me?
[cut to Sarah walking up and looking him straight in the eyes]
Sarah: [an emphatic tone]I trust him.
[cut to Bryce smiling leading him to suddenly grab Sarah, swing her on to her bed, and see him on top of her with his face close to hers]
Bryce: [smiling as he looks at the locket that Chuck gave her, opens it, reads it, then looks at her]We’ll see
[cut to Bryce getting up, turns around, and heads to the door. As he opens the door you see a knife wiz past him and stick inches away from his ear. Cut to Sarah with an angry look on her face as she sees Bryce close the door behind her. Cut to several moments later in Casey’s apartment where you see Team Chuck together. Casey begins to speak]
Casey: [smirks]So you’re old boyfriend is back in town…[looks at Chuck]…jealous Bartowski?
Chuck: [looks at Casey]Why would I be jealous?
Casey: He’s probably came back to steal her away?
Sarah: [glares at Casey]NO…he isn’t.[looks at everybody] Its Fulcrum related.
Abe: [raises right eyebrow]Bryce Larkin…I would like to meet the man who ruined my son’s life.
[just as he says that Casey’s cell rings leading him to answer it and on the other end is Jayne. Cut to Team Chuck who begin to see an unfamiliar sight of Casey smiling as he is talking to her. Casey notices, stops smiling, and takes the call outside. After few moments you see Sarah reassuring Chuck about how it’s over with Bryce with Abe standing next to Chuck patting his shoulder. Suddenly you hear Bryce’s voice leading all of them to quickly turn around as they see him standing at the top of the stairs. You then see him walk down the stairs, give look a Abe, and then stand in front of Chuck]
Bryce: [looks at Chuck]Chuck
Chuck: [looks at Bryce]Bryce
[As soon as Chuck says that you see Casey walk in as he is in the middle of getting off the phone with Jayne. He suddenly sees Bryce, takes out his gun, and shoots Bryce right in the chest with Chuck standing right beside him. Bryce flies across the floor from the impact of the shot and upon seeing that Chuck passes out. The scene ends with a shocked look on both Abe and Sarah’s face]
[The scene begins with a shot of Casey as smoke billows out of his gun. You then cut to Sarah and Abe who have this shocked look on their face leading Sarah to run towards Chuck who is passed out. Abe checks on Bryce and as he does he coughs heavily leading him to open up his shirt to reveal a bulletproof vest. Bryce sits up, grimaces in pain, and then begins to speak]
Bryce: [looks at Casey]I’m one of the good guys remember?
Casey: [looks down at Bryce]I know…for old times sake.
[cut to Casey walking away with a smirk and then you see Sarah at Chuck’s side who is passed out on the floor, which Bryce clearly sees]
Sarah: [runs her hand through Chuck’s hair and pats his cheek]Chuck…chuck…wake up.
[cut to Chuck slowly waking up as he sees Sarah face leading him to smile at her. She smiles back inevitably helping him up from the floor. You see Abe at Bryce’s side leading him to speak]
Abe: [looks at Bryce as he helps him up]Are you all right young man?
Bryce:[looks at Casey]I’ll live[looks at Abe]Who are you?
Abe: Chuck’s father…Abraham Bartowski, but you can call me Agent Carmichael.
Bryce: [looks at Chuck]You’re father…the man you told me back at Stanford abandoned you when you were a kid… is a government agent?
[cut to Chuck with a proud look on his face as he nods]
Abe: [smirks]I sure am son and I want to talk to you concerning what you did to my son.
Casey:[walks up as he walks between Abe and Bryce]Later…we got bigger fish to fry.
[After a few moments you see Team Chuck and Bryce standing in front of the monitor as you see General Beckman and C.I.A Director Graham come on screen. Beckman begins to speak]
Beckman: [looks at Bryce]Agent Larkin…what do you have to report?
Bryce: [looks at Beckman]Project Trojan Horse
[cut to Chuck immediately flashing as he sees images of a light switch, the word failure over pictures of you male ‘patients’ ages between 26-35, Xbox 360, a security cam video of ‘patients’ going though the brainwash process, and the image of a light switch again]
Chuck: [snaps out of it]Project Trojan Horse…Fulcrum’s way of brainwashing innocent people to do their dirty work. They take unsuspecting people, place them in a room, and tell them to test out new prototype games, but what they’re actually doing is implanting subliminal encoded message within their own version of a particular game to assassinate a specific target with a specific trigger word or phrase. Essentially, they create their very own disposable assassin.
Bryce: [looks in amazement]Extraordinary
Graham: [looks at Bryce]Extraordinary indeed Agent Larkin. Were you able to find who the possible target may be or a location for that matter?
Bryce: Negative…but I what I do know is its somewhere in Los Angeles.[looks at Chuck]I was hoping Chuck would help me since he’s the super computer.
Abe: [looks at Bryce]No thanks to you.
Bryce: [looks at Abe]Do you have a problem with me? I think Chuck is big enough to handle his own without dear OLD dad to come to the rescue.
Abe: [rolls up sleeves]I’ll show you old....
Beckman: [chimes in as she looks at Abe and Bryce]Enough![looks at Chuck]Mr. Bartowski…I want you to work with Agent Larkin and find out who the possible target could be.
[cut to Chuck reluctantly nodding]
Sarah: What are out orders General?
Graham: [chimes in]Your orders are for you…Agent Casey…Mr. Carmichael to help Agent Larkin not only find the possible target but also stop their brainwashing operation. You have your orders.[screen turns off]
[cut to Casey giving a low growl as he looks at Bryce then walks past him leading him to say something with a smirk on his face]
Casey: Congratulations…you’re now little fat kid on Team Chuck.
[Bryce just giving a weird look to Casey as Abe and Sarah are somewhat confused concerning that particular reference. The scene ends with a close up of Chuck with his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh]
[The scene begins the next day with the façade of Buy More and inside you see the employees minus Morgan in line for what seems to be a staff meeting before the store opens. You go down the line seeing Jeff, Lester, Anna, Abe, Casey, and then Chuck walking into camera view in the middle of a discussion]
Chuck: [stands in front of his employees]I’m very proud of you guys for working hard during my absence. Casey gave me a progress report and I have to say…at least you all didn’t get arrested or [looks at Lester]get back together with ex.
[cut to Lester with a reluctant grin on his face]
Jeff: [chimes in]Speaking of exes…we want to know how is yours doing?
Chuck: [looks at Jeff] Fine...she’s now happily married and thousands of miles away in Poland.
[cut to the staff groaning as they give Lester money]
Jeff: [handing over money to Lester]This is lame
Lester: [smiles as he’s being handed money]Yeah…come to papa.
Chuck: [looks at Jeff]You guys were actually betting if I got married?
Lester: [points at Jeff]He did…I bet that you wouldn’t because you have this sense of morality decenscy, and ethics. Things which I don't have.
Chuck: [massages his temples and is talking to himself]I know how Big Mike feels now.[claps hands together]Okay…get back to work. We’re supposed to be getting a shipment of new Xbox games today.
Anna: [chimes in]Hey Chuckles…where is Morgan?
Chuck: [looks at Anna]I gave him 2 day off. He deserved it.
[cut to Lester walking past chuck counting the money when Chuck takes the money from his hand]
Lester: [looks at Chuck]Hey…I earned that![cut to Chuck taking out disc and waves it in air]Never mind…keep it.
[cut to Chuck walking away but then stops as he turns around to talk to Lester]
Chuck: [points finger in the air]Oh before I forget Lester…I want to talk to you in my office about a certain matter concerning you and my girlfriend.
[cut to Lester’s eyes widening as he has this nervous look on his face and then the scene switches from early morning at Buy More to later in the afternoon where you see Morgan in the game arcade at Santa Monica Pier. He’s focused playing Silent Scope when the camera cuts to a very exotic looking woman walking in. She’s about 5’6, slim build, wearing a pants suit, dark hair, blue cat like eyes, and carrying a black folder. She begins talking to several men, and then handing them cards. She works her way to where Morgan who has just finished playing leading him to turn around and accidentally bump into her. Morgan begins the conversation]
Morgan: [flirty tone]My apologize…I was blinded by your hotness?
Woman: [looks at Morgan]Thanks…I think. Can I ask you a question?
Morgan: If it’s about wanting my number…sorry I have a girlfriend.
Woman: [laughs]Don’t flatter yourself…you’re not my type.
Morgan: [curious tone]What is your type?
Woman: [looks him up and down]Not you…I know that for sure. Look, I work for Mind Games Inc. and we’re recruiting people to test games for us and you seem like the gamer type. What’s your favorite game?
Morgan: [grins]Call of Duty
Woman: That’s perfect because we’re currently field testing our own version of Call of Duty. If you’re interested [gives Morgan a card]give me a call and we’ll set up an appointment.
Morgan: Sweet…I’ll definitely do that.
cut to the woman smiling, turning around to walk away, and then cutting to Morgan watching her walking out of the arcade room. The scene ends with Morgan smiling and then looking at the card which has the phone number and name of the woman which reads: Alecia Madison Company Liaison Mind Games Inc]
[The scene begins later that evening where you see Chuck enter Ellie’s apartment. He grabs a brew from the fridge and heads to his room. Upon entering his room he puts his keys on the dresser and starts to undress when he hears a voice behind him]
Bryce: Hey Chuck
[cut to Chuck freaking out a bit]
Chuck: [startled tone]Bryce…[looks out in the hallway and closes the door]…what are you doing here? Ellie could have see you or walked in here and she knows you’re “dead”.
Bryce: [stands up]Relax…your sister and her boyfriend..
Chuck: [interrupts Bryce] Fiance…
Bryce: Whatever…they’re apparently on a date. So they’ll probably be out for several hours.
Chuck: [turns around to put the rest of things up]What do you want Bryce?
Bryce: I want to finally resolve what happened in the past.
Chuck: [puts both hands on his dresser, looks down, and then turns around]You want to resolve this…[walks towards Bryce]…then tell me Bryce did you as my supposed best friend steal Jill away from me or did she come to you because I really want to know. I want the truth. [starts speaking Klingon in a more forceful tone]
[cut to Bryce responding back in Klingon]
Bryce: The truth…the truth is she came to me and talked to me about how things weren’t going so well between the two of you. She mentioned that you seemed to not notice there were problems in the relationship because you were in her own words blinded by love. That’s when she told me that she was pregnant with your baby and lets straighten this out once for all I never stole her away from you. She left you.
Chuck: [nods head]Okay…that’s what Jill said so your stories match up.
Bryce: [looks at Chuck]What? You saw Jill? How is she doing? How old is your son?
Chuck: She’s doing fine. She’s head computer analyst for one of the C.I.A’s front companies in Italy[cut to Bryce giving a weird look]Don’t ask…it’s a long story. Charlie is 5 and he’s not my son…he’s Allan Watterman’s.
Bryce: You got to be kidding me…that arrogant douche bag from our Stanford days had a kid with Jill.
Chuck: Oh…did I forget to mention he’s also involved in insider trading and has offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands?
Bryce: Well if you ask me he and Jill deserve each other.[cut to Bryce and Chuck laughing]So…are we good?
Chuck: [sighs]Yeah…we are.
[cut to both of them giving a fist tap. Chuck turns around to change and Bryce is about to leave when he stops at the door]
Bryce: [looks straight ahead]I know about you and Sarah
Chuck: [stops untying his tie]Then you should know I asked her to marry me.
Bryce: [turning around]Is that right. Tell me…do you think you both of you can make it work knowing her past? What she did as a spy before she met you? Seducing other men in order to get the job done and to be perfectly honest I don’t see a marriage happening? Has she said yes…better yet have you two even…
Chuck: [angered town as he points at Bryce]That’s none of your damn business.
[cut to Bryce walking up to Chuck with a smirk on his face]
Bryce: I thought so…Sarah needs a protector not someone who always needs protecting.[cut to Chuck punching Bryce in the face leading him to wave his hand in the air because of the pain. He starts massaging it and then cut to Bryce who is bleeding from the mouth]You know I’m right.
Chuck: We’ll help you, but once this mission is over get out of my life and Sarah’s.
[Cut to Bryce wiping away the blood from his lip, smirks, and then leaves via the front door. You see Chuck sitting on his bed with an angry look on his face and after a few minutes Morgan enters through the window leading him to speak when he sees Chuck]
Morgan: [grins]Dude…I got some primo news for both of us.
Chuck: [doesn’t look at Morgan]Not now Morgan.
Morgan: Chuck…
Chuck: [stands up and yells at Morgan]I don’t have time for this right now…get out!
[Morgan leaves the way he entered, but a little less enthusiastic after being yelled at by his best friend for reasons unbeknownst to him. The scene ends with a dejected Chuck picking up one of the dinosaurs on top his stereo, squeezing it with both hands, and then throwing it again his wall]
[The scene begins the next day at the Buy More Home Theatre Room where you see Team Chuck minus Abe and Bryce standing in front of monitor. You can visibly see a perturbed Chuck isn’t looking at Bryce who is sporting a nice cut on his lip, which Sarah notices/ They all look at Beckman and Graham who are in the middle of discussing more about the mission]
Beckman: According to our intel, Fulcrum is using some sort of a gaming facility as a front to create their assassins.
Casey: Great…any idea which one General?
Beckman: That’s not my job Agent Casey to find out…it’s yours.
[cut to Casey giving a low growl]
Graham: You better get to work then because the clock is ticking on this.
Sarah: We’ll get on it immediately General.
Bryce: The quicker we get this job done…the quicker I can get out of here.
[cut to Chuck just glaring at Bryce]
Graham: [serious tone]It’s imperative we take this particular operation down because this type of threat because we’re talking about innocent civilians here people.
[The scene switches from The Buy More Home Theatre Room to the lobby of Mind Games Inc. where you see Morgan sitting down in a chair waiting. Suddenly you see the woman that Morgan met yesterday, Alecia Madison, walking up with two fairly big dudes and greeting him. They exchange pleasantries and Alecia escorts Morgan to the area where they are testing games. When they enter the area he sees other guys testing games as well only there are no televisions. Instead, the game testers are wearing VR Helmets on their heads with a controller attached to an Xbox 360. They place Morgan in a comfortable chair and let him begin to play the game. He’s doing very well and after a while you see Alecia leave the room and after a few moments you cut to her in an observation area where you see her reviewing everybody standing next to someone but you don’t see their face. She begins to speak]
Alecia:[grins] We have found several more potential candidates for Project Trojan Horse and after looking at their brainwave functions…we think this man[points to the picture of Morgan on screen]can do the job.
Unkown Person: Excellent…start the procedure.
[The episode ends with a close up of Morgan as he’s continuing to play not knowing he’s being prepped to be one of Fulcrums indispensable assassins]
[Fade to Black]
About Me

- Yoda
- Let's see, I'm a single, 39 year old 5'2-ish pinoy who worked with kids for the 14 years and I was pretty good at it. I am now working in a totally different area away from kids and it's awesome. Anyways, for fun I listen to music, draw, play video games, watch movies, hang with friends, surf the internet, go skydiving, and write down my thoughts, which I call Yodaisms. I'm pretty much a quiet, laid back dude once you get to know me and that's pretty much it, so have fun reading my thoughts. Take care and peace out!
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